Susan and the Couch Susan* lives in one of the most dangerous areas of Cape Town. Some time ago she encountered Jesus through an outreach team doing work in the area.
a mutual friend and decided to help. With the assistance of friends, partners and donors we managed to bless Susan with clothes, food, appliances and, yes, even this lovely couch in order to help her rebuild her home. We praise God that her home has since been rebuilt, and she has most of the items she had originally lost .
After hearing the good news about Jesus, she decided to turn from her life of sin, and follow the way of Christ instead. She has been growing in leaps and bounds ever since. Unfortunately, towards the end of last year, her home along with all her belongings was completely destroyed *Name changed. LQ D Č´UH &%1 KHDUG DERXW WKLV WKURXJK