36 minute read
Annual Report abridged version in english
Annual Report
In his introduction to the report, Fr Martin Micallef, the Director of Id‑Dar tal‑Providenza, expressed regret that the COVID‑19 pandemic has again dominated 2021, the year under review. Unfortunately, besides the numerous positive cases amongst residents and support workers, we unexpectedly lost one of our residents to the pandemic. On the bright side, the dispensing of the vaccine including the second and third doses of it, helped considerably in improving the quality of life of the residents and, to a certain extent, a feeling of normality started setting in.
Despite the pandemic, the Home remained committed to concentrate on the improvement of the residents’ quality of life and the services it offers. During 2021, we therefore kept investing in human resources, purchase of new equipment, various maintenance works including capital projects. Some of which, were: • Completion of renovation works in ‘Żerniq’’ in Siġġiewi which is one of our community homes; • Completion of maintenance work in Dar Pirotta in Birkirkara including the installation of a much needed new lift; • Installation of photovoltaic panels on the roof of Villa Papa Luciani; • Other maintenance work wherever needed; • Staff training.
Fundraising activities were limited due to the pandemic, except for Festa ta’ Ġenerożità on January 1st and the Volleyball event in the first weekend of July. Both activities became telethons. On the positive side, the Maltese public as a whole kept up its financial support of the Home.
The other side of the pandemic coin had some beautiful moments especially when the European Parliament recognised the work done at Id‑Dar tal‑Providenza and honoured us with the European Citizen Award. The Siġġiewi Local Council also felt it should honour the Home’s support workers with the Onorefiċenza Mertu Siġġiewi especially for their dedication and hard work during the pandemic.
2022 augurs well for the pandemic to be completely behind us or at least for us to be able to adjust to living with it without the need of too many restrictions. 2022 will therefore be a year during which residents’ lives will hopefully go back to normal.
1. Who we are
Id‑Dar tal‑Providenza, that owes its name and charisma to the gospel and the teachings of the Catholic Church, was founded in 1965 by Mgr Mikiel Azzopardi with the sole aim to provide residential services to persons with disability in a family‑like environment. It is committed to empower them to believe in themselves and to strengthen their abilities so that they can participate fullly in society.
The main residence is in the limits of Siġġiewi and comprises three villas that have nine flats between them. The Home also has four smaller community homes: ‘Żerniq’ in Siġġiewi, ‘Akkwarell’ in Qawra, ‘Dar Pirotta’ in Birkirkara and ‘Shalom’ in Żurrieq. At the end of 2020, the homes of Id‑Dar tal‑Providenza hosted 115 residents, 95 of which in the Siġġiewi complex and 20 in the community homes (5 in Shalom, 4 in Żerniq, 3 in Akkwarell and 9 in Dar Pirotta). 1.2 The Director of Id‑Dar tal‑Providenza
The Director of the Home is Fr Martin Micallef. He was nominated Director of the Home by Bishop Emeritus Pawl Cremona O.P. after his predecessor, Mgr Lawrence Gatt became Chanceller of the Archbishop’s Curia.. Fr Martin’s term started on October 1st, 2008.
1.3 The Licence to operate
In 2021, all the residential homes managed by Id‑Dar tal‑Providenza had their licence renewed by the Social Care Standards Authority (SCSA).
2. The COVID‑19 pandemic
The COVID‑19 pandemic that pervaded our country in March of 2020 was still with us in the year under review. Whilst during the first year of the pandemic not one single resident was affected by the virus, February and March 2021 were the hardest for the Home because with the English variant a number of residents and support workers were diagnosed positive with COVID‑19.
Death of a resident due to COVID‑19 Unfortunately on February 24th 2021, a 30‑year old resident of Id‑Dar tal‑Providenza died of COVID‑19 at St. Mark’s hospital. On February 18th she was found to be positive to COVID‑19 during routine tests conducted by the Home. Her funeral took place on February 25th at the parish church of Siġġiewi.
Administration of the Vaccine against COVID‑19 On February 9th 2021, we were informed by the Social Care Standards Authority (SCSA) with the dates when residents, workers and volunteers were to take the anti‑COVID‑19 vaccine. Administration of the vaccine started on February 15th 2021 when 107 doses were dispensed. On February 18th, 22nd and 26th, 432 persons including residents, employees and volunteers managed to get the vaccine. A number of nurses and doctors voluntarily helped in dispensing the doses. On the 8th, 11th, 15th and 19th of March the second dose of the vaccine was administered whilst in November the booster was given.
