Page 1 | 2021 2022 SIBD Annual Report Te Wai Horotiu Station (Aotea) Te Wai Horotiu Station (Aotea) Social Impact and Business Disruption Delivery Work Plan 2021 2022 Annual Report Revision: Final Date: 25 August 2022
SIBD Annual Report Te Wai Horotiu Station (Aotea) Page 2 | 2021 2022 SIBD Annual Report Te Wai Horotiu Station (Aotea) Document title This document is uncontrolled when printed. This document should be printed in colour Revision Status Revision Date Version details Prepared By Approved By 1 15 July 2022 Draft for CLG comment Kate Symington John Daly 2 25 August 2022 Final Kate Symington John Daly Approval Status Name/Title Signature Date Prepared by: Kate Symington Reviewed by: John Daly Approved by: Sarah Sutherland 05/09/22
SIBD Annual Report Te Wai Horotiu Station (Aotea) Page 3 | 2021 2022 SIBD Annual Report Te Wai Horotiu Station (Aotea) Table of contents 1. Introduction............................................................................................. 5 Structure of the Annual Report......................................................................................5 2. Te Wai Horotiu Station............................................................................. 7 Summary of Key Construction Works.............................................................................7 3. Annual Report Methodology.................................................................... 8 Information Reviewed...................................................................................................9 The Mitigation and Implementation Plan.......................................................................9 4. Community and Business Profiles .......................................................... 12 Community Profile ...................................................................................................... 12 Auckland’s Homeless 13 COVID 19 Lockdowns 16 Site walkover............................................................................................................18 5. Development Response ......................................................................... 19 Site Audits .................................................................................................................. 19 Weekly Site Audit.....................................................................................................19 Te Wai Horotiu Site Accessibility Assessment August 2021 ....................................19 Te Wai Horotiu Station Disruption Wayfinding Audit February 2022 20 Proactive Development Response Measures................................................................ 20 Quarterly Survey ......................................................................................................... 21 6. Overview of Matters Raised by the Community..................................... 23 Overview .................................................................................................................... 23 Complaints.................................................................................................................. 23 Summary MethodComplaintComplaint..................................................................................................................23byImpactTheme....................................................................................23byLocation.............................................................................................24ofcomplaint25 Concerns..................................................................................................................... 25 Utility works and cumulative impacts 25 Antisocial behaviour.................................................................................................26 Lack of public amenities...........................................................................................26 7. Link Alliance Response to Matters Raised by the Community ................ 26
SIBD Annual Report Te Wai Horotiu Station (Aotea) Page 4 | 2021 2022 SIBD Annual Report Te Wai Horotiu Station (Aotea) Noise and Vibration..................................................................................................... 26 Business Disruption..................................................................................................... 27 Access and Parking...................................................................................................... 27 Amenity, including Air Quality and Light ...................................................................... 28 Servicing and Deliveries............................................................................................... 29 Safety ......................................................................................................................... 29 Visibility and Wayfinding............................................................................................. 30 Communication 30 Stress and Financial Concerns ...................................................................................... 31 8. Feedback Received................................................................................. 32 Feedback from Community and Development Response Managers .............................. 32 Community Feedback on Business Disruption .............................................................. 33 Auckland City Centre Residents' Group ...................................................................33 Heart of the City 33 CLG Feedback 34 CLG Feedback on the Annual Report ............................................................................ 34 9. Recommendations................................................................................. 36 10. Conclusion ............................................................................................. 38 Appendix A: Previous Recommendations..................................................... 40 Appendix B: Site Walkover Photos............................................................... 44 Appendix C: Infrastructure Sustainability Rating.......................................... 48 Sta 3 Effective Communication.................................................................................... 48 Sta 4 Addressing community concerns......................................................................... 52
Section 5: Overview of Link Alliance development response initiatives.
Structure of the Annual Report
Section 1: Introduction: Provides an overview of the Project and Construction Works.
Section 3: Annual Report Methodology: Provides an overview of the methodology used to inform this Annual Report as well as the SIBD mitigation measures implemented.
This annual report, prepared for the Construction Works will outline the following:
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The City Rail Link (CRL) project (the Project) comprises the construction, operation and maintenance of a 3.4km twin tunnel underground passenger railway up to 42m below Auckland’s city centre. It will transform the downtown Waitematā Station (Britomart) into a two way through station that better connects Auckland’s rail network, allowing it to double in capacity. Two new stations will be constructed (Te Wai Horotiu1 Station (Aotea) and Karanga a Hape Station (Karangahape)) and Maungawhau Station (Mt Eden) will be redeveloped. Each stage of the Construction Works for the Te Wai Horotiu Station (Aotea) (referred to collectively as the ‘Construction Works2’) are authorised and provided for by CRL Designation 2500 1 in the Auckland Unitary Plan Operative in Part (AUP), for which City Rail Link Limited (CRLL) is the requiring Socialauthority.Impact and Business Disruption Delivery Work Plans (SIBDDWPs) have been prepared to identify the measures that will be implemented to mitigate and manage potential adverse effects on businesses, residents and community services/facilities during the Construction Works. In accordance with CRL designation Condition 61.1, the objective of the SIBDDWP is: “to avoid, remedy or mitigate the adverse effects arising from disruption to businesses, residents and community services/facilities so far as reasonably practicable.”
Section 4: Community and Business Profiles: Reviews information relating to the Community Profile and Demographic Profile.
1. Introduction
Section 2: Te Wai Horotiu Station: Provides a brief overview of Construction Works to date and summarises the impacts.
In order to comply with designation conditions, SIBDDWPs have been prepared The 2021/2022 Te Wai Horotiu SIBD Annual Report (Annual Report) provides an overview of the changes that have occurred to the SIBD environment since the commencement of the Construction Works and analyses matters raised by the community and how these have been responded to.
Section 6: Overview of Matters Raised by the Community: Provides statistics on matters raised by the community. 1 Official use of gifted station names, including Te Wai Horotiu Station, is subject to New Zealand Geographic Board decision 2 Works required to construct the Te Wai Horotiu (Aotea) Station. Includes Construction Works authorised by the Stage 1 3 (authorised by OPW60345651), Stage 4 and 5 (authorised by OPW60348747) and Main Works (authorised by OPW6035461) Outline Plan documentation (refer Table 1).
Section 9: Recommendations: outlines areas where Link Alliance can improve during the 2022/2023 construction period. 10: Conclusion
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Section 7: Link Alliance Response to Matters Raised by the Community: Considers the matters raised by the community and provides examples of Link Alliances response to those matters.
Section 8: Feedback Received: provides an overview of the feedback received during the 2021/2022 construction period.
The following outlines key construction activities occurring during the various stages of the Construction Works. A detailed account of the Construction Works is provided in the Construction Environmental Management Plan as relevant to the stage of works. It is noted that the Construction Works (described in Table 1), are concentrated along Albert Street, between Wyndham Street in the North to Mayoral Drive in the South, and includes works within the adjacent Streets of Kingston, Victoria and Wellesley Streets. A key change during this reporting period was the reopening of Wellesley Street West and the closure of Victoria Street and Albert Street intersection in June 2021.
Given the nature and scale of the Te Wai Horotiu Station construction, works will be undertaken in a staged manner. These Construction Works have been authorised by three separate Outline Plan Packages, with Construction Works expected to continue until the completion of the Project. The Construction Works have been staged as follows:
Once completed, the Te Wai Horotiu Station will include platforms, lifts, escalators, rooms for housing stations and tunnel services equipment, an entrance building at Wellesley Street, two additional entrance buildings at Victoria Street, a Plenum at Kingston Street, services, internal and architectural finishings, structural fittings, utilities services diversions and connections.
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More Canopy removal and utility relocation works. Micro tunnelling works along Victoria Street. Site establishment works involving tree removal. 6 2019December The completeparts2019incommencedworkDecemberLargeare Main OPW6035461)(authorisedWorksby Construction of the Te Wai Horotiu Station and associated above ground structures. Tunnel boxes for the rail tracks and structural fitout, and internal and architectural finishings. 8 May 2020 The 2024.throughcontinuescheduledandincommencedworkearly2020istoto
2. Te Wai Horotiu Station
Stage 4 and 5 (authorised OPW60348747)by
Summary of Key Construction Works
Table 1: Staging of the Construction Works Construction Works Description Date Approved Status Stage 1 to (authorised3 OPW60345651)by Canopy removal, network utility relocation and site establishment works. 1 October 2019 March2019fromundertakentheCompleteworkwasOctoberto2020.
• Additional trenching works along Albert Street to relocate utilities. These works extended into the Albert Street slip lane, preventing southern egress from this lane.
City Rail Link designation condition 61.8 requires an annual report to be prepared to report on changes to the SIBD environment, as well as analyse complaints received and how these have been responded to. This condition reads as follows:
• Bored pile installation north of Victoria Street.
• Trenches along both sides of Kingston Street required for utility relocations resulted in Kingston Street being closed.
The Te Wai Horotiu Main Works were authorised on 8 May 2020 These works have commenced and will be ongoing until the completion of the Project The Te Wai Horotiu Main Works involve:
• Canopy removal works along the western side of Albert Street between Victoria Street West and Wellesley Street West
• Establishment of the Construction Support Area within the Bledisloe House carpark, requiring the removal of trees.
• Retrieval of the Tunnel Boring Machine following its first and second drive.
• Set up of the Construction Support Area within the Bledisloe House carpark (corner of Mayoral Drive and Wellesley Street).
• Installation of D walls along either side of Albert Street from Mayoral Drive to the Victoria Street intersection
3. Annual Report Methodology
• Micro tunnelling along Victoria Street West.
• Canopy removals continued. • Full closure of the Wellesley Street / Albert Street intersection for utility relocations.
• ‘Top down’ construction involving construction of the roof structure in stages and allowing portions of the road to be reopened to traffic.
• Removal of the Bluestone wall and reconstruction of the wall once the station works are complete3 .
• Construction of the Te Wai Horotiu Station including its internal fitout.
Te Wai Horotiu Stage 4 and 5
SIBD Annual Report Te Wai Horotiu Station (Aotea) Page 8 | 2021 2022 SIBD Annual Report Te Wai Horotiu Station (Aotea) Te Wai Horotiu Stage 1 3
• Approximately 680m of trenching works required to relocate utilities, predominantly within the footpaths along Albert Street including within the northern section of the Albert Street slip lane.
