Chung Wah Magazine Issue #34 - SUMMER 2018

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夏 季 刊

2018年 第34期 FEBRUARY ISSUE #34

新春愉快 Happy Chinese New Year




Happy New Year Year Happy Chinese Chinese New

中华会馆2018年春节晚宴舞会 中华会馆2018年春节晚宴舞会

Dinner Dinner & & Dance Dance

Venue: Venue:

Chung CentreBalcatta Balcatta Chung Wah Cultural Cultural Centre 18Radalj Radalj Place, Balcatta 18 BalcattaWA WA6021 6021 Date: Saturday, 3rd March 2018 Date: Saturday, 2018 Time: 6.30pm till till 11.30pm Time: 6.30pm Tickets: $50pp for for Chung Wah Tickets: $50pp Wah members members $55pp for for non-Chung non-Chung Wah $55pp Wahmembers members Dinner: 9course course meal meal (BYO) Dinner: 9 (BYO) DressCode: Code:Smart Smart Casual Casual Dress

Line Line Dancing Dancing

Social Social Dancing Dancing 2

New New Vogue Vogue

Proceeds go to Chung Wah Cultural Centre Proceeds go to Chung Wah Cultural Centre


All about Chinese New Year 农历 新 年 须 知,尽在《中华 之声》


农历新年的意义离不开家庭团聚、尊 敬长辈、福星高照、健康长寿……



夏 季 刊

这期《中华之声》春节版,内容包括 农历新年的故事、节日习俗和禁忌,还有 十二生肖的2018年运程。此外,读者还可 以在此找到农历新年期间,珀斯的相关 活动,方便安排与家人一起去观赏舞狮表 演等。

2018年 第34期 FEBRUARY ISSUE #34

2月18日,万众期待的珀斯中华新年文 化节在西澳举行,这场被誉为年度最瞩目 的活动之一,每年都吸引了来自不同社区 的上万民众的参与。

新春愉快 Happy Chinese New Year


孝敬父母是我们的社区极为重视的 价值观,这一点在农历新年更为显见。大 年初一,家中小辈要先向最年长的长辈敬 茶拜年,接着由长辈给孩子派红包。



2月22日,中华社区及长者服务将会 举办一年一度的长寿宴,给社区人士提供 一个非常有意义的活动来表现孝亲敬老 的一面。 千万别错过。

Ting Chen 陈挺 Chief Editor 主编

2018 Membership Renewal Reminder

2018 续新会籍提示

The Chung Wah Association membership subscription was due for renewal by 31 December 2017. A renewed membership ensured you to be able to receive a copy of this magazine posted to your nominated address. 中华会馆会籍的更新截止日期乃2017年12月31日。 续新会籍确保您可以继续享有会员福利, 包括定期收到给您邮寄的《中华之声》会刊。 Annual Membership rates 年会费

Category 类别 Family 家庭

Individual 个人

Standard 普通

$35 $25

Concession 优惠

$20 $10

Chinese New Year is about family reunion, respect for the elders, good luck and longevity… In this Chinese New Year edition of the Chung Wah Magazine, we bring you the stories and do’s and don’ts of the festival, and the twelve Chinese zodiac fortune forecast for the year 2018. In addition, you will also find out the list of Chinese New Year events in Perth within the first fifteen days of the festival. It will enable you to plan when and where to see lion dance performance and others. On 18 February 2018, the annual Chung Wah Perth Chinese New Year Fair will be held. This is always one of Western Australia’s most popular events, drawing a huge crowd from all communities. Respect for the elders is greatly valued in our community and which is usually seen prominently during Chinese New Year. The elderly is greeted and served first with a cup of tea in the morning of the first day of Chinese New Year, and then the children are given “Red Packets” by the elderly. On 22 February 2018, the Chung Wah Community & Aged Care Longevity Luncheon will be held, where community members will have an opportunity to demonstrate their appreciation towards the seniors in the community. Don’t miss out!

To renew you can either 续新会籍您可以

By Cheque 支票 Post to PO BOX 73, Northbridge WA 6865 By Credit Card 信用卡 Call (08) 9328 8657

By Cash 现金 In person at 128 James Street, Northbridge WA 6003

Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT)电子转账 BSB Number: 086-006 Account Number: 50-820-9227 <insert Your Name & Chung Wah Membership Number> 1

会长感言 PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE 亲爱的中华会馆会员们:

在农历戊戌狗年到来之际,我谨代表中 华会馆全体理事,祝中华会馆全体会员们及 家属,祝所有支持中华会馆工作的朋友们新 春快乐,阖家幸福。

丁少平 会长 President Ding Shao Ping

场大型文艺演出、竞赛、举办了各类讲座,为 华社欣欣向荣的景象作出了贡献。 此 外,在 过去的一 年里,会 馆 着力开 展 内 部 建 设 项目,例 如 历史 文 物 保 护 计












年2月18日在北桥James Street 和Lake Street












“文化中国 • 四海同春”慰侨演出也即将于









兴趣与热情;中华会馆的各个会员组织活动 十分活跃,我们的妇女部、龙狮团、龙舟队、 舞蹈队、民乐队、粤剧社、京剧社、排排舞训练 班、交谊舞训练班、老人语言培训班等部门开 展了大量的工作,得到了会员的积极参与和好 评;与此同时,这一年来,会馆积极团结各兄 弟社团,开展了许多合作,先后主办、协办了多

各位会员朋友,中华会馆是历史悠久的百 年华人社团,是全体西澳华人的家,2018年将 会是会馆继续建设发展的一年,我们将秉承 会馆的宗旨,继承会馆的优秀历史,与全体会 员朋友一起,携手共建我们共同的家,让会馆 的会务更上一层楼。 最后,祝大家生活幸福安康,家庭团圆美 满,事业蒸蒸日上!

摄影◎Elvie Yap 叶俐廷

2 18

Executive Committees 理事会成员

Council of Elders 元老会成员



Administration staff 行政人员

会长感言 PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE Dear Chung Wah Members,

In this Year of the Dog, on behalf of the Executive Committee (EXCO), I wish our Chung Wah members and families as well as all our friends and supporters of Chung Wah Association Happy Chinese New Year. For the past twelve months, with the active involvement and participation of our members and the hard work of our EXCO members and office staff, Chung Wah Association has achieved another milestone in community development. The strong sense of care and responsibility underpins the excellent community care services of Chung Wah Community & Aged Care (CAC), which are delivered to more than 700 elderly clients in the community. CAC has gained remarkable appreciation and recognition from the seniors, the community and government departments. The three Chung Wah schools work hand in hand to grow the Chinese education of the Association, providing a platform for thousands of students learning the Chinese language and culture with increasingly strengthening teaching resources. Chinese school is a significant carrier for inheriting the cultural heritage and consolidating the community spirit. We are proud for being able to continue developing this sector for our second generation in a culturally-diversified environment.

in Northbridge. A number of Chinese community groups are actively involved and contributing to this large-scale event, which will present a series of exciting game shows, performances of traditional dance, music and dragons, etc in this one day. Thanks to the support of the City of Perth, the Office of Multicultural Interests and LotteryWest. In addition to the Chinese New Year program, Chung Wah Association is also co-hosting a cultural musical show, “Cultures of China, Festival of Springs” from China at the Perth Concert Hall on 5 March, 2018. We look forward to your participation and involvement in all these Chinese New Year events. Chung Wah Association is the oldest ethnic organisation in Perth. It is the home to all Chinese in Western Australia. We will continue to build and develop the Association to a new level in 2018, while adhering to the Constitution and retaining the heritage of the Association. I hope you will all join me in the coming year to further develop this entity that we all call home. I wish you all good health, happiness and prosperity.

Our various subcommittees have been actively organising activities for their group members. The subcommittees include Women subcommittee, Dragon and Lion Dance Troupe, Cultural Dance Troupe, Dragon Boat team, Chinese Orchestra, Cantonese Opera and Beijing Opera. These and other Chung Wah activities, such as Social Dancing, Line Dancing and Senior Language Classes, have attracted good responses in terms of participation and positive feedbacks. In addition, Chung Wah has worked together with other associations and community groups, and jointly organised a number of significant cultural shows, contests and seminars, making a great contribution to the cultural atmosphere of the Chinese community. Furthermore, we have endeavoured to develop and improve a few internal infrastructure projects in the last twelve months. These projects are the Heritage Protection Program, upgrading of the Chung Wah Cultural Centre in Balcatta, as well as the new concept plan of Chung Wah Autumn Centre that is under development. Last but not least, the event highlight of the year, the annual Perth Chinese New Year Fair will be held on 18 February 2018 on James Street and Lake Street

译◎Elvie Yap 叶俐廷


目 录 CONTENTS 中华之声 Voice of Chung Wah 1 2 6

编者寄语 Editorial

会长感言 President’s Message

新春贺词 Chinese New Year Greetings 西澳州长 WA Premier – Mark McGowan

中国驻珀斯总领事 Chinese Consul General of Perth – KeZhong Lei 反对党领袖 Leader of the Opposition – Mike Nahan

多元文化部长 Minister for Multicultural Interests – Paul Papalia


珀斯市副市长 Deputy Lord Mayor of City of PerthJemma Green

中华会馆巨龙在西澳博物馆的修复过程 Conservation of the Chung Wah Dragon at the Western Australian Museum

我们的社区 Community 14

Chinese New Year's Feature 农历新年特辑

农历新年的由来 What Chinese New Year is about? 戊戌狗年 Year of the Dog




孩子应该传承哪些家庭文化呢? What family culture should your children uphold?

校园天地 The School Yard

移民心声 Migrant's Voices


2018 十二生肖运程 Chinese Zodiac forecast

志愿者之谈 Volunteerism

家园 Home & Garden

园艺 Gardening 剑兰 Gladiolus




松柏长青 Community & Aged Care

养生 Good Health

西澳柏金逊协会 Parkinson's in Western Australia

与医有约 Medical Information

郑婉婉- 物理治疗师 Esther Chang – Physiotherapist

追忆先人 In Memoriam

王志芳老夫人 ZhiFang WANG

亲子乐 Parenting

家有一老 Elderly

秘制食谱 Secret Recipe 肉干 Chinese Pork Jerky



中华会馆向读者拜年 Greetings from Chung Wah

2018风水 FengShui

家爱 Family 22


活动参与 Events & Activities 48 52



珀斯中华新年文化节 2018 Perth Chinese New Year Fair

焦点活动 Activity in Focus

中华华乐团 Chung Wah Chinese Orchestra 图片集锦 Photo Gallery

长期活动 Regular Activities

会员专利 Member’s Exclusive 60

封面人物 Cover Story 何常带 Robert He

珀斯历史最悠久的民族团体 The oldest ethnic organisation in Perth

中华黎明中文学校 Chung Wah Chinese School Leeming Campus Aulberry Parade, LEEMING 6149 电子邮箱 E-mail Address


Chung Wah Hall & Administration Office

联系人 Contact Details 李华博士 Dr Li Hua 0401 686 306

128 James Street Northbridge WA 6003 电话 Telephone (08) 9328 8657 传真 Facsimile

中华摩利中文学校 Chung Wah Chinese School Morley Campus

(08) 9227 5694

Bramwell Road, NORANDA 6062 电子邮箱 E-mail Address

电子邮箱 Email 网址 Website

Congratulations to Dr. Bob Tan


Chairman of Council of Elders, Dr. Tan has been honoured with a Medal of the Order of Australia (OAM) as announced on Australia Day 2018.

中华会馆元老会主席,陈振发医生在2018年澳大 利亚日荣获OAM勋章。

通信地址 Mailing Address PO Box 73, Northbridge, WA 6865


Published by


Chung Wah Association


Editorial Team

主编 陈挺

Chief Editor Ting CHEN

执行主编 叶俐廷

Executive Editor Elvie YAP

编辑 陈薇 张娟妮

Editor Abbie CHEN Jen Nie CHONG

视觉设计 卡尔 汪

Visual Designer Carl ONG

摄影 马小东

Photography XiaoDong MA

封面摄影 叶俐廷

Cover Photo Elvie YAP

行政助理 黄小娟

Administration Support Lesley WONG


Printed by Vanguard Press

联系人 Contact Details 陈水玉校长 Ms Emily Tan 0406 492 944

中华乐思中文学校 Chung Wah Chinese School Rossmoyne Campus Keith Road, ROSSMOYNE 6148

电子邮箱 E-mail Address

中华社区与长者服务中心 Chung Wah Community and Aged Care Unit 1, 98 Lake Street, Northbridge, WA 6003


电话 Telephone 传真 Facsimile (08) 9328 3988

(08) 9228 3990

联系人 Contact Details 马烜历校长 Dr Xuanli Ma 0403 003 898 中华妇女部 Chung Wah Women Subcommittee 中华龙舟队 Chung Wah Dragon Boat Team 中华舞狮团 Chung Wah Lion Dance Troupe 中华舞蹈团 Chung Wah Cultural Dance Troupe


中华民乐团 Chung Wah Chinese Orchestra

中华会馆文化中心 Chung Wah Cultural Centre

中华粤剧社 Chung Wah Cantonese Opera

18 Radalj Place (off Fortune Street) Balcatta WA 6021

威乐顿中心 Willetton Centre 58 Burrendah Blvd, Willetton WA 6155

中华京剧社 Chung Wah Beijing Opera 电子邮箱 E-mail Address




中华社区广播电台 Chung Wah Chinese Radio 广东话节目 Cantonese Program FM 95.3

Saturdays from 10 am to 11am 每周六上午10点至11点 普通话节目 Mandarin Program FM 90.5

Sundays from 10 am to 11am 每周日上午10点至11点


版权所有, 未经允许,

不得转载本刊文字及图片。 All materials and photographs contained in this publication must not be reproduced without the permission of the Chung Wah Association. 声明:《中华会刊》中的言论和观点未必出自 中华会馆。因为题材来源多样,会刊基于对 其真实性和准确性的理 解而予以登载。对 题材中的任何误差,中华会馆不予负责。

Disclaimer: Statements or opinions expressed in the Chung Wah Magazine are not necessarily those of the Chung Wah Association Inc. Materials from various sources are published on the understanding of its authenticity and accuracy. The Association does not accept responsibility for any discrepancies.



Chinese New Year Message from the Premier of WA 西澳大利亚州州长新年贺词 I would like to wish the Western Australian Chinese community and Chung Wah Association members a happy and successful Chinese New Year. 2017 was a busy and exciting year and I am looking forward to seeing what 2018, the Year of the Dog, brings to Western Australia. I always enjoy taking part in Chinese New Year celebrations with Western Australia’s Chinese community. The community is always very welcoming and it is both an honour and a joy for Western Australians from all cultural backgrounds to be invited to share in these traditions. Last November, I visited Western Australia’s sister state the Zhejiang Province, China. It was my fourth visit to China and first visit as Premier and, while there, I was delighted to celebrate the 30-year anniversary of our sister state relationship. Chinese Australians have contributed greatly to Western Australia and I look forward to celebrating the Chinese New Year together. I hope the Year of the Dog brings you much peace, prosperity and joy. Gong Xi Fa Cai!


我谨此祝愿西澳华人社区和中华 会馆全体会员春节快乐、幸福成功。 2017忙碌、振奋人心的一年过去了, 我期待着2018戊戌狗年会给西澳带来 怎样的一年。 一直以来,我都热衷于参与西澳华 人社区的春节活动,这社区总是特别 友善热情。来自不同文化背景的西澳 人民受邀共庆此传统节日,是一份荣 耀和喜悦。 去年11月,我访问了西澳州的姐 妹省中国浙江省。这是我第四次到访 中国,也是我首次以州长身份出访。期 间,我非常雀跃与我们的姐妹省共庆 建交三十周年。 澳大利亚的华人对促进西澳的发 展贡献良多,我期待着与大家一起庆 祝农历新年。 我祝愿大家在戊戌狗年幸福安 宁、繁荣兴旺、新春快乐。 恭喜发财!

Mark McGowan MLA

Premier Of Western Australia 西澳州州长


Chinese New Year Message from Consul General of People's Republic of China in Perth 中华人民共和国驻珀斯总领事新春贺辞 金鸡辞旧岁,神犬报春来。值此 2018年中国农历春节来临之际,我谨 代表中国驻珀斯总领馆向西澳广大华 侨华人、中资机构人员和留学生朋友 们致以节日的问候,祝福大家新春快 乐、阖家幸福、吉祥如意!

Lei Kezhong 雷克中

Consul General of the People's Repubilc of China in Perth 中华人民共和国驻珀斯总领事

长期以来,广大华侨华人、中资机 构人员和留学生在西澳这片热土上辛 勤耕耘、开拓进取,与西澳民众和谐相 处,为当地经济社会发展和多元文化建 设做出了重要贡献,同时也为推进中澳 友好事业发展以及中国与西澳州各领 域交流合作发挥了重要的桥梁和纽带 作用。 借此机会,我谨向西澳广大侨胞 朋友和所有关心、支持中澳友好事业 发展的西澳各界人士致以衷心感谢和 崇高敬意新的一年,中国驻珀斯总领 馆将一如既往地践行“外交为民”宗 旨,为大家做好服务。

As the golden rooster departs with the old year, the spirited dog comes to announce the start of a new year. As the 2018 Chinese New Year approaches, on behalf of the Chinese Consulate in Perth, I would like to send our festive greetings to the WA Chinese community, employees of Chinese-owned businesses and Chinese international students. We wish you all a very Happy New Year, and peace and prosperity for your whole family. For a long time, the WA Chinese community, employees of Chinese-owned businesses and Chinese international students have been working hard on this hot land that is Western Australia; living harmoniously with the broader West Australian community and making important contributions to the local economy, society and multicultural developments. At the same time, they have acted as an important bridge in furthering friendly ties between China and Australia, as well as in exchanges in all areas between China and Western Australia. I would like to take this opportunity to sincerely thank and acknowledge friends from the Western Australia Chinese community, and all who care about and support further development of friendly ties between China and Australia. In the new year, the Chinese Consulate in Perth will continue to follow our principle of “diplomacy for the people” to serve all our stakeholders.



Chinese New Year Message from The Leader of the Opposition 反对党领袖新年贺词 Happy new year to the Chung Wah Association and your supporters.

祝愿中华会馆及其支持者,新春 愉快。

The Lunar New Year is the highlight of the Chinese calendar and an important day for the Chinese community in Western Australia to gather and celebrate their heritage.

农历新年,是每年中国年历的亮 点,也是西澳华人社区同欢共庆历史文 化的重大日子。

Equally, it is a wonderful time for families to wish each other peace and prosperity for the year ahead. I know the day is not only important for the Chinese community, but for Western Australians of all backgrounds to celebrate the benefits of our cultural diversity. The Chinese community, and every community in our State form a significant part of who we are. The year of the Dog is traditionally associated with personality traits of loyally, honesty, a kind and prudent disposition, and I am told sometimes stubbornness and difficulty with communication. A dog is man’s best friend, can understand their owner’s disposition and are loyal like no other animal. In his old age, my dog Mango can add sleeping to that list. I hope you enjoy your celebrations and I wish all Western Australians great fortune and happiness in the months ahead. Happy Chinese New Year, the year of the dog.


