PRO 2020

Page 1


There is no debate that 2020 has been

working from home, most others worked

an unusual year for all of us. The

quickly to put in place solutions that

prolonged presence of the coronavirus

would ensure seamless operations. As

pandemic has sounded the death knell

one industry professional pointed out

for many small and large businesses

ten years ago when we first launched,

across the world. As the uncertainty

if you fail to prepare, you must be

continues, this period has interestingly

prepared to fail. The COVID-19 pandemic

favoured the rise of streaming

provided the perfect opportunity to see

services and remote solutions.

which businesses had prepped their

Within just the March to May period, streamers moved firmly into mainstream


infrastructure for such times as this. For those looking to future-proof your

entertainment. With lockdowns forcing

facility, the PRO2020 is a compilation of

people indoors, streaming services

top-notch companies all the way from

were no longer the preferred platform

consultants, manufacturers and solutions

just for millennials and Generation Z,

providers to systems integrators,

it also attracted older people by the

satellite companies and other experts

hordes. If anything, streamers were not

who can help you take that first step

prepared for the pandemic rush and

to arm your business to withstand any

had to scramble to secure new content

challenges. For the first time, this issue

for their platforms. This changing

also showcases the winners of the ASBU

scenario, especially within Saudi Arabia

BroadcastPro Awards 2019. We hope

and the UAE, is best summarised by

browsing through these pages and

Athanas Jamo, Research Director at

looking at regional innovations will inspire

Ipsos, who wrote the introduction for

new changes for a successful future.

this edition of the PRO book so I shall not give any details away here. In the meantime, remote solutions for the broadcast business, managed services, as well as IP and cloud solutions, all of which were probably on the backburner have now moved to the top of the priority list. While some

Vijaya Cherian

were prepared for the sudden shift to

Editorial Director




Contents Introduction












Guntermann & Drunck GmbH




Merging Technologies








Riedel Communications




Ross Video

The content and tech scene in the COVID-19 era

Broadcasters 16


Consultants 20

Assendive Communications LLC


Master Media

Distributors 26

Advanced Media


Sennheiser Middle East


Cineom Broadcast DMCC




NMK Electronics Ent.






TSL Products













News Agency


Argosy Middle East






Systems Integrators




Broadcast Solutions





Production 96

Art Format Lab


Seven Production ME FZ LLC


Sponix Tech

Satellite 104



APT Satellite




Es’hailSat, Qatar Satellite Company


Gazprom Space Systems (GSS)




M-Three Satcom


Norsat International Inc.



Service Providers

2019 ASBU BroadcastPro Awards 140

Space Initiative of the Year


Woman of the Year in Broadcast


Outstanding Live Events Production


MENA Tech Innovation of the Year


Outstanding OTT Production of the Year


Best Streaming Service of the Year


Space Initiative of the Year


Innovation Project of the Year


Production House of the Year


Outstanding OTT Production of the Year


Broadcast Services Provider of the Year


Best Video Initiative on a Social Media Platform


Digital Strategy of the Year


Outstanding Initiatives from a Distributor


Radio Initiative of the Year


ABS Network


Outstanding Creativity in Video Production


Eurovision Services Middle East


Factual Entertainment of the Year




Sports Initiative of the Year


SAWA Rights Management


Animated Work of the Year






The content and tech scene in the COVID-19 era The media landscape is no stranger

habits, apps and websites and overall

to constant change, it has always

technology utilisation, as well as delves

been witnessing shifts in trends,

into content-streaming habits – via

technologies, consumption and

social media/video sharing platforms,

overall attitudes. However, over

linear TV and VOD/OTT platforms.

the course of several months, the

In the past decade, the internet has

COVID-19 pandemic has managed to

taken the MENA region over by storm

disrupt so many industries around

and essentially became a competing

the globe and developed various

media channel that has set itself apart

unanticipated consumer attitudes

from the traditional platforms that we

that were untapped in the past.

all knew and felt were irreplaceable.

With global habits changing

Evidently, people have got used to

across nations, people have been

spending more time in digital space

trying to adapt to the new realities

than they anticipated, whether on social

of the outbreak, and consumers

media, scrolling through online press,

are obliged to spend more time at

streaming music, or watching content.

home, due to isolation and social

Nonetheless, the increase in ‘free

distancing. The act of spending more

time’ has driven internet consumption

time at home leaves a significant

to grow massively since the outbreak,

impact on media consumption

the Ipsos study found that around

and technology utilisation.

70% of people in Saudi Arabia and the

With these changes, Ipsos in MENA

United Arab Emirates now spend at

took the initiative and generated

least five hours a day on the internet

a research study that looks into

since the pandemic unraveled,

the newly adopted habits among

compared to 37% compared before

internet and technology users, and

the outbreak, indicating a 92%

their changing media and content

jump in internet usage of at least

consumption amid the COVID-19

five hours a day (see Figure 1).

outbreak. The research analyses the effects of COVID-19 on internet

When zooming into activities that are performed online during the pandemic,


Figure 1: Internet usage during Covid-19

+90% Jump in internet usage of at least 5 hours a day since Covid-19 outbreak

Pre Covid-19

During Covid-19













At least 5 hours a day

3 to 5 hours a day

1 to 3 hours a day

it comes as no surprise that surfing

content on linear TV remains to have

the total population during the

social media platforms reigns atop,

the highest penetration in Saudi

lockdown, with a higher penetration

followed by reading news websites and

Arabia as the most-used platform

rate for the former platform.

watching movies and series online.

for content consumption among

Interestingly enough, watching movies

the total population, compared to

of self-quarantine on the increased

and series online turned out to be a

viewing content on different media

media and video content consumption

newly adopted activity for many in

channels, such as social media/video

in both markets, is the fact that

both assessed markets, where around

sharing platforms and VOD services.

over 60% of viewers of each media

50% of those who currently access

In the UAE, social media/video

What further proved the effect

platform assessed stated their video

the internet to watch video content,

sharing platforms and linear TV

content consumption had increased

started doing so after the COVID-19

garnered the highest penetration

since the virus had spread out.

outbreak in the KSA and the UAE.

rates for content consumption among

Zooming into content consumption behaviour in Saudi Arabia, it was

The Fight for Eyeballs During Lockdown

noticed that the time-of-day of

The changes in viewing behaviour and

media was frequent throughout

overall content consumption are also

most parts of the day compared to

no strangers to the change that the

VOD platforms, which was mostly

media landscape witnessed during

saturated during night time. On the

the first months of the pandemic.

other hand, TV viewership became

The rising trends and newly adopted

very extensive around the afternoon

behaviours didn’t come as a shock

until late at night (see Figure 2).

to many of us, as these were visible

viewing video content on social

In the UAE, the time-of-day of viewing

beforehand, however, these were

video content was similar among

definitely sped up and intensified

VOD platforms and social media/

with the lockdown being put in full

video sharing platforms, however,

effect back in March and April.

the latter gained more traction in the

When looking into how different

earlier periods of the day. As for linear

media channels were affected by

TV, viewership got extensive at 12pm

that, we see that viewing video

and continued until late at night.


Source: The Content and Tech Scene in the COVID-19 Era – UAE, Ipsos, 2020



Content Matters

accessed these platforms to consume

viewership had the highest increase

We have all heard the ‘content is king’

movie content. The second most-

in content consumption compared to

statement numerous times by now,

consumed content typology on these

the pre-COVID-19 period. However, it

although this motto has become

platforms was series, with half of the

is noteworthy that the consumption

somewhat stale, it couldn’t be more

VOD users accessing these platforms

of all other genres has increased as

correct and representative of how

to watch this kind of content.

well, especially for movies and short

different media channels can remain relevant in this day and time. With that said, it was witnessed

On the other hand, viewers in

videos. Female content consumption

the UAE mostly tuned into TV to

has increased more than males in

consume news content, a lesser

most genres, especially in docudramas,

that half of the linear TV viewers in

percentage of 47% stated the same

short videos and talk shows.

Saudi Arabia, mostly tuned in to this

for movies. As for political shows,

media channel to consume news

35% of TV viewers turned on their

This Just In…

content during the pandemic, a lesser

TV screens to access this type of

News content consumption

percentage of 44% stated accessing

content during the pandemic.

became more prominent during

linear TV for movies. As for series,

Aside from news content

the pandemic with larger portions

four out of 10 placed themselves in

consumption, viewers in the UAE

of the public having very few

front of their TV screens to watch

act differently when using social

options to rely on to stay up-to-

this type of content, while a quarter

media/video sharing platforms.

date with the development of the

of TV viewers did the same for talk

This is evident as movies and short

virus in their respective countries.

shows and programmes, followed by

video content are the second and

However, during the first phase of

documentaries and docudramas.

third most viewed content on these

the lockdown, it was safe to say that

Amongst those who viewed video

Source: The Content and Tech Scene in the Covid-19 Era – Saudi Arabia, Ipsos, 2020


kinds of channels. Whereas on VOD

people were overwhelmed with the

content through social media/video

platforms, six out of 10 users mainly

abundant amount of information

sharing platforms, more than half had

access these services to watch

and news coming their way on a

consumed news content and short

movies. The second most consumed

daily basis. This raises one important

videos, making these two content

content typology on these platforms

question, do either traditional or

genres the most consumed typologies

are series, with 41% of VOD users

non-traditional media protrude as

on this media channel. Lastly, six out

accessing these platforms to watch

being more trustworthy or useful

of 10 video-on-demand (VOD) users

this kind of content. All in all, news

under the prevailing circumstances?

Figure 2: Content consumption behaviour in Saudi Arabia 8am - 12pm

12pm - 4pm

4pm - 8pm

8pm - 12am

12am - 4am













On social media/video sharing platforms

On video streaming platforms

4am - 8am

On television




understand the effects of the virus on

portal for receiving news regarding

governmental websites and apps

For respondents in Saudi Arabia,

their country’s economy. Furthermore,

the virus. Although governmental

are the main go-to sources for

about six out of 10 people in the KSA

sources of news for COVID-19 are

information regarding the COVID-19.

mentioned that their online news

the most trusted sources and the

These also seem to be the most

consumption had increased since

most used, nonetheless, Gen Z (aged

trusted sources. COVID-19 news

the pandemic started, and about

15 to 24) seems to be more reliant

sources from the World Health

the same number stated doing so

on news from the World Health

Organisation were also a strong

through the official websites of TV

Organisation and tend to see it as the

contender in gathering information

news channels. Around 50% of those

most trustworthy of all other sources.

and updates regarding the virus.

who had been recently consuming

Over 60% of people in the UAE stated

news online have admittedly

that their online news consumptions

more reliant on acquiring information

stated that their consumption had

had increased since the outbreak,

regarding COVID-19 on social media

been exclusively revolving around

and that it had made them keener

platforms and sites than females

COVID-19 news (see Figure 3).

on financial and business news, in

According to the results, males were

were. Generally, over 60% of people

Similar to the KSA, respondents in

order to learn about the effects of

in Saudi Arabia have stated that

the UAE also reached a consensus

COVID-19 on the country’s economy.

since the outbreak, they have been

that governmental websites and

reading and keeping up more with

apps were the most trusted source

of how many sources of news are

business and financial news to better

for them as well as their main go-to

available for the public to choose

It is also evident that regardless

Figure 3: News consumption in Saudi Arabia Completely agree

Neutral opinion

Completely disagree




I read more business and financial news to learn more about the effects of Covid-19 on the economy of my country



I consume more news content on the websites of news channels




I have been consuming more online news content since the Covid-19 outbreak




My online news consumption has been only revolving around Covid-19




I consume more news content on the websites of newspapers


27% I find it hard to find credible news about Covid-19 online



Source: The Content and Tech Scene in the Covid-19 Era – Saudi Arabia, Ipsos, 2020


Source: The Content and Tech Scene in the Covid-19 Era – Saudi Arabia, Ipsos, 2020


Figure 4: YouTube usage in Saudi Arabia during Covid-19

+120% Jump in YouTube usage of at least 5 hours a day since Covid-19 outbreak

Pre Covid-19

During Covid-19













At least 5 hours a day

3 to 5 hours a day


1 to 3 hours a day

from in order to receive COVID-19

levels of usage during the pandemic,

17% of people in Saudi Arabia

news related information, the majority

but also saw which platforms

admitted starting to use Snapchat

seem to be torn between whether

witnessed higher ‘first-time’ usage

after the lockdown came in place.

it was hard to find credible sources

during the lockdown, when compared

or not for this type of information.

to others. Among communication

witnessed a massive increase in the

Seeing how the COVID-19 pandemic

As for YouTube, the platform

apps and platforms in Saudi Arabia,

time spent on viewing content, with a

looks like it’s here to stay, people

Google Duo, Houseparty, Facetime and

120% increase in usage of at least five

will end up growing a need to access

ToTok were the top four platforms that

hours a day since the pandemic, where

different types of media and look

witnessed many newcomers during

33% stated that they spent at least five

for all the necessary information

the lockdown. Social media platforms

hours a day watching YouTube videos

and updates they need to stay safe

were used by the majority of the mass

compared to only 15% prior to the

and sound, be it through traditional

public prior to the pandemic, however,

lockdown in the kingdom (see Figure 4).

or non-traditional media.

What Happens on Social Media, Stays on Social Media In terms of social media and communication platform awareness during the pandemic, the top two spots were identical in both markets. WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger lead the pack in terms of communication apps, while YouTube and Instagram reign atop in the social media/video sharing platforms. LinkedIn and Zoom were front runners in the work/e-learning category of apps and services. The Ipsos research not only dived deep into which platforms had larger



Figure 5: Music streaming usage compared to pre-quarantine Increased

About the same


the older age groups. Interestingly enough, 85% of people claimed that they will continue using online radio post lockdown. This is


similar across all demographics. As for music streaming in the UAE, eight out of 10 music streaming platform users stated

of people in the United Arab Emirates currently using music streaming platforms to access music online

their consumption of music online had increased or at least stayed the same since the outbreak. This was especially witnessed among millennials (see Figure 5). In conclusion, it is clear as day that all consumers are doing their best to adapt to these strange circumstances, and with that comes an alteration in

In the UAE, 33% of current

When looking at radio usage in Saudi

behaviour. Consequently, businesses

Houseparty application users

Arabia, around 40% of people claimed

are facing much of the same

started using the platform during

to listen to radio online during the

uncertainty, grasping at straws to cater

the lockdown. Same going for

lockdown period. Online radio listeners

to the consumers’ changing needs

Google Duo with 26%. As for social

were more skewed towards males, and

and behavioural trends. The question

media platforms, around 20% of

the older age groups. Moreover, online

at hand remains whether these shifts

Snapchat users had downloaded

radio listenership was significantly

are here to stay and become the

the app during the pandemic.

strong among those above 35 years

new norm or if these are just part of

and very weak among those who

the transitional phase before things

were younger than 24 years.

settle back to the way they were.

YouTube usage in UAE also intensified during the lockdown, with 29% mentioning they had started

When assessing the music

spending at least five hours a day

streaming usage, more than half of

viewing content on the platform,

the population in Saudi Arabia were

reflecting a 71% jump in usage within

streaming music online through

this time frame. Majority of YouTube

music streaming platforms during the

users (more than 70%) tend to access

phase of self-isolation, where females

the platform to be entertained through

and millennials seem to have been

watching content of series and short

more avid listeners of music online

video clips, as well as consuming

than other demographic groups. This

health and COVID-19 related videos.

activity was most definitely amplified during the lockdown, as 81% of the

All About Audio‌

music streaming listeners stated that

It has become inevitable that audio

their usage had increased or at least

streaming is as potent as any

stayed the same since the lockdown.

other media format with regard

In the UAE, about half of the

to content consumption; it has

population stated to have listened

been an integral part in consumer

to online radio in the months of

This piece was authored by

lifestyles through online radio,

March and April. Radio listeners were

Athanas Jamo, Media Research

music streaming or podcasts.

more skewed towards males and

Director at Ipsos UAE.


Source: The Content and Tech Scene in the COVID-19 Era – UAE, Ipsos, 2020




CABSAT.Virtual to showcase complete content journey, satellite transformation CABSAT.Virtual, the Middle East and North Africa’s first ever virtual event in November 2020 for the broadcast, satellite and content communities, unifies the entire content journey, from content creation to production and distribution. It showcases groundbreaking innovation and solutions for professionals looking to create, manage, deliver and monetise content on any platform. Following the decision to move the physical edition of CABSAT to 24th-26th May 2021 in order to allow international participants

the Covid-19 pandemic increasing

facing travel restrictions to attend,

demand on digital services across

CABSAT.Virtual will provide a unique

the world, global broadcast and

expert Sanjay Raina and Amelia

opportunity to reconnect with the

satellite ecosystems need to

Conway, Gen Z- Creative Director,

full broadcast and satellite industry

devise new strategies to ensure

Adolescent Content, experts in

ecosystem, to meet qualified,

audiences remain engaged.

youth content production, will

influential buyers, network with

CABSAT.Virtual’s Content Congress

Broadcasting Commission of Nigeria. Veteran media and entertainment

discuss how TV networks and

decision makers and pitch businesses

and GVF SatExpo Summit conference

content platforms are adapting

from anywhere in the world.

will shed light on this challenge,

to attract younger viewership

delivering industry-shaping dialogue,

in a Gen Z-focused session.

CABSAT.Virtual’s exhibitors and visitors receive a seamless digital

uniting creative visionaries,

experience encompassing a range

technological disruptors and industry

and CEO, Arab Format Lab, the

of high-tech features, delivering a

influencers through forward-

force behind the startup that

frictionless event experience. An

thinking debate and discussion.

is crowdsourcing local talent in

AI-powered matchmaking engine,

Headlining the conference agenda,

Khulud Abu Homos, Founder

the Arab world, will spotlight

matches businesses with potential

three-time Emmy award-winning

strategies for empowering local

buyers for video calls on the virtual

digital series creator and short form

talent in the filmmaking industry

platform, while exhibitors can

and interactive creator, showrunner,

in the UAE and Saudi Arabia.

present their products virtually.

and storyteller Bernie Su will explore

The two-day virtual exhibition and conference presented under

CABSAT.Virtual unites the media

new and innovative ways to engage

industry’s creative experts and

audiences through story experiences.

most sought-after technology

the theme ‘curating and delivering

With Africa’s cultural yield having

suppliers to unpack and unveil

limitless must experience content’,

tremendous potential economic and

the latest in consumption

hosts a conference packed with

social impact, CABSAT.Virtual hears

habits, digitisation efforts and

speakers who are passionate

insight on ways to forge regional

next-gen revenue opportunities

about all things content.

alliances while developing localised

shaped by modern audiences.

With Cisco predicting that

content strategies, and will hear

video will account for 82% of all

from Aduku Armstrong Idachaba,

internet traffic by 2022, and with

Acting Director General, National

For more information on CABSAT. Virtual, visit:



Broadcasters OSN




Unrivalled entertainment, anywhere, anytime OSN is the region’s leading

movies and series, the latest in Arabic

entertainment network serving home

productions, lifestyle programming and

and commercial customers in over

nine exclusive kids channels. Home Plus

24 countries. For decades, OSN has

offers all that in addition to the brand’s

been offering the largest portfolio of

exclusive content, delivered before

exclusive and premium Hollywood

anyone else through two premium

programming, Arabic productions and

channels, OSN Movies First and OSN

family entertainment in addition to

Series First, along with OSN’s premium

free-to-air television and radio channels,

SVOD service. Both are serviced by OSN’s

making it the undisputed home of

latest ‘Box of Wonders’ technology, giving

entertainment in the region. OSN’s

customers complete control across

unbeatable range is delivered through

multiple linear and non-linear platforms.

robust, long-term partnerships with

Yalla OSN

global studio majors such as Disney, HBO, NBC Universal, Fox, Paramount, MGM, DreamWorks and many more.