Contact with the SCSA During the year under review, Id‑Dar tal‑Providenza continuously stayed in contact with the Social Care Standards Authority (SCSA) and implemented its directives on mitigation measures. 3. The Residents
Id‑Dar tal‑Providenza is committed to provide individualised residential services, both long term as well as respite, to persons with disability in full respect of their rights and dignity. During this year, residents were given all the needed support for a full life as much as possible. Therefore, besides the support that responds to their personal needs, the Home also offers additional services to help out the residents.
These additiional services included Physiotherapy, Podiatry and Speech Language Pathology. With the help of Aġenzija Sapport, the Home is helped financially for 80 hours of support for one of the residents that needs High Support. This financial help made it possible for the Home to employ two support workers to do this work.
Recreation Both the Ability Promoters team and the support workers that work in the Siġġiewi flats organise regular activities in the Home especially so on Sundays and public holidays. Activities that respond to the residents’ tastes are also organised outside of the Home.
Because of the pandemic, various activities outside the Home in which the residents participated had to be restricted just about totally. In spite of this, efforts were made to organise more activities within the Home in Siġġiewi. Apart from that, every day trips were organised using the Home’s vans to different places where residents could not come in contact with anyone because of the pandemic.
Workshops and other activities A number of residents continued to get involved in the various workshops such as the St. Isidore Agriculture Centre, Stamps, Crafts, Cooking as well as Rugby sessions organised by the Brain Foundation.
Music and Drama Sessions Music sessions are an activity, that residents participate in wholeheartedly, in which they listen to and take part in playing instruments. In the specialised Music Room residents participate in groups or individually in the music sessions.
This year, again in spite of the pandemic, we still found ways and means to use drama and at the same time safeguard the security and wellbeing of the residents and employees. Drama offers enormous opportunities to help residents express themselves and at the same time develop and share their artistic talents with others.
Every year, Id‑Dar tal‑Providenza mounts a theatrical production in Christmas time with the inclusion of residents and employees. For this year’s Christmas festivities, the residents together with the team of Ability Promoters produced a farce ‘Minn ġot‑taġen
għal ġon‑nar” (From the frying pan into the fire)
written by David Muscat and Loralie Scerri, two employees of the Home. Because of restrictions imposed by the Health Authorities this production was presented various times so that residents could enjoy themselves in the safety of their own bubble. Mobility
The Home’s residents are encouraged and helped to take part in activities that help them remain active. This included mobility in the flats on a regular basis together with walks specifically organised like walks in the gardens, dancing and movement during the music sessions.
This year, an appreciable number of residents made use of the therapeutic pool that is available in the Home. Hydrotherapy is another service that continues to improve the quality of life of the residents. This provides an opportunity for mobility as well as for sports activities. Just as important is the relaxation sensation provided by the warm water of the pool even if there are impediments to exercises.
Residents also use the Soft Room where they can do activities in a safe and secure environment. Also used are the Multisensory Rooms for the stimulation of their senses in different ways. This is done with the help of the Abillity Promoters on the advice of the Occupational Therapist.
Other regular activities are organised in the gym together with other sports activities that enourage mobility
Involvement outside the Home Fifty‑four residents attend Day Centres for Adults in Ħal Far, Paola, Mtarfa and Santa Venera, administered by Aġenzija Sapport. Another resident attends the San Miguel Resource Centre in Pembroke whilst another one attends the Centre in Wardija.
In order to ensure the wellbeing and security of the residents, because of the pandemic, no residents attended these Centres but kept regularly in touch virtually.
Information Technology The Home has an ICT Lab where residents are trained to make better use of the world of informatics so that, as is their right, they have equal access to information and communication offered by today’s technology. This lab is equipped with assistive technology such as touch screens, keyboards, special mouses and software that make it easier for persons with disability to use the computer.
Spiritual Activities and SPRED For SPRED (Special Religious Development) the period October 2020 – June 2021 was also a particular one because of the pandemic. During this period only a few meetings took place in the so called new normal and no masses for the SPRED family were held. Whenever and however, contacts and training for all the catechists took place such as enrichment, retreats and formation on line.
Eucharistic celebrations In the chapel of Id‑Dar tal‑Providenza, a mass is celebrated every day with the attendance of residents from 2 or 3 different flats according to the precautions imposed by the Health Authorities. During the mass there are communal prayers mainly for the deceased benefactors. There are also masses for special occasions such as funerals for residents. Spiritual Exercises were held online before Easter in both Maltese and English.
Holy communion is distributed regularly in the flats for residents who cannot participate in the daily mass.
Resident deaths During the year, five residents, four women and one man, passed away. One of them died of COVID‑19.
Respite services During this year, the Home hosted 76 persons for different periods of respite. A number of persons used respite for a period of a month or longer in most cases because of serious sickness of one of the parents. Id‑Dar tal‑Providenza believes that this support is necessary so that disabled siblings or relatives may still live in their own family environment.
