This edition of carbon was created by a group of our First Year students of BA (Hons) Fashion and Beauty Media at Solent University. Are you a creative student wanting to join Fashion and Beauty Media? Do you want to create content, shoot industry ready imagery, get real world experience and learn all things fashion and beauty? Then come join us at an open day here at Solent University.
Welcome to our Carbon Sex Edit! We as a team have had so much fun creating this issue for you, highlighting all things sex. This edition includes 3 sections, ‘sex sounds’, ‘sex ed’, and ‘mum don’t read this’. Our team has made sure that all your sex wonders will be found in these pages, we have combined education and sexy fun to offer you an exciting read. You asked and we answered, with unheard of sex stories, lingerie for different moods, the best sex podcasts to give you all the advice you need, and anything you can dream of to spice up your sex life, after all it should be fun for both you and your partner. This edition is timeless and highlights the community we have here at Solent, involving our readers in our articles was a huge laugh to turn into some form of content. Whether you need tips on what contraception to take, what flavour lube or shaped condom, guides for guys and girls, positions, sex toys and games, its all in one place for you to enjoy.
We hope you enjoy reading this edit as much as we have creating it for you, dive in and thank us later!
let’s talk about sex baby... sex playlist
Friends with Benefits? No. Sex with Benefits
Performance anxiety
sex shoot
Period Survival
rubber up STI Sort The Issue
Guide For Guys
Guide For Girls
carbon sutra play with me sex toys
who do you want to be?
time to spice things up LINGERIE FOR DIFFERENT MOODS
Editor - Megan Price
Sub Editor - Abbie Nash
Picture Editor - Felicity locker, JENNA SWALES AND REMY MACFARLANE
Art Director - Felicity locker AND JENNA SWALES
Social Media Manager - Chantelle Perano
Marketing Manager - Remy Macfarlane
Sex is so helpful towards our health. It triggers neurotransmitters that impact our brains and other organs. So, healthy sex can actually improve our physical, mental, emotional AND social life too.
We all like to lose a bit of weight here and there right? Regular sex is the best way to lose some weight! It’s estimated that you can burn 108 calories within 30 minutes of sex. Let’s hope your buddy can last that long! And if you wanna lose some extra calories get kissing! ‘Cause that helps to burn those calories a lot faster.
On a serious note, sex can help to reduce the risk of heart disease such as a stroke. The more sex you have, the more your heart will get stronger. This is because when you have sex you breathe intensely. This is respiratory exercise which makes your heart function better.
Sex reduces stress by increasing the hormones that are responsible for boosting your mood. It’s a fun exercise to let loose and keep you calm, it’s not supposed to be a stressful experience!
Leading on from that point, stress can result in the increase of your blood pressure. We don’t want that! So, the more sex you have, the more you fight against that stress which then lowers your blood pressure.
Regular sex boosts the levels of both testosterone and oestrogen. Men have more testosterone than women and women have more oestrogen than men. Regular sex boosts the production of both these hormones in males and females. This results in a better sex drive, a stronger musculoskeletal system and better heart health from higher testosterone. Higher oestrogen levels are linked to a lower risk of heart disease in women and a calmer personality in males.
Intense sex makes your body release happy hormones called oxytocin and endorphins that boost intimacy and the urge to do it repeatedly. These sex hormones aid in better sleep and good sleep leads to a longer life, a strong immune system, a satisfied sleep and it keeps you energetic the whole day.
If you’re suffering from acne or dry skin, having sex every day makes your skin glow. This natural glow can be attributed to stress being released and positive thinking.
Regular sex is shown to have a positive impact on women’s memory, this is thought to be related to stimulation of the hippocampus. The hippocampus is a part of your brain involved in memorization and learning, and sex is thought to activate this region.
Having sex more often reduces the risk of prostate cancer because of regular ejaculation. Prostate cancer is basically caused by the rapid growth of abnormal cells. This is due to the longer durations of sperm being released.
Sex is similar to regular exercise and so are the benefits. Sex releases happiness and reward hormones like dopamine, serotonin, endorphins and oxytocin. These feel-good hormones help to hold off depression and may lower your risk of developing it altogether.
Having sex whilst on your period can actually ease the pain and, as a bonus, there are fewer risks of getting pregnant. The best way to get rid of the period pain is to orgasm.
At some point or another, we have indulged oursleves into films such as 365 days, or 50 shades of grey, which feeds us passion, intimacy and confidence. However in reality, its all sexual myths. They fall back into eachothers arms after being thrown around the bedroom. Whilst this can be true for some people, but as we age we learn that sometimes sex is not all its made out to be on the screens. 84% of people have experienced sexual performance anxiety in some way and it is nothing to be ashamed of. This can make sex seem like a disappointment or a failure. The constant worry that you cannot please your partner, or you’re not confident in your body can be extremely daunting. With this said, we are here to help you find your spark again, as
For the guys, there is the famous word of ‘viagra’, and to many this seems quite scary, however this could be a really beneficial option for you boys if you’re frustrated that you feel horny but down below is not matching up. Viagra is an oral tablet, that needs to be taken around an hour before having sex, but viagra will only work when you feel aroused, if you are not then you are not producing the correct hormones for the viagra to help blood flow to your penis. Viagra can even help with how long you last in bed, as this is a huge factor when it comes to having anxiety sexually. Ultimately this is an ideal option!
