1 minute read
J. R.
means that in 25 years the farmers of the country spent more than nine billion dollars on farm buildings. *** rf you want a "orr*rirr"ilrg irrJ"..ton of the tremendous tide of prosperity this nation is riding, other than the development of the automobile industry, take a peek at life insurance. It has been definitely predicted by wise men in position to know that before the end of the present year there will be $100,000,000,000 worth of life insurance in force in this country. That's a figure thatthe alarmists may use to ease their fears.
At the beginning of this year the people of the United States had $28,400,000,000 in the savings banks of the country. There were 53,000,000 individual"depositors, with an average of $535 each. It would be interesting to know what the financial situation due to the high cost of call money as a result of our national flingat the stock market, has done to that total since the first of the year.
J. E. Mackie, formerly secretary of the Pacific Coast Building Officials Conference, and now with the Nationai Lumber Manufacturers Association, returned recently to California from New Jersey, where he spent tr'vo months making a survey among the retail lumbermen of that state.
Arthur Hayward Visits Colorado
Arthur Hayr'vard, of the Homer T. Hayward Lumber Co., Salinas, left recently for a three lveeks' vacation trip to Colorado, 'ivhere he will visit the sllmmer home of his father, llomer T. Hayrvard.
Howard Libbey Visits San Francisco
Howard A. Libbey, assistant manager of The Little River Redwood Company's mill at Crannell. recently spent a few days iri San Francisco, and also visited the company's retail yard at Madera.