“The Requiring Authority shall prepare an annual report on the identification, monitoring, evaluation and management of the effects outlined in the Social Impact and Business Disruption DWP together with a summary of matters raised by the community, and how 3 These works will be undertaken in accordance with the Bluestone Wall Management Plan, certified by the Heritage Advisory Group.
Te Wai Horotiu Main Works
Information Reviewed
SIBD Annual Report Te Wai Horotiu Station (Aotea) 9 | 2021 2022 SIBD Annual Report Te Wai Horotiu Station (Aotea) these have been responded to. The report shall be presented to the Community Liaison Groups.”
Recommendations for improvement based on feedback received. Section 9
A range of SIBD mitigation measures were included in Section 8 of the Te Wai Horotiu Main Works SIBD (similar measures were identified in the Stage 1 3 and Stages 4 5 SIBD DWPs). These seek to mitigate the SIBD impacts from the Construction Works, and which respond to the requirements of the CRL Designation Condition (condition 61). A full list of measures, along with a brief description of how they mitigate potential impacts to businesses and residents within the affected community, are outlined below.
A range of information has been reviewed to identify changes in the baseline SIBD environment, as is described in Section 4 to 7 of the SIBDDWPs for the Construction Works Table 2 outlines the steps undertaken in this Annual Report to identify changes in the SIBD environment. The complaints register has been analysed to understand how mitigation measures have been implemented to manage SIBD impacts. Statistics have also been analysed in relation to the number, type and location of these complaints.
The Mitigation and Implementation Plan
Monitoring of any changes to the Demographic and Business profile of the SIBD environment. Section 4.1 Impacts due to COVID 19 restrictions. Section 4.1.2
Monitoring of any changes to the Community Profile. Section 4
Table 2: Annual Report information Description Section of Report
Overview of feedback received through CLG, information hubs, interview with community and development response managers, and through community events
Section 8
Review of information, as outlined in Section 3.1, has been undertaken for the SIBDDWPs prepared for each stage of the Construction Works. This report covers the period 1st January 2021 to 31st March 2022.
Summary of Development Response. Section 5 Overview of Matters Raised by the Community. Section 6 Analysis of the complaints received Section 6.2 Summary of the Link Alliance’s response Section 7
Implementation of measures outlined in the AQDWP to reduce impacts on people and property sensitive to dust (and sometimes, odour) nuisance.
Frequent email updates, check ins, progress meetings, advanced notice of construction activities using a range of engagement tools and materials.
Section 8.6 Te Wai SIBDDWPMainHorotiuWorks
SIBD Annual Report Te Wai Horotiu Station (Aotea) Page 10 | 2021 2022 SIBD Annual Report Te Wai Horotiu Station (Aotea) Table 3: SIBD Mitigation Measures MeasureMitigation Description
Section 8.5 Te Wai SIBDDWPMainHorotiuWorks
Continuous up to engagementdate
Section 8.7 Te Wai SIBDDWPMainHorotiuWorks
Traffic, Access and DisruptionParking
Section 8.8 Te Wai SIBDDWPMainHorotiuWorks
Collaboration Work with a range of organisations to understand planned events, impacts of concern, and measures to be implemented to reduce construction impacts.
Implementation of measures outlined in the CNVDWP. Site Specific mitigation measures implemented for sites which exceed criteria. Updates and engagement to allow businesses to plan ahead when noisy activities are scheduled.
Implementation of measures outlined in the TAPDWP. Includes implementation of traffic management plans, and measures to reduce impacts on pedestrians, cyclists, parking and loading and public transport
Section 8.9 Te Wai SIBDDWPMainHorotiuWorks
Brief all construction staff prior to their arrival on site. Outline staff protocol, how to interact with distressed members of the public and vulnerable groups, how to be good neighbours.
Section 8.4 Te Wai SIBDDWPMainHorotiuWorks
DisruptionUtility Engagement with businesses and residents in the affected community prior to disrupting utilities needed to be relocated. Section 8.10 Te Wai SIBDDWPMainHorotiuWorks
SafetyCommunity Implementation of Crime Prevention through Environmental Design (CPTED) measures to improve safety and perceived safety for residents, business owners and the public utilising the project site. Measures include security services, enhanced lighting, working with various organisations to implement targeted measures. Section 8.12 Te Wai SIBDDWPMainHorotiuWorks
GroupsVulnerable Measures to assist in dealing with rough sleepers, antisocial behaviour, or dealing with an emergency situation on site. Involves working with organisations such as the Neighbourhood Police, Auckland Council and Auckland City Mission Section 8.13 Te Wai SIBDDWPMainHorotiuWorks
Health Wellbeingand Provision of information to support mental health which may have been impacted from construction activities. Multiple channels used (pamphlets, information on CRL website, project information centres, proactive communication, regular meetings).
Range of measures to be implemented to mitigate impacts on adjacent businesses. Outcomes includes public artwork on hoardings, beautification of public amenity, and site audits to ensure compliance with mitigation measures. Development Section 8.15 Te Wai SIBDDWPMainHorotiuWorks
Dust and disruptionodour
Noise DisruptionVibrationand
Section 8.14 Te Wai Horotiu Main SIBDDWPWorks (DRP)ResponseDevelopmentPlan
Visual Amenity and Landscape Engagement with the public and implementation of development response measures to reduce amenity impacts associated with loss of vegetation and community areas. Implementing activation opportunities along the corridor to enhance amenity where this value has been lost. Section 8.11 Te Wai SIBDDWPMainHorotiuWorks
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mitigationDisruptionBusiness A range of measures are detailed in the SIBDDWP. This includes communication, development response measures and implementation of the Transport and Parking Delivery Work Plan measures. Section 8.16 Te Wai SIBDDWPMainHorotiuWorks
Response is an evolving measure, which is informed by ongoing community engagement and affiliated needs assessment.
Figure 1 below outlines the SA1 datasets relevant to the area occupied by the Construction Works.
Table 4 below outlines the 2013 and 2018 census data for population, age, ethnicity and households relating to the SA1 boundaries (as localised to the Construction Works area). Comparisons are outlined in order to indicate changes between the 2013 and 2018 census years. It is noted that the Construction Works commenced after the census data was accumulated, therefore, may not accurately represent the current demographic profile of the area.
• The population increased by 369 people between 2013 and 2018, with a total population of 2751 persons.
It is acknowledged the community and business profile within the Project area experienced change due to the COVID 19 restrictions and the subsequent lifting of restrictions. Information and statistics relating to SIBD impacts due to COVID 19 restrictions, are outlined in Section 4.1.2 of this Annual Report. 4 releases/statistical area 1 dataset for 2018 census updated march 2020 5
• The number of occupied households increased by 144, to a total of 1239 occupied households.
The 2018 census is the most up to date census data available. The demographic profile outlined in Section 4.3 of the Te Wai Horotiu Main Works SIBDDWP utilises statistics obtained from the 2018 census on population, age and ethnicity using the Statistical Area 2 (SA2) data sets. Since the writing of the Te Wai Horotiu Main Works SIBDDWP, datasets for Statistical Area 1s (SA1s) have become available; SA1s provide more detailed information about population characteristics than is available at the SA2 level.
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Community and Business Profiles
• The vast majority of residents living within the Project area have lived there for less than 5 years.
Community Profile
Information contained within the Te Wai Horotiu Main Works SIBDDWP relating to the affected community’s profile (the Community Profile, Section 4.2) has been reviewed to ensure it is generally consistent with the current characteristics of the area The sections below confirm that the community profile remains relevant and notes changes to the profile as a result of the COVID 19 pandemic restrictions. The range of feedback received has also been analysed, including CLG, information hub, survey and development response feedback, outlined in Section 8
The following ethnicities, as outlined in the 2018 census statistics, are recorded in Table 4 for the purposes of this annual report; European, Asian, Maori and Other (Pacific peoples, Middle Eastern / Latin American / African, and Other Ethnicity).
• The Asian ethnicity is the most common ethnicity within the Project area, followed by European5 .
Key facts derived from the 2013 and 2018 census4 data, as outlined in Table 4, is as follows:
• The median age of people living in and within the vicinity of the Project area increased by 1 year, to 29.4 years.
The Ira Mata, Ira Tangata: Auckland’s Homeless Count (dated 17 September 2018) contains the most up to date information in relation to people living without shelter and in temporary accommodation across the Auckland region. Relevant information relating to the homeless count is outlined in Section 4.2 of the Te Wai Horotiu Main works SIBDDWP. Link Alliance continues to engage with relevant agencies to understand impacts and solutions related to the homeless community within the Project area.
Figure 1: Statistical Area 1 Boundaries within the Te Wai Horotiu Construction Area. The dark shaded area represents the designation boundary Auckland’s Homeless
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Asian OtherEuropean(186/63%(75/26%)(27/9%) Total (318/100%)
Asian EuropeanOther(390/78%)(63/13%)(51/10%)
7005277 – Victoria Street, Albert Street, Wellesley Street and Hobson Street 168 138 29.2 29.0 63 69 Total (162/100%) Asian OtherEuropean(81/50%)(51/31%)(18/11%)
Asian OtherEuropean(87/63%)(39/28%)(15/11%)
Asian OtherEuropean(297/73%)(57/14%) 6 (30/7%) Total (498/100%)
Asian MaoriEuropean(51/45%)(45/39%)(15/13%)
SIBD Annual Report Te Wai Horotiu Station (Aotea) Page 14 | 2021 2022 SIBD Annual Report Te Wai Horotiu Station (Aotea) Table 4: Statistical Area 1 statistics from 2013 and 2018 Census Data SA1 boundary Population Median Age numberHousehold (numberEthnicity of people / percentage)
Total (363/100%) 0 5 years (342/94%) 5 9 years (21/%) 10 years + (0/0%) Total (375/100%) 0 5 years (348/93%) 5 9 years (15/4%) 10 years + (12/3%) 7005276 – Small block bounded by Hobson Street and Federal Street 132 120 30.3 32.9 69 69 Total (132/100%) Asian MaoriEuropean(66/50%)(36/27%)(6/5%) Total (120/100%)
Asian OtherEuropean(219/69%)(72/23%)(42/13%)
Total (138/100%)
Years at usual residence (number of people /
Asian OtherEuropean(63/53%)(51/43%)(9/9%)
Total (114/100%) 0 5 years (90/79%) 5 9 years (15/13%) 10 years + (9/8%) Total (105/100%) 0 5 years (84/80%) 5 9 years (12/11%) 10 years + (9/9%)
Area inclusive of 2013 2018 2013 2018 2013 2018 2013 2018 2013 2018 7005274 Small block bounded by Kingston Street, Hobson Street and Federal Street. 405 498 25.7 26.6 174 192 Total (405/100%)
Total (270/100%) 0 5 years (243/90%) 5 9 years (27/10%) 10 years + (0/0%) Total (270/100%) 0 5 years (243/90%) 5 9 years (21/8%) 10 years + (6/2%) block bounded by Durham Street and Queen Street 96 31.1 32.9 48 117 Total (78/100%) Asian OtherEuropean(39/50%)(24/31%)(9/12%) Total (96/100%) Asian MaoriEuropean(60/63%)(27/28%)(6/6%) Total (78/100%) 0 5 years (63/81%) 5 9 years (6/8%) 10 years + (9/12%) Total (78/100%) 0 5 years (69/88%) 5 9 years (3/4%) 10 years + (6/8%) It is noted ‘Other’ ethnicity includes all ethnicities aside from European, Asian and Maori.
