Hong Kong has an ever-morphing slew of drinking spots that cater to everyone, from after-work tipplers to a crew on a session. If you're after a drink, you're likely to find yourself drawn to one of four areas: Causeway Bay, Central, Wan Chai or Tsim Sha Tsui. 香港有無數多姿多采的消閒酒吧,適合喜好喝酒或偶然才喝酒的你。喝過幾杯後,想轉換一下新環境繼續耍樂? 請留意以下四處好介紹:蘭桂坊、荷裏活道及荷南美食區一帶,灣仔及尖沙咀的諾士佛台。
Hong Kong 香港島
CAUSEWAY BAY 銅鑼灣 Club @28
This chic rooftop indoor/ outdoor bar is adjacent to the hotel’s infinity pool, which overlooks the city. Open daily 5pm-1am (2am on weekends). Rooftop, Crowne Plaza Hotel Hong Kong, 8 Leighton Road, Causeway Bay. Club @28 3980 3300. 位於酒店頂層與露天泳池相連,適合小酌或暢飲,更可俯瞰都市景色。營業時 間︰下午5時至凌晨1時(週末至凌晨2時)。銅鑼灣禮頓道8號銅鑼灣皇冠假 日酒店頂層,3980 3300。
LEVELS The 8,000-square-foot space now features the latest Logic Systems Pro Audio from one of the UK's heritage audio brands, over 25 metres of LED screens, and state-of-the-art laser lightshows, LEVELS resulting in a brand new immersive clubbing experience tailored to each visiting DJ or performing artist's style. Mon–Sat 6:30pm-5am. 2/F On Hing Terrace, 1 On Hing Terrace, Central. 2850 6826. 佔地8,000呎的LEVELS擁有英國傳統音響品牌Logic Systems Pro Audio最新 音響系統,長達25米的LED屏幕,以及最先進的雷射燈光設備,結集成全新 迷人的娛樂體驗。星期一至六夜晚6:30至早上5時。中環安慶臺安慶大廈2樓。 2850 6826.
Inn Side Out/East End Brewery
A secluded gem, perfect for a casual drink and good American-style food. Open daily 11:30am-2am (1:30am on Fri & Sat) 2nd Floor, South China Athletic Association, 88 Caroline Hill Road, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong. 2895 2900. 靜中帶旺的戶外美式餐廳,食物和飲品均水準一流,是暢飲閒聊的好去處。營 業時間:中午11:30至凌晨2時(星期五、六至凌晨1:30)。銅鑼灣加路連山 道88號南華會2樓,2895 2900。
A dining bar specializing in light contemporary Italian cuisine; one of the best places for after-work happy hour. Ground Floor, 43 Wyndham Street, Central. 2116 8055. 型格酒吧,充滿和式風味,提供現代意式小食;最適宜下班後前去喝一杯。 中環雲咸街43-45號地下D及E舖,2116 8055。
Fish Bar 魚吧
The Iron Fairies
A stylish alfresco venue against a backdrop of lush greenery of scenic mountain views and overlooking the luxurious outdoor pool. Enjoy speciallycrafted cocktails, daily fresh catch and seafood prepared in enticing ways. Mon - Sun 12 noon - 10:30 pm; 7/F, JW Marriott Hotel Hong Kong, Pacific Place, 88 Queensway, Hong Kong; 2810 8366. 位於酒店戶外泳池旁,擁有翠綠優美的水巒景色,讓客人於輕松悠閑的環境 中,享受特選雞尾酒、是日精選魚類及合時海鮮。營業時間:星期一至日下午 12時至10時半;香港金鐘道88號太古廣場香港JW萬豪酒店7樓; 2810 8366。
CENTRAL 中環 The Dispensary The city's latest eclectic lounge The Dispensary bar at Tai Kwun defines opulent drinking and dining, serving an extensive collection of wines and spirits plus East-meetsWest cocktail concoctions that pay homage to the city's heritage. 12pm till late. Police Headquarters, Tai Kwun, 10 Hollywood Road, Central, Hong Kong. 2848 3000 香港最新開設的獨特酒吧 The Dispensary 豐富了大館的美食,還提供葡萄酒 和烈酒以及東西風味混合雞尾酒,以紀念這座城市的傳統。中午12點至深夜。 香港中環荷裏活道10號大館警署總部,2848 3000。
Energetic live music and affordable drinks keep this bar packed with a lively crowd all day and night. Open until the crowd dwindles. 38 D'Aguilar Street, Lan Kwai Fong. 2525 0957. 充滿活力節拍的現場音樂與多款精美飲料,吸引大批捧場客前來享受晚間的 愉快時光。24小時營業。蘭桂芳德己立街38號,2525 0957。 | DECEMBER 2020
Iron Fairies is an enchanting and lively bar and entertainment venue in Central and a favourite gathering place for savvy millennials. The outlet is presented as an iron ore mine and serves cocktails, craft beers and wines. There is nightly live music and special cast-iron fairies are available for purchase as souvenirs. Open daily 6:00pmThe Iron Fairies 2am (3:00am on Fri & Sat) LG/F, Chinachem Hollywood Centre, 1-13 Hollywood Road, Central, Hong Kong. 3912 3939. Iron Fairies 是中環迷人又熱鬧的酒吧和娛樂場所,也是時尚千禧一代最喜歡 的聚會場所。這家店以鐵礦石為背景裝飾,供提供雞尾酒、精釀啤酒和葡萄 酒。每晚有現場音樂表演,還有可購買的鑄鐵仙子作為紀念品帶回家。營業 時間︰下午 6 時至凌晨 2 時(週末至凌晨 3 時)。香港中環荷李活道 1-13 號 華懋荷李活中心LG層,3912 3939。
WAN CHAI 灣仔 Champagne Bar 香檳吧
Art Deco–themed bar with daily live entertainment by a pianist and jazz vocalist; ideal for pre-theatre drinks and late night rendezvous. MonSun 5pm-2am. L/F, Grand Hyatt Hong Kong, 1 Harbour Road, Wan Chai. 2584 7722. 這家備受推崇的酒吧,以時尚藝術為設計主題,加入現場琴師和法籍歌手的 醉人旋律,是人們小聚和深夜閒聊的理想之處。顧名思義,香檳吧素來聞名 於其全港首屈一指的香檳選擇。客人現更可享受一系列享負盛名的精品香 檳,包括︰Pierre Peters, Les Chetillons, Blanc de Blancs (2004), De Sousa - Brut Tradition NV及Vilmart Grand Cellier等。各款香檳皆提供杯裝及瓶裝 選擇。營業時間:星期一至日,下午5時至凌晨2時。灣仔港灣道1號香港君 悅酒店大堂層,2584 7722。