Recommended Maintenance Timeline & Checklist Year 1
• Plant trees and install protective cages. • Mulch around base of trees to reduce weed pressure and keep soil hydrated. During the growing season: • Water trees bi weekly with ~10 gallons of water per tree. If there is substantial rain watering can be reduced. • Visit ~3 times during the growing season to make sure the trees are able to establish without too much pressure from weeds. It’s best to visit early in the season before the weeds get out of control, mid way and then before fall as growth is slowing down.
Year 2 • Mulch around base of trees (optional). • Make sure protective cages aren’t restricting growth. Remove cages from trees that have outgrown them. During the growing season: • Because the trees have had one or two wet seasons, their roots will be more established and watering can be reduced. Water trees as needed with ~10 gallons of water per tree in the summer months if there are long periods without water. • Visit ~3 times during the growing season to make sure the trees are able to establish without too much pressure from weeds. It’s best to visit early in the season before the weeds get out of control, mid way, and then before fall as growth is slowing down.
Year 3 • Once trees are ~7 feet tall their tops will be out of reach to be browsed by deer and the protective cages may be able to be removed. Deer can also use the trees to rub their antlers on which can harm the young trees. If you notice signs of rubbing, it’s advised to leave the cages on another year. • Mulch around base of trees (optional). During the growing season:
Male deer rub their antlers against the trunks of trees, which can detrimental to the plant. Signs of rub are peeling/shredded bark 0-3 feet off the ground.
• Visit ~3 times during the growing season to make sure the trees are able to establish without too much pressure from weeds. It’s best to visit early in the season before the weeds get out of control, mid way, and then before fall as growth is slowing down. • Assess what further maintenance is needed the following year. This includes: a. A timeline for protective cage removal. b. Assessment of weed pressure. This depends on the weeds on the site. If the trees growth will be hindered by the presence of another species, consider continued maintenance visits early in the growing season to reduce pressure on the tree.