香 港 旅 遊 指 南 DECEMBER 2020年12月
Magazine of the Hong Kong Hotels Association
n i t a g r b e l e C Hong Kong Style
港 味 十 足 慶 聖 誕
Art Galleries, Exhibitions, Antique Dealers, and Fascinating Museums 畫廊展覽資訊、古董店尋寶、博物館探知
HO N G KO N G ’ S PRE MI E R D E S TI NAT ION M AGA Z INE 香港優 質 旅 遊 指 南
Precious Christmas Gifts for Him and Her! 他/她的聖誕禮物
Tips for Travellers 出入須知
MY HONG KONG | Explore North Lantau 本月推薦:探索北大嶼山
38 44 47 48
This Month's Events and the City's Biggest Occasions 本月精彩節目及城中盛事
Celebrating Christmas – Hong Kong Style 港味十足慶聖誕
Hong Kong’s Fascinating Coastline 香港迷人海岸線
SIGHTSEEING | The Best of Hong Kong 觀光探勝
04 06 14 18 20
Every Bit of Wagyu Beef Counts at Yakinikumafia 每一塊和牛都是精品 / 10th Anniversary Dinner at Tango Argentinian Steakhouse 成立十週年晚宴
Your First Stop for the City's Best Restaurants 來港必打卡餐廳的第一站
Cova – Pastry Delight Cova – 美味甜點
Pubs and Clubs to Hit for Your Night-time Adventures 夜探酒吧 暢飲消閒
HISTORY MATTERS | Early Entrepreneurial Spirit 早期的企業家精神
24 29 32 36
Scan the QR code to read the e-version of this month's CityLife Magazine 掃描此二維碼, 閱讀《東方之珠》電子期刊
Chairman and Editor-In-Chief Patrick Cheung
Publisher and General Manager Nancy Tsang
Chinese Writer Clairy Fan
Sub-Editor Martin Turner
Designer Manda Lam
Chief Technology Development Officer David Phalaris
Ad Placement Enquiries Hotline: 3102 8700
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s chairman of Hong Kong Hotels Association, it is my great pleasure to welcome you to Hong Kong and to CityLife, the monthly magazine for visitors to Asia’s World City. We are all only too aware of the Covid-19 coronavirus pandemic, affecting almost everywhere in the world, including Hong Kong. As we go to print, new Covid-19 cases in the city remain modest compared to most other countries. Nevertheless, several social distancing measures and a mandatory mask-wearing requirement in all public spaces are still in place. The city, though, remains mostly open, including all the hotels, the city’s transportation systems, shopping malls, shops, cinemas and restaurants. For prudency, though, we do ask that you contact your concierge for more details on the latest updates and restrictions. This month, the city embraces the arrival of the winter holidays, and Christmas in particular. Given its East-meet-West cultural heritage, Hong Kong celebrates Christmas like nowhere else in Asia, with equal measures of glamour, festive spirit and reverence. Skyscrapers and prominent buildings are draped in glittering lights of red, gold and green; shopping malls vie with fantastic themed displays and nativity scenes, and a busy slate of activities including Christmas markets, concert performances and church services await revellers. Please go to our cover story on page 6 for more details. You may be surprised to learn that for a city of its modest size - only 1100 square kilometres, Hong Kong possesses a long coastline. What is more amazing is the diverse nature of its 700 kilometres, ranging from the spectacular waterfront promenade along Victoria Harbour to beaches, jagged headlands, stunning rock formations, alluvial plains and natural wetland habitats. And December offers just the right weather to visit and explore some of the city’s scenic coastal destinations. Please check out our feature story on page 14 for more details. A few marquee events and performances return this month. Top amongst them is the Longines Hong Kong International Races, one of the premier horseracing events of the season. You may want to also catch a performance of the perennial Christmas favourite ballet, The Nutcracker, performed by the Hong Kong Ballet or A Viennese New Year concert performance by the Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra. So, as 2020 draws to a close, we welcome you again to Hong Kong and whether it’s partaking in Christmas celebrations, exploring our scenic coastline, or just being out and about, we do appreciate so much your visiting us, and we wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. | DECEMBER 2020
歡迎大家蒞臨香港,《東方之珠》月刊向您介紹香港 這個亞洲國際大都會。 眾所周知,新冠肺炎疫情仍在繼續,影響着世界各 地。在本月出刊之前,香港疫情大流行已基本得到控 制,每天只有少數病例確診。目前在公共場所仍有一些 社交隔離措施和強制性佩戴口罩的要求。這座城市的大 部分地區仍然開放,比如所有的酒店、交通系統、購物 中心、零售店、電影院和餐館。謹慎起見,請提前聯繫 酒店禮賓部,了解最新消息和限制要求。 本月,香港迎來了聖誕節假期。鑑於東西方的文化 底蘊,香港以極大的熱情、歡快的氣氛和崇敬的精神來 慶祝聖誕節,這在亞洲是獨一無二的。摩天大樓和著名 的建築物被紅色,金色和綠色的燈光所點亮;大型購物 中心都有夢幻般的主題展示,此外聖誕節派對、音樂會 表演和教堂服務等活動在等待着遊客的到來。更多詳細 信息,請查閱第6頁的封面故事。 這座面積只有1,100平方公里的城市擁有極長的海 岸線,是世界上最長的海岸線之一。700公里的海岸線 具有多樣化的地理特徵,包括維多利亞港沿岸壯觀的海 濱長廊、海灘、嶙峋的岬角、多重岩層、沖積平原和天 然濕地棲息地等,這些自然景觀令人驚嘆。 12 月的天 氣正好適合探索和參觀城市中一些風景優美的海岸線景 點。請查看第14頁的專題故事,了解更多詳情。 本月有幾項重要的賽事和表演回歸。其中浪琴表香 港國際賽事是本季最重要的賽事之一。此外,香港芭蕾 舞團的《胡桃夾子》和香港管弦樂團的《維也納新年音 樂會》,也是聖誕節最受歡迎的節目。 隨着2020年臨近尾聲,我們再次歡迎您來到 香港,無論是參加聖誕節活動,探索風景優美的海岸線, 還是出門逛逛,都是不錯的旅行方式。我們希望您 在香港過得愉快,祝您聖誕快樂,新年快樂。
Peter C F Wong 黃澤峰
Chairman, Hong Kong Hotels Association 香港酒店業協會主席
Winter Wonderland
1 Dec 20 1 Feb 21
Witness the spectacular Hong Kong winter lights skyline from the very top of the Hong Kong Observation Wheel. After your ride, go saunter along the glittering AIA Vitality Park to soak up the atmosphere with your loved ones. Enjoy many fun activities including a classic carousel.
冬日遊樂園 冬日夜色,維港兩岸熠熠生輝。坐上香港摩天輪,在高空欣賞夜空中燈飾爭相綻放光彩。或參與我們 的各種活動,在海旁運動,坐上旋轉木馬重拾童年歡樂。又或到 AIA Vitality 公園漫步,與親友伴隨着 海風感受冬日氣氛。
33 Man Kwong Street, Central 香港中環民光街33號; Various times 不同時間; 2339 0777;
12 Dec
The Battle (Live Performance)
Be part of a dance-off as contestants vie to take home the ultimate prize at The Battle , a one-of-its-kind dance performance plus competition that is a cross-genre mix of street dance, contemporary dance, theatre and storytelling. In this immersive and interactive experience, audiences are invited to participate as spectators and judges, or even as competitors in an experimental dance battle to win the Grand Battle Prize.
The Battle has invited acclaimed local and regional judges and guests including Faye Leong, Xing Liang, ManOfGod and Chester Wong. Without planned choreography, pre-chosen music or any dedicated style of dance, battlers will first attend the closed-door pre-selection session while finalists will fight their way through a series of playful themed challenges on the same day evening and battle it out to win over the audiences and the judges.
《戰鬥圖騰》 歡迎大家到西九文化區自由空間參與一場結合劇場演出及即興比試的特別體驗 — 《戰鬥圖騰》。這個獨一無二的舞蹈節目,讓戲劇、街舞和當代舞等不同領域的 表演者共聚,更將結合故事元素,在這種身臨其境的互動體驗中,大家可以觀眾 身份欣賞精彩演出,評選出當晚冠軍,或以參賽者身份出戰,在此實驗舞台和其他 跨界表演者即興較量,贏得最終大獎。 《戰鬥圖騰》劇場演出將邀請梁菲倚、邢亮、ManOfGod 及黃譜誠等本地戲劇、 街舞和當代舞達人擔任評審及參賽嘉賓。既沒有預先編排的動作、事先選定的音樂, 更沒有表演領域和風格的限制,參賽者須先參與閉門海選,入圍選手再晉身多輪 淘汰賽,進行一系列不同主題的比拼,於評審及觀眾手上爭取最終勝利。
The Box, Freespace, Art Park, West Kowloon Cultural District 西九文化區藝術公園自由空間大盒; 1.00pm (closed door pre-selection. Battlers only); 8.00pm (ticketed performance and battle, free seating) 下午1時(海選,只限參賽者入場)/ 晚上8時(演出及比賽,不設劃位); Ticket 門票 $210;
18-20, 22-27 Dec
The Nutcracker
Experience The Nutcracker, an all-time favourite among audiences of all ages. Follow Clara and Fritz’s captivating adventure as they help the Nutcracker reunite with his Ballerina love and rescue the kingdom from the sinister Rat King. With glorious sets and costumes and Tchaikovsky’s enthralling score performed live by Hong Kong Sinfonietta, this classic ballet brings adventure, fantasy, romance, action and the Christmas spirit to the stage!
胡桃夾子 故事發生在平安夜,可愛的嘉麗和費殊闖進了童話世界,冒險幫助 胡桃夾子,讓他與芭蕾公主重逢,並從老鼠王手中贏回王國。內容 充滿奇幻與歡樂,是聖誕必看節目。
Grand Theatre, Hong Kong Cultural Centre 香港文化中心大劇院; Various times and prices 不同時間及票價; 2105 9724;
4 | DECEMBER 2020
Hong Kong WinterFest
4 Dec 20 3 Jan 21
Hong Kong celebrates the winter holidays in high spirits. The city welcomes everyone’s favourite season as glittering skyscrapers wrapped in colourful lights and festive decor shine brightly, all set to soak in the cheerful ambience.
Explore the delightful Christmas Town through a virtual tour with audio guide by Uncle Siu, known for his British English Club social media channels. The digital journey includes viewing the Christmas tree and joyful decorations; picking up fun DIY handicraft tips; collecting festive-themed WhatsApp stickers designed by famous local illustrators; and singing along to your favourite Christmas songs with popular artists. How about a wonderful trip to explore the city? Explore thematic routes featuring myriad fun-filled activities, carefully curated to bring you something a bit different, and a great selection of restaurants to suit everyone, including mates, families, and couples. For an extra sprinkling of joy, be sure to visit the city’s many trendy malls decked out with lavish displays, load up on great shopping deals, enjoy special holiday events at hot attractions and dine to your heart’s — and stomach’s — content with enticing dining offers. Finally, be dazzled by ‘A Symphony of Lights’ multimedia light and sound show illuminating the sky above Victoria Harbour and take your pick from New Year countdown celebrations across the city to usher in 2021.
香港繽紛冬日巡禮 聖誕假期將至,全港都洋溢節日氣氛。摩天大樓懸掛着亮眼燈飾,與遍布大街小巷的聖誕裝飾相互 映襯,全城期待節日的到來。 本次“香港繽紛冬日巡禮”活動的最大特色是可以在網上展開聖誕小鎮虛擬之旅,蕭叔叔英式英文 學會的製作人蕭叔叔將擔任虛擬之旅的語音導遊,帶你欣賞聖誕樹和節日裝飾、學習有趣的 DIY 手工 技巧。此外,你還可以下載由香港著名插畫家設計的節慶主題 WhatsApp 貼圖,並傾聽知名藝人送上 的熱門聖誕歌曲。 想深度探索這座城市嗎?這裡有多條精心策劃的主題路線,涵蓋各式各樣的創意活動、多家特色餐館, 分別適合與朋友、愛人或家人同遊。 另外還推薦你打卡人氣景點和時尚購物商場的連串聖誕主題活動、享受特惠購物,品嚐精緻美饌, 迎接新一年! 最後,不要錯過每晚的“幻彩詠香江”大型多媒體燈光音樂匯演,色彩和音樂點亮維多利亞港上空的 天際線,還有新年倒數慶祝活動,一起在香港迎接新開始吧!
For more details visit 詳情請查閱
13 Dec
Longines Hong Kong International Races Dec 2020
For horse-racing fans across the world, all eyes are on Hong Kong as the Hong Kong Jockey Club stages the Longines Hong Kong International Races, one of the racing world’s most illustrious events. Leading horses, jockeys, trainers and owners from around the globe compete in a series of four international G1 races – the Longines Hong Kong Cup (2,000 metres), Longines Hong Kong Mile (1,600 metres), Longines Hong Kong Sprint (1,200 metres), and Longines Hong Kong Vase (2,400 metres) – with prize money totalling $95 million on offer.
浪琴表香港國際賽事 《浪琴表香港國際賽事》讓世界各地的賽馬迷,都將目光投向香港這項全球最具盛名的賽事 之一。來自世界各地的領馬師、騎師、訓練師及馬主將參加浪琴表香港盃(2,000米)、 浪琴表香港一哩錦標( 1,600 米)、浪琴表香港短途錦標( 1,200 米)及浪琴表香港瓶 (2,400米)四項 G1 國際賽事,總獎金 9,500 萬元! 入場人士須年滿十八歲 Entrants must be aged 18 or above
n i t a g r b e l e C Hong Kong Style
港 味 十 足 慶 聖 誕
espite unprecedented times, Hong Kong embraces Christmas with revelry and festive celebrations. We give you a rundown of all the holiday highlights.
hanks to measures taken by the government and a super-vigilant citizenry, Hong Kong has managed to limit the spread of Covid-19 pandemic, and the city remains largely open. As Christmas approaches, and notwithstanding certain social distancing measures, the city is determined to welcome and celebrate the winter holidays with festive spirit and gusto.
於政府採取的措施和市民的超強警覺性, 香港 Covid-19 疫情基本得到控制,城市 基本保持開放。聖誕臨近,雖然出行還是受到一些 隔離措施限制,但全市上下都抱着極大的熱情迎接和 慶祝聖誕節,歡度冬季假期。
And the city celebrates Christmas like nowhere else in Asia, both spiritually and commercially. The prelude to Christmas in Hong Kong comes early each year, with yuletide decorations and lighting displays appearing in early November and spreading until the city is transformed into a winter wonderland – with high-rise buildings draped in colourful lights and shopping malls and public squares decked out in red, green and gold.
香港的聖誕節,無論是精神上還是商業上,都是 獨一無二的。聖誕序幕每年都會提前到來,11月初聖 誕裝飾和燈光秀紛紛湧現,城市變成冬日仙境—— 摩天大樓披上五彩繽紛的燈光,商場和廣場也被 紅色、綠色和金色籠罩,節日氛圍濃厚。
While the holiday itself has become more secular in cities across the world, morphing into an occasion to exchange gifts and take a well-deserved year-end party break, the city’s substantial Christian community ensures that it is still a most religious holiday that celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ. Whatever Christmas means to you, Hong Kong is the perfect place to soak in the spirit of Christmas and enjoy all the festive activities and events the city has to offer. So, join in the Yuletide spirit and have a Merry, Merry, Christmas.
聖誕節在世界各地的城市中已經變得商業化, 大家交換禮物,享受年終聚會;但香港龐大的基督徒 們讓港味的聖誕節仍帶有神聖且原始的意義。無論聖 誕節對您意味着什麼,都推薦您來港歡度聖誕,享受 城市所提供的眾多節日活動。帶着聖誕感恩的心情, 在這裡度過一個快樂的聖誕節吧!
6 | DECEMBER 2020
Christmas Markets 圣诞市集 Picking out gifts and knick-knacks for family and friends at Christmas markets is always good fun. The city’s large Western expatriate community and various church community groups do an excellent job of organising these homely events. While some markets have been cancelled due to the pandemic, others are still taking place. 在聖誕市場上為親朋好友挑選禮物和小擺件,是一件很有趣的事。香港龐大的西方僑民社區和各種教會團體 會以不同的溫馨活動歡慶聖誕。有些活動因疫情而取消,大部分仍會如期舉行。
Christmas Market at Langham Hotel
Christmas Market at the Landmark 置地广场圣诞市集
This posh hotel is hosting a Christmas market selling local crafts. You can also pick-up a Heep Hong Society tote bag with all proceeds donated to help needed children and youths.
The luxury mall in the heart of Central has transformed a section of the mall into a European-style Christmas market selling ornaments and treats, special edition Christmas goodies, sweets, pastries and wines.
2 to 27 December, 12-8 pm (Saturdays and Sundays); The Langham Hong Kong, 8 Peking Road, Tsim Sha Tsui.