Asian MaoriEuropean(90/57%)(30/19%)(9/6%)
Total (144/100%) 0-5 years (117/81%) 5 9 years (18/13%) 10 years + (9/6%) Total (117/100%) 0-5 years (105/90%) 5 9 years (6/5%) 10 years + (6/5%) 7005281 Swanson Street, Durham Street and Queen Street 159 114 28.4 30.5 63 63 Total (159/100%)
7005284 Small
Total (114/100%)
Total (126/100%) 0 5 years (111/88%) 5 9 years (15/12%) 10 years + (0/0%) Total (81/100%) 0 5 years (66/81%) 5 9 years (12/15%) 10 years + (3/4%) Small block bounded by Albert Street and Durham Street 294 318 27.5 29.4 162 174 Total (294/100%)
7005296 – Swanson Street, Albert Street, Kingston Street and Hobson Street 870 1044 24.6 26.8 411 459 Total (870/100%) Asian OtherEuropean(468/54%)(180/21%)(105/12%)
SIBD Annual Report Te Wai Horotiu Station (Aotea) SIBD Annual Report Horotiu Station (Aotea)
Total (159/100%) 0 5 years (135/85%) 5 9 years (3/2%) 10 years + (21/13%) Total (72/100%) 0 5 years (66/92%) 5 9 years (3/4%) 10 years + (3/4%)
7005286 Albert Street, Durham Street, Queen Street and Wellesley Street 177 339 28.3 27.5 54 45
Total (747/100%) 0-5 years (714/96%) 5 9 years (33/4%) 10 years + (0/0%) Total (849/100%) 0-5 years (789/93%) 5 9 years (45/5%) 10 years + (15/2%) 7005299 – Federal Street and Mayoral Drive 99 81 28.5 31.5 51 51 Total (99/100%) European (60/61%) Asian Other(24/24%)(9/9%) Total (81/100%) European (69/85%) Asian Maori(12/15%)(6/7%) Total (90/100%) 0 5 years (78/87%) 5 9 years (9/10%) 10 years + (3/3%) Total (72/100%) 0 5 years (54/75%) 5 9 years (9/13%) 10 years + (9/13%) 7005303 Wellesley Street, Queen Street, and Mayoral Drive 0 3 n/a n/a 0 0 n/a n/a n/a n/a Total 2382Total 2751Total 28.4Median 29.4Median 1095Total 1239Total n/a n/a
Total (177/100%) European (81/46%) Asian Other(63/36%)(24/14%)
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Total (339/100%) European (216/64%) Asian Other(63/19%)(57/17%)
Total (1044/100%) Asian OtherEuropean(789/76%)(141/14%)(132/13%)
Te Wai
COVID-19 Lockdowns
The impact of the lockdown restrictions has had major negative impacts on consumer spending within the Te Wai Horotiu area, causing financial stress on local businesses.
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The global COVID 19 pandemic resulted in lockdown restrictions with significant economic consequences. These were due to restrictions of movement, exchanging of goods and spending, as well as changes in behavioural patterns (such as working from home or shopping locally) and the restriction imposed on tourism.
Restrictions and lockdowns until April 2022 resulted in an extended drop in visitor numbers and spending for the Auckland Region. The dates of key restrictions are summarised in Table 5.
Table 5: Summary of lockdowns for Auckland Region during 2021 to 2022 Date Description Restrictions 14 February 2021 17 February 2021 Alert Level 3 • Travel restricted • Only those who cannot work from home can return to businesses • Gatherings restricted to 10 people28 February 2021 7 March 2021 17 August 2021 21 September 2021 Alert Level 4 • No travel • All public and education facilities close • Businesses must close except for necessities (e.g. supermarkets, pharmacies, petrol stations) • No gatherings 22 September 2021 2 December 2021 Alert Level 3 • Travel restricted • Only those who cannot work from home can return to businesses • Gatherings restricted to 10 people 2 December 2021 30 December 2021 Red light setting • Domestic travel permitted • Public facilities, education and businesses open with capacity limits based on 1m distancing Working from home if practical 30 December 2021 23 January 2022 Orange light setting • Domestic travel permitted • Public facilities, education and businesses open with capacity limits based on 1m distancing • Workplaces open 23 January 2022 13 April 2022 Red light setting • Domestic travel permitted • Public facilities, education and businesses open with capacity limits based on 1m distancing • Working from home if practical
During 2021 New Zealand’s borders remained closed to international tourists. Only returning citizens and permanent residents and some visa class holders could enter through the Managed Isolation and Quarantine (MIQ) system. MIQ spots were limited and both tourism and immigration were heavily impacted. Data from Heart of the City Pedestrian counts7 for 2021/22 showed a significant decrease in foot traffic around the Te Wai Horotiu site during those periods of restrictions in 2021 (see Figure 2). This is in the context of a general reduction in visitors, namely due to the lack of tourists both international and domestic visiting the city centre as a result of COVID restrictions. centre/results and statistics/pedestrian
The site was able to restart once Auckland moved to Alert Level 3 and construction sites remained open during the red traffic light setting. However, there are broader, ongoing impacts as a result of the pandemic including resourcing and labour shortages and supply chain constraints.
During Level 3 and Level 4 lockdowns many people were required to work and study from home. Even once public facilities, education and businesses were open under the traffic light settings, advice was still for people to work and study from home where possible. Hence, those who usually worked in the city were not there. Restrictions on movement meant people were also unable to travel for recreation or other purposes.
Construction Impacts
This also meant that for residents near the Te Wai Horotiu Station people who previously may have been at their normal place of employment or study during the day were at home. Key locations of residential properties in the vicinity of the Te Wai Horotiu Station works include the Manhattan Apartments at 105 Albert Street and apartment block at 203 Federal Street.
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Working and studying remotely
During the Level 4 lockdown Link Alliance was required to cease on site operations and the majority of the workers shifted to remote working where possible. The exception to this was the Tunnel Boring Machine (TBM) which is not designed to be stationary for extended periods and received special exemption to continue operating 24/7.
Visitor numbers
Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar 297 Queen Street 261 Queen Street 205 Queen Street 61 Federal
Figure 2: Pedestrian counts at several locations around the Te Wai Horotiu site January 2021 to March 2022
Business turnover
Site walkover A site walkover was undertaken on 30 March 2022. This involved walking the perimeter of the site to observe ground floor premises adjacent to the Te Wai Horotiu Construction Zones, wayfinding and signage and evidence of development response measures. The site walkover was mainly focused on Albert Street and in particular the Victoria Street intersection as Wellesley Street West has now reopened (a change since the previous annual report)
During the reporting period between 1 January 2021 and 31 March 2022 approximately 10 small businesses have closed or relocated away from the site area. It is accepted that CRL works may have been a contributing factor to these closures, as well as COVID 19 restrictions. In addition, there have been several new openings across the site, with new businesses leasing areas where other businesses have closed. Approximately 5 new small businesses have opened across the site during the period.
During this time the Crowne Plaza Hotel (120 Albert Street) operated as an MIQ facility which meant there were additional needs for access to and from the facility and for certain safety protocols to be in place to manage the risks of COVID 19.
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The site walkover identified that recommendations in the wayfinding and accessibility assessments had been implemented or were in the process being implemented. This included updated, large format business signage, directional wayfinding signage, business directory maps and additional lighting. The site was clear of obstructions and traffic controllers were in place at crossings.
The site walkover included the Te Pūkaki public information hub on Victoria Street to see the placemaking and information that is available to the public. Photographs from the site visit are included in Appendix B. 200000 350000300000250000 400000 450000 Feb Street
An accessibility assessment was carried out in August 2021 by Be. Lab and Blind and Low Vision NZ to identify accessibility issues for pedestrians surrounding the Te Wai Horotiu Station works on Mayoral Drive and Albert Street from Wellesley Street West to Wyndham Street.
• Removing and replacing scrim on hoardings that is no longer relevant in the locality (i.e. if a business has moved location).
• Taking down noise mats following completion of noisy works.
Weekly site audits enable these issues to be proactively managed and addressed efficiently to maintain the environment around the site.
• Graffiti removal and general safety.
The accessibility assessment report noted wide access where possible and having windows in the hoardings to allow more natural light However, the report made recommendations to further improve the accessibility of the site including providing accessible signal push buttons and additional traffic controllers at intersections, checking fence footings to remove trip hazards and to include a detectable edge along the bottom for visually impaired, providing tactile ground surface indicators at crossings and high contrast strip at stairs, removing redundant cones and e scooters which can be a Therehazard.were several areas where loading zones and vehicle access caused safety issues for pedestrians. During the audit it was noted that vehicles unloading deliveries were in some instances parked over footpath making it difficult for pedestrians to pass. It was recommended that loading zone requirements be discussed with businesses and in some instances formalising crossings could assist in making the environment more efficient and safer for pedestrians.
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Site Audits Weekly Site Audit
• Cleaning Perspex windows on hoardings that have been dirtied by dust.
• Window cleaning for ground floor businesses on Victoria Street.
The Te Wai Horotiu site team undertakes at least weekly audits of the Te Wai Horotiu Construction area, broken down into four separate zones Southern, Central, Victoria Street, and Northern to achieve a more site specific, focused audit. These audits involve a walkover of each zone by a Communications & Engagement (C&E) team representative, to assess the quality of the environment adjacent to construction and ensure it is kept to a high standard. Any issues raised by the affected community can also be observed and responded to.
• Ensuring any wayfinding or business promoting signage taken down for construction purposes is put back in the correct position.
Development response is the planning and implementation of tools to mitigate the impacts of large scale development, and cumulative impacts of construction activity on people. Put simply, it’s about supporting the community whilst also making it easier for teams to deliver projects.