Patrick Tillieux, CEO, OSN.

Yalla OSN meets the growing need for flexible, affordable packages, without compromising on content

OSN’s portfolio delivers on its entertainment ‘anywhere, anytime’

customer demand for multi-platform

variety and selection. It is exclusive to

promise, offering a suite of direct-

viewing. “2020 has seen us lay a new

customers in Egypt and the inclusion

to-home, IPTV, SVOD and digital-

foundation for OSN, in particular with

of ART and OSN channels delivers

first platforms, purpose-built

our enhanced and re-invigorated

unbeatable value at no additional cost.

to cater to the region’s diverse

streaming service,” says Patrick Tillieux,

content consumption needs.

CEO, OSN. “This transformation is

OSN Streaming App

what I call a radical evolution. ‘Radical’

OSN reinforced its streaming

the company, rooted in its astute focus

because it touches everything in the

proposition with a rebranded platform

on customer centricity, enriched content

company, and reflects deep changes in

and cemented its position as an

variety and scalability of content. It is

the way we bring our quality content

innovator in the digital delivery of

now the only pay TV network in the

to new audiences on all screens.”

entertainment. Boasting thousands of

In 2020, OSN ushered a new era for

region with linear and OTT options.

hours of the world’s most award-winning

OSN also upgraded its linear offering by

OSN Home and Home Plus

content, it sets a new benchmark as

rolling out two new products addressing

OSN Home offers a variety of Western

the region’s leading aggregator of


premium, global entertainment. The app is bolstered through rich

prime importance to telecom operators. Beyond content proposition, OSN’s


Arabic entertainment, and continues to be the pioneer in premiering critically

content partnerships with the biggest

support of telcos is uniquely holistic,

acclaimed regional productions as well

names in the entertainment industry

achieved by deep engagement at

as airing Arabic versions of popular,

including Disney+, which launched for

every step of the product journey. The

well-loved international TV shows

the first time in the region through

company continues to stay a step ahead,

OSN, in addition to HBO and Universal,

thanks to its rich OTT and cutting-

Key Partners

among others. This is complemented

edge TV offering, creating multiple

Studio Partners: Disney, HBO,

with the app’s user-friendly interface,

avenues that help partners achieve

NBC Universal, Fox, Paramount,

enjoying a 4.4 rating on the App store.

business and innovation objectives.

Viacom CBS, MGM among others,

It is continuously upgraded to ensure seamless, HD, multi-device experience and ease of use across a variety of smart TVs, iOS and android devices.

and all telco operators.

Key Projects OSN Rebrand April 2020 saw OSN unveil a new brand identity with renewed focus

Long-Standing Partnerships

on delivering unprecedented

OSN’s long-standing success with

digital access of premium content

telco partners stems from its

to younger, tech-savvy users

commitment towards long-term,

OSN Home of Disney+ Originals

Contact OSN Dubai Media City PO Box 502211 Dubai, UAE Tel: 04 3677777

sustainable value. Seasoned experts

Available across both OSN platforms


craft strategies that deliver added-

through its box and streaming service

Streaming Website:

value propositions for customers and

‘Box of Wonders’

enhanced customer acquisition and

This new user-interface technology

retention objectives for telco partners.

is slated to transform TV viewing

OSN delivers game changing programmes that support telco partners in achieving better ARPUs and customer

Social Media

experience, and marks a key milestone

in the company’s technological journey

Original Productions

satisfaction. As customers approach the

OSN continues to invest in original Arabic

5G era and content bundles become

productions which meet the growing

critical, OSN’s OTT offering assumes

need for premium, award-winning


Consultants Assendive Communications LLC Master Media


K60 Y40 K30



Assendive The Broadcast & Media Specialists

Enabling efficient and effective solutions Assendive Communications is a group

area of operation, Assendive consultants

of consultants focusing on professional

ensure rapid deployment and smooth

support across the rapidly evolving

rollout while sticking to stringent deadlines. Through industry knowhow and

broadcast and media industry spectrum.

experience the company is capable of

Services are customised, compliant and within approved budgets to suit individual customer preferences

carrying out the workflow processes Viswanathan Skandakumar, Founder, Assendive Communications, (left) and Stanislous Anthonypillai, Technical Director.

involved in the building of broadcast

accomplish the substantial task at hand.

handled by skilled hands. Detailed

features that make up the broadcast

The company’s area of influence oversees

analysis and review of work stipulations,

and media chain, the company stays in

the GCC, the Middle East and Africa.

capacity to fine-tune a project as

which also include assigning different consultants for specific parts of a project. From start to finish of the complex

touch with regional and international

and media infrastructure which can be tedious and time-consuming if not

it gets underway and planning are

companies to help supplement services

Efficient Systems

crucial to any broadcast and media

that are essential to broadcast operations.

Services encompass solutions that

project – this can include selecting

Assendive Communications ensures

increase efficiency, speed up workflow

the best resources and technology to

clients are best served in their area of

and allow effective use of products

suit individual business demands.

requirement by offering the very latest

guaranteeing seamless processes for

in technology. Advice is expert, decisive

quicker results. No matter the scope and


and focused to help the customer

nature of the project or geographical

Assendive is founded and managed by Viswanathan Skandakkumar, a professional with 26 years of experience in the field of terrestrial broadcast transmission systems. A seasoned expert, he has engineered multiple projects in the GCC and the Middle East simultaneously handling complex, large, medium and small-scale projects. He has had promising careers with international names such as Rohde & Schwarz and Alan Dick, helping these companies broaden their operations network, intensifying their broadcast



CONSULTANTS: (From left) Michael Buholzer, David Cope, David Smith, Steve Leaver, Tom King and George Allcock.

terrestrial businesses and increasing

Areas of Consultancy

can prepare professional bids that

the bulk of their market share.

The Assendive list of comprehensive

can take customers to the last stage of

Technical Director

and inclusive solutions are wide-

evaluation in a bid evaluation process

ranging and cover the following:

Bid Evaluation – Accurately determine

Stanislous Anthonypillai is technical

Television Broadcast

director at Assendive. A successful

Radio Broadcast

broadcast specialist with over 25 years

Satellite Transmission

of experience in the field of broadcast

Terrestrial Transmission

management is important for a

terrestrial transmission, Anthonypillai’s

IPTV, OTT and Headend

successful project. Timely negotiations

inclusion in the team since February

File-based Media

with suppliers and releasing

2020 reinforces the team’s collective

Structural Design and Analysis

purchase orders plays a vital role

solutions providing capabilities. He

Electrical and Earthing Solutions

was instrumental in designing and

Heat Air Ventilation Cooling Solutions

implementing digital television and

bids that must be in accordance with procedures stipulated in the RFP Solutions Procurement – Procurement

in maintaining project time lines Project Management – The project manager plays a key role in defining

radio networks for Rohde & Schwarz


the success of a project and ensuring

and Alan Dick with whom he has

The company looks after services

it is implemented and operational

had successful careers in the past.

for end-users, vendors and systems

changes effected in such a way so as to

integrators, key services that are

achieve the benefits expected by the


essential during project plan and

organisation immediately, and in the

The Assendive team of consultants are

implementation. These comprise:

a skilled network of experts who have comprehensive knowledge of complex systems. These are Michael Buholzer,

Site Surveys – An important aspect of the broadcast spectrum Systems Design – Ensures design

future during the product’s lifecycle Technology Training – In a rapidly changing industry, it is important to keep team members up-to-

David Smith, David Cope, Stephen

of systems that are not simply

date. Proficiency with technology

Leaver, Tom King and George Allcock, a

flexible and efficient, but also

is imperative in terms of the value

cross-section of experienced broadcast

necessarily future- proof

it delivers to an organisation

specialists with a keen eye on market

System Drawings – the foundation of

fluctuations and changing trends.

any project, one that communicates

Hands-on proficiency in cutting-edge

the technical details of a project

broadcast infrastructure, commissioning and setting up of radio and television systems across the world gives the team the critical technical edge. The team offers cost-effective practices for a range of digital transmission challenges and infrastructure expansion

RFP Preparation – RFPs need to

Contact Assendive Communications LLC

communicate specifications and

Level 21, Al Habtoor Business Tower

the scope of works clearly

Dubai Marina

Budget Calculations – Deriving exact budgets for systems design, specification and scope of work Bid Preparation – Tender preparation

PO Box 29805, UAE Tel: +971 4 275 6485 Fax: +971 4 453 2750

procedures. Global experience in

is a complex process requiring

Mobile: +971 50 4592325

setting up systems helps the team

numerous attachments, use of


understand and grasp an array of

graphics and pictures and special

situational risks and arrangements.

layouts and formatting. Assendive




master media

Quality support for the broadcast media industry Master Media was founded by Hasan

media production or broadcasting

selection and contract negotiation,

R. Sayed Hasan, an award-winning

facility, through technology design

to completion and delivery.

broadcast media executive with

and management, training and

more than 25 years of experience

operational assistance, to recruitment


in the broadcast media industry.

and business development support.

AND SOLUTIONS DESIGN Technology Infrastructure Consulting

Master Media’s team has been on the forefront of utilising and


Technology and Operations Auditing

implementing latest and upcoming


Systems Design

technologies in setting up and

For new projects or expansions

managing leading broadcasting

to existing operations,


networks and facilities, and in

Master Media offers:

Master Media supplies a complete and

establishing and managing the regional businesses of top international broadcasting manufacturers and solutions providers.

Feasibility Studies and Business Planning Commercial Modelling and

comprehensive range of programme and project management services, supporting clients in their project lifecycle.

Revenue Forecasting CAPEX and OPEX Budgeting

Wide Range of Services

HUMAN CAPITAL SERVICES Master Media’s range of recruitment

Master Media delivers a varied


services include executive search and

portfolio of consultancy and


selection for senior management,

professional services to the media and


both permanent and interim, and

broadcasting industry, from feasibility

Master Media manages RFPs

recruitment of complete operational

studies and business planning to

and tenders from requirements

and technical teams for start-up

setting up a broadcasting network,

development, through vendor

organisations and broadcasters.

Master Media is member of various international industry associations like the IABM, IEEE, SMPTE, AES, the Arab HDTV group and others.



The company provides an expert mix


of talent placement services especially

Broadcast Technology and

on project-basis. Master Media

Operations Consultancy, and

also develops training programmes


customised to client needs.

Consultancy, Vendor Management, BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT SUPPORT

and Project Management for

With a deep understanding and

Workplace Transformation Project PUBLIC AUTHORITY FOR RADIO

rich network within the Middle

AND TV, OMAN: Training and

East’s media industry, Master Media provides strategic advice and

Operational Assistance ERICSSON BROADCAST AND

business development support to companies interested in entering


the Middle East market.

MEDIA): Market Entry Strategy Development and Implementation

Select Projects and Clients Master Media’s clients and projects include a variety of regional and international media entities. Some of the

URDU 1, PAKISTAN: Technology Hasan R. Sayed Hasan, Managing Director, Master Media.

projects undertaken and clients served over the last few years are listed below.


and Launch Support CHANNEL92, PAKISTAN: Technology Consultancy



and Operations Consultancy

Multi-Disciplinary Strategic Consultancy A REGIONAL NATIONAL

Technology, Facilities Design and


Smart Solutions Consultancy

and Operations Audit

ADSTREAM, UK: Market Entry Advisory Services YOUTOO TECHNOLOGIES, USA: Market Entry Advisory Services FLY STUDIO, CANADA: Business Development Support

Contact Master Media FZ-LLC Media Zone Abu Dhabi (twofour54) Building 5, Office 502F PO Box 77915 Abu Dhabi, UAE Tel: +971 2 6349121 Website: Hasan R. Sayed Hasan Managing Director Tel: +971 55 881 7437 Email:

Social Media Master_MediaTV Master Media team with their partners OrchestraBlue and Janson Tsai Design.



Distributors Advanced Media Cineom Broadcast DMCC NMK Electronics Ent.




Complete range of broadcast solutions Founded in 2002, Advanced Media

equipment in the Middle East.

Canon, Manfrotto, SWIT, Atomos,

Trading LLC is the Middle East’s

Through the consistent introduction

Fujinon, Teradek, Movcam, GFM,

largest supplier of broadcast, cinema,

of new technologies, brands

Cartoni, Blackmagic, SanDisk, Avenger,

professional video and photography

and industry innovations, the

Zacuto, Shape, Nisi Filters, Movcam,

equipment and accessories.

company’s core vision is to be the

Metabones, Sigma, Tokina, Vislink,

Headquartered in Dubai, UAE, Advanced

number one trusted supplier and

RTS, LEE Filters, Rotolight, Dedolight,

Media conducts business all over the

service provider in the region.

Kino Flo, Astera LED, Datavideo,

MENA and is engaged in every aspect of

Sennheiser, Rode Audio, Sigma,

the industry including sales, consultancy,

World-renowned Brands

G-Technology, PlayBox, Datacolor,

installation, training, service and

More than 80 well-known brands in the

Sonifex, Angelbird, Tether Tools, Zhiyun,

maintenance. The company has been

cinematography, professional video

iFootage, Edelkrone, Floatcam, DoP

conducting business throughout the

and photography industry are sold in

Choice, Freefly, Insta360, SmallHD,

region for 18 years, developing a robust

the main showroom and distributed

Filmgear, Lastolite, Colorama, HPRC,

and loyal client database in the process.

across subsidiary shops in the region.

Godox, Zoom Audio and many more.

Some of these well-known brands


are Sony Professional Solutions,

Showrooms and Service Centres

Advanced Media’s vision is to remain

Carl Zeiss, DJI, Hasselblad, Profoto,

The Advanced Media Trading showroom

the best supplier of broadcast

RED, ARRI, Angenieux, Cooke Optics,

and offices are conveniently located at

The Advanced Media showroom.


The Advanced Media stand at CABSAT 2019.


The service centre at Advanced Media.

Al Khaleej Center in Dubai, UAE. The

hosts educational and promotional


250 sq.m. showroom provides a ‘hands-

events to showcase a selection of its

Advanced Media has received several

on’ experience with the opportunity

latest products and services. These

awards in the past few years by

to test a wide range of products, and

events and workshops are often

industry experts for its contribution

associates are always on hand to offer

hosted by key industry professionals

to the broadcast and media field

professional support and advice. A

from across the globe who offer

in the Middle East. These are:

highly professional, multi-lingual team

valuable insights into technological

of 80 individuals are industry experts

advancements and techniques.

in various aspects of the photography and videography business. In 2019, Advanced Media opened a second showroom next to the company’s main warehouse in the Al Quoz industrial area of Dubai, in September 2019, to allow a quick facility for customers residing in that area of town. The company also opened a showroom and service facility in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Advanced Media service centres are authorised service centres for

Some recent workshops include: Cine In: Explore the World of Motion Picture & Beyond (February 2020) DJI Mavic Mini and RoboMaster S1 Workshop Creative Portrait Photography Workshop (by Profoto and Sony) REDucation Workshop (by RED Digital Cinema) DJI Osmo Pocket Product Launch Event ‘The Power of Imagery’, A

Winner of Outstanding Initiatives from a Distributor – BroadcastPro 2019 Winner of Distributor Initiative of the Year – Digital Studio 2018 SWIT Best Cooperative Award 2017 & 2019 Winner of Best Distributor of the Year – Digital Studio CABSAT 2010, 2011, 2012 & 2013 (four consecutive years) Sony Best Accredited Service Centre in the Middle East 2012 Sony Excellent Achievement Award 2012

Wedding Photography Seminar

most brands distributed in the region

Astrophotography Workshop

by the company. Engineering teams

Sony A7 III Product Launch

comprise certified professionals

ATOMOS Workshop: Road to HDR

Advanced Media Trading LLC

who are committed to serving the

Zeiss Open-Day - Photography Lenses

No. 409, 4th floor, Al Khaleej Center

technical and maintenance needs


Bur Dubai, Dubai, UAE

of customers. The service centre is


authorised to perform repairs both

Advanced Media is one of the biggest

in and out of warranty periods for

participants at key exhibitions in

products from all exclusive brands.

the UAE since 2003. Some of these

Mob: +971509767167

exhibitions are CABSAT, XPOSURE

Fax: +971 4 352 9976

Training Workshop and Events

International Photography Festival,

Advanced Media Trading regularly

Photo Live, Gulf Photo Plus and GITEX.

PO Box 44156 Tel: +971 4 352 9977




Effecting technically viable solutions Solution Verticals

Cineom, a systems integration

Cineom is also exclusive partner

company with solutions design

for the MENA region for USA-based

expertise has played a dominant

playout automation software

set up TV channels, MCR, PCR, Car

role in the media and entertainment

company, Broadstream Solutions.

room, OB vans, etc. Integration

industry. For the past two decades,

Additionally, the company is

Broadcast: Turnkey solutions to

and configuration of hardware

the company’s solutions have

complemented by delivering 50plus

and software, design of systems

shaped the world of broadcast,

industry-standard, technology-based

architecture and workflow operations

film, professional audio-video and

products that help run the media and

digital segment, and built a network

entertainment powerhouses in India,

and service centre for ARRI cameras

of trustworthy clients. With the

the Middle East and Africa. Growing

in India and the MENA. Setting up

vision to keep abreast of evolving

by the day and by delivering disruptive

film post-production facilities

technology and to contribute to the

technologies beyond expectations,

global market, Cineom Broadcast

Cineom has developed an uncommon

music recording, dubbing, foley

India Ltd. established its presence

level of respect in the industry.

and mixing studios. Complete

in the MENA with its subsidiary, Cineom Broadcast DMCC, in 2019.

Moving ahead, Cineom is committed

Film: Only authorised distributor

Audio Post: Turnkey solutions for

design and execution of acoustics,

to chartering newer territories while

isolation and systems design

treading towards a global presence

Video Post: Design supply and

authorised distributor and

and garnering international status

integration of post-production

ARRI approved service centre for

and fame. Cineom aims to undertake

facilities. Facilitating virtual

ALEXA camera systems in the region,

global large-sized turnkey projects

production facilities for film and

Cineom possesses an astute team

with a focus on the MENA. It has set

broadcast environment. AV and

of systems integrators, sales and

its eyes on providing integrated visual

FMs design on facility management

services professionals who have

and audio experiences for forward-

services such as HVAC access control

carved a niche in the industry in

thinking audiences, using state-of-

lighting and CCTV solutions. Provision

areas of product and project sales.

the-art AI-driven technologies.

of show control projection, stitching

Accredited as the only ARRI

Cineom Partners



Shailesh Parab (left) and Vinayak Deo, Directors, Cineom.

Team Cineom.

assured music, videos and graphics

and international sports with 17

AV: Solutions for AV requirements

with their channel Wanene TV.

channels broadcasting premier

like OOH advertising, videowalls,

Services offered by Cineom: A

sporting events, which include cricket

e-learning, show control and

turnkey project with complete audio

coverage under the purview of the

projection stitching. Providing

and video production and post-

International Cricket Council (ICC),

facility management services

production facilities under one roof,

football, the Formula 1, Wimbledon

such as HVAC, access control,

as also an online web channel.

and many other sporting events.

and smart classroom solutions

lighting and CCTV solutions

Digital Services Installation of watermarking

Royal Opera House, Muscat

Services offered by Cineom:

The leading arts and culture

Systems integration of complete

organisation in the Sultanate of Oman.

studio PCR facility with Grass

Services offered by Cineom: Integration

Valley and Zero Density.

setup to accurately measure TRP

of complete audio-visual set up for

ratings for 600 plus channels

the opera house connecting over

along with 24/7 support service

450 audio, video and data panels


Facilitating Cloud-based MAM and

across entire facility and multiple

Cineom Broadcast DMCC

monitoring solutions, ad tagging

devices to centrally located hub.