Now till 31 December, 11am-8pm; Shop 308 and 312-314, 3/F, Landmark Atrium, Landmark, 15 Queen’s Road Central, Central
這家豪華的酒店將舉辦聖誕集市活動,可以買到當地手工藝品,領取 協康會的手提袋,所有收入都會捐給需要幫助的兒童和青少年。
位於中環核心地帶的豪華購物中心將商場的一部分改造成傅統歐式聖 誕市場,出售飾品、點心、特別版聖誕禮物、糖果、糕點和葡萄酒。
12 月 2 日至 27 日,中午 12 點至晚上 8 點(星期六和星期日); 尖沙咀北京道8號香港朗廷酒店。
Honi Honi Christmas Pop-up Market Honi Honi 圣诞 Pop-up 市集
This popular tiki lounge-bar is turned into a pop-up Christmas market for one day, with vendors selling homeware, candles, clothing, jewellery and more. 10 December, 10.30am-7.30pm; Honi Honi Tiki Cocktail Lounge, 3/F, Somptueux Central, 52, Wellington Street, Central
即日起至 12 月 31 日上午 11 時至晚上 8 時;中環皇后大道中 15 號 置地廣場 3 樓 308 及 312-314 號鋪
Treasure Island Christmas Market at Pui O Beach 贝澳湾的 Treasure Island 圣诞市集
Spend a relaxing day at the picturesque Pui O Beach and have loads of fun exploring the quaint Christmas market where you’ll find a plethora of food, presents and health products. 12-13 December, 11am to 5pm; Pui O Beach, Lantau
這家深受歡迎的 tiki 酒吧,在一天時間裡變成了聖誕 pop-up 市集, 售賣家庭用品、蠟燭、服裝、珠寶等。
在風景如畫的貝澳海灘度過悠閒的一天,盡情探索古色古香的聖誕市集, 這裡有很多美食、禮物和健康食品。
12月10日,上午 10:30 至晚上 7:30; 中環威靈頓街 52 號 Somptueux Central 3 樓 Honi Honi Tiki 酒吧
12月12日至13日,上午11點至下午5點; 大嶼山貝澳海灘
Christmas-themed Displays 圣诞主题展
Almost all shopping malls in Hong Kong will be decked out in eye-catching Christmas displays, some exceptionally extravagant. Collectively, they’ve become the gathering place for locals to engage in Christmas activities – everything from shopping, taking in the decorations and performances, taking selfies or pictures with Santa Claus, to just soaking in the atmosphere. This year’s highlights include: 幾乎所有的購物中心都會“穿上”聖誕裝飾,相互比拼誰更奢華,這裡已經成為當地人參與聖誕活動的聚集地,從 購物、欣賞裝飾和觀看表演,到自拍或與聖誕老人合影,或者只是感受一下氣氛,應有盡有。今年的亮點活動包括:
Harbour City 海港城
The eagerly anticipated Christmas display at the waterfront walkway connecting the giant shopping mall to the Star Ferry is always a top spot for holiday season Instagram pictures. 在連接巨型購物中心和天星小輪的海濱步道上的聖誕展示,一直是 人們發在 IG 上的首選打卡地。
New Town Plaza Kissmas in Town 新城市广场浪漫槲寄生园
Heritage 1881
The Christmas decorations at the beautiful Heritage 1881 Mall are always worth visiting and make it one of the city’s hottest photo spots.
Heritage 1881 購物中心的聖誕節裝飾品值得一遊,這裡已經成為香港 最熱門的社交分享景點之一。
Lee Garden–Disneyland’s 15th Anniversary Magical Christmas Celebration
利园——迪士尼主题公园 15周年魔幻圣诞庆典
This large regional mall is creating a 1000-square-foot Covent Garden–inspired display to celebrate a white Christmas, Londonstyle. 這個大型區域性商場打造了一個1000平方英尺的以柯芬園為靈感的 告白勝地,感受倫敦式的白色聖誕節。
The Lee Garden Area will turn into the magic kingdom in celebration of Hong Kong Disneyland’s 15th anniversary. Be sure to meet Mickey, Minnie and their friends at three designated photo-spots. 為慶祝香港迪士尼公園成立 15 週年,利園將變身為魔幻王國,可以 在三個指定點與米奇、米妮和他們的朋友見面。
8 | DECEMBER 2020
Pacific Place 太古广场 This year, this ultra-luxury mall is home to Steamship Santa, complete with Nordic displays, a Christmas market and an elf workshop. 今年,這個超豪華的商場迎來了“蒸汽船聖誕老人”,包括 北歐展區,聖誕市集和精靈工坊。
Lights and More Lights 灯光秀 In a city already famous for its light displays on high-rise buildings, the Christmas period illuminates Hong Kong and its iconic harbour in one gigantic lighting extravaganza. 香港的摩天大樓燈光秀享譽各地,聖誕節期間同樣會有巨大的燈光盛會點亮香港及其港口。
East TST Harbourfront 尖东海滨 Every year, the buildings on Tsim Sha Tsui East facing the harbour are lit up with colourful Christmas lighting displays visible from all around the harbour. 每年,面向海港的尖沙咀東部建築都會被點亮,站在 海港四處可見五光十色的燈光。
A Symphony of Lights 幻彩咏香江 This iconic multimedia light show on the harbourfront will be the centrepiece of Hong Kong’s Christmas lighting spectacle. Nightly at 8pm. 這個在海傍舉行的多媒體燈光秀,將成為香港聖誕燈光秀的 焦點。每晚 8 點。
Attractions & Performances 观光及表演
Hong Kong Disneyland 香港迪士尼主题公园
Ocean Park: Christmas Sensation at Ocean Park 海洋公园——海洋公园圣诞全城
Celebrate Christmas at Hong Kong Disneyland and enjoy all its festive activities. This year, Disneyland celebrates its 15th anniversary in Hong Kong and unveils the opening of its remodelled castle – the Castle of Magic Dreams. 在香港迪士尼慶祝聖誕可以參與所有節日活動。今年是香港迪士尼 15 週年慶典,改造後的城堡——奇妙夢想城堡也將正式揭幕。
Expect Hong Kong’s premier theme park to unveil a full slate of entertainment activities to celebrate Christmas. Check for full details. 香港最受歡迎的主題公園將推出一系列娛樂活動來慶祝聖誕節。 詳情請瀏覽海洋公園網站。
AIA Vitality Park and the Observation Wheel 香港摩天轮和 AIA Vitality 公园
This socially distanced waterfront destination is perfect to check out the city’s bright Christmas lights. Ride on its Observation Wheel, ride a carousel, relax and dine at its socially distanced pods, or attend a wellness class. 這個社交距離合理的海濱是欣賞城市璀璨聖誕燈飾的絕佳地點。乘坐 摩天輪,旋轉木馬,可以在這裡放鬆、用餐,還可以參加健康課程。
10 | DECEMBER 2020
The Nutcracker 胡桃夹子
This classic Christmas tale of Clara and her friends, performed by the Hong Kong Ballet, is back for its ever-popular annual outing – perfect for kids and adults alike. 18-20 Dec (Fri-Sun), 22-27 Dec 2020 (Tue-Sun) 7.30pm; 19-20 Dec (Sat-Sun), 25-27 Dec 2020 (Fri-Sun) 2.30pm; Hong Kong Cultural Centre Grand Theatre, Tsim Sha Tsui 由香港芭蕾舞團演出的經典聖誕故事《胡桃夾子》,再次回 歸,講述嘉麗及費殊和她的朋友們經歷的難忘旅程。這個聖誕 傳統節目是大人小孩全家出行的最佳選擇。 12 月 18 日至 20 日 (星期五至星期日), 2020 年 12 月 22 日至 27 日(星期二至星期 日)晚上7時30分;12月19日至20日(星期六至星期日),2020 年12月25日至27日(星期五至星期日)下午2時30分;尖沙咀香港 文化中心大劇院。
Hong Kong Philharmonic– A Viennese New Year 香港管弦乐团《维也纳新年音乐会》 The perennial favourite to welcome in the New Year returns, with the Hong Kong Phil performing classic waltzes and timeless arias from famous composers. 30-31 December, 7pm; Hong Kong Cultural Centre Concert Hall, Tsim Sha Tsui. 香港管弦樂團將於12月30日至31日晚上7時,在香港文化中心 音樂廳演奏經典華爾茲和永恆詠嘆調,以迎接新年的到來。 12月30日至31日晚上7時,尖沙咀香港文化中心音樂廳。
Church Services & Charity Giving 教会服务和慈善捐赠 Christmas is, after all, the celebration of the birth of Christ. Most churches in Hong Kong will be holding mass or worship services on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. Some noteworthy ones include St. John’s Cathedral (Anglican) in Central, the Rosary Church (Catholic) in Tsim Sha Tsui, and St. Andrews’s Church (Anglican) in Tsim Sha Tsui. All welcome visitors with open arms. Finally, Christmas is a time for giving, so please share whatever you can for the needy of Hong Kong and around the world. In Hong Kong, the longstanding Operation Santa charity drive and the Salvation Army are both worthy recipients of your financial warmth. Give generously and Merry Christmas. 聖誕節是慶祝耶穌誕生的日子。香港大部分教堂都會在平 安夜和聖誕節當天舉行彌撒或禮拜。有中環的聖約翰座堂 (聖公會)、尖沙咀的玫瑰堂(天主教)、尖沙咀的聖安 德烈堂(聖公會)等。所有教堂都歡迎訪客。 聖誕節同樣是個奉獻的日子,請大家為香港和世界各地有 需要的人分享一切可以分享的東西。在香港,由來已久的 “聖誕老人行動”活動和救世軍都是值得值得信賴的慈善 團體。再次祝您聖誕快樂。
12 | DECEMBER 2020
Due to potential new social distancing measures as we go to press, certain scheduled events or programmes may be cancelled or amended. Please check to confirm before attending. 在本報刊發之際,可以出台新的疏離措施,某些活動或節目可能會被取消或延期, 請在出發前確認。
Nasi Lemak
Black Pepper Crab
Kuih Dadar
*Pre-order required
Roti Canai
Penang Char Koay Teow
Abok Abok
6613 | EMAIL:
Level 2, JEN Hong Kong by Shangri-La (MTR: HKU, Exit B2), 508 Queen’s Road West, Western District, Hong Kong DECEMBER 2020
“Trusted Favourite” |
Hong Kong’s
Fascinating Coastline
香 港 迷 人 海 岸 線
Embark on a photo-journey of Hong Kong’s diverse coastline and its picturesque landscapes 開啟一段香港風景如畫海岸線的拍攝之旅
t 723 kilometres, Hong Kong has the longest coastline of any global city. Winding around an area of only 1,100 square kilometres, our varied coastline is never far away and always offers something unexpected to the visitor. The sheer diversity of the coastal landscape is stunning, and especially amazing for such a small area. Whether it’s the waterfront of Victoria Harbour set against one of the world’s most spectacular skylines, the rugged coastline of the Sai Kung Peninsula with its rocky cliffs and jagged headlands interspersed with alluring white-sand beaches, geological gems off the east coast, isolated islands that rarely see visitors, or the fishing ponds, wetlands, mangrove swamps and mudflats of the northwest New Territories, Hong Kong has them all, along with an equally rich marine environment. We recommend the ten best photo spots along the city’s amazing coastline as a highlight of your visit to Hong Kong. Get your cameras ready, explore, and enjoy!
14 | DECEMBER 2020
1,100 平方公里,但海岸線 香 港的面積只有 長達 723 公里,在全球各大城市中排名 第一,且海岸線蜿蜒曲折,交通便捷,值得遊 客到此探索一番。
如此小的地區,卻擁有豐富多樣的海岸線,令 人驚嘆。維多利亞港的海岸線,與世界上最壯 觀的天際線——陡峭的山巒和林立的摩天大樓 交相呼應;西貢半島岩石峭壁,中間鋪散着白 色沙灘;東海岸的奇特地質;或新界西北部 的沖積平原上的魚塘、濕地、紅樹林沼澤和 海灘,您都可以欣賞到香港多樣的海洋環境。 我們向您推薦香港十佳海岸線觀賞地,讓您 盡情享受、探索這座城市,準備好相機哦。
Panoramic Harbour Views 港口全景
Tsim Sha Tsui
waterfront 尖沙咀海濱
The world-famous promenade starting from the Star Ferry along the recently redeveloped Avenue of Stars offers a panoramic view of Hong Kong Island where the hills, skyscrapers and the water converge to form an unforgettable setting. Walk along the waterfront all the way to Hung Hom for a different vista of the harbour. 從尖沙咀天星碼頭出發,沿着剛重新規劃設計著名的星光大道,可以 飽覽對面香港島全景,山丘、摩天大樓和海水交相呼應,令人着迷。 沿着五光十色的維港及海濱一直走到紅磡,享受海港別樣景觀。
Wan Chai Ferry Pier
to Instagram Pier
灣仔碼頭至 Instagram 碼頭
Starting from the Wan Chai Ferry Pier, head west along the waterfront. After rounding Bauhinia Square and the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, you are greeted by spectacular views of Victoria Harbour and the surrounding skylines of Central and Kowloon. The promenade passes by Tamar Park, the Observation Wheel, Star Ferry and the Outlying Island Ferry Piers before reaching the Hong Kong Macau Ferry Terminal, which you pass through. It is then another pleasant walk along the promenade to Sun Yat Sen Memorial Park and on to Instagram Pier (Western District Working Cargo Area), one of the city’s favourite Instagram spots. Along the way, one of the world’s great harbours will have offered you countless photo opportunities.
Aldrich Bay/Quarry Bay Park
由灣仔碼頭出發,沿海旁向西前行。參觀完紫荊廣場及香港會議展覽中心後, 可飽覽維多利亞港的美景,以及中環及九龍壯麗的天際線。海濱長廊途經添馬 公園、觀景輪、天星小輪及港外線碼頭,然後到達港澳客運碼頭。沿着長廊走 到孫中山紀念公園,隨後即可到 Instagram 碼頭(西區公共貨物裝卸區),這是 香港最受歡迎的 IG 打卡地之一。一路上世界上最大的港口之一將為你提供無數 的攝影點。
& Promenade
愛秩序灣/鰂魚涌海濱花園 A haven for joggers, dog owners and local residents out for a daily stroll, this neatly landscaped promenade stretching from Aldrich Bay near Sai Wan Ho to Quarry Bay offers wide views of the eastern harbour and Kowloon beyond and a glimpse of urban life in Hong Kong. Head into the park and be sure to check out the Alexander Grantham fireboat on permanent display. 這裡是慢跑、養狗人士及市民每日散步的好去處。這條景觀 優美的海濱長廊,視野開闊,可飽覽海港、九龍的景色及香港 的都市生活。一定要看看長廊上的葛量洪號滅火輪展覽館。
Rugged coastline, pristine beaches, and fantastic rock formations 崎岖海岸线、原始海滩以及奇妙岩层
Maclehose Trail
Section 2
麥理浩徑二段 This moderately arduous hike starting from the East Dam of High Island Reservoir in Sai Kung Country Park affords the best views of Hong Kong's wildest coastline. The East Dam itself is part of the Hong Kong Geopark where you can observe otherworldly hexagonal volcanic rock columns and other rock formations. Several pristine white-sand beaches await, including Long Ke, a secluded beach in a rocky cove, and the four Ham Tin beaches, Hong Kong’s closest approximation to a tropical paradise. Enjoy the rugged coastline traversed by the trail. We promise it will be an unforgettable experience. 從西貢郊野公園萬宜水庫東壩開始徒步,可欣賞香港最原生態的海岸線。東 壩本身是香港地質公園的一部分,在那裡可以看到稀有的六角形火山岩柱和 其他岩石。沙灘,包括幽靜的浪茄灣海灘,和四個港最具熱帶風情的鹹田灣 泳灘等待着遊客光臨。享受數條小徑穿梭的崎嶇海岸線,這將會是您一次難 忘的經歷。
Hong Kong
Global Geopark
香港世界地質公園 This UNESCO-designated geopark comprising groups of islands off the eastern coast of Hong Kong is home to fascinating rock formations ranging from wave platforms to jagged outcrops to surprising caves. Most of the rock here is volcanic but the small island of Tung Ping Chau displays a uniquely sedimentary geology. This island is accessible by ferry on weekends, or you can hire a boat or join a tour of the Ninepin Islands that form part of the Geopark islands, starting from Sai Kung Pier. 這是聯合國指定的地質公園,由香港東海岸的多個類別組成。這裡有多種 岩層,從衝擊岩到鋸齒狀的裸露岩層到令人驚嘆的一片這里大部分都是火 山岩,但 您可以在周末從大浦附近的馬料水出發乘渡輪前往東平洲;還可 以從西貢碼頭出發租一艘小船,或者參加果洲群島旅行團, 去往地質公園 其他島嶼。
Shek O
This popular destination on southeast Hong Kong Island offers a bit of everything: a wide sandy beach for sun worshippers and surfers, rocky headlands perfect for exploration, and a quaint village with enchanting houses and cafes. It is easily accessible from the city by bus or taxi. 是位於香港島東南部的旅遊勝地,有適合日光浴愛好者和衝浪 者的廣袤沙灘;有適合探險的岩石岬角;還有一個擁有傳統房 屋和咖啡館的質樸村落,從市區到這裡交通十分便利。
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Islands, tranquil coves and rustic fishing villages 岛屿、宁静海湾和渔村
Lamma Island 南丫島
Yung Shue Wan and Sok Kwu Wan are the two best-known villages on this enchanting island south of Hong Kong. A moderate hike from Yung Shue Wan to So Kwu Wan passes through an idyllic village where resident foreigners and locals rub shoulders, a swimming beach, and a gorgeous view of the island coastline before descending to a small estuary that is home to a rich variety of plants, birds and marine life, ending with a pleasant seafood dinner at one of the many waterfront restaurants in Sok Kwu Wan.
Tai O Village 大澳村
榕樹灣及索罟灣是這個南部迷人島嶼上最著名的兩個村落。從榕樹灣徒步到 索罟灣,可以經過一個田園詩般的村莊,除了當地居民外還可以碰到很多外 國人,還可以一路欣賞美麗景色,徒步到終點處的小河口,有多種植物、 鳥類和海洋生物,最後可以在索罟灣的眾多海邊餐廳享用愉快的海鮮晚餐。
One of our oldest fishing villages remains essentially as it has been for over a century. This popular destination on southwest Lantau is known for the blending of structure and sea with its houses built on stilts over the water and where fishing is still a way of life, now supplemented by tourism. 香港最古老的漁村之一,一個多世紀以來仍保留原有模樣。這個位於大嶼 山西南部的熱門景點以建築與海洋完美融合而聞名,房屋建在水上,當地 人仍然熱愛釣魚,現今旅遊業也在蓬勃發展。
Alluvial plain & wetlands galore 冲积平原和湿地
Pak Nai 白泥
A six-kilometre shoreline along from Mai Po in the northwest corner of the New Territories is an ecological delight. Comprising Sheung Pak Nai and Ha Pak Nai (upper and lower), the coastline is one of expansive mudflats and wetlands. It is renowned as one of the best spots to watch the sunset, and nearby Lau Fau Shan is home to several seafood restaurants. A temple with a 1,500-year history and a colonial fortified structure are of especial interest.