家家户户趁着这个佳节,互相祝贺 大家新的一年平安健康,家业兴旺。 据我所知,这个节日不仅是华人社 区的重要节庆,不同文化背景的西澳 人民也同庆其多元文化的意义。华人 社区以及西澳州的各族群拼凑了一个 不一样的我们。 戊戌狗年,一般让人所联想到的 人格特征,包括忠诚、善良和谨慎,听 说还有固执和不擅沟通。 狗是人类最忠实的朋友,他们能 理解主人的个性,被认为是最通人性 和忠心的动物。我家的狗“芒果”,到 了老年还特别能睡。 我谨此祝愿您佳节愉快,以及所 有的西澳人民新的一年,万事顺利, 阖家幸福。 戊戌狗年,新年快乐。

Hon Dr Mike Nahan MLA

the Leader of the Opposition 反对党领袖


Chinese New Year Message from WA Minister For Citizenship And Multicultural Interests 西澳公民与多元文化部部长新年贺词 我谨此恭祝中华会馆全体会员和 西澳州的华裔人士,恭喜发财。 过去超过一百五十年以来,西澳 华人社区给这个州省带来了极大的 贡献,而且积极加强整个多元文化社 会。 麦高文领导下的西澳州政府非常 重视华人农历新年的盛举,我们都期 盼着参与这个佳节里的社区活动。 Paul Papalia CSC MLA

WA Minister For Tourism; Racing And Gaming; Small Business; Defence Issues; Citizenship And Multicultural Interests



It is my pleasure to wish Gong Xi Fa Cai to all members of the Chung Wah Association and all Western Australians of Chinese heritage. Western Australia's Chinese communities have contributed substantially to this State for more than 150 years, and are active in advancing our vibrant multicultural society.

作为一个州省,我们有着丰富多彩 的文化遗产,让全民同欢共享。我们的 历史中有不少具华人血统人物的成功 故事。

The McGowan Government recognises the importance of the Chinese Lunar New Year celebrations and we all look forward to participating in community festivities that mark the occasion.

趁着戊戌狗年来临之际,是时候 让我们高度赞扬华人社区那份强而有 力的责任心,巩固了中华会馆的多项 活动和社区服务。同时,这社区对商 业的敏锐度也带动了西澳州的经济发 展。

As a State we have a rich and diverse heritage that is increasingly enjoyed and celebrated by everyone. Our history is full of stories of the achievements of people who proudly claim a Chinese heritage.

我祝愿西澳中华会馆全体会员和员 工,以及学校和分会,戊戌狗年快乐安 康,繁荣兴旺。 期待2018,大家合作愉快。

In this Year of the Dog, it is an appropriate time to salute the strong sense of responsibility that underpins the Chung Wah Association's many activities and community services. It is also an appropriate occasion to acknowledge the community's business acumen that has contributed to our State's economic success. I wish members and staff of the Chung Wah Association and all its schools and branches, good health, happiness and prosperity for the New Year of the Dog. I look forward to working with you all in 2018.



Chinese New Year Message from the Deputy Lord Mayor 珀斯市副市长新年贺词 On behalf of the City of Perth, it is my pleasure to wish the people of Perth and all who are celebrating the Chinese New Year, “Xin Nian Kuai Le” and “Gong Xi Fa Cai”. I am advised that 2018, or the Year of the Earth Dog, represents progress, persistence, honour and integrity; behaviours that are greatly valued in our society and which should be encouraged within our younger generations. It is a great time to gather and celebrate with family and friends, reflect on the past year and look forward to the year ahead. Once again, the City of Perth is a proud sponsor of the Chinese New Year Fair, and I hope that you have the opportunity to participate in the associated festivities that the Chung Wah Association has planned for this year’s event. The growth of the event, and the way that Chinese New Year celebrations are increasingly being enjoyed from people from non-Chinese backgrounds, shows the positives and strength of our multicultural society, which benefits from diversity and shared cultural traditions. I wish you all a safe, happy and prosperous 2018.


我谨在此代表珀斯市市政府,恭 祝珀斯市的人民以及所有庆祝农历新 年的人士 ,新年快乐、恭喜发财。 据说2018戊戌狗年,象征着上进、坚 持、尊重和正直。这都是我们的社会加 以推崇的品德,也是我们应该多鼓励年 轻一代培养的行为。 值此佳节与家人朋友共聚欢庆的 同时,回顾去年和展望新的一年。 今年,珀斯市政府感到骄傲再次 赞助珀斯中华新年文化节,我希望你 可以争取机会参与中华会馆这一年的 系列佳节欢庆活动。 中华新年文化节的扩展,以及农 历新年欢庆活动日益受非华裔人士 的欢迎,这相互接受文化上的同与不 同,显示了我们多元文化社区得到正 面和积极的发展。 在此,祝愿各界人士和朋友2018 年幸福安康、繁荣兴旺。

Dr Jemma Green

Deputy Lord Mayor,City of Perth 珀斯市副市长


会馆动态 CHUNG WAH EVENTS 2017年四月份,中华会馆捐赠了长达五 十米的布制巨龙给西澳博物馆。这条全澳 第二长的巨龙,是在1999年由中国驻珀斯 总领事赠送给西澳的华人社区。那一年是中 华人民共和国建国五十周年。 由拆卸到运送这条巨龙从Balcatta的中 华文化中心到位于Fremantle的纺织品维护实 验中心,这个任务相当艰巨。此行动动用了博 物馆的十三位专家共同策划和协调,花了两天 的时间才顺利把这巨龙拆除,放到支架来运 送。经过了深层的维护修复后,巨龙在实验中 心内重装后,将存放一段长时间。 如此庞大的文物是给接受培训的保修师 一个非常好的实践机会,其中有十五位专攻纺 织品维护保修的大学生参与其中。 这项修复工作首先去除表层上积存了十六 年之久的尘埃,这个步骤完成后,巨龙身上的

Conservation of the Chung Wah Dragon at the Western Australian Museum

中华会馆巨龙 在西澳博物馆的修复过程 文◎Natasha Trenear , Conservator, Western Australian Museum 西澳博物馆文物保修师 译◎Elvie Yap 叶俐廷

颜色有焕然一新的效果。下一个步骤,就是将 龙头还形,把龙头脱落的传统贴纸重新粘好。 这两步骤重复用于龙身的须线、银丝线、亮片。 工作人员都小心翼翼地处理,不加任何附加 品,设法把巨龙还原成最初的面貌。最后一个 步骤,就是得处理已损毁的龙身布料。 目前,巨龙的维护修复工作已经完成,龙 身将会在包裹后置放在一个特别设计的三米 长的筒里,以防在收藏的过程中出现皱痕。此 巨龙非同凡响,其将会被好好收藏在西澳博 物馆,留给下一代。


n April 2017, the Chung Wah Association (CWA) donated the 50m Dancing Dragon to the Western Australian Museum (WAM). It is the second longest in the country, and was gifted in 1999 by the Perth-based Chinese Consul General of the People’s Republic of China to Western Australia’s Chinese community, to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China. Its de-installation and transportation from the Chung Wah Cultural Centre in Balcatta to the WAM Textile Conservation Laboratory in Fremantle was a challenging task, taking a team of 13 museum specialists to plan and orchestrate its safe removal and transportation, and taking two days to carefully remove and dismantle the Dragon, and install it on stillage and supports for travel. It was then installed in the Textile Conservation Laboratory, where it has been treated and repaired for long term storage. Such a large scale object has been ideal for providing training and experience to preprogram student conservators, and has resulted in 15 university students being trained in textile conservation.


The treatment commenced with removing sixteen years of surface dirt accumulated from its display in the Balcatta Chung Wah Cultural Centre. This initial step alone dramatically changed the colour and vastly improved the appearance of the Dragon. The next step was to re-shape and re-adhere the traditional paper patterns found along the Dragon Head that had become distorted and displaced over the years. These same steps were repeated for the strips of mohair, metallic threads and sequins. Great care was taken to improve its condition to more closely resemble how it originally appeared, without adding any non-original material. The final step in treating the Chung Wah Dragon was repairing torn areas of fabric found along the body. Now that the conservation treatment is complete, the Dragon body will soon be carefully wrapped around a specially designed 3m long barrel, to prevent creases forming during storage. The Chung Wah Dragon was an incredible object to work on and will now be carefully stored in the Western Australian Museum collection storage facility for future generations.

永康肉店 新春優惠 由2月1日至3月3日,惠顧於 永康門市部,凡出示中華會 館會員卡,即獲3%特惠折扣 (特價產品除外). 門市部:

402-406 William St, Northbridge WA6003 Tel:(08) 9328 1012 Email:


8 Madison St., Canning Vale WA6155 Tel:(08) 9456 2830 Email: 13


The Good Customs of Chinese New Year

农 历 新 年 的 好习 俗 文/译◎ Elvie Yap 叶俐廷

First Day of Chinese New Year

On the first day of Chinese New Year, the entire family wakes up early, puts on new clothes, washes up and puts on makeup, prepares New Year dishes, enjoys Nian Gao and extend New Year greetings to one another. This sets the stage for a day of joyous celebrations. 大年初一,全家一早起床,穿新衣,梳 洗打扮,煮年菜,吃年糕,拜早年,说吉利 话,拉开了千家万户普天同庆过年的帷幕。

Second Day of Chinese New Year “Returning to mother’s house” is a traditional custom commonly practiced during the second day of Chinese New Year. On this day, married females will pay a New Year visit to her parent’s home with their husband and children. 农历年初二有“回娘家”的习俗,即出 嫁的女儿这一天要带着女婿和儿女回娘家 拜年。

Third Day of Chinese New Year This day is known as “Day of the Red Dog”. According to ancient folklore, the Red Dog is the god of fury. Whoever that meets the Red Dog will encounter bad luck, and that is why people stay at home on this day, refrain from visiting others and present offering to the deities and ask for their blessings. 这一天被称为“赤狗日”,赤狗是古代 传说的“怒之神”。如果遇到了赤狗会倒 霉,因此这一天不宜出门、请客,要在这天 祭祖祀神,祈求保佑。

Seventh Day of Chinese New Year The seventh day of Chinese New Year is known as “Man’s birthday”. According to legend, the goddess Nuwa created the rooster, dog, pig, goat, cow and horse in sequence, and created humans on the seventh day. This is why “Man’s birthday” is celebrated on this day. In Singapore and Malaysia, tossing yusheng (raw fish) has become a popular practice during Chinese New Year. Colourful strands of vegetables and fruits are tossed and eaten


together with yusheng as an appetizer. This dish signifies good fortune. This dish can easily found in Chinese restaurant in Perth during Chinese New Year period. 正月初七是“人日”,所谓人日,传说女娲创 造苍生,顺序造出了鸡狗猪羊牛马等动物,并于 第七天造出人来,故此初七为人的生日。 在新加坡、马来西亚,华人盛行在初七“ 捞生”,五颜六色蔬果拔成细丝,和鱼生一起 捞匀来吃,是一道开胃菜,带有吉祥意味,是 祈求来年好运和发财的菜式。春节期间,这道 菜也相当容易可以在中餐馆食用。

Ninth Day of Chinese New Year On the ninth day of the first month of Lunar calendar, it would be the special celebration known to Chinese Hokkien people as the “Phai Thien Kong” which literally means “praying to the Heaven God”. This day is especially important to Hokkiens because they believe it is the birthday of the Jade Emperor (Thien Kong) who protected the ancestors of Hokkien people from ruthless army in ancient China. All the Hokkiens start their prayers at 11pm on the eighth day of Chinese New Year. On this night, the Hokkiens set up a table full of Hokkien delicacies for serving the Jade Emperor. The Hokkiens made piles of folded pieces of gold paper, these papers are hung from the sugarcanes before being burnt as a thanksgiving offering to the Thien Kong. There will be fireworks and firecrackers that mark the beginning of the ninth day as well as the survival of the Hokkien people. 农历大年初九,是福建人拜天公、大过年 的日子,年初八晚上十一点就准备好拜天公仪 式,供品包括福建小吃红龟粿、素果和五牲荤 食等、还有用拜神金纸挂在甘蔗,敬拜天公。 此外还会燃烧金纸鹤燃放烟花、鞭炮以示庆 祝。祭拜仪式过后,大家吃一顿丰富的年餐, 以示团圆、吉祥。 传说明朝时一年的农历新年,福建沿海 一带的乡民遭到迫害,乡民扶老携幼逃命。 乡民在黑夜中逃到一处偏僻郊野时,突然前面 出现一大片蔗林助他们逃过一劫。这天正是 大年初九,逃出生天的乡民都认为这是天公救 命,于是每年的大年初九凌晨便祭拜天公,以 谢救命之恩。 资料来源 Resources:天公

Fifteenth day of Chinese New Year The fifteen day of the lunar month marks the end of Chinese New Year, and is widely known as Yuan Xiao. According to Chinese cultural traditions, people need to hang up colourful lanterns on the night of this day against the full moon as a form of celebration. The entire family will gather to admire the full moon, light up lanterns, solve lantern riddles and enjoy a sumptuous meal together. “Solving Lantern riddles” is an activity that people have long engaged in during Yuan Xiao. The riddles are written on pieces of paper and pasted on colourful lanterns for others to solve. 农历正月十五是春节的最后一 天,也被称为元宵节。按中国民间的传 说,在这天皓月高悬的夜晚,人们要点 起彩灯万盏,以示庆贺。出门赏月、燃 灯放焰、喜猜灯谜、共吃元宵、合家团 聚、同庆佳节,其乐融融。 “猜灯谜”是元宵节后增的一项 活动,把谜语写在纸条上,贴在五光 十色的彩灯上供人猜。


What Chinese New Year is about?


According to tales and legends, the beginning of Chinese New Year started with the fight against a mythical beast called the “Year”. The “Year” looks like an ox with a lion head and inhabits in the sea. At the night of New Year’s Eve, the “Year” will come out to harm people, animals and properties. Later, people found out that the “Year” fears the red colour, fire and loud noises. Therefore, for self-protection, people formed the habit of posting red “Dui Lian” in front of their houses as well as launching fireworks and hanging lanterns at year end.

农历新年,这个传统节日的由来有个民间传说。太古时期,有 一种凶猛的怪兽,人们把它们叫“年”。它的身体长得像公牛,但却 有个狮子的头,住在海里。每到除夕晚, “年”就会出来攻击村民, 看见什么食物就吃。久而久之,村民发现凶猛的“年”最怕三样东 西。那就是,猛红的颜色,火,吵闹声。为了自卫,人们到了年末就开 始在门前挂上红色对联、燃起鞭炮和挂红色灯笼。 资料来源Resource:

2018 Community Chinese New Year Events 社区春节活动 Event 活动

Date日期/ Time时间

Chung Wah Community & Aged Care 2018 Longevity Lunch

Thursday 22 Feb, 10:30am - 2:30pm Chung Wah Balcatta Centre

Subject to ticket availability. 凭票入场

Saturday 3 Mar, 6pm

Chung Wah Balcatta Centre

Subject to ticket availability. 凭票入场

Wednesday 28 Feb, 11am

Chung Wah Hall

Thursday 22 Feb, 5pm - 9pm

Southlands Shopping Centre, Willetton , Level 2

Sunday 25 Feb, 1pm – 3pm

Sorrento Quay, 58 Southside Dr, Hillarys

2018 Perth Chinese New Year Fair

Chung Wah Chinese New Year Dinner and Dance The Puppet Show Man, Artist in Residence Yeung Fai (China) Southlands Boulevard Lunar Celebration 2018

Chinese New Year at Sorrento Quay Boardwalk The China Pop Up

Sunday 18 Feb, 12pm – 9pm

Saturday 10 Mar, 10am - 12pm


James Street & Lake Street, Northbridge

Bibra Lake Regional Playground

2018 Lion Dance & Chinese Dance Performance 舞狮和中国舞蹈春节日程表 Date日期

Thursday 15 Feb,

Friday 16 Feb,



Cultural Performance文化表演


Fo Guang Shan Buddhist Temple

Lion Dance (Yao Lin)

6pm 1pm

Saturday 17 Feb, 10am

10:30am 3pm


6pm Sunday 18 Feb, Thursday 22 Feb,

12pm – 9pm 1 pm


12.30pm Thursday 1 Mar, Saturday 3 Mar,


Chung Wah Chinese School Morley

Stockland Riverton Shopping Centre Old Shanghai Food Court

Spencer Village Food Hall Cambridge Forum

2018 Perth Chinese New Year Fair Waterford Plaza

7:15pm - 7:45pm Southlands Shopping Centre

Saturday 24 Feb, 9:30am

Sunday 25 Feb,

Westfield Carousel

2:30pm 1pm 7pm


Saturday 10 Mar, 6pm

Chung Wah Chinese School Leeming

Lion Dance (Yao Lin Kung Fu Association) Lion Dance (Yao Lin)

Lion Dance (Chung Wah) Lion Dance (Yao Lin)

Lion Dance (Chow Kwoon Yarn Yee Tong Kung Fu Academy) Lion Dance (Yao Lin)

Lion Dance (Chung Wah)

Lion Dance (Chung Wah, Chinese Community Centre, Yarn Yee Tong, Jimmy Tsui Kung Fu School, Yao Lin) Lion Dance (Yao Lin)

Chinese Dance (Chung Wah ) Lion Dance (Chung Wah)

Chung Wah Chinese School Rossmoyne

Lion Dance (Chung Wah)

City of Perth, Murray Street Mall

Lion Dance (Chung Wah)

Joondalup Shopping Centre Sorrento Quay Boardwalk

Kingsway City Shopping Centre

Chung Wah Cultural Centre Balcatta Shire of York, York Centre

Lion Dance (Chung Wah) Lion Dance, Chinese Dance, Orchestra (Chung Wah) Lion Dance (Yao Lin)

Lion Dance, Chinese Dance (Chung Wah) Lion Dance ( Chung Wah)



Australian Lunar coin series for Year of the DOG 珀斯铸币厂 戊戌狗年纪念币 文/译◎ Elvie Yap 叶俐廷

The Chinese animal zodiac, or shēng xiào, is a repeating cycle of twelve years, with each year being represented by an animal and its reputed attributes. 2018 is the Year of the Dog, dog is the 11th Chinese zodiac sign. Ever since Perth Mint launched the Australian Lunar coin series back in 1996, it has been a tradition for the company to wish customers and friends Gong Xi Fa Cai. According to Neil Vance, the Mint’s Group Manager – Minted Products, there are several key reasons for the popularity of Lunar coins. “There’s a natural fascination with something as unique as the Chinese lunar calendar which dates back for thousands of years,” he said. “It’s based on a 12-year cycle of the moon with each year named after a different animal. Having 12 coins to collect is a very realistic objective for many collectors who enjoy building a complete collection over time.” This year, an image of a German shepherd featuring a beautiful blue sapphire in its right eye is the new Gemstone Edition from the 2018 Australian Lunar Series to celebrate the Year of the Dog.

Neil Vance the Mint’s Group Manager 珀斯铸币厂经理

Sapphires have mystical associations with truth, sincerity and faithfulness – the latter a strong trait of German shepherds which are well known for their loyalty and obedience. It’s also been claimed sapphires have strong healing powers, especially for sore eyes! It is known that in Chinese culture, people born under auspices of the dog are honest, friendly and trustworthy. They are protective, generous in their love and have a strong sense of justice.


