1 minute read
Prominent AmonE Those Present
, Wm. J. (Billy) Glasson, of the W. J. Glasson Planing, Mill, San Diego, provided one of the hits of the meeting in his address on "The Cost of Foolish Advertising."
He cited the large number of cases, in San Diego, where planing mills and other institutions furnishing materials on good sized jobs, had been approached by the owner, or the architect or possibly a local newspaper, soliciting financial help in a large advertisement on the building. Mr. Glasson declared that the practice has become almost universally a habit, on large jobs, and that the cost had reached alarming proportions to his company. He stated his doubts of the value of such advertising, especially considering the cost of each appearance, running generally from $35 to $50.
This session closed with an impromptu number by A. W. (Al) Koehl, of John Koehl & Son, Los Angeles. Ai was on hand at all sessions with his motion picture camera and