Mai Po Reserve/Nam Sang Wai /
Hong Kong Wetland Park
位於新界西北角米舖附近,上白泥和下白泥的約六公里海岸線可以欣賞到 一個生態樂園,是香港知名的海灘和濕地之一。它被譽為觀賞日落的最佳 地點之一,附近的流浮山有多家海鮮餐廳、一座 1,500年曆史的寺廟和殖 民時期的建築,這些值得前去探索。
For a totally different landscape, where the low-lying coast is dominated by the ebb and flow of the tide, either of the Mai Po Reserve and nearby Nam Sang Wai is well worth a visit. Here, the vista is one of wetlands and mangroves that are home to migratory birds, mudflats, fishponds and ancient villages. The Hong Kong Wetland Park offers a similar environment, and its educational programmes and guided tours are perfect for kids. 在米埔自然保護區和附近的南生圍可以欣賞到完全不同的景觀,受潮漲潮 落影響,這里地勢低窪。這裡有着濕地和紅樹林資源,是候鳥、泥灘、 魚塘和古村的聚集地。香港濕地公園環境和資源同樣優質豐富,其教育計 劃和導賞活動非常適合兒童。
Note: Due to the Covid-19 coronavirus outbreak, please check with your concierge or call to confirm whether these attractions/ sightseeing spots are open. 注意:受冠狀病毒疫情影響,請您及時與禮賓部聯繫,或致電詢問以下景區/景點是否開放。
Star Ferry
Big Bus Tours
Hong Kong Observation Wheel
The ultimate Hong Kong experience. These much-loved vessels have over 100 years' history and are still one of the cheapest forms of local transport. 登上天星小輪是蒞臨香港不可錯過的體驗之一。這 種交通工具運載乘客已超過一世紀,至今仍是全港 最便宜的交通工具之一。
Big Bus Tours take visitors to all the city’s popular attractions, including Victoria Peak, Ladies’ Market, Man Mo Temple, Aberdeen and more. Tours offer personal recorded commentary available in 10 languages. 在香港,Big Bus Tours觀光遊會帶遊客走遍城中 著名旅遊景點,包括太平山頂、「女人街」、文 武廟及香港仔等。作為全球觀光導賞的精英,大 巴士觀光遊更有多達十種語言的錄音介紹,既細 心又詳盡。
You can get stunning day- and night-time views of the spectacular Victoria Harbour on the 60-metre-high Hong Kong Observation Wheel. The area nearby the wheel includes a square for events as well as drinks and snacks. 您可以從一個高60公尺的香港摩天輪上欣賞維港的 日與夜,獨特角度,令人震撼。摩天輪附近有一個 活動廣場,可享用美食和飲品。
Ferries leave from Central Pier 7 to Tsim Sha Tsui; and from Wan Chai to Tsim Sha Tsui. 小輪於中環 7 號碼頭前往尖沙咀,亦設灣仔至 尖沙咀航線。 $2.7-$3.7
Classic Ticket 精選套票 HK$480 (Adult 成人) HK$430 (Child aged 5 - 15 ; 5 歲至 15 歲小童) 2723 2108
HK$20 Adults 成人 HK$10 (Aged 3-11 years Child & Senior & Visitors with Disabilities 3-11歲小童和長者 和殘疾人士) 33 Man Kwong Street, Central, Hong Kong Island 香港島中環民光街33號 2339 0777
Hong Kong Disneyland
Ocean Park
Nan Lian Garden and Chi Lin Nunnery
From Disney Parks’ first Marvel-themed ride, the all-new ‘Iron Man Experience’ to ‘Star Wars: Tomorrowland Takeover’, and now the world's first ‘Ant-Man and The Wasp’ attraction, Hong Kong Disneyland offers immersive and unforgettable experiences that cannot be missed. 迪士尼樂園首個漫威主題遊樂設施「鐵甲奇俠飛行之 旅」已開幕!從全新的鋼鐵人(港譯:鐵甲奇俠)到 星戰主題區,再到全球首個以蟻俠與黃蜂女為主題的 遊樂設施,樂園帶來多元獨特的體驗,讓您的奇妙旅 程更豐富。
Ocean Park Hong Kong is a marine-life theme park featuring animals, thrill rides and shows. The two major attractions areas, the Waterfront and the Summit, are connected by the Cable Car and Ocean Express funicular train. In Aqua City, you can watch Symbio, a multi-sensory show featuring the world’s first 360-degree water screen. 海洋公園是一個世界級海洋動物主題樂園,分 「海濱樂園」及「高峰樂園」兩個景區,由架空纜 車及海洋列車連接。夢幻水都主題區有全球首創的 360度水幕表演「雙龍奇緣」,為您帶來連場聲光 交匯的視聽震撼。
Located in the foothills of Lion Rock, Kowloon’s most distinctive mountain, the Nan Lian Garden and Chi Lin Nunnery stand out as a tranquil oasis. Visitors find respite in the elegant Tang Dynasty style architecture and the immaculately landscaped gardens and water ponds. 南蓮園池及志蓮淨苑位於九龍獅子山山腳,就如同一 片城市綠洲。遊客可欣賞到唐朝風格的建築和風景優 美的庭院及水池,感受寧靜平和的氣息。
1-Day Ticket: Standard Day 普通日子樂園1日門票 General Admission 標準 (Aged 12-64,12至64歲)HK$639 Child 小童(Aged 3-11,3至11歲)HK$475 Senior 長者(Aged 65+,65歲或以上)HK$100 MTR Disneyland Resort Station 港鐵迪士尼站 3550 3388
香港摩天輪 | DECEMBER 2020
$498 (Adult 成人), $249 (Child 小童). MTR Ocean Park Station Exit B 港鐵海洋公園站B出口 3923 2323
MTR Diamond Hill Exit C2, follow the signs and walk for 5 minutes. 由港鐵鑽石山站 C2 出口依路牌指示, 步行約 5 分鐘。 2354 1888 / 3658 9366
sky100 Hong Kong Observation Deck
Noah's Ark Hong Kong
Located on 100th floor of ICC, the tallest building in Hong Kong, sky100 Hong Kong Observation Deck is the only indoor observation deck in Hong Kong offering 360-degree views of the territory and its famous Victoria Harbour. 天際100香港觀景台位於全港最高的環球貿易廣場 100樓,是全港唯一能360度鳥瞰全港四方八面不 同的景觀及維港景色的室內觀景台。連接主要交 通網絡及國際級購物商場,是旅客訪港必到的第 一站。
It really is like gazing upon the ark itself, which is why the world's only full-size replica of Noah's Ark is popular with both international and local visitors. Noah’s Ark Hong Kong is a wonderful place for parents and children to bond in a comfortable, natural environment, where entertainment and education are combined in diverse activities that promote life, family, the earth and harmonious values. 全球唯一根據遠古所載,以一比一的比例大小建造 的香港挪亞方舟。這個主題景點適合一家大小同 遊,您可以在方舟內參加益智好玩的活動,更可到 古樸的馬灣村,緬懷昔日漁村風。
天際 100 香港觀景台
$188 (Adult 成人) $128 (Child & Senior 小童和長者). Kowloon MTR Exit C, from 2/F, Metal Zone at Elements shopping mall, access a direct walkway leading into sky100 港鐵九龍站C出口,連接圓方商場金區2樓 2613 3888
Ngong Ping 360 昂坪360
MTR Tung Chung Station, Exit B. Walk for approximately five minutes to the Tung Chung Cable Car Terminal. 從港鐵東涌站B出口,步行約5分鐘至東涌纜 車站。 3666 0606
Where to find out more 更多資訊
580 1,550 Remarks: Extra tolls HK$100 for Hotels on HK side.
$168 (Adult 成人) $138 (Child & Senior 小童和長者) Ferry from Central Pier 2 (access via MTR Hong Kong Station Exit E pass through ifc mall) to Park Island (the journey takes about 20 minutes). Walk to the Pak Lai Road then turn left to Pak Lam Road. 從中環出發:從港鐵香港站E1出口,穿過國際 金融中心商場,於中環2號碼頭搭乘渡輪前往珀 麗灣碼頭,船程約20分鐘。下船後一直走到珀 麗路,然後再左轉至珀林路。 3411 8888 The 25-minute cable car ride shows visitors breathtaking views of Lantau Island and the South China Sea. At the top of the ride is Ngong Ping themed village which features a variety of dining, shopping and entertainment outlets. It sits right next to Lantau’s cultural heritage such as Po Lin Monastery and The Big Buddha, making it the perfect start for your Lantau journey. 昂坪纜車讓旅客享受大嶼山及南中國海風光明媚的 景色,纜車全程約 25 分鐘。登山後,更可到結合 飲食、購物及娛樂於一身的昂坪市集遊覽。此處連 接大嶼山的文化遺產,如寶蓮寺和天壇大佛,可作 為你開展大嶼山之旅的起點。
( Optional sampan ride can be made on spot on own account )
540 Child小童 (3-11yr) HK$450
• Lichi Park • Shenzhen Meridian View Centre (entrance ticket included) • Terra-Cotta Warriors and Horse Museum • Lo Wu Shopping Mall (approx. 2 hours)
Price inclusive: Pick-up transfer, Group China Visa, Transportation, Chinese lunch and guide service
950 Child 小童 (1-9yr) HK$870 Weekend - Adult HK$980 / Child (1-9yr) HK$900
Hotel concierges are mines of information about sights and tours, as well as being able to talk guests through the various options and offer seasoned advice. Visit for tourist information, suggested itineraries and much more. 酒店的禮賓服務台備有許多觀光及旅行團資料,能為旅客提供各種選擇和中肯 意見。此外,請瀏覽 查看更多遊客必備資訊和建議行程等。 | 19
BBQ Combo Set 日式燒肉套餐
Yakinikumafia 2/F, Hollywood Centre, 233 Hollywood Road, Sheung Wan 上環荷李活道233號荷李活商業中 心2樓202號鋪
Every Bit of Wagyu Beef Counts at Yakinikumafia
Yakinikumafia 每一塊和牛都是精品
This month we visit a Japanese wagyu beef specialty restaurant for an immersive all-beef dining experience.
3105 1250
nown for its unrivalled marbled texture and flavour, wagyu beef is increasingly featured in premium dinner menus in cuisines across the world. But the chance to indulge in a meal that serves only wagyu beef, and from different cuts, is an altogether different and enticing prospect. Dining group Wagyumafia, hailing from Tokyo, offers just that, and we were delighted to visit their recently opened Yakinikumafia restaurant for an omakase meal. Wagyumafia was founded by chef-owner and selftaught wagyu expert Hisato Hamada and entrepreneur Takafumi Horie. The duo launched its membersonly restaurant, Wagyumafia Progressive Kaiseki, in Tokyo in 2016; the restaurant serves Japanese wagyu sourced from farmers from the highly prized Osaka region. In 2018, it opened Wagyumafia in Hong Kong, specialising in premium wagyu beef. Then earlier this year, the group opened Yakinikumafia by Wagyumafia here, a sister restaurant that also specialises in wagyu beef menus, and the chain’s first outlet outside Japan.
Rare Cut 尾崎和牛 稀有部位
Yakinikumafia serves not only prime cuts of wagyu beef, but also rare cuts not usually available in restaurants. According to Wagyumafia, entire whole carcasses are brought to Hong Kong straight from auction houses in Japan for use across all Wagyumafia restaurants to ensure quality consistency. Then, cutting-edge butchering techniques are used to create rare cuts, ensuring all parts of the cow, including offal and bones, are consumed. We were there for the omakase menu. The spacious restaurant was open, bright and welcoming. Its airport theme pays homage to Copenhagen’s Kastrup International Airport, which was frequently visited by Hamada. A large standing communal chef counter dominates the dining area, complemented by cosy individual booths.
20 | DECEMBER 2020
The Omakase Set ($980/person) features six rare cuts of quality Ozaki wagyu beef of different textures and flavours. The set menu also includes Wagyu Bone Soup, Cast-iron Prepared Koshihikari Rice, Daikon with Ponzu, Pickled Cucumbers, “Big-eye” BBQ Dipping Sauce and Wagyu Keema Curry, along with Goma Salad and Soft Serve Ice Cream. For the omakase set, the chef chose from cuts that include Senbon Suji, coming from between the thigh and shank cuts; its taste is sweet fat and quite umami; Zabuton (chuck flap), from behind the shoulder blades; Misuji (top blade), a tender cut in the central part of the chuck-eye roll and noted for its rich marbling; Kata Shin (chuck eye), which is wellmuscled with strong flavours; Kainomi (flap meat), a cut close to the tenderloin with a nice balance of lean and fat; Sankaku Bara (chuck short rib) and Rib Geta (rib finger), the meat from between the ribeye and rib bones. All the cuts are tender and flavourful; we appreciated the subtle differences in marbling and umami flavour among them. Yakinikumafia also offers a BBQ Combo Set ($480), which comprises the Ozaki Wagyu Plate of three cuts (fatty, medium fatty, lean) of prime wagyu beef plus accompaniments. Hungry guests can order additional items including steaks (ribeye and sirloin) as well as other add-ons. The restaurant also serves a nice selection of sakes, cocktails and other alcoholic drinks to go with the food. Whether you are a die-hard wagyu beef lover or just looking for a special dining experience, Yakinikumafia is a worthy option. We highly recommend it.■
Ozaki Ribeye Steak 尾崎肋眼牛排
Wagyu Garlic Rice 和牛大蒜炒飯
“Big-eye” BBQ Dipping Sauce 招牌燒烤醬
Goma Salad 胡麻沙律
和牛以其無與倫比的大理石質感、及自身的特殊風味擁有眾多粉絲, 越來越多地出現在世界各地的高級晚餐菜單上。如果有一家餐廳
品嚐到只供應和牛的餐點,而且是用先進屠宰技術切割的和牛,想必更加吸 引人。東京知名餐飲集團 Wagyumafia 就提供這種美味,我們本月打卡了 Wagyumafia最近開設的 Yakinikumafia,品嚐了 omakase。
Wagyumafia 由自學成才的和牛達人之稱的濱田壽人及企業家堀江貴文 創立。二人於2016年在東京推出會員專屬餐廳 Wagyumafia Progressive Kaiseki;餐廳供應的日本和牛來自大阪地區。 2018年在香港開設了首間海 外分店 Wagyumafia,專門供應優質和牛。今年年初,該集團在香港開設了 同樣專門提供和牛菜單的姊妹餐廳 Yakinikumafia,也是第一家開設在日本 以外的分店。 Yakinikumafia 不僅提供上等的和牛肉,還提供一般餐廳沒有的稀有和 牛。據介紹,整隻犢牛從日本拍賣行直接運到香港,供所有 Wagyumafia 餐廳使用,以確保品質的一致性。採用最高級的技術來切割,絕對不會浪 費,確保和牛的所有部分均能物盡其用。 我們品嚐了 omakase 菜單。餐廳開闊、明亮、溫馨,是以機場作為其 室內設計的主題,以坐落於哥本哈根的卡斯特魯普國際機場為藍本,象徵着 全新的起航。設有大型的站立公共廚師櫃檯,也有舒適的獨立餐桌。
Omakase 套餐(每人$980)包括了六款較稀有的尾崎和牛部位。套餐 還包括牛肉骨湯、鑄鐵鍋煲製而成的越光米、柚子大根、醃青瓜、招牌燒烤 醬以及尾崎和牛咖哩飯、胡麻沙律及北海道牛奶軟雪糕。 稀有和牛部位包括位於大腿和小腿之間的肋眼上蓋肉、位於肩胛骨後方 的肩里脊內側肉、位於肩板腱的中心部分的肩胛板腱肉、以擁有「最佳紋 理」的和牛部位而聞名;肌肉發達且味道濃鬱的肩板腱;最接近牛柳的腰脊 心,完美平衡了較瘦部位的肉及脂肪的分例;位於肉眼和肋骨之間的牛三角 肉和牛肋條。所有的肉質都很嫩,美味可口,可以慢慢品味每種肉間的細微 差別。
Yakinikumafia 還提供 BBQ 日式燒肉套餐($480),提供脂肪成分各 異的霜降、中等及赤身三個不同的尾崎和牛部位以及其他配菜。客人還可以 根據自己的喜好另外單點,包括牛排(肋眼和西冷)以及其他菜品。餐廳還 提供各種清酒,雞尾酒和其他含酒精的飲料。 無論您是否是和牛死忠粉,Yakinikumafia 都值得一試,絕對讓您念念 不忘。■ DECEMBER 2020
Sirloin Steak 沙朗牛排
Tango Argentinian Steak House
10th Anniversary Dinner at Tango Argentinian Steakhouse
1/F, 77 Wyndham Street, Central, Hong Kong 中環雲咸街77號嘉兆商業大廈1樓
We celebrated Tango Argentinian Steakhouse 10th anniversary with a sumptuous dinner outing.
Tango Argentinian Steakhouse 齊來以豐盛的晚餐來慶祝十週年紀念。
2525 5808
t came as a surprise to learn that Tango Argentinian Steakhouse, a popular restaurant perched above Lan Kwai Fong, was celebrating its 10th anniversary. It feels like the outlet has been a culinary destination in Central for decades! Naturally, we eagerly accepted an invitation to try out its special anniversary wine-paired dinner menu. Tango-Central
We are no strangers to Tango. Decorated in a cosy, rustic style framed by a brick fireplace, brick walls, wooden tables and warm lighting, the outlet serves hearty and appetising dishes and, of course, lots of beef from Argentina – juicy cuts of flavourful and tender steaks. Tango also offers a large collection of wines from different new- and old-world regions, including of course, a quality selection of Argentinian wines. The menu for the special anniversary dinner was created by Corporate Chef Alfredo Perez and his team, including Tango’s Head Chef Maxi Metetiero who is in charge of the inviting sizzling open cooking station. This is a meal to be savoured.