Te Wai Horotiu Site Accessibility Assessment August 2021
Issues raised and addressed by site audits include:
5. Development Response
• Sweeping of pedestrian areas and removal/covering of trip hazards
• Both C&E team members and construction workers continue to assess the needs of pedestrians as the construction site evolves. Examples of wayfinding improvements include; changing business access on Albert Street (Wilson Carpark); and refreshing directional street signage on major intersections (e.g. Victoria Street and Albert Street).
The audit noted an improvement between February 2022 and the Auckland Transport City Centre Integrated Wayfinding Audit May 20218 The audit identified that fewer, larger signs which were easier to read and more strategically placed were able to help guide pedestrians more smoothly around the area. As a result the audit found the wayfinding signage implemented provided a safer, less cluttered and less confusing experience for people.
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SIBD Wai Horotiu Station (Aotea) 2022 SIBD Annual Report Te Wai Horotiu Station (Aotea)
Proactive Development Response Measures
Proactive engagement with stakeholders
8 Auckland Transport City Centre Integrated Wayfinding Audit prepared by Scartan, dated May 2021
Following the accessibility assessment several changes were implemented by Link Alliance, including installing pedestrian mirrors on tight or narrow corners and where site layout has remained static, replacing temporary fences with solid panels to improve user experience.
• Link Alliance seeks to engage proactively with affected stakeholders where they identify that particularly noisy or disruptive works will impact those stakeholders. This includes early notification of works, discussion of timing of works to minimise effects on stakeholders, scheduling and carrying out works to address stakeholder concerns where practicable.
Annual Report Te
Link Alliance has implemented a range of additional measures to mitigate impacts on the affected community. The Activate Aotea Programme has been informed by communication and engagement with stakeholders and the affected community, and is regularly reviewed and updated based on feedback from community and stakeholders Examples of proactive measures are below.
Following the wayfinding audit several changes were implemented by Link Alliance, including reducing cluttered signage and pink arrows and simplifying wayfinding and where possible, improving visibility into site (e.g. Perspex windows, open fences) to help build public understanding of construction progress.
An independent audit by Scartan of the temporary wayfinding signage installed by Link Alliance to help users move around the active sections of the Te Wai Horotiu Station construction site was undertaken in February 2022. This audit reviewed the wayfinding signage and analysed the user experience for those visiting the area and local businesses.
Wayfinding/Behaviour Change
• Spatial considerations for paths, edges, site zones, intersections and landmarks are reflected in the wayfinding outcomes across the site. This considered approach to wayfinding, using the recognised Auckland Transport magenta guidelines, has enhanced the pedestrian experience on site, minimising navigational gaps and providing pedestrians with assurance while travelling through the site.
Te Wai Horotiu Station Disruption Wayfinding Audit February 2022
• Link Alliance partnered with Artweek Auckland to deliver a site specific programme of activity across the site. This involved collaborating with local artists to enhance site specific areas within the precinct with themed visual artworks and hosting art walks throughout the sites. A self guided tour of the artworks installed around site was available to encourage people to visit the area.
• Te Pūkaki information centre and enhancements to public spaces in the surrounding area. The onsite information centre provides details of the project and Construction Works, and the wider area is activated with information posts, planter boxes and decals.
• Procuring local where possible (e.g. local printers, local cafes for Link Alliance catering), Link Alliance also purchased food and coffee vouchers for the community, and roses on Valentine’s Day to support local businesses.
• Highlighting regional grants available as a result of COVID 19 developments (e.g. Auckland Unlimited Regional Business Partner grant).
• Sponsored activities around the site for the local community and to attract visitors to the area including Curious Creatures of the Concrete Jungle treasure hunt for families throughout the January school holidays and a regular jazz night delivered by the Creative Jazz Club Aotearoa at Tony Lord Nelson’s Restaurant.
• Promotion of local businesses through the project’s media channels, e.g. Facebook, internal communications (newsletters and toolboxes) and the station’s monthly email newsletter to stakeholders.
• An on site reward system for recognising and encouraging positive a work ethic and neighbourly behaviour within the construction team Business support
• Ensuring nearby loading zones are available to local businesses and working with businesses to coordinate larger deliveries Quarterly Survey
• Providing free night time parking for customers of Victoria Street eateries at Atrium carpark.
• Monthly site tours are available for the local community and members of the public to join. These tours traverse the perimeter of the construction site with site engineers providing information about the project and works.
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Strategic Operations
• Installation of Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) standard and aesthetic lighting on hoardings to create a safer, more visually engaging environment.
• Link Alliance Small Business Support Programme, which provides affected businesses with an opportunity to receive strategic advice from an independent business connector. This is paired with a microgrant to help the business adapt and innovate in response to construction
• Support Local to Win monthly competition to encourages visitation and spending in the local area.
Activations & Placemaking
• Link Alliance has installed temporary public street bins to replace street bins that have been removed due to construction requirements.
• Printing and placement of custom business signage across the site.
• Reminded site staff to ensure noise protection is installed at all times during noisy works
• Reviewed consistency of communications from the station team, especially when new neighbours move into the area
• Developed translated materials or tools for those who may wish to engage in other languages
• Continued improvements to site wayfinding.
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Examples of actions undertaken by Link Alliance in 2021/22 for Te Wai Horotiu Station include:
Link Alliance reviews the survey responses and reports the results in the monthly newsletters for each station. Based on the feedback Link Alliance identifies specific actions to be undertaken and those actions are also reported back to stakeholders via the newsletter. The Community Manager is responsible for ensuring those actions are implemented, ideally before the next quarterly survey.
Piloted and evaluated the Small Business Support Programme to ensure it is well suited and accessible for as many small businesses as possible
Link Alliance conducts a quarterly stakeholder satisfaction survey via Survey Monkey. The online survey is sent to stakeholders and is open for two weeks. Link Alliance encourages stakeholders to take part through its regular communication channels. The survey seeks feedback on recent experiences engaging with Link Alliance and how effective the Link Alliance is at communicating and responding to complaints and feedback. The survey specifically asks if stakeholders have enough information about the project and its potential effects. The survey also asks about the stakeholder’s ability to contact the Link Alliance if they have a question or issue and how satisfied they are with the ability of the team to respond.
• Ensured the Te Wai Horotiu Station (Aotea) public milestone tracker is always up to date on the CRL website
Complaint by Impact Theme Between 1 January 2021 until 31 March 2022 there were a total of 164 complaints. These have been reported by themes. Some complaints represented multiple themes so the total complaints for each theme will not equal the total number of complaints.
• 32 complaints were received in relation to impacts to access and parking from the Project.
• 17 complaints were received in relation to visibility and wayfinding
• 49 complaints were received in relation to business disruption impacts from the Project.
• 59 complaints were received in relation to noise and vibration impacts from the Project.
• 10 complaints expressed concerns about how Construction Works, and construction timing was communicated to affected parties
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In some instances the immediate complaint, requiring corrective action, may have been adequately resolved but this did not mean the issue was closed. For example the C&E team may have visited a business following a complaint regarding noise impacts and installed additional noise mats or taken noise measurements which addressed the complaint but there are ongoing noise and business disruption impacts that will continue for the duration of works.
• 21 complaints were received in relation to impacts to servicing and deliveries.
• 9 complaints were received in relation to air quality impacts from the Project A comparison has been made between complaints received 2021/22 and 20219/20 to identify changes in those impacts reported over time. As these reports cover different timeframes these
In accordance with Section 9.2 of the Te Wai Horotiu Main Works SIBDDWP (and CRL designation condition 17) the Te Wai Horotiu C&E Team has kept a record of all complaints received within a ‘complaint register’ . This section analyses the content of the complaint register in order to provide information on the most common complaints, where they were received and who made the complaint. Section 7 provides a summary of the matters raised by the community and how Link Alliance has responded to alleviate those issues
Overview of Matters Raised by the Community
Complaints Summary
• 25 complaints were received in relation to impacts to amenity including lighting impacts from the Project.
• 19 complaints expressed concerns over safety
For the current reporting period 1 January 2021 until 31 March 2022 there were a total of 164 Thecomplaints.average time taken to resolve a complaint was approximately 1.1 days, however the complaints varied in complexity and mitigation required. For certain issues meetings were required to resolve issues or changes to traffic management which required additional time to implement.
Link Alliance defines a complaint as: An expression of dissatisfaction about an issue that requires corrective action that is within the scope of the Link Alliance.
SIBD Annual Report Te Wai Horotiu Station (Aotea) Page 24 | 2021 2022 SIBD Annual Report Te Wai Horotiu Station (Aotea) have been reported as a percentage of complaints recorded. The comparison shows that noise and vibration and business disruption continue to be the most reported complaints. There has also been an increased in the percentage of complaints related to impacts to access and parking and servicing and deliveries There has also been a reduction in complaints by proportion, in the themes of communication, wayfinding, safety, and amenity. Figure 3: Construction Works Complaints by Impact Theme Complaint by Location
The complaint register recorded the address of the complainant. The following graph indicates the location of each complaint according to street. This indicates complaints were predominantly made from businesses and residents located along Albert Street (104), Victoria Street (40), Mayoral Drive (7), Wellesley Street (7) and Federal Street (3). As noted in section 2.1 the closure of Victoria Street and Albert Street intersection and re opening of Wellesley Street West in June 2021 was a significant change compared to the previous report.
0% 5% 15%10% 20% 30%25% 35% 40% complaints% 2021/22 2019/20
Table 6: Type of stakeholder reporting complaint
Several businesses raised the issue of utility works causing business disruption, for example power being temporarily cut off at 10 pm on a Thursday night (for a power cutover associated with a 9 Link Alliance defines a complaint as: An expression of dissatisfaction about an issue that requires corrective action that is within the scope of the Link Alliance.
In 2021 of complaints were provided by email (75.5%) and phone (18.9%), unsurprisingly there were fewer complaints provided through informal meetings and in person, this is likely reflective of the impacts of COVID 19 where face to face communication was restricted.
The majority of complaints continue to be received from businesses (82.4% of complaints in 2021/22 compared to 79.4% of complaints in 2019/20). There was a similar proportion of complaints from residents (10.7% compared to 9.8% in 2019/20) and members of the public (6.9% in both 2021/22 and 2019/20).
Figure 4: Construction Works Complaints by Location Method of complaint
Stakeholder 2019/20 2021/22 Resident 9.8% 11.0% Business 79.4% 82.3% Member of the public 6.9% 6.7% Other or did not specify 3.9% 0.0%
This section responds to feedback on the previous SIBD annual review process which identified that there are issues which fall outside the Link Alliance definition of a complaint9 but which are important to stakeholders and should be captured in the SIBD annual report. Concerns are those issues which require action but are outside the scope of the Link Alliance so may not have been responded to.