4. The Board of Id‑Dar tal‑Providenza The Board of Id‑Dar tal‑Providenza was set up in March 2011 by Archbishop Emeritus Pawl Cremona O.P. The Chairperson of this Board is Fr Martin Micallef, Director of the Home. Mr Lawrence Zammit is Vice‑Chairperson and Mrs Elvia George is the Board’s secretary. Dr Joe Bugeja, Mr Jesmond Saliba, Dr Roberta Sammut and Mr Emmanuel Zammit are the other members. During this year, the Board met 9 times in virtual mode due to the pandemic. On September 17th 2021, Mr Jesmond Saliba resigned on his appointment as the Voluntary Organisations Commissioner. Mr Arthur Caruana was appointed as his replacement by the Archbishop.
Board for the admission of new residents Admission of new residents is decided upon by a board specifically set up by the Board of Directors of the Home. It is made up of the Director of the Home as Chairperson with Dr Roberta Sammut and Dr George Grech as members.
During the year under review, the board met four times and ten new residents, four females and six males, were admitted.
The Management The day‑to‑day administration is in the hands of the management team made up of Fr Martin Micallef, Director, the Administrator, Mrs Nadine Camilleri Cassano, the Services Coordinator, Ms. Remona Cuschieri, the Spiritual Director of the Home, Fr Trevor Fairclough and the Head of Physiotherapists, Mrs Margarret Vella. This team meets regularly every other week and during this year met 22 times.
Presentation of the Annual Report to the Archbishop On the 4th of July, the Director of the Home, Fr Martin Micallef presented the Annual Report for the year 2020 to the Archbishoop of Malta, Mgr Charles J. Scicluna, The presentation took place in the Home’s chapel after the celebration of a mass on the occasion of the July Marathon. Present for the occasion were Mgr Charles Cordina, Episcopal Vicar for Diaconia and Nadine Camilleri Cassano, Administrator of the Home. 5. New Projects
Refurbishment works at Dar Żerniq At the beginning of the year, extensive refurbishment works were concluded at Dar Żerniq, one of Id‑Dar tal‑Providenza’s community homes. The project was financed by the Marigold Foundation. A new lift, a new kitchen, two new bathrooms, fireproof doors and a modern fire alarm system were installed. All the exterior windows were also replaced. The Żerniq residents returned to their home in January 2021.
Refurbishment works at Dar Pirotta On April 29th, the residents of Dar Pirotta in Birkirkara were transferred to Id‑Dar tal‑Providenza in Siġġiewi so that work could start on the replacement and installation of a new lft. In the meatime other refurbishments were made to the home as well as maintenance work on the electricity generator.
Photovoltaic Panels A huge number of photovoltaic panels were installed on the roof of Villa Papa Luciani. The panels were kindly donated by Electrofix Company.
Maintenance and embellishment works A large complex as Id‑Dar tal‑Providenza together with all the equipment in use need continuous maintenance and embellishment. This work is primarily done by maintenance workers of the Home.
6. The Staff In order to administer efficiently Id‑Dar tal‑Providenza, up to 31st December 2021 the Home had 293 employees, 211 of which were females and 82 males. 231 were on a full‑time basis whilst 62 were part‑time.
A Services Coordinator, a Standards Promotor, a nurse and 2 cleaners were seconded either from a Government entity or from the Workers in the Community Scheme.
During this year 31 workers resigned and 5 retired. New Identity Cards for employees This year we renewed all workers’ identity cards.
Collaboration with the GWU As in past years, Id‑Dar tal‑Providenza maintained excellent relations with the Union.
In the run‑up to the Annual Genereal Meeting of the Union that was held on 23rd March 2021, Fr Martin Micallef and two staff members were interviewed to share their experiences of the benefits emanating from the Home’s employees membership in the GWU. Miguel Grech one of the workers’ representatives of the Home was elected to the National Executive of the GWU.
Formation and training of employees Due to the pandemic, planned training of employees did not materialise. The only training that could be organised were an Induction Course and a Fire Marshall Course. Unfortunately, a planned seminar on Difficult Behaviours by Prof. Peter Osgood, an expert on the subject, had to be cancelled for another year. Mrs. Dorianne Coleiro continued to offer psychological support to staff members.
Initiative at the Workplace Awards 2021 The nominations for these awards were: Initiative at the Workplace Award: Rita Vella, Joan Campbell Lewis and Mildred Kalaw Baon. Initiative at the Workplace Award as a group: The workers of Flats Warda, San Martin and Livia as well as Domestic staff.
The winners were Rita Vella for the Initiative at the Workplace Award whilst the workers at Livia Flat were declared winners in the Group section.