Sausage Platter 香腸拼盤
different textures and flavours of the various sausages – count ourselves among the converted! For the main course, there were four choices. We selected two steaks, not surprisingly. The Sirloin Steak Bife de Chorizo 16oz / 450g is a real whopper. The meat is juicy, nicely textured, and full of flavour. The Ribeye Steak ojo de bife 14 oz/400 g is equally good and tasty. We are clearly in beef heaven! Two other dishes, Black Truffle Stuffed Chicken Breast with Grilled Asparagus and Chicken Jus and Stuffed Peppers with Asparagus Cream and Seasonal Herbs – a vegetarian dish, rounds out the selection. The side dishes include choices of Roasted Pumpkin and Grilled Onions, all large servings. For both the starter and the main course, the paired wines include Dominio del Plata ‘Crios’ Torrontes 2017 from the Calchaqui Valleys/Uco Valley region, an excellent dry white, and Altos las Hormigas ‘Clasico’ Malbec 2018, a fruity and full-bodied red from the famed Mendoza wine region.
The 4-course Anniversary Dinner ($588/ person; Argentinian Wine Pairing $300/person) starts with an amuse bouche, Torrejas with Artisan Cheese and Black Truffle, a delicious small French toast, paired with Saint-Louis (Blanc de Blancs) Brut.
For desserts, we chose both Coconut Express Dulce de Leche Mousse Toasted Pistachios, Chocolate Sable, Fresh Mint and Coffee Ice Cream and Burnt Banana with Special Butter Caramel, Plantain Ice Cream and Sweet Cognac Spray, paired with Zuccardi ‘Malamado’ Port-style Malbec, from East Mendoza.
For starters, we chose Ceviche Seafood Symphony Tuna, Shrimp & Scallop and Octopus, slightly citrus and one of our favourite South American dishes and Sausage Platter Chorizo, Morcilla And Salchicha Parrillera, Iberico Pork Cheek – this dish is a mouthful even for the most ardent sausage lovers; we really savoured the
The anniversary dinner is every bit as hearty and delicious as advertised, and more. So, why not drop by Tango with your friends or loved ones for a truly hearty and happy dining occasion of superb steak, good food and excellent wine, in a relaxed and casual setting? But be sure to come with an empty stomach – you won’t want to miss a thing.■ | DECEMBER 2020
Ceviche Seafood Symphony Tuna, Shrimp & Scallop and Octopus 酸橘汁醃海鮮
Burnt Banana with Special Butter Caramel 焦糖香蕉配特製黃油
Tango Argentinian Steakhouse 最近慶祝成 蘭 桂坊一家受歡迎的餐廳 立10週年。這家餐廳幾十年來一直是中環的美食目的地!於是我們
我們對 Tango 並不陌生,整體風格呈舒適鄉村風格,磚砌壁爐、磚牆、 木桌和溫暖的燈光營造溫馨氛圍,當然還有豐盛美味的菜餚,來自阿根廷的牛 肉——多汁美味的嫩牛排。Tango 還提供大量來自不同地區的葡萄酒,當然精 選的阿根廷葡萄酒必不可少,且配搭得宜。 週年紀念特別晚宴的菜單由公司主廚 Alfredo Perez 和他的團隊設計,還 有主廚 Maxi Metetiero,他負責熱騰騰的開放式烹飪台。 四道菜的周年晚宴(每人 $588 ;阿根廷葡萄酒每人 $300 )以 Amuse Bouche ,帶有工匠奶酪和黑松露的 Torrejas,美味的小法式吐司,以及 Saint-Louis(Blanc de Blancs)Brut 開始。 首先,我們選擇了酸橘汁醃海鮮,當中有金槍魚、蝦、扇貝和章魚,略帶 柑橘味,這是我們最喜歡的南美菜餚之一;還有香腸拼盤,西班牙辣香腸、西 班牙煎蛋、Salchicha Parrillera 和黑毛豬頰肉——這道菜完全可以滿足香腸狂 熱愛好者的味蕾,不同口味和質地的香腸,十分美味。 主菜有四種選擇。我們選了兩份牛排,16盎司/450克的沙朗牛排分量很 足,肉質多汁細膩,味道濃郁。 14盎司/400克的肋眼牛排同樣美味,這裡堪 稱是牛肉天堂!另外兩道菜是黑松露雞胸肉配烤蘆筍、雞肉湯、辣椒配蘆筍奶 油和時令草本植物——這是一道素食菜餚。配菜有大份量的烤南瓜和烤洋蔥。 為開胃菜和主菜搭配的葡萄酒是2017年的 Dominio del Plata “Crios” Torrontes, Calchaqui Valleys/Uco Valley,這是一款優質乾白葡萄酒;2018 年的 Altos las Homigas “Classico” Malbec 2018, Uco Valley /Lujan de Cuyo/375 East Mendoza,一種來自著名葡萄酒產區果味濃郁的紅酒。 甜點方面,我們選擇了椰子速溶奶油慕斯烤開心果、巧克力、新鮮薄荷 和咖啡冰淇淋,以及焦糖香蕉配特製黃油、冰淇淋和甜白蘭地噴霧,搭配 Zuccardi ‘Malamado’ Port Style Malbec NV, East Mendoza。 週年紀念晚宴正如推廣餐單中所描述的那樣,豐盛而美味,記得空腹來吃。 與您的朋友或親人一起來 Tango,在輕鬆隨意的環境中享受真正的美味, 品嚐肉味香濃的阿根廷牛排和上等葡萄酒,這裡一定讓您滿意而歸!■ DECEMBER 2020
Welcome to CityLife’s Dining Guide – visitors’ first stop for restaurants in Hong Kong. Updated every month, our concise and candid comments help you choose the perfect restaurant. 歡迎來到《東方之珠》的飲食指南,我們定期為你送上新鮮時尚的飲食速遞。 我們坦誠而精明的推介希望能助你覓到真正的香江滋味。
$ $$ $$$ $$$$ $$$$$
<$150 $150 - $300 $300 - $500 $500 - $700 >$700
Average price of dinner per person, not including drinks. 以每位晚餐平均價錢計算, 飲料不包括在內。
Uptop Bistro & Bar We are always on the lookout for restaurants offering rooftop dining, preferably with views of the city from interesting vantage points. Uptop Bistro & Bar, located on the top floor and the entire roof terrace of Popway Hotel in Tsim Sha Tsui, across from the Hong Kong Museum of History, offers just that. Though only 20 floors up, the views from the restaurant are pleasantly unimpeded. At night, you are bathed in the city lights glittering above and all around – it’s a sight to behold! The restaurant serves international cuisines with an occasional infusion of Chinese cuisine, a reflection of the city’s rich culinary diversity. We were there to try the “Jewels at Uptop” Set Dinner ($398/person), a five-course menu that signalled ‘value for money’ from the get-go. The dinner starts with Japanese Abalone with Crab Roe Salad, with the abalone braised Japanese style. The soup is a choice of Clam Chowder Soup or Watercress Soup with Grissini, which is refreshing and nutritious. The next course is Pan-fried Crab Cake with Passion Fruit Mayonnaise: several different crab meats minced together to enhance the meat flavour – a really nice treat. For the main course, we chose Baked Duck Breast & Seared Scallops with Mango Salsa – a refreshing combination; Baked U.S. Lobster Tail & Baked Oyster in Bacon Cream Sauce – the lobster tail is succulent; or U.S. Rib Eye Steak with New Potato Chips & Baked Tomato with Mozzarella (Add $68) – both the steak and the new potatoes are excellent. The dinner ends with a choice of three desserts: Green Tea Ice Cream with Japanese Azuki & Strawberry Puff; Homemade Tiramisu; or Fruit Platter with Cointreau Sauce – all tasty. The restaurant serves beer, wines and cocktails, with a daily happy hour from 4 to 9pm, featuring excellent discounts.
餐廳供應國際美食,偶爾也會有中國菜,可以看出香港烹飪的多 樣性。我們來品嚐了空中寶「貝」主題晚餐($398/每人),一份五 道菜的菜單,絕對物超所值。 晚餐以前菜日式鮑魚配蟹籽沙律 開始,澳洲的鮮鮑魚用日本清酒 燉熟,二選一的餐湯可選擇 週打蜆湯 ,忌廉湯底加入鮮蜆,清爽 營養。下一道菜是 香煎蟹餅配熱情果蛋黃醬 將幾種不同的蟹肉絞 在一起,滿載蟹香,美味至極。 主菜我們選擇了香橙焗鴨胸肉及帶子配芒果沙沙 ——令人耳目一 新的組合; 焗龍蝦尾及半殼蠔配煙肉忌廉汁 或美國肉眼扒配新薯片及 焗水牛芝士番茄 (另加 $68 )——龍蝦尾肉質紮實,味道鮮甜;而 牛排和土豆片都很可口。 甜品共有三個款式,客人可任擇其一。 綠茶雪糕配日式紅豆 及士多啤梨泡芙 、自家製提拉米蘇蛋糕 及水果拼盤配君度酒 皆是帶有
餐廳供應啤酒,葡萄酒和雞尾酒,歡樂時光從4 點到 9 點,還有 優惠折扣,由 $38 起。
Uptop 還提供“「 城市露營 」”主題下午茶套餐( $368 起 / 兩人份),有各種鹹味食品、糕點和糖果,來這裡消磨一個愉快的 下午吧。 如果您想在浪漫環境中享用空中晚餐,或者想伴着醉人美景小酌 一杯放鬆身心,推薦 Uptop Bistro&Bar!
19/F, Popway Hotel, 117 Chatham Road South, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon 尖沙咀漆咸道南117號珀薈酒店19樓;2117 3526
Uptop also offers the “Urban Glamping” Afternoon Tea Set ($368/ two persons) that is chock-full of savoury items, pastries, and sweets. It’s a delightful way to while away a relaxing afternoon. If you are in the mood for an intimate dinner or just want to relax over drinks while enjoying panoramic views of the city, check out Uptop Bistro & Bar! 我們一直在尋找屋頂餐廳,可以從有趣的角度欣賞城市風景。 Uptop Bistro&Bar 位於香港歷史博物館對面的尖沙咀珀薈酒店的頂層及整個屋頂。 雖然只有20層,但餐廳的景色依舊很美。晚上,您可以沐浴在城市閃耀的燈 光裡,所有美景一覽無余!
24 | DECEMBER 2020
Smoke & Barrel For the many American food lovers here in Hong Kong, it’s always exciting news when a genuine American restaurant serving hearty, authentic BBQ food opens. Thus, there was much anticipation when Smoke & Barrel, billed as the first authentic American smokehouse and barbeque restaurant, opened its doors recently in Central. Smoke & Barrel serves traditional BBQ meats using smokers and grills, just the way millions of American families grill their favourite meats in countless backyards. In essence, the restaurant serves mouthwatering BBQ dishes using all-American meats, slow simmering cooking methods, and in an authentically imported wood-fired smoker – the only one in Hong Kong. We launched our meal with two starters: House Cured Salmon Gravlax ($128) and Steak Tartare ($158) – brisket jerky, truffle, mayo, gherkins; both are yummy. Then we got down to the serious business. From the smoker, dubbed the Beast, we had the Cider Glazed Baby Back Ribs ($208/half; $368/whole). The meat is juicy, tender, and practically falls off the bone. The smoker really does enhance the flavour of the meat. From the grill, we had Grilled Whole Local Sea Bass ($258) – Thai herbs, lime, jalapeno dressing that is also excellent. The side orders we chose were down-home American: sweet Jalapeno Cornbread ($68), with Lime & Herb Sour Cream and Thick Cut Fries ($78) and BBQ spice. Smoke & Barrel serves an extensive collection of beers, cocktails and wines. We eagerly ordered Margherita ($88) and Passion @ Wyndham Mansion ($88), a rum, passionfruit and lime concoction.
Smoke&Barrel 是香港首家餐廳使用正宗柴火煙燻爐,以慢煮 及低溫烹調傳統燒烤肉,就像數百萬美國家庭在後院與親朋好友一 同燒烤美食一樣。用美國的進口肉類、配以獨特的山核桃木煙薰, 展現傳統美式燒烤的精髓。 首先是兩道開胃菜:自家醃製三文魚($128)和韃靼牛肉 ($158),牛肉、松露、蛋黃醬、小黃瓜都很好吃;接下來就是主 菜了:蘋果酒烤豬肋骨($208/半份;$368/整份)骨肉分離、嫩滑多 汁和帶有煙燻味道的特色。 還吃了 烤本地海鱸魚 ( $258 )搭配泰國香草、青檸、墨西哥辣 椒醬,味道獨特。食客還可為主菜配搭一系列配菜,我們選擇的是 墨西哥辣椒粟米麵包($68)配青檸及香草酸忌廉,以及配料豐富、 帶有日式風味的炸薯寶($78) 。
Smoke&Barrel 供應各種啤酒,雞尾酒和葡萄酒。我們選擇了 瑪格麗特($88)和 Passion@Wyndham Mansion($88)是由朗姆
我們以 美式檸檬派 ( $88 )結束了豐盛的一餐,正如美式料理 給人的印像一樣,每一款菜品的份量都很足,尤其是和香港美食對 比。 如果您正在尋找物超所值的指尖美味,豐盛的美式燒烤,建議您 來 Smoke & Barrel 嚐嚐。
1/F – 2/F, Wyndham Mansion, 32 Wyndham Street, Central 香港中環雲咸街32號雲咸大廈1-2層;2866 2120
We ended this hearty meal with “Almost” Key Lime Pie ($88) that just hits the spot. Oh, did we mention that, as expected of American food, the portions are large, especially by Hong Kong standards? If you are looking for finger-licking, delicious, hearty American BBQ comfort food that is value for money, we highly suggest a visit to Smoke & Barrel. 對於香港眾多的美式美食愛好者來說,一家提供燒烤和煙燻美食的正宗美 式餐廳的出現,令人興奮。因此,當首間正宗美式燒烤及煙燻美食餐廳及酒吧 Smoke&Barrel 於中環開業是,大家充滿期待。
26 | DECEMBER 2020
L'Atelier de Joël Robuchon ($$$$$)
Hong Kong 香港島
The Peak 山頂 Lú Feng 爐峰 ($$)
Taking its cue from classic Hong Kong teahouses of yore, the latest restaurant atop the Peak, Lú Feng, ushers visitors on a journey through time by flawlessly showcasing the evolution of Hong Kong’s culinary culture. Shop 3A-B, Levels 2 & 3, The Peak Tower, Central. 2886 8680 以香港舊式茶居為藍本,爐峰酒家於已正式落戶山頂凌宵閣。酒家承傳了古老 香江風格,揉合現代新穎元素,巧妙地將香港飲食文化以嶄新方式呈現出來。 山頂凌霄閣 2&3樓3A-B號舖, 2886 8680
Bubba Gump Shrimp Co. 阿甘蝦餐廳 ($$$) Bubba Gump Shrimp Co. 阿甘蝦餐廳
Open since 2006, this threeMichelin-starred restaurant operated by celebrity chef Joel L'Atelier de Joël Robuchon sets the standard Robuchon f o r c o n t e m p o r a r y F re n c h fine dining with creatively presented, innovative dishes and chic décor. It’s the perfect venue for a special dining experience. Shop 401, 4/F, The Landmark, 15 Queen's Road Central, Central; 2166 9000 這家三星級米其林餐廳於 2006年開業,由名廚 Joel Robuchon 經營,因其創新菜 餚、創意佈局和別緻裝潢,成為 當代法國美食之標杆。絕對是享受完美用餐體驗的理想場所。中環皇后大道 中15號置地廣場4樓401號舖,2166 9000
Braza Churrascaria Brazilian Steakhouse ($$$) Braza Churrascaria Brazilian Steakhouse
Bubba Gump Shrimp Co. is the first and only casual restaurant chain based on a motion picture. It is an all-embracing family dining experience themed on Forrest Gump’s life, philosophy and love of shrimp. The restaurant has been an instant success, just like the movie. Shop 304-305, 3/F, The Peak Tower, 128 Peak Road, The Peak. 2849 2867 阿甘蝦餐廳有限公司是首間且唯一一間以電影為主題概念的休閒連鎖式餐廳 集團,餐廳以阿甘的生命、哲理及對鮮蝦的熱愛為主題,成立後迅即如電影 般好評如潮。山頂山頂道128號凌霄閣3層304-305號舖,2849 2867
Central 中環
Braza features an all-you-can-eat continuous tableside service with a wide variety of different cuts of meat, chicken and seafood in succession. Enjoy a trip to Brazil without leaving Hong Kong! 3/F, Grand Progress Building, 15-16 Lan Kwai Fong, Central. 2890 9268 Braza主打巴西風味的半自助餐,各種美味肉類和海鮮隨叫隨切,讓您在香港也 能盡享巴西風情!中環蘭桂坊15-16號協興大廈3樓,2890 9268
Chilli Fagara 麻辣燙 ($$)
Chinese Library ($$$$) Chinese Library
This cosy boutique restaurant specializes in fiery Sichuan dishes and personalized service. Shop E, G/F, 51A Graham Street, Central. 2893 3330 . 這家精緻的餐廳環境舒適,服務周到,提供香辣可口的四川特色菜。中環嘉 咸街51A地下E鋪,2893 3330
Admiralty 金鐘 Ruth's Chris Steak House 茹絲葵牛排餐廳 ($$$$)