中国的十二生肖又稱属相或十二年兽, 属相的一轮周期为十二年,每一年有个别的 代表年兽和其对应的属性。2018年是狗年, 狗在十二生肖中排在第十一。 自1996年,珀斯铸币厂开始推介澳大 利亚农历年纪念币以来,每年这家百年历史 的机构都会设计出不同属相的纪念币,来祝 贺客户和朋友。 珀斯铸币厂的经理,Neil Vance道出几 个农历年纪念币广受欢迎的原因。 “有上千年历史的中国农历年有着与 生俱来的吸引力,其依据十二年的周期来定 位,每年以一种动物来命名。每年推出一次 的十二生肖纪念币,可让收集者不难收集全 十二枚金币。” 2018 年戊戌狗年的农历年纪念币新版 宝石币是以德国牧羊犬为图,其右眼上的蓝 宝石是一大特色。蓝宝石让人联想到信任、 诚恳和忠诚;德国牧羊犬则广受认可为一种 贞忠、服从的动物。此外,有一个蓝宝石的 说法是它有着强大的治愈能量,尤其是针 对眼睛不适。 中国传统说法,属狗的朋友,诚实、友 善和可靠,他们很会自我保护、博爱,还有 强烈的正义感。


Biographical summary 简介 Yuqi Zeng曾钰淇:

2018 Feng Shui & Chinese Zodiac Forecast 2018风水和十二生肖运势 文◎曾钰淇Yuqi Zeng

译◎冯恺盈Helene Fung

2018戊戌狗年旺财,旺运,旺桃花的家居风水布局? What Feng Shui setups at home will be good for fortune, luck and love life in Year of the Dog? The Executive Principal of China’s International Education College. She is an expert in applying the Yin-Yang balance principle from “Yijing” to areas such as corporate management, corporate Feng Shui, home environment, naming strategy and personal fortune and life planning. 为中国国际教育学院执行院 长。擅长将易经中的阴阳平衡法则 应用于企业管理、企业风水、家居 环境及姓名策划,个人命理人生策 划等领域之中。

2018年最佳风水布局的日期:2018年的2月4日 进行家居风水布局;

The best day in 2018 for making Feng Shui setups at home is on 4 February;

• 旺财在东南方位布局;

• For fortune, set up at the southeast corner;

• 旺事业运在正南布局;

• For luck at work, set up at the southerly direction;

• 想结婚生子的位置在房子的正中间布局;

• For those who want to get married or start a family, set up in the middle of the house;

• 想旺异性姻缘的位置在房子的西北方位进 行布局;

• To improve your relationship with the opposite gender, set up at the northwest corner of your house.



2018戊戌狗年 Year of the Dog 十二属相运势 Chinese Zodiac Forecast 2018年的幸运排行前五名运势如下:

The Five Most Auspicious Zodiac Signs for 2018:

1st Place: Rabbit 第一名:生肖兔

3rd Place: Tiger 第三名:生肖虎

5th Place: Snake 第五名:生肖蛇

The luckiest winner in the year of the dog; some things will go really smoothly for you, there is also hope of breakthrough developments at work, and help will be at hand when you face problems. Those who are soldiering on alone abroad will be particularly lucky; your previous efforts will be recognised, and those who are able and competent may stand a chance at a promotion and pay rise.

It’s a comfortable and cruisy year; your sense of purpose drops and you lack motivation. You feel lazy to the bone, but fortunately a little bit of luck follows you. We recommend setting realistic goals for yourself and achieve things step by step.

Your luck is fairly flat, it’s difficult to move upwards. There’s no harm in staying away from controversy, at least that ensures peace and safety. You need to control your sense of purpose; don’t try to grasp what shouldn’t belong to you – that only makes things worse. All in all, act carefully this year; if you work hard, you will be rewarded.

出生年份 Birth Year: 2011, 1999, 1987, 1975, 1963, 1951, 1939

狗年的运势冠军,一些事情顺利,事业上 有望突破,遇到难题也有贵人出手相助。此运 更利于在外孤独打拼之人,过去的努力能有收 获,有实力者升职加薪可期。

出生年份 Birth Year: 2010, 1998, 1986, 1974, 1962, 1950, 1938

一个闲适安逸的年份,企图心下降,行动 力不足,骨子里都透出慵懒的情绪来,可喜的 是总有小幸运跟随着你。 建议给自己先定个可以实现的小目标,一 步一步完成。

2nd Place: Horse 第二名:生肖马

4th Place: Rat 第四名:生肖鼠

As we progress into 2018, things will become easier and smoother for you. You can go ahead and actually do what you contemplated last year; you can either clear or get around any obstacles, help will automatically come along. Remember you should do things properly, and the more good deeds you do, the more blessing and luck that will bring.

Luck only favours those who are diligent; if you don’t work hard, what’s supposed to be yours might be taken by others who do work hard. Remember to finish what you meant to do today, don’t drag on till the next day. Your efforts will not be wasted. But before you do start, it’s important to set clear targets and select the right direction.

踏入2018年,正在进行的事情将会越来 越顺利。去年想做的事可以放心去做,路上的 障碍你可清除或者绕开,贵人也会主动来帮 你。切记,行事必走正道,多行善事多积福德 运势才能旺上加旺。

此运只眷顾勤奋努力之人,如果你不思 进取,本该属于你的东西也许就被别人夺去 了。谨记今日事今日毕,千万不要拖到第二天, 总之你的努力不会白费。需要注意的是,努力 之前先明确目标,选择正确方向。

出生年份 Birth Year: 2014, 2002, 1990, 1978, 1966, 1954, 1942


出生年份 Birth Year: 2008, 1996, 1984, 1972, 1960, 1948, 1936

出生年份 Birth Year: 2013, 2001, 1989, 1977, 1965, 1953, 1941

运势曲线起伏不大,想上行显得十分 艰难。不妨远离纷争,至少可保得安稳,不 受外界风雨的打扰。需要好好控制自己的 企图心,别强行抓住不属于自己的东西只会 让事情越变越糟糕。总的来说,今年小心 翼翼做人做事,努力也不会没有收获。

The Five Most Auspicious Zodiac Signs for 2018: 2018年运势不吉的排行属相如下: 1st Place: Dog 第一名:生肖狗

出生年份 Birth Year: 2006, 1994, 1982, 1970, 1958, 1946, 1934

For those born in the year of the dog, this year is not going to be a smooth one for you; you'll feel restless and it's easy to experience health problems.

生肖属狗之人本命年伏吟太岁,即本命年值太岁(坐太岁)。本 命年值太岁,表示该年运程有阻滞,心绪不宁,健康容易出问题。

2nd Place: Ox 第二名:生肖 牛

出生年份 Bir th Year: 2009, 1997, 1985, 1973, 1961, 1949, 1937 Oxens' birth year guardia n god has a "punishing" side conflic t with the Taisui, the new guardian god on dut is likely to be harmed/puni y, and shed; this causes your luc k in the year to drop. 属牛之人今年刑太岁,刑有抵触 、刑伤的意思。刑太岁,又称 偏冲,导致 运势差。

3rd Place: Goat 第三名:生肖羊

出生年份 Birth Year: 2015, 2003, 1991, 1979, 1967, 1955, 1943 en" conflict with Goats' birth year guardian god has a "brok means you are the Taisui, the new guardian god on duty. This relationships, rties, in money, prope prone to sudden damages during the year – collaboration, health, etc. 气易有突然而来的破坏,破财破 属羊之 人破刑太岁,破即为损耗。破太岁今年运 。属羊之人同时还刑太岁。 损、破坏好友关系、破坏合作、破坏身体(有病)等

4th Place: Dragon 第四名:生肖 龙

出生年份 Birth Year: 2012, 200 0, 1988, 1976, 196 4, 1952,1940 This year will be full of confron tations, fallouts with friends and family, severe sickness and damages, and if you travel, you ’re likely to make new enemies during the jour ney. 属龙 之人 冲太岁(交战相冲),冲有 碰撞 冲击、对抗 相战 之意。今年多冲 突,亲友 反目、大病、破败、出门与人结怨等。

鸡 5th Place: Rooster 第五名:生肖

出生年份 Birth Year: 1957,1945 2017, 2005, 1993, 1981, 1969, ounter enemies, being This year, you’re prone to enc by people you know; betrayed by friends or framed others. You' re also with n any collaboratio you’re likely to lose money from and family may ds frien r and sickness; you susceptible to food poisoning led, and may mis g bein to suffer losses due also get sick. You’re also likely to receive complaints. 朋友出卖 、熟 之意。害太 岁者:今年 易犯 小人, 属鸡之人害太 岁,害有 不和、不合 等。 或亲朋有病灾、被误导损失、投诉 人陷害、合作破财、食物中毒、自身


Two Chinese zodiac populations with mixed luck 综合运势的两个属相: Monkey生肖猴:

出生年份 Birth Year: 2016, 2004, 1992, 1980, 1968, 1956,1944

Monkeys have excellent work and money luck this year, and are likely to succeed from both your own intelligence and assistance from elders. Not so lucky in love though, you need to be more proactive to get a loving relationship. Pay attention to ensure you rest and recuperate, to avoid getting sick.

属猴人今年事业财运均属吉运, 容易因为自身的才智和长辈的关照 而获得成功,爱情运势欠佳,需要积 极出动才能获得良缘,平时要注意 休息保养身体,以免出现隐患;


出生年份 Birth Year: 2007, 1995, 1983, 1971,1959, 1947, 1935

Piggies will earn a sufficient salary, but no luck for windfalls. You need to work hard in the right fields to reap the rewards. Try not to get into conflict with either law enforcement authorities or powerful sections of the society, or you may risk physical injury. There is a lucky star improving your luck with the opposite sex; so if you are proactive at this opportune time, you may find love. 属猪人正财有余,偏财无望,需 要自身于正途多加努力才能得到回 报。今年遭遇岁杀,切忌与执法部门 或者其他社会势力起冲突,否则易有 血光之灾。在感情方面遭遇天喜桃 花异性缘较好,可以趁此良机主动出 击觅得良缘。



The “Migrant's Voices” column is designed for migrants to share their thoughts, feelings and life experience with our readers, regardless of your age, gender and background. Kindly write an article of no more than 400 words and email to 不管男女老少、新老移民,新增设的《移民心声》栏目旨在给你一个版块抒发异乡情怀。分 享你生活在珀斯的喜怒哀乐、甜酸苦辣,述说你所关注的时事焦点和身边的人、事、物。请 将文章邮寄到。

My take on the “Migration” experience 文◎袁树仁Shuren Yuan 译◎冯恺盈Helene Fung

“Migration” is a very controversial term. My viewpoint is: You can choose to live wherever you feel more comfortable and makes you happier. So it all depends on your own qualities and what environment you prefer. As for me – after I retired, I actually didn’t even have the thought or the motivation to migrate; but why did I come to Australia? The key is that my way of doing things is “going with the flow”. After China’s economic reform and opening-up policy, my children came over to study, and they ended up staying here. After several visits, my partner and I decided to follow our children’s suggestion to migrate to Perth. In 1996, I drummed up enough courage to apply directly with the Australian Embassy and the application was approved shortly thereafter. The migration experience has actually inspired a lot of ideas. Here I’m going to share some of my ideas on “personal health”. “Using your brain” is actually the best way for healthy living and it’s an important aspect. Because of migration, I was forced to “use my brain”. 1. Forcing myself to learn English faster to handle life in a western country

old, there’s wear-and-tear and rust, can you restore it? Humans are exactly the same; as we grow older, we shouldn’t be aspiring just for health and longevity – instead we should aspire for happiness. When you are happy and have the correct attitude, naturally you’ll live longer. Your body’s ability to heal can also be strengthened this way!

我对移民的体会 “移民”是一个甚具争议性的词。有人 说:国内好好的,为什么要移民。也有人说: 移民好,国外的环境好些。 其实任何表态都是有立场的,就是站在 自己的角度,代表个人的体会。 我的观点:你觉得住在哪个地方舒适、快 乐,就选择在那定居,取决于自身的条件和向 往的环境。 我!退休以后并没有移民的想法和动机。 但是为什么又来到澳洲了呢? 关键在于我的处事之道偏向“顺其自然”。 改革开放以后子女为了升学来到了国外, 就此留下定居了。孩子的妈妈多次往返澳洲, 经过多次商讨我和老伴,最后决定采纳子女 的建议移居到珀斯。1996年,我鼓起勇气直接 向澳洲领事馆领表申请,很短的时间内就批下 来了。 移民的体会其实很多。这里我就说对“个 人健康”的体会。 “动脑子”是养生最好的办 法之一,而且是重要的一环。 因为移民而逼迫自己“动脑子”

2. Forcing myself to learn to use a computer

1. 鞭策我自己加速学习英文来应对西方国家 的生活

3. Forcing myself to find a hobby and ways to kill time

2. 学习用电脑来让自己的生活更加方便。

Living in Perth, other than getting together with my children, I didn’t have any friends or family. I’ve chosen to spend my time on “volunteering” and “photography”. “Volunteering” gives my daily life a regular routine, allows me to maintain contact with the society and ensures that I get enough exercise. Through “photography”, I’ve made friends, and through sharing photos, these friends have given me a lot of encouragement, which gives me joy and pride. I think life can be thought of as being like a tree or a machine. If a tree grows old and its shape is already formed, can you change it? If a machine is


3. 要找一个嗜好和消磨时间的办法 来到这里,除了和子女可以团聚外, 没有亲友,我选择了“做义工”和“玩照 相机”。“做义工”促使我的日常生活有规 律,与社会保持接触,每天保持足够的运动 量。“玩照相机”让我结识了更多的朋友,通 过分享照片,朋友们给了我很大的鼓励,激发 了我喜悦的心情和自豪感。 我觉得人生可以以一棵树或者一个机器 来比喻。树老了成型了,你还能改变它吗?机 器老了磨损了锈蚀了,你还能还原它吗?人也 一样,年龄大了老了,不是直接追求健康长寿 而是追求快乐。心态好,心情好自然延年益 寿。因为这样增强了人们的自愈能力!

My Australia story 文◎Laddawan WONG 译◎Elvie Yap 叶俐廷

40 years ago, I would not have thought my life would ever end up in Australia. I was an exchange student through the American Field Service program, living in Michigan, USA from 1974-1975. So naturally my dream was to return to America and find a career and live my life there. Well, I finished my Bachelor of Arts at a prestigious uni in Bangkok and spent two years working for Kuwait Airlines, so I could save enough money to go to America to further my studies. I did return to America as planned completing my postgraduate education. I had a job right after graduation but plans got interrupted by my return to Singapore with my husband in 1987. My work visa was cancelled and I ended up living in Singapore, building a young family there. In 1989, my first son was born and later we soon found out he had a slight developmental delay which affected all facets of his life. That was the starting point for us to look around to find a nurturing environment for him to grow up in. When my son was six and a half years old, we had an opportunity to spend four years as an expatriate family in Bangkok. We have two other children in mainstream education. Our children went to a British international school that was very childfocused. Thus my “special” son enjoyed his early childhood there. Then in 2004, we decided to plan to go to Australia for all three kids’ high school education. We picked Perth because it is quite near to our home country. So for the first time, we came to Perth in 2007 after about ten years of living a nomad‘s life. I remember spending a year in preparing the kids for the new life here. We no longer had a maid, gardener and driver, which we used to have in our expat life. The first year was the most difficult for all of us to adjust. Being a new migrant at fifty years old was pretty hard as all of us had to find our way to integrate into a new country. My “special” son went to two different catholic schools where there was a special needs support unit. He learnt to adapt quite well in the new environment and made many friends along the way. Later I took him to participate in the volunteer program of Chung Wah Community and Aged Care where he paid regular visits to elders in nursing homes. He also played the piano for them and joined in activities during special Chinese festivals. My “special” son is very sociable and is wellliked by many people for his kindness and good manners. Perth has become his home where he

移民心声 MIGRANT'S VOICES feels welcome with good friends, good education and a great community. He is now a long term member of the Youth Centre and Catchmusic where he regularly plays the drum for the jam session. He attends TAFE and works part-time and has just got his driver’s licence. From a struggling little boy in Singapore, he has now become a confident young man, engaging himself with school, work and the community. He always shares with me how grateful he is to become an Australian citizen. This is now home for him where he feels welcome and supported. Thanks to Australia for giving him an opportunity to grow and become a happy contributing member.

我在澳洲的日子 四十年前,我从未预料到会在澳大利亚 落地生根。我十二年级时,曾以美国外勤服 务的交换生计划在美国Michigan省住了一年 (1974-1975)。我人生的梦想顺理成章地就 是要回到美国开展我的人生和事业。 后来,我在泰国曼谷的名牌大学本科毕 业后,在科威特航空公司工作两年,以储存足 够的积蓄到美国深造。我最后确实在美国完成 我的研究生课程,却由于丈夫在1987年选择回

到新加坡发展,我因此未能留在美国圆梦。最 终,反而在新加坡开始组织自己的小家庭。 1989年长子出世,后被检测到他天生有 轻微发育迟缓的问题,影响他一辈子的方方 面面。从那时开始,作为父母我们设法给他寻 找一个让他成长的培育环境。他六岁半那年, 我们一家以外派驻员家庭身份旅居在曼谷四 年。长子和两个完全正常的弟妹在当地的英国 国际学校上学。我这特殊的儿子在这学校度 过了快乐的童年。

永久会员,他经常会与其他会员一起打鼓、玩 音乐。他也在读技术学院的课程,而且兼职工 作,刚不久还考到驾照。 相比多年前在新加坡的一个挣扎中的小 男孩,现在的他已经是一个自信的年青人活跃 于学校、工作和社区。他常常会与我分享能成 为澳大利亚公民的那份感恩之心。这是一个 让他觉得被接受和支持的家。感谢澳大利亚 给予他一个机会成长并成为一个开心的社会 贡献者。

2004年,我们决定带着三个孩子到澳大 利亚上中学。选择珀斯的原因在于它离我们的 出生国比较近。2007年我们一家登陆珀斯结 束十年居无定所的日子。 我记得给孩子适应新环境的第一年,对 我们而言都相当苦不堪言。我们再也没有像外 派家庭般有佣人、园丁和司机。加上五十岁才 加入新移民行列,我们也各自想办法在这新的 国度开始生活。我的长子到过两所有特殊教 育部门的天主教学校。他适应的不错,也结识 了不少新朋友。 不久后,我让他参与中华社区与长者服 务的义务工作,固定探访住在养老院的长者。 而且在华人节日时,在活动弹奏钢琴和参与其 他的活动。我这长子社交能力强,身边很多人 都表扬他的善良和礼貌。珀斯已经是他一个 温暖的家,这里有朋友、好的教育和友善的社 区。现在,他是青年中心和CatchMusic机构的

刊 登 的 文 章 作 者, 还可获赠由赞助商 “品之味”所赞助的一 包50g的茶叶,价值$25。 The writer of the published article will be rewarded with a packet of 50g tea leaves valued at $25 sponsored by “It’s More Than A Sip”.

Home is where I find peace in my heart! 主营 Core Business 商业投资移民教育留学等各类签证业务。 Business & investment visas, student visa and other types of visas.

我们的优势 What's Special • 商业投资移民受政策影响小,成功率高。 • 丰富的188和132签证申请,132签证1010表审核, 188转888签证经验。 • 与本地知名开发商和企业主长期合作。

商业投资移民(132和188)好消息 现有少量适合132签证投资人的地产开发投资机会,以 及188转888签证的中小生意机会。欢迎咨询洽谈。 Opportunities for 132 and 188 Visa Holders: We are referring a few property development business opportunities to 132 visa holders, and small & medium business opportunities to 188 visa holders for 888-visa transition.