Recognition of service by employees This year, employees who have been in long‑term employment at Id‑Dar tal‑Providenza were also recognised: These were:
Josephine Catania and George Harrington (30 years) Nicholas Aquilina, Maryanne Borg, Therese Gauci, Maria Nikolina Mckay and Gertrude Sciberras (20 years).
Recognition of employees who retired Seven workers were recognised on the occasion of their retirement this year or early next year. These were: Comfort N. Ahunanya, Theodora Farrugia, Paul Mangani, Censina Muscat, Paul Pantalleresco and Mary Schembri.
Nominations for the Workers of the Year Award 2021 The workers at Dar Pirotta in Birkirkara and flat San Ġużepp in Siġġiewi were Id‑Dar tal‑Providenza’s nominees for the Award for Team of the Year in a ceremony during which awards were given to six individuals, three organisations and a team.
The ceremony of the National Award for the Worker of the Year 2021 took place on the 20th December under the distinguished patronage of H.E. Dr George Vella, President of Malta. In an address for the occasion, Dr Vella said that this activity is a very special one not only because various prizes were distributed but above all because it celebrates the hard work and the important role that work has in man’s life. He mentioned the various challenges and repercussions that the COVID‑19 pandemic brought to the work place and to the encouragement of entrepreneurship.
The Award for the Worker of the Year 2021 went to Roseanne Camilleri, Chief Executive of Primary Health Care.
7. The Volunteers The Home has an appreciable number of volunteers who give a helping hand wherever needed. Most of them attend on a regular basis whilst others are assigned and work on specific projects. Due to the pandemic volunteering was very limited in order to ensure the wellbeing and safety of the residents and workers. Regular Volunteers The Home has a number of volunteers who work regularly with residents or a flat or commit themselves to take out residents for a walk in the Home’s gardens, St. Isidore Agrictural Centre or other different activities in and outside the Home. A number of volunteers help out in the kitchen, laundry, seamstresses’ section, maintenance, stores and other areas as required. The number of registered volunteers is around 220 but, as expected, during the pandemic their contribution was somehow restricted especially those directly connected to the residents.
Other Volunteers The Home also offers short volunteering opportunities for students, individuals and groups who help out in various areas. Again, this kind of particpation had to be limited because of the pandemic.
Deceased Volunteers On January 5th 2021, Id‑Dar tal‑Providenza lost its volunteer Gordon Philip Hewitt. His volunteering work goes back to 1994 and since then until he got sick he constantly worked with residents.
8. Fundraising Activities and Initiatives
Festa ta’ Ġenerożità on New Year’s Day On January 1st, 2021 the sum of €1,365,556 was raised during the annual Festa ta’ Ġenerożità organised by Id‑Dar tal‑Providenza during its main fundraiser.
The Maltese public could make its donation either by going to Siġġiewi or by phoning in during the telethon. As is done every year, a good number of parishes in Malta and Gozo organised special collections on the last weekend of the year and made their donation on behalf of their community.
In the morning, Archbishop Charles J. Scicluna celebrated mass in the Home’s chapel helped by Mgr Charles Cordina, Episcopal Vicar for Diaconia and Fr Trevor Fairclough, Spiritual Director of the Home. The important fund‑raising aspect including appeals, telephones etc was held at the We Media Studios in Ħal Qormi between noon and midnight. Everything according to the protocols in place by the Health Authorities.
During various times of the broadcast, visitors to the studios included the President of Malta, Dr. George Vella and Mrs. Vella, Archbishop Mgr. Charles J. Scicluna, Auxiliary Bishop Mgr. Joseph Galea‑Curmi, President Emeritus Marie Louise Coleiro Preca and, through Skype, the Bishop of Gozo Mgr. Anton Teuma and the Leader of the Opposition, Dr Bernard Grech and Mrs. Grech. Other guests were Ministers, members of Parliament from both sides of the House as well as representatives of constituted bodies. They also found time to answer the phones and take donations.
July Marathon in aid Id‑Dar tal‑Providenza On July 4th 2021, €512,870 were raised during the TV Marathon in aid of Id‑Dar tal‑Providenza. Because of certain restrictions still being enforced by our Health Authorities due to the COVID‑19 pandemic, the whole programme was produced on the same lines as those of the new year’s day ‘Festa ta’ Ġenerożità’ marathon. Once again, nothing happened at the Home’s Siġġiewi car park except for a ‘drive‑through’ where persons wanting to make a donation did so without getting out of their car. Fr Martin Micallef, Director of Id‑Dar tal‑Providenza, thanked the Maltese nation for always believing in the Home and in what it does to see that its residents have the best quality of life possible. Funds raised during this marathon went towards a refurbishing project for four flats in Villa Papa Giovanni so that every resident will have a more dignified environment with private rooms and all the amenities.