Chinese Library is a fine-dining Chinese restaurant located in Tai Kwun, the city’s heritage and arts hub in Central. The elegant outlet occupies the first floor of the old Police Headquarters and serves classic dishes from the gamut of regional Chinese cuisines, including Cantonese, Chiu Chow, Sichuan, North China and Shanghainese. Among its signature dishes are Laksa Xiao Long Bao and Apple-Roasted 45-day Imperial Peking Duck – the perfect opportunity to appreciate China’s fine food and rich heritage. 1/F, Tai Kwun, 10 Hollywood Road, Central. 2848 3088 Chinese Library 是一家精緻的中餐廳,位於中環文化中心 — 大館。這家餐廳裝修 精緻,在舊中區警署一樓,供應粵菜、潮州菜、川菜、華北菜和上海菜等中國美 食。招牌菜有喇沙小籠包和北京烤鴨,除享用美食外,這裡還可以欣賞到豐富的 歷史和藝術文化。中環荷里活道10號大館1座1樓,2848 3088
Bombay Dreams ($$)
Food lovers return time after time for the authentic Indian cuisine at Bombay Dreams. The lunch buffet is a favourite among professionals. 4/F, 77 Wyndham St, Central. 2971 0001 . 一間甚具品質的正宗印度餐廳,擁有一批忠心的食客定期捧場;當中以自助午 餐最受歡迎。中環雲咸街77號4樓, 2971 0001
Fine cuts of beef served up sizzling on a garlic-buttered platter presented with friendly, American-style service. G/F, Lippo Centre, 89 Queensway, Admiralty. 2522 9090; 108-110, Level 1, Tsim Sha Tsui Centre, 66 Mody Road, Tsim Sha Tsui East, Kowloon. 2366 6000. 提供各式牛扒,在熱騰騰的碟子裡嘶嘶作響,美國式的友善服務令人感覺賓至 如歸。金鐘金鐘道89號力寶中心地下, 2522 9090;九龍尖沙咀東部麼地道66 號尖沙咀中心1樓108-110號鋪,2366 6000
Yè Shanghai 夜上海 ($$$)
Savour high-end Shanghainese cuisine in a chic environment inspired by the elegance of old Shanghai. 3/F, Pacific Place, 88 Queensway, Admiralty. 2918 9833; 702, Level 7, K11 MUSEA, 18 Salisbury Road, Tsim Sha Tsui. 2376 3322. 在時髦別緻的環境下,品嚐高級 的上海佳餚;餐廳的設計靈感來 自昔日的上海,別有一番韻味。 金鐘金鐘道 88 號太古廣場 3 樓, 2918 9833;九龍尖沙咀梳巴利道 18 號 K11 MUSEA 7樓 702 號鋪, 2376 3322 Yè Shanghai 夜上海
Kowloon 九龍
Tango Argentinian Steakhouse ($$$)
Tsim Sha Tsui 尖沙咀 Aqua ($$$$)
A penthouse with Aqua breathtaking views of Victoria Harbour, this ubercool restaurant presents two distinct culinary styles – Aqua Roma (Italian) and Aqua Tokyo (Japanese). 29-30/F, One Peking Road, Tsim Sha Tsui. 3427 2288. 位於高層閣樓,維港風光盡 收眼底。這家別具風格的前 衛餐廳,提供 Aqua Roma (意大利菜)和 Aqua Tokyo (日本菜)兩種迥然而異的風味選擇。尖沙咀北京道 1號29及30樓,3427 2288
Playa de Papagayo ($$)
Situated in the heart of the bar district in Tsim Sha Tsui, Papagayo offers a distinctive and hearty Spanish-inspired menu. Don’t miss grabbing some of their specially mixed sangrias along the way. Enjoy a 30 percent discount on all à la carte items at weekend brunch from 12 noon to 5pm. Open daily 12 noon-2am, G/F, Shop No.2, 8 Observatory Road, Tsim Sha Tsui; 2323 1379 位於尖沙咀酒吧街中心地帶的Papagayo提供獨特而豐富的西班牙菜餚,特調雞 尾酒及桑格利亞汽酒也是好選擇。逢周六日中午12時至下午5時,正價餐牌菜 式可享七折優惠。中午 12 時至凌晨 2 時;九龍尖沙咀河內道 5 號普基商業中心 地下N3號鋪,2739 1808
Playa de Papagayo
China Tang 唐人館 ($$$$)
Chinese cuisine in a stylish setting with harbour views. The extraordinary bar area comprises an elegant bar lounge and outdoor terrace serving the most delicious cocktails along with dim sum, bar snacks and Tang Express lunch sets. Shop 4101, 4/F, Gateway Arcade, Harbour City, 17 Canton Road, Tsim Sha Tsui. 2157 3148 主打傳統精緻中菜,尖沙咀海港城九龍旗艦店坐擁維港海景,特設中西合壁 的酒吧及戶外露天悠閒地,讓食客一邊品嘗美酒,一邊觀賞美景。酒吧區每 天供應多款雞尾酒、佐酒小食、即叫即製點心及午市套餐等。尖沙咀廣東道 17號海港城港威商場4樓4101號舖,2157 3148
China Tang 唐人館
28 | DECEMBER 2020
This popular steakhouse is perfect for beef lovers. Tango Argentinian Steakhouse serves up top-choice juicy and tender Argentinian steaks grilled the traditional way. Signature dishes include its sirloin and ribeye steaks as well as Tango Argentinian Steakhouse Chorizo sausages, among others. 1/F, Carfield Commercila Building, 77 Wyndham Street, Central, Hong Kong. 2505 5808 這家很受歡迎的牛排館是牛肉愛好者的最愛。Tango Argentinian Steakhouse 以傳統的方式烤製的多汁鮮嫩的阿根廷牛排。特色菜餚有牛里脊和肋眼、 牛排以及辣香腸等。香港中環雲咸街77號嘉兆商業大廈1樓,2505 5808
Osteria 意大利餐廳 ($$$)
Combining classic and modern, Osteria Ristorante Italiano serves mouthwatering traditional Italian dishes, with tableside cooking, authentic Italian pizzas, fresh homemade pasta and gelato. Mezzanine Floor, Holiday Inn Golden Mile, 50 Nathan Road, Tsim Sha Tsui; 2315 1010 Osteria意大利餐廳融合傳統與創新的意大利烹調手法,製作出一系列正宗意 大利美饌、意大利薄餅、自製意大利面和意式雪糕。尖沙嘴彌敦道50號金域 假日酒店閣樓,2315 1010
Towada Sushi 十和田 総 本店 ($$)
Towada Sushi is a stylish addition to Hong Kong's burgeoning array of sushi outlets. Towada serves quality sushi at reasonable prices, with fresh seafood flown in daily from Japan. Signature dishes include Crab Paste Salad, Live Octopus with Ponza and Live Abalone. G/F, China Cameron Centre, 42 Cameron Road, Tsim Towada Sushi 十和田総本店 Sha Tsui. 2668 8791. Shop G27, G/F, Mikiki, 638 Prince Edward Road East, San Po Kong. 2808 0468. 十和田壽司已於尖沙咀隆重開幕,每天由日本空運高級食材到港,以極具吸 引力的價格為顧客帶來最地道的日本風味。招牌菜式包括蟹膏沙律、活八爪 魚酢和活鮑魚。尖沙咀金馬倫道42號華懋金馬倫中心地下,2668 8791 。 新蒲崗太子道東638號 Mikiki 地下G27號铺,2808 0468
Hong Kong 香港島
Western District 西區 Café Malacca 馬來一菜館 ($$)
Café Malacca 馬來一菜館 It is arguably the best Malaysian restaurant in Hong Kong, featuring popular dishes from Kuala Lumpur, Penang and Singapore. Check out its afternoon tea set ($288 for 2) serving authentic savoury treats such as curry puffs, kaya toast with a cup of Malaysian Kopi-o (coffee) (from 3-5 pm, daily) Level 2, Hotel Jen Hong Kong, 508 Queen's Road West, Western District, Hong Kong (HKU MTR Station Exit B); 2213 6613. 馬來一菜館向來被不少饕客認為是香港最好的馬來西亞菜餐廳,餐廳主打一系 列來自吉隆坡、檳城和新加坡的特色美食。不妨試試餐廳新推出的下午茶套餐 ($288兩位),包括咖喱酥、咖央多士等一系列星馬小食,配以檳城咖啡,享 受悠閒午後時光。(每天下午3-5時)西環皇后大道西508號香港今旅酒店2樓 (港鐵香港大學站B2出口),2213 6613
We spoke with Cova’s Pastry Chef Kan Chi Chiu on the popularity of Cova’s cakes and the secret of their success. 我們採訪了 Cova 的糕餅師簡志潮,談談 Cova 受歡迎 的成功秘訣。
Cova Pastry Delight E
ver since it opened in 1993, Cova Hong Kong, which traces its lineage back to 1817 in Milan when the first Cova outlet was set up, has been one of the city’s best-known and finest Italian restaurants. It’s not just the pasta that grabs the attention though. To many loyal customers, Cova is also special for its delicious pastries and cakes, served in the pasticceriaconfetterias and ristorante-caffes that it operates throughout the city. What accounts for Cova’s sweet success with its pastries and cakes? We sought out Chef Kan, Cova’s Pastry Chef, for some insights. Born and raised in Hong Kong, Chef Kan joined a local bakery chain store at the age of 16. “I loved to bake and make cakes even when I was young, so working at a bakery was a natural and easy choice for me – it’s my passion” Kan then joined the pastry department at the Grand Hyatt and immersed himself in learning all the skills and intricacies of making excellent pastries and cakes. He then joined Cova in 1999 as head pastry chef, and together with his team has created an exciting pastry menu full of delicious and fantastic-looking cakes.
ova 歷史可以追溯到1817年米蘭的第一家 Cova 門店。1993年在香港 開業,一直是這裡最著名的頂級意大利餐廳之一。吸引人前來品嚐的不 僅僅是意大利面,對於許多忠實的顧客來說,Cova 的特別之處還在於美味的 甜點,這些西餅和蛋糕在遍布全市的 pasticceria-confetterias 和 ristorantecaffes 中供應。 潮師傅在香港出生長大,16歲在當地的一家烘焙連鎖店工作,"我從小就喜歡 烘焙和做蛋糕,所以在麵包店工作對我來說是一個很理所當然的選擇,這是 我的熱愛" 。
“Make no mistake – our pastries are Italian through and through” said Kan. “We work extensively with our counterpart in Milan on both the menu items and their recipes. I went through comprehensive training in Milan and learned Cova’s methods” “In my view, the secret of the popularity of Cova’s pastries is relatively simple but not easy to execute. It amounts to using quality and fresh ingredients, meticulous and skillful preparation, willingness to push the envelope, being creative, and passion” Kan noted.
潮師傅說:“不要誤會,我們的糕餅一直都是意大利式的。菜單上的蛋糕都 是與米蘭同行配方合作而創。 我在米蘭學習了很多不同的技巧,其中就包括 Cova 的風格。”
Cova Hong Kong curates a Limited-Collection range of cakes that have remained popular over the years. They include its top seller, Mango Cream Cake, along with Strawberry Cream Cake, Raspberry Cream Cake, and Chestnut Cream Cake. These are all three-layer sponge cakes packed with “delizioso” ingredients. Cova’s signature Tiramisu Cake is noteworthy as its layers of ladies fingers are soaked in own-branded coffee rather than rum – making it alcohol-free. Also popular is Cova’s collection of cheesecakes, and pies, which are all excellent.
"在我看來,Cova 蛋糕受歡迎的秘訣比較簡單,但執行起來並不容易。使用 優質和新鮮的食材,前期準備精心細緻的準備,願意突破極限,富有創造力和 熱情地對待蛋糕。
Whether you’re celebrating a birthday, anniversary or holiday, you might just want to brighten the occasion with a lovingly baked creation from Cova, truly the icing on the cake.
是什麼原因讓 Cova 如此成功?我們採訪了 Cova 的糕餅主廚——潮師傅, 請他談談自己的看法。隨後,潮師傅加入了君悅酒店的西點部,專心學習 製作精美甜點和蛋糕,學到了很多複雜又講究細節的技巧。 1999 年加入 Cova,擔任西餅部廚師長,與團隊一起創造了包含多款可口蛋糕的西點菜單。
香港 Cova 創作多款限量版蛋糕,這些年來一直很受歡迎。其中包括最暢銷的 芒果奶油蛋糕,以及草莓奶油蛋糕、覆盆子奶油蛋糕和栗子奶油蛋糕,這些都 是三層海綿蛋糕。 Cova 的招牌提拉米蘇蛋糕一定要試一試,因為他是用自家 品牌咖啡而不是朗姆酒製成,因此不含酒精。此外, Cova 的芝士蛋糕、 鮮果撻、派等系列也很受歡迎,也都是頂級甜點。 無論是慶祝生日,週年紀念日還是假日,都可以來 Cova 買點美味甜品, 為節日增光添彩。
Cova Ristorante Shop 101-3, Lee Gardens, 33 Hysan Road, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong 香港銅鑼灣希慎道33號利園1期101-103號鋪 2907 3399
The Tea Room at One-Eight-One Hotel 壹八壹冰室 ($$)
Wan Chai 灣仔
Causeway Bay 銅鑼灣
Savour classic Hong Kong favourites and contemporary dishes alike at this upscale all-day dining “bing sutt” that harks back to the old cha chaan teng cafés. You’ll enjoy the art deco–style interior as well as delicious comfort food, tasty local desserts and traditional milk tea, among others. Tea Room, 2/F One-Eight-One Hotel and Serviced Residences, 181 Connaught Road West, Hong Kong; 3181 1618; 在全天營業的高檔冰室中品嚐香港的經典風味佳餚和現代 風味佳餚,感受舊時茶餐廳風情。可以在經典港風裝飾 中,品嚐美味可口的港餐,當地特色甜點和香濃的傳統 奶茶等 。香港幹諾道西181號 One-Eight-One 酒店2層, 3181 1618;
The Grand Buffet 自助山 ($$$)
Since its opening in 2015, Grand Buffet has attracted locals and visitors alike for its dishes - many of which are prepared in front of guests, its extensive wine collection and its novel wine vending machines that allow for impromptu wine tasting, and its unparalleled 360-degree vista. 62/F Hopewell Centre, 183 Queen’s Road East, Wan Chai. 2506 0888, 2506 0666. 自助山於2015年開業,餐廳的許多食物均屬即叫 即煮。除了豐盛的美食,餐廳更設有自助式餐酒 機,讓食客品嚐到多款世界各地的美酒,加上360 度迷人景緻,吸引了眾多本地食客和遊客前來一 探究竟。灣仔皇后大道東 183 號合和中心 62 樓; 2506 0888,2506 0666
FireBird ($$)
The Tea Room at OneEight-One Hotel 壹八壹冰室
Grilled Japanese-style skewered chicken is the signature dish at FireBird. For a change of pace, FireBird also serves well-balanced cocktails using Japanese spirits and ingredients, alongside carefully selected Japanese craft beers, shochu, sake, chuhai, hoppy etc. for food and wine pairing. G/F, Coin Organize Centre, 13 Pennington Street, Causeway Bay. 2386 5218. FireBird 串燒酒吧除主打雞肉串燒之外,還有多款日本酒 及特色雞尾酒,鼓勵食客在享受食物之余,多以不同酒類 配襯美食,為港人的餐飲文化重新定位。銅鑼灣邊寧頓街 13號集貴中心地下,2386 5218
The Grand Buffet 自助山
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Hong Kong has an ever-morphing slew of drinking spots that cater to everyone, from after-work tipplers to a crew on a session. If you're after a drink, you're likely to find yourself drawn to one of four areas: Causeway Bay, Central, Wan Chai or Tsim Sha Tsui. 香港有無數多姿多采的消閒酒吧,適合喜好喝酒或偶然才喝酒的你。喝過幾杯後,想轉換一下新環境繼續耍樂? 請留意以下四處好介紹:蘭桂坊、荷裏活道及荷南美食區一帶,灣仔及尖沙咀的諾士佛台。
Hong Kong 香港島
CAUSEWAY BAY 銅鑼灣 Club @28
This chic rooftop indoor/ outdoor bar is adjacent to the hotel’s infinity pool, which overlooks the city. Open daily 5pm-1am (2am on weekends). Rooftop, Crowne Plaza Hotel Hong Kong, 8 Leighton Road, Causeway Bay. Club @28 3980 3300. 位於酒店頂層與露天泳池相連,適合小酌或暢飲,更可俯瞰都市景色。營業時 間︰下午5時至凌晨1時(週末至凌晨2時)。銅鑼灣禮頓道8號銅鑼灣皇冠假 日酒店頂層,3980 3300。
LEVELS The 8,000-square-foot space now features the latest Logic Systems Pro Audio from one of the UK's heritage audio brands, over 25 metres of LED screens, and state-of-the-art laser lightshows, LEVELS resulting in a brand new immersive clubbing experience tailored to each visiting DJ or performing artist's style. Mon–Sat 6:30pm-5am. 2/F On Hing Terrace, 1 On Hing Terrace, Central. 2850 6826. 佔地8,000呎的LEVELS擁有英國傳統音響品牌Logic Systems Pro Audio最新 音響系統,長達25米的LED屏幕,以及最先進的雷射燈光設備,結集成全新 迷人的娛樂體驗。星期一至六夜晚6:30至早上5時。中環安慶臺安慶大廈2樓。 2850 6826.