Another huge factor when it comes to sexual anxiety is your body image, no matter how confident someone may seem, everyone has an insecurity. However for many of people, how they see their bodies can ruin their sexual experiences by being too shy of their bodies and being so self conscious they avoid sex as a whole. When you are in that situation you can struggle to feel sexy, but remember, this is so important, everyone is their own worst critic. The truth is, you are perfect the way you are and your partner should be reiterating the same thing. You need to befriend your own body and start to realise in yourself that you do not need to compare yourself to anyone else, anyone in the media, or your partners previous relationships. You deserve to feel pleasure no matter what, and your mind should not be the factor that dictates that.
sex is such a crucial part of life and nobody should have to miss out on it. When you are feeling anxious, it can really take you out of the mindset of having sex. If your head is elsewhere, worrying about how you are performing, you can’t concentrate on the actual sex you are having. You could become so anxious that you can’t perform, or you can get aroused but are feeling to distracted to have an orgasm.
Incase you boys want to know the science behind not getting what you call a ‘rock on’, it’s because when you are stressed it narrows your blood vessels, so less blood can flow to the penis, leading to no erection. However, performance anxiety isn’t as common in women, it can still definitely affect women from time to time though. Anxiety can stop women from getting wet enough to be able to have sex, which takes away wanting to have it.
If you think that sex will result in humiliation or rejection from your partner, the easiest and healthiest way to go around this is to communicate with them. If you’re making yourself more anxious by trying to impress them this is most likely going to have the opposite affect. Communication is key, just like everything in life, right? Taking the time to discuss all of your nerves and the things that make you anxious, helps gives your partner an understanding of the do’s and don’ts with the intimate times you share together. Equally, from this conversation you can learn what they like, what turns them on and what feels good for them. If you practice this in the bedroom it can guide you to better and more comfortable sex, eliminating the feeling of rejection or humiliation.
Surprisingly, your diet can have a big role to play that affects your sex life. Unhealthy diets can definitely be a mood-killer. It affects your energy levels, blood flow and hormones, which all have a part to play during sex. Sex needs stamina and energy, and if you’re eating lots and lots of sugars and carbs this could mean poor performance in bed. Eating fresh, whole foods, protein and complex carbs will improve not only your lifestyle but your sex life too, it’s an all round win.
If these tips don’t do you any good, it is worth seeking medical help, either with a therapist or a doctor to help understand your needs.
Choosing contraception can be an overwhelming conversaton, we’re here to make it easy for you...
The most common and widely used contraception is the pill. The pill comes in many different forms, the two most common are the eostrogen and progesterone pill, and the progesterone only pill. The combined pill is taken everyday day and stopped for one week per month to allow for your period, whereas the mini pill (progesterone only) is taken non stop and can stop periods completely. However every female body reacts to these hormones differently and you should be aware of the side effects of any pill before starting to take it.
The one for our forgettful girls...
The implant is the perfect contraceptive for our girls who struggle to be on time with taking their pill, we get it, life can be chaos and fast paced so this form of contraception could be perfect for you. It sits just under the skin on the inside of your arm and does the work for you!
The implant has a surrounding taboo due to it being invasive to the skin, but the procedure is over in minutes and then it sits there for 3 years protecting you from pregnancy.
The natural one... but risky!
We all know and i guess you could say love, the pull out method, right? Being one of the only natural contraception options out there, the pull out method is maybe used a little too often. This method results in a high risk of transmitting STI’s, as well as pregnacy. Research shows the reason people opt for the pull out method is because it feels better than condoms and is more convienient. You cant argue with that but you can question the priorities, stay safe!
This form of contraception is similar to the idea of the implant. The main attraction of the coil is that once its fitted, you dont need to worry about contraception for at least 5 years, its much easier than having to take a pill everyday.
There are two types of the coil, one is an IUD which uses copper as the contraceptive, hence the name of copper coil. this is ideal for any women who are unable to take hormonal contraceptions due to health issues or any family health history. The other coil is called an IUS, this uses hormones to act as a contraception, these hormones are very localised so have less chance of forming side effects that affect the brain, such as depression and anxiety.
Theres also an option of a contraceptive injection...
The injection works by slowly releasing progesterone into the bloodstream. The injection works to protect against pregnancy for up to 13 weeks. This means you will have to book in a repeat appointment with your doctor to have this injection regularly, before the timeframe runs out and it becomes ineffective. This form of contraception is perfect for the women who cant have eostrogen, and its also a much easier and convient form compared to having to remeber to take the pill at the same time everyday. DOwnsides of this method include weight gain, irregular bleeding, headaches and mood swings.