Concerns raised at the CLG which are not already captured under complaints (see Section 6.2 for complaints and responses).
Utility works and cumulative impacts
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Table 7: Method of receipt of complaint Method of receipt 2019/20 2021/22 Email 69.6% 75.6% Phone 15.7% 18.9% Informal meeting 12.7% 4.9% In person 1.0% 0.6% Other 1.0% 0.0%
A number of businesses and residents raised issues in relation to antisocial behaviour around the Te Wai Horotiu Station area works. Some of the feedback was that this was caused by hoardings and reduced visibility throughout the site creating dark spaces which are out of sight. Mitigation included:
This section outlines the type of complaint received and summarises the mitigation measures the Link Alliance used in response to the complaint. It should be noted that the Link Alliance undertakes proactive engagement as part of its development response, however this section discusses the reactive mitigation measures that are implemented following the receipt of a complaint.
SIBD Annual Report Te Wai Horotiu Station (Aotea) 26 2021 2022 SIBD Annual Report Te Wai Horotiu Station (Aotea) different project) which impacts hospitality venues already affected by CRL. Similarly another project’s construction works on the corner of Victoria Street and Queen Street were exacerbating the wayfinding issues on Victoria Street.
Lack of public amenities
Noise and Vibration
Installing additional lighting and opening up / widening thoroughfares where possible
• Additional security guards employed and CCTV installed
• Various discussions with agencies regarding antisocial in the city centre, and how the project can help ensure safety.
Raised in 2019/20 there was further feedback on a lack of public amenities (i.e. public toilets) in the area. Link Alliance noted that Auckland Council are responsible for public toilet provision in the area. Link Alliance also noted that the new station will provide additional facilities.
Table 8: Link Alliance response to noise and vibration complaints
• On going communication with Heart of the City
Construction noise disrupting local businesses. The construction team ceased the disruptive noisy works. Noise levels were monitored to confirm compliance with levels outlined in the Project CNVDWP10 Site specific mitigation options were investigated for example installing additional noise mats 10 A Construction Noise and Vibration Delivery Work Plan (CNVDWP) is required to be prepared for each stage of the Project works. Designation condition 31 and 33 outlines ‘Project Standards’ for construction noise and vibration that must be complied with. Site Specific plans are required where noise levels are anticipated to exceed Project Standards.
The complaint register recorded 59 complaints in relation to noise and vibration impacts from Construction Works. This was the most common complaint received. Noise and vibration complaints were mostly in relation to disruptive impacts from noisy construction activities impacting amenity and business, and the timing of these works (i.e. early morning and/or late evening). The range of mitigation measures Link Alliance used to resolve / respond to complaints are provided in Table 8 below.
Antisocial behaviour
Nature of complaint Summary of mitigation methods used
7. Link Alliance Response to Matters Raised by the Community
Business Disruption
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Vibration being felt within a neighbouring building. The affected stakeholder was contacted and informed about the type of construction occurring, why it was needed and expected duration.
Noise and Vibration levels were monitored to confirm compliance with CNVDWP.
Briefed contractors and advised them of Link Alliance’s obligations. No noisy activities to occur prior to 7am. Stakeholder added to regular mailing list to ensure future updates are received.
Table 9: Link Alliance response to amenity and customer / business disruption complaints.
Construction methodology was changed to reduce effects.
Lack of loading zones, disruption to loading zones and vehicles obstructing loading zones See Section 7.4
Planned works which will be particularly noisy or disruptive are discussed with stakeholder prior to scheduling as part of Link Alliance’s proactive development response measures Link Alliance arrange to move deliveries of materials e.g. to outside lunch hours where practicable Project Engineer and Site Supervisor notified of the importance of maintaining traffic flow around peak times for the carpark.
Disruptive noise from construction activities occurring before 6am. Contacted the stakeholder to identify the cause of the disruptive noise.
The stakeholder was contacted and advised about the mitigation measures deployed and informed of a timeline on when works will recommence and be completed.
The affected stakeholder was contacted and informed about the type of construction occurring, why it was needed and expected duration.
Nature of complaint Summary of mitigation methods used Lack of wayfinding signage New signage commissioned and installed. Changes to location of signage agreed to improve business visibility and wayfinding. Contacted impacted stakeholder to inform them why the construction hoardings were required and how long they are needed in the locality.
The complaint register recorded 49 complaints received in relation to business disruption impacts. According to complaints received business disruption impacts arise for various reasons. These are mostly associated with the effects of construction noise and vibration (see Section 7.1), lack of wayfinding or signage, inability to access loading zones and Construction Works during peak times Mitigation measures Link Alliance utilised to resolve / respond to complaints are provided in Table 9 below.
Site specific mitigation options were investigated for example installing additional noise mats.
Timing of works e.g. material deliveries during lunch hours, road closures during peak hours for carpark
Access and Parking
The complaint register recorded 32 complaints in relation to impacts to access and parking as a result of the Construction Works. These complaints were predominantly in relation to contractor vehicles occupying loading zones / private parking, inefficient phasing of traffic lights causing congestion, and closing of streets impacting access. Mitigation measures Link Alliance utilised to resolve / respond to complaints are provided in Table 10 below.
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The complaint register recorded 25 complaints in relation to amenity and 10 complaints in relation to air quality (dust and odour) impacts from the Construction Works
Table 10: Link Alliance response to access and parking complaints.
Amenity impacts included litter and lack of rubbish bins, workers gathering to smoke outside businesses, accumulation of dust and dirt.
Table 11: Link Alliance response to complaints about air quality.
Amenity, including Air Quality and Light
Nature of complaint Summary of mitigation methods used
Construction vehicles occupying loading zones. Contacted stakeholder and apologised for inconvenience Contractorscaused. reminded of their obligations and to not park in business parking and loading zones Provided stakeholder with contact information for AT Contactedenforcement.AT to ensure loading zone enforcement / ticketing illegally parked vehicles Traffic layout changes impacting access. Visited the impacted stakeholder and explained the reasoning for the traffic layout. Raised traffic issue with Link Alliance traffic team who resolved the issue. Advised impacted stakeholder of changes made to resolve Providedissue. contact details if future problems arise, and information package about future scheduled Construction Works
Nature of complaint Summary of mitigation methods used Litter, dirt and dust accumulating around businesses. Complaint investigated and cleaning arranged if required or cleaning due to occur post works completion. Dust from construction activities disrupting businesses. Deployed additional dust mitigation measures (dampening) to reduce dust impacts. Informed stakeholder of the improvements made to mitigate Affecteddust. stakeholder was contacted and informed about how the Link Alliance responded to the complaint.
Air quality impacts were from plant and vehicle emissions and wastewater works, as well as minor dust impacts from Construction Works. Mitigation measures Link Alliance utilised to resolve / respond to complaints are provided in Table 11
Servicing and Deliveries
Nature of complaint Summary of mitigation methods used
Lack of lighting at night. Additional lighting was installed to enhance safety and Stakeholdervisibility. contacted and informed on improvements made.
Affected stakeholder was contacted and informed about how the Link Alliance responded to the complaint. Workers gathering to smoke outside businesses Sent notification to zone team to ensure workers do not gather outside business to smoke.
Table 12: Link Alliance response to complaints about impacts to servicing and deliveries
Table 13: Link Alliance response to health and safety complaints.
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Lighting affecting residents or businesses e.g. shining directly into bedrooms or dining area Timer installed to ensure lights switch off automatically. Contacted site team and arranged for light to be moved.
Lack of loading zones, disruption to loading zones and vehicles obstructing loading zones Complaint investigated and issue addressed e.g. replacing cones, removing vehicles. Information provided in regard to loading zone locations. Working with businesses who have large deliveries to schedule Contractorsdeliveries.reminded of their obligations and to not park in loading Providedzones.stakeholder with contact information for AT Contactedenforcement.AT to ensure loading zone enforcement / ticketing illegally parked vehicles.
Affected stakeholder was contacted and informed about how the Link Alliance responded to the complaint. Safety The complaint register recorded 19 complaints in relation to health and safety concerns due to the Construction Works Concerns were also raised around antisocial behaviour and safety which were not recognised as meeting the definition of a Link Alliance complaint (being outside of the control of Link Alliance). These have been captured separately under Section 6.3 Complaints were predominately in relation to the reduced lighting and trip hazards within pedestrian areas adjacent to construction zones, and the ‘intimidating’ behaviour of some contractors. Mitigation measures Link Alliance utilised to resolve / respond to complaints are provided in Table 13 below.
The complaint register recorded 21 complaints in relation to impacts to servicing and deliveries. These were predominately in relation to traffic / access and parking arrangements and construction hoardings impacting on the ability for business to service and make deliveries to businesses and residents. Mitigation measures Link Alliance utilised to resolve / respond to complaints are provided in Table 12 below.
Nature of complaint Summary of mitigation methods used
Trip hazard adjacent to construction zone. Development response team contacted, and trip hazard Stakeholderremoved. contacted and informed on improvements made.
Nature of complaint Summary of mitigation methods used Lack of communication in relation to changes made outside a business. Planned works which will be particularly noisy or disruptive are discussed with stakeholder prior to scheduling as part of the Link Alliance’s proactive development response Heldmeasures.faceto face meeting with stakeholder.
Complaints were mostly associated with frequency of communication and lack of accurate information in respect to construction timing. Mitigation measures Link Alliance utilised to resolve / respond to complaints are provided in Table 15 below.
Complaints were predominately related to the location of hoardings, lack of wayfinding signage, and how pedestrians and customers found it difficult to locate business and amenities. Mitigation measures Link Alliance utilised to resolve / respond to complaints are provided in Table 14 below.
The complaint register recorded 17 complaints in relation to impacts to business visibility and the ability for people to guide their way through the construction environment.
Table 14: Link Alliance response to visibility and wayfinding complaints.
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Visibility and Wayfinding
Communication The complaint register recorded 5 complaints in relation to communication about the Project.
Table 15: Link Alliance response to complaints about project communication
Nature of complaint Summary of mitigation methods used Difficulty in navigating through construction zone. Wayfinding audit conducted at the identified areas of concern throughout the site Wayfinding signage reduced to improve user experience New large format signage installed to increase visibility and Stakeholderwayfinding. informed on improvements made to wayfinding. Lack of wayfinding signage New signage commissioned and installed. Changes to location of signage agreed to improve business visibility and wayfinding. Contacted impacted stakeholder to inform them why the construction hoardings were required and how long they are needed in the locality.