Inn Side Out/East End Brewery
A secluded gem, perfect for a casual drink and good American-style food. Open daily 11:30am-2am (1:30am on Fri & Sat) 2nd Floor, South China Athletic Association, 88 Caroline Hill Road, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong. 2895 2900. 靜中帶旺的戶外美式餐廳,食物和飲品均水準一流,是暢飲閒聊的好去處。營 業時間:中午11:30至凌晨2時(星期五、六至凌晨1:30)。銅鑼灣加路連山 道88號南華會2樓,2895 2900。
A dining bar specializing in light contemporary Italian cuisine; one of the best places for after-work happy hour. Ground Floor, 43 Wyndham Street, Central. 2116 8055. 型格酒吧,充滿和式風味,提供現代意式小食;最適宜下班後前去喝一杯。 中環雲咸街43-45號地下D及E舖,2116 8055。
Fish Bar 魚吧
The Iron Fairies
A stylish alfresco venue against a backdrop of lush greenery of scenic mountain views and overlooking the luxurious outdoor pool. Enjoy speciallycrafted cocktails, daily fresh catch and seafood prepared in enticing ways. Mon - Sun 12 noon - 10:30 pm; 7/F, JW Marriott Hotel Hong Kong, Pacific Place, 88 Queensway, Hong Kong; 2810 8366. 位於酒店戶外泳池旁,擁有翠綠優美的水巒景色,讓客人於輕松悠閑的環境 中,享受特選雞尾酒、是日精選魚類及合時海鮮。營業時間:星期一至日下午 12時至10時半;香港金鐘道88號太古廣場香港JW萬豪酒店7樓; 2810 8366。
CENTRAL 中環 The Dispensary The city's latest eclectic lounge The Dispensary bar at Tai Kwun defines opulent drinking and dining, serving an extensive collection of wines and spirits plus East-meetsWest cocktail concoctions that pay homage to the city's heritage. 12pm till late. Police Headquarters, Tai Kwun, 10 Hollywood Road, Central, Hong Kong. 2848 3000 香港最新開設的獨特酒吧 The Dispensary 豐富了大館的美食,還提供葡萄酒 和烈酒以及東西風味混合雞尾酒,以紀念這座城市的傳統。中午12點至深夜。 香港中環荷裏活道10號大館警署總部,2848 3000。
Energetic live music and affordable drinks keep this bar packed with a lively crowd all day and night. Open until the crowd dwindles. 38 D'Aguilar Street, Lan Kwai Fong. 2525 0957. 充滿活力節拍的現場音樂與多款精美飲料,吸引大批捧場客前來享受晚間的 愉快時光。24小時營業。蘭桂芳德己立街38號,2525 0957。 | DECEMBER 2020
Iron Fairies is an enchanting and lively bar and entertainment venue in Central and a favourite gathering place for savvy millennials. The outlet is presented as an iron ore mine and serves cocktails, craft beers and wines. There is nightly live music and special cast-iron fairies are available for purchase as souvenirs. Open daily 6:00pmThe Iron Fairies 2am (3:00am on Fri & Sat) LG/F, Chinachem Hollywood Centre, 1-13 Hollywood Road, Central, Hong Kong. 3912 3939. Iron Fairies 是中環迷人又熱鬧的酒吧和娛樂場所,也是時尚千禧一代最喜歡 的聚會場所。這家店以鐵礦石為背景裝飾,供提供雞尾酒、精釀啤酒和葡萄 酒。每晚有現場音樂表演,還有可購買的鑄鐵仙子作為紀念品帶回家。營業 時間︰下午 6 時至凌晨 2 時(週末至凌晨 3 時)。香港中環荷李活道 1-13 號 華懋荷李活中心LG層,3912 3939。
WAN CHAI 灣仔 Champagne Bar 香檳吧
Art Deco–themed bar with daily live entertainment by a pianist and jazz vocalist; ideal for pre-theatre drinks and late night rendezvous. MonSun 5pm-2am. L/F, Grand Hyatt Hong Kong, 1 Harbour Road, Wan Chai. 2584 7722. 這家備受推崇的酒吧,以時尚藝術為設計主題,加入現場琴師和法籍歌手的 醉人旋律,是人們小聚和深夜閒聊的理想之處。顧名思義,香檳吧素來聞名 於其全港首屈一指的香檳選擇。客人現更可享受一系列享負盛名的精品香 檳,包括︰Pierre Peters, Les Chetillons, Blanc de Blancs (2004), De Sousa - Brut Tradition NV及Vilmart Grand Cellier等。各款香檳皆提供杯裝及瓶裝 選擇。營業時間:星期一至日,下午5時至凌晨2時。灣仔港灣道1號香港君 悅酒店大堂層,2584 7722。
Kowloon 九龍
TSIM SHA TSUI 尖沙咀 Coyote
Seat yourself on the infamous reclining dentist's chair at this Mexican bar and restaurant and get Triple Sec and tequila poured down your throat direct from the bartender's Coyote bottles. Open daily noon2am. 114-120 Lockhart Road, Wan Chai. 2861 2221. 這是一家富有特色的墨西哥酒吧和餐廳,你可以躺在彷如牙醫診所那款傾斜的靠 椅上,侍應會把你的雞尾酒直接從調酒師處送到你跟前。營業時間:中午12時至 凌晨2時;灣仔駱克道114-120號,2861 2221。
The White Stag
Watch the live TV coverage of your favourite sports teams in this open-fronted and laid-back pub. Open daily; Quiz Night every Sun & Mon from 7:30pm. 54-62 Lockhart Road, Wan Chai. 2866 4244. 這間悠閒舒適的酒吧提供體育 賽事的直播,因此經常傳出陣 陣喝彩聲。每日營業:星期 日及一的問答之夜從7時30分 開始。灣仔駱克道54-62號, 2866 4244。
A place for guests to look out over the spectacular Victoria Harbour, with exotic drink in hand and seafood from the South China Sea. Open 11:30am till late. 30/F, iSQUARE, 63 Nathan Road, Tsim Sha Tsui. 2487 3988. Eye Bar 讓賓客親身體會維多利亞港的懾人魅力,在欣賞美景的同時輕嚐醇 釀美酒,品味南中國海的海鮮美食。營 業 時 間 : 中 午 1 1 : 3 0 至 深 夜 。 尖 沙 咀 彌敦道63號iSQUARE國際廣場30樓,2487 3988。
Hari’s at Golden Mile
Live entertainment and nightly happy hour from 5pm-9pm. Open Daily 5pm2am. Mezzanine, Holiday Inn Golden Mile, 50 Nathan Road, Tsim Sha Tsui. 2369 3111. 提供現場表演,另外每晚更設歡樂時光。營業時間:下午 5 時至凌晨 2 時;歡 樂時光︰下午5時至晚上9時。尖沙咀彌敦道50號香港金域假日酒店閣樓, 2369 3111。
The White Stag
Trafalgar serves fine and Trafalgar traditional British food such as Fish & Chips, Yorkshire Pudding and other authentic fare. Crafted drinks include a great selection of premium beers and ales. Open daily 1 1 a m - 3 : 3 0 a m . 5 / F, 5 4 62 Lockhart Road, The Broadway, Wan Chai. Shop 10, 1/F, Causeway Centre, 28 Harbour Road, Wan Chai; 2110 1535 / 3102 9438. Trafalgar 餐廳為客人提供一系列美味的傳統英式食物,例如炸魚薯條、約克郡 布丁等。Trafalgar 更精心為客人調配各種精選飲品,包括啤酒和麥芽啤酒。營 業時間:上午11時至凌晨3時半。香港灣仔駱克道54-62號博匯大廈5樓;香港 灣仔港灣道28號灣景中心1樓10號舖;2110 1535 / 3102 9438。
Party with the younger expat crowd and exchange students at this fun nautical-themed pub, which sometimes gets so crowded that people spill out onto the street. Open daily 8pm-10am; Ladies night every Wednesday. 37-39 Lockhart Road, Wan Chai. 2527 2077. 年輕的外籍人士以及留學生常 常聚集在這家以航海為主題的 酒吧中大玩瘋狂派對,擁擠時 人們甚至站在酒吧外的街道上 暢飲。營業時間:每日晚上 8 時至上午 10 時;星期三為女 士之夜。灣仔駱克道37-39 號,2527 2077。
Eye Bar | DECEMBER 2020
The Southeast Asian-style bar is the perfect place to relax after a busy shopping day. It offers a delectable selection of Asian dishes and drinks for guests to indulge in some regional flavours. Open daily 3pm-2am; Shop 2, Podium Plaza, 5 Hanoi Road, Tsim Sha Tsui; 2312 0468. Shop Lulu 5&6, G/ F, 3 Granville Circuit, Tsim Sha Tsui; 2369 3803. 忙碌的血拼之後不妨前往東南亞 風格酒吧 Lulu 小酌一番,放鬆 心 情。美味的亞洲佳餚及各類飲品 都 令 人 沉 醉 。下 午 3 時 至 凌 晨 2 時;九龍尖沙咀河內道 5 號普基商 業中心地下 2 號鋪; 2312 0468 。 尖沙咀嘉蘭圍3號地下5-6號舖; 2369 3803。
The Bar 半島酒吧
The Bar offers a stellar list of craft cocktails, rare single malt whiskies and vintage Armagnacs served in an exceptional setting. It’s the perfect place to unwind after work, cement business ties or enjoy a quintessential Martini, accompanied by the sounds of authentic jazz pianist Jimmy Alegre. Mon-Sun 3pm-12:30am. 1/F, The Peninsula Hong Kong, 22 Salisbury Road, Tsim Sha Tsui. 2696 6773. 半島酒吧供應多種精緻的特調雞尾酒。在格調非凡的環境中品嘗一杯罕有的單一麥 芽威士忌和陳年雅馬邑,簡直是人生樂事。伴以鋼琴家 Jimmy Alegre 演奏悠揚抒 情的爵士樂,無論是公余小酌,商務洽談都無比稱心。星期一至日下午 3 時至凌晨 12時30分。尖沙咀梳士巴利道22號香港半島酒店1樓,2696 6773。
Square 12
A new concept Korean BBQ style bar and restaurant is the latest offering for trendy gatherings. Located in the heart of Tsim Sha Tsui, Square 12 provides a large public area as well as VIP rooms plus a open terrace for BBQ. Its "all you can eat and drink" buffet includes innovative Korean and local items, various cocktails, bar drinks and Korean Jinro. Daily, 7pm to 4am; 12/F, Universal Commercial Building, 65-69 Peking Road, Tsim Sha Tsui; 6553 6553. 位於尖沙咀市中心,設有寬敞大廳、貴賓房及開揚 BBQ大露台,屬尖沙咀首創的 韓式 BBQ 酒吧。特別推出任吃 任喝韓國燒烤及地道風味小食, Square 12 飲品包括各款雞尾酒、洋酒以 及 韓 國 真 露 等 。營 業 時 間 : 晚 上 7:00 至凌晨 4:00 ;尖沙咀北 京道 65-69 號環球商業大廈 12/F 全層;6553 6553。
Emmanuel Rafael Belilios came to Hong Kong in the early 1860s and prospered as a brilliant businessman and philanthropist extraordinaire, writes Arthur Hacker
Belilios 在1860年代早期來到香港,後來成為出色的商家及慈善家。
ong Kong established a significant expatriate community within days of its founding by Captain Elliot in 1841. The first to arrive were British, American and Portuguese merchants from the foreign trading houses in Canton (now called Guangzhou), China, and Macau, along with traders from British India. These entrepreneurs from the Indian subcontinent included Parsees, Armenians and Sephardic Jews, whose ancestors had sought refuge in British India. Hong Kong was considered the gateway to China and a good place to do business. It attracted a steady stream of fortune hunters, among them was an eccentric young Sephardic Jew called Emmanuel Rafael Belilios, who arrived in Hong Kong in 1862. He proved a brilliant businessman and soon made a fortune. Like many of Hong Kong's successful nouveau riche entrepreneurs, he built himself a magnificent mansion. Belilios believed in the old real-estate formula for success: "Location. Location. Location." He chose to build next door to the Governor's Summer Residence, Mountain Lodge, near the summit of Victoria Peak. Belilios
36 | DECEMBER 2020
named his home The Eyre. Nearby he built a folly (decorative building), with a spectacular view. He soon discovered that living on the top of a mountain was a transportation nightmare. A gifted lateral thinker, Belilios imported a camel which he used to commute between the Peak and Central. However, with the opening of the Peak Tramway in 1888 the beast became redundant, and in a fit of melancholia committed suicide by jumping off a cliff. Belilios was an ardent supporter of the British Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli (otherwise known as Lord Beaconsfield). The following news item appeared in The Graphic in 1881: "Lord Beaconsfield has no more enthusiastic admirer than Mr Belilios, a public-spirited citizen of Hong Kong, who not long since gave $11,000 for the erection of a statue of his hero in that city." When told of the plan, his lordship demurred that he "would prefer not appearing in marble or bronze in his lifetime." This did not prevent Belilios from erecting a splendid building and naming it Beaconsfield Arcade after his idol. It was possibly the most beautiful piece of architecture to grace Hong Kong during
lliot 帶領船隊於 1841 年登陸香港,而 後不久英政府就在香港建立了一個專屬 外國人的社區。 最初到來這個社區的,是廣州、中國、澳 門及印度貿易行的莢國、美國和葡萄牙商人。 這些企業家的祖先曾經因為避難而去了英國 殖民地印度,當中包括波斯、亞美尼亞及猶 太人的後裔。香港則被看成是去中國的大門, 以及一個做生意的好地方,因而吸弓了一群 尋金者,其中一個很自我中心的年輕人便是 Emmanuel Rafal Balilios. 他在 1862 年來到 香港,是西班牙和葡萄牙猶太人的後裔,這個 聰明的青年人,很快便賺到了第一桶金° 像很多成功的新貴一樣,他為自己建起了 一間豪華府第,庇利羅士( BaIiIios )相信, 成功的地產方式是「地點、地點、地點」。 他建的大宅就在港督的避暑別墅 Mountain Lodge 旁邊,距離太平山頂峰不遠。庇利羅士 把他的房子命名為「 The Eyre 」,更在住宅旁 建了一座有無敵海景的觀賞性建築物。 他很快便發覺,住在山頂上,交通是一個 大問題,但庇利羅士是一個天賦具創意的人, 他從外國運來一隻駱駝,載他從山頂往返中 環。不過自山頂纜車在 1888 年啟用之後,那駱 駝不幸地變成多余,它在絕望之余隻有跳崖自 盡。
the Victorian era. A public lavatory has recently been erected on the site. However, the steps that lead up to it from Queen’s Road, as Battery Path, can be seen in an engraving that appeared in The Graphic newspaper. This stairway has somehow survived "time’s devouring hand". When he refused to let Belilios erect a statue in his honour, Lord Beaconsfield suggested that the $11,000 should be spent on founding scholarships. Belilios took this advice to heart and established a couple of awards for the College of Medicine, the forerunner of Hong Kong University. Belilios became a philanthropist extraordinaire, but his charitable schemes did not always work out. He once bought a building site on behalf of the Jewish community for a synagogue but when the community was ready to start construction, Belilios refused to release the site, claiming that only half the land was intended for the synagogue. A court case followed, which Belilios won. The fabulously rich Sassoon family eventually built the synagogue on another site at their own expense. ln 1893 the government set up a school for girls on Hollywood Road. Belilios donated $25,000 toward the project on condition that the school was named after him. That year Queen Victoria awarded him the CMG – nicknamed ‘Call Me God’ – for his community work. He died in 1905. Today, the Belilios Public School flourishes still, having relocated to Tin Hau Temple Road. Its motto is "Climb high. See wide." – an aspiration that Belilios achieved on a daily basis in his early years, with a little help from a suicidal camel.■
庇利羅士同時也是當時英國首相 Benjamin Disraeli (亦被 稱為 Lord Beaconsfield )的忠實擁躉。以下是 1881 年, The Graphic 中出現的一段新聞: 「 Beaconsfield 爵士沒有個仰慕者像庇利羅士一樣,一個 熱心的香港市民,在不久前捐了 11,000 港幣為他在香港建一座雕 像。」 雖然爵士謙虛地表明「不希望在他有生之年以石像或銅像的形 式出現。」然而這番話並沒有阻止庇利羅士為他建築了一座可能是 在維多利亞時期,最美麗的香港建築物。他以心目中偶像的名字, 把這座建築物命名為 Beaconsfield Arcade (但最近 在同一個地 點,正興建一個公廁)° 不過,曾在 The Graphic 裡出現的一條由皇后大道通往砲台 裡的梯級,則「在時間的吞噬中生存了下來」
Beaconsfield 爵士拒絕讓庇利羅士為他興建銅像後,他建議 用那 11000 港幣成立一個獎學金。庇利羅士銘記於心,為醫學院, 香港大學的前身成立了幾個獎學金。 庇利羅士成為一個超凡的慈善家,不過他的慈善項目不是常常 都能成功。有一次,他為猶太社園買一幅地,作興建猶太教堂用, 但當社團正準備開始動工時,庇利羅士卻拒絕放出那塊地,聲稱那 塊地他只買了一半來建教堂。接着下來是一場官司,而最後庇利羅 士勝訴。後來由另一極其富有的家族沙宣,在另一個地點私人興建 了教堂。
1893 年,政府在荷里活道建了一所女子學校,庇利羅士捐了 25000 港幣,條件是學校要以他的名字命名。同年,為了讚揚他對 社會的貢獻,英女皇頒了 CMG ( Call Me God )獎給他。庇利羅 士在 1905 年去世,庇利羅士官立中學現搬至於天后廟道,校訓為 “登高見博”,至今仍然是一所享譽盛名的學校。■
This article appeared in the August 2004 issue of CityLife Magazine, written by the late Arthur Hacker, author of CityLife’s History Man series. 這篇文章在2004年8月的《東方之珠》雜誌發表過,作者是已故的 Arthur Hacker, 曾是《東方之珠》歷史故事系列的作者。
歷史上的香港十二月 8-25 December 1941: The Battle of Hong Kong was part of the opening salvo of assaults by Imperial Japan that launched the Pacific Theatre of World War II, alongside Pearl Harbour and attacks on Singapore, Guam the Philippines and elsewhere. After a tenacious inch-by-inch defence of the tiny territory against the land-based attack from the north, the Allied forces – British, local Hong Kong and other Chinese, Indian, Canadian and others – surrendered to the Japanese on Christmas Day, 1941 at the Peninsula Hotel.