• Business visas have high success rate and are least impacted by policy changes. • Experienced in 132 and 188-visa application, 132 Form 1010 Survey and 188 to 888 visa transition. • Have a long-term relationship with reputable local developers and business owners.



Volunteerism 志愿者之谈 文/译◎ Elvie Yap 叶俐廷

Every dedicated volunteer is a precious resource for a not-for-profit organisation, like Chung Wah Association. The annual large-scale Perth Chinese New Year Fair involves a significant number of volunteers at every stage of the event, from planning to site decoration. Volunteers play a vital role in the sustainability of our community services. Thanks to all the long-standing and committed volunteers who have actively contributed to the services provided by the Chung Wah Community & Aged Care and Chung Wah Chinese Schools. As the Chinese New Year is around the corner, our editorial team has specially interviewed four active volunteers about their volunteering experience and how they celebrate Chinese New Year in Perth. 对于一个非盈利机构而言,最珍贵的资源莫过于是多年来任劳任怨的志愿者。每年的春节活动,从活动策划到场地布 置,基本上每个环节都少不了志愿者的参与。中华社区及长者服务和中华中文学校,一直有一批不离不弃的志愿者在默默 地扶持着这些服务的运作。趁着春节的来临,特此找来四位长期付出的志愿者分享他们的体验和对农历新年的体会。

Beata FUNG李灿薇

Originally from Hong Kong

Migrated to Perth at the end of 1992 1992年底和家人从香港移居珀斯

Twenty-four years ago, Beata first joined the Chung Wah as a community visitor under the government-funded Community Visitors Scheme (CVS). She heard about the recruitment of community visitors through the Chung Wah


Cantonese radio program broadcasted on the WA Multicultural Radio, 6EBA.


The CVS is a program that trains and arranges volunteers to regularly visit


socially isolated Asian residents in nursing homes or hostels in Perth, and to


provide companionship and friendship.


Beata first visited an elderly female who only spoke a rare Chinese dialect,


Taishan. This was the dialect that Beata’s parents used to speak. As her


parents passed away at a young age, Beata had a strong feeling of familiarity


with this resident and she treated her like her mother.


There is no doubt that Beata is one of the most experienced Chung Wah


volunteers. She has been involved in a variety of volunteering roles include


visiting elderly residents in nursing home, presenting community news as a


Cantonese radio broadcaster, introducing Chinese cultural information to


school-visit students, teaching English to seniors attending the Evergreen


College of Chung Wah Community & Aged Care, and helping out at Chinese


New Year events.


She strongly urges community members who have ample time to contribute


their language capabilities and cultural knowledge to help other people in need.


Being a volunteer of a big family provides a platform for you to meet other


volunteers from a diverse cultural background, as knowing more friends can

助社区内需要 帮助的人。此

make your life more satisfying.

外,也可以认识不同文化背景 的义工,扩大社交圈子,从而 充实自己的生活。



Chew Yien HA姚秋燕

Born in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 1993 migrated to Perth under spouse visa 出生于马来西亚吉隆坡


with suppliers. Yien enjoys playing this role despite


For the first fifteen years after settling in Perth,

its relatively heavy workload. She appreciates


Yien was a full-time housewife, looking after

the support and understanding from the school


her three sons. Being an overseas Chinese,

management that has enabled her to carry on the


she always wanted her second generation to

role for a decade. In addition, she describes that it


learn Chinese language. In 2000, she enrolled

is also a learning path for her to learn some tactics


her children to learn Chinese language with the

in managing a small business.


Chung Wah Parkwood Chinese School, currently known as Chung Wah Rossmoyne Chinese

For full-time mothers who have an intention to


seek employment, Yien strongly encourages


them to start volunteering in any sector. It gives


them an opportunity to reconnect to the working


environment and to broaden their social circle, as


well as learning new skills and knowledge. After



she started volunteering and working part-time,


appropriate food such as cooked food and

she has found a sense of satisfaction that makes


snacks, managing the roster for on-duty cashier,

her happier.


School. She started as a school volunteer in 2007, responsible for the supply of canteen food. It was the year her youngest son started to learn Chinese at the school. Her




bookkeeping, reporting to the school and liaising

可以通过当义工慢慢开始与社会接轨。当志 愿者可以开扩自己的社交圈子,学习一些新 技能或知识。秋燕觉得自从她参与志愿者工 作之后,从中得到的满足感让自己的心情更 加开朗。

DeQin WU and BaoZhu SHI 吴德勤 & 史宝珠 Originally from Harbin, China

when they were living in Harbin. Their life in Perth was relatively boring in the first two years and their daily activity (outside home) was mainly attending

Migrated to Perth in 2010 under parent visa

English lessons at TAFE, yet they had only made a


of Chung Wah Community and Aged Care (CAC)

Similar to many traditional Chinese parents, Deqin

event that took place at the Northbridge Piazza.

Wu and BaoZhu SHI opted to live with their only son

They were amused to see Tai Chi performances

in the same city, which in this case, is Perth. This

and an ancient Chinese sport, “shuttlecock

couple were members of the Tai Chi Association

kicking”, at the event. Coincidentally, their tutor


few friends. In 2012, Mr and Mrs Wu signed up as volunteers after they discovered CAC through a health-related



from the English lessons was also a volunteer of the agency. He encouraged and helped them to become volunteers of CAC. In the last five years, the couple have been Tai Chi instructor at CAC’s Evergreen College for the elderly. They have also performed Tai Chi on various occasions. In addition to the Tai Chi related volunteering roles, this husband and wife team has also helped out in food preparation and event decoration for major events. Mr and Mrs Wu feel fortunate that they can involve in such a meaningful volunteering work in a foreign land. It is a great feeling to serve the elderly, and they feel touched and satisfied to see their smiling faces after every Tai Chi performance. They love to share their volunteering stories with friends and many of their friends love to be part of it too.


的活动中表演太极。 除了太极相关的义务









务在Northbridge Piazza的一场健康养生包








这五年来,两位曾在中华社区及长者服 务的长青学院教导长者学习太极,以及在不同

The main motivation for him to volunteer with the Leeming SMC was to lead the school to build the best possible cultural learning venue for his daughter and other students. He understands that it is impossible for him as an individual to influence his daughter in learning Chinese language in a western culture-dominated country.

Suardi Sumiati 林温祥

Originally from Medan, Indonesia Migrated to Perth in 1999 来自印尼棉兰 1999年移居珀斯

Suardi first knew of Chung Wah Association in 2012 when he was searching for a Chinese education provider for his pre-primary daughter. Through the recommendation of a friend, he enrolled his daughter with Chung Wah Leeming Chinese School. During the first year at the school, he was approached by the then Chairperson of the School Management Committee (SMC) to join as a volunteer Assistant Treasurer. With his dedication to the school, he was elected as the Chairman for the school for three consecutive years until 2016. He said that he learned a lot through the volunteering path. It has personally enriched his life in many ways and built a stronger character within him.


He has always wanted to improve the school environment and contribute “add-on value” as much as possible during his tenure. Some of the highlights during his chairmanship were: enabling the school’s financial reports to be made transparent; additional storage space provided by the leased school management; a new website for Chung Wah Leeming School was developed; and introducing the use of bulk text messaging (SMS) as an immediate communication tool with parents. In addition, for the last three years, he has taken a leading role in one of the most successful cultural events of Chung Wah Chinese school, which is the Mid-Autumn Festival event. In Suardi’s view, volunteering has not been part of the Asian-culture. It is not something which can be imposed on someone, but comes from within oneself. He believes that raising the awareness of volunteerism within our Chinese community is a continuous and never-ending effort.

会中,提及自己做志愿者的体验,常常惹来 大家的羡慕。

2012年,林温祥在给学前班的女儿搜 索中文教育学校的过程中才得知中华会馆 的存在。在朋友的推荐下,给女儿报读了中 华黎明中文学校。在校的第一年,他就被当 年的学校管委会主席游说成为义务的财务 助理。 他为学校任劳任怨地付出,促使他在 2016年的前三年连续委任为该管委会的主 席 。过去这几年,他收获不少新知识,对个 人的成长帮助很大,使他内心变得更强大。 他在黎明中文学校管委会义务工作的 最大动力,是想引领学校创造一个给自己孩 子和其他学生最好的文化学习的园地。他明 白单凭自己个人的能力,是很难让孩子在一 个西方文化为主流的国家学习中文。 他一直尽可能在他的任期期间,不断地 改善学校的环境和提高学校的附加价值。在 三年的任期中,学校的财政报告更透明化, 学校储藏空间增加了,中华黎明中文学校的 网站建成了,并且推介使用了群发短信功能 与家长保持紧密联系。此外,在过去三年中 文学校的最大型文化活动---中秋晚会,林 温祥扮演了重要角色促使这活动的成功。


林温祥认为参与义务工作还未成为亚裔文化的一部分,他觉得当志愿者是发自内心的,并 不是别人所可以主导的。他相信在华人社区推广参与义务工作的意识,是一项永无休止的任务。 对于在珀斯的农历新年庆会,相比1999年来这个城市至今,大大改善了不少。他重点提到过去 几年在北桥区举办珀斯新春年会给他带来过节的浓浓气息。但愿能有更多社区的善长仁翁可以慷 慨解囊资助每年的新春活动,使它可以更加发扬光大,同时也希望可以有更多的义工参与其中。

DeQin and BaoZhu

How do our volunteers celebrate Chinese New Year?

这四位志愿者如何庆祝农历新年? Beata

Beata has celebrated Chinese New Year in Perth for the last twenty-five years. In recent years, there has been a significant growth in the Chinese population and the number of Chinese-related societies, groups and associations, which have their own Chinese New Year dinners and events. The best thing about celebrating Chinese New Year in Perth is that you get to celebrate this occasion based on your personal preferences. For hospitable people, you may invite lots of friends to have a tea party at home or participate in numerous Chinese New Year events. For people who are more introverted, you may choose to have a simple reunion meal with immediate family. What she misses most about the Chinese New Year celebration in Hong Kong was the flower markets that take place during the festive season. 在珀斯过了二十五个农历新年,近年来 华人人口大幅度增长,各个同乡会举办的春 节联欢宴会也多不胜数。在珀斯过农历新 年的好处就是可以依个人喜好来度过。喜欢 热闹的朋友可以趁春节呼朋唤友品茗,参加 各华人社团办的春节活动。比较低调的朋友 可以只和家人一家团圆共聚吃年饭。 农历新年期间,香港的交通是非常繁 忙的,人山人海处处可见。唯独香港农历新 年逛花市的文化最令Beata怀念。


For the past twenty-four years, Yien has been celebrating Chinese New Year in Perth with her husband and their extended families. As her husband has eight siblings, the lively family atmosphere during Chinese New Year celebrations in Perth is very similar to what she experienced in Malaysia. In recent years, there is an increasing number of community events held in Perth during the Chinese New Year period. Yien indicated that she can now see lion dance performances in many shopping centres and Chinese restaurants. These days, she can easily buy festive items at any oriental shop, such as Chinese New Year cake which is made from glutinous rice flour. Basically, celebrating Chinese New Year in Perth is no different than in her home country except that it has not been classified as a public holiday. 提及农历新年,过去二十四年来都在珀 斯过春节。由于丈夫有八兄弟姐妹都在同一个 城市,所以他们家族在珀斯过年都好像在马来 西亚般热闹。 她察觉到这几年在珀斯过年,社区活动 非常多,不少的购物中心、餐馆都可以看到舞 狮。许多年货包括年糕很容易就可以在华人店 买到。基本上,在珀斯过春节就只差还未把农 历新年列为公共假期。

In terms of celebrating Chinese New Year, Mr. and Mrs. Wu prefer to spend the festive season in Perth during its hot summer, rather than Harbin which is extremely cold at this time with temperatures dropping to as low as -30 degrees Celsius. Besides the climate factor, this couple has basically retained the same Chinese New Year rituals with the family. They make dumplings for reunion dinner and watch Chinese New Year shows with their family happily. 对于在珀斯过春节,吴德勤和史宝珠更喜 欢在这过个热腾腾的农历新年,毕竟在哈尔滨 的温度是零下二三十度,非常寒冷。除了气候以 外,基本的春节传统风俗还一样保留,除夕晚 也同样一家人开开心心包饺子、看春晚节目。


For the Chinese New Year celebration in Perth, Suardi highlighted the Perth Chinese New Year Fair in Northbridge for the past few years, which gave him a strong celebratory feeling of the festival. He hopes that Chinese New Year celebrations in Perth can grow into a larger scale with financial support from the more affluent members of the community, as well as the participation of more volunteers. What Suardi wants to do most during the Chinese New Year festival is to celebrate with his large extended family in Indonesia and visit his uncle’s and auntie’s families. Hence, he prefers to celebrate the festival back to his home town whenever possible. 对于在珀斯的农历新年庆会,相比1999 年来这个城市至今,大大改善了不少。他重点 提到过去几年在北桥区举办珀斯新春年会给 他带来过节的浓浓气息。但愿能有更多社区 的善长仁翁可以慷慨解囊资助每年的新春活 动,使其可以更加发扬光大,同时也希望更多 的志愿者参与其中。 对于林温祥而言,春节期间可以与自己在 印尼的直属亲戚团圆是他过节的最大意义。因 此,每年春节他都会尽可能与妻女回国过年。



家园这个栏目是专为热爱家庭生活的读者们而设的。如果你有哪些独门食谱、轻松完成家 务的方法和园艺贴士的话,我们欢迎你通过这个版面带给读者这方面的信息。


Home and Garden is specially designed for family life lovers. We would love to invite you to share your secret recipes, tips for gardening and making household chores simple.

Home and Garden

秘制食谱 Secret Recipe

Chinese Pork Jerky (Bak Kwa)








2kg minced pork


ShaihLam Chin has been living in Perth for over 30 years. Besides being a dedicated mother and wife in her family, she also actively volunteers her time for community programs and activities. She is a volunteer of Chung Wah Community & Aged Care (CAC), visiting elderly Asian residents in nursing homes on a regular basis. In addition, she is also a volunteer cooking instructor for the community cooking classes of CAC. Below she shares with us the secret recipe of how to make Chinese pork jerky. A popular Chinese delicacy, a must-have food enjoyed during Chinese New Year. 陈夏兰居住在珀斯超过三十年。除了是 家中的贤妻良母,她也积极贡献她的时间从事 社区项目和活动的义务工作。她是中华社区及 长者服务的义工,定期到养老院探访亚裔长 者,同时她也是社区烹饪班的导师。 在此秘制食谱栏目,她准备了华人新年不 可或缺的肉干食谱,与读者分享。

450g caster sugar

150ml fish sauce

2 tablespoon rose wine

2 teaspoon five spice powder

2 teaspoon pepper


1. 把肉碎加入搅匀的调味料内拌匀,腌三十 分钟。

1. Mix the minced pork with the seasonings. Marinade for 30 minutes.

2. 准备八至十张烘烤用纸,各剪成烘烤托盘 的尺寸。

2. Cut 8 to 10 sheets of baking paper, the size of a baking tray.

3. 把腌好的肉碎铺在烘烤用纸,再铺上一张 烘烤用纸在肉面,将肉碎碾平成薄片。

3. Spread a thin layer of marinated meat mixture on a sheet of baking paper, place another sheet of baking paper over the meat. Using a rolling pin, roll over the meat to smoothen and even out the spread meat. 4. Transfer the sheets of meat to the baking tray and grill in a 150°C oven for 5 minutes until partially cooked. 5. When the nice and dry partially cooked meat is cool enough to handle, trim each sheet into square pieces, the size depends on individual 6. Grill the square pieces in oven at 150°C until golden in colour. Alternatively, you may char grill the partially cooked meat. 7. Remove and cool completely on a wire rack.



4. 置入烤箱摄氏150度烤五分钟至半熟,取 出放凉 5. 待肉片不烫后,依个人喜好,修剪成方片 6. 把剪好的肉片置入烤箱摄氏150度烤至金 黄色或用炭烧烧烤炉烤至金黄色 7. 烤后放凉,就可享用


Gladiolus 剑兰 Reference 资料来源◎Better Home & Garden, February 2015

译◎Elvei Yap 叶俐廷

如何种植?将剑兰球茎向上植入10-15 公分深的土壤里。球茎之间最后保持 8-15公分的距离。记住把球茎埋好后, 必须勤加浇水。为免生长出来的枝茎遭 强风破坏,可以考虑轻绑住细长直杆来 支撑剑兰的枝茎。

颜色瞩目的剑兰,又名 唐 菖 蒲,是 夏 天 盛 放 的植物。红花剑兰,更 是 农历新 年鲜花 摆设 的首选。

位置: 剑兰是典型的长日照植物,最好放置在阳光充足的环境。其枝茎 比较长,最好可以种植在遮挡风吹的位置。 土壤: 剑兰不喜欢长期种植在过于湿润的土地,避免潮湿的土地,可种 在土层疏松、肥沃的土壤,最好添加了天然肥料如腐化的粪肥。 肥料: 少量的肥料是必须的,花朵的营养取自球茎。在开花季节的前一 个月最好可以多施肥,有助于花朵盛放。剑兰开花季节时,最好每隔两 周施加给花朵的溶解性肥料。 水分: 属于夏天花朵盛放的植物,剑兰须要至少一周浇一次水。若遇上 旱热的天气,最好能多浇水。浇花时,得确保土壤吸收充足的水分。

Glamorous Gladdies, the graceful sword lily – or Gladiolus, as we know it best- is a true gift to the summer garden. Red Gladdies are also a popular choice of flower for the Chinese New Year. How to plant : Plant the corms about 10-15 cm deep with the growing point facing upwards. The plants are best spaced about 8-15 cm apart. After planting the corms, always water in well. To prevent the possibility of stem damage from wind, it’s a good idea to tie plants to stakes as they grow. Position : Sunny positions are essential for strong stems and prolific flowering. Because the flower stems are so tall they are best planted in a spot that is protected from strong winds. Soil : Gladdies don’t like having wet feet for long. Avoid damp spots, and plant into free-draining soils, to which organic matter has been added - well-rotted manure or compost is ideal. Fertiliser : Little fertiliser is needed, as the flowers draw their nutrition from the corm. However, adding a complete fertiliser about a month before flowering will help produce strong and vibrant blooms. While plants are in flower, you can also feed them fortnightly with a soluble fertiliser formulated for flowering plants. Water : Blooming in summer as they do, Gladdies will need watering at least once a week, but be prepared to give them a little extra during a heatwave. A nice deep watering is more effective than a light splash with the hose every night. Care : Traditionally, gardeners are advised to dig up the corms at the end of the season for storage but in mild climates you’ll find you can enjoy years of flowers without any special attention. If you live in a frost-prone region, however, you may get better results by digging up the corms after the leaves have yellowed and died back. Wash, dry and store them in a dry place for replanting the following year. Pests : When the plants are in bloom, thrips can prove a major pest. They will sometimes eat their way into the developing buds and prevent the flower from opening. Keep an eye out for these tiny insects (small brown or black specks about 1mm long) and spray with an insecticide such as Confidor or MaxGuard. Planting pointers : When to plant: Being summer-flowering bulbs, gladioli are planted a littler later than their spring-flowering counterparts, which traditionally go into the ground during autumn. Flowering takes about 90 to 100 days from planting. Gardeners living in temperate frost-free areas can start planting the corms from June to mid-September. In colder frosty areas, it is safer to wait until late August to plant. In tropical zones, corms can be planted year round.