The important fundraising aspect of TV Marathon including appeals, telephone and on‑line donations were done at the We Media studios in Qormi between noon and midnight.
Malta’s Parliament hosts Arts Exhibition in aid of Id‑Dar tal‑Providenza After an absence of two years, an exhibition of 106 works of art donated by 84 Maltese and foreign artists was inaugurated at the Parliament entrance on 18th Decemeber 2021. These works of art were auctioned off in aid of Id‑Dar tal‑Providenza on January 1st as part of the televised Festa ta’ Ġenerożità.
The Speaker of the House of Representatives, Dr Anġlu Farrugia, officially opened the exhibition that remained open till December 26th. In his address, he said that although Id‑Dar tal‑Providenza goes back a full fifty‑six years, it is today a living experience of our people and our nation rather than a story of our past. Maltese and Gozitans have a heart sensitive to those in need. This conscience that favours social solidarity grows bigger and stronger as long as we keep Id‑Dar tal‑Providenza as a life experience with which we help persons with disability live in dignity.
The Director of the Home, Fr Martin Micallef, thanked the Speaker for once again agreeing to host the exhibition in the Parliament’s entrance. He said that with the full support of Dr Farrugia it can be said that the exhibition has become an annual event except for the last two years when it had to be cancelled due to the realities of COVID‑19.
Malta’s Heart raises funds for Id‑Dar tal‑Providenza Malta’s Heart raises funds for Id‑Dar tal‑Providenza €22,630 were raised for Id‑Dar tal‑Providenza during a 30‑hour music marathon on 103 Malta’s Heart. It kicked off at 6am on Thursday 30th December, with Arthur Caruana accompanied by two other well known presenters Ron Briffa and Ian Busuttil Naudi. Arthur expressed his satisfaction at the show of solidarity through the sum raised and thanked all the listeners for their donations.
Friends of Providence House NSW donates $9,000AUD to Id‑Dar tal‑Providenza. Friends of Providence House NSW (FOPH) donated $9,000AUD to Id‑Dar tal‑Providenza. The sum was raised by FOPH throughout 2020/2021 and is normally presented in person to Fr Martin Micallef, Director of the Home, at the ‘Annual Volleyball Marathon’. The fund‑raiser is held in the first weekend of July on the grounds of the Siggiewi Home but had to be cancelled for the second year in a row due the COVID‑19 global pandemic. Jim Borg, the Coordinator of Friends of Providence House NSW, together with his team, Marisa Previtera (Secretary) and Miriam Friggieri (Treasurer) stay in regular contact with Fr Martin and continue with their fundraising initiatives for Id‑Dar tal‑Providenza.
The Id‑Dar tal‑Providenza Diary Id‑Dar tal‑Providenza again prepared a pocket diary that is a refernce throughout the year for the times of all masses in all churches and chapels in Malta and Gozo. It also lists the dates of all the parishes titular feasts. The diary is distributed free of charge to all households together with a self‑addressed envelope so that anyone who wishes may make a donation by mail.
Groups of volunteers from parishes in Malta and Gozo helped in packing these diaries in special envelopes which were distributed by MaltaPost in September and October. Donations through these diary envelopes amounted to €163,124. The coloured photo on the front page showing the Tal‑Grazzja valley on the road that leads from Rabat to Marsalforn, was by photographer Ian Noel Pace.
MAPFRE MSV Life plc and GasanMamo Insurance sponsored the printing of the diaries whilst MaltaPost delivered the diaries free of charge.
63‑hour broadcasting marathon on Radju 15 ta’ Awwissu in Qrendi As is usual, Radju 15 ta’ Awwissu, that belongs to the Soċjetà Mużikali Santa Marija of Qrendi, again organised a 63‑hour broadcasting marathon on Sunday December 27th 2020, during which the sum of €22,630 was raised. It was presented during the Festa ta’ Ġenerożità on January 1st 2021.
The 25c scheme An appreciable number of private companies, government and church entities continued to support Id‑Dar tal‑Providenza through the 25c scheme by which employees commit themselves to donate 25c that is deducted from their wages. This scheme raised €18,788 during the year under review.
Coin Boxes The Home distributed coin boxes in various shops around Malta. Volunteers of the Home help out in counting donations made that amounted to €14,627 this year.
Karus ta’ Mħabba Id‑Dar tal‑Providenza offers free money boxes to parishes and some schools to encourage kids to support the Home. Together with the money boxes referred to as Karus ta’ Mħabba there is an informative flyer in Maltese and English explaining to kids and teachers the scope of the initiative and how important it is for society to do more so that persons with disability are treated equally.