Of course if none of these contraceptive options work for you due to them being hormonal, or even just unappealing to you and what you’re comfortable in taking... then there is always the option of condoms. There is a huge taboo surrounding comdoms, claiming that they make sex less pleasurable. But we’re here to squash that taboo due to the sheer amount of options you have when choosing a condom, they come in all different shapes, sizes and even flavours. Some condoms can make sex fun and enhance your pleasure, for both you and your male partner. So why not spice up the bedroom with a cherry condom, or even one with ribbed markings... you might surprise yourself!
Some forms of contraception are being developed that could be a huge game changer in this area. Innovation such as a once a month pill... We know, ideal right?! The pill is coated in gelatine to slow down the release of hormones. The pill is ion the shape of a siz armed star surrounded in a gelatine capsule, due to its gelatine coating the pill remains in the stomach for a month and slowly excretes the hormone preventing pregnancy. It sadly wont be available for a while yet due to having to go through essential testing, but something for us forgettful girls to look forward to!
Now, I know you’re not going to like this one soldiers but it’s time to say bye-bye to chocolate. A lot of sources say to eat chocolate because it brings you happiness during that time of the month. And although that is correct, I’m being completely honest when I say that sugar doesn’t help at all. You need to avoid it. Trust me, your body will thank you for it. The reason I’m saying this is because your body is more sensitive to the increase and decrease of blood sugar levels when you’re on your period. Sugary foods get into the bloodstream quickly which causes a change of hormones, leading to the highs and lows in your blood sugar levels. So, the next time you walk into that shop and pick up that gorgeous-looking chocolate bar, think twice and remember what I said.
Fancy a swim on your period? Most of us grew up with our mother’s telling us that we couldn’t swim when it’s that time of the month because it would look like Jaws had a wail of a time in the local swimming pool. However, that’s not actually true as the pressure from the water stops anything like that from happening. But if you are going to take a swim, don’t use pads because they soak up the water and become ineffective to use. Instead, use a tampon. That way when you get out of the pool it’s much less of a nightmare situation. There’s also a bonus to this. Exercising on your period helps to reduce cramps. This is becuase the movement helps with blood circulation. So, next time you’re booking your holiday, don’t plan around your period. Make it work around you.
Menstrual cups! I used to turn away from these; just seeing a photo of them made me go, ‘Nope, no way am I sticking that up my hooha.’ BUT they may actually help you out if you just give them a try. Menstrual cups are a one time purchase; they can last up to ten years. Have I got my broke girlies listening now? Imagine how much money you would save. The small cups can hold up to 3 super sized tampons worth of blood, and the big one can hold up to five! Another great thing about them is that you can keep ‘em up there for 12 hours. No more always having to go to the toilet to change or worrying about when to take your tampon out! Life saver.
It’s time to orgasm baby! You heard that right, the best way to get rid of those horrible cramps is to have sex. But make sure your man can make you finish though otherwise there’s not much point. When you orgasm, it releases chemicals into the brain that help with the pain. UHHHH she’s a poet and she didn’t even know it! Sorry, back to the point, I was just super proud of myself with that one. I know some girls get a little bit embarrassed with the mess it can make but it’s completely normal. Having periods is completely normal. We’re women! Let’s feel empowered on our period and not like a deflated balloon. Lay an old towel down just in case it gets a bit too messy; it helps to not stain your bed sheets. It also helps if you don’t go on top, the blood tends to go all over yourself and your partner due to gravity doing it’s thing but being a pillow princess cancels this out. When you’re finished, it’s best to throw those panties back on and clean up in the toilet.
As soldiers it’s a given that we’re going to get a little bit of blood on our uniforms. I know we all use our old underwear as period panties but what if I told you there was a little hack to be able to make them last longer and not look so stained? So, when you get a new stain on your underwear, all you have to do is rinse it under some cold water and wash with soap. It’s something so easy that I never knew of. The amount of underwear I have thrown away because there were so many stains it was too much to look at. And all along all I had to do was give them a little hand wash? Consider me baffled.
Leading on from this point, we don’t have to use pants at night. Have you ever woken up and there’s blood on the sheets? So you then have to clean up the mess which ruins your start to the day? You may have noticed this already but it’s because your underwear can move in the night so it’s not all that stable causing a leak. Instead, we can use biker shorts or boxers - anything tight fitting. This way it stops the pad from moving and you’re in for a much more pleasant morning. Hopefully these tips will help you on your next mission team. But for now, stay hydrated, stay warm and keep your hands off of the chocolate! That’s an order.
So, you’re on the hunt for the best condoms. They’re not usually synonymous with great sex - safe, sure, but not mind-blowing. We have done a mini roundup of the top 3 most highly reccommended condoms to try, for different reasons...
Textured condoms work by increasing the friction for the wearer and therefore helping to intensify the sensation around the penis, but it doesn’t stop there - the added texture of ribbed condoms also provides your partner with extra stimulation and a variety of feeling that you simply don’t get with un-textured alternatives.