29 December 1993: The Big Buddha, then the world’s largest seated Buddha statue, was opened to the public at Po Lin Monastery on Lantau Island. 3 1. Beaconsfield Arcade, from a wood engraving published in The Graphic ,
16 January, 1881 以木材制成的Beaconsfield Arcade,刊於1881年1月16日的The Graphic 。 2. Governor Sir William Robinson (1891-1898) with his Legislative Council. Belilios is second from the left 羅便臣港督(1891-1898)及行政局,左起第二位是庇利羅士。 3. Belilios' mansion The Eyre on the Peak, complete with a folly, under construction 庇利羅士在山頂的大宅 The Eyre,旁為正在興建的觀賞性建築物。
1941年12月8日至25日:香港之戰,這是日本帝 國發動的第二次世界大戰太平洋戰區首輪攻擊 的一部分,此外還有珍珠港,新加坡,關島, 菲律賓和其他地方的攻擊。 1941年年聖誕節, 英國,香港和其他中國,印度,加拿大等的聯 軍在半島酒店向日本投降。 1993年12月29日:世界上最大的戶外青銅座 佛,位於香港大嶼山寶蓮寺的天壇大佛舉行完 工後的開光大典。
ANTIQUES The premier places to find genuine articles 古董店尋珍覓寶
Oi Ling Antiques 燕譽堂
From furniture and stone pieces to terracotta, bronzes and rare books, Oi Ling Antiques has a deserved reputation for excellence that draws collectors from far and wide. The family-run business offers certificates of authenticity, including Oxford TL Test certificates for all terracotta pieces. 燕譽堂位於中環荷李活道,是一家家族經營的古玩店,經營範圍包括中國古董家具、石雕、陶器、高 古青銅器和古籍。公司所售的陶器都已經做了市場認可的牛津科學檢測。除了中環的門市外,尚有鴨 脷洲倉庫,陳列了各式各樣古董家具。
Censers were popular in the Han dynasty. This goose-shaped censer is life-like. The back of the goose body is latticed, allowing smoke to rise from it. The censer is similar in function to the more well-known boshanlu-style censers from the Han period, but its form is very different. Incense was burned not just for the aroma, but also for practical reasons, such as acting as an insect repellent, and to purify the air. Combining aesthetics, practicality, and philosophy, censers are of high artistic and historical value. Mon-Sat, 10am - 7pm, Sun 1pm - 6.30pm. 72 Hollywood Road, Central. 2815 9422. 熏爐是我國古代香具之一,漢代相當盛行。這雁形熏爐形態逼真,寫實性強,雁身背部鏤刻出 煙孔,其下有承盤。其功用與當時盛行的博山式爐如出一轍,惟形態迥異。滿足當時燃燒香料的需 要,驅蟲避害和淨化空氣等實用性需求。結合美觀、實用與五行思想,具有極高的藝術和學術價 值。營業時間︰星期一至六,早上 10:00 至下午 7:00 ;星期日,下午 1:00 至 6:30 。中環荷李活道 72 號地下; 2815 9422; A range of bronze censers from Han dynasty, 206BC-220AD to Northern and Southern dynasties, 386-582AD. A red lacquered stand, Ming dynasty 1368-1644AD. 三件漢代至南北朝的銅熏爐 明朝硃砂漆矮几
Orientique 吉慶堂
Orientique is a Hong Kong-based antique and fine art dealer, established for more than three decades. It is now located in the Mandarin Oriental Hotel, in the heart of Central. Orientique specializes in fine quality Chinese imperial ceramics and other important and rare works of Chinese art, ranging from pottery of the Neolithic, Tang and Han dynasties, to Ming and Qing imperial porcelain. Shop M4, Mezzanine Floor Mandarin Oriental, 5 Connaught Road Central. Mon-Sat 10:30am-7:00pm; 2526 5889. 位於香港中環文華東方酒店的吉慶堂已紮根香港超過 30年,專門經營極具收藏價值的中國古 董瓷器及其他中國文玩,是城中著名古董店之一。貨品包括唐朝及漢朝之陶器、宋朝、明朝及清 三代的官窑瓷器等。中環干諾道中5號文華東方酒店M4鋪;星期一至六上午 10:30至晚上7:00;
2526 5889;
A rare pair of blue glazed bowls Qing Dynasty, Daoguang mark and of the period 1821-1850. Diameter: 18cm 清道光霽藍釉碗一對 清道光 1821-1850 ,「大清道光年製」款 直徑﹕18厘米
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An extremely rare famille rose ‘Shoushan fuhai’ vase Qing Dynasty, Daoguang mark and of the period 1821-1850. Height: 28.5cm 清道光粉彩「壽山福海」瓶 清道光 1821-1850 ,「大清道光年製」款 高﹕28.5厘米
Altfield Gallery
One of Hong Kong’s premium dealers in Chinese furniture as well as in maps, prints, and Buddhist sculptures from China and Southeast Asia, Altfield has garnered itself a quality reputation in the Hong Kong market. Mon-Sat, 10am-7pm; Sun, 11am-5pm. 248-9 Prince’s Building, Central. By appointment; 9/F, Warehouse at Gee Change Hong Kong Centre, 65 Wong Chuk Hang Road. 2537 6370.
Altfield 是香港其中一間著名的古董商店,出售來自中國及東南亞優質古董傢具、地圖、圖畫 及佛像雕塑,其名聲在香港可謂數一數二。中環太子大廈 248-249 號鋪,星期一至六上午 10 時 至晚上 7 時,星期日上午 11 時至下午 5 時。香港仔黃竹坑道 65 號志昌行中心 9 樓,請提早預約; 2537 6370 ;
A Doucai 'Floral' Bowl at Altfield Gallery 道光款鬥彩 纏枝蓮紋碗
Arch Angel Antiques
This respected, large and reliable European-run antiques gallery has a huge authentic stock, built up over 30 years. The museum-quality collections of thermo-luminescence-tested ancient artefacts specialise in sculptural pieces as well as early celadon wares. It also houses one of the largest Qing dynasty blue-and-white porcelain collections in Hong Kong. The gallery has a reputation for fair dealing and excellent service – all items come with access to expert packing and shipping services and photograph certificates. Open daily, 9.30am-6.30pm. 70 Hollywood Road, Central. 2851 6828. 這家聲譽可靠的著名古董店在業界立足已超過30年,收藏大量古董珍品,有經熱釋法年代測證的博物 館水準珍藏,尤以漢朝、六朝和唐朝的雕塑為主,更有一系列新石器時代至漢朝的古董容器和早期的 青瓷;並擁有香港最龐大的清朝青花瓷系列之一。店舖特別鐘情於早期的中式傢具,多件16至18世紀 的古傢俱均經過精心挑選和恰當修復。來自中國及東南亞區的罕見石刻、銅雕塑及佛像亦可見於其圖 鑑,當然還少不了赤陶雕塑。此外,店中有超過200幅祖傳卷畫,所有珍品都附帶照片證書,由專家包 裝,並可託付船運,無條件保證其真偽。營業時間︰上午9時30分至晚上6時30分,假期照常營業。中 環荷李活道70號;2851 6828。
Six Dynasties Northern Wei period (386 A.D. to 534 A.D.) Pottery soldiers at Arch Angel Antiques 六朝北魏時期 (386 A.D. to 534 A.D.) 彩陶武士俑
GALLERIES The scoop on some of the best art showrooms and their current exhibitions
‘Signifiants de l’informel 2020’ at Kwai Fung Hin Art Gallery 16 Oct - 15 Dec Art Informel refers to an art movement of the 1940–1950s that includes all the abstract and gestural practices developed in France and in Europe parallel to American Abstract Expressionism. In the aftermath of World War II, artists attempted to break from the traditionalism of École de Paris and the cold formalism of geometric abstraction. They sought a visual language that emphasized calligraphic brushwork and the tactile quality of the paint, giving shape to their subconscious state and sensibilities. 11/F, Asia One Tower, 8 Fung Yip Street, Chai Wan, Hong Kong; Mon-Sat: 10am-6:30pm; 2580 0058;
‘Blessing-Lama JamYang’s Tangka art’ at Art of Nature Contemporary Gallery Until 10 Dec Art of Nature will showcase nearly 50 pieces of Master Lama Jamyang’s Thangkas, including a six-metre long Thangka and exquisite line drawings of Buddha. His experience and spirit move all those who have heard of his story. In a society consumed by practicality and impulsivity. Art of Nature wishes to share his unrelenting characters and boundless wisdom through his artworks. This tour also showcases Buddhist Art with artworks from Hui Yan Ki, and Aisin Gioro.Hangkam. Room 1-6, 21/F, Mega Trade Centre, 1 Mei Wan St., Tsuen Wan, NT, Hong Kong (Transit: Exit A3, Tsuen Wan MTR Station); Monday to Friday, 10am – 7pm Saturday, 12 noon – 7pm. Sunday and Public Holidays by appointment only; 2416 3632;
‘Wei Ligang: Silent Mountains, Meandering Rivers’ at Alisan Fine Arts 30 Sep 2020 - 2 Jan 2021 Alisan Fine Arts is pleased to announce the opening of its third solo exhibition Silent Mountains, Meandering Rivers by internationally renowned contemporary artist Wei Ligang. Showcasing fifteen of his recent works, the selection focuses on his iconic calligraphy paintings which continue to explore abstraction through the use of his invented Chinese calligraphic script. Together with his ever-popular flower and peacock series, the body of work offers a contemporary take on the classical literati study of poems, flowers and birds. Also included in this exhibition are Wei’s latest abstract paintings based on “Universalism”, a theory that purports truth is beyond secular emotion and religion, highlighting the fact that his paintings have universal appeal and are beyond cultural boundaries. 21/F Lyndhurst Tower, 1 Lyndhurst Terrace, Central, Hong Kong; Mon-Sat: 10am-6pm; 2526 1091;
‘The Palm at the End of the Mind’ at Blindspot Gallery 14 Nov 2020 - 9 Jan 2021 When we cannot think and reason, we sense and feel. We hear the world through our desires, and perceive our experiences with analogy, for the world is merely being, and we enrich it with our own meaning. The world reveals to us in an infinite succession of patterns, like ripples scattering across a vast lake, its waves crashing on shore after shore, connecting an archipelago that stretches across vast horizons. Lau Hok Shing Hanison, So Wing Po and Zhang Ruyi create sculptural objects and installations that expand across metaphysics, cosmology, organic nature, post-industrial cities and the human body. 15/F Po Chai Industrial Building, 28 Wong Chuk Hang Road, Wong Chuk Hang; Tue-Sat: 10:30am6:30pm; 2517 6238;
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Note: Due to the Covid-19 coronavirus outbreak, please check with your concierge or call the museum for the latest status on opening hours. 注意:受冠狀病毒疫情影響,請您及時與禮賓部聯繫,或致電博物館了解最新資 訊及開放時間。
See and learn something new at the city's fascinating museums 博物館探知及展覽資訊
Hong Kong Museum of Art
Art Exhibitions
After major expansion and renovation, the Hong Kong Museum of Art (HKMoA) has reopened to the public with 11 exhibitions. Visitors are treated to a series of collection exhibitions representing the cultural legacy in the museum's holdings, namely "Ordinary to Extraordinary: Stories of the Museum", "From Dung Basket to Dining Cart: 100th Anniversary of the Birth of Wu Guanzhong", " A Pleasure Shared: Selected Works from the Chih Lo Lou Collection", "The Wisdom of Emptiness: Selected Works from the Xubaizhai Collection", "Lost and Found: Guardians of the Chater Collection" and "The Best of Both Worlds: Acquisitions and Donations of Chinese Antiquities"; a series of exhibitions and displays on Hong Kong's art lineage in "Classics Remix: The Hong Kong Viewpoint", "Hong Kong Experience.Hong Kong Experiment", "The Breath of Landscape" and "Rediscovering Landscape"; and an international blockbuster exhibition, "A Sense of Place: from Turner to Hockney".
10 Salisbury Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong; Mon-Wed & Fri 10am – 6pm Sat, Sun and public holidays 10am – 7pm; 2721 0116;
經過大型修繕和擴建工程後,香港藝術館再與公眾見面,十一項展覽將同時 舉行,展現多元的藝術世界。 十一個展覽包括從藝術館館藏體現文化承傳的「小題大作──香港藝術館的 故事」、「從糞筐到餐車──吳冠中誕辰一百週年展」、「眾樂樂──至 樂樓藏品選」、「虛室生白──虛白齋藏品選」、「失而復得──遮打藏品 的守護」和「公私兩全──中國文物館藏與捐贈」;展現香港藝術的「原 典變奏──香港視點」、「香港經驗.香港實驗」、「自在風景」和「城尋 山水」;以及一項大型國際展覽「觀景.景觀──從泰納到霍克尼」。香港 九龍尖沙咀梳士巴利道10號;星期一至三、五10:00am – 6:00pm/星期六、 日及公眾假期10:00am – 7:00pm;2721 0116;
Hong Kong 香港島 Dr Sun Yat-sen Museum 孫中山紀念館
The museum focuses on Sun’s life in Hong Kong and his contributions to China. Featuring two permanent exhibitions supplemented by rotating special exhibitions in co-operation with the many Dr Sun Yat-sen museums on the mainland. Weekdays (closed on Thursdays) 10am-6pm, weekends & Public Holidays 10am-7pm. Free. 7 Castle Road, Central. 2367 6373. 孫中山紀念館為你介紹孫中山先生的生平事蹟,及其革 命事業對中國的影響。紀念館內不單設有兩個長期展 覽,由大陸主辦的孫中山特別展亦會定期來港參展。除 展覽場館以外,還有視聽、活室等設施。開放時間:平 日上午 10 時至下午 6 時(逢星期四休館);星期六、日 及公眾假期至晚上 7 時。免費入場。中環衛城道 7 號, 2367 6373 。
Flagstaff House Museum of Tea Ware 茶具文物館
Originally the home of the commander-in-chief of the British forces, the museum houses a huge collection of tea ware in Hong Kong's oldest surviving colonial building. It contains the KS Lo Gallery with its permanent exhibition of rare ceramics and seals from the Song and Ming dynasties. Weekdays (closed on Tuesdays except public holidays) 10am-6pm, Free. Admiralty MTR, Exit F. Hong Kong Park, 10 Cotton Tree Drive, Central. 2869 0690. 這座古老殖民地時期的建築物,本是英軍司令官的住宅, 現在收藏了各類茶具,包括特色茶壺、水壺、茶杯、茶 碗、茶葉罐和酒瓶等。另外還有羅桂祥茶藝館,長期展出 宋明朝陶器和印章。開放時間: 平日上午10時至下午6時 (逢星期二休館,公眾假期除外)。免費入場。港鐵金 鐘站F出口。中環紅棉路10號香港公園, 2869 0690。
Hong Kong Maritime Museum 香港海事博物館
A fascinating history of seafaring with models of ships and early travel paraphernalia (including Louis Vuitton luggage). Interactive games include a ship simulator – built with 1950s equipment – that allows you to dock in Victoria Harbour. Mon-Fri, 9.30am5.30pm; Sat & Sun, 10am-7pm. HK$30. Central Ferry Pier 8, Central, Hong Kong. 3713 2500. 人類精彩的航海歷史將於香港海事博物館展出。展品包括 船隻模型、早年的航行工具,如路易威登的行李箱等等; 設有船模型電子遊戲,參觀者可使用1950年代的航海設施 模擬把船隻停泊於維多利亞港。開放時間:星期一至五上 午9時30分至下午5時30分;星期六及日上午10時至下午7 時。入場費HK$30。香港中環八號碼頭, 3713 2500。
Kowloon & New Territories 九龍及新界 Hong Kong Science Museum 香港科學館
The museum combines education with fun. It houses Hong Kong's first airliner as well as hundreds of interactive exhibits suitable for all ages. Weekdays (closed on Thursdays) 10am-7pm; weekends & Public Holidays 10am-9pm. Admission: HK$20 adults (Wednesdays free). Tsim Sha Tsui MTR, Exit B2. 2 Science Museum Road, Tsim Sha Tsui East. 2732 3232. 展覽寓學習於娛樂,展出香港首架飛機,並有多個豐 富互動的展品,適合男女老幼,定能樂在其中。開放 時間:平日上午10時至下午7時(逢星期四休息);星期 六丶日及公 假期至晚上 9 時。成人入場費 HK$20 , 逢星期三免費入場。尖沙咀東科學館道2號, 2732 3232。交通:港鐵尖沙咀站B2出口。
Hong Kong Heritage Museum 香港文化博物館
Under the umbrella of the Leisure and Cultural Services Department, the Hong Kong Heritage Museum presents a unique mix of history, art and culture in a great variety of programmes that cater for the wide-ranging interests of the public. Monday, Wednesday to Friday:10am-6pm; Saturday, Sunday & public holidays: 10am-7pm; Closed on Tuesdays; 1 Man Lam Road, Sha Tin, Hong Kong. 2180 8188. 香港文化博物館是康樂及文化事務署轄下的一所綜合性 博物館,內容涵蓋歷史、藝術和文化等不同範疇。星期 一、三至五:上午 10 時至下午 6 時;星期六、日及公眾 假期:上午10時至晚上7時;星期二休館; 香港新界沙田 文林路一號,2180 8188。
Hong Kong Railway Museum 香港鐵路博物館
Train enthusiasts can imagine arriving into Hong Kong by rail in the golden age of train travel at this charming little museum located in Tai Po Market. The permanent exhibition of Hong Kong's rail history includes photographs, old coaches, samples of tracks, and a full-size model of an electric train compartment. Feel free to climb aboard! Monday, Wednesday to Sunday10 am-6 pm (closed on Tuesdays). 13 Shung Tak Street, Tai Po Market, Tai Po, New Territories. 2653 3455. 在這個金字頂中國傳統建築內,鐵路迷可以找到香港鐵 路交通發展的點滴:舊火車站的古蹟和訊號室、窄軌蒸 汽火車頭、古董車廂、與實物大小相同的電氣化火 車 車廂模型及歷史圖片等。快跟着這些舊文物,去追尋 昔日鐵路的軌跡吧!週一,三至日上午 10 時至下午 6 時 (逢週二休館)。免費入場。新界大埔大埔墟崇德街13號。 2653 3455。
Tai Kwun
Centre for Heritage and Arts The revitalised Central Police Station compound, the largest heritage project in Hong Kong, has opened its doors to the public as Tai Kwun – Centre for Heritage and Arts. The CPS compound comprises 16 historic buildings, including three declared monuments (Central Police Station, Central Magistracy and Victoria Prison), on a 13,600-square-metre site in the heart of Central. An international-grade art gallery and an auditorium have been added to contribute to the adaptive reuse of the site. The heritage site includes new art galleries and the Parade Ground and Prison Yard. Entry is free of charge, however places are limited, especially during peak times, and visitors are encouraged to get a Tai Kwun Pass, which guarantees access. 10 Hollywood Road, Central. 11am – 11pm.