These coin boxes are normally distributed during the Lenten period and donations, which were hampered by the pandemic, amounted to €1,160. Wedding and other Special Occasion bookmarks The home offers bookmarks for couples to make a donation instead of buying the usual wedding souvenirs.
Each year, there are also a number of persons who normally organise a celebration party on their birthday or wedding anniversary. Invited relatives and friends are requested to make a donation for Id‑Dar tal‑Providenza instead of a gift.
Donations are also encouraged instead of sending flowers during funerals.
Bazaar and Agricultural Centre The Siġġiewi Home has a bazaar that is manned by volunteers and is open to the general public every Tuesday morning. The bazaar is full of objects that are donated by the public and sold. This year revenue from the bazaar amounted to €20,000.
The St. Isidore Agriculture Centre also sells products produced at the Home. Id‑Dar tal‑Providenza residents and volunteers also sell these products in various activities organised in villages during the year. The pandemic also hampered such events and only €598 were collected.
The Valletta Office The Home has an office in St. Paul’s Street in Valletta that normally opens every day of the weeks except on Sundays for people who prefer making a donation when shopping in Valletta rather than go to Siġġiewi or using the mail. Due to the pandemic the office was open intermittently and for very short periods in order to ensure the wellbeing and safety of our volunteers who open the office between 9.00am and noon. Donations through the Valletta office for the year amounted to €13,896 which is quite low when compared to other normal years.
2022 Calendars for benefactors Every year, Id‑Dar tal‑Providenza prints 5,000 wall calendars and 1,000 desk calendars to be given out to donors who visit us in Siġġiewi during the Christmas and New Year festivities. The photos showing different scenic views of Malta and Gozo were taken by photographer Ian Noel Pace.
9. Conferences and Meetings During this year we had various meetings in virtual mode amongst which were those with the Social Care Standards Authority, the Commissioner for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, Mr Oliver Scicluna who later resigned and with Ms. Samantha Pace Gasan who replaced him. We also met with the Hon. Julia Farrugia Portelli new Minister for the disability sector. Prior to the start of the pandemic we met the new CEO of Aġenzija Sapport, Mrs. Ruth Sciberras and also with MaltaPost’s CEO, Mr Joseph Gafà.
Fr Martin Micallef, Director of the Home, took part in various meetings of the Task Force specifically set up by the National Commision for the Rights of Persons with Disability to discuss the effects of the pandemic on persons with disability.
Id‑Dar tal‑Providenza participated in webinars organised by the European Association of Service Providers for Persons with Disabilities (EASPD) of which the Home is a member. The topic discussed was the effects of the pandemic on persons with disability.
10. Official Visits to Id‑Dar tal‑Providenza by the Prime Minister Dr Robert Abela On April 24th 2021, the Prime Minister, Dr Robert Abela paid a visit to Id‑Dar tal‑Providenza where he had a meeting with the Director of the Home, Fr Martin Micallef, the Chairperson of the Malta Community Chest Fund, Marlene Mizzi and the Director of Caritas Malta, Anthony Gatt. The discussion during this meeting centred on the problem caused by GO plc’s error and the effects it had on the NGOs affected. The Prime Minister gave his commitment that the Government will be helping the three philantropic organisations that were impacted by the technical problem in GO’s telephony system during fund‑raising that took place few months before.
The Prime Minister said that the Government feels obliged that certain planned projects would not fall behind schedule and is therefore giving assurances that initiatives will be taken to see that the plans of these organisations materialise. The Prime Minister reiterated that above all these initiatives are focused on persons that need help and support.
Visit by Archbishop Mgr Charles J. Scicluna On July 4th, Archbishop Charles J. Scicluna celebrated mass in the Home’s chapel on the occasion of the televised marathon that was starting that day at noon to raise funds for the Home but also to celebrate the 25th Anniversary of the ordination to the priesthood of Fr Martin Micallef, Director of Id‑Dar tal‑Providenza, and his priest brothers four of which: Fr Marco Portelli, Fr Charles Attard, Fr Mark Ciantar OFM and Fr Stephen Sciberras OFM were present. Fr Alex Cauchi, Augustinian parish priest could not attend because of pastoral duties.
Visit by Mgr George Bugeja OFM, Bishop of Tripoli On September 14th 2021, the Bishop of Tripoli, Mgr George Bugeja OFM paid a visit to Id‑Dar tal‑Providenza. He concelebrated mass together with Fr Martin Micallef, Director and Fr Trevor Fairclough, Spiritual Director, in the chapel of the Home with a number of residents, workers and volunteers in attendance always according to the measures against COVID‑19 stipulated by the Health Authorities.
Folliwng the mass, Bishop Bugeja had the opportunity to see the various services offered by the Home amongst which were the aquatherapy services, the multisensorial rooms, the Agriculture Centre and the SPRED Centre.