These are one of the best-selling condoms at Lovehoney. They are popular because they have been specially designed for extended pleasure. The inside of each condom is coated with a special numbing lubricant containing 5% Benzocaine to potentially help delay ejaculation, though results may vary.
Non-latex condoms are the safe option for users with latex allergies. Some people prefer them to latex condoms because they like the sensation more. There are several non-latex options available, though the bulk of condoms are made from latex. I like that these polyisoprene condoms from Skyn combine the strength of premium latex with the sensitivity of an ultra-thin condom.
If you like to use massage oil during foreplay, you’ll love this combo lube from Durex. The water-based formulation also has aloe vera and moisturizing ingredients, so you can use it as both a massage gel and a sex lube.
Lelo makes sure you don’t ever leave a crusty drugstore lube bottle laying out on your furniture ever again. Instead, your guests will see what looks like a neat, luxe fragrance bottle on your nightstand—unaware that what it actually contains is the promise of a lasting, smooth pleasure. (Made with aloe vera, it also works as a refreshing moisturizer for your upper-body skin.)
If anal sex is more of your game—or your only game—this lube is specially designed to help you reach the sweet spot in that even more unknown region. It’s on the thicker side, which is ideal, even necessary. And a pea of it will lend a velvety texture to coat your skin, their skin, or even just toys.
Remember - don’t treat someone differently because they have an STI. It’s not a disease. They are still human being. Words and actions hurt. Let’s be aware of the situation.
Did you know that there are more than 30 different types of STI’s? Neither did I! It’s got me more scared than ever. In England, there was over 311,000 people diagnosed with an STI in 2021. And of course, people aged 15-24 are most at risk of getting one because of our frequent change in sexual partners. That’s right ladies and gents, think twice before you go home with that stranger you just met and make sure to do some checking before you get cracking! These don’t have to be obvious checks, they can be very subtle that they won’t even notice. Let me teach you.
First off, I know it can be very confusing because there are so many STI’s that all of the info gets muddled in your brain. So, don’t take this as a test that you have to know all of the names and every single fact about each infection. Just take in the symptoms so you’re aware of what you’re dealing with when it comes to the time. So, you can get chlamydia through having vaginal, anal or oral sex with a person that already has the infection. Your partner doesn’t have to cum for this to be able to happen guys! There is only one obvious symptom you will be able to see on your partner that you should look for and that is discharge from the vagina or penis. Now, how you can take a sneak peek is by not going straight into sex. Maybe, give them a hand job so you can see what you’re up against. This goes for guys and gals. Don’t use your mouth or anything to that level because I’m sure I don’t have to speak for you when I say no one’s going to want chlamydia discharge in their mouth. Let’s keep ourselves safe, we don’t want the number of infections to increase.
There are five different ways you can get genital herpes. FIVE! You can attract the infection if you have contact with a herpes sore, saliva from your partner (who already has the STI), genital fluids and skin in the oral and genital area. Crazy right? You can get it through their don’t even have to have sex with them to get this one! Things you need to look out for are small, painful blisters around your partner’s genitals. Watch out if your partner gives a little scratch down there, they could do this at any time. And also, like I said before, don’t go straight into sex!
This infection can be caught through skin-to-skin contact as well as by using items that the person who has scabies has used such as bedding. This one is super easy to catch so you have to be careful of who you’re touching when you’re out in the club. Because it won’t end up in fun for you. Something to look out for would be a spotty, red rash. It could be anywhere on their body: their hand, their chest, their bum! This one is a hard one to look out for but a subtle way to check would be to strip in front of each other, before you make skin contact of course. This way you can see all of their body; nothing is hidden.
This STI is spread through sexual contact, skin-to-skin contact or mucous membrane contact with the sores. I know, scientific right? All you have to do is get close with their genitals, mouth or rectum to be able to attain the infection. Another super easy one that you could get. This infection, you will need to look out for a blotchy rash and sores or uclers on the genitals. For the saucy ones out there, try a bit of a lap dance but without actually touching their skin, find out that you’re in the all clear and then I’m sure you know where to take it from there.
This is another infection that can be spread through close body contact or sexual contact. The lice can crawl from one person to another, a bit like hair lice you used to get as a child. These lice can’t jump or fly though which is to be taken note of, you have to be extremely close to the person for anything to happen. Symptoms tolook out for, which is one I never knew of, would be black powder in their underwear. Now, don’t make it weird and just grab their underwear to take a peek because that looks so suspicious like all you wanted to do was to take them home to sniff their underwear. Maybe spice it up a little bit and undress them so that you just so happen to see inside their underwear. However, a more obvious symptom is blue spots on their skin. These can be found on their thighs or lower tummy. Well, I hope that wasn’t too much for you to take in. Who am I kidding of course it was. But just remember, be careful of contact and keep an eye open!