Unit No. 2109, Jumeirah

and meta data creation services Cineom also possesses expertise in

Jam8 Studios, India A music production company conceived

Bay Tower X2 Cluster X, Jumeirah Lakes Towers

creating OTT infrastructure either On

and founded by Pritam Chakraborty,

Premise or Cloud-based. Through

India’s biggest music composer, and

PO Box 414659, Dubai, UAE

its sister concern Desynova Digital,

one of the largest of its kind in India.

Tel: +971 45570477

it has ventured into providing

Services offered by Cineom: A turnkey

Cloud-based Media ERP and MAM

studio project design enabling


solutions, successfully launching

5.1 recording scalable to Dolby

and managing operations for

standards. Multiple programming

two channels through Cloud

rooms for music production, live recording rooms and control rooms.

Key Projects

Star Sports, Mumbai

Wanene Studios, Tanzania

Apart from 40 odd GEC channels,

A 360-degree content creation

the Star Sports network is home

company that brings to life quality

to a number of leading domestic

Website: PN Nithin Panicker Business Development Manager Technical Sales Tel: +971 588400341 Email:



Broadcast solutions under one roof NMK Electronics Ent. began its operations in 1987 focusing on the AV industry. From its humble beginnings in Sharjah, the company has grown into a leading distributor of professional AV equipment in the Middle East. Headquartered in Dubai, UAE, NMK is the exclusive distributor of top tier AV brands. With a long history in the AV business spanning over 33 years, NMK is prepared for new successful ventures that will propel the company

NMK at CABSAT 2019.

Shure Studio Range at CABSAT 2019.

to greater heights in the coming years. firmware updated and pre-tested for

with the latest technology available

Distribution and Other Activities

manufacturing defects. The segments in

in the market. Since its founding,

The key differentiator of NMK among

which NMK operates include install, live,

NMK has built and developed strong

other players is its pro-active approach

sound, lighting, broadcast, production,

relationships with manufacturers

in representing brands. The company

consumer and communications market.

and clients through its exceptional

does not merely offer products, it

Education and delivery of updated

customer service and support.

provides live demonstrations, thorough

information is covered by regular

training and certifications along with

training events for dealers and

exceptional after-sales support. The

end-users. All seminars are certified

company’s service centre provides

and most of the trainings are free

ADX Series Transmitters

local support and repairs for all brands

to attend in the UAE, Oman, Kuwait

The Axient Wireless Management

distributed by the company. Each

and Saudi Arabia, with the main goal

Network confidently navigates even

product that leaves the warehouse is

of keeping the region up-to-date

the most limited spectrum. Axient

Brands Distributed

Broadcast Products in Focus Shure – Axient Digital With



components continuously monitor, evaluate, prioritise, queue and assign compatible UHF frequencies. They are fully networkable, enabling real-time remote adjustments. Both AD series and ADX series transmitters are compatible with a shared Axient Digital receiver platform. This scalable wireless system includes a groundbreaking micro-bodypack and provides incomparable sound for a wide

Allen & Heath Training at NMK DSO Facility.

range of applications and settings. Luminex – Gigacore 12 Shure – TwinPlex (Premium

Clear-Com – Wireless Intercom

A managed Gigabit Ethernet

FreeSpeak Edge - FreeSpeak Edge

Subminiature Omnidirectional

switch designed to set up

works in the 5GHz bandwidth,

Lavaliers and Headsets)

professional lighting and AV

beyond what you know about

Designed for the rigours of theatre,

networks, in a user-friendly way.

wireless intercom. It extends the

TwinPlex microphones are built to take on the diverse needs of top-

entire FreeSpeak range, giving Luminex – Araneo

freedom to think bigger, offers

tier audio professionals in every

Provides a complete graphical overview

clear communication, works

setting, with reliable clarity for TV and

of a Luminex Network, showing

everywhere, takes control, is

film, tailored-for-speech audio for

connections, data flow and problems in

scalable, reliable and robust. It is

speaking appearances and discreet

a simple, clear and graphical manner.

the ideal wireless roaming solution

durability for broadcast usage.

for live event, broadcast, sport Neutrik – NA2-IO-DPRO


A 2IN, 2OUT breakout box designed

VP83 | VP83F | VP82 | VP89 | VP64

to connect legacy audio equipment

| VP88 - durable and lightweight

with the Dante network. It features

microphones in various form factors

high-quality microphone preamps and

for broadcast and media production.

2 Dante ports for redundant setup or daisy chaining. Audio parameters are

Allen & Heath – dLive

adjusted by the DPRO Controller app.

broadcast and premium installation.

and government applications.

Contact NMK Electronics Ent. Str. 8, Com. 128, Warehouse #1 Al Khabaisi, Deira Dubai, UAE

Built on latest generation whilst being created for professional touring,

production, industrial, military

Neutrik - opticalCON DRAGONFLY OpticalCON DRAGONFLY is more

NMK Middle East FZE

robust, reliable and easier to

LIU 14

maintain than common hybrid

Dubai Silicon Oasis, Dubai, UAE

The third mixer based on A&H’s 96kHz

camera signal transmission systems.

Tel: +971 4 266 5244

XCVI FPGA engine, Avantis puts all next-

Its innovative fusion splice high-

generation technology in a 64 channel /

performance lens transmits UHD 4K


42 configurable bus console, with dual

and 8K signals with very low loss, as

full HD touchscreens, super-flexible

the signal surface of the XB2 lens


workflow with Continuity UI, extensive

is 322 times larger than physical


I/O options, add-on processing from

contact surfaces. It is outstanding

the flagship dLive mixing system

for field broadcast applications


and a rugged full metal chassis.

looking for SMPTE connections.

Allen & Heath – Avantis

Social Media







Perfecting IP video delivery Zixi provides a cloud-based and

most of the top media brands around

OTT/digital video delivery, replacing

on-premise Software-Defined Video

the world with 20,000 plus live channels

or augmenting satellite technology,

Platform (SDVP) that enables reliable

delivered daily. Zixi is headquartered

cost-effective content exchange and

broadcast-quality video delivery over

in Waltham, Massachusetts, USA,

creation of new revenue sources,

any IP network, protocol, cloud provider

with R&D facilities in Tel Aviv, Israel.

remote monitoring and operations, and virtualisation of infrastructures.

or edge device. The Zixi SDVP is used by broadcasters, enterprises, OTT video

Area of Expertise

and mobile service providers around

The Zixi SDVP makes it easy and


the world to scale from simple point-

economical for media companies to

IPTV/streaming software, 4K transcoding

to-point and point-to-multipoint to

source, manage, localise and distribute

and delivery of live video, OTT

end-to-end live streaming solutions.

live linear channels and live events in

workflow and cloud virtualisation.

Over 10 plus years, the Zixi Enabled

broadcast QoS, securely and at scale,

Network has grown to more than 200

using any form of IP network or hybrid IP


OEM and service providers, serving

environments. Clients turn to Zixi with a

The Zixi SDVP is the tight integration

well over 700 customers representing

range of use cases, including simplifying

of four crucial elements that enable broadcast-quality live video workflows to be centrally provisioned, deployed, managed and monitored using software and integrated devices, regardless of the underlying network infrastructure. Protocols and Transport: Built upon the UDP protocol, the Zixi protocol is congestion and network-aware, and dynamically adjusts to varying network conditions by employing patented Forward Error Correction techniques for error-free video transport over IP, with up to 45% packet loss recovery and ultra-low latency delivery as low as 300 ms. Adopted for use in AWS Elemental MediaConnect, the



Regional Customers

Zixi protocol provides security with

ZEN Master: Zixi’s control plane ZEN

DTLS and AES encryption, allows for

Master enables live video orchestration

Zixi customers in the Middle East include

multicast transport, alleviates encoder

and stream management, providing

most leading broadcasters, content

backpressure, conducts bonding

control over large complex network

owners and service providers who

over multiple transmission paths

environments. This cloud-based interface

use Zixi for contribution, monitoring

and bitrate adaptation to make the

provides visual and automated tools

and distribution of live linear video to

internet usable for professional video.

to configure, manage and monitor live

studios, satellites, OTT platforms and

In addition to the Zixi protocol, the Zixi

broadcast channels at scale and across

more. Customers include AWS, Intersat,

SDVP currently supports 16 different

industry protocols. It allows customers to

Gulfsat, MBC, Mediavision, Nilesat,

industry accepted protocols and

provision, orchestrate and deploy multi-

OSN, Red Bee Media, SES, Sky News

containers: NDI, RIST, RTP, RTP+FEC,

party video supply chains and provides vast

Arabia and Wide Network Solutions.

UDP, HLS, CMAF HLS, Low Latency

amounts of telemetry across the entire

HLS, DASH, RTMP, SRT, Multipath

supply chain of Zixi integrated devices.

TCP, TCP BBR, RTSP, HTTP, WebRTC. Zixi Enabled Network: The Zixi Video Solutions Stack: Zixi’s Video

Enabled Network consists of the 700 plus

Solutions Stack provides essential

customers and 200 plus Zixi-enabled

software tools and core media

vendor devices and platforms deployed

processing functions that enable

around the world. It provides a scalable

broadcasters to transport live video

platform to easily interconnect leading

over any IP network, correcting for

media companies, their cloud and

packet loss and jitter. This software

service providers and thousands of

manages all supported protocols,

edge devices globally. Recent integrated

collects analytics and layers intelligence

technology partners include Blackbird,

on top of the protocols such as

Net Insight, Irdeto and Vimond.

bonding and patent pending hitless failover across any configuration and

It is these four components of the Zixi SDVP

any IP infrastructure, allowing users

working together that leads to superior

to achieve 7-nines of reliability.

video distribution over IP for customers.

Contact Zixi Waltham Massachusetts 02451, USA Michael Poppler Director of International Sales Tel: 1-617-501-8718 Email: Website:

Social Media @ZixiNews Zixi Staff Zixi-Software-Defined Video Platform


Manufacturers Absen Argosy Middle East LLC Autoscript Brainstorm Brightcove Clear-Com Guntermann & Drunck GmbH Lawo Merging Technologies Nagra Nautel RCS MENA Riedel Communications Robe Ross Video Sennheiser Middle East Shure Synamedia Telestream TSL Products Vinten VITEC VSN 37



Delivering the ultimate visual experience with highquality LED video walls machines, two automated lines to improve PCB turnover efficiency, 20 automatic printers and five AOI (automated optical inspection) machines. With 20 SMT lines, the company can produce 520,000 pixels each hour with the production capacity at the PCBA workshop reaching up to two million pixels. To ensure the high quality of products, Absen imports advanced manufacturing machines and devices and hires professional teams. In 2018, Absen joined hands with Mitsubishi and SAP to launch a US$2million plus manufacturing execution system (MES) programme to drive deeper digital Absen is a leading LED display

billboards, airports, command centres,

transformation within the factory,

manufacturer offering professional

houses of worship and beyond. The

which has improved manufacturing

indoor, outdoor, fixed and rental LED

company is renowned for its global

and management efficiency and

products and solutions. Established

presence, full-service capability and high-

reduced cost and carbon footprints.

in 2001, Absen has been the largest

quality products for various industries.

Chinese exporter of LED panels for

Full-service Capability

11 consecutive years. With 30,000

Advanced Manufacturing Facility

and more cases in over 120 countries

Absen boasts a world-class factory

built a developed customer service

across the globe, Absen’s LED panels

in Shenzhen China with state-of-the-art

system with 14 domestic and overseas

can be found everywhere from small

manufacturing facilities. It has

companies worldwide, including branches

to big businesses, broadcast studios,

20 SMT (surface mounting technology)

in China, Germany, the USA, the UAE,

live shows, retail shops, sport events,

production lines, 34 high-speed SMT

Japan, Russia, Brazil and Mexico.

Through the last 19 years, Absen has



With a mission to ‘maximise value for customers’, Absen invented the Absen Certified Engineer (ACE) programme to make its collective knowledge and expertise available to more partners and customers. The industry-first and free value-added training programme is continuously updated to ensure engineers are well-equipped to deal with client demands. Since its inception in 2014, more than 1,500 professionals have been certified worldwide. To further enforce servicing capabilities, the Absen Certified Abserners (ACA) training programme targets Absen employees and some digital systems such as the Absen Service Centre (ASC) and System

product tailored for the broadcast studio,

Applications and Products (SAP) etc.

control room, corporate and retail

solution for any meeting space. Absen has been trusted by systems

markets that require exceptional visual

integrators, production companies or

Absen Middle East

performance. With 27.5” in diagonal and

advertising companies worldwide to

Based in Dubai, UAE, Absen Middle East

a 16:9 aspect ratio, Acclaim A27 Plus is

deliver expert digital solutions for their

is the eighth international subsidiary

equivalent to one quarter the size of a

customers, such as the record-breaking

for Absen. It was from here that the

traditional LCD 55” video wall panel.

167sq.m. curved screen with 103

company began to expand into the

It boasts higher colour uniformity,

million pixels in the Shenzhen Longgang

international market. In the past five

brightness and contrast and is able to

smart city project and video wall in

years since its establishment, Absen

deliver extraordinary real-time in-camera

Hungary Echo TV studio in Europe.

Middle East has grown impressively

visual impact and better user experience.

with a strong local service network and a highly-motivated team that consists

Absenicon Series

Contact Absen HQ

of over 20 sales professionals, expert

Absenicon is an all-in-one presentation

engineers and business assistants.

solution tailored to meet spaces of any

18-20F Building 3A

size and able to deliver ultimate meeting

Cloud Park, Bantian Huawei Base

Award-winning LED Video Wall Solutions

experience. Designed to create bright,

Longgang District

open and highly-productive meeting

LED is the preferred technology now due

environments, Absenicon maintains

Shenzhen 518129, China

to its adjustable brightness, high refresh

attendees’ attention while improving

rate, low heat output and outstanding

information delivery effectiveness and

ability to create seamless big screens.

overall efficiency, taking users’ meeting

When it comes to how digital display

room experience to the next level.

can be applied to broadcast media

Currently there are four different

Tel: +86-755-89747399 Email: Website: Absen Middle East DMCC

environment, Absen finds itself being

standard sizes ranging from 110” to

Room 1705, Tower 2

utilised in numerous global projects with

220”. Absenicon also features wider

Cluster X, JLT, Dubai, UAE

its market-leading LED display solutions.

viewing angle, higher levels of brightness,

Alina Yuan, Sales Manager

contrast and colour saturation than

Tel: +97155 8868176

Acclaim A27 Series The Acclaim A27 series is a unique

traditional projectors and LCD displays, which make it a perfect presentation




Building key infrastructural elements Product Lines

Argosy has specialised in the

stock facility. This strategic move

manufacture and distribution of

allows the company to serve clients

Racking and Mains Distribution Units

infrastructure products to the

based in the Middle East and to offer

Video Audio and Data Cabling

broadcast and AV sectors for over

them faster, more efficient services.

Connectors and Patching

35 years. Acting as a one-stop

SMPTE and Fibre Assembly Equipment

shop for systems engineers and

KVM and Network Switches

designers, Argosy supports the creation of sophisticated solutions

Reducing Lead Times and Stress

quickly, simply and cost-effectively.

The ability to consistently stock high

Supplying first-class solutions for

volumes of an expanding product

every aspect of media infrastructure,

portfolio locally is a point of pride for

from cables and connectors to active

Argosy. Customers can rely on the

hardware devices such as network

company to deliver for that big, last-

switches, fibre transport and keyboard,

minute job with reduced lead times,

video and mouse (KVM) switches, Argosy

whilst saving a lot of stress in the process.

is a trusted global brand. The company

This is good news for the growing local

has offices in the UK, UAE and Malaysia,

market here in the UAE, with countries

and with representation across

like Bahrain, Oman and Lebanon also

mainland Europe, India and Africa through a network of resellers. Argosy has been trading in the Middle East for over

registering growth in the sports sector. The construction of more stadia and arenas increases the need to produce local video content. Argosy is perfectly

a decade,

positioned to deliver


orders quickly to

relocating its

the region and to

Dubai offices

provide immediate

and opening a

assistance for such

new showroom and

projects, through



Cliff Connectors, Draka-Prysmian,


Fischer, Ghielmetti, KVM-TEC,

Argosy has been supporting

Lemo, Mellanox, Neutrik,

broadcasters and AV installers

OCC, Percon and Telegartner.

since 1984, and has worked with clients including the BBC, Sky,


Clever Products for Busy People

Formula One, FIFA World Cup, MBC,

Argosy has always taken a

Google, Amazon, and many more.

Al Jazeera, Olympics, Facebook,


systems-based approach to its

office in Dubai.

product offering, ensuring that

4K, Argosy’s partnerships will also

Argosy has a

associated products complement

prove indispensable to the region’s


each other. For example, Argosy

content producers and broadcasters

uses the relevant tooling to

as they implement their 4K, SMPTE

reputation as one of the market leaders in the supply of racking, cable and connector

tailor its connectors to suit its cable. This gives engineers and

As the Middle East moves towards

2110 and 5G upgrades. With the media world changing rapidly and

systems, patching solutions and mains

wiremen the assurance that the

demanding more outputs and higher

distribution units (MDUs). More recently,

whole system integrates seamlessly.

resolutions, customers need to be

it has added fibre-optic assemblies

The latest generation of high-

able to rely on suppliers to ensure

to its portfolio, as well as network

bandwidth, IP-connected KVM solutions

they have the right infrastructure

switches, KVM, and structured cabling.

for example can deliver secure

hardware, now and for the future.

This expansion into active hardware

connectivity with low latency, while

gives a comprehensive solution to AV

linking multiple workstations to multiple

know the company has grown to be

installers and broadcasters alike.

computers. Such solutions reduce clutter

more than just a cable stockist. The

in operational areas, as they only require

company helps finalise details of

of in-house manufactured patching and

one keyboard, mouse and monitor to

installations, ensuring a system works

termination panels, equipment racks,

instantly access multiple services. This

the first time and stays working. Argosy

SMPTE fibre assemblies and camera

reduces cost by eliminating the need

are problem solvers, finding solutions

cables and tactical fibre. Argosy also

for multiple monitors and contributing

that are reliable, practical and, in an

offer products from leading names such

significantly to an improvement

atmosphere of increasing environmental

as Allied Telesis, Barnfind, BES, Canare,

in environmental performance.

concerns, as green as it can be!

Clients can choose from a wide range

Argosy’s loyal line-up of customers

Contact Argosy Middle East LLC Showroom 10, Al Habbai1 building (Behind Time Dunes hotel apartment) Oud Metha, Dubai, UAE Email: Website: Raziullah Baig Regional Sales Manager

Social Media ArgosyCable argosy-components-ltd



Professional teleprompting solutions Autoscript, a Vitec Group brand,

synchronisation and easier operation.

is the leading global provider of

With every component designed

EVO-IP The slim, lightweight design of

professional teleprompting equipment

around an IP-based workflow, Autoscript

the new EVO-IP prompt monitor

to broadcasters. Established in 1984,

Intelligent Prompting delivers the

is perfect for productions using

Autoscript manufactures reliable,

connectivity, flexibility, ease of use and

even small robotic supports. As an

premium-quality hardware and software

redundancy critical for live broadcast

Intelligent Prompting device, the

solutions for both networks and

operations of today and tomorrow.

monitor includes IP connectivity

stand-alone operations. Autoscript’s

and scroll engine functionality

new Intelligent Prompting system is a


as well as HD-SDI and composite

fully IP-enabled, end-to-end prompting

WinPlus-IP is Autoscript’s latest

inputs for use with an external

workflow, which supports video

prompting software, compatible with all

scroll box. The EVO-IP on-camera

(eg. HD-SDI) workflows as standard

leading newsroom computer systems.

system comes with Autoscript’s new

where required. Intelligent Prompting

By upgrading to WinPlus-IP, Autoscript

Intelligent Prompting mounting

devices, including the innovative

users can benefit from a wide range

and carbon fibre hood, vastly

EVO-IP prompt monitor can connect

of new features designed to improve

reducing both weight and setup

to WinPlus-IP prompting software

prompting efficiency and reliability.

time for easier operation.

via an IP network enabling extremely

WinPlus-IP and its associated accessories

flexible integration and operation in

give users the flexibility to choose

any location with network access.