护理: 一般上,种植者最好在剑兰凋谢后,将其球茎从泥土取出收藏。 然而,一般在温和的气候下,即使没有特别处理,每年剑兰都会依旧生 长。如果在倾于严寒的地带,最好在枝叶枯萎后,将球茎取出收藏。清 洗,晾干后收藏在干爽的位置,第二年再重新种植。 防治害虫: 当剑兰盛放之际,也许会出现一种称为牧草虫的害虫。它们 会侵袭剑兰的各部分甚至蓓蕾,以致其开不了花。注意观察这种大约 一厘米长的棕色或黑色小斑点般的小害虫。可喷射杀虫剂:Confidor 或 MaxGuard来处理。 种植小指示: 相比其他夏天开花的植物,剑兰的种植时间稍微比较晚。 一般情况下,剑兰是在秋季的时候种入土地里。开花的季节一般是种 植后的90-100天。在冬天凉爽的四季地区,种植者可以在六月至九月中 期间种下球茎。在严寒气候地区,最好等到八月底才开始种。热带地 区,基本上常年任何时间都可以种植剑兰。



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Executive Committees 理事会成员

Council of Elders 元老会成员 30


摄影◎Elvie Yap 叶俐廷



Administration staff 行政人员 31


In terms of family culture, what comes to your mind first that you really want your children to pass on from generation to generation. Family culture refer to what your family eats, celebrates, believes in, the music, stories and art that are shared in your family, the language spoken at home, what your family does for fun each day, and traditional costume, etc. For this topic, our editorial team has collected opinions from eight mothers about what family culture they think their children should uphold.

What family culture should your children uphold?

孩子应该传承哪些家庭文化呢? 文/译◎Elvie Yap 叶俐廷

提到家庭文化,您会最先 想 到自己 孩子应该 传承 哪 些 家庭文化呢?家庭文化所指的 是家中所常吃的、庆祝的以及 相信的;家人之间所欣赏的音 乐、故事和艺术;家中的常用 语言;家人每天的休闲活动; 传 统 服 饰 等 等。有关 这个 课 题,我们编辑组特别找来八位 妈妈分享他们的心得。

What the Western specialist has to say? 西方专家怎么说? A psychologist, Marshal Duke, has found that children who have an intimate knowledge of their family’s history are typically more adaptable and self-confident than children who don’t. There’s something about understanding your past and knowing that you belong to something bigger than yourself that instils confidence. 心理学家Marshal Duke发现一般对家族 历史有深入理解的孩子,比对家庭史不了解的 孩子,显得有更强的适应力和自信心。对自己 族群的过去了解和清楚自己的家族根源,有助 于增强个人信心。 资料来源 Reference

What a successful education entrepreneur in China has to say? 中国教育企业家怎么说? According to a successful education entrepreneur in China, Minhong YU, we can easily notice that the personality of children is strongly influenced by their family culture. The family culture is made up of two major elements, including the day-to-day family atmosphere and the personality of parents. As an example, some families are very hospitable and have regular visitors, and the children in these families may be more sociable and tend to have more friends. If the parents are materialistic, their children will most likely copy them. 根据中国一名成功的教育企业家,俞敏 洪曾经提及,我们可以很容易发现孩子的个性 与个别的家庭文化息息相关。家庭文化可分为 两个方面,分别是家庭整体环境以及父母的 个性。比如说有的家庭非常好客,家里常常有 客人,这种家庭长大的孩子通常社交能力比较 强,而且朋友比较多。虚荣心的父母带出的孩 子是虚荣的。 资料来源 Reference



Experience Sharing 经验分享Mary Mary



My husband and I are Malaysians. An integral part of our children’s upbringing is to address elders or older children with appropriate Chinese titles, instead of using first names. One Chinese tradition we uphold is during Chinese New Year, when we will have family reunion dinner with grandparents and relatives. They wear traditional costumes, eat Chinese dishes and receive red packets.

My husband, Dr Han Chuan Khor, and I, Siow Khim Yeoh, are originally from Malaysia. We have taught our children to retain the traditional Chinese values such as the sense of propriety, justice, honesty and honour. We always remind our children to learn with an open mind and seek answers when they in doubt. Our family of four are all Buddhist practitioners as well as vegetarians. We like to share the compassionate teaching of Buddhism with our children, in order to influence them to be kind and gentle, and strive


As a Chinese mother living in a Western society, I don’t think we can fully control the values and beliefs that our younger generation going to uphold. The only thing I can do is to educate our children to differentiate between right and wrong. I am hoping my children can be someone who can contribute to society. It may not have to be a great contribution, so long as it does not bring damage to society. As for Chinese culture and values, I can only try my best to introduce them to my children. I think traditional beliefs and moral values may vary from time to time, so forcing children to follow may eventually lead to bad consequences. It would be good if children sincerely want to practise it after understanding the values and beliefs. Personally, I don’t have a strong will for these practices.







As sisters, they need to help and support each other, because family is the most important gift in life. Our girls are taught that rice and food in general, are laboriously cultivated. Consequently, they must not waste their food and never overindulge in food, as it is gluttony. We continuously remind them that life is filled with issues and challenges. They need to practise persistent hard work, balanced with a strong faith and also compromises, so that they can go forward in achieving their aspirations.

for the best. 我的丈夫许汉铨和我本人杨筱琴,双双来 自马来西亚,传承着华人传统的价值观-礼义

我的丈夫和我都是来自马来西亚。我们 的孩子成长中必须谨守的规矩,就是要称呼 长辈,对比自己年长的孩子也最好不要直呼名 字,而以兄姐相称。一个我们坚持着的华人传 统就是在农历新年,尽量与祖父母和亲戚吃 一顿团圆饭。孩子穿传统服装,吃中餐和收红 包。我的孩子姐妹倆,要互助互爱,因为家人 是人生最重要的礼物。 从小灌输两个女儿米饭和食物基本上都 是辛勤耕种出来的,因此不可浪费食物和过 度挥霍,这是一种暴食行为。


常常提醒她们人生充满着难题和挑战,她们 要努力向上,坚守信念的同时也要有适当的妥 协,这样才可以有助于她们实现自己的理想。

Poh Meng I believe in the Chinese practice of studying smart, working hard and earning as much in as little time as possible, then keeping i t all within our own immediate communities, so that the hope of living long and prosperously is achieved. However, as we now live in a more open and global community, I would just like my children to learn new things and see the world with a wide perspective, so that they can be flexible, adaptive and experienced enough to find new ways of doing things better. More importantly, they need to know the importance of family and to respect as well as not forgetting their background. 我相信华人所实践的那一套聪明地学习,



In Chinese culture, filial piety is the foundation of all virtues. As parents, we hope our children can care for us in the future. This practice is not merely because of family relationships, it is also to carry on the Chinese virtue of filial piety.



把所赚取的用诸于自己的直属社区,以达到 较开放和全球化的社区,我希望自己的孩子可 以不断学习新事物,有一个更远大的世界观。 这样他们可以更灵活、适应能力更强,可以用 新方法来处理旧事物。最重要的是他们必须

一定要分清对与错,要做一个有用的人,未必 一定伟大到对社会有所贡献,但至少不会对社 会造成伤害,这是我对自己子女的唯一期望; 至於中华传统文化和观念,他们能做到多少 便多少了,反正传统观念和道德价值观会随时 代而转变,强硬要他们遵从反而会弄巧反拙, 如果他们觉得有道理的,真心去跟从或者效 果会比较理想,我自己在这方面则没有很大的 期望。

Lili Law Within the numerous Chinese traditional values, I would like to pass on the significance of benevolence and generosity to my children. All is possible with a benevolent heart. There is more happiness in giving than in receiving. 在众多华人传统道德观当中,我希望子女 能够传承宽厚与仁慈之心。 持着一颗仁德之心,就可能造育万物,并 坚信施比受更有福。

清楚没有比家庭更重要的事,不要忘记自己的 根并尊重它。

来能够多关心我们。这不仅仅是亲情,也是一 种中华孝道文化的传承。






Given that we are living in a foreign country, I think it is important to retain the tradition of speaking Chinese at home. My children can speak native Mandarin fluently and they are required to recite a short paragraph in Chinese and regularly practise Chinese writing when they reach school age. In addition, having Chinese dumplings during Chinese New Year and eating noodles in soup on birthdays are also part of our family tradition. I hope my children can continue to retain all these traditions.

When asked about traditional Chinese culture, I first thought of the study of Chinese language. I like to read classical stories and folk legends to my children in Chinese in order to help them understand the Chinese culture in depth. We celebrate traditional festivals together. During Chinese New Year, we decorate our home with lanterns, have reunion dinner and pray for a better year together. Besides Chinese New Year, we also celebrate the Lantern Festival, the Dragon Boat



I understand that children who are born and bred in Australia have to go to local schools and accept the loc al culture. However, I think it is important for Chinese parents to let our children learn Chinese in writing by sending them to Chinese schools and always trying to communicate with children in your mother tongue. Chopsticks and Chinese soup spoons are common cutlery used in the Chinese family, we should try to teach our children how to use them. Chopsticks is a unique dining ritual for the Chinese, this practice should not be forgotten.
















Festival and the Double Ninth Festival.

we teach... we teach... 我们教导... we teach... MUSIC MUSIC


为应该让孩子从小学习使用筷子,毕竟筷子是 中国人的独特文化,同时也是传统饮食文化的 象征,其必要性是不容忽视的。



FRE 免E费L 试 Boo请联系E课SSON 1301300 k367N8O30W! ! 03

67 8



FRE EL Boo ESSON 130 k NOW! ! 03


谱符号、乐队演出、自创伴奏音乐。因为这教 学法仅采用阅读的方式,所培育出来的是音


8 FRE E LE 30 SSO Boo N 130 k NOW! ! 03 67 8


乐操作者或解码人,而不是音乐家。音乐家要 掌握的技能非常广泛。他们要理解音乐的语



合其他乐队等等、所拥有的音乐知识和技能可 轻易地用于任何乐器。多好的天赋呀!Forte, 我们培育多才多艺的音乐家,让孩子的音乐才

能一天天地累积,让你可以弹奏你所热爱的 乐器。马上报名参加免费试课。






Advertise with Us


《中华之声》双语季刊由西澳中华会馆编辑出 版。成立于 1909 年的中华会馆,是西澳规模最大、实 力最强的华人社团,得到澳大利亚联邦、西澳洲、珀 斯市和各个地区政府的共同承认,是西澳超过 14万华 人的官方代言人。 每一期的《中华之声》,通过素材丰富的人物专访、 背景介绍、相关知识和信息的深度和广度挖掘,来对每 一个与会员和本地华人密切相关的不同主题,进行全面 演释和报道,我们力求通过多样的形式和风格,来传达 中华会馆关于“凝聚华人精神、传承中国文化、加强人 道关怀”的理念追求,以此来记录中华会馆乃至西澳华 人社会百年以来的生活历程和历史变迁。 本刊向会员和包括商业机构、政府部门和其它非盈利 性组织在内的全社会各界人士免费寄送,同时在中华会 馆网站中有电子版可供阅读和下载。 我们诚挚地邀请您在本刊发布广告,将您的产品和 服务信息与我们的读者分享。我们具有全方面专业才 能的工作团队,能够使您的广告展示更加优化。

The Chung Wah Magazine is a bilingual quarterly publication of the Chung Wah Association. Founded in 1909,the Chung Wah Association is the largest and most established Chinese organization in Western Australia. We are recognised by the federal, state, and local governments as the spokesperson for the Chinese community in WA which numbers over 140000. Each edition of the magazine has a major theme or topic to report and explain matters and information that impact our members and the Chinese community. This is done through comprehensive research and interviews, and expressed via storytelling and reporting based on fascinating and factual materials and information. We strive to use a variety of styles and formats to spread the messages of the Association in promoting cohesion within the Chinese community, preserving our rich heritage, and increasing our efforts in people services. In the process, through this generates a historical record for the Association and the WA Chinese community of their life experiences and changes time. The magazine is posted to our members, the business community, government departments, and other non-profit organisations. The electronic version is available on our website,au. We invite you to advertise in our magazine to share information about your goods and services with readers. We have a professional team of people with a variety of expertise that can help you to optimize your business’ exposure and presentation.

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Chung Wah Leeming Chinese school 黎明中文学校学生作品

Chung Wah Rossmoyne Chinese school 乐思中文学校学生作品



Chung Wah Morley Chinese school 摩利中文学校学生作品

《我家的狗狗》 我们家有一条很大的狗,它的名字叫藜那。它有一身 灰色柔软的毛和一双明亮的眼睛,特别讨人喜欢。

除此以外,藜那有一个灵敏的鼻子。因此,它一旦 闻到我吃东西,就会飞快地跑过来讨吃的。它还有一条 常常的尾巴。这可不是一般的尾巴,这条尾巴想木头一 样硬。藜那还有很强壮的四肢,它的每只脚上都有五个 锋利的脚趾。它有尖锐的牙齿。它还特别喜欢游泳和跑 步。我们都很喜欢藜那,因为它即聪明又可爱。


从前有一个男孩叫小明。小明有一个黄色 的铅笔盒。在铅笔盒里面住了一枝名为爱丽的铅 笔、胶水先生、剪刀小姐、一个叫史蒂夫的橡皮、 和一家七彩的颜色笔。

有一天,当小明不在家的时候,爱丽铅笔 和史蒂夫橡皮争论着小明最爱谁。爱丽说小明是 最爱她的。他说: “小明最爱我,因为他常常用我。 每天小明会带我去学校做功课、写字和画画,所以 他一定最爱我。”史蒂夫橡皮也不甘示弱的说: “ 你错了!小明是最爱我的!他特别喜欢我。我并非 一般的橡皮,我可是有牌子的橡皮。他都会用我来 纠正铅笔你写下的错误,擦干净你留下的污迹。” 铅笔和橡皮俩的争论让铅笔盒里面其他的 文具很不开心。当小明打开铅笔盒的时候,他看见 它们难过的样子,就问它们: “你们为什么闷闷不 乐呢? “ 胶水先生就告诉他铅笔和橡皮的争论。 小明听了以后,哈哈大笑,跟它们说;” 铅笔盒里面的东西我都爱! “ 听了小明的一番话后,铅笔 和橡皮很感动。于是,它们就不 再争 论,更 成 为 好朋 友,一起协助小明完 成功课和手作。





中国是一个历史悠久、文化源远流长的国 家。可惜,不是所有人都明白学习中文的重要性。 实话说,我以前不是很喜欢学中文。可是我现在终 于明白为什么在这个时代学中文是非常的重要。

第一, 我是中国人。我必须知道并且熟悉自己的 国家语言,自己的母语。而且,我的爸爸、妈妈、弟 弟、爷爷和奶奶都是中国人。基本上,我们一家, 包括亲戚都是中国来的。他们的英语能力有限,所 以中文是唯一一座于他们沟通的桥梁,也是于他 们维系感情的重要工具之一。 第二, 中国的人口大概占世界人口的四分之一左 右。中文是世界上其中最多人使用的语言之一,去 到哪里都有会说汉语的人。现在中国一直不停地 发展,有越来越多的工作需要会说汉语和英语的 人才。通晓中文,无疑是让自己在就业市场上提高 竞争力的方法之一。 总的来说,我认为学习中文是非常重要的。它不但 可以让我们和自己在祖国的亲朋戚友沟通,而且 对以后和世界接轨也是非常有用的。



虽然如此,奶奶却不太喜欢藜那。那是因为它又是 喜欢挖坑和咬鞋子,很捣蛋。无论如何,我都希望藜那 永远开开心心的和我们作伴。

指导老师:孙红波 37


“Celebrating Christmas, Celebrating Life” “ 共 庆 圣 诞 ,赞 颂 生 命 ”

Christmas, just like the role played by the Spring Festival in Chinese culture, is the most important celebration of the year in western countries. It is time for families and friends to reunite, and for people to enjoy a relaxing time after working hard for the whole year. Christmas is not strange to migrants, but how to celebrate it in our own way? You can find the answer at Chung Wah Community & Aged Care. In the weeks before Christmas, we invited many of our clients, volunteers and staff to join the party which we had been planning since the middle of the year. If you had come to visit our centre, you would have seen that some staff were busy with decorating the hall, while others were giving a hand in the kitchen preparing the lunch for the big day. The event on the day was a success. We welcomed more than 130 attendants, and they enjoyed the performances and the delicious lunch prepared by our volunteers. As we all know, volunteers have played an important role during the development of CAC. In the earlier days, they were a very important force in providing aged care activities to seniors. What do you have in mind when we talk about celebrating life? Life is made up of a number of joys which people around us bring to us, difficulties which we encounter when we make choices, excitement and fears which we feel in unfamiliar environments, and smiles and tears that we share with people we care for and love. And it is


these small things that make our lives unique and colourful. In the new year, besides improving our services, which is always our first priority, we would love to hear more stories from you, our clients, volunteers and staff, and to share them with the rest of the community. Your stories might not as wellknown as those famous ones, but they do help us appreciate the strength of our community. The happiest are not those who own all the best things, but those who can appreciate the beauty of life. If you have some touching stories, please call 9328 3988 to share with us, or come and join CAC to make more happy stories with your new friends. Look forward to hearing from you!