They key to a better sex life is all about quality not quantity, by making sure that you are in touch with each other and are aware of what your partner likes, this will ensure that your partner is loving the sex that they are having, which could therefore boost the quantity. Learn to love oral sex. Fun fact, most woman orgasm through oral sex instead of penetration. A study found from “The Journal of Sex Therapy” found that nearly 37% percent of woman require clitoral stimulation to experience an orgasm with 18% percent of woman who said that vaginal penetration was enough to come. 66% of woman have experienced orgasms through oral sex and 9% was woman have never experienced an orgasm.
Remember boys, we are not Xbox controllers when stimulating your partner remember to not just use circular motions. Use up and down motions and apply medium pressure. First, let’s make it clear why fingering is so vital. You might not know it, but fingering can be really important part of sex and foreplay from the perspective female pleasure and orgasm .It’s not all about penetration, trust us: around 80% of women and people with vulvas can’t climax from just penetration and *also* require clitoral stimulation to get there. This is why fingering skills are important and can help you instantly improve your sex technique if you sleep with women or anyone with a vulva. Start slow, wet the finger and build up, as she gets more wet and relaxed you can add more.
Don’t obsess over changing sex positions constantly, if you and your partner is enjoying a position don’t stress about changing to get lots of positions in. Sometimes staying in one an changing the tempo, feeling intimiate will be just as nice. Its a marathon not a sprint. Do not rush each other, its important to keep talking and use communication the whole time to make each other feel comfortable especially when you are in a new relationship and are not aware of each others wants and needs during sex.
Here is a few of the best sex tips for men-
- Don’y skimp out on foreplay, foreplay is like warming up before a football game.
- Longer is not necessarily better
- Keep open lines of communication
- Bring in some toys, toys are your teammates
- Don’t rush her
Without foreplay, not only do we cut our opportunity to access deep states of orgasm but, if we are penetrated without full readiness on a physical and emotional level on a regular basis, we can become desensitised; 1 in 6 women in the UK report pain during intercourse.
1. Play a game. Consider purchasing sex games that offer tips and rules on what to do to each other.
2. Talk dirty. Say what you’re feeling, what you want your partner to do, and what you’re thinking.
3. Get close. Try different ways to touch and hold each other, such as dancing or showering together.
4. Use oils and flavored products. Give each other back, foot, or full body massages with an oil or lotion. Pour chocolate, whipped cream, or other tasty delights on your partner’s skin, and take your time licking it off.
5. Touch each other. Caress your partner’s face, run your fingers through the hair, and gently tickle the insides of the arms, the stomach, and the thighs. Rub against each other or lightly tickle — whatever feels good.
As we all know, boys are harder to understand than maths sometimes. That is why we are here to guide you into a better and healthier sex life, whether it is with a partner or just casual sex. Of course everything needs to be discussed with the boy before doing to check that he is comfortable with it. It is super vital that you are in a suitable environment and you are both consenting. Make sure you are both really relaxed and you start the right way. Girls, we know that there needs to be lots of kissing, eye contact and foreplay so that we get wet, but it is the exact same for the boys. In order for the boy to get an erection, take the time to learn about eachother, what turns him on, what feels good and if you’re really comfortable with eachother then what toys he may like.
Men really like it if you are the one to make the first move, it can definitely feel daunting but it shows that you’re feeling him and you’re not afraid. It can even just be something as small as unbuttoning his shirt or a kiss on the neck, just to show that you are in the mood.
Girls and Boys, this is where most people get nervous. Giving a boy head. Honestly, the most important part of this is enjoying it, try not to see it as a chore or something to get over and done with, pleasing your partner should be fun and turn you on more. If you do find it a chore, it is probably because you’re not mixing it up. If you are sticking to the up and down motion it’s not going to be very exciting for either of you. The best tip is that you have a tongue, use it! On a boy, the most sensitive part of the penis is the tip, and when you lick it, it feels even better for them. Whilst you are using the up and down motion, break it up and glide your tongue up the dick, they love it. Give them eye contact, they are looking down at you so look up at them! Of course dont just stare at them, look up occasionaly and show them that you’re loving it, this will drive them crazy.
If you are lucky enough to not have a gag reflex you will be perfect with this one. Try going down further to get more of the
Written and designed by Remy McFarlanedick in your mouth. The more the merrier. You definitely cannot go wrong with this one, as it impresses your partner, however if it’s abit too much to handle, just take your time with it and dont force it, practice will always make perfect!
Its never a bad time to add a hand or two if you can. With the movement of your hand at the base of the penis and your mouth at the top, its giving them the best of both worlds and they love that. Speaking of hands... give the balls some attention! Whilst doing your thing, play with the balls a little, with a gentle pressure as they are a very sensitive part of the male genitals. If you’re feeling extra, suck on them a little! They will find it incredibly sexy. If swallowing is not your thing then leave this part out, but if you love this then it will 100% add to the intimacy. It also means less mess and more time for cuddling afterwards. You could take the messier route and let them finish on your chest or your face as this is just as much fun as swallowing, although you will need lots of tissues!