Bishop Bugeja thanked Fr Martin for the invite to visit the Home and said it was a pleasure to meet the residents and see first hand the valuable work done by the works that support them.
Visit by the Hon. Julia Farrugia Portelli On October 12th 2021, the Minister for Inclusion and Quality of Life, Julia Farrugia Portelli was at Id‑Dar tal‑Providenza to meet with the delegation that brought to Malta the Queen’s Baton, the symbol of the Commonwealth Games that are due to take place in 2022.
Minister Farrugia Portelli explain that the symbol of the Queen’s Baton represents the values that unites the Commonwealth nations together. It was her dream that this symbol also sends a strong message in favour of inclusion and surpasses the obstacles and offers an equal platform for women and men.
Visit by MEP Alex Agius Saliba On December 20th, MEP Alex Agius Saliba paid a visit to Id‑Dar tal‑Providenza where he was met by Fr Martin Micallef, Director, and
Mrs. Nadine Camilleri Cassano, Administrator of the Home. He had the opportunity to meet and chat with a number of residents and support workers and saw first hand the services offered by the Home such as the therapeutic pool, the multisensorial rooms, the kitchen and the laundry.
Mr Agius Saliba described Id‑Dar tal‑Providenza as a unique project of solidarity in our country. Resident Krisstian Gregory presented him with a hamper of products produced by the residents that attend the St. Isidore Agriculture Centre
OnorIfiċenza Mertu Siġġiewi On July 13th 2021, all the workers of Id‑Dar tal‑Providenza were presented with the Onorifiċenza Mertu Siġġiewi during an event organised by the Siġġiewi Local Council. The President Emeritus, Marie Louise Coleiro Preca, in the presence of the Mayor Dominic Grech, presented the Onorifiċenza Mertu Siġġiewi to Mrs. Nadine Camilleri Cassano, Administrator on behalf of all the workers. Prof. Charmaine Gauci, who lives in Siġġiewi, was also one of the recipients of the Award. Others were the ex‑Archpriest, Fr Joe Grech, Dr Norbert Bugeja, Mro. Raymond Sant, Mr Albert Pace and Mr Grezzju Pace (posthumously).
For all the workers of Id‑Dar tal‑Providenza, the year 2021 was neither normal nor easy. Actually it was a year of challenges as well as a year that showed the big heart, the determination, dedication and creativity together with hard work of the Home’s employees. These were, still are and will remain the frontliners of Id‑Dar tal‑Providenza to whom we are all grateful.
European Citizen Award 2021 On November 8th 2021, Fr Martin Micallef, Director of Id‑Dar tal‑Providenza and Mrs. Nadine Camilleri Cassano, Administrator, were presented with the Certificate of the European Citizen Award 2021 in Brussels. The presentation was made by the Vice‑President of the European Parliament and Chancellor of the European Citizen Award, Ms. Dita Charanzovà during a ceremony that was held in the Paul‑Henri Spaak Hall, in the European Parliament building.
MEPs Roberta Metsola and David Casa, who nominated Id‑Dar tal‑Providenza, said that the mission of the project that they presented was to provide a home with an environment similar to that of the family and is a project that integrates and empowers persons with disability in the community in conformity with the norms and values of the
EU and this work continued unabated during the exceptionally difficult circumstances of the COVID‑19 pandemic.
Before the presentation ceremony started, Fr Martin and Mrs.Camilleri Cassano met with the Maltese MEPs, Roberta Metsola, Josianne Cutajar and Alex Agius Saliba.
13. Special mass on the occasion of the priesthood anniversaries of Fr Martin Micallef and Fr Trevor Fairclough On July 12th 2021, on the occasion of the 25th Anniversary of the Ordination to the Priesthood of Fr Martin Micallef, Director of Id‑Dar tal‑Providenza, and the 40th Anniversary of the Ordination to the Priesthood of Fr Trevor Fairclough, Spiritual Director of the Home, a thanksgiving mass was celebrated at the Siġġiewi Home.
Present were residents and all the workers. At the end of the mass, Grace Vassallo, one of the residents, presented two cards for the occasion drawn by the residents themselves.
Fr Trevor was ordained to the priesthood by Archbishop Ġużeppi Mercieca on the 11th July 1981, at St.John’s Co‑cathedral in Valletta whilst Fr Martin was ordained priest, also by Archbishop Mercieca, on July 5th 1996. 14. The Home’s Finances One of the onerous administrative duties of the Home is the administration of thousands of donations made to the Home either delivered personally or by mail, bank account or other electronic facilities. To register all donations, the Home has an electronic programme which besides simplifying the administrive work can provide a quick account of all the donations received.