松柏长青 Community & Aged 松柏

Yearly Customer S Yearly


Chung their Wah Comm needs, maintain Chung Wah CommunityChung and Aged need Wah Community and Aged wellnes Care is devoted to their lives. Care is devoted to improving the enrich Care is devoted to improving the enrich standard of our ser We always value suggestion standard of our servicesstandard to clients, aC of ourChung services to Community clients, We Wah and especiallycustomers migran advice from especially migrants from non- migrants advicC especially fromournonCare is devoted to improvi English speaking families and the community. English speaking backgrounds. famil English speaking backgrounds. standard of our services to sc Every we in h havehave been manyyear, changes Every year, we have Every more year, and we have and especially more migrants frome moreinnew clients care joining services recent timeE more new clients joining ournew big clients care more our big English speaking backgr it is adap our r are family, workingsototo family, so it is our responsibility we family, soto it is we our responsibility Every year, we have morEa develop moretoeng improve our ability pm develop more engaging activities impro develop more engaging activities more new clients joining o needs, m Chung Wah Community and Aged and provide a care perso forw and provide a widerand range of person-centred provide a wider family, so itrange is our of responsibf choices for them, enrich th Care is devoted to improving the customers. choices for them, meetchoices their care for them, meetmore their engaging care custo develop acd standard of our services to andclients, provide a We wideralw rana choices for them, meet thec

Yearly C

especially migrants from nonEnglish speaking backgrounds. Every year, we have more and more new clients joining our big family, so it is our responsibility to develop more engaging activities and provide a wider range of choices for them, meet their care

advice f families have be care ser we are improve person-c custome

松柏长青 COMMUNITY & AGED CARE 带来的许多快乐,有当我们面对选择时候的 艰难,有在陌生环境中感到的兴奋和害怕,也 有与我们关心爱护的人一同经历的欢笑与泪 水。正是这些微不足道的小事让我们的生命变 得独特和多姿多彩。 在新的一年里,除了将改进我们的服务放 在首位之外,我们更乐意从您,还有我们的客

松柏长青 Community & Ag



Yearly Customer 许不如那些著名的故事一般广为人知, 但是它 们的确可以让我们了解和感激我们社区的强 圣诞节,就像春节在中国文化里举足轻 重的角色一样,是西方国家每年最重要的佳 节。这是一个亲朋好友团聚,辛勤工作一整 年的人们享受轻松时光的日子。圣诞节对于 移民来说并不陌生,但是怎么样以我们自己 的方式来庆祝呢?您可以在中华社区与长者 服务找到想要的答案。 圣诞节前夕,我们邀请了众多客人、义工 和员工共同参加我们于年中就开始筹划的圣 诞聚会。如果您当时来过我们中心,您会发现

一些员工正忙着装饰大厅,而另一些则在厨房 帮手准备第二天的美味午餐。

大力量。最开心的永远都不是那些拥有最好 事物的人,而是那些懂得欣赏和赞叹生命之美

的人们。 当天的活动非常成功。我们迎来了超过 Chung Wah Community and Aged needs, maintain their welln 130位来宾,他们都很喜欢当天的表演节目和 lives. Care is devoted to improving the enrich their 如果你也知道一些感人的故事, 请致电 We always value suggesti standard of our services to clients, 义工们准备的午餐。众所周知,义工在CAC的 93283988与我们分享,或者加入CAC与新朋友 especially migrants from non- advice from our custome 发展过程中扮演着不可替代的重要角色。他 English们一同去创造更多属于自己的开心的故事。 speaking backgrounds. families and the communi 们是公司早期为长者们提供养老活动的中坚 Every year, we have more and have been many changes 期待听到您的声音! 力量。 more new clients joining our big family, so it is our responsibility to 当我们说起庆祝生命的时候您会想到什 松柏长青 Community & Aged Care develop more engaging activities 么?生命是由很多小时组成的,有周遭人给你 and provide a wider range of Yearly Customer Surveychoices for them, meet their care

care services in recent ti we are working to ad improve our ability to person-centred care f customers.

Yearly Customer Survey 年 度 客 户 调 查

松柏长青 Community & Aged Care d Care Community & Aged 柏长青 Care

松柏长青 Community & Aged Care 松柏长青 Community & Aged Care Community & Aged 松柏长青 Care

Chung Wah Community and Aged needs, maintain their wellness, and Late last year, we conducted a 中华社区与长者服务长期以来 Yearly Customer Survey 松柏长青 Community松柏长青 & Aged Care 松柏长青 Community &to Aged Care survey find out how satisfied 松柏长青 Community & Aged Care Community Aged Care to improving the Community & Aged Care 松柏长青 Community & Aged Care our enrich 松柏长青 their lives. Care is &devoted 年 Survey 度 客 户 调 查 y Customer Survey 年 度 客 户 调 查 致力于改进所提供的服务的质 年 度 客 户 调 查 中华社区与长者服务长期以来致力于改 Chung Wah Community and Aged Care is devoted standard of our services to clients, We always value suggestions and clients are with our services. And we are glad to share the results 素和标准,尤其是针对来自非 Yearly Customer Survey to improving the standard of our services to Yearly Customer Survey Yearly Customer Survey especially migrants进所提供的服务的质素和标准, from non- advice年from 年 度 Community 客 户年调度 度 our 客 customers, 户 尤其是针对来 调松柏长青 查their 客 Care 户 调 查 长青 Community & Aged Care &查 Aged here. 英语背景的客人的相关服务。 There speaking 自非英语背景的客人的相关服务。 backgrounds. families and the community. clients, especially migrants from English non-English 每年我们都 changes in aged Every year, wea have more and have been many last year, we conducted needs, maintain their wellness, and Late munity andLate Aged 每年我们都迎接更多的新客人 中华社区与长者服务长期以来 的选择,帮助他们保持身心健 心”的养老服务而改变自身去 speaking backgrounds. Every year, we have more last year, we conducted a ss, and 的选择,帮助他们保持身心健 心”的养老服务而改变自身去 we conducted a out中华社区与长者服务长期以来 s, maintain their wellness, and Late last year, 中华社区与长者服务长期以来 迎接更多的新客人加入这个大家庭, 所以满足 survey to find hownew satisfied our their o improving the to enrich in recent心”的养老服务而改变自身去 times and more clients joining our 的选择,帮助他们保持身心健 big care services康,使他们的生活更加丰富多 survey find out howlives. satisfied 致力于改进所提供的服务的质 适应这些变化。 survey toour find out致力于改进所提供的服务的质 how satisfied our with h their lives. and more new 康,使他们的生活更加丰富多 适应这些变化。 clients are our services. And clients joining our big family, so 加入这个大家庭,所以满足客 Wewith always value suggestions and rvices clients, 致力于改进所提供的服务的质 康,使他们的生活更加丰富多 适应这些变化。 clients are our services. Andwith our ns andtovalue 客人们的需要, 发展更多有趣吸引人的活动, clients are services. we are to adapt and心”的养老服务而改变自身去 family, so is ourweresponsibility to 中华社区与长者服务长期以来 always suggestions and Latewellness, last year, conducted a we needs, their wellness, Community and Aged Late last year, we conducted a itresults Late last year, conducted a working needs, wellness, andmaintain needs, maintain their and dChung Aged Wah Chung Wah Community and Aged we areAnd gladand to share the 素和标准,尤其是针对来自非 彩是我们应尽的责任。 的选择,帮助他们保持身心健 心”的养老服务而改变自身去 中华社区与长者服务长期以来 的选择,帮助他们保持身心健 中华社区与长者服务长期以来 的选择,帮助他们保持身心健 心”的养老服务而改变自身去 aremaintain glad to their share the are results advice from our customers, their 素和标准,尤其是针对来自非 彩是我们应尽的责任。 nts from wenon2017年早些时候,我们邀请所 we glad to share the results 素和标准,尤其是针对来自非 彩是我们应尽的责任。 s, their 2017年早些时候,我们邀请所 it is our responsibility to develop more engaging survey to find out how satisfied our 人们的需要,发展更多有趣吸 survey find outtheir howlives. satisfied ourmore engaging survey toactivities find out how satisfied our our ability 2017年早些时候,我们邀请所 ce from our customers, their enrich their lives. Care is devoted to Care improving the to enrich their lives. enrich ing the is devoted improving thetohere. improve to 康,使他们的生活更加丰富多 provide适应这些变化。 develop here. 英语背景的客人的相关服务。 families and the community. There backgrounds. 致力于改进所提供的服务的质 适应这些变化。 适应这些变化。 为他们提供更多的选择, 帮助他们保持身心 致力于改进所提供的服务的质 康,使他们的生活更加丰富多 致力于改进所提供的服务的质 康,使他们的生活更加丰富多 here. 有客人做了一次针对我们提供 英语背景的客人的相关服务。 .standard There 我们一直以来非常重视来自客 clients services. are with our and services. And are with are And with our services. 有客人做了一次针对我们提供 And 英语背景的客人的相关服务。 lies and the There Weand always value suggestions of our services to clients, 我们一直以来非常重视来自客 Wecommunity. always value suggestions We always value suggestions andourclients clients, standard of our provide services to clients clients, 我们一直以来非常重视来自客 activities and wider range of choices have been many changes in a aged have and person-centred care 有客人做了一次针对我们提供 for our and provide a share wider range of 素和标准,尤其是针对来自非 引人的活动,为他们提供更多 每年我们都迎接更多的新客人 we are glad to the results nespecially agedmore 彩是我们应尽的责任。 的服务的满意度的问卷调查。 we are glad to share the results we are glad to share the results 素和标准,尤其是针对来自非 彩是我们应尽的责任。 素和标准,尤其是针对来自非 彩是我们应尽的责任。 每年我们都迎接更多的新客人 been many changes in aged advice from nonour customers, their migrants from non人、他们的家人和社区的意见 的服务的满意度的问卷调查。 2017年早些时候,我们邀请所 from our customers, their advice from our每年我们都迎接更多的新客人 customers, their non- advice especially migrants from 2017年早些时候,我们邀请所 2017年早些时候,我们邀请所 健康,使他们的生活更加丰富多彩是我们应尽 人、他们的家人和社区的意见 的服务的满意度的问卷调查。 and joining big care services in recent times 人、他们的家人和社区的意见 here. for them, here. here. es and our customers. choices meet their care for them, meet their care needs, maintain their 加入这个大家庭,所以满足客 services in recent times 英语背景的客人的相关服务。 and the community. There English speaking backgrounds. 英语背景的客人的相关服务。 英语背景的客人的相关服务。 我们非常高兴在这里跟大家分 families and the and community. There families and the community. There rounds. English speakingfamilies backgrounds. 我们非常高兴在这里跟大家分 有客人做了一次针对我们提供 加入这个大家庭,所以满足客

Customer Survey

年 度 客 户 调 查

有客人做了一次针对我们提供 和反馈。近来养老服务经历了 我们一直以来非常重视来自客 我们一直以来非常重视来自客 我们一直以来非常重视来自客 有客人做了一次针对我们提供 responsibility to we are working to adapt and 我们非常高兴在这里跟大家分 加入这个大家庭,所以满足客 和反馈。近来养老服务经历了 pt 和反馈。近来养老服务经历了 areand working to adapt and have been in aged Every year, have more and 享所得到的调查结果。 havewe been many changes aged have been many changes in aged re and Every year, we in have moremany and changes 人们的需要,发展更多有趣吸 每年我们都迎接更多的新客人 每年我们都迎接更多的新客人 每年我们都迎接更多的新客人 享所得到的调查结果。 的服务的满意度的问卷调查。 的服务的满意度的问卷调查。 的服务的满意度的问卷调查。 gaging activities improve our ability to provide 人们的需要,发展更多有趣吸 很多的转变,我们也在为了为 人、他们的家人和社区的意见 享所得到的调查结果。 人、他们的家人和社区的意见 人、他们的家人和社区的意见 provide 人们的需要,发展更多有趣吸 很多的转变,我们也在为了为 ove our ability to provide care services in recent times and more new clients joining our big care services in recent times and care services in recent times and our big more new clients joining our big 很多的转变,我们也在为了为 a maintain their wellness, andcare Late for last our year, we conducted 加入这个大家庭,所以满足客 wider of person-centred 中华社区与长者服务长期以来 的选择,帮助他们保持身心健 心”的养老服务而改变自身去 我们非常高兴在这里跟大家分 引人的活动,为他们提供更多 加入这个大家庭,所以满足客 我们非常高兴在这里跟大家分 加入这个大家庭,所以满足客 ron-centred ourrange 引人的活动,为他们提供更多 客 人 提 供“以 个和反馈。近来养老服务经历了 人 需 求我们非常高兴在这里跟大家分 为 中 和反馈。近来养老服务经历了 和反馈。近来养老服务经历了 for our are working and 引人的活动,为他们提供更多 family, it iscare our responsibility are working adapt and we adapt are working to adapt 客 and bility to so we family, soto it isto ourwe responsibility to to 人 提 供“以 个 人 需 求 为 中 客 人 提 供“以 个 人 需 求 为 中 meet lives. their care customers. survey to find out how satisfied our heir 享所得到的调查结果。 享所得到的调查结果。 享所得到的调查结果。 人们的需要,发展更多有趣吸 人们的需要,发展更多有趣吸 人们的需要,发展更多有趣吸 omers. improve activities our ability to provide develop more engaging activities improve our ability to engaging provide improve our ability to provide ctivities develop more 很多的转变,我们也在为了为 致力于改进所提供的服务的质 康,使他们的生活更加丰富多 适应这些变化。 很多的转变,我们也在为了为 很多的转变,我们也在为了为 clients are person-centred withforourourservices. Andour ways value and of provide asuggestions wider range ofaforperson-centred person-centred care and our range of care care for 引人的活动,为他们提供更多 nge and provide wider 引人的活动,为他们提供更多 引人的活动,为他们提供更多 人人 需提 求供“以 为中 个人需求为中 客 人 提 供“以 个 人 需 求客为人中提 供“以 个客 wetheir arecareglad to share the results 素和标准,尤其是针对来自非 彩是我们应尽的责任。 choices for them, meet their customers. customers. eir care our choices forcare them,customers. meet from customers, their

wellness, and enrich their lives.

We always value suggestions and advice from our customers, their families and the community. Therehere. have been many changes and the community. There in aged care services in recent times and we een many changes in aged are working to adapt and improve our ability to rvices in recent times and provide person-centred care for our customers.


我们一直以来非常重视来自客人、他们的 家人和社区的意见和反馈。近来养老服务经历 了很多的转变,我们也在为了为客人提供“以 2017年早些时候,我们邀请所 英语背景的客人的相关服务。 个人需求为中心” 的养老服务而改变自身去适 我们一直以来非常重视来自客 有客人做了一次针对我们提供 每年我们都迎接更多的新客人 人、他们的家人和社区的意见 的服务的满意度的问卷调查。 应这些变化。 加入这个大家庭,所以满足客


2017年早些时候,我们邀请所有客人做了 和反馈。近来养老服务经历了 e working to adapt and 享所得到的调查结果。 人们的需要,发展更多有趣吸 一次针对我们提供的服务的满意度的问卷调 Late last year, we conducted a survey to find out e our ability to provide 很多的转变,我们也在为了为 centred how care satisfied for our 引人的活动,为他们提供更多 our clients are with our services. 查。 我们非常高兴在这里跟大家分享所得到 客 人 提 供“以 个 人 需 求 为 中 ers. Please Rate the performance of our staff 的调查结果。 And we are glad share the results here. Please Rate theto performance of our staff Please Rate the performance of Please Rate the performance of our staff

our staff

Please Rateofthe of our staff of our staff Please Rate the performance Please ourperformance staff Rate the performance

Please Rate the performance of our staff



Parkinson’s in Western Australia


文◎Parkinson's Western Australia Inc. 西澳柏金逊机构

译◎Elvie Yap 叶俐廷


ccording to the statistic of Parkinson’s Australia, Parkinson’s is a global phenomenon being recognised in all cultures and is estimated to affect approximately 6.3 million people worldwide. It is the second most common neurodegenerative disorder – an Australian report (2011) estimates that 1 in 350 Australians now have the condition, and more than 30 people are diagnosed daily. We have recently received a letter from William Loo, a Chung Wah member who is also the Treasurer for Parkinson’s Western Australia Inc. raising awareness among our readers about this chronic disease. 根据澳大利亚柏金逊机构的统计数字显示,全球大约六百三十万人受柏金逊疾病影响,这种病例遍布世界各国。此外,依据澳大利 亚2011年的一项调查报告,柏金逊是全澳第二普遍的神经退化疾病,每三百五十人有一人患有柏金逊症状,每天有超过三十人被诊断 患有此疾病。近期,我们收到一封来自会员William Loo的信,发信者也是西澳柏金逊机构理事会财政,专门给《中华之声》读者提高 对这慢性病的意识。

Why would you go it alone with Parkinson’s Disease? My father who lived in Singapore was diagnosed with Parkinson’s in his mid-fifties. For over 30 years, my mother and our family did the best we could with only a very basic understanding of the condition. We just managed. It was not until I joined as a Board Member and took on the role of Treasurer for Parkinson’s Western Australia Inc., that I fully understood the complexities of Parkinson’s and the support and services that are available to assist people to remain independent in their own homes. As a member of the Chung Wah Association, I would like to inform the members about the Parkinson’s Nurse Specialist service, so you can link family and friends in with this excellent free service. The Parkinson’s Nurse Specialist service will visit you in your home or you can make an appointment at the office in Nedlands. The Parkinson’s Nurse Specialists provide education and support for people and their families living with Parkinson’s. You can ask any question, such as do you have difficulty sleeping, anxiety, swallowing problems or pain, etc.

我的父亲当年五十几岁还住在新加坡时被诊断患 有柏金逊,我 们一家和母亲用对这疾病有限的知识照顾了父亲 三十多年。 直到我加入了西澳柏金逊机构理事会担任财政一 职,才认识到 这疾病的复杂性,以及提 供给患者继续留在家 中生活的支援和服 务。 作为中华会馆的会员之一,我想要给会员们介绍 有关是西澳柏 金逊机构的专科护士服务,以让你可以告知家人 和朋友有关这项优 越服务。 这专科 护士服 务可以 提供 上门探 访,咨询者 也可以向位于 Nedlands的办公室预约见面。 这柏金逊机构专科护士服务给柏金逊患者和家人

提供更多资 料和支持。您也可以向他们咨询您的疑问。比如有 否睡眠问题、焦虑 症状、吞咽的问题或出现疼痛。 西澳柏金逊机构也鼓励患者多参加不同的活动, 如:太极、瑜 伽和舞蹈有助于增强平衡力和体态。您可参加当地 社区定期活动或 每周都有的柏金逊课程。

Parkinson’s WA encourages participation in activities such as tai chi, yoga and dancing, which assist with posture and good balance. Join a local community group or you can attend the Parkinson’s

现在参与了西澳柏金逊机构之后,我深信这个机 构所提供的服 务和疾病知识,对我的父母非常有帮助。

classes held every week.


Now being involved with Parkinson’s Western Australia Inc., I firmly believe that my parents would really have benefited from the services and understanding of the condition that is currently on offer by the organisation. Visit the website


为何你要独自面对 柏金逊疾病?


柏金逊疾病的更多资料 人们一般会把柏金逊疾病导致身体不停 颤抖联想在一起,原来30%的病例不会出现颤 抖的症状。 柏金逊对身体的各个系统带来影响,常见 的问题包括:颤抖、摔倒、肌肉紧绷、动作变 缓、胃肠道问题、睡眠受干扰、抑郁和焦虑、五 觉受损、、吞咽问题、认知障碍和出现疼痛。 最新统计指出在澳大利亚超过十万人患 有柏金逊,每年超过12,300人被诊出患有此 病。柏金逊疾病的盛行程度高于多种癌症包 括:乳癌、胃癌、肝癌、胰脏癌、肾癌、膀胱癌

Parkinson's Nurse Specialist 柏金逊机构专科护士


More details about Parkinson’s Most of us think of Parkinson’s as a condition that causes the shakes and movement problems but it is much more than that and in 30% of cases there is no tremor at all. Parkinson’s impacts every system in the body; common issues include tremor, falls, muscle rigidity, slowness of movement, gastrointestinal problems, sleep disturbances, depression and anxiety, sensory changes, speech and swallowing problems, cognitive changes and pain. The latest research indicates that more than 100,000 people in Australia live with Parkinson’s and more than 12,300 cases are diagnosed each year. The prevalence of Parkinson’s is higher than many cancers, including breast cancer, stomach, liver and pancreatic cancer, and kidney, bladder and lung cancer.



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We welcome you to contact us on 9367 6 7559 for further information or to arrange a tour. Concorde Aged Care Home 25 Anstey Street South Perth WA 6151 Email: Web:



与医有约 Medical Information 每期请来不同的专科医疗人员,跟你一起探索健康课题

We invite medical professionals to share their knowledge and experience with our readers in this column. Let’s explore wellness together.