During the deed there’s not a great deal that you could get wrong, however there are ways to make the sex more pleasurable for the both of you. For example when you are in the doggy position, push yourself back as well as the movement from him. This allows the penis to penetrate further, this might actually make you orgasm! Whilst you’re having sex, try and clench your vagina. Bear with me here. It sounds strange, but this makes your vagina feel tighter for the boy, which they find really pleasurable, it may not have much of a feeling change for you, but if you feel like treating him then this is a perfect option.
Dont forget to include bits of foreplay during sex too, like lip biting, neck kisses and maybe a little nibble on the ear lobe as the boys are mad for that stuff! But do not forget to enjoy it yourself too and make sure you do not rush into anything.
get playful with jaw dropping lingerie to spice up those sensual nights
POV: you have entered the wonderful world of masturbation and solo sex. However you’re not really sure on how to learn the do’s and dont’s. Im sure that there are loads of unanswered questions you may have as you try to navigate where to begin and how to properly self-please. Everyone starts with their trusty fingers, and whilst yes, they do the job. There are so many other options out there to boost that orgasm - enter, the vibrator. Here is a safe space for you to get started, and we couldn’t be more excited for you!
You know the famous saying, a dog is a mans best friend. Well ladies, this here is your best friend. Vibrators have entered the chat, a bullet vibrator is the perfect start. They are small and affordable but without a doubt do the job. The little button on the end will kickstart the vibrations, hold it agaisnt your clitoris and simply enjoy. If you are looking for something bigger that you wanted to insert as well as clitoral stimulation, then a bigger vibrator with bunny ears is a great option. However these can be more on the pricey side. “Masturbation is a great stress reliever and the beauty of it is you don’t need to rely on anyone to help you out with it,” said by Dr. Lincoln, a medical advisor for ‘The body agency’. Using a vibrator not only helps with figuring out what you like on your own, but it becomes your best friend during sex too. It is a handy tool during foreplay with a partner as it gives you that extra hand getting wet and wild. Not to take the fun out of this, but it is so important that your vibrator is cleaned after use, read the instructions after purchasing so that you know how to properly clean it and it is ready to be used again. They usually range from around £5-£20 so super affordable.
What you see may look extremely daunting, and of course not everybodys cup of tea. But for the girls and boys who are thinking they want to try anal sex, you need to be prepared. The bottom is a sensitive area and it needs a lil time for it to get used to things inside of it. Anal sex needs to be planned out, fully consensual from your partner and it needs patience. Don’t be disheartened if it doesn’t work out the way you thought it might the first time around as it takes weeks/months for your rectum to get used to it. Never ever ever attempt penetration on the first go. The first time you try anything, there needs to be lots and lots of lube. This is where your anal starter kit comes in to play. It’s sort of like a step by step system, with a small, medium and large butt plug, that with time you can build it up until your partner feels that they’re ready for something as thick and large as a penis. These plugs prepare the rectum in getting it used to relaxing around an object. This is why it is so vital to start out with this kit, so that you do not end up injuring your partner. If the rectum isn’t ready it can really be quite painful and potentially make your partner not open to trying anymore. Lube is also so important, which comes in anal starter kits. It helps the plugs enter and exit with ease and will relieve more of the uncomfortableness. You can buy the starter kits from Ann Summers or Love Honey online.
If you are abit of newbie to the scene of toys and props then handcuffs and blindfolds may seem abit strange to you. These two things are more for using in the bedroom with your partner. If you were looking to spice things up abit but didn’t know how, thank us now for these two items. First of all the blindfold, its a game changer and your partner will thank you for it. Simply tie it over you or your partners eyes, and just like that you have elevated the sex. It’s known that depriving one of your senses heightens others, which makes the anticipation so exciting. You dont know whats going to happen once the blindfold is on, and if you like your partner taking abit more control, this makes the anticipation even better. Enter, the handcuffs. You can be so experimental with these if you’re into it. But if you’re new to it, make sure you get some handcuffs that have a soft wrist support and velcro straps so you can get in and out of them easier. We know the full on heavy duty metal ones can be quite scary, so we leave that to the bdsm queens. You can use handcuffs in many positions if you’re open to it and even wrap the handcuffs round the bed, a chair or anything that takes you and your partner’s fancy! This one is perfect for you dominance lovers. But remember, anything and everything needs to be discussed with you’re partner wether its a long term relationship or just casual sex. If everyone is happy, we’re happy.
This costume is perfect for role play and strip eases and is sure to bring the heat.
Envy Sexy Fireman Trunks And Braces Set £24.99
This two piece tartan costume is perfect for role play and fancy dress for a sexy striptease, your partner won’t be able to resist.
Baci Tartan Mini Skirt And Tie-Front Top Set £36.99.
Get the semen out this seaman with this fun costume perfect for role play. Love honey Fantasy Sexy Seaman Costume £29.99.
This body is sure to make you feel confident and sexy and create an exciting experience for you and your partner.
Ann Summers Ringmaster Body £35.
