Supporting our students
We all need support from time to time, and we make sure our students receive the support, advice and guidance they need to thrive during their time with us. Our ONTRACK promise to our students ensures that if you’re not on target to reach your goals, we will work together to put steps in place to help you get where you need to be.
One-to-one support
All students have a Study Coach or Personal Tutor who will support you during your time with us, and ensure that you access all the support you need to achieve your full potential. They will be your first point of contact if you have any worries or concerns. Your Study Coach or Personal Tutor will: Keep you on track by setting and reviewing your learning targets and progress Support you with any personal challenges Talk to your tutors and, where appropriate, your parents/ guardians about any issues Encourage and support your extra-curricular activities and wider study Help you to plan your progression after your time at the College
We have a range of facilities that will support you with your studies, including our Study Centres where you can study independently and access resources and computers. Our Student Support Hubs are a one-stop-shop for all your support needs.