养老护理中的 物理治疗 自1975年,我一直在珀斯的养老护理 领域从事物理治疗师的工作。我一向热衷 于向长者推广积极阳光、健康地保持老年

Physiotherapy in Aged Care 译◎Elvie Yap 叶俐廷

文◎Esther Chang 郑婉婉 , Physiotherapist 物理治疗师

生活,帮助他们增强身体的灵活、强健和 平衡,达到最佳的生活质量和行动能力, 以让他们可以在自己家中生活更长的时 间。这些年来工作上的体验给我无比的满 足感和成就感,让我继续保持这份热诚。

I have been working as physiotherapist in aged care since 1975 in Perth. My experience has been one of continuing satisfaction and fulfilment for me whose passion is to promote healthy and active ageing, maximise quality of life and mobility and improve vitality, strength, fitness and balance in older people so that they can remain living at home for as long as possible. Physiotherapists are primary contact practitioners and are highly qualified and trained to treat and manage the physical function limitations associated with common long term health conditions which affect older people. These conditions are cardiovascular diseases e.g. heart disease and stroke, musculoskeletal conditions e.g. arthritis and osteoporosis and respiratory disease such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Physiotherapy is an important component of care enabling older people to remain in the community through rehabilitation and restorative care. It is widely acknowledged that adequate levels of physiotherapy can help older people improve or maintain optimal function and well being. Physiotherapists work and participate in diverse settings including acute care hospitals, community

and home based programs, residential aged care facilities, rehabilitation facilities, hydro therapy pools and falls and balance clinics. Other relevant areas of physiotherapy care include palliative, vestibular rehabilitation, continence management, lymphoedema management and falls prevention.

物理治疗师是前线的医疗执业者,必 须经过高度评估和培训才可以治疗和管 理体能缺陷,这些缺陷一般是因长者的长 期健康问题而导致的。常见的健康问题, 如:心血管疾病,包括心脏病和中风;肌骨

Older people want to remain independent and in control of how and where they live their lives and to be connected and relevant to their families and communities. While this is the desire of most older people, they may find it difficult to live by themselves as they become frailer and when they start having falls. Often after a fall, they develop a fear of falling which can lead to loss of confidence and fear avoidance, resulting in a vicious cycle of decline in balance, mobility, strength and fitness.


It is crucial as we age to continue to participate in any physical activity which you enjoy, whether it is just daily brisk walking, hiking, tai chi, dancing, golf, the list is endless. There is enough evidence indicating that appropriate exercises are effective in reducing falls rates. Therefore keep exercising, as if you don't use it you will lose it.


吸道疾病,包括慢性阻塞性肺病。老年人 继续在社区里进行复康和疗养的过程中, 物理治疗是一项非常关键的护理元素。充 足的物理治疗可以帮助老年人改善和保 持身心的理想状态,这个说法广受认可。 物理治疗师的工作所在地可以相当广 泛,其中可以是在医院的急诊护理、社区 活动中心、居家环境、养老院、疗养院、水 物理治疗护理所概括的范围,还包括临终 关怀、前庭(耳鼻喉科)复健、尿失禁管 理、淋巴水肿管理和预防跌倒。 老年人想独立生活,自己掌控所要的 生活和地方,并与家人和社区保持一定的 联系。这是绝大多数老年人所渴望的自主 能力。当身体日渐衰弱且开始出现跌倒的 状况,他们会慢慢察觉自己不太可能独自 生活。经过一次摔倒后,通常他们对跌倒 会产生一种恐惧而导致失去信心且逃避 这种恐惧。因此而减少活动量致使身体的 平衡力、行动能力、强健和灵活度出现恶 性循环。 随着年龄的增长,关键的是要继续 参加任何您享受的体能活动,无论是轻快 步走、爬山、太极、跳舞、哥尔夫球等等都 好。有足够的研究调查显示,适量的运动 可有效的减低出现跌倒的机率。因此,我 们应该保持锻炼的好习惯,以免失去身体 原有的功能。




In Memorial of Zhifang Wang 文◎Zhi CHEN 陈志

译◎Helene FUNG 冯恺盈

2017年11月12日,著名抗日英烈陈中柱的 遗孀王志芳老夫人与世长辞,享年102岁。陈 中柱将军及王老夫人唯一的儿子,陈志先生特 在此“追忆先人“一栏,分享母亲王志芳的两、 三件事。 母亲王志芳,出身官宦之家。十岁时,从 盐城农村来南京就读黄浦军学校六期的二十 岁穷学生陈中柱,就租住在她家。一天,她看 到陈大哥钻进床下寻找他的最后一个铜板, 生活很不容易,就常常往他的床底就几个铜 板。陈大哥也知道这是大小姐在帮他,觉得这 个小姑娘心真好! 陈中柱毕业后,分派到中央大学当军训 教官。随着年纪的增长,两个年青人的感情越 来越近了。原先王小姐已许配给另一户殷实人 家,当那家人看到身材魁梧、穿军服、别手枪 的陈教官后,只得作罢了。 两人结婚后,十年内书写下可歌可泣、英 雄无比的两人历史,广为人知。母亲的英雄事 迹,在诸多的将军级烈士遗孀中,可算是独一 无二的,这就成全了“烈士义妇”之美名。先父 在中国全国各地共有七处纪念地。 过去,曾有不少人给母亲说媒,我母亲的 一句“我有儿子,我不改嫁,我绝不让儿子做 拖油瓶。”我就冲着母亲的这句话,无怨无悔 地陪伴母亲到她102岁。

Zhifang Wang, the widow of anti-Japanese war hero General Zhongzhu Chen, passed away at the age of 102 on 12 November 2017. Mr Zhi Chen was the only son of General Chen and Mrs Chen, and would like to share a few things about his late mother in this column. My mother, Zhifang Wang, was born into the family of a government official. When she was 10 years old, a 20-year-old poor student, Zhongzhu Chen, rented a room with her family in Nanjing. Chen came from a rural village in Yancheng and was there to study in Wangpu Military School in its sixth cohort. One day, she saw “Big Brother” Chen looked all over and under his bed for his last

coin. She appreciated that life was difficult for him, so she would often throw a few coins under his bed. Chen knew that Miss Wang was helping him and thought that she was a really kind girl. After Chen graduated, he was allocated to teach military order at Central University. As their age progressed, the two youngsters grew closer. Originally Miss Wang was betrothed to another family member; however when his family saw that she had fallen for such a well-built Mr Chen, looking all sharp in his military uniform with a gun, they gave in. After the two got married, in 10 years of war, they wrote an unprecedented epic heroic history, which was well-documented. Among the widows of various generals back then, my mother’s courageous deeds were very unique, and earned my parents the fame of “heroic martyr couple”. There were seven memorials dedicated to my late father in different parts of China. In the past, there was no shortage of matchmakers who approached my mother. My mother’s response was “I have a son; I will not re-marry and won’t drag him into a new family.” For this, I have tirelessly accompanied my mother by her side until she passed away at the age of 102.



Purslowe Funerals and Chipper Funerals come together

两家殡仪服务合并 文◎Chipper Funerals

译◎Abbie Chen 陈薇

There has been an exciting development for Purslowe Funerals and Chipper Funerals which have come together under the brand Purslowe & Chipper Funerals. This brings together more than 235 years of combined experience caring for Perth families. Our people uphold the shared values of family, honour, trust, respect, commitment and loyalty. Our people are passionate about their role in the community and the important part they play to allay people’s fears and insecurities at a time of great vulnerability. They take a sense of pride and accomplishment in helping create something positive from a difficult time in people’s lives. Families expect a lot more today from funeral services. They know what they want and our people believes their role is to listen and guide the family in the right way to achieve exactly what they want for their loved ones. Our people support families at the time of their greatest need and also for planning ahead through prepaid funerals. Why do we plan ahead? We do it to reap benefits like peace of mind, security and to protect those we care for so we can enjoy life.

Purslowe Funerals 仪服务与 Chipper


F u n e r a l s 殡 仪 服 务 目 前 有 了令人 欣 喜


的 发展,即两家殡仪服务现在已经合并称


为Purslowe & Chipper Funerals 殡仪服


务。这意味着我们已经有超过235年的丰富 经验为珀斯的家庭提供关怀与服务。我们 的员工对于家庭,荣誉,信任,尊重,承诺和 忠诚有着共同价值观。 我们的员工对他们在社区中所扮演的角色 充满着能量,角色中尤其重要的部分是他们在 人们处于极度脆弱的时候去减轻他们的恐惧和 不安。他们帮助人们在生命里最困难的时候创

这个最后的大事是对我们生命与成就的 庆祝,我们能够最后一次保护我们所爱的人, 从而决定我们的最终安排,毫无疑问,这将是 一个感性的时刻。 如今的葬礼市场上出现了越来越多的产 品,包括葬礼保证金,葬礼保险和预付费葬礼 等,但并不是所有这些产品都是一样的。


Purslowe&Chipper Funerals的预付费









我们的员工在家人最需要帮助的时候提 供支持,并可以通过预先支付葬礼费用的计 划来更好的筹划将来。为什么我们需要提前计 划?我们这样做的益处是为了让家人获得安心 和保障,并保护我们所关心的人,以便更好的 享受生活。


利产生不利影响。您也可以为此感到安全,因 为你深知您的资金是由一个超过50年的友好 基金安全地持有,直到您需要。 如果您想了解更多的信息和资讯,请随时 与我们取得联系!

We all plan for life’s major events: our wedding day, buying a home, starting a family, the children’s education, for our career through to retirement. We typically work harder to achieve this, retire later and live longer. This final event is a celebration of our life and achievements, and we’re able to protect, one last time, those we love from making decisions about our final arrangements, at what unquestionably will be an emotional time. An increasing number of products exist on the market for funeral planning, including funeral bonds, funeral insurance and prepaid funerals, but not all these products are alike. A prepaid funeral with Purslowe & Chipper Funerals gives you the opportunity to record your wishes by prearranging and paying a future funeral service at today’s price. You can personalise many aspects of the services to be delivered and it does not adversely affect your personal tax, pension or other entitlements. You can also feel secure in the knowledge that your funds are safely held by the Over 50’s Friendly Society until needed. Contact the team at Purslowe & Chipper Funerals to find out more.

hy do we plan ahead? We do it to reap benefits like peace of mind, security and to protect those we care for so we can enjoy life. We all plan for life’s major events: our wedding day, buying a home, starting a family, the children’s education, for our career through to retirement. We typically work harder to achieve this, retire later and live longer. Some of us are becoming more affluent, enabling us to plan retirements full of the sorts of activities we perhaps didn’t have time for during our working lives. Many of us look to get our affairs in order, enabling retirement to be a time of enjoyment with the family, newly discovered hobbies and rediscovered passions. Apart from writing a will, what else can we do to plan ahead? Traditionally it has been a taboo subject and we’ve had few options, but now that’s changed.

们为什么要提前计划?我们这样做是为 了获得安心和保障,并且能保护我们所 关心的人,让我们可以享受生活。 我们都会规划人生中重大的事件,例如: 婚礼、买房、组织家庭、孩子的教育、事业和退 休。我们努力地工作去实践了才退休。 我们中的一些人变得越来越富裕,使我 们能够计划退休生活,参与在工作时期没有时 间参与的活动。有许多人期待将事务循序完 成,使退休成为享受家庭的时间,培养新爱好 和重新发觉激情。 除了立遗嘱,还有什么我们可以预先规划 的吗?这传统上是一个忌讳,我们没有多余的 选择。但是随着时代的改变,现在几乎什么都 可以预先规划,包括我们的葬礼。


Today we’re able to plan ahead for almost anything including our funeral.




This final event is a celebration of our life and 安排做抉择。 achievements, and we’re able to protect, one last time, those we love from making decisions about 殡葬计划市场的产品越来越多,包括殡 our final arrangements, at what unquestionably 葬债券,保险和预付殡葬。但并不是所有的产 will be an emotional time. 1VSTMPXF 'VOFSBMT 婽⟉剪⸉♸$IJQQFS 'VOFSBMT 婽⟉剪⸉䊺絑ざ䎇 品都一样。

An increasing number of products exist on the 预付殡葬让你有机会按你的愿望和现今 梡㖈䧮⟌䊺絑剣馄鵂 䎃涸⚪㺢絑낉⚹梵倛㢴⯋俒⻊爢⼓剪⸉կ market for funeral planning, including funeral bonds, funeral insurance and prepaid funerals, 的价格来预先安排和支付未来的殡葬服务。 鸑鵂⸈Ⰶ1VSTMPXF $IJQQFS 'VOFSBMT婽⟉剪⸉ but not all these products are alike.

䧮⟌〳⟄⚹䧮⟌涸㹻䏭䲿⣘刿㢴涸鷥䭊♸佅䭯կ A prepaid funeral gives you the opportunity to 处。这计划保护你和你的家人免受通货膨胀。 record your wishes by prearranging and paying a 䧮⟌絑낉⚪㺢涸袰爞⚺䭯➃腊㖈㹻➃⟌剒꨽銳涸傞⦫䲿⣘Ⱒ䙕♸椚鍒կ 你可以在不影响你的税金、养老金和其他权 future funeral service at today’s price. This offers a number of benefits over other forms of funeral 益下,要求多方面的个人化服务。你也可以安 䧮⟌⛲〳⟄呏䰘䝠涸俒⻊ㄤ⥌⟓勻㹁ⵖ湱Ⱒ涸婽⟉剪⸉կ planning. It protects you and your family against 心知道你的资金被Over 50 Friendly Society 安 inflation. You can personalise many aspects 全持有,直至需要。 of the services to be delivered and it does not 预付殡葬计划不仅提供现金支付。它给 adversely affect your personal tax, pension or other entitlements. You can also feel secure in 你时间去为最适合你的葬礼作出明智的决定。 the knowledge that your funds are safely held 这计划能配合你的文化背景和宗教信仰来给 by the Over 50’s Friendly Society until needed. 这比其他形式的殡葬计划提供了一些好


A prepaid funeral plan offers more than just a cash payout. It gives you the time you need to make informed decisions about the funeral best suited to you, allows you to incorporate your cultural wishes and beliefs into your service and gives you the security of knowing your family is protected. The selected services are guaranteed. To take the first step in planning for your own funeral or memorial service, please speak to your friends at Chipper Funerals on 08 9330 6344 (Perth South) or 08 9381 5888 (Perth North). And for assistance in your language of origin please ask to speak with Stephen Kum on 0428 765 248.

务都得会获得保证。 如欲 规 划你的葬礼和追思会,请致电

Chipper Funerals电话08-93306344(珀斯南部) 或08-9381 5888(珀斯北部)详谈。如果需要以 你的语言交谈,请联系Stephen Kum,手机号码 为0428 765 48。




Artist impression of Reserve

买我们学区房,送您孩子在珀斯最好的学校的学费。* 1,2,3房公寓及楼中楼,仅46万5千起** 已施工,2018年底完工 位于珀斯最富有的区,Claremont中心 临近火车站,高端购物中心,高尔夫球场,网球场等等设施 本项目临近珀斯的最佳公/私学府(大,中,小学)

Tim Wang 电话0406 339 123

*此优惠仅限于Mirvac的Grandstand以及Reserve项目,有效期为2018年2月1日至2018年4月1日。条款和条件适用,详情请咨询Tim Wang 王先生, 电话0406 339 123 **22/1/18价格确认 GC_MIR408





EVENT SC Performances* Time


12 noon

Multicultural Parade

2.00pm 4.00pm 5.00pm 7:30pm

Lion Dance and Martial Arts Lion Dance Dragon Dance Lion Dance

Performing Group WA Police Pipe Band, Chung Wah Lion Dance Troupe, Chinese Community Centre, Multicultural Groups Yarn Yee Tong and Choy Lee Fut Jimmy Tsui's Kung Fu School Pak Mei Yaolin Kung Fu Association Chung Wah Lion Dance Troupe

Venue James Street Chinatown James Street James Street Piazza Stage

Interactive Activities Time



12 noon - 5.00pm

Games and Competitions

Northbridge Piazza and Lake Street

12 noon - 5.00pm 12 noon - 5.00pm 12 noon - 7.00pm

Various Chinese Cultural Demonstrations Chinese New Year giveways Ostar Radio FM 90.5 Live broadcast

Located along James Street between William Street and Mountain Terrace Northbridge Piazza

In Chinatown Time 1.00pm - 5.00pm

Activity All lion and dragon dances on James Street will end in Chinatown Special Chinese arts/performances demonstrations

Venue Forecourt of Chinatown on Roe Street






CHEDULE Multicultural Concert*

Northbridge Piazza - 7.00pm to 9.00pm Performance

Presented by

Official Opening Ceremony

Invited Guests

Lion Dance

Chung Wah Association Lion and Dragon Dance Troupe

Happy Chinese New Year

Red Maple Leaf Chorus, Chung Wah Dancers and the Miracle Band.

Las Peterneras

Danza Via

Taiko On!

Taiko On

Transylvanian Dance From Kis-küküllömente

Keszkeno Hungarian Folk Dance Group

Art of Fighting

Yeung Fai

Symphony of the Fan

Chung Wah Dance

The Society Mix

The Society

Hati Kama


Fishes Dream

Zou Jingrou, Teresa Tan and Rini Teng

Long Way to the Top

Scottish Highland Dance Academy

Janger Baru Dance

Selendang Sutra Dance Troupe

Where are they from?

Love Free Dance Studio

Tibetan Dance

Australian Mulan Culture and Arts Association

Heavenly Road

Black Swan Choir, New Voice Choir and Perth Happy Choir

I Still Call Australia Home

Black Swan Choir, New Voice Choir and Perth Happy Choir


Proudly Supported by




Proudly supported by:




Chung Wah Association Chinese Orchestra

文◎Zhi CHEN陈志


译◎Helene FUNG 冯恺盈

The Chung Wah Orchestra is an essential part of the Chung Wah Association. The group teaches and performs classical Chinese music at various community events and special occasions to promote and preserve Chinese culture. The Chung Wah Orchestra was started in 2004 under the leadership of Mr Zhi CHEN. The youngest member is 9 years old and the oldest is about 70 years old. It is a “family” of three generations playing together.