Its a good thing this is a Maid costume as its bound to create a mess! The crotchless body and cheeky apron will add some fun into your role play or maybe just to put on while you clean the house.
Dreamgirl Crotchless French Maid Costume With Suspender Apron £23.99.
You can easily wear this for a costume party or for a naughty nautical night in with your partner.
Sexy Sailor Outfit Ann Summers £30.
Show them who’s in charge with this costume, with novelty handcuffs this outfit is perfect for playing games with your partner.
Dreamgirl Blue Lieutenant Lusty Sex Cop Costume £39.99.
This gorgeous pink velvet body is fun and playful and will definitely bring the excitement.
Ann Summers Tuxedo Bunny Outfit £28.
This flight attendant can help more then the plane go up as this costume is perfect for fulfilling those mile high club fantasies.
Love honey Fantasy Frisky Flight Attendant Costume £34.99.
Fancy a cheeky medical role play, then this costume is perfect for you to get their heartbeat racing!
Love honey Fantasy Heartbeat Hottie Nurse £29.99.
These boxers come with a zipper so your partner can see what you’re hiding.
Love honey Power Sexy Cop Costume £26.99.
This plunging neckline body is perfect for sexy dress up and role play to tease your partner with.
Love honey Mapale Cheeky Cheetah Costume £34.99.
While everyone loves a good quickie, it’s important that not ALL of your sex is short and to the point. Afterall, foreplay can be one of the most fun parts of sex. Extending foreplay helps build up the anticipation of actually having sex, and can make the sex more enjoyable overall. Foreplay is fun regardless of if you are “giving” or “receiving” pleasure. It’s a way to increase the intimacy of your sex, by encorperating touching and kissing and all the other good stuff. Foreplay can also make sex more playful. Sex doesn’t have to be pure passion all the time, incorporating teasing and things of the sort in your foreplay can also lead to great sex. Get creative with it, draw it out for as long as you can stand, and then think of the sex as the cherry on top.
Let’s face it. Oftentimes, you know how to do it best. Masturbation is a good habit to keep up, regardless of if you are in an intimate relationship or not. Masterbation increases endorphins and provides sexual and emotional release that is necessary to live your life. It also allows you to know your body, which is important when you are trying to communicate your sexual needs to your partner. And while solo masturbation is awesome, it can also be fun to masturbate in the presence of, or even with your partner. Incorporating masturbation into your foreplay allows you to take an active role in arousing yourself and it also shows your partner exactly what you like and how you like it. This can often feel too vulnerable for many people, but if you take the leap of faith and just try it out, it will totally pay off.
While it can be helpful to block off your schedule to ensure that you find some intimate time together, don’t forget how sexy spontaneity can be!! As much as we try to control our emotions and what not, you can’t always control when sexual desire comes over you. Sex does not need to be contained to a romantic bedroom set-up like we see in movies. Capitalizing on your sex drive where and when it hits you can lead to super exciting sex. Having sex outside of the bedroom can be a fun and spontaneous way to spice up your sex life. Countertops, couches, the shower, you name it.
Incorporating toys like dildos and vibrators, can increase sexual stimulation and pleasure in a way the human body sometimes just can’t. It can be intimidating to introduce toys into your sex life, so consider using a toy on yourself, as a first step, then moving on from there. When adding toys to your sex life, it’s important to communicate openly about what you need. And as awkward as it can sometimes feel, just know that your partner wants to do everything in their power to make sex great for you. So let them! Clue them in on what to do and how to do it. If you don’t have any toys or just aren’t sure what you like, head to Google or your local sex shop, there a plenty of reviews and/ or knowledgable people that will help you find the perfect match for you and your partner.
Variety is the spice of life, so embrace this mentality in your sex life! Watching porn together as a couple can inspire new ideas for the bedroom, and it can also help elucidate the things that turn your partner on. If porn is too graphic or visually stimulating for you, you can also try reading erotica together for a little inspiration. Additionally, a quick Google search of ‘fun sex positions’ can provide further inspiration. Experimentation can add a fun dimension to your intimate relationship. Not every new position will work out, but finding new ones will improve your sex and keep things interesting.
When it comes to improving the quality AND quantity of your sex, good communication is key. Communicating your needs in the relationship in a general way is important, because good communication builds trust and keeps your relationship going. But it is also extremely important to communicate your sexual needs to your partner. If your partner isn’t doing it exactly right, direct them how to please you. It may seem awkward, or even like you might hurt their feelings, but at the end of the day they’re trying to please you, so help them. And if your partner gives you direction, appreciate the open, clear communication and do what you’re told.
10 positions you may have not tried but definitely should to spice up your sex
This is the perfect position if you desire deep penetration, although it does require some support from your partner to hold you up to get the perfect angle
How to do it:
Get into a partial bridge position and place your weight onto you shoulders while your partner kneels in front of you and holds your legs.
This position gives you all the perks of doggy style but the ability to look at each other at the same time and feel closer to each other.
How to do it:
Lay on the right side of your body while your partner kneels, straddling your right leg and curling your left leg around their left side.