Ethernet-based prompting, traditional

For the simplest and most reliable

baseband video workflows (eg.

solution, Intelligent Prompting avoids

HD-SDI), or any combination of the

the “video over IP” approach with

two based on their requirements.

its lack of bandwidth, latency issues

The result is greater prompting

and potential for synchronisation

flexibility as well as faster

errors. Instead, Intelligent Prompting

editing and operation, together

ensures that much less data is sent

with the industry’s easiest

over the IP network by placing the

setup, configuration, and

intelligence needed to generate the

status monitoring.

script inside each prompting monitor. In this manner, the monitor is able to produce the video output directly while remaining in constant communication with the master application to ensure perfect ongoing




via ethernet to WinPlus-IP. Dual HD-SDI

Bijla TV

The EPIC-IP integrated system uses the

outputs support the distribution of

Bahrain TV

EVO-IP prompt monitor with its sleek

the teleprompter video to traditional

MTV Lebanon

design and in-built connectivity to create

prompt monitors. In addition, a Power

Al Hayat TV

the lightest weight prompting solution

over Ethernet output can be used to

with integrated talent monitor. The new

power an Intelligent Prompting scroll

Autoscript has its headquarters

EPIC Talent Monitor (ETM) is detachable

control ideal for single controller setups.

located in London, with sales offices in EMEA, the Americas and Japan.

offering the flexibility to upgrade at any point and a 24� talent monitor is

iEVO / WP-i

available to add to the EVO-IP 19� when

The iEVO app allows one or more iPads

a large feedback screen is required.

to be connected to WinPlus-IP to be used as teleprompters, additional reference,


or operator preview monitors in any

The HC-IP desktop hand control has

location on the network. With a WP-i

been ergonomically designed to

licence for WinPlus-IP, a prompted

maximise performance and comfort.

script can be displayed on an iPad

From providing a neutral hand position

connected over WiFi or wired Ethernet

with adequate wrist support, left or

adapter providing a reliable, portable

right-handed operation and using Power

monitor for your operators or talent.

of Ethernet for simple integration, everything was considered to create

Key Clients

a controller that is radically different

Kuwait TV

to the options previously available.

Sharjah Media Corporation Sky News Arabia


Saudi Broadcasting Authority

The XBox-IP is an extremely compact

Al Jazeera

and tough scroll engine that networks

Al Rayyan TV

Contact Vitec Production Solutions Parkring 29 85748 Garching Germany Tel: +49 (0) 89 32158-200 Fax: +49 (0) 89 32158-227 Email: Salessupport_EMEA@ Website:

Social Media autoscriptTv autoscriptTv autoscriptTv autoscriptTv showcase/autoscript



Creating compelling real-time visual experiences Brainstorm provides real-time 3D graphics, augmented reality and virtual set solutions for broadcast, feature film production and corporate presentations workflows. With more than 25 years in the industry and over 2,500 installations worldwide, Brainstorm’s customer list includes many of the world’s leading broadcasters plus numerous smaller and regional stations. Brainstorm is a specialist company focused on assisting its clients to create highly engaging visual experiences for their viewers. The trajectory of the company and its products has granted significant recognitions, including the

is not just for showcasing a number

European Seal of e-Excellence, the IBC

of extremely advanced technologies,

Virtual Sets and Augmented Reality

Innovation Award, the Innovation Award

but also for the flexibility it gives

With the creation of eStudio, Brainstorm

of the Spanish Computer Society, the IABM

to operators and producers alike.

has been at the edge of innovation

Game Changer Award and many more.

Aston: The designers’ choice for

and pioneered the application of

2D/3D motion graphics creation,

camera tracking to 3D real-time


CG and playout system developed

virtual sets. Today eStudio interfaces

The company’s flagship product,

with graphic artists in mind, it is

with practically every tracking

eStudio, is the industry’s most versatile

built from the ground up to be

system available in the market.

real-time 3D render engine and the

extremely user-friendly so that

base on which all other products run.

operators can concentrate on

is InfinitySet, that takes advantage of

It enables both design and real-time

creation rather than pure operation.

the TrackFree technology: a totally new,

playout of virtual studios and 3D

Neuron: A flexible and modular

The flagship virtual set and AR product

patented and revolutionary approach

graphics, as well as the easy creation of

MOS-compatible system, this

to Virtual Set production. TrackFree

customised products and applications.

integrates graphics creation

provides total freedom to use any

and management into the

tracking system, trackless or fixed

most common newsroom, and

cameras, or a combination of these at a

continuity and broadcast traffic

time, while seamlessly integrating them

operation environments.

if required to create a highly appealing,

Key Products InfinitySet: This all-in-one virtual set and real-time 3D graphics solution



eye-catching viewing experience. It can be used in combination with the integrated internal chroma key software or external chroma key hardware, even within the same production. Augmented Reality also requires interaction between sets, talents and virtual objects, many of them created out of external data sources such as statistics, charts, bars, and many others. These data-driven objects allow for visually engaging representations of the data that can be better explained by the presenters when placed in the set. During election nights, news, sport or entertainment

Engine, InfinitySet can include real-time

bump mapping, advanced 3D shadows

programmes, data bars and other

graphic elements such as 3D motion

or PBR rendering, to name just a few.

statistics can interact with the talents

graphics, lower-thirds, tickers, CG and

creating an attractive augmented

many others, within the excellently

full screen graphics and animations,

reality environment for the audience.

rendered and realistic background

virtually any kind of 2D or 3D graphic

scene. Other unique features of

can be accomplished with Aston.

version 4 of InfinitySet includes unique

InfinitySet are TeleTransporter, 3D

With Aston, Brainstorm has merged

features designed to enhance content

Presenter, Virtual Shadows, Dynamic

20 years of development of real-

creation and output, boosting its

Virtual Focus or the control of external

time 3D graphics with the legendary

Combined Render Engine with Unreal

lights and chroma key hardware.

Aston heritage, creating a product

Along with those, the brand-new

Engine, which now enables InfinitySet

From stills, lower-thirds or OTS to

that is used around the world in a

to function as ‘Unreal native’. And since

Real-Time Motion Graphics

variety of broadcast environments

Unreal engine can be combined with

Aston is Brainstorm’s 2D/3D motion

where it proves its robustness every

the Brainstorm engine, it provides the

graphics creation solution, CG and

day. Aston is perfectly suited for

best of both worlds: photorealistic

playout. It features advanced tools and

demanding broadcast workflows,

backgrounds and broadcast graphics

object properties such as high-end 2D

where the pressure is constant to

together. By using the Combined Render

and 3D textures and materials, shaders,

quickly deliver high-quality graphics.

Contact Brainstorm Multimedia S.L. Avenida de la Albufera 321, Planta 3, Of. 12, 28031 Madrid, Spain Tel: +34 91 781 67 50 Email: Website: ME Sales Manager Borja Chirivella C/ Maestro Gozalbo, 23 46005 Valencia. Spain Tel: +34 96 353 035



Making video experiences better Award-winning Support: Problems happen. Customers can call on award-winning support that follows the sun. For the sixth year, the Technology Services Industry Association has awarded Brightcove the Support Staff Excellence award. Secure Future: Wherever your audience is, you are and nowhere else. As your audience moves to new platforms and devices at a relentless pace, Brightcove helps you stay ahead in a changing world. Beyond Brightcove’s stability, scalability, support and security, its Brightcove supplies award-winning


services are developed to provide

video services for more than 3700

The Brightcove team, whether in

customers with the capabilities to

customers panning 70 plus countries

Dubai, Mumbai or any of its 12 offices,

grow. As Frost and Sullivan recently

and helping organisations of all

believes the success of its customer

confirmed, Brightcove delivers

sizes to exceed their goals through

is their own success. This means the

global, market-leading services for

video. Since 2004, Brightcove has

company’s operations are structured

customers that have a wide range of

consistently pushed boundaries to

to deliver three core qualities that help

requirements – from ‘off the shelf’

create a robust, scalable, innovative

you deliver, to include the following:

projects that need fast delivery

platform for organisations that are serious about video. The company

and simplified workflows, to multiStability: As a NASDAQ traded

year projects with development

sets the standard for professional-

company, founded in 2004, Brightcove

roadmaps that put a long-term

grade video management, distribution

is not a start-up. Brightcove was

strategy in the driving seat.

and monetisation, thanks to R&D-

streaming before Youtube and the

driven continuous innovation,

company’s experience within the

and developed to give customers

unrivalled customer support and

industry has guided it to create a

the capabilities needed to best

an extensive partner ecosystem.

stable, progressive video platform.

deliver service to core audiences.

Brightcove services are directed


Your Capabilities with Brightcove


Insertion (SSAI) which increases digital

Broadcast: Audiences are now

revenues by replacing broadcast

cable-cutting and mobile-first but

ads with digital ads, either in VOD

expecting the same quality of

or live, as well as advanced analytics

experience as traditional broadcast.

that help identify audiences.

With Brightcove’s VOD, OTT and live Scalability: Brightcove currently

services, customers can provide the same to them, scaling audiences

deliver 99.999% uptime and 500

across devices and at the same

million video views a week, 31 billion

quality as traditional broadcast.

views a year, watching over 800 million videos. Brightcove is available

Live: When it has to be live, it has

across 16 cloud-first data centres

to be Brightcove. With reliable, HD

around the world and is able to scale

and multi-stream live streaming

from 80,000 concurrent viewers

service, Brightcove has been able to scale to 14 million concurrent

Rick Cordeiro, Head of Middle

to 3.4 million in just 24 minutes.

East and Africa, Brightcove.

Middle East and Africa

viewers, with further scalability happening daily. Give audiences

restrictions, IP-restrictions, domain-

Brightcove understands customers

control of their experience through

restrictions, single sign-on (SSO),

operations are best served by a

DVR functions (pause, play and

encryption, watermarking and

company that is local. This means

rewind), and engage them through

digital rights management (DRM)

working with a video partner that

interactive functions such as chat and

as well as playback authorisation

understands the nuances and

polls or catchup TV, live to VOD, live

services used by some of the

requirements of a specific audience.

clipping to social or live to social.

largest broadcasters globally.

It also means having someone you can sit down, trust and strategise

Protection: Your content is

Advertising: Content is valuable.

with, instead of a call centre.

important. Choosing Brightcove

Whether revenue is from advertising

Brightcove’s operations in

as your video partner allows you

or subscriptions, Brightcove provides

Africa and the Middle East is

to protect it. With Brightcove, your

you with the platform you need.

led by Rick Cordeiro, Head of

content can be protected by geo-

Capabilities include Server-Side Ad

Middle East and Africa.

Contact Brightcove 290 Congress Street Boston, Massachusetts, USA Rick Cordeiro Head of Middle East and Africa Tel: +971 50 5954526 Website:

Social Media brightcove Brightcove brightcove



Empowering communication tools Clear-Com, an HME company, is a

developers who design its cutting-edge

trusted global provider of professional

products and the operational experts

real-time communications solutions and

who build it, to the field engineers

services since 1968. The company’s US

who support you at your facility and

founding is marked by the invention of

the support staff who take your call

the first distributed amplifier beltpack

— Clear-Com’s unparalleled technical

intercom system for live production.

capabilities effectively become yours.

Clear-Com innovate market-proven

The cornerstone of Clear-Com’s 50

technologies that

years of success lies in the company’s

connect teams

commitment to customers and


Reseller Partners. The expanse of its

through wired

partner network assures customers

and wireless

of never being far from a dedicated


intercom expert. Together with its

Products facilitate the seamless coordination of any activity while maintaining a level of reliability, security and simplicity. Clear-Com was the first to market

have consistently met the

partners, the company brings decades

communications requirements

of experience with professional audio

of varying sizes and complexities. Clear-Com’s reputation in the industry is not based on its product achievements but around the consistent

portable wired and wireless intercom

level of customer engagement,

systems for live performances. Since

dedication to delivering the right

then, its history of technological

solutions for specialised application

advancements and innovations has

and the expertise to make it work. From

delivered significant improvements in the way people collaborate in any professional setting where real-time communication is required. For the markets it serves – broadcast, live performance, live events, sport, house of worship, military, aerospace and government – the products

and communications workflow to serving customer’s very specialised



market-specific needs. Its focus

innovation with a purpose,

on customer experiences allows

constantly pushes the boundaries

Clear-Com to achieve significant

of the company and the industry,

technology advancements in line

while never losing sight of its

with the general requirements of the

original aim: to keep people

marketplace (e.g. wireless frequency

connected when it matters.

changes, development of IP audio

In 2010, Clear-Com was acquired by HM Electronics,

standards) while maintaining a focus on the multiple ways

thereby merging with

the company’s products are

HME’s existing pro

deployed and operated.

audio activities. Clear-Com is

Today, with distributed audioover-IP networks and industry

currently under the

standard digital duplex wireless comms,

leadership of CEO,

Clear-Com technology and innovation


has provided team-empowering

Development is

intercom tools. The technology

thoughtful and forward-thinking,

combined expertise has contributed

advancements in the platform (whether

with IP-based solutions which

to Clear-Com’s competitive status in

wired, wireless, or IP) are only part of

are compatible with products

the marketplace and has brought new

the story. Clear-Com recognises that the

dating back to its founding that

areas of technological exploration.

way actual ‘wearers’ use their products

can also integrate seamlessly

Their commitment to innovation

is highly personal which has led the

with third party technologies.

and customer empowerment are

company to focus on how it develops

Clear-Com maintains an unrelenting

Mitzi Dominguez and President, Bob Boster. Their

consistent with Clear Com’s mission

user interfaces, mechanical design and

energy to develop solutions that allow

of creating specialised, real-time

workflow-engineering. This balance

people to communicate more clearly

communications solutions and

of core technology development and

and easily during live productions,

engaging with the broader networks

usability is critical to the company’s

events and mission-critical activities.

of comms experts, consultants,

success and can only be achieved

A recognised pioneer in its field,

resellers and users to address a wide

through collaboration with its valued

Clear-Com’s continuous drive for

spectrum of collaboration challenges.

Contact Clear-Com, LLC 1301 Marina Village Parkway, Suite 105 Alameda, California 94501, USA Samer Mouwanes Regional Sales Manager Email: Samer.Mouwanes@ Website:

Social Media clearcom clearcom clearcomsystem



Integrating KVM into the broadcast world Guntermann & Drunck (G&D) are regarded as leading manufacturers of KVM products. With their variety of KVM extenders, switches and matrix switches for extending, switching and distributing keyboard, video and mouse signals, G&D offer their users the broadest KVM portfolio available in the market. G&D’s KVM products optimise the application of IT equipment and improve the working conditions for humans and computers. The spatial separation between computers and workstations brings many advantages for the standardisation of process

G&D’s KVM matrix switches let you operate multiple computers over multiple consoles.

landscapes. Whether CAT or fibre, modular, compact, classic KVM, or KVM-over-IP – G&D always offer a

advice through to on-site and after-

in the technology room lets the IT

bespoke solution – precisely tailored

sales support from a single source.

staff easily maintain the computers.

to applications, project parameters and the existing IT structure. With over 30 years of experience as German manufacturers of KVM

G&D’s KVM systems provide a perfect basis for flexible, distributed switching of

G&D’s KVM switches allow users

simplest and most efficient operation.

to operate two to 64 computers

systems, G&D are trusted by a host of national and international TV stations and broadcasters. By short

KVM Switches

computer signals to allow producers the

from one console consisting of


monitor, keyboard and mouse.

KVM Extenders KVM Matrix Systems

lines of communication and the

G&D’s KVM extenders extend access to

entire core competencies such as

computers up to 10,000m and still work

G&D’s KVM matrix switches allow

development, product management,

in real-time. The systems consist of two

users to operate multiple computers

sales, marketing and production

units – a computer module (transmitter)

from multiple consoles. They consist

under one roof, G&D support their

and a user module (receiver). A local

of computer modules, central

customers from the technical initial

console at the transmitter module

modules and console modules.



The systems enable flexible and decentralised control of large, distributed IT installations or those equipped with many workstations.

User Friendliness G&D’s products and systems are designed for simple and intuitive operation. For example, the CrossDisplay-Switching function is

G&D’s ControlCentre-IP to distribute and share KVM signals within a LAN infrastructure.

designed for multi-monitor workstations that access multiple computers at the same time. The user’s mouse acts

with a flexibility that especially facilitates

In fact, video support includes all

as if it is on a ‘virtual desktop’ and

central administration. However, classic

signals up to full 4K resolution.

can be moved seamlessly across the

KVM systems, which essentially use

connected displays. When the cursor

dedicated cabling, will not lose their

Flexibility for the Future

moves from one display to another, the

importance. But depending on the

G&D pays great attention to the

keyboard/mouse focus automatically

application, it may be worth comparing

compatibility and expandability of

switches to the connected computer.

classic KVM systems with KVM-over-IP.

its systems. The aim is to provide

This allows users to intuitively operate

Of course, G&D’s portfolio includes

G&D’s customers with future-proof

multiple systems simultaneously

both – solutions for classic KVM and

investments that can be expanded

with just one keyboard and mouse.

solutions for KVM-over-IP such as the

and upgraded at any time.

G&D ControlCenter-IP. The system

G&D customers can expect

Best of Both – Classic KVM and KVM-over-IP

provides all the advantages of a

comprehensive expert advice and

classic G&D matrix with one major

technical support during all phases

Due to the enormous flexibility of IP

difference: the signals are transmitted

of their projects. Whatever the KVM

networks, KVM-over-IP is becoming

through standard IP-based networks

broadcasting requirement, G&D,

increasingly relevant in many areas.

instead of direct, dedicated cables.

their employees and trained partner

Using existing cabling, switches and

This gives a transmission bandwidth

network will be pleased to offer

routers does not only save costs but also

of 1Gbit/s and ensures latency-free

support in finding the best possible

provides operators and administrators

operation and excellent video quality.

and perfectly integrated KVM solution.

Contact Guntermann & Drunck GmbH Obere Leimbach 9 57074 Siegen, Germany Tel: +49 271 23872-0 Email: Website:

Social Media gdsysKVM guntermann-&-drunck-gmbh G&D’s DP1.2-VisionXG-MC4 - KVM extender system for uncompressed 8K resolutions.

GuntermannDrunck gdsys



Trailblazing the broadcast world for 50 years SMART System Monitoring and

Widely used in sport and entertainment broadcasting,

Realtime Telemetry software for

theatres, houses of worship,

broadcast networks provides

institutions and increasingly also

transparency across all-IP,

in the corporate world, Lawo

all-SDI and hybrid WAN/LAN

brings cutting-edge engineering

broadcast infrastructures for

to IP infrastructures, video

both network and data health.

processing and routing, A/V-

For signal monitoring, the V__

over-IP interfacing and audio

matrix based vm_dmv distributed

mixing and routing. Lawo’s VSM

IP multiviewer app provides high-quality functionality for

and SMART offer first-in-class studio and workflow management

4k/3G/HD/SD. For OTT/playout, Lawo’s

and real-time monitoring/telemetry.