Threatening behaviour of contractor staff. Issue was promptly escalated to site supervisor and station Spokemanager.tocontractors and included item regarding public interactions in regular contractor briefings. Met face to face with impacted stakeholder and informed them of Link Alliance actions and response to the issue, and whether anything further could be done.
As outlined in Section 8 of this annual report, Link Alliance records ‘concerns’ raised by the community in this report. This includes issues raised by a member of the public to Link Alliance C&E team members that may not meet the definition of a complaint.
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Lack of accurate information. Acknowledgment of complaint and of the generic nature of updates regarding type of works and timing. Updated stakeholder that more effective communication would be undertaken in future. Advised stakeholder of where information on the project can be found, and contact details should there be any additional questions.
As financial compensation is not within the scope of the Link Alliance to resolve, not all concerns about financial stress have been recorded as complaints as per the Link Alliance definition of a complaint (see Section 6.3) However, it should be noted that members of the community have raised several concerns about stress and financial impacts.
Stress and Financial Concerns
Assured that access would be retained to stakeholder’s business and changes would be communicated in advance.
The interview was followed by a site visit. During this time, Shaun Sutton (Te Wai Horotiu Station Community Manager) and Nicole Borland (Te Wai Horotiu Station Development Response Manager) pointed out the range of mitigation measures around the construction sites. This included
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• lock downs and travel restrictions reducing foot traffic
An interview and site walkover were undertaken with the Te Wai Horotiu Community Manager (Shaun Sutton) and Te Wai Horotiu Development Response Manager (Nicole Borland) on 30 March 2022. The purpose of this interview was to understand the predominant issues raised by the community, and how Link Alliance has responded to those issues. The following outlines the key items raised during the interview:
• Increased graffiti during lock down, to mitigate this additional CCTV was installed and additional security guards have been employed.
8. Feedback Received
• Increased antisocial behaviour
• Impacts from noise and vibration were the most common issue raised in the complaints register. This was mitigated by installation of noise mats during noisy activities, limiting noisy activities to certain times of the day to reduce disruption, and using less disruptive equipment where possible.
• Feedback during the most recent CLG event. Feedback was also sought from the affected community on a draft version of this Annual Report. Feedback from Community and Development Response Managers
This section provides an overview of the feedback received from the following engagement activities:
• Fewer changes to fencing and wayfinding over the past 15 months has reduced frustration and weekly audits have been successful in identifying small issues and troubleshooting these.
• Interviewing the Te Wai Horotiu Station Community Manager and Development Response Manager.
• The impacts of COVID 19, including;
• Business and wayfinding signage was still an issue although the commissioning and installation of new signage has assisted in helping to address issues raised around business visibility. Fewer complaints have been received about wayfinding than the previous 2019/20 period.
• The Small Business Support Programme pilot has received positive feedback with approximately 30 businesses taking up the programme at Te Wai Horotiu Station. The C&E team also highlighted some of the challenges over the past 15 months including:
• challenges for stakeholder engagement with limited opportunities for events and face to face engagement
• Attendance at information hub events.
• shift in people working from home and challenges with city centre recovery
However, Heart of the City did note that the Link Alliance Small Business Support Programme was well received for those that have taken it up particularly as it is more bespoke in responding to businesses’ individual needs and provides opportunities.
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permanent hoardings with Perspex windows, ramps to improve accessibility, lighting in darker areas, clear sight lines and noise mats. Site visit photographs are outlined in Appendix B.
In terms of amenity and placement Heart of the City did commend Link Alliance on being proactive in terms of issues that have joint responsibility e.g. parking with Auckland Transport or rubbish with Auckland Council. Link Alliance confirmed that often they will take the lead on these issues and raise the issue on behalf of the businesses. One particular area that Heart of the City raised, and this area was also raised during the CLG meeting, was the need for improved activation and visibility from Queen Street up Victoria Street towards Albert Street (past the Te Pūkaki information centre).
An interview with Tania Loveridge from Heart of the City was undertaken on 13 April 2022.
• Heart of the City’s preference was to understand what the view of the community was (gathered through the engagement process) before commenting in detail on the SIBD process.
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Heart of the City
The City Centre Residents' Group (CCRG) is a volunteer group that works to promote the liveability and quality of the city centre.
Key concerns of Heart of the City was the ongoing hardship experienced by businesses as a result of ongoing construction works. Heart of the City acknowledged the Sponsor’s Targeted Hardship Fund however highlighted that a number of business owners are still frustrated particularly with the eligibility criteria which excludes businesses who are not directly adjacent to the Construction Works e.g. businesses on Elliott Street. This frustration is still affecting how stakeholders feel about the overarching impact of the project.
Heart of the City recognised Link Alliance’s willingness to work collaboratively with other organisations including Heart of the City. The collaboration around safety was evident with concerns around sightlines impacted, fencing and hoardings and loss of foot traffic issues for Link Alliance to consider further.
Auckland City Centre Residents' Group
A meeting was held on 7 April 2022 with the chair of the CCRG Noelene Buckland. The chair acknowledged that while there were ongoing impacts a greater understanding by residents of the project and what Link Alliance are trying to deliver was evident
Community Feedback on Business Disruption
• Heart of the City recommended a proactive community door knock/one to one engagement process to be undertaken to get community feedback to input into the review process.
Ongoing communication with the CCRG includes articles in newsletters and presenting at meetings in advance of larger or more disruptive works. CCRG recognised the difficult situation that the city centre has had to contend with the last year but were keen to have more face to face contact.
Key points raised which Heart of the City requested be included in the final report include:
• Locations of concern include Albert Street, Wyndham Street, Victoria Street, Federal Street and Queen Street
• Dust and cleaning of shop fronts
Capturing if measures put in place in response to issues raised through the complaints process were received positively by those who raised the
During the COVID 19 lockdown restrictions, the CLG events were undertaken online to ensure stakeholders were kept up to date with details of construction works and were able to provide feedback.
• Noise and vibration
There were a total of four CLG events relating to the Construction Works. Three events were held virtually through Microsoft Teams (due to COVID 19 restrictions). CLG presentations and minutes are publicly released and available on the CRL website. Key issues raised by attendees include:
CLG Feedback on the Annual Report
• Link Alliance Small Business Support Programme and the Sponsor’s Targeted Hardship Fund
• Wayfinding and business visibility
Authors to have follow up discussions with CLG members that could not attend. No follow up requests were received. The draft report was also circulated to the CLG for comment prior to the report being finalised. These comments have been responded to through changes in the document and as set out in Table 16
• Recognised good communication and willingness to help from Link Alliance Due to the low number of attendees at the CLG an offer was made by the SIBD Annual Report
General feedback received on the draft Annual Report Link Alliance Response
Table 16: General feedback on the draft Annual report from CLG attendees and Link Alliance response
• What are the timeframes for works to be completed and how are utility works being coordinated?
• How will works affect businesses or what additional mitigation will be available for businesses?
In 2019/20 it was recommended by stakeholders the CLG provide feedback on social impact and business disruption as part of the annual review. Specifically this would include discussing the mitigation measures and how successful Link Alliance has been in delivering on them throughout the year. A CLG session was held on 15 June 2022. The CLG discussed:
When a complaint is reported an indication of satisfaction with the outcome is captured in the complaints register. The SIBD Annual Review, also looks at issues where there is a high a number of complaints related to a similar theme e.g. noise and vibration and makes recommendations to address
• Antisocial behaviour
CLG Feedback
• Heart of the City believes more work is required around Loading Zones generally through the project with support from Auckland Transport as this continues to be an issue in some areas
• What monitoring and mitigation is in place for noise and vibration and business disruption?
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Lack of a formal process to confirm with businesses, located within the C3 area, the reason for their closure.
It is recommended that feedback should continue to be collected from the business community via the CLG, and the Link Alliance C&E team continue to proactively engage with local businesses in the area.
Access to loading zones continues to be an issue raised While there have been improvements in loading zones including the installation of additional loading areas, it is recognised that some businesses feel this is still an issue.
The reasons for specific business closures are often confidential and not reported to the Link Alliance.
Link Alliance also conducts a quarterly stakeholder satisfaction survey. The results of the quarterly satisfaction survey are regularly provided to stakeholders through the station newsletter.
An additional recommendation has been included to encourage Link Alliance to support, where relevant, Auckland Transport to promote enforcement of and identify opportunities to improve loading zones in the wider area.
Importance of the SIBD annual report process to undertake direct community engagement Designation condition 7 sets out the requirements for a community liaison group. It is recommended to consider if any further changes could be made to CLG, to ensure it continues to meet the requirements of Condition 7 of the designation conditions These issues are discussed in more detail in Sections 6 and 7.
issue, and to what degree of satisfaction there was from the community once the resolutions were put in place the issue e.g. a review of the relevant DWP with the author to confirm mitigation measures are working.
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o Link Alliance participation in relevant agency meetings to discuss the issues raised by the community around the construction areas.
Based on the matters raised by the community (as outlined in Sections 6 and 8) the following recommendations are made:
• Update wayfinding signage to include nearest public amenities (e.g. public toilets).
It is recommended Link Alliance:
• Implement additional placemaking and activation initiatives for Victoria Street. The objective should be to encourage foot traffic along Victoria Street from both Queen Street and Federal Street in a safe and accessible way. Access and Parking
It is recommended the Link Alliance:
• Undertake a review of community feedback on loading bays with the TAP DWP authors and subsequently identify any practicable measures that can be implemented to address this feedback.
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• A Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) audit is recommended to identify any areas where there is the potential to improve perceived safety impacts Wayfinding and visibility
• Support, where relevant, neighbourhood police, Auckland Council, Heart of the City, Auckland City Mission to promote a collaborative approach to addressing antisocial behaviour in the city centre as set out under section 8.12 of the SIBDDWP. This may include:
o Updating the CLG on the outcomes of the meeting.
Antisocial behaviour is an ongoing issue for the city centre. However, within the Te Wai Horotiu Station area hoardings and fencing from Link Alliance works reduce visibility and have the potential to affect safety.
The location of hoardings, lack of wayfinding and business signage in some areas, and how easy it is for visitors to navigate the site are key issues. In particular, concerns were raised around Victoria Street and the loss of foot traffic on the street
It is recommended the Link Alliance:
The location of loading zones and their proximity to businesses can result in business disruption impacts associated with missed, delayed or difficult deliveries
Antisocial behaviour
• Continue to provide the affected community with detailed localised works notifications and information about potential impacts from proposed construction activities using engagement tools, including in person, on the phone, works notification emails, and station newsletters.