We couldn’t not mention this fan favourite, this position is able to give you maximum pleasure while also being able to pleasure your partner at the same time so no one feels left out
How to do it:
Climb on top of your partner so that your genitals line up with their mouth and the rest is self explanatory.
The spork position allows you and your partner to keep eye contact and stay close to each other
How to do it:
Lie on your back and raise your right leg so your partner can position themselves under your leg at a 90 degree angle. To change the angle and depth of penetration adjust your legs to find what you feel comfortable in, try positioning your leg on your partners shoulder or wrapping it around their waist for maximum pleasure.
Similar to cowgirl but the additional support from your partners legs hips reach all the right spots.
How to do it:
Similar to cowgirl, sit on top of your partner as they bend their legs so you can rest on them and use them as support while you go up and down pushing off your partners chest.
This position is very similar to missionary but by elevating your legs your partner is able to create a deeper more intimate experience for you both to enhance the pleasure.
How to do it:
Lie back with your legs raised by your own head, or if this is uncomfortable try having your partner come closer and rest them on their shoulders.
This position is great for face to face contact with your partner and taking sex out the bedroom for that added excitement.
How to do it:
Lie at the edge of a table countertop or your bed while your partner stand in front of you and controls the depth and speed.
The position you see in every steamy movie scene is a must try to spice up from your usual positions. Whether your partner picks you up from the bed and pushes you against the wall or you hop straight on them.
How to do it:
Wrap your legs around the body of your partner as they support you in their arms, lean against a wall for added support if there.
Perfect for intimacy and people who need to feel close to their partner while having sex, this position also allows the female to take control of their pleasure while your partner supports you.
How to do it:
Have your partner sit on the edge of a bed or chair and lower yourself onto their lap, you can play around with location and take this position out of the bedroom as well.
I you and your partner want to try something new that you hadn’t before this may be the perfect position, whether you use it for mutual masterbation or penetration this gives you control over the depth speed and angle of the thrusts.
How to do it:
Your partner sits with their legs straight while you sit on top of them with bent knees on their thighs as you both lean back. To make it more exciting use your hands to stimulate each other along with the penetration.
A perfect way to add some excitement to your relationship is with sex games that allow you to have fun and pleasure each other to bring that spark back . Maybe you are struggling with your connection and feel like you’ve lost the excitement of being with each other, which happens to everyone as you are together for longer, therefore these games are the perfect way to make sex fun again.
This game is perfect for a naughty night in, it is designed for 2 people and is aimed at couples who want to feel more intimate with each other. The aim is to learn more about your partner as you go around the board, from their likes to dislikes as you pick up different forfeit and dare cards. The game includes 400 ideas that range from romantic to risqué. You can experience new and exciting challenges with your partner to bring that element of fun and sexy to your sex life. You can purchase this from Ann summers for £33.
Love honey have created this board game for you and your partner to help you explore new sexual experiences together to keep things exciting. The set contains a blindfold and tickler to achieve some of the challenges and help you learn new things about your partners body. Roll the dice and answer the juicy question or complete the forfeit to move throughout the game and complete the three levels.
Lovehoney £24.99.
This game has ten secret envelopes and five different levels of pleasure, they contain sensual ideas and naughty surprises to enhance intimacy and excitement in your sex life. The envelopes range from loving intimate suggestions and develop into more erotic sensual activities to pleasure your partner.
Ann summers £15.
This gift offers 52 weeks of adventures for you and your partner. This gift gives you 26 romantic cards which offer sweet and thoughtful ideas for you r partner. Or pick from the raunchy cards to spice up your evening. It also features secret cards which you can surprise your partner with. This fun and flirtatious gift is sure to bring you both together and give you something to look forward too each week.
Love honey £7.99.
These are perfect for people who want to ease themselves into being more adventurous in the bedroom. Role the dice to decide who, where, what and how this sexy adventure will play out, with 720 possible outcomes these dice offer a lot of excitement. Perfect for extending foreplay and trying something new with each other.
Love honey £9.99.
These cards are perfect for a foreplay and striptease fun with your partner. Each card has 2 strip or foreplay options to chose from and is perfect to inject some fun and excitement into your evening with your partner. Enjoy teasing each other and plating around with this deck.
Love honey £6.99.
These are the perfect thing to gift your partner on Valentines or for an anniversary to treat them. These are perfect for all couples as they are unisex so can be gifted to anyone. They include 26 cheques with 2 to fill in yourself so you can treat you partner to a number of naughty surprises.
Love honey £5.99
This board game ensures that sexual pleasure is the ultimate treasure, with 30 forfeit and 30 sex cards for an erotic evening. Move across the board to unlock several challenges and dares to please your partner.
Love honey £19.99.
If you are bored of your regular sex life then these cards are the perfect way to be more adventurous and exciting with your partner. Each card features an illustration of the position or a sexy scenario, and a description. This is the perfect gift to get someone who wants to try new things and boost their pleasure.
Love honey £5.99.