LiveView Decoding Engine enables

The ST2110 standard features

the V__matrix vm_dmv multiviewer

throughout Lawo’s product range,

to show both production (ST2110/

easing the industry’s transition to IP-

ST2022-6) and transmission (MPEG/

based working. A founding member

‘Sunrise’ and ‘Sunset’ sets from Jordan’s

OTT) formats on a single screen. The

of the Alliance for IP Media Solutions

Amman Citadel on YouTube for the

LiveView Decoding Engine integrates

(AIMS), Lawo remains a champion of

release of their Everyday Life album,

full frame rate MPEG-2/H.264/HEVC for

interoperability and open standards.

it was mixed on a Lawo console.

any Lawo LiveView enabled product.

Awards and Accolades Lawo’s accolades include an Emmy

Broadcast Control, Multiviewer Solutions and Monitoring

Video Solutions for IP-based Setups

Engineering Plaque, the Broadcast/

Lawo’s Virtual Studio Manager (VSM)

Lawo’s award-winning V__matrix

Media Project of the Year IABM Award

brings IP-based control and workflow

software-defined IP platform uses

for the Elbphilharmonie Hamburg

solutions to OB, studio and MCR

multiple cores and a high-capacity COTS

opera house’s IP-based installation, and

applications in TV and radio. Device-

switch with redundant 10GbE/40GbE

countless industry magazine awards.

agnostic, VSM controls all major

connectivity as a distributed IP routing

In 2019, the European Parliament

video/audio routers and mixers,

and processing matrix for frame-

and Lawo won the Public Sector

intercoms, UMDs and multiviewers,

accurate switching. Generic C100

Project of the Year AV Awards. And

glue and other third-party devices,

processing blades provide physical

when Coldplay streamed their live

whether baseband or IP.

signal connectivity, and with VSM as



control layer, virtual module apps allow

environment. For self-ops, crystal

for remapping of entire workflows in

consoles provide easy handling with full

minutes. Continent-wide and inter-

functionality for programme production.

continent IP remote productions

VisTool supports custom status

from NEP Australia’s Andrews Hubs

displays, tablet and touchscreen-

in Sydney and Melbourne use the

based button panels, and

V__matrix infrastructure.

mixing controllers.

Virtual modules handle streaming,

R LAY Virtual Radio

video processing and multiviewing with the latest V__matrix vm_udx app providing format conversion


between SD, HD and 4K

mixing software is a

formats with HDR capability.

‘virtual radio environment’ with apps

V__remote4 is a bidirectional multichannel video/audio-

that replace hardware peripherals for Supporting future-proof IP

remote kits, mobile ENG, webcasting

to-IP-interface for WAN-based

infrastructures, the mc² mixer line-up

remote production, while the

includes the mc²96 Grand Production

V__pro8 is the Swiss Army knife of

Console with native support for SMPTE

Audio Routing

video processing, bridging diverse

2110, AES67, RAVENNA and DANTE

Lawo’s Nova is a benchmark audio

video and audio formats. Dolby E

for video production in broadcast,

routing system with modular

encoding/decoding is also available.

live and theatre and a new Xtra Fader

construction, Dual Star topology, scalable

Version increasing the Central Control

routing and plug-and-play operation.

and permanent personal studios.

IP Audio Production Solutions

Section fader count, the mc²56 Third

A__UHD Core

Generation with key features from the

Installations in the Middle East

This is a network-based, software-

mc²96 for broadcast trucks, studios, live

Al Jazeera, Al Kass, beIN Media Group,

defined audio DSP engine with

performance and recording, and the

Qatar TV/Radio, Abu Dhabi Media

unparalleled processing density for mc²

mc²36 all-in-one mixer for broadcast,

Company, Sky News Arabia, Oman

56/96 consoles, with 1,024 fully-featured

theatre, houses of worship, live and

TV, Radio Jeddah/Radio Riyadh, ERTU,

DSP channels available to a single mc²

install at an incredible price point.

SABC, Multichoice and many others.

console or shared between up to four.

Radio Broadcast A__line

Lawo’s ruby radio desk brings mixing

Audio-to-IP interfaces provide

and routing into the multi-touch

WAN-capable transport of analogue

onscreen environment used by other

and digital audio for broadcast,

studio tools, operating as stand-alone

live and installations. Based on

systems or within a network. Lawo’s

RAVENNA technology, all devices

radio consoles are native RAVENNA/

are compatible with ST2110-

AES67 and designed to operate

30/-31/AES67 audio-over-IP.

stand-alone or within a networked

Contact Lawo Am Oberwald 8 76437 Rastatt Germany Tel: +49 7222 1002 2930 Email: Website: Wolfgang Huber Email:

Social Media



High-resolution digital audio recording and editing systems production environments. Constant updates have ensured that all workflows including the latest immersive audio solutions are available with Pyramix and Ovation. What sets them apart are their exceptional sound quality and superior editing capabilities. Quick to recognise the advantages of audio over IP, Merging introduced their first RAVENNA interface in 2012. Not only was Horus an astounding advance in connectivity, it rapidly gained an incredible reputation for the transparency of its conversion and the quality of its mic preamps. Merging Technologies is one of the

lie in the professional audio industry

The modularity was retained for the

world’s foremost manufacturers of

where its products are respected

smaller Hapi unit released later. Both

high-resolution digital audio recording

as workhorses, providing first-class

products are now AES67 and ST2110

systems. Its list of customers reads like

audio performances day in and out.

compliant and recently the company

a who’s who in the recording industry

Legendary among these are the Nagra

introduced the ANEMAN audio network

and recordings made with Merging

IV-S and Nagra T-Audio TC analogue tape

manager to handle the routing and

Technologies’ systems regularly receive

recorders, where Cellier played a pivotal

administration of larger audio networks.

the industry’s prestigious Grammy Award.

role in their design and development.

This year will see the introduction

The company was founded in 1990 in

Within a short time of its founding,

of a new version of the very popular

Chexbres, Switzerland by Claude Cellier,

Merging quickly established a reputation

Anubis Mission Controller which will

an electronics graduate of the Institute of

for its expertise in digital signal

be additionally, ST2022-7 compliant.

Technology in Lausanne. Cellier worked

processing and associated hardware

Anubis is a compact RAVENNA/AES67

for the famous Swiss audio maker

and with its Pyramix Virtual Studio, was

I/O unit with dual preamp architecture.

Nagra Kudelski for 10 years. Though

one of the first fully featured DAWs to

Designed to operate on its own or as

Nagra has since diversified, its roots

be accepted into broadcast and post-

part of a larger system, this revolutionary



unit has built-in network management capabilities as well as remarkable connectivity for a small form factor. Merging is now introducing this AoIP technology to the consumer audio world and continues to develop products that find their place in environments as diverse as broadcast, recording, mastering, A/V, theme parks, museums, shopping malls and transport hubs. ‘Audio for the Networking Age’ is in the Merging DNA.

Products The Merging line up includes the Pyramix Virtual Studio, Ovation Audio and Event

achieved with Pyramix. This includes

Sequencer, VCube HD Video Player and

object-based audio formats such as


Recorder, Horus, Hapi and Anubis AD/

MPEG-H and ADM. Ovation is popular

DA Interfaces, ANEMAN Audio Network

for live audio playout in broadcast

Manager, a range of virtual audio devices

studios, OB vans and at live events.

and OEM products for RAVENNA/AES67.

Both support a wide range of plug-ins.

Merging Technologies Le Verney 4, Puidoux CH-1070, Switzerland Tel: +41 21 946 0444 Website:

Key Broadcast Clients

Key Events

Pyramix is a popular choice in the

Major sporting events including the

production of prestigious content.

Olympic Games in Sydney, Athens,

National broadcasters from the Middle

London and Rio, the Winter Olympics

East, Europe, Asia, North America, Africa

in Vancouver, Arab Games 2011, Asian

and the Pacific Rim continue to use

Games 2006, 2018, Gulf Cup 2007,

Pyramix for major music events and

Commonwealth Games 2006, 2010,

documentaries. The production and

2018. Ovation has been used for various

post-production of immersive audio

synchronised firework displays for New

content for a variety of purposes is easily

Year and National Day celebrations.

Chris Hollebone Sales & Marketing Manager Tel: +44 7785 237333 Email:

Social Media MergingTech merging-technologies mergingtech mergingtech MergingTechnologies

Local Distributors Amaranthine Trading (LLC) Dubai, UAE Tel: +9714 3390944 Tel: +9714 5530828 Email: Telekala Co Ltd, Iran Tel: +98 (21) 692 9282 Delta AV Solutions, Qatar Tel: +9714 5530828 Vasscom (Video, Audio and Storage Solutions), Turkey Tel: +90 543 3449764



Protecting valued digital TV content and services Nagra is market leader in content

Centre of Excellence, capitalising

to disrupt pirate activity and protect

value protection for the pay TV

on the expertise of Nagra’s

services, Nagra Active Streaming

industry. It protects more than

decades of innovation in protecting

Protection has been developed

$90 billion in annual revenues

digital TV content and devices.

to enable operators to protect

for more than 550 pay TV service

themselves now and in the future. It

providers and works with many of

Active Streaming Protection

is not a one-size-fits-all proposition. It

the largest operators worldwide,

As service providers and operators

recognises the different threats faced

including Dish Network, CANAL+,

extend or migrate to IP environments,

by operators, and can ensure that,

Altice Group, Telefonica, Vodafone,

new challenges arise every day,

as a service grows, so does the level

Skylife and Liberty Global, to name

notably from commercial pirates.

and variety of protection to secure it.

a few. Nagra is also leading partner

Traditionally, operators employed a

to a large majority of Hollywood

DRM to mitigate any leaks, however

protection approach, Nagra’s

studios with its watermarking

the maze of networks and often lack

NexGuard forensic watermarking

solutions for production, post-

of control over the end device means

solutions enable operators to go

production and digital cinema. The

a new strategy needs to be employed.

beyond compliance with content

company benefits from the Kudelski Group’s ongoing investment in R&D (more than $200m a year) and its extensive patent portfolio. In 2013, Nagra’s parent company, the Kudelski Group launched Kudelski Security, a new cybersecurity business serving the USA and European markets. It is the largest pure-play cybersecurity solutions provider in Switzerland and one of the fastest growing cybersecurity solutions providers in the USA. In early 2017, to address demand for increased protection of connected devices, the group launched its Internet of Things (IoT) Security

Formed of a series of tools designed

Part of the active streaming

owner requirements to prevent



and trace content leaks back to the source, disrupt pirate activity and protect their service and revenue. Operators benefit from advanced security, secure playback, secure streaming and anti-piracy services to enable a comprehensive and successful data-driven active streaming protection strategy backed by robust security analytics.

Video Platform Pay TV operators have been adapting to new technologies for some time but legacy infrastructures have quickly become incompatible with newer operating systems and

system to a modular headend as

areas: subscriber value, content,

technologies, meaning operators

services evolve. It also guards against

operations and advertising.

often launch parallel services to reach

any type of threat and vulnerability

new audiences on new platforms.

to android TV deployments.

Open TV Video Platform helps

Evolving viewer behaviour and

The infrastructure of pay TV operators is a strong asset and differentiator. Insight adds an

them address this convergence

dynamic competitive landscape

intelligent layer on top of it to make it

challenge and maintain existing

are posing significant challenges

agile and customer-centric, creating

pay TV investment while unifying

to the premium content industry

artificial intelligence-driven actions

technologies and consolidating

leading to growing risks of increased

and measuring their impact. It

services across all networks and

churn and reduced ARPU in several

enables pay TV operators to make

devices for an entire consumer base,

markets. With its Software-as-a-

more money and better strategic

with a consumer-focused solution

Services (SaaS) action- oriented

decisions. Since its launch, Insight

that springboards innovation and

platform, Nagra Insight is designed

has helped generate additional

positively drives business growth.

to drive business and operational

revenue for some of Nagra’s biggest

excellence based on data and

customers and improve their bottom

Cloud Technologies and Business Performance

artificial intelligence helping pay TV

line by tens of millions of dollars.

Nagra’s unique scalable service

improve the business bottom line.

protection concept features security

providers generate smart actions that Operational performance

Contact NAGRA Kudelski

headends tailored to the business

being industry-specific, Nagra

needs of pay TV service providers

Insight was built specifically for


with common security clients

premium content, pay TV and


adopted across device ecosystems

telco industry. It leverages big

for both broadcast and connected

data and AI to drive every aspect

Thierry Legrand

networks. The Nagra cloud.SSP

of an operator’s business, predict

SVP Sales & Services EMEA, Nagra

security platform takes CAS and

individual behaviour of TV viewers


DRM technology to the next level

such as propensity to churn, to

to enable secure premium content

purchase a package or to consume

delivery over any two-way network

specific content, everyday, at


to any device while offering a

scale. It provides a lasting impact

migration from an off-the-shelf

on the operators’ four critical


Social Media



Expert and efficient transmission systems Nautel offers the broadest portfolio

in the field of RF transmission and the

of digital/analogue solid-state radio

second an unwavering commitment

transmitters including 1–2,000 kW

to customer support. Since the

comprehensive monitoring and

AM/MW and 300 W–88 kW FM

company’s inception, support has

control instrumentation via touch

transmitters, and digital radio solutions.

never been discontinued on any

screen or web, outstanding reliability,

product – a rarity these days.

compact footprints, high efficiency,

An innovative leader in the field of RF transmission, Nautel has ISO-certified

The company has established

manufacturing plants in both Canada

spare parts depots around the world

and the USA, and more than 16,000

to support the rapid deployment

transmitters deployed in over 177

of urgently required spares for

countries. Key to the company’s 50-

transmitters in the region, both

plus year success is a two-fold focus,

current and previous models. Expert

the first being continuous innovation

engineering resources are also

available locally through Nautel. Nautel transmitters offer

easy maintenance and 24/7 support.

Line-up of Radio Transmitters VS Series - Feature-rich rack-mount, HD Radio ready transmitters: 300 W, 1 kW, and 2.5 kW GV Series - Digital, efficient and refined FM transmitters, from 3.5 kW to 80 kW NVLT Series - Affordable high-power analog/digital FM transmitters, from 3.5 kW to 40 kW NX Series - Most modern and reliable AM/MW transmitters in the world, from 3 kW to 2 MW Digital Broadcast Solutions Field-proven, high-performance digital radio solutions

Significant Broadcast Projects Nautel has been entrusted with some of the world’s largest radio broadcasting projects in recent years. Nautel celebrated 50 years of worry-free transmission in 2019.

At a 400 kW broadcast site in Bonaire, an island in the Caribbean, a Nautel NX400 transmitter was


For facilities that broadcast multiple programmes from a single site, N+1 capability provides high levels of redundancy that is automated and cost-effective. Pictured is an NV20LT N+1 System.

placed on-air for TWR (Trans World

“The Middle East continues to be


Kyle Dibbin, Sales Manager, Africa & Middle East.

Sharjah Media in UAE for multiple N+1

Radio). Operating costs had forced the

a very dynamic market for Nautel

systems and and UAQ Broadcasting

broadcaster to cutback to 100 kW, but

with several countries investing in

Network and Abu Dhabi Media for

advances in transmitter technology like

their digital broadcast infrastructure

high power MW transmitters.

the greater than 90% efficiency of the

and recognising the long-term value

Nautel NX400, led TWR to boost power

of installing innovative, state-of-the-

nearly five-fold from 100 kW to 440 kW.

art transmitters like Nautel. I look


forward to speaking with broadcasters

Nautel Ltd.

system in the world for All India

in the region to discuss possible

10089 Peggy’s Cove Road

Radio uses Nautel NX Series 100

transitions to digital broadcasting as

kW, 200 kW, and 300 kW DRM-

well as ways to lower operating costs

Hackett’s Cove, NS

enabled MW-AM transmitters at

at large facilities,” says Kyle Dibbin,

33 sites across India, with the goal

Sales Manager, Africa & Middle East.

of bringing digital radio to nearly a

Nautel has provided broadcast

The largest digital broadcasting

billion residents of the country.

solutions for many clients in the

B3Z 3J4 Canada Kyle Dibbin Sales Manager, Africa & Middle East

region. These include the Saudi

Tel: +1-902-823-3900 ext.5808

Medium Wave system is on air at

Broadcasting Authority on a large

Mobile/WhatsApp: +1-902-237-4381

Antenna Hungaria’s transmission

FM and AM network rollout for

facility near Solt, Hungary. This high-

commercial content broadcasters,


efficiency system comprises five Nautel

Radio Mocambique’s high power

NX400 transmitters and a 2,000 kW

MW stations upgrade, Multicarrier

combiner that can be reconfigured

Mauritius Ltd. (MCML) for the supply

if one or more transmitters is shut

and renovation of their MW sites,

down ensuring maximum power to the

Jordan Radio & TV for the supply


antenna. This large project included

of FM and MW transmitters, Public


building renovations and air handling

Authority for Radio & TV (PART)


modifications as well as interfacing

in Oman for their nationwide FM

to existing the 11 kV voltage supply.

transmission systems upgrade,


A two-Megawatt Nautel NX2000


Social Media NautelBroadcast



Pioneering innovative broadcast software RCS has a proud history of innovation,

stations worldwide. With over a

cater to its customers. Services cover

currently holding 45 patents in the

thousand professionals working from

consultations with experienced and

field of broadcasting. Inventors of

27 offices around the globe, RCS is

practising professionals, systems

computerised music scheduling with

everywhere. Because the company’s

integration services from design to

the legendary Selector, RCS continues

clients are based worldwide, its tools

successful execution and managed

to lead the way with multiple award-

are multilingual too. With guaranteed

services with a dedicated and skilled team

winning products such as Zetta

reliability, 24/7 support, professional

to manage and assume responsibility

radio automation, GSelector music

audio processing and integrated

for providing a defined set of services.

scheduling, the groundbreaking 2GO

listener reports, RCS provides the

series of mobile solutions and the

most advanced, reliable, intuitive and

services for installation and

Zetta Cloud. New to the list is Revma,

flexible broadcast tools on the planet.

commissioning of broadcast equipment supplied, authorised

an affordable and complete online professional streaming solution. RCS is the world’s largest broadcast

RCS also provides engineering


OEM warranty and post-warranty

RCS is well-known for providing clients

service offerings, comprehensive

software company with products in

with full audio broadcast solutions.

annual maintenance contracts on

more than 15,500 radio stations, TV

The company has premium technology

supplied equipment and maintenance

music channels, cable companies,

partners to provide a range of audio

services with detailed system audits

satellite music networks and internet

broadcasting and studio solutions to

and re-engineering services.

Core Products

Zetta: The most advanced

GSelector: The world’s most

Aquira: Powerful and highly

radio automation system

powerful multi-station scheduler

flexible traffic system

RCSNews: State-of-the-art

Revma: Professional

RCS Cloud: Cloud-

radio newsroom software

grade streaming

based safety net



of systems integration and special

RCS2GO: Work from any location

developments. “RCS prides itself on great service. With our base here in the Emirates, we have been closer to our esteemed customers in the region,” says Baher Al Zaher, Managing Director, RCS MENA. RCS business has been excellent in the region and its permanent local base in Dubai which also serves the MENA has an array of new products currently being implemented in the UAE and the region. “We are honoured to be working with some of the smartest, most advanced radio companies Baher Al Zaher, Managing Director, RCS MENA.

on the planet,” says Al Zaher, “and truly proud to continue to be a part of their success story and to bring new products into the region.

Middle East Support Centre RCS customers are backed by the

RCS offices around the world. The Dubai office has a permanent

We emphasise the 21st century nature of our four cornerstone

legendary RCS 24/7 world-class

support team which can be physically

products because we are the only

support. The company boasts more

augmented overnight, if necessary,

broadcast software company

local support offices than any other

from any of its offices, geographical

where every single offering has

broadcast software company in the

area notwithstanding. This highly

been produced from scratch this

world, 27 of which are wholly owned

professional regional team takes care

century and not the last century.”