The finances of the Home are audited every year by PricewaterhouseCoopers.and the financial audited report is sent to the Commissioner for Voluntary Organisations as requested by law.
15. The Electronic site and Facebook page The Id‑Dar tal‑Providenza site www.dartalprovidenza. org has various sections with each of them focusing on the different aspects of the Home including its history, the services provided, activities, ways to provide support to the homes and other multimedia content. All the information is in Maltese and English. The events section provides a calendar of activities whilst the multimedia section has panoramic photos of the various sections of Id‑Dar tal‑Providenza in Siġġiewi. The electronic site is helpful to anyone who wants to know more about the Home, the services it offers and how to be helpful.
The electornic site www.sabihlitaghti.org In July 2020, on the initiative of Board member, Mr Jesmond Saliba, a new electronic site www.sabihlitaghti.org was launched. Its main purpose was to make it easier for people to make their donation whenever they wish to do so.
The Home’s page on Facebook The Home’s page on Facebook has to date more than 16,405 likes. This regularly provides information on news and events of the Home.
16. Media Coverage When it comes to media coverage, 2021 was the most persistent since 2012 for Id‑Dar tal‑Providenza’s prominence on TV, the printed and electronic media. Naturally, there were months were the presence was more notable such as in January and February with coverage connected with the Festa ta’ Ġenerożità, the appointment of a new Commissioner for the Rights of Persons with Disability and the COVID‑19 death of one of our residents.
In April there was the controversy surrounding the proposed regulations on fund‑raising by NGOs in which the Home was also involved and gave its share. Then there was the technical error by GO plc in the totting up of donations that substantially affected the revenue for Id‑Dar tal‑Providenza from Festa ta’ Ġenerożità of January 1st. In July, we had good coverage of the telethon that was the alternative to the cancellation of the Volleyball Marathon. Also in July was the official announcement that Id‑Dar tal‑Providenza was awarded the European Citizen Prize. In September we got media coverage for the 56th Anniversary of the founding of the Home.
17. Press Statements by Id‑Dar tal‑Providenza During this year, Id‑Dar tal‑Providenza issued a number of statements to the media regarding its activities as well as other happenings that affected it. The main statements were about the controversy surrounding a promise from the CATCO Group of a €500,000 donation made during Festa ta’ Ġenerożità 2021. The Home informed the public it had formally requested an established local audit and consultancy company to do a verification exercise before it accepts the donation.
Id‑Dar tal‑Providenza was informed by the audit company that the Chairman of the Group did not provide it with the relevant information requested as part of the verification process. Therefore, Id‑Dar tal‑Providenza said that whilst it wanted to show its appreciation for this nice gesture, it couldn’t accept this donation.
Another important statement was that regarding the appointment of Mr Jesmond Saliba, a Board member of the Home, as the new Commissioner for Voluntary Organisations. In its statement, Id‑Dar tal‑Providenza said that Mr Saliba as a person who had this sector at heart, despite new regulator role, can better understand the contribution that voluntary organisations gave and are still giving in our country. Whilst thanking Mr Saliba for his contribution to the Home during his last ten years as Board member, Id‑ Dar tal‑Providenza wished him well in his arduous task in favour of more transparent and accountable Voluntary Organisations, but at the same time it felt that the Commissioner is there to support them constantly along the way.
18. Safeguarding Id‑Dar tal‑Providenza takes very seriously the responsabilities that safeguard the person and is committed to see that none of the residents using its services is abused. To do this, the Home follows the policies outlined in the Maltese Church’s document “Policy and Procedures in Cases of Sexual Abuse of the Maltese Ecclesiastical Province. (2014)” and Maltese laws. On this basis, the Home has its own Safeguarding Policy.
Conformity with the Law on the Protection of Minors Id‑Dar tal‑Providenza implements a very serious recruitment procedure by, amongst other things, regulary sending the courts the names of new employees and volunteers to ensure that no one’s name is on the Register of persons that committed serious offences against minors.
19. Mons. Mikiel Azzopardi Award The Mons. Mikiel Azzopardi Award, that was launched 26 years ago on the 30thAnniversary of the founding of Id‑Dar tal‑Providenza, recognizes the work done by individuals and groups for the benefit of persons with disability, as well as showing its appreciation for those that give voluntary support to the work done by the Home.
This year, the Board of the Home has chosen to give this Award to the Nazareth Foundation that offers residential services to persons with disability in Żejtun. The Foundation was founded by Fr Anġ Seychell. 20. Conclusion This report shows that depiste the restrictions and difficulties in the wake of the pandemic, the work at Id‑Dar tal‑Providenza continued unabated to offer, wherever possible, the best environment, support and opportunities to the residents as is their right. We, therefore, look forward to more work in 2022.
www.dartalprovidenza.org VO: 1066