This will be particularly key where works will be noisy or disruptive and impacts cannot be completely mitigated.
Noise & Vibration
It is recommended the Link Alliance:
Consider if any further changes could be made to CLG, to ensure it continues to meet the requirements of Condition 7 of the designation conditions
The CLG held on the 15 June 2022 had a relatively low attendance. This was the first in person post COVID 19 restrictions being reduced.
Community engagement
• Undertake steps to encourage wider participation in the CLG through:
Continue to provide an option for members to attend online (particularly if COVID 19 impacts and restrictions continue)
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• Undertake a review of noise complaints with the noise and vibrations technical specialists who authored the Noise and Vibration Delivery Work Plan, and implement any practicable mitigation recommendations.
Proactively advertise the CLG as an engagement opportunity to the affected community to encourage diversity in membership
Communication is key to mitigating many social and business disruption impacts, as it allows the affected community to plan ahead and to understand the nature, timing and scale of Construction Works
It is recommended the Link Alliance:
Noise and vibration were the most common issues raised in the complaints register. These complaints were mostly in relation to disruptive impacts from noisy construction activities impacting amenity and businesses.
It is recommended the Link Alliance:
• As construction progresses, continually review current methods of engagement with the affected community regarding social impacts and business disruption, to ensure ongoing practice remains up to date and reflective of community needs.
This Annual Report confirms that the range of mitigation measures (as outlined in the SIBDDWPs prepared for the Te Wai Horotiu Station (Aotea) Construction Works) have been implemented to manage construction impacts upon the public and affected community.
• A site accessibility audit was undertaken in August 2021 and a wayfinding audit in February 2022. The findings of these audits were used to improve accessibility and user experience of the site.
Sponsored events and an activation programme to attract visitors to the area
Te Pūkaki information centre and site tours to provide information and answer questions from the local community
Proactive engagement with stakeholders e.g. around scheduling of noisy or disruptive Improvedworks wayfinding signage at key locations around the site
• Additional reminders and enforcement of contractors parking in loading zones.
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Business support through promotion of local businesses and use of local procurement, small business support programme, business signage and visibility and ensuring loading zones are available for businesses
• Weekly site audits continued to be used to proactively manage minor issues around the site.
• The majority of complaints received were in relation to disruptive impacts from noise and vibration and business disruption.
• Continued implementation of mitigation measures as outlined in the DWPs and Management Plans, and monitoring of the effects
10. Conclusion
There has been progress on recommendations from the 2019/2020 report, namely:
• Improvements in wayfinding and promotional business signage
• More accurate and up to date communications on upcoming works
Feedback and information, including complaints received, accessibility and way finding audits, concerns raised during interviews and CLG meetings have been used to review the effectiveness of the range of mitigation measures implemented (as outlined in the SIBDDWPs prepared for the Te Wai Horotiu Station Construction Works) that have been implemented to manage construction impacts for the affected community including businesses and residents within the Te Wai Horotiu Station area. Key findings are identified below:
• A range of proactive development response actions have been undertaken including:
• Key concerns, which are those issues outside the definition of a complaint, were related to cumulative impacts or not directly related to a specific construction activity e.g. from another project’s utility works in the same area, antisocial behaviour, lack of public amenities, and concern about the delivery of the Sponsor’s Targeted Hardship Fund.
Additional recommendations for Link Alliance have been made in this report include:
• Continue to ensure, on an ongoing basis, that engagement practice remains up to date and reflective of community needs
It is noted that it is not always possible to satisfy all of the community’s concerns relating to the construction activities associated with the Project, given the limits of what is reasonably practicable to mitigate the construction effects of a major infrastructure project. The Link Alliance should, however, ensure that scale, time and likely extent of impacts is communicated to affected parties alongside the implementation of the Delivery Work Plans and monitoring of these and the Designation conditions.
• Continue to provide detailed localised works notifications and information about potential impacts from proposed construction activities
The Link Alliance should continue to implement the range of mitigation measures identified in the SIBD DWP and associated DWPs. Link Alliance should continue to engage with the community and key stakeholders through the CLG and the various engagement tools outlined in the SIBDDWPs
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• Ensure its surrounding site areas are safe, including through a CPTED audit and engagement with other organisations to promote a collaborative approach to addressing antisocial behaviour in the city centre
• Further look to improve wayfinding signage in the area and activation of Victoria Street between Queen Street and Federal Street
A Te Wai Horotiu Station Disruption Wayfinding Audit was carried out in February 2022. Following the audit the Link Alliance implemented a number of changes including reducing cluttered signage and pink arrows, and simplifying wayfinding.
Theparking.complaints register included 32 complaints regarding access and parking and 21 complaints servicing and deliveries. Of these only 10 were in regard to construction vehicles occupying business parking or loading zones. The complaints register identified that as part of Link Alliance’s response to these complaints there were ongoing reminders for contractors regarding their obligations and to not use business parking or loading zones. In instances where a complaint was received the register also notes that the stakeholder was provided with contact information for AT enforcement, or the Link Alliance team contacted AT to ensure loading zone enforcement / ticketing illegally parked vehicles.
• Ensure contractors are parking in line with the Transport Access and Parking Delivery Work Plan (TAPDWP) prepared for the Te Wai Horotiu Main Works. Frequently notify all contractors (through regular construction briefings or otherwise) that parking in loading zones dedicated to adjacent businesses, is off limits.
A number of reminders were issued to contractors regarding acting as a good neighbour and specifically not parking in loading zones or business
Wayfinding and business promoting signage
• Speak with Auckland Transport and advise they enforce any noncompliant loading zone parking.
• Highlight a contact number for the public to call advising of noncompliance with respect to loading zones, to ensure this non compliance can be tallied.
• Undertake regular audits of the construction site to ensure compliance.
Loading Zones for businesses near construction areas
• Work with Auckland Council and Auckland Transport to co ordinate messaging (map and written dialogue) advising changes to bus routes, general traffic routes and loading bays impacted by the Construction Works which alter the transport environment.
Appendix A: Previous Recommendations
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The previous SIBD Annual Report made several recommendations for Link Alliance to consider in terms of business disruption and the annual report process. These are summarised below in Table A-1.
• Undertake regular audits of wayfinding and promotional business signage to ensure it is relevant, up to date, and maximises visibility and legibility through construction zones.
• Continue to provide the affected community with detailed localised works notifications and information about potential impacts from proposed construction activities using engagement tools, including, in person, on the phone, works notification emails, station newsletters.
In addition to the notification period the Link Alliance seeks to actively engage with businesses in the planning stage of the works to get feedback on construction methodology, timing and any specific requirements for these businesses and accommodating this feedback where possible.
A milestone tracker is also available on the City Rail Link website albert street city rail link CLGconstruction.minutesindicate that where mitigation measures were not practicable a detailed explanation is provided, for example feedback was received during the meeting on 26 August 2021 that loading zones were located too far away for some businesses. Link Alliance explained in the meeting the location of the loading zones was not able to be relocated due to health and safety concerns of delivery trucks entering the construction site. Further work with businesses to address specific needs was also being undertaken.
• Ensure adjacent business owners are made aware in advance of noisy or high vibration works, when practicable.
Link Alliance continues to provide early notification of noisy or high vibration works.
• Provide an explanation when mitigation measures suggested by the community are not practical.
Link Alliance continues to use multi channel communication to deliver updates regarding upcoming works and closures through monthly newsletters, flyers/posters, emails and formal notices. Face to face meetings were generally not possible during COVID 19 restrictions however, CLG meetings continued to be held virtually.
Communications on upcoming works
• Implement a milestone tracker to provide the community with a good understanding of the Construction Works, and when major changes are anticipated to occur.
Mitigation and Monitoring
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Link Alliance also undertakes weekly site audits which also focus on wayfinding or business promoting signage and making sure it is in the correct position.
• Of particular relevance is the issue of dust and noise/vibration Link Alliance will provide additional information on window washing and when this can be undertaken.
• Include a section on ‘concerns’ which records a summary of issues raised by the community that may not meet the formal definition of a complaint. Link Alliance undertakes quarterly stakeholder satisfaction surveys using Survey Monkey. These surveys are distributed to CLGs, community groups and community members (property owners, residents, businesses, road users). The survey seeks feedback on recent experiences engaging with Link Alliance and how effective the Link Alliance is at communicating and responding to complaints and feedback. The results of these surveys are reported in the quarterly newsletter and specific actions are undertaken based on feedback. For example, actions undertaken by Link Alliance in 2021/22 include:
• Ensured the Te Wai Horotiu Station public milestone tracker is always up to date on the CRL website
Window cleaning was organised for ground floor businesses on Victoria Street in response to this feedback.
• Implement an SIBD focused meeting / presentation with CLG attendees, seeking feedback specific and relevant to the Annual Report.
• Identify to the public when the Annual Report will be written.
• Review the attendance list of the CLG to ensure it is representative of residents, businesses and wider community impacted by Construction Works.
• Reminded site staff to ensure noise protection is installed at all times during noisy works
• Evaluated the Small Business Support Programme to ensure it is well suited and accessible for as many small businesses as possible
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During 2021 a number of meetings were held online via Microsoft Teams due to COVID-19 restrictions. Where face-to-face meetings were permitted these were held at Tony’s Lord Nelson Restaurant, 37 Victoria Street West, Auckland. Greater transparency in the Annual Review process
The CLG is an open forum and any person who is on the Te Wai Horotiu Station mailing list is invited to attend the meetings. Minutes and presentations are available online for all meetings. This enables the CLG to be accessible to all residents, businesses and the wider community.
• Undertake consultation with the CLG to obtain their feedback –‘What mitigation has worked, and what can the Link Alliance do to further mitigate the disruptive impacts being experienced due to construction activities?’.
• Developed translated materials or tools for those who may wish to engage in other languages.
Community Liaison Group
• Ensure the CLG event is held at a location within the affected community.
• Clarify what is counted as a ‘complaint’, as feedback received indicated that the statistics outlined within the Annual Report is inaccurate and misleading.
• Prepare an Annual SIBD survey which will be distributed to the CLG.
• Clarify what is within the scope of the Link Alliance what is the Link Alliance able to influence, and what can they not influence?
Certain concerns such as financial compensation are outside the scope of Link Alliance. In order to capture those broader concerns that fall outside this definition engagement with businesses was undertaken using the tools identified in the SIBDDWP including stakeholder surveys.