Contact RCS MENA Level 19, Fortune Executive Tower Cluster T, JLT, Dubai, UAE Tel: +971 4 513 99 45 Email: Website: Baher Al Zaher Managing Director Tel: +971 4 513 99 44 Email:

Social Media RCS-Sound-Software rcsworks RCS_Works RCS MENA local team in action.




Real-time media networking systems

Founded in 1987, Riedel

in Wuppertal, Germany and

Core Products

Communications designs,

employs over 700 people in 25

Riedel’s signature products include:

manufactures and distributes

locations throughout Europe,

pioneering real-time video,

Australia, Asia and the Americas.

audio, data and communications

Riedel is known for its pioneering

MediorNet: A decentralised, redundant media network for efficient, cost-effective transport of video,

networks for broadcast, pro-audio,

digital audio matrix systems and

audio and data signals in real-time

event, sport, theatre and security

fibre-based, real-time network

applications. The company also

technology. Riedel’s core markets

matrix intercom platform that creates

provides managed technology

include live event production,

a true network infrastructure based

services for radio and intercom

live sport production, arenas and

on highly modular matrix mainframes

systems, event IT solutions, fibre

theatre venues and any other

backbones and wireless signal

applications that require seamless,

DECT-based intercom in the license-

transmission systems that scale

decentralised and highly reliable

free 1.9GHz frequency range that

easily for events of any size anywhere

signal transport as well as crystal-

can be fully integrated into Riedel’s

in the world. Riedel is headquartered

clear crew and staff communications.

Artist or used in standalone mode

Artist: An industry-leading digital

Bolero: An expandable, full-roaming,



Key Projects

sporting events. Today, the company

Riedel Communications supplied

provides specialised radio and intercom

a comprehensive, integrated

systems for all races of the premier

communications infrastructure for

class of motorsport and acts as

the Special Olympics World Games

technology supplier for some of the

2019 (SOWG) in Abu Dhabi, UAE.

world’s largest sporting events -- from

Riedel’s Artist digital matrix intercom

World Cups to Winter and Summer

system and Bolero wireless intercom

Games. Riedel Communications has

were at the core of a massive comms

been awarded three Sports Emmy

deployment that spanned more than

Awards for production of the Red Bull

30 venues and locations and included

Stratos Jump and the Red Bull Air Races.

managed IT network services. At all of the venues, Riedel provided comms for all sports and medal ceremonies with an Artist mainframe and six Artist panels. The venue deployments marked the first time that the SOWG had achieved seamless communications without radios, with event crews relying solely on Bolero. Deutsche Fußball Liga (DFL) recently

Contact Riedel Communications – HQ Riedel Communications GmbH & Co. KG Uellendahler Straße 353 42109 Wuppertal, Germany Tel: +49 (0) 202 292 – 90 Serkan Guener

partnered with Riedel’s Managed

Marketing and Communications

Sports Services division to design a

Tel: +49 (0) 202 292 – 9517

reliable infrastructure for German

Mob: +49 (0) 174 – 339 24 48

Bundesliga referee communications.


Designed to target the technical broadcast requirements of today’s large-scale sporting events, the Managed Sports Services division pairs custom-engineered technologies with extensive supervision and support by Riedel-qualified engineers. The joint effort resulted in Bolero S, a smaller version of Riedel’s Bolero intercom that offers unlimited freedom of movement on the pitch while still preserving key characteristics such as multiple channels, high voice clarity and unsurpassed RF reliability.

Major Sporting Events Partner All around the world, broadcasters and production companies like NEP, AMP, BBC, Al Jazeera, Sky or NextRadio TV put their trust in Riedel technologies. Riedel Communications looks back on 25 years of experience with major international

Dubai Riedel Communications ME FZ-LLC DMC Building 10, Office 111 PO Box 502438, Dubai, UAE Tel: +971 4 4229 574 Ahmed Magd El Din Singapore 10 Changi South Lane #03-01A, Singapore 486162 Tel: +65 6546 0603 Rajveer Singh General Manager, South East Asia Website:

Social Media RiedelCommunications International RIEDELnet riedelcommunications company/549773 riedelcommunications



Lighting up the world Robe is among the world’s leading

TV to drama and opera, appearing

communication in sustaining a

moving and digital light manufacturers

on myriad platforms and events, at

successful enterprise. The excellent

recognised for its innovation, quality

theme park attractions and entering

communication with those investing

engineering and dedication to the

the specialist worlds of architectural

in and using its dynamic range of

highest production values. Based

and environmental illumination.

products is at the core of its future

in the Czech Republic, the company

Robe is also known for being

research and development.

employs over 750 skilled staff

accessible, forward-thinking and

worldwide, and has wholly-owned

understanding the


subsidiaries in six key markets – the

importance of

Robe’s founders Ladislav Petrek and

USA, the United Kingdom, the Middle

people and

East, Singapore (Asia Pacific), France


Josef Valchar met in 1992 and they fused the idea of designing

and Germany. Additionally, the

and producing high quality

company has a highly proactive and

effects and lighting products

talented regional sales management

that would be fundamentally

team that helps oversee and

well engineered and proudly

coordinate the company‘s worldwide distribution network covering over 100 countries. All technical processes

‘made in the Czech Republic’. ‘Robe Show Lighting’ was officially inaugurated in early 1994 with the aim of designing a range of

involved in making the

lighting products for international

luminaires is undertaken

markets. Very soon, the company’s

locally in a 75.000sq.m. facility

OEM products gained traction

in Valašské Meziříčí, and the

for their robust build, good

products are exported through

engineering and attention to

its worldwide distributor

detail. The resources needed to

network across all continents.

sustain a quality operation were in plentiful supply locally, and the

Global Presence

profits were ploughed back into the

Robe’s moving and LED lights

business and spent on establishing

can be found everywhere. They

efficient production lines,

are installed on stages and

implementing innovative and

in concert halls, in theatres

efficient working practices and

and in all types of venues.

sourcing quality components.

Robe lights up all genres of performances from music to

With the Robe brand launch came the workhorse ‘AT’ series


of moving lights starting with the

many of them on a one-on-one basis.

1200 series ColorSpot and ColorWash.

Building the ‘Robe family’ means all


Right from the start, Robe focused

comments and feedback are welcome.


on being an all-European based

The Robe brand is experiencing

Palackeho 416

operation, undertaking all areas of

record growth and the company

the production processes in-house.

is consistent in its pace to keep up

This was to ensure quality control and

with surges in production. Robe

guarantee swift turnaround times and

continues to focus on designing and

Tel: +420-571-751500

also commitment to the community.

producing well-engineered products

Fax: +420-571-751515

utilising the very latest available


The Robe Philosophy

technology to meet the creative,

Central to the company’s philosophy

technical and practical demands of its

is the practice of working closely

wide range of users and investors.

with its business partners and

Robe is proud of its independence

Valasske Mezirici 757 01 Czech Republic



end users, listening to their needs

and private ownership ensuring the

and understanding their markets

business remains agile, efficient,


and requirements. Knowing that a

decisive and focused on producing


company’s business is based on the

genuinely creative tools for an


talent and imagination of numerous

imaginative and exciting industry

individuals, it endeavours to meet as

that constantly pushes boundaries.





High impact, high efficiency productions Ross powers video productions for

VSPN. Ross offers the industry’s most

and network of business partners.

billions of global viewers daily with the

comprehensive range of solutions,

Ross has only ever had two CEOs –

industry’s widest range of high impact,

including virtual studios, real-time motion

founder John Ross and his son David

high efficiency production solutions. Ross

graphics, cameras, camera motion

– and the senior management team is

makes it easy to create compelling news,

systems, production switchers, video

steeped in the live production sector.

weather and sports broadcasts, engaging

servers, infrastructure and routers, social

material for sports stadium screens,

media management, newsroom systems,

Global Company

entertainment shows and rock concerts,

mobile live events and creative services.

Ross Video has corporate offices in

educational institutions, legislative

As a privately held, self-funded

North America, Europe, Asia and

assemblies, corporate applications and

company, Ross Video has a long and

Australia and supporting sales and

inspiring content for houses of worship.

stable history with 27 consecutive

service operations strategically located

years of growth. The company owns

around the world. 24/7/365 technical

audiences and marketing partners of

Ross solutions have impressed

its manufacturing facilities, doing all

support and immediate access to spares

NBC Sunday Night Football, Eurosport,

primary research and development

is crucial when deploying mission-

BBC World, Google, YouTube, Space

in-house and marketing its products

critical technology. The company offers

London and China’s eSports powerhouse

worldwide through a global sales force

lifetime technical support by telephone,



email and Skype. In-house research

Technology Leadership

and development enable Ross Video to

With a comprehensive mix of hardware,

apply maximum creativity not only to

software and cloud-based solutions

breakthrough products but also to the

suitable for SDI, 12G, IP and hybrid

long-term evolution and support of the

production models, Ross Video

company’s products and technologies.

is well positioned for the future.

supplying behind-the-scenes

Ross understands that the mix and

equipment to deliver feeds to video

Among other things, Ross Video: Is a leader in the production switcher market with Carbonite, the world’s best-selling midsize switcher family Is number one in sports stadiums,

Working Well with Others

convergence of these technologies

Ross Video has a long history of

is central to meeting the needs of

collaborating with other industry

the industry as well as growing the

market, providing solutions to

companies. Ross understands that

company. The main development lab

top international esports content

products do not exist in isolation and

in Ottawa is home to a growing team of

producers and venues such as ESL,

must function as a system solution

highly skilled engineers who are working

Riot Games, Banana Culture and the

if they are to deliver successful end

on the next generation of Ross Video

HyperX Esports Arena in Las Vegas

results for customers. As an example,

solutions, systems and technologies.

OverDrive (the production automation

As a percentage, Ross reinvests

solution from Ross) integrates with

more profit into R&D and product

products from more than 50 different

verification than any of its competitors.

manufacturers. Additionally, the Ross Audio Protocol or ‘RAP’, created through

Customer Segment Highlights

experience with OverDrive, fills a

Ross Video’s customer base is global

vacuum in the industry for a standard,

and diverse and provides the revenue

easy-to-use protocol for audio mixers.

stability that enables the company to

RAP has been adopted by major audio

navigate challenging times, continue

console manufacturers and competitors.

to grow and invest in the future.

boards and in-stadium display systems Is a key player in the esports

Contact Ross Video 8 John Street PO Box 220 Iroquois, Ontario Canada, K0E 1K0 Tel: + 1 (613) 652-4886 Email: Website:



The future of audio Shaping today the audio world of tomorrow – an ambition that Sennheiser and its employees live by from day to day. This vision statement describes what the company hopes to achieve, and this foundation is its history, culture of innovation and its continuing passion for excellence. For all at Sennheiser, good sound is not enough. What drives the company forward is an ambition to create the perfect sound. To make sound come alive.

An Outstanding Legacy The way to this achievement has been paved by trailblazing ideas. Ever since electrical engineer Prof. Dr. Fritz Sennheiser founded the company in 1945, Sennheiser has been continuously setting trends in the audio industry. Right up to the present, Sennheiser’s innovative inspiration, curiosity and passion have made their products and services immensely successful. Now more than 70 years later,

Shakira using the Sennheiser SKM5200II with Neumann KK105-S capsule.

professional musicians, broadcasters, sound engineers, and singers throughout the world agree that

professional audio and consumer

born as a sales and marketing office,

Sennheiser products are the pinnacle

electronics industries.

based in Dubai Airport Free Zone, with

of technological perfection.

The Sennheiser Group also includes

a highly-motivated staff that have been

studio microphone and monitor

responsible for impressive growth.

Sennheiser Today

manufacturer Neumann, bringing

Having established a strong third-party

The 21st century sees Sennheiser

together two outstanding microphone

logistics partnership based in Dubai’s

represented in over 105 countries,

manufacturers in the industry.

Jebel Ali Free Zone, the operation

employing over 2,750 people

has become a natural regional hub.

and continuing to develop the

Sennheiser Middle East

most innovative products for the

In 2009, Sennheiser Middle East was

Sennheiser Middle East has the responsibility for distribution across the



Middle East region whilst also servicing

new possibilities. Digital 6000 does

trademark Sennheiser has developed

countries in North and East Africa and

not produce any intermodulation,

a strategic focus on 3D immersive

the former CIS countries in Central Asia.

which allows operation in an

audio through a ground-breaking

equidistant frequency grid. The

technology that promises the ultimate

Audio Solutions

superior RF technology keeps the

in audio capture and reproduction.

Sennheiser and Neumann’s current

limited frequency spaces free for more

product offering for the broadcast

channels whilst neither transmission

industry comprises both wired and

performance nor audio quality are


wireless microphones, headphones

compromised. Whatever you’ve

Sennheiser Middle East

and headsets for camera operators,

experienced before – expect more.

Office 345, Building 6E/B

production crews and studio engineers as well as award-winning studio


monitors. All have an identical core

For decades, Neumann has been

value – uncompromising audio quality.

regarded as the leading manufacturer

ENG Wireless Microphones

Dubai Airport Free Zone PO Box 371004, Dubai, UAE Tel: +971 4 299 4004

of studio microphones, with models


such as the U47 and M49 assured of


Fast, flexible and professional: the

legendary status alongside modern

ENG sets have become an industry

incarnations such as the U87 and


standard for every ambitious reporting

M149. The company continues

team and state of the art broadcast

to innovate by pioneering the

Sennheiser Electronic

station. Marrying the highest audio

implementation of digital microphones

and physical requirements to deliver

and now also offers a range of studio

the optimum sound and maximum

monitors that represent the latest in

reliability, these products have a

acoustic and electronic simulation

Tel: +49 5130 600 000

reputation to safeguard – yours.

and measurement technology.

Fax: +49 5130 600 300

Discover the DIGITAL 6000 Series


Easier to use, more efficient, smarter

3D immersive audio is increasingly a

RF technology: Digital 6000 waves

format of choice in recording, mixing

goodbye to past limitations and opens

and listening. Under the AMBEO

GmbH &Co.KG Am Labor 1, D-30900 Wedemark, Germany


Social Media sennheiserme

ENG Wireless Microphones.

Discover the DIGITAL 6000 Series.



The art of extraordinary sound

Shure is a 94-year-old global company

live events, A/V rental, film, television,

have become so valuable in the industry.

dedicated to providing customers

broadcast news, sport, theatre and

with the best audio solutions in the

houses of worship. It is the go-to

counts and constrained spectrum are

world. What started as a one-man

solutions provider for professional

everyday hurdles for today’s major

operation selling radio parts in Chicago,

audio technicians and engineers,

events and tours. To meet the most

Illinois, USA, grew to a company with

providing microphones, wireless

demanding wireless needs, Shure

facilities in more than 30 countries.

microphone systems, headphones, in-ear

developed Axient Digital with input from

Shure microphones have given voice

monitoring, software and accessories.

top audio professionals. Designed to

Complex setups, high channel

maximise stability, quality, control and

to political leaders, legendary musical artistes, teachers, business leaders and

Superior Value Product

scalability, Axient Digital is engineered

community standouts from the biggest

Productions are becoming increasingly

for the moments that command

world stages to the local neighbourhood

complex, while available wireless

the highest degree of attention.

meetings. Today, it is likely that

spectrum is getting narrower around

most of the audio heard on laptops,

the world. Audio engineers need to

environment, Axient Digital is tougher.

smartphones, radios or televisions

deploy many channels of wireless, and

It includes next gen digital radio with

involve some Shure innovation.

applications are moving from serial to

encryption, true digital diversity,

networked transmission in order to

Quadversity and High Density modes.

Shure continues to innovate today. The company provides high-end

create improved flexibility, control and

audio equipment for touring sound,

reliability. This is why Shure solutions

No matter how tough the spectrum

Transparent audio comes through. With impressively low latency, flat


frequency response, and multiple digital


Shure Axient Digital wireless solutions.

audio output options, sound fills every corner of the space—clean and clear. Because efficiency is the bedrock of reliability, Axient Digital provides more command and control. From wide tuning receivers and transmitters, to Wireless Workbench and ShowLink control, to networked charging and more, it improves every part of the workflow. Axient Digital has been the wireless solution for some of the biggest spotlights such as major award shows, halftime performances, music festivals, broadcast and theatre. It’s

in between, professional-level audio

broadcast basketball games by placing

the system audio professionals count

production is a must. The new dual-

them discretely on the basketball

on when sound is critical. The biggest

diaphragm, patent-pending capsule

rims. They’ve also been added to

performers in music worldwide rely on

technology offers best-in-class sound in

the cups on major golf courses

Axient Digital and Shure microphones.

a compact and easy-to-conceal package

during nationally televised events

for when professional vocal performance

to capture the moment the golf

TwinPlex. Seven years in the making,

is a must. Designed to enhance product

ball drops into the hole. TwinPlex is

TwinPlex — Shure’s new line of

accessibility for the live event and

relied upon to produce TV shows,

premium subminiature omnidirectional

staging market, TwinPlex supports

programs on Netflix and Amazon

lavalier and headset microphones —

those high-stakes audio moments.

Prime, Broadway musicals, awards

A new innovation this year is

was designed and developed for these

TwinPlex is not only becoming the

shows like the Emmy and Grammy

unpredictable, high-stakes environments

‘go-to’ mic solution for some of the

Awards, Apple events, the Super Bowl

where flawless audio is demanded.

top shows on Broadway, it is also

and in the UK’s Premier League.

From robust theatre productions

being used in other applications.

In summary, Shure is positioned

and corporate presentations, to global

Audio engineers have used TwinPlex

to help any event or production

television broadcasts and everything

to capture audio from nationally

‘sound extraordinary’.

Contact Shure MEA Unit 2805 Swiss Tower Cluster Y, Jumeirah Lake Towers Dubai, United Arab Emirates Tel: +971 4 375 6650 Website:

Social Media Shuremea Shuremea Shure TwinPlex.




Paving the way to infinite entertainment As the world’s largest independent video software provider, Synamedia offers a broad range of solutions and services designed to help broadcasters and operators in the Middle East win in the age of ‘infinite entertainment’. Over 200 top broadcasters, satellite DTH, cable, telco and OTT operators and media companies rely on Synamedia to deliver, protect, and monetise their video content. Synamedia began operations in October 2018. The company was formed from the sale of Cisco’s service provider, Video Software Solutions, a business that was created when Cisco purchased NDS, a start-up company in 2012. Synamedia’s CEO is Yves Padrines and its chairman, Dr Abe Peled.

Find new ways to generate revenues, including addressable advertising,

Focal Points

based on viewer data and analytics

content providers, service operators and media distribution networks. Synamedia’s ground-breaking

The company works with customers to:

The company’s portfolio of leading pay

video network technologies include

Detect and disrupt soaring streaming

TV and media customers include AT&T,

the award-winning virtualised Digital

piracy with security offerings

Astro, Bharti Airtel, beIN, Comcast,

Content Manager with Smart Rate

and services such as Streaming

Disney, Liberty Global, OSN, Sky,

Control and Automation and low-

Piracy Disruption, which leverages

Vodafone, and Evision in January 2020.

latency ABR. Another winner is the

Synamedia’s world-class Operational

recently announced software-centric

Video Network

Converged Headend solution which

Evolve and optimise a client’s

The Synamedia video network business

ensures operators can win the

broadcast infrastructure to

boasts a portfolio that optimises every

battle of the eyeballs by bringing

deliver secure IP/OTT streaming

single part of your video network

together multiple broadcast

and hybrid services

with its end-to-end solutions – for

and broadband workflows, and

Security (OpSec) intelligence



delivering premium high video quality at scale to any screen. When it comes to live streaming, Synamedia solutions are designed to intensify the quality and costeffectiveness of video and let customers simplify workflows, minimise bandwidth requirements and deliver low latency, high-quality video to any screen and on any network, reliably and securely.