下,中华华乐团在2004年成立。至今,最年 轻的学生仅九岁,最年长的学生大约七十 岁,可谓一个属于三代同堂的家庭演奏团。

近十五年来,在中华会馆Northbridge的 会所,每个星期日的上午11点-12点半是华乐团 的排练时间,下午12点半-2点是学员班的上课







小四弦琴,基本在澳大利亚买不到,取而代之 的,导师选择了澳大利亚流行的Ukulele,把尼 龙弦换成金属弦,就非常接近小四弦琴。只是琴 身不是圆的而是小吉他型的。在这种琴的学习过 程中,学生可以学到三种技能。

多年来,中华会馆华乐团能演奏的乐曲上 百首,目前常用的乐曲就有七十多首,可分别 使用F、C、G、D四种调。团员使用的乐器包括 笛子、二胡、柳琴、琵琶、小阮、中阮、扬琴、古 筝、大提琴等。每次演出最多可有三十人参加,

一、 学习几个常用调的指法,如 G调、D调


二、 学习识读中国的简谱


三、 训练听觉的音准能力


等到能在小四弦琴上弹奏十个到二十个曲 子时,就可以按自己的喜爱买一件中国乐器,开

团的扩音器、演出服装的装置费用及演员的车 马费源自商业演出的收入。








的各族人民、各个社团及政府各部门,很好地提 高了华人的影响,介绍了中华的音乐文化。


Some of the musical instruments are easier to learn, while others are harder. Most teachers will start teaching beginners on the easiest instrument – which for Chinese music is a little four-stringed instrument, Sixuanqin. However, you cannot just go out and buy a Sixuanqin in Australia. So the teachers choose the Ukulele, which is quite popular in Australia; once you have changed the nylon strings into metallic ones, it is actually very close to the Sixuanqin, except that it is guitar-shaped rather than round body. From learning using this instrument, students can learn three important skills: 1. Learning a few commonly used fingering patterns, e.g. in the keys of G and D 2. Learning to read Chinese musical notation, “jianpu” 3. Training the pitch accuracy of their hearing Music is a hobby that benefits everyone. It can improve one’s cultural awareness, develop one’s temperament, de-stress, train one’s hand-brain coordination, make new friends and generally enhance one’s life. For fifiteen years, the Chinese Orchestra has always met at the Chung Wah Association in Northbridge every Sunday. From 11:00am to 12:30pm is the orchestra’s rehearsal time, and from 12:30pm to 2:00pm is class time for students to improve their skills. As long as the orchestra leader is physically in Perth, the orchestra classes never stop during festivals or holidays. The fees are only $50 per quarter (twelve Sundays). Over the years, the Chung Wah Chinese Orchestra has built a repertoire of over one hundred songs; even currently, its regular playlist has about seventy songs. Each performance can involve up to thirty members and the longest we have performed was for three hours, with no repeated songs. Generally speaking, we have over twenty performances a year and have performed at most venues in different parts of Perth.


Founder of the Chung Wah Chinese Orchestra, Mr Zhi Chen 在南京就读中、小学 期间,曾向南京艺术学校 的好几个老师拜师学艺。 曾学过笛子、秦琴、三弦、 琵琶、阮、筝等乐器。多年 来一直活跃在舞台上。每 年的春节期间,都要为南 疆的部队、哨所及驻地的地方政府巡迴演出两 个月。 陈志老师1983年来澳大利亚后,多次参加 中华会馆的各项演出。2002年起,参与中华会 馆几位音乐爱好者的音乐活动,开始教导学生 弹奏中乐,还在中华会馆的两所中文学校及佛 光山中文学校开办收生学华乐。大约两年后, 正式以中华华乐团的名义开始演出活动。

中华会馆华乐团创办人 陈志先生 During Mr Chen’s primary and secondary school years, he learnt multiple musical instruments from several teachers, who also taught at the Nanjing Art Academy – such as bamboo flute, Qin harp, Xanxuan, Pipa, Ruan, and Guzheng. Mr Chen has been actively performing over the years. During Chinese New Year, he would tour for two months every year to entertain the troops, and the people at various stations and local governments by China’s southern border. After Mr Chen came to Australia in 1983, he was active in many performances organised by Chung Wah Association. From 2002, he joined a few music lovers from Chung Wah and started teaching students traditional Chinese music. He also taught at two of Chung Wah’s Chinese schools and Fo Guang Shan’s Chinese school. Approximately two years thereafter, he and his students officially performed under the banner of Chung Wah Association Chinese Orchestra.

What is Chinese Music? Chinese musical instruments were traditional classified into eight categories known as “bayin”. Traditional music in China is played on solo instruments or in small ensembles of plucked and bowed stringed instruments, flutes, and various cymbals, gongs, and drums. The scale is pentatonic. Bamboo pipes and Qin are among the oldest known musical instruments from China; instruments are traditionally divided into categories based on their material of composition: animal skins, gourd, bamboo, wood, silk, earth/clay, metal, and stone. Chinese orchestras traditionally consist of bowed strings, woodwinds, plucked strings and percussion. 《周礼·春官》中,把乐器以主要 製作材質或發聲體的材質分为金、石、 丝、竹、匏、土、革、木八类,称“八音” ,是最早的乐器分类法之一。古代乐器 主要有埙、缶、筑、排箫、箜篌、筝、古 琴、瑟等,乐曲一般缓慢悠扬,主要用 於宫廷或宗教。 漢、唐以后,通过西域和国外的交 流频繁,西方主要是伊斯兰教世界和 印度的音乐和乐器大量流入,汉唐时 统治者奉行开放政策,源于外国的乐 器如笛子、筚篥、琵琶、胡琴等廣被采 纳,并將之改良发展。

Reference 资料来源



End-of Year Chinese School Dinner

中华中文学 校 年度 晚宴 文/译◎叶俐廷Elvie Yap

摄影◎马小东 Ma Xiao Dong

Chung Wah Chinese School (CWCS) yet again celebrated the traditional cherished year-end dinner which was attended by the Executive Committees, Council of Elders, staff of Chung Wah along with more than 130 teaching staff, school management committee members, volunteers and their families at Han Palace on Sunday, 3rd December 2017. It was a joyous and fascinating night filled with interesting games, fabulous lucky draw prizes, beautiful voices of karaoke participants, as well as a special best-dressed female contest. Another highlight of the event was the presentation of the inaugural Teacher of the Year (TOTY) award. The voting process was carried out by the teachers of the three schools respectively, and the 2017 teacher of the year winner were Shirley Sun (Morley School), GeChing Lim (Rossmoyne School) and Grace Ng (Leeming School). 2017年12月3日,中华中文学校在汉宫举办了 年度晚宴,中华会馆理事会委员、元老会成员、 员工,以及超过一百三十名教职员工、学校管委 会成员、志愿者及他们的家庭成员参加了此次的 盛会。当晚有不少精彩的节目,包括有趣的游戏 节目、丰富的抽奖礼品、歌声美妙的演出嘉宾, 还有“最佳着装奖”的服装比赛。晚宴揭晓了“ 年度教师”奖,以示鼓励中文教学的效率和质 量。2017年的模范“年度教师”获奖者,分别是 孙红波(摩利中文学校)、林玉真(乐思中文学 校)、黄宝玉(黎明中文学校)。



Chung Wah Line Dancing Fundraising Party

中华排舞筹款舞会 文◎陈清灵 Doreen Chin

译◎叶俐廷Elvie Yap

Chung Wah Line Dancing held a fundraising party for the Association on Saturday, 2nd December 2017, at the Chung Wah Cultural Centre, in Balcatta.

Lay Choo, Chung Wah Line dance teacher, as well as teachers: Wanda, Alyson, Seela, Jacqui, Rita and Helen.

The response was unexpectedly so good that we had to limit sales of the tickets. It was wonderful to see so many line dancers from about six different dance groups attending this casual, fun event. The dancers were lead by their dance teachers:

There were door prizes to be won, as well as raffles prizes. A total of $1,150.20 (inclusive of raffle sales) was raised which would go towards helping the maintenance cost of the Balcatta Cultural Centre.


2017年12月2日,中华排舞组在中华文化中心 举办了一场筹募舞会,给中华会馆筹款。社区人 士反应热烈,有六组不同的排舞会,参加了这场 乐趣无穷且休闲的舞会。舞蹈员各别由他们的导 师领舞,其中包括:中华排舞的导师Lay Choo, 其他导师还有Wanda, Alyson, Seela, Jacqui, Rita 和 Helen。 主办单位也准备了一些抽奖奖品给参加者, 当晚筹募到 $1150.20的款项将用于中华文化中 心的保修费用。

Special Moment

会员的人生大事,中华都想知道。我们特别设计一个栏目给会员在《中华之声》 分享找到终生伴侣、迎接新生命等的快乐时光。 Make your family’s important day known. We specially design a Special Moment column for our members to share their precious moments in their lives. We welcome photos taken on your wedding day as well as the arrival of a new member in your family, or photos of other special moments that you would like to share in this column.

Kindly please send the photos and a short description to 请将有关照片和简短的文字说明发送到


图片集锦 PHOTO GALLERY 文◎中华中文学校 Chung Wah Chinese Schools

Chung Wah Leeming Chinese School End of Year Assembly In the morning of 25 November 2017, teachers and students of Chung Wah Leeming Chinese School arrived early at the school in preparation for the Yearend Assembly. The assembly started at 9:30am with the Australian national anthem, and speeches from guests and the school leaders. Of course, the main attraction was the adorable children – they sang and danced, showcasing their strong foundation in Chinese culture. The certificates and trophies being given out at the reception was the best testament to the students’ achievements in Chinese studies.

中华 黎明中文学 校 年度典 礼 2017年11月25日晨,中华黎明中文 学校师生早早来到校园,准备年度早 会。早会九点半在庄严的澳洲国歌声中 开始,来宾致辞及校领导发言。最优秀 的主角还有可爱的孩子们。他们载歌载 舞, 优美的歌喉,动人的舞姿彰显深厚 的中华文化功底。颁 发的奖状、奖杯是孩 子们辉煌的中文学 业的最好见证。


译◎冯恺盈 Helene Fung

Chung Wah Morley Chinese School End of Year Assembly Chung Wah Morley Chinese School held their end of the year ceremony on Saturday, 9 December 2017. The proceedings opened with a lion dance performance by the Chung Wah Lion Dance Troupe’s youngest members, Zac Foo, Jayden Foo and Ethan Foo. After speeches by the Principal and guests, the students performed a great talent show. Students who excelled in their studies were awarded trophies and other gifts as commendation. The Principal, Ms Emily Tan Emery took this opportunity to thank the parents, volunteers and students for their support of the school.

中华摩 利中文学 校 年度典 礼 中华摩利中文学校于2017年12月9日(星期 六)举行结业典礼。 当天由中华舞狮团最小的 团员们Zac Foo、Jayden Foo和Ethan Foo表演 舞狮,为典礼拉开序幕。校长及来宾致词后,各 班学生为来宾们表演才艺。学习表现优秀的学 生也得到了奖杯礼物作为奖励。校长陈水玉女 士也借此感谢一直以来支持本校的家长、志工 和学生们。


Chung Wah Rossmoyne Chinese School Panda Gathering

中华乐思中文学 校-小熊 猫聚 会 十二月九日上午,乐思中文学校学前班举办了一场生动精彩的小熊猫聚会活动,全年级三个班 的50多名小朋友及家长参加了活动,本次活动以小熊猫为主题,在家长志愿者以及助教老师的共 同协助下举办的非常圆满!活动举办目的在于培养孩子对中国文化的认知了解,通过形象的小熊 猫装饰来巩固其日常所学习的中文知识。

On the morning of 9 December 2017, the preschool classes of Rossmoyne Chinese School held a fun-filled panda gathering. About fifty students from all three classes at this level, along with their parents, participated in this activity. The theme of the activity was little pandas, and it was held successfully with the assistance of parents, volunteers and assistant teachers. The aim of the activity was to enhance students’ awareness and understanding of Chinese culture, using ornaments in the form of little pandas to reinforce the Chinese knowledge that they have learnt regularly at the school.

Enrol Now


有关星期六上午9时至下午12 时30分的中华中文学校中文 语言及兴趣班招生及注册信 息查询。 For general enquiries to enrol and learn Chinese Mandarin and cultural extra-curricular activities on Saturday mornings from 9:00 am and 12:30 pm.

Email 电子邮件


9328 8657

Website 网站 57


Activities and Services 活动与服务

Day 日期

Time 时间

Location 地点

Fee 收费

Contact 联系人

Chinese Cultural Dance 中华舞蹈

Saturday 周六

2.00pm - 5.00pm

Chung Wah Hall Jen Nie CHONG Each class 每堂课 128 James Street, Northbridge $10 for members 会员 08 9328 8657 $15 for non-members 非会员

Dragon & Lion Dance 中华龙狮团

Sunday 周日

2.00pm - 5.00pm

Chung Wah Hall $10 for members 会员 128 James Street, Northbridge

Stephen KUM 0416 921 422

Chinese Orchestra 中华民乐

Sunday 周日

11.00am - 2.00pm

Chung Wah Hall Per term每学期 128 James Street, Northbridge $50

Zhi CHEN 08 9328 8657

Cantonese Opera 粤剧社

Wednesday 周三

12.00pm - 3.00pm

Chung Wah Hall Free (members only) 128 James Street, Northbridge 免费,仅限会员

Annie WONG 08 9328 8657

Beijing Opera 京剧社

Sunday 周日

11.30am - 2.00pm

Chung Wah Hall Free (members only) 128 James Street, Northbridge 免费,仅限会员

Baohe LIU 08 9328 8657

Women's Subcommittee 中华妇女联谊活动

Saturday 周六

9.00am - 2.00pm

Chung Wah Hall Free (members only) 128 James Street, Northbridge 免费,仅限会员

Rose 0423 308 765

Social Dancing 交际舞

Monday 周一

7.30pm - 9.30pm

Chung Wah Cultural Centre 18 Radalj Place, Balcatta

Please contact Coordinator for more information.


Line Dancing 排排舞

Saturday 周六 Sunday 周日

12.30pm - 3.30pm Chung Wah Cultural Centre 10.00am - 12.00pm 18 Radalj Place, Balcatta

Please contact Coordinator for more information.

Doreen CHIN

Chung Wah New Vogue Dance 中华新时尚交际舞

Sunday 周日

1.30pm - 3.30pm

Please contact Coordinator for more information.

Chris THEN

Chung Wah Cultural Centre 18 Radalj Place, Balcatta



Chung Wah Association, Northbridge


Chung Wah Association, Northbridg FREE PERFORMANCE Suitable for all ages

FREE PERFORMANC Suitable for all age


Supported by Artist-In-Residence Patrons Adrian and Michela Fini

Supported by Artist-In-Residence Patrons Adrian and Michela Fini


Activities and Services 活动与服务

Day Long Respite Care Monday to 中华日间暂息中心 Friday 周一至周五

Centre Based Hub Activities 中华日间中心活动

Tuesday to Friday 周二至周五

Time 时间 9.00am - 6.00pm

Balcatta Hub 巴卡达中心 18 Radalj Place, Balcatta Willetton Hub 威乐顿中心 58 Burrendah Boulevard, Willetton

9.00am - 2.00pm

Balcatta Hub 巴卡达中心 18 Radalj Place, Balcatta Willetton Hub 威乐顿中心 58 Burrendah Boulevard, Willetton

Fee 收费 Government eligibility criteria applies, please contact Chung Wah Community and Aged Care staff for more details 此类服务都须经由政府 部门评估,请联系中华 社区与长者服务部以了 解更多详情

Various 商议待定

Various 商议待定

Home Help Services 中华家居护理服务

Various 商议待定

Various 商议待定

Various 商议待定

Visitors for nursing homes or seniors’ homes 社区探访活动

Various 商议待定

Various 商议待定

Various 商议待定

Migrant English Class 英文学习班

Mon, Tues, Thursday (school terms)

10.30am – 12.00pm Chung Wah Hall Member $40.00/term 128 James Street, Northbridge 会员价$30/学期

Tuesday (Northbridge) Thursday & Friday (Willetton)

Please contact Chung Wah Community and Aged Care Coordinator for more information. 请向中华社区与长者服务 部了解更多详情。

Email 电子邮箱 :

Non-member $50.00/term

周一,二,四 (开学期间) Tai Chi Class 太极班

Contact 联系人

Phone 电话:08 9328 3988

Various 商议待定

10.00am – 11.30am Chung Wah Hall Member $5.00 /session 11.00am – 12.00pm 128 James Street, Northbridge 会员价$5/节 Willetton Hub 威乐顿中心 Non-member $6.00/session 58 Burrendah Boulevard, Willetton 会员价$6/节

周二 (北桥) 周四、五 (威乐顿) National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) 国家残障保险计划

Various 商议待定

Various 商议待定

Various 商议待定

Various 商议待定

Community talks 社区讲座

Monthly 每月一次

Monthly 每月一次

Northbridge Hub 北桥中心 U1/98 Lake Street, Northbridge

Free 免费

Balcatta Hub 巴卡达中心 18 Radalj Place, Balcatta


Willetton Hub 威乐顿中心 58 Burrendah Boulevard, Willetton

CE es


Location 地点

Community Enquiry Service 社区咨询服务



Day 日期

Community Outings 社区出游

Quarterly 每季度一次

Quarterly 每季度一次

Various 待定

Various 待定



在每个华人心目中,农历新年的最大意义就是可以阖家团 圆。这个华人传统最为重要的节日, 《中华之声》也特别拍摄出一 张封面照片反映出爷孙之间不可磨灭的亲情。

何常带 Robert HE

Family reunion has the greatest meaning for Chinese New Year to every Chinese. During this most significant festival of Chinese, the Chung Wah Magazine specially photographed Robert He and his grandchildren that reflects the love of intergeneration.


Robert has been living in Perth for over thirty years. Throughout these years, he has never stopped enhancing his skills in various Chinese cultural elements such as Taichi, Martial Art, Chinese music, Chinese cuisine. On the other hand, he has continuously contributing these capabilities to the local Chinese community. A strong family orientated person like Robert has made him a great husband, father and grandfather in the family. Robert He, a renowned Tai Chi master in Perth, is also the Principal of Funei School Li style Tai Chi, the Executive President of Australian Yang style Tai Chi Centre. He is the sixth generation descendant of Yang style Tai Chi and the seventh generation descendant of Funei School.

Review He has actively participated in local and overseas performances and competitions with his students for the past two years, which has attracted overwhelming response from organisers and spectators.

Resolution in 2018 In 2018, Robert would like to continue promoting Tai Chi to more community members, in order to enable more students to enjoy good health.

何常带 Robert HE 移居珀斯三十年,何常带专 研多项中华文化项目包括太极拳、武术、中国音 乐、中式厨艺。多年来在珀斯华人圈子,不断贡 献自己的才能。此外,以家为本的他一直都是家 人心中的好丈夫、好爸爸、好爷爷。 何常带,这位珀斯太极拳名家,是澳洲府内 派李式太极拳学院院长,府内派太极拳澳洲推 广中心执行主席、杨氏太极拳第六代传人、府内 派第七代传人。

回顾 过去两年积极参与国内外太极拳相关汇 演,备受关注。

展望 进一步发扬太极拳这项中国文化,培育更 多学员锻炼太极拳来强身健体。


Achievement in 2016 International Show of Elite Taichi Masters from GuangZhou, HongKong Taiwan and Macau cum The 2nd TaiChi Professionals’ Illustration Convention

Award for Contributions to the promotion of Martial Arts Outstanding Coach Award Middle-Age Tai Chi Master Award

Achievement in 2017 Robert He led his team to compete at the Sabah 1st Asia Pacific Wushu- TaiChi Convention. The team had achieved a remarkable result, eleven of them in the team had awarded with twenty-one gold medals, seven silver medals and four bronze medals. Robert was recruited as the Guangzhou Province Funei School Headquarter Advisor for Tai Chi Coaching, as well as awarded the Best Team Leader. His students were so grateful for being able to practise TaiChi that make them fit to contribute to the society.

2016年所获荣誉 粤港澳台太极拳精英汇演大会暨 第二届太极拳名家演艺大会获颁

中华武术推广贡献奖 优秀教练员奖 中青年太极拳名家

2017 年成绩更上一层楼 何常带带领学员再度出战首届马来 西亚沙巴亚太中华武术-太极精英大汇 演取得骄人成绩,11人参赛取得21面金 牌、7面银牌和4面铜牌的好成绩。 何常带先生获颁优秀领队奖 以及当场受聘为广州府内派太极 拳培训总部顾问。学员们一致表 示好好练太极拳有个好的身体 为社会作贡献。


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