古蹟及藝術館 古蹟及藝術館全港最大型古蹟保育項目,中區警署建築群完成活化,將以「大館」:古蹟及藝術 館的名稱,向公眾開放。中區警署建築群包括前中區警署、中央裁判司署和域多利監獄三項法定 古蹟,共16幢歷史建築及數個戶外空間,佔地13,600平方米,位處中環核心地帶,加上新建的 國際級美術館與綜藝館,配合場地的活化再用。大館首階段開放包括11座歷史建築、新建的美術 館和綜藝館、檢閱廣場和監獄操場。公眾可透過大館網站預訂「大館證」,持有「大館證」將可 保證入場。中環荷李活道10號。預約詳情請參閱官方網站
Hong Kong Space Museum
Hall of the Cosmos and Space Exploration Covering a total area of 1,600 square metres, the "Hall of the Cosmos" and "Hall of Space Exploration" house a hundred new exhibits, of which about 70 percent are interactive. With the aid of interesting hands-on exhibits and advanced equipment coupled with lighting effects and environmental decorations, the exhibition vividly introduces astronomy and space science. The "Hall of the Cosmos" showcases the Universe from near to far, travelling from the solar system that we are living in, to the stars, Milky Way and galaxies further away and exploring the science and evolution of the universe all along the way. The "Hall of Space Exploration" depicts the development of space exploration and space technology. Closed on Tuesdays (except Public Holidays). Standard ticket HK$10. 10 Salisbury Road, Tsim Sha Tsui. 2721 0226. "Man in Space" showcases the history of human space exploration 「人類在太空」介紹人類勇闖太空的歷史
"Shenzhou Re-entry Capsule" provides a 3D photo effect for visitors inside a re-entry capsule 「神州號太空船返回艙」讓觀眾躺臥在返回艙內, 拍攝極富立體感的照片
宇宙和太空探索展覽廳 香港太空館設有兩個展覽廳,分別為「宇 宙展覽廳」和「太空探索展覽廳」,合 共面積 1,600 平方米,當中設置約一百件 新展品,其中約有七成屬互動展品。展 覽透過有趣的互動展品和先進儀材,配 合燈光效果和環境布置,介紹天文及太 空科技新知。「宇宙展覽廳」展示探索宇 宙由近至遠的概念,從我們身處的太陽系 開始,再推展至恆星,銀河系及更遙遠的 星系,以至探索宇宙的演化及相關的科 學。「太空探索展覽廳」主題則環 繞 太 空 探 索 和 太 空 科 技 的 發 展 。逢 星 期 二 休館(公眾假期除外);標準票HK$10; 尖沙咀梳士巴利道 10 號; 2721 0226 ;
42 | DECEMBER 2020
"Icy Bodies" creates comets with dry ice to simulate their jets and movements 「冰封天體」利用乾冰製成彗星, 模擬彗星的噴流及運動
72 hollywood road central • hong kong 香港中環荷里活道72號 +852 2815 9422
There is no better place than Hong Kong to shop for a precious and treasured gift for your loved ones! So check out CityLife's curated Advent Calendar of Christmas present ideas for your loved ones. Merry Christmas and joyful shopping. 聖誕將至,歡迎大家來港購物,東方之珠雜誌特別採用以基督降臨的聖誕倒 數月曆設計,逐一揭開我們的精選推介,讓您為摯愛挑個合心的聖誕禮物!
Precious Christmas Gifts
for Him & Her!
他 / 她 的 聖 誕 禮 物
02 03
Disney x Gucci Donald Duck medium backpack Disney x Gucci 唐老鴨中型背包
HK$19,300 (c)
04 05
GG embossed backpack GG壓印背包
HK$26,900 (c)
44 | DECEMBER 2020
07 The classic check cashmere scarf 經典格紋喀什米爾圍巾
HK$4,300 (b)
Patrimony manual winding 手動上鍊腕錶
HK$290,000 (f)
Lambskin trim check wool baseball cap 羔羊皮飾邊格紋 羊毛棒球帽
HK$3,500 (b)
Icon stripe detail square frame sunglasses 標誌性條紋細節 方框太陽眼鏡
HK$1,900 (b)
(a) Balenciaga 巴黎世家
(b) Burberry 巴宝莉
(c) Gucci 古驰
Shop G22, G/F, Sogo Store, 20 Nathan Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon 香港九龍尖沙咀彌敦道20號 崇光百貨地下G22號鋪 3911 1716
Shop 201, Pacific Place, 88 Queensway Road, Admiralty 金鐘金鐘道88號 太古廣場2樓201號鋪 2918 4010
Shop G124-125A & G220, Harbour City, 5 Canton Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon 九龍尖沙咀廣東道5號 海港城G124-125A及G220號鋪 2199 7728
Precious metal-plated sterling silver logo slider bracelet 貴金屬電鍍純銀徽標手鍊
HK$1,060 (e)
Precious metal-plated sterling silver pavé heart studs 貴金屬電鍍純銀心形耳飾
HK$950 (e)
Double mystery in diamonds Double mystery 腕錶
HK$1,419,000 (d)
Mickey colour-block logo and mesh trainer 運動鞋
HK$1,960 (e)
13 14 15 16 19
Neo classic small top handle bag NEO 經典小號手提包
HK$17,200 (a)
Cintrée curvex lady automatic Cintrée Curvex 女裝自動腕表
Vanguard 7 days power reserve skeleton Vanguard 7日動力鏤空 玫瑰金腕錶
HK$203,000 (d)
HK$351,000 (d)
Hourglass small top handle bag 皮帶扣帶標皮帶
HK$16,300 (a)
23 24
(d) Franck Muller 法兰克穆勒
(e) Michael Kors
(f) Vacheron-Constantin 江诗丹顿
Shop W7, The Peninsula Arcade, Salisbury Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon 九龍尖沙咀梳士巴利道22號 半島酒店商場地下 W7 號店鋪 2368 0250
Shop G22, Sogo Store, 20 Nathan Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon 香港九龍尖沙咀彌敦道20號 崇光百貨地下G22號鋪 3911 1716
10 Chater Road, Shop G8, G/F, Landmark Prince's, Hong Kong 香港島遮打道10號 置地太子地下G8號店 2104 3311 DECEMBER 2020
Airport Express 機場快線
MTR 港鐵 Useful Numbers 常用電話號碼 Emergency Services 緊急求救服務
The fastest way to get to the airport from Central. Trains depart Hong Kong Station (Central) every 12 minutes for the 24-minute trip to Hong Kong International Airport. One-way or same-day return from Central: HK$115 (child: HK$57.5). Round-trip: HK$205. 從中環往機場最快捷的方法是乘坐機場快線,列車從 中環的香港站出發,每隔12分鐘一班,到達機場需時 約24分鐘。香港站至機場站之單程或即日來回票價成 人每位收費$115(3至11歲小童每位收費$57.5),雙 程車票$205(有效期為一個月)。
2881 8888
The Mass Transit Rail system, MTR, covers all major districts and leading tourist attractions in the territory and borders mainland China. MTR also operates the Light Rail that runs between Yuen Long and Tuen Mun as well as inter-city trains into mainland China. MTR Mobile app (for Apple and Android products) is available for free download. 港鐵是香港方便快捷的交通工具,行走各個主要地 區,更連接中國內地邊境。港鐵同時經營輕鐵網 絡,行走元朗至屯門一帶,以及往來中國內地的城 際客運服務。現在你可以免費下載香港地鐵手機應 用程式(蘋果和安卓用戶)。
2881 8888
Octopus Card 八達通卡 Stored-value cards for travel on the MTR, buses, minibuses, trams, and ferries. Available at service counters at the Airport Express and MTR stations. Each card comes with a refundable HK$50 deposit which covers the card cost. Simply place the card on the Octopus pad and the fare is automatically deducted. 八達通是一款電子儲值卡,適用於港鐵、巴士、小巴、電 車及渡輪等公共交通工具,在機場快線和港鐵各站的客服 中心有售。每卡收取HK$50可獲退還的按金,當中包括了 卡成本。只要將八達通置於收費器上,應繳款額便會自動 從卡內的儲值額中扣除。
Please refer to 詳情請登入 for details. 2266 2222
Hong Kong High Speed Rail 香港高鐵
香港終於加入了中國的高鐵網絡。從西九龍高 鐵站出發,乘客可以直接前往深圳、廣州、武 漢、上海、北京等主要城市。到深圳福田和廣 州的票價分別為港幣 $78 和港幣 $247。
Tram 電車
下旗起計首 2 公里收費 $19-$24 ,其后每 200 米跳 表收費$1.2-$1.7,詳細收費資料張貼于車廂內之 「出租車收費表」上。乘客需按計價器繳付基本 車費,并以港幣支付車資,附加費包括隧道費、 橋樑費、司機回程費和行李載運費,可要求車費 收據。香港法例規定,如出租車內裝有安全帶, 乘客必須佩帶。
2804 2600
46 | DECEMBER 2020
To contact Hong Kong International Airport, call 2181 8888 要聯絡香港國際機場,請撥2181 8888。
Directory & Operator Assistance 電話查詢服務
To find business or residential phone numbers, dial 1081 for assistance in English, 1083 for Cantonese, or 1088 for Putonghua. 若要查詢電話,英語熱線請撥 1081 ,廣東話請撥 1083,普通話請撥1088。
Lost or Stolen Passports 有關證件遺失或被盜
•Australia 澳洲 •Malaysia 馬來西亞 •Canada 加拿大 •New Zealand 新西蘭 •China 中國 •Singapore 新加坡 •France 法國 •Taiwan 台灣 •Germany 德國 •Thailand 泰國 •Japan 日本 •UK 英國 •Korea 韓國 •USA 美國
Reporting Lost Cards 信用卡報失熱線
International Calls 長途電話
For over a century, trams on Hong Kong Island have been an inexpensive mode of transportation. You can ride the full length at $2.60 per adult, $1.30 per child and $1.20 for a senior. Get on at the back of the tram and pay at the front as you alight. 電車擁有超過一個世紀的歷史,是港島區的廉價交 通工具。全程收費成人每位$2.6,小童每位$1.3, 長者每位$1.2。乘客於車尾上車,車首下車,車費 於下車時繳付,可使用八達通卡。
2548 7102
2827 8881 2821 0800 3719 4700 2525 5044 2106 6303 2527 2212 3752 9900 2525 8315 2105 8788 2521 6481 2522 1184 2901 3000 2529 4141 2523 9011
To report lost or stolen credit cards, contact your credit card company. American Express: 2811 6122; Diners Club: 2860 1888; MasterCard: 800 966 677; Visa: 800 900 782 要報失信用卡,可聯絡你的信用卡中心; 美國運通:2811 6122,Diners Club:2860 1888, 萬事達卡:800 966 677及 Visa信用卡:800 900 782。
Taxi 出租車
Flagfall charges for the first 2km are from HK$19-24, with incremental charges of HK$1.21.7 for every subsequent 200m. Detailed taxi fare information is listed inside the taxi. Extra charges for tunnel and bridge tolls, driver’s return toll, and luggage handling. Refer to the taxi meter for exact charge and pay in HK dollars. Receipts given on request. Passengers are required by law to wear seatbelts.
Airport Connection 聯絡機場
For lost or stolen passports, first report the situation to the police, then contact your consulate or foreign affairs office to replace your passport. 若不幸遺失或被盜取證件,應先通知警察,再向你 所屬的大使館或領事館辦事處報告。
Hong Kong has finally joined China's High Speed Rail network. From the West Kowloon High Speed Rail Station, passengers can travel directly to major cities including Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Wuhan, Shanghai, and Beijing. Fares to Shenzhen Futian and Guangzhou are HK$78 and HK$247 respectively.
2881 8888
Dial 999 for emergency ambulance, fire or police assistance, 24 hours a day. For police enquiries, call 2527 7177. 有關召喚救護車、火警或報警,請撥999,全日24 小時服務。警署查詢,請電2527 7177。
To call direct, dial 001 + the international country code: 直接撥號,應先撥001+ 各地域號碼,如下: •Australia 澳洲 61 •Malaysia 馬來西亞 60 •Canada 加拿大 1 •New Zealand 新西蘭 64 •China 中國 86 •Singapore 新加坡 65 •France 法國 33 •Taiwan 台灣 886 •Germany 德國 49 •Thailand 泰國 66 •Japan 日本 81 •UK 英國 44 •Korea 韓國 82 •USA 美國 1
Top picks from CityLife’s Concierge of the Month 《東方之珠》為您介紹本月禮賓司推介
Explore North Lantau 探索北大嶼山
Jin Yoo 柳珍 Chief Concierge, Sheraton Hong Kong Tung Chung Hotel & Four Points by Sheraton Hong Kong Tung Chung
There is much to explore on North Lantau. The Citygate Outlets mall is one of Asia’s premium outlet malls and a good place for food and drinks too. Ngong Ping 360 Cable Car and the Big Buddha nearby are always high on a visitor’s to-do list. If you enjoy cycling, I recommend a hidden gem, a pleasant and scenic ride along the South Perimeter Road. You can start at the roundabout between Chek Lap Kok South Road and Scenic Road. The ride is tranquil and offers fantastic views of the airport and the mountains behind.
北大嶼山有很多值得玩樂的地方。東薈 城名品折扣購物中心是亞洲頂級的名品 折扣購物中心之一,也是享用美食的好 地方。昂坪360和附近的天壇大佛始終是 遊客必到之處。如果你喜歡騎單車,我 推荐一項很少有人知道的樂趣——沿着 南環路騎行,風景宜人。你可以從赤鱲 角南道和觀景道之間的環島開始。這段 路程很寧靜,可以欣賞到機場和後面山 巒的美妙景色。
香港東湧世茂喜來登酒店和 香港東湧福朋喜來登酒店 總禮賓司
Hotel Industry Career 從業時間薦:18 years / 年 About Me 關於本人 : I was born in Korea but grew up in Hong Kong. So you can say that I was “Made in Hong Kong”! At university, I studied hospitality management and joined the Hyatt Regency Tsim Sha Tsui as a front desk agent after graduation. I moved on to the Intercontinental Hong Kong as a Guest Relations Officer and then joined the Concierge, where I stayed until it was closed for renovation this year, bar a two-year interlude. Then recently I joined the Sheraton to help open the two hotels – Sheraton and Four Points by Sheraton – here in Tung Chung. I’m really looking forward to the new challenge. 我出生在韓國,在香港長大。你可以說我是“香港製 造”。在大學,我修讀酒店管理學,畢業後加入尖沙咀 凱悅酒店擔任前台接待員。後來,我加入了香港洲際酒 店,擔任客戶關係主管,期間除了中間兩年,我一直在 酒店的禮賓部工作了十多載,直到今年酒店關閉進行裝 修。最近我加入了喜來登酒店,幫助集團在東涌開設了 兩家酒店——世茂喜來登酒店和福朋喜來登酒店,我很 期待這份挑戰。
Favourite Hong Kong activity : 最喜歡香港的活動和興趣?
Bonus Recommendation 精心推荐 : How about enjoying a good seafood meal at a local restaurant here in Tung Chung? You may want to try Tung Shing Lau, which is a down-home seafood place off Tung Chung Road North near the Tung Chung Catholic school. 推薦您在東涌當地餐館享用美味的海鮮,試試東昇海鮮酒家,這家位於東涌北路附近、靠近 東涌天主教學校的海鮮餐廳物美價廉。
Hong Kong Favourite 香港之最 : When I was young, I always loved visiting the Peak on Hong Kong Island. Then it got to be too crowded because of all the visitors. Now it’s a good time to go there again. The views are as spectacular and mesmerising as ever.
I love scuba diving and try to do that whenever I can, mostly around the region: Indonesia, Malaysia, or the Maldives. You can go scuba diving in Hong Kong, off the coast of Sai Kung, but the choices are limited.
小時候,我最愛去香港島的太平山頂。有時因為遊客太多,有些擁擠。現在遊客稀少是去那裡 的好時機,景色依然壯觀,令人神往。
我喜歡水肺潛水;只要有機會就去,主要是在東南亞,如 印尼、馬來西亞,加上馬爾代夫等國家。在香港,潛水 愛好者也可以去西貢沿海參加水肺潛水,但選擇有限。
Last Advice:
What I most like about Hong Kong :
Always approach the concierge desk for the latest updates on Covid-19 restrictions as well as for the best tips and directions.
貼心建議: 請隨時向禮賓部了解 Covid-19 的 最新情況,以選擇最佳路線出行。
Hong Kong is so energetic. The city is compact and convenient, and efficient. Whether it’s business or leisure, you can get much more done in a day than almost anywhere else. 香港太有活力了。城市緊湊、方便、高效。無論是商務還 是休閒,一天之內完成的事情比其他大多數的旅遊地方多 得多。
48 | DECEMBER 2020
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Francois Pienaar Francois Pienaar (SA Rugby Legend)
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