Security Solutions With a 30-year track record and a pay TV security platform that has never been hacked, Synamedia’s name is synonymous with video security. It protects over $70bn of pay TV operator revenue annually.

to subscribers. Additionally, the

consumer behaviour and audience

Synamedia’s pioneering security

world-class, highly scalable Cloud DVR

trends. This allows operators to

offerings, including conditional access,

solution allows subscribers to record

enhance their pay TV offerings with

multi-DRM and forensic watermarking

and play back live broadcast at any

truly personalised, high quality video

technology solutions, combine

time, on any device or network.

experiences as well as reducing churn and increasing ARPU. This

human and machine intelligence

valuable insight combined with

well as detect and disrupt piracy. For

Analytics and Advanced Advertising

example, the Credentials Sharing

Using data and real-time analytics,

for linear TV provides a new revenue

Insight allows operators to detect

customers can glean insights into

stream for operators. Addressable

to protect content and revenues as

addressable advertising technology

fraudulent and casual sharing and

advertising helps operators attract

apply enforcement procedures.

new TV advertisers for smaller, niche audiences and boost inventory value

Video Platforms

by generating revenue from multiple

Synamedia’s Infinite and Foundation

advertisers for the same ad spots.

platforms let customers evolve their broadcast infrastructure to


deliver secure IP/OTT streaming and


hybrid services at their own pace.

One London Road

Infinite is a cloud-based

Staines, TW18 4EX

platform that allows customers

United Kingdom

to process, secure, distribute and monetise premium video

Hashim Ossaily

experiences across all screens while


deepening viewer engagement.

Tel: +971 56 403 1940

The Foundation platform offers a stepping-stone to Infinite with hybrid

Social Media

IP. This incremental approach makes it easy for providers to add new IP services while avoiding any disruption

@SynamediaVideo Yves Padrines, CEO, Synamedia.




Adaptive and powerful streaming systems When motion video plays a critical element in an organisation’s business operations, they rely on Telestream to agile business models Established over 20 years ago, Telestream is a leading global provider of workflow automation, processing and quality monitoring and management solutions for the production and distribution of video. The company provides world-class live and file-based solutions for automated workflow and quality monitoring and management solutions for video that allow consumers and businesses to transform video on the desktop and across the enterprise. The corporate headquarters are located in Nevada City, California. From content creation and packaging to multiplatform and multiscreen content delivery with quality monitoring

them to communicate effectively

PRISM media monitoring and analysis

at every stage, Telestream is working

with clearly defined audiences.

platform provides comprehensive

with the world’s top tier content owners,

Telestream customers are diverse:

monitoring of IP/SDI 4K/8K signals and

broadcasters and distributors to develop

from international broadcasters

comes equipped with specialised new

new infrastructure and business models

to small independent production

tools for wide colour gamut (WCG) and

that meet their business goals. Part of

facilities, educational establishments

high dynamic range (HDR). Offering

meeting those goals includes flexible and

and corporate organisations.

objective and trusted measurements,

affordable workflows in both the cloud

It’s never been more important

PRISM guarantees quality at every

and on premises as dictated by content

to measure, monitor and manage

stage of a production or broadcast

location and ultimate destination.

exposure levels and colour in

chain. The base model comes with

production and post-production and

10Gbps standard and for those

critical roles within its customers’

signal integrity in broadcast operations.

considering 4K/UHD, PRISM is easily

operations and workflows – helping

The latest version of Telestream’s

upgradable to 25Gbps connectivity.

Telestream plays vital mission



Cloud-based Processing with Vantage Cloud Port Focused on the growth of content creation and delivery, Vantage Cloud Port enables powerful, new automation and media processing workflows that are both cloudagnostic and multi-cloud. Vantage Cloud Port now features Tempo time adjustment and content normalisation plus a new, streamlined version of Post Producer automated content assembly and processing. Vantage Cloud Port Designer makes it even

transparency of the current on-demand

television in terms of quality of service

easier to start processing media

model by adding an option for paying

and experience. Telestream’s iQ ABR

with cloud-enabled actions.

on a time-metered basis. In addition

monitoring solutions have enhanced post-

to the option for time-metered billing,

origin content processing and delivery

Cloud Port is the ability to convert

Also new in Vantage and Vantage

customers can now upload complete

monitoring support for DASH and CMAF

between colour spaces, including

Vantage workflows and execute

packaged ABR streams plus dynamic ad

support and certification for Dolby

them entirely in the cloud making it

video quality assurance. Sentry software-

Vision, insert missing colour metadata

easier than ever to scale as needed.

based quality monitoring probes are

and ensuring the best possible quality

now integrated into Telestream’s Intelligent Video Management System

pipeline with full support for HDR

Growth of OTT Fuels Need for Effective Video Monitoring

standards. In addition, Vantage and

Two vital challenges for OTT streaming

ASM) providing a comprehensive,

Vantage Cloud Port now support object-

providers revolve around managing

real-time view into the health of

based audio including Dolby ATMOS.

customer experience and capitalising on

adaptive streaming video services.

To meet customers’ needs where

advertisement revenue. Now, more than

As more organisations take

they are in their cloud transformation

ever, it’s critical to ‘see what the customer

advantage of direct-to-consumer

process, Vantage Cloud Port provides for

sees’ when creating an OTT network

streaming services, the onus to deliver

even more predictable cost beyond the

that is directly comparable with linear

quality, reliable streams has shifted

with the Vantage 16-bit video processing

for Adaptive Streaming Media (iVMS

from distribution partners back to programmers. Telestream’s new OptiQ Monitor is a cloud-based, monitoringas-a-service, platform designed to give broad visibility into the health and performance of live OTT channels as delivered through CDN partners.

Contact Telestream 848 Gold Flat Road Nevada City, California 95959, USA Tel: +530-470-1300 Website:



Gain more value from your investments interoperability, TSL’s Advanced control systems have been implemented by leaders, not just in broadcast, but also in e-sport, government and entertainment AV facilities and houses of worship around the world.

Powerful and Agile Audio Monitoring The ratification of SMPTE 2110 has led to a boost in industry-wide confidence for IP projects and more than 500 of TSL’s PAM-IP audio monitors have been deployed worldwide. As well as offering the functionality expected of a typical audio monitor, the range With so many changes occurring in the

powerful control engine that takes the

provides a high level of integration with

industry, there is a responsibility on

efficiency found in automated systems,

third-party control systems, allowing

technology providers to ensure that

and multiplies it to dramatically reduce

ST-2110 multicast flow subscriptions to

broadcasters and media owners are

production costs and support facility-

be managed using ‘In-Band’ or ‘Out of

armed with the latest knowledge and

wide management. Virtual Panels offer

Band’ control protocols such as Ember+,

tools that will make their lives easier. By

a complete software control interface

NMOS IS-04/05 or TSL’s own RESTful API.

keeping ear to the ground and working

with an intuitive editor that allows multi-

Subscription status can be monitored

alongside customers, TSL continues

page configurations with easy access,

remotely over a network with the PAM-

to design products and solutions that

configuration creation and editing;

IP webpage, along with health status

empower its customers, allowing them

whilst Universal Control Panels offer

information such as IP packet counters,

to take ownership of their systems and

the ability to deliver powerful control

signal format and PTP status. Supporting

benefit from extended life-time value.

functions without the costly investment

ST-2110, ST-2022-6 and Dante networks,

of a system controller – simply plug the

as well as more traditional SDI, AES and

Advanced Control Systems

panel into an existing system to achieve

analogue sources, PAM-IP provides

TSL’s advanced control systems are

that key bit of functionality needed.

premium audio monitoring wherever

protocol agnostic and built on a

Thanks to its ‘out of the box’

you may be on your transition to IP.


Meanwhile, SAM-Q represents a

monitor loudness from a mono


SAM-Q’s agile approach to audio

new approach to audio monitoring,

source right up to a 9.1+4 programme

monitoring, with licensed capabilities,

allowing customers to determine how

configuration, the SAM-Q-SDI provides

remote monitoring and customer

they wish to control and visualise their

both operational simplicity and deep

configurable behaviours deliver

audio content based on application,

audio analysis at the same time.

operational and economical efficiencies

environment or simply personal

New and existing SAM-Q-SDI

throughout a truck or facility.

preference, and add or restrict new

customers can now also purchase

modes and behaviours over time.

the new MADI monitoring license

Support for Emerging Standards

Unlike traditional rackmount audio

which enables one or both SDI inputs

The TSL roadmap includes the full

monitors, the SAM-Q platform has

to be switched to and from MADI

implementation of AMWA’s NMOS IS04,

been designed to continually provide

with ease. With up to 128 channels

IS05 and IS07 as part of the progression

value to customers even when no

available and eight optional loudness

towards IP media workflows. As

operator or engineer is present. An

probes, the SAM-Q-SDI becomes

most equipment manufacturers are

example of this is the new SAM-Q

a powerful workhorse as well as

beginning to adopt either NMOS and

loudness license, which not only

a rackmount audio monitor.

Ember+ as the control standards to

provides new operational modes and

This powerful functionality is

support SMPTE ST2022-6 and ST2110,

loudness displays to the user but also

supported by two app-based tools,

TSL’s adoption of these standards will

allows loudness data to be logged and


be included within the eco-system to

monitored over an ethernet network.

allow a network of multiple SAM-Q

allow intuitive and powerful control

With up to eight independent loudness

audio monitors to be configured,

and tally across SDI, hybrid and fully IP

probes provided and the ability to

managed and monitored remotely.

infrastructures within a single package.

Contact TSL Products Units 1&2, First Avenue Globe Park, Marlow Buckinghamshire SL7 1YA Website: Swarup Mukherjee Regional Sales Manager MENA, India, SE Asia



Making effortless camera movements Vinten, a Vitec Group brand, is a leading

of the camera. The TF drag system

world’s fastest-deploying tripod legs.

provider of manual and robotic camera

employed in the Vector 750 delivers

With unique quick-release brakes

support systems. Customers rely on

complete control at any level of

conveniently located at the top of

Vinten’s engineering excellence and

movement, simple, infinite adjustment

the tripod, the flowtech legs can be

globally supported solutions for a wide

without steps, instant

deployed simultaneously in an instant

range of technologies and markets.

whip pan

Founded over 100 years ago by William

without manual

Vinten, the Vinten brand is still based

drag reduction

on its founder’s guiding principles of

and fast and

highly innovative design and extreme


precision in manufacturing. Offering


a best-in-class range of products that

The Vector

and adjusted automatically to the ground’s surface, saving operators from having to bend over and manually adjust multiple brakes on each leg. flowtech can be

includes manual supports, robotic

750 pan and

heads, pedestals and controllers,

tilt head is the

26 cm (10 inches) and

Vinten is the premium solution for

only system to

as high as 153 cm (60

studio and outside broadcast. With

allow perfect

over 80 registered patents, Vinten frees

control of large

the camera operator’s creativity by

UHD/4K camera

making camera operation effortless.

and lenses to deliver exceptional

to capture extremely low, ground-

sports coverage, allowing camera

level shots removing the need to

Vinten headquarters are in Bury St Edmunds, in the United

operators to react instinctively

Kingdom with sales offices in

to a director‘s call or sudden

EMEA, the Americas and APAC.

movement by the subject.

deployed as low as

inches) without the detachable spreader. A unique hinge-lock mechanism allows users

bring a second set of ‘baby legs’ to each shoot. The exceptional torsional stiffness of flowtech ensures that the tripod will

Vector 750 Pan and Tilt Head A versatile head for 4K, studio and OB

flowtech CarbonFibre Tripod Family

movements, an extremely

broadcast cameras and lenses, it has

Now available in both 75mm and

important consideration in all

perfect control of large studio and OB

100mm versions,

camera configurations at any resolution

flowtech is an

or frame rate (UHD and slow-mo).


The unique pantographic mechanism


with all

minimises inertia of the moving camera

tripod technology


and lens, allowing consistent control

that includes the

75mm fluid

not twist during camera panning

motion picture productions. Compatible



heads, flowtech75 has a payload

a powerful studio robotic solution that

capacity of 20kg (44 pounds).

integrates with all Vinten robotic camera


flowtech100 supports a payload of up

supports. The track system supports

to 30 kg (66 pounds), making it ideal for

shot sequencing, allowing users to select

Vitec Production Solutions

heavy-duty electronic newsgathering

multiple shots and execute a seamless

and electronic field production.

move through multiple key frames,

Parkring 29 85748 Garching

while an absolute encoder outputs


Vinten Robotics

tracking data to the VRC, making the

Tel: +49 (0) 89 32158-200

Vinten offers a complete, state-of-the-

system ready for use in an augmented

Fax: +49 (0) 89 32158-227

art robotic solution for any broadcast

reality or virtual reality environment.

Email: Salessupport_EMEA@

studio, rental house, or on-location event. Products include robotic

Key Clients Website:

pedestals, heads, elevation units and

Sharjah Media Corporation

tracks controlled by the Vinten Robotic

Sky News Arabia

Control System (VRC). A collaboration

Saudi Broadcasting Authority

between Vinten Automation and veteran

Al Jazeera

dolly manufacturer Tecnopoint, the

Al Rayyan TV


Vinten track systems work in tandem

Bahrain TV


with the Vinten control protocol and can

MTV Lebanon

be fully managed from the VRC to create

Al Hayat TV


Social Media vintenlive



Enabling the sharing of exceptional content Committed to Leveraging its Engineering Talent

Worldwide leader in end-to-end video streaming, Vitec’s solutions for broadcast, enterprise,

Vitec is an engineering-focused

government, military and sports

company that continues to design

and entertainment venues are

industry-leading video solutions and

tailored to each customer’s

innovative new technologies that

unique workflow. At the core

are transforming how companies use IP to enhance their video

of every Vitec solution is a commitment to offer products with

decode solutions deliver the

service offering. Vitec is committed

the lowest latency and most robust

highest quality IPTV streams

to leveraging its engineering talent

IPTV capability on the market.

over satellite links, private

and technology experience to provide

networks and over the internet

customers and ecosystem partners

Founded in 1988 Vitec is a pioneer in the design and manufacture of

PCIe cards with SDK, making

hardware and software for video

Vitec a world-class provider of

encoding, decoding, transcoding,

custom design and OEM for high-

archiving and streaming over IP. In 1992, Vitec developed the first MPEG-1

performance video systems EZ TV solution that is a powerful

with video innovations to turn their dream specifications into reality. Vitec’s intuitive digital video solutions can be tailored to each customer’s unique market needs, delivering easy-

encoder and has been innovating

suite of IPTV services for content

to-use technology that ensures high-

and leading the industry ever since.

management, digital signage, video

quality, low-latency HD video, capturing

Today, Vitec’s HEVC (H.265) with

archiving and video wall processing

live and recorded events for

Gen2+ codec and H.264 class of

seamless distribution in

products are the most extensive

a multitude of formats

in the market for encoding

anytime, anywhere

and decoding devices:

and to any device.

100% hardware based encode/

Vitec in the Middle East: Broadcast, Sports & Venue, Military Vitec is aware that the main concern of most of its customers is the difficulties



Key Projects

associated with delivering video streams

the benefits of HEVC encoding out of

from the field. Bandwidth limitations

the server room and into the field by

are the key issue, and this is especially

integrating a high-quality, low-delay

pronounced in the Middle East where

hardware codec into a professional

the topography promotes heavy reliance

appliance, reducing operating

on satellite links. The more data you

expenses and extending the reach of

Golden 1 Centre Project: EZ TV

send, the more you expose yourself

video services to remote destinations

IPTV and Digital Signage Platform

to packet loss and data corruption

with bandwidth constraints. It is the

delivering unprecedented user

dramatically increasing operating

industry’s only portable IP streaming

experience and fan engagement

costs. Vitec’s solutions allow very high

solution for HEVC (H.265) MGW

levels of compression for video signals

Ace Encoder, MGW Ace Decoder.

without degrading the video quality

European Space Agency Project: IPTV solution transmitting live video and data streams Sacramento Kings’ New Arena:

FSN (Feature Story News) Project: Portable encoding solution providing worldwide reliable live streams of the

for operators. This makes delivery of

IPTV & Digital Signage

high-quality video feeds a reality allowing

Through engagement with regional

customers to gain a tactical advantage.

customers, Vitec has uncovered that being able to find secure, scalable cost-

Point-to-Point Broadcasting

effective ways to distribute video is a

Given the need for live reporting from

key priority across myriad sectors. EZ

the field to cover the near-constant

TV platform offers the most advanced

stream of breaking news and events in

IPTV experience with live streaming, on-

the region, Vitec sees this as an essential

demand video, digital recording, mosaic

solution for broadcasters. Vitec takes

player, time-shifted TV and customisable look-and-feel. EZ TV content security and user-access controls are certified by broadcasters for local and multisite applications. Furthermore, the platform’s Digital Signage module uses powerful hardware-based endpoints to deliver eye-catching digital content with dynamic data and full HD IPTV content.

historic US Presidential visit to Cuba

Contact VITEC Middle East Office Jumeirah Lake Towers Cluster X3 #410 Dubai, UAE Tel: +971 (04)554-7188 Website: Nicolas Pons VP Business Development

Social Media vitec-multimedia Vitec_MM vitecmm



Manage and orchestrate the entire media lifecycle VSN is a global technology company specialised in providing advanced IT solutions to solve the needs of content creation, distribution and management for a wide variety of companies including TV channels, media companies, content distributors, educational and public institutions, private corporations and sport venues alike. Either in the Cloud or onpremise, every VSN software works independently or together to create a complete, modular and scalable solution, ready to easily integrate with third-party systems. This year VSN commemorates its 30-year anniversary, celebrating its journey with a network of

and orchestration, and Business

system must feature advanced

partners and offices around the world

Intelligence for data analytics. It also

content cataloguing and segmenting

— (Barcelona (HQ), Montevideo, Miami,

includes AI-based tools for automatic

functionalities, as well as being

Hong Kong and a dedicated R+D centre

metadata detection and cataloguing, a

integrable with third-party systems

in Alicante — and with more than 1,000

rough-cut web video editor, Wedit and

in order to create more complex,

clients in 100 plus countries that trust

a multimedia gallery to easily preview

efficient and powerful workflows.

VSN to maximise their performance.

and manage images, audio or any other

Focused on adapting its product portfolio to client future needs,

That is the case of VSNExplorer

file type, consolidating a solution in

MAM, which works as a comprehensive

tune with the new realities of MAM.

content management system that

VSN bets heavily on innovation,

keeps all the video files’ metadata synchronised as it comes from the

management through its flagship

Media Management in Archiving and Delivery

product: VSNExplorer. This open-ended

One of the main goals of having

allowing the creation and automation

platform comprises several optional

a good media archive system is

of complex workflows. It imports the

modules: MAM for media management,

allowing companies to monetise

broadcasting lists created in traffic

PAM for production environments,

their media assets as much as

to VSNExplorer and can identify and

BPM for workflows’ automation

possible. With this aim, such a

transfer those files regardless of their

streamlining media and workflows

traffic and scheduling tool, thus


location (archive, near-line, online or


based traffic and scheduling software, VSNCrea, fully

Cloud). This workflow also implements task automation, such as quality

developed in HTML5 to

control and media transcoding

enable the management

before sending it to broadcast,

of a company’s content

thanks to software modules

production catalogue, advertising, production

like VSNExplorer BPM. Once ready for

workflows, programming,

broadcasting, VSNExplorer

broadcast planning and

can control multiple file

analytics on content

delivery and versioning

performance — all from

segments to traditional

a unique user interface.