A section reflecting general concerns has been included in this report (see 6.3) to address those issues which are not recognised as complaints.
Concerns included issues around antisocial behaviour, availability of public amenities (toilets), utility works and cumulative impacts and the delivery of THF.
An SIBD focused CLG meeting was held on 15 June 2022. The purpose of this meeting was to establish any concerns that were outside the complaints reported and obtain the CLGs feedback on mitigation measures implemented during 2021/22 and how these can be improved. This feedback has been captured in Section 8.2.1.
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• Continued improvements to site wayfinding
Complaints have been defined by Link Alliance as those issues which requires corrective action and that is within the scope of the Link Alliance.
• Reviewed consistency of communications from the station team, especially when new neighbours move into the area
SIBD Annual Report Te Wai Horotiu Station (Aotea) Page 44 | 2021 2022 SIBD Annual Report Te Wai Horotiu Station (Aotea) Appendix B: Site Walkover Photos Figure 5: Te Pūkaki information hub on Victoria Street provides resources for the public and images and videos on the CRL Figureproject6: Te Pūkaki provides an outdoor space for the public to use
SIBD Annual Report Te Wai Horotiu Station (Aotea) Page 45 | 2021 2022 SIBD Annual Report Te Wai Horotiu Station (Aotea) Figure 7: Examples of alliance sponsored events ‘Support Local & Win’ promotion Figure 8: Examples of alliance sponsored events Curious Creatures of the Concrete Jungle treasure hunt
SIBD Annual Report Te Wai Horotiu Station (Aotea) Page 46 | 2021 2022 SIBD Annual Report Te Wai Horotiu Station (Aotea) Figure 9: Examples of wayfinding and business signage to support visibility Figure 10: Examples of wayfinding signage which has responded to the Te Wai Horotiu Station Disruption Wayfinding Audit February 2022
SIBD Annual Report Te Wai Horotiu Station (Aotea) Page 47 | 2021 2022 SIBD Annual Report Te Wai Horotiu Station (Aotea) Figure 11: Examples of CPTED lighting installed around the site to address concerns raised with safety
The community has been provided with information that: was provided in a timely manner supported community participation was meaningful and relevant was ThisANDaccessiblehasbeenverified by: internal management/ reviews/ audits OR community feedback with 65 80% support
• Engagement with the affected community, via: Works notification and works updates
Section 8.4 and Section 5 of the Te Wai Horotiu Main Works SIBDDWP indicates the range of engagement tools utilised by the Link Alliance to supply information to, and receive feedback from, affected members of the community. Use of a variety of engagement to supply information to the public ensures information is made accessible and ensures effective participation in the feedback
Credit Benchmark
Sta Level3 1
• Project update information sheets
• Advertising and campaigns for major traffic shifts.
SIBD Annual Report Te Wai Horotiu Station (Aotea) Page 48 | 2021 2022 SIBD Annual Report Te Wai Horotiu Station (Aotea) Appendix C:
Effective Communication
Section 8.4 of the Te Wai Horotiu Main Works SIBDDWP indicates the Link Alliance’s commitment to providing continuous up to date engagement throughout the course of the Construction Works
• Local drop in sessions Monthly email newsletters On site signage for key traffic shifts
• Digital communications including website updates and social media updates
• Project progress meetings undertaken with businesses, to confirm project programme and when scheduled works will take place
The City Rail Link Infrastructure Sustainability Technical Manual has been developed by the Link Alliance based on the Infrastructure Sustainability Council (ISC) tool to evaluate the sustainability of infrastructure across design, construction, and operational phases. To support the self assessment submission the SIBD Annual Report will be included as evidence for Sta 3 and Sta 4.
of the Te Wai Horotiu Main Works SIBDDWP includes:
Sta 3
Timely information has been provided to the public and affected community through a range of engagement tools as outlined above to ensure all members of the community have access to useful information about the Project and could provide feedback should they experience disruption. It is important recognise that engagement will be ongoing.
Infrastructure Sustainability Rating
• Provision of advance notice to businesses on the scope of works on a regular basis in line with the Communication and Consultation Plan
• Courtesy visits and / or email updates to businesses
During COVID 19 face to face visits were limited, however, where possible courtesy visits and project progress meetings were undertaken with businesses where requested to provide an update to works or to address concerns or complaints.
Stakeholder complained in regard to traffic changes which caused a number of issues for their tenants, including deliveries and drop offs, and Atrium carpark delays.
Implementation Example
One to meetingsone
Monthly newslettersemail Monthly email newsletters are distributed to all stakeholders on the mailing list maintained by Link Alliance.
Examples of drop in sessions include public site tours and regular site information sessions held at Te Pūkaki Information Centre. Examples of sessions are shown below:
Examples of work notifications include:
• On 30 November 2021 Link Alliance provided a works update on the walls of the station and an indication of what was expected next “…Following completion of the wall, the team will progress to construction of the roof slab for this section of the station, allowing the underground excavation works to continue to move towards Victoria Street.”
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Notifications about upcoming works (e.g. noisy works) or changes (e.g. access changes) are distributed (targeted to be 10 days in advance of commencement) to enable adequate time for community members to prepare. Notifications are also provided in the newsletter distributed to an extensive contact list and made available online.
Monthly newsletters include updates on station progress, events and activation occurring and promotion of local
Onsite meeting was held with the stakeholder where issues were discussed, and a number of on ground changes were identified which could be implemented to address issues.
Local drop in sessions Information sessions and site tours are advertised via the monthly Te Wai Horotiu Station newsletter distributed to over 1000 members and are open to the Informationpublic. sessions and site tours are held within the Project area on a regular basis. However, during COVID 19 site tours and drop ins have been Anlimited.information centre has also been established on Victoria Street which provides information and a contact point for the community.
Works notification and works updates
Newsletters are also made available online. businesses. Example of the monthly newsletter:
Example of a project information sheet:
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On site signage for key traffic shifts An independent audit of the temporary wayfinding signage installed by Link Alliance to help users move around the active sections of the Te Wai Horotiu Station construction site was undertaken in February 2022. Following the wayfinding audit several changes were implemented by Link Alliance, including reducing cluttered signage and pink arrows and simplifying wayfinding and where possible, improving visibility into site (e.g. Perspex windows, open fences) to help build public understanding of construction progress.
Examples of improved wayfinding from the independent audit:
Project informationupdatesheets
Project information sheets and posters are available on the Link Alliance website. These sheets provide updates of large upcoming works and closures.
Advertising and campaigns for major traffic shifts. Advertising for major traffic shifts has been undertaken using multi channel communication which included posters, updates, newsletters and on site signage.
Examples of digital communications include:
Digital communication has included short videos of works undertaken at Te Wai Horotiu station.
• On 22 December 2021 Link Alliance posted a video to their social media showing the TBM breaking through into [Te Wai Horotiu ] Station which marks a major milestone in the CRL project.
The Link Alliance website is updated regularly, examples of updates include the Wellesley Street & Victoria Street intersection closure. The update provides an overview of why the closure is required, what the impacts are for users, and what alternatives are in place. The update also notes that businesses continue to operate and provides a map for wayfinding.
• On 30 June 2021 Link Alliance reminded the public of a major traffic shift. In summary, it stated “ A reminder that the Victoria Street and Albert Street intersection has closed temporarily for around two years to enable our work on the new mid town [Te Wai Horotiu] station.”
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Examples of advertising and campaigns include:
• On 3 February 2022 Link Alliance provided a social media update which contained a recent video displaying drone footage around the station.
Community Liaison Group meetings have been held on a quarterly basis11 and will continue to be held on a regular basis throughout the period of Construction Works. Virtual meetings have been held during COVID 19 restrictions. The purpose of these meetings was to provide meaningful information to affected parties. In 2021/22 the Community Liaison Group discussed a range of topics including upcoming works, urban design plans, mitigation measures. The benchmark has been verified through internal management and reviews. This Annual Report has been written by a Social Impact Specialist and reviewed by the Link Alliance’s Sustainability Team.
Sta 4 Addressing community concerns Credit Benchmark Sta Level4 1 The community believe their concerns have been considered and addressed. ThisANDhas been verified by: internal management/ reviews/ audits OR community feedback with 65 80% support 11 Meetings were held 25 February 2021, 20 May 2021, 26 August 2021, 30 November 2021 and 29 March 2022
• On 8 November 2021 Link Alliance provided the public with a brochure to use to navigate their way on the self guided art tours around Te Wai Horotiu Station as part of Auckland’s Art Week.
A fitted out container has been erected on Victoria Street as an information centre for Te Wai Horotiu Station works. The information centre is staffed daily by a member of the team, although the centre was closed for periods during COVID 19 in response to restrictions.
In addition to the CRL website, email notifications, and newsletters the Link Alliance provides information via an 0800 number, information centre, Community Liaison Group and quarterly stakeholder surveys.
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Complaint: Stakeholder complained about the lack of lighting in the area and that it was making people feel unsafe.
Response: Link Alliance Community Manager arranged with Traffic Manager for extra width to be provided. Also advised AT of the issue, leading to review of traffic light phasing. These changes have improved the situation for users of this carpark. Stakeholder has raised no further issues.
Response: The Link Alliance installed new lighting in the area, including new fairy and safety lights. The Stakeholder was satisfied with the response A review of the matters raised by the community indicates that Link Alliance have responded promptly to concerns, and that the majority of impacted stakeholders are satisfied with this response. However, there were stakeholders who remained concerned about the ongoing disruption to their business.
The benchmark has been verified through internal management and reviews. This Annual Report has been written by a Social Impact Specialist and reviewed by the Link Alliance’s Sustainability Team.
Section 5.3 of this Annual Report has provided an analysis of the complaints register and how the Link Alliance have responded to complaints. Complaints have been analysed and categorised in order to understand the most common complaints, where they were received and who made the complaint. The register outlines how each complaint has been responded to, Section 7 of this annual report captures the variety of complaints received and Link Alliances response.
Section 8.4 of the Main Works SIBDDWP indicates the Link Alliance’s commitment to providing continuous up to date engagement throughout the course of the Construction Works.
Section 8.4 and Section 5 of the Main Works SIBDDWP indicates the range of engagement tools utilised by the Link Alliance to supply information to, and receive feedback from, affected members of the community. Use of a variety of engagement tools to supply information to the public ensures information is made accessible and ensures effective participation in the feedback process.
Stakeholder complained that recent traffic switch resulted in narrowing of lane space for users exiting the Finance Centre carpark at end of each day.