MCR environments, video

Middle East Presence

servers controlled by VNSMulticom, social media, OTT

Within the high potential of the MENA broadcast and media market,

and WebTV platforms and even

and PAM makes managing the entire

to systems like VSNExplorer BI module

production lifecycle possible: from

VSN looks forward to establishing

to analyse content performance.

very early stages of the production

long-term technical commercial

process to quick video editing by

relationships with customers. Some

cut and uninterrupted broadcast.

existing projects and commercial

MAM in News and Live Events VSNExplorer modules for production

One of the company’s most unique

relationships that VSN has successfully

(PAM) and (MAM) are specially

and successful software for news

established throughout this region

interesting as a complement to

production, VSN Newsconnect, focuses

in the last decade include Roya TV in

NRCS and playout systems for news,

on easing user workload. It is a web

Jordan, Almayadeen in Lebanon, Saudi

sport and live events production.

plugin that acts as a MOS Media Bus,

Airlines in Saudi Arabia, Al Kout and

VSNExplorer MAM allows advanced

100% developed in HTML5 that allows

Scope TV in Kuwait and SEC in Qatar.

auto-cataloguing of media files while

journalists to access VSNExplorer’s

they are being ingested, accelerating

MAM functionalities directly from

file search and retrieval processes

their NRCS GUI. It essentially brings

regardless of storage location.

together all third-party tools required

Moreover, combining MAM

for news production (NRCS, CG, NLE, studio playout and video servers) under a centralised workspace,

Contact VSN Parc Audiovisual de Catalunya Carretera BV-1274, Km.1 08225, Terrassa, Barcelona, Spain

making all of them quickly


accessible from the NRCS


interface, improving efficiency and saving time

Aitor Falcó

- so that journalists can

Sales Manager, Middle East

focus on creating stories.


Media Planning and Programming

Tel: +34 93 734 99 70

Social Media

VSN’s product portfolio


also includes the Cloud-

vsn_tv videostreamnetworks videostreamnetworks0


News Agency A24




Your reliable news gateway A24 News Agency is the access to all the

Agency Objectives and Origin

independent news-gathering agency for

news developing in the region. A neutral

Noticing the inability of both regional and

the MENA region, delivering developing

source of information on existing and

international news agencies to deliver

stories and events in real-time.

unfolding events, it is up-to-date and

accurate, unbiased and timely reporting

authenticated by expert journalists who

of news and events in the region,


provide information on a daily, hourly

Mohammed Al Ajlouni, an experienced

To establish A24 as the most

basis, and the much-needed Arab

and accomplished media entrepreneur

comprehensive new agency in the

perspective to an attentive audience. In

launched A24 in April 2015. Founded on

region that relies on seasoned Arab-

2019, the news agency saw a significant

the premise of delivering global-standard

speaking journalists to echo the

stretch in its area of influence as it

news of a region characterised by unique

voice of the people and to address

reached out to cover more territories in

political, social, cultural and linguistic

the market gap in providing world-

its tireless efforts to create a global news

nuances, A24 is built on competency. It

class, unbiased, coverage of news

forum. Subsequently, the agency also

brings to Arab viewers across the globe

and events shaping the Arab world.

relaunched its logo. Other developments

a comprehensive look at vital stories

included the creation of a new platform,

and also takes a closer look at those


the A24Plus, which provides infographics

that are otherwise overlooked, ignored

Provide clients with a real-time corridor to

on major news and events and as a

or misrepresented. In a short span of

breaking news and events in the MENA,

summing up of images to support a story.

time, A24 has grown into the foremost

reported in the most professional manner.



Strong Global Presence

agency ensures coverage is accurate,

and continues to cover the ongoing

A24 maintains fully equipped production

clear and a comprehensive picture of

unrest in Iraq, Lebanon and Yemen.

teams in all capital cities across the MENA,

relevant events leading up to the news.

while working from Turkey, Washington

A24’s strategic alliance with ENEX (European News Exchange) continues

Technical Edge

to thrive. The Luxembourg-based

A24 seamlessly blends its unrivaled

cooperative news agency in collaboration

teams on-the-ground in all major Arab

understanding of the region with

with A24 distributes Arab news content

cities and hotspots, the company has

technical expertise developed through

across ENEX’s global partner network.

unsurpassed access to event outbreaks in

years of strategic investment in world-

ENEX has 56 broadcast and digital

the region. In 2019, A24 began coverage

class professionals and equipment.

partners around the world including

from Iran and this year will see its

The company boasts a vast fleet of OB

CBS in the USA, Sky News channels,

presence in Afghanistan. This successful

vans equipped with full HD capabilities

RTL news entities, CME-owned stations

regional cover has emboldened the

and personnel who are extensively

in central and Eastern Europe, 14

company to spread its influence further

trained to utilise this world-class

stations in Latin America and a growing

with newer representative offices

equipment to its full potential. A24 is

presence in the Middle East and Asia.

beyond its MENA territorial monopoly.

capable of providing real-time news

Offices across the globe include:

feeds and raw footage of events when

DC, Thailand and the Philippines. Supported by highly qualified local



and where they happen and in the



high-grade format that viewers now



demand. With such highly trained and



fully equipped local teams in all major



cities and hotspots across the MENA



region, A24 is the first on the scene with



unsurpassed access to news as it breaks.



Professional Workforce

Milestones and Partnerships By expanding its geographical stronghold,

The A24 news force comprises seasoned

A24 has created space for exclusive news

journalists, cameramen and producers

content, giving it the advantage when it

in every capital city in the MENA. This

comes to reportage of major events. The

dedicated local presence in more

agency covered the Warsaw conference

areas than any other regional news

on peace and security in the Middle East

Contact A24 Washington, DC (USA Office) 529 14th ST NW, Suite 1187 Washington, DC, 20045, USA Amman (Jordan Office) Jabal Amman, Al Mutasim St. Building No.122 Tel: +962 791 501 565 Dubai (UAE Office) Al Thuraya 1 Tower, Floor 18, Office 1802, 1801 Dubai Media City, Dubai, UAE


OTT Viu YuppTV




Video streaming made easy Viu is a leading pan-regional over-

in the UAE, Saudi Arabia, Qatar,

the patented Dynamic Adaptive

the-top (OTT) video streaming service

Kuwait, Bahrain, Oman, Qatar,

Transcoding technology, Viu can

operated by the PCCW Media Group.

Jordan and Egypt in early 2017. Since

provide the best viewing experience

It is available in 16 markets including

then, Viu has seen a progressive

regardless of device or network

Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia,

rollout of Arabic originals. Earlier

conditions. The service can be

Indonesia, the Philippines, Thailand

this year, the company announced

accessed via Viu app (available

and Myanmar in Asia; Bahrain, Egypt,

the commissioning of its latest

for free on App Store and Google

Jordan, Kuwait, Oman, the UAE, Saudi

Arabic Viu Original, Ansaf Majanin.

Play) on connected devices, such as

Arabia and Qatar in the Middle East,

The series is brought to life by

smartphones and tablets, selected

and South Africa. Operating with

Sard Company for Drama Writing

smart TVs, as well as on the web

an ad-supported and a premium

under the supervision of celebrated

by logging onto

subscription tier, Viu delivers premium

screenwriter Mariam Naoum

content in different genres from top

and inspired by one of the most

securing 2.9 billion video views within

content providers with local language

downloaded books in the Arab world.

the first half of 2019 underpinning

The streaming service offers users

the company’s strong growth. As of

subtitles, as well as original production series under the ‘Viu Original’ initiative.

Viu had a rapid start to 2019,

popular and current content with

June 2019, Viu had 36 million monthly

Viu’s expansion took a leap when

streaming and download features,

active users across 16 markets, a figure

the OTT streaming service launched

and localised user interfaces. With

that doubled from the year prior.

Abe Shady Aboul Naga, General Manager, Viu MENA.


Areas of Expertise and Categories

with 12 awards at the first round of the

Viu operates with a focus on tailoring

2019 Asian Academy Creative Awards.

content, pricing and technology to

In 2019, the entertainment service


Contact Viu

each of its markets. The streaming

released Viu Originals Zodiac, Ana

service specialises in the production

Sherry Dot Com, Doon and Hadota

and streaming of originals with a

Morra. The originals received a lot

Dubai Media City

fast-tracked rollout of Viu Originals

of buzz and engagement, with an

across the Middle Eastern, South

increasing demand for more seasons.

PO Box 500844, Dubai, UAE

Asian and Pinoy regions. Viu’s releases

The company’s success has continued

have enabled its consumer video on

to flourish as Viu became the second

demand app Viu to become a leading

biggest streaming player in southeast

OTT video service in Asian countries.

Asia. The streaming service has established a strong presence in the

Boutique Offices, Villa 19

Website: Website: Perihan Abouzeid Head of Marketing - MENA

Key Projects and Partnerships

Asian market. Adding to Viu’s bank of

Viu has seen rapid success as it received

Original offerings, the leading streaming


recognition in winning seven awards

entertainment service also recently

for its Viu Original ‘Zodiac’ at the NRJ

announced its collaboration with

Tel: +971 52 330 8379

Egypt Radio Ramadan Drama Awards

Warner Bros. International Television

in 2019. The award-winning Viu Original

Production (WBITVP) to remake an

was also named OTT Production of the

Asian version of Pretty Little Liars.

Year award at the ASBU BroadcastPro

Viu also caters to the increasing

Social Media ViuME, ViuDesi, ViuMePinoy ViuMENA, ViuDesi, ViuMePinoy

Awards 2019 for the second year

demand for diverse genres to be

in a row and was awarded Content

implemented into Arabic content. The

Delivery Platform of the Year at the

company is committed to expanding

ViuMENA, ViuDesi, ViuMePinoy

annual Digital Studio Awards 2019.

its original’s output with content that


Viu’s success has not gone unnoticed

appeals to viewers with differing tastes.

ViuMENA, ViuDesi, ViuMePinoy



Dominating the OTT market With expertise in video streaming and

hours of video content is provided


video-on-demand (VOD) content to

every day and 2,500 hours is added

YuppTV was one of the earliest

audiences across the globe, YuppTV is

every day. YuppTV service is available

video-streaming services to have

one of the world’s leading OTT content

on multiple internet-enabled devices

showcased Indian content. Founder

providers for south Asian content. A

such as smart televisions, smartphones,

and CEO Uday Reddy wanted to help

one-stop destination for subscribers

tablets and on the web. Besides TV

Indians living abroad connect easily to

who want to view everything they want

shows and movies, YuppTV has also

Indian television and entertainment.

on one platform, YuppTV offers more

expanded into original programming

Reddy left his job at a Canadian

than 250 channels and carries premium

and the YuppTV Original’s initial focus

telecommunications company to start

networks in over 14 languages. It is a

will be on regional content. With a focus

YuppTV in 2007 in Atlanta, USA. The

professional online video platform with

on south Asian content, YuppTV has

company started its service in the USA

live streaming capability reaching more

partnered with Arre, the multi-genre,

with the vision to providing Indian TV

than six million viewers around the world.

multi-format digital media brand,

channels to Indians over the internet.

to offer content on its platform.

At the time, most Indian channels were

As part of the VOD service, 25,000


Padi Udaynandan Reddy,

Samir Awada,

Founder & CEO YuppTV.


not available on cable network and

the United Kingdom, where BT Sports

available ones were far too expensive.

will broadcast the competition. YuppTV has partnered with telecom


Contact YuppTV (Dubai office)

New Broadcasting Rights

operator BSNL to offer triple play

YuppTV has recently bagged the

services to viewers in rural India.

broadcast rights for the BCCI Home

With the complete roll out slated for

Discovery Tower, Dubai, UAE

Season. With this, YuppTV users across

this year, services have commenced

Samir Awada

the globe will be able to stream their

in the state of Telangana state

best-loved sporting action live on the

bringing triple play services to the

Tel: +971504568486

platform. Users in the Middle East

Veenavanka village in Karimnagar

and North Africa, can also watch the

District. YuppTV offers an extensive

sport action live. Cricket fans across

and exclusive content library with live

the globe can watch the latest cricket

TV channels and catch-up, movies

matches live on the YuppTV app on their

and webseries with this partnership;

YuppTV (Hyderabad office)

smart TVs, smartphones and tablets.

content is delivered on 2.5G, 3G and


The BCCI Home Season features spirited action between Sri Lanka,

4G networks of BSNL to its users. A pan-Asian platform, Emerald Media

Office 601

Suneel Kishore Tel: 9398000456 Website:

Road Number 44 CBI Colony, Jubilee Hills

Australia, South Africa and India.

established by KKR for investing in the

Previously YuppTV had acquired digital

media and entertainment sector, has


broadcasting rights for the IPL 2019

acquired a significant minority stake

Telangana 500033

for broadcast in Australia, continental

in YuppTV for $50 million. For Emerald

Europe, Singapore, Malaysia, Sri Lanka

Media, this is the first deal and after

Tel: 040 6459 6458

and the rest of the world including

buyout KKR formed an investment

south and central America and central

platform along with American media

and southeast Asia. This is the first

holding company The Chernin Group to


time an OTT platform has acquired

invest in Asian media and entertainment


worldwide rights outside India and

ventures in November 2019.

Social Media


Production Art Format Lab Seven Production ME FZ LLC Sponix Tech




Creating prevalent formats for the Arab region Art Format Lab (AFL) was founded

material in a way that is authentically

of scripted, non-scripted

in 2016 to support, develop and

Arabic (Gulf, Egyptian and pan-Arab).

international formats. With three regional Arab writers’ rooms in

produce television and cinematic content emerging from the Arab world, showcasing its rich culture

AFL Services Adaptation of International Formats

Cairo, Jeddah and Dubai. Media Consultancy

and heritage. Specialising in content

Bringing international formats

Developing channel brand

development, production, sales and

to be adapted and produced in

positioning, identities and relevant

distribution, AFL is based in Dubai

Arabic including remaking.

programming strategies across

with offices in Cairo and Jeddah. Committed to delivering premium,

Development of Original Format Developing and producing original

all touchpoints and platforms. E-Commerce Consultancy

socially-relevant Arabic content,

local TV entertainment formats, series

Multiple consultancy services

AFL focuses on format exchange by

formats and feature films with a focus on

to cover product business

bringing international formats from

Egypt and the emerging Saudi cinema.

development, regional market

Hollywood, Europe and Asia and adapting and producing them in Arabic for the Saudi, Gulf and the MENA region. AFL believes in the talent and potential of Arab content creators and works towards exporting Arab formats to international markets.

Mission To capitalise on the market gap for premium Arabic content and continuously scan the world in search of successful, breakthrough formats that will appeal to Arab viewers’ taste, culture and social realities. To combine the expertise of Hollywood and international storytelling with strong local writing talent to create premium drama and entertainment that captures the spirit of the original

Writer’s Lab Arabic adaptation and localisation

research, media strategic plans and creative product storytelling.



AFL Saudi Format Lab AFL proudly launched the Saudi Format Lab (SFL) as an aggregation of the top 10 Saudi start-ups in media and a gathering of young talent with considerable experience. SFL is based in Riyadh and Jeddah under one umbrella to cover content development and audio-visual production including production and post-production facilities, sound design and composition, graphics and animation, public relations, sales and distribution and others.

Key Projects The Red Band Society Produced by acclaimed director Steven

The team from Art Format Lab at an on-the ground production.

Spielberg, it revolves around a group of teenagers who are patients in a

Winning format initiated in The

conclusions. The programme assumes

hospital, each suffering from a serious

Netherlands and adapted in China,

a docuseries format combining

illness, giving out a positive message of

Turkey and Africa and the UAE.

exploration and dramatised storytelling.

optimism, portrayed within a comedy-

Under the Sun


drama approach. The Arabic format

The first Emirati user-generated movie

A television magazine/reality show

adaptation was produced in Cairo.

inspired by the creative contribution

that follows a group of six young

Gained wide media coverage and won

of the participants in the UAE

Emiratis as they prepare for their

the Broadcast Pro Best Drama in 2018.

Entertainment Experience, the first

weekly magazine TV show. It sheds

crowd-sourced Emirati film project,

light on the UAE’s emerging creative

an initiative by Sharjah Media City –

talents from writers, innovators and

The Emirati Entertainment Experience

Shams. It deals with domestic violence

musicians, also showcasing special

is an on-the-ground production of the

and contemporary social attitudes

segments led by inspiring personalities

first Emirati user-generated movie,

towards it, with underlying themes

about mind and body, preventive

and a digital database of around 3000

of the virtual world of social media

nutrition and sport. Atyaaf also

individuals in the industry developed

and its impact on social behaviour.

highlights Emirati contemporary works

The Emirati Entertainment Experience (Season 1)

in cooperation with Microsoft. The aim


of art and reviews literary works.

is to nurture Emirati and Arab talent in

A docuseries, presented by Dr

film and TV production and develop the

Mustafa Al Aidaroos (Salim: seasons

local film industry infrastructure. It relies

1-4), a young Saudi passionate

on ‘the public’ to develop and produce

about exploration and research,

experimental movies guided by a ‘dream

and who believes every city and

Level 29, Marina Plaza, Office 2

team’ of talented film makers and

historical sight in the Kingdom has

Dubai Marina, PO BOX 112222

supported by film-related workshops

its own ‘layla’ or love story embodied

held across the UAE. A professional

in its history and folklore.

version of the movie will be produced

In 30 episodes, across his journey

Contact Art Format Lab

Dubai, UAE Tel: +971 45124053

by the ‘dream team’ and released across

to ancient ruins, the mountains and

Tel: +971 558470282

cinemas locally and internationally.

the seas, Mustafa writes inspiring


messages to ‘Layla’. The messages are


The UAE Entertainment Experience is an international Emmy Award

a collection of thoughts, questions and



Creating world-class live productions

Seven Production is the ‘film and live broadcasting’ powerhouse at the forefront of the biggest events

(ranging from five to 40+ cameras) POD (customised solely for the global Formula One)

happening in the MENA region.

Flypack Systems

Originally established in 2007, in Dubai,

Wireless Systems (including relay

UAE, and now having offices in Abu

helicopters and motorbikes)

regulations. The ability to customise its offering based on client requirements ensures the company delivers precisely what is demanded for in each project. Over the years, Seven has been providing clients with a comprehensive

Dhabi, Saudi Arabia, Finland and the

ENG and Specialist 4K/HD Equipment

range of innovative turnkey

United Kingdom, Seven has carved out


solutions, functioning as a ‘one-stop

a well esteemed reputation of being the

Live Web Streaming

shop’ for producing numerous TV

region’s premier innovator of market-

Technical Production Teams

productions and live events. Each

leading 4K and HD broadcast solutions

Studio Hire and Production Support

project is guaranteed the highest

and live technical events support to

Host Broadcast Support

standard of service with first-class

the most prestigious broadcasters,

Systems Integration

results. The management’s ‘make it

production companies, event

Specialty Capture

happen attitude’, strengthened by

organisers and government entities.

Post-production Support

the experience and drive of the team, customer trust and the promise to

Live Broadcast Services 12 Outside Broadcast Units

Seven is aware of cultural differences

always deliver, makes the team at

and compliant with all national

Seven fiercely proud of its reputation.



Key Projects

Areas of Expertise 4K & HD specialty cameras, TV

Global Formula One

production, complete technical

Dakkar Rally – SKA

support for TV coverage, SNG services,

F1 ESports Series

studio services, webcast streaming,

Najem Al Saudia (KSA)

live event filming and broadcasting,

Cirque Du Soleil on National Day (KSA)

film and broadcast equipment rental, OB units, flight cases, ENG camera.

Souk Okaz Salalah Festival (Oman)


BIAF 9th Edition (Lebanon) Gulf Shield Joint Exercise (KSA)

4K Broadcasting

Pierre Tabet, Managing Director, Seven Production.

Filming Studio Shows OB Vans

FIFA UAE National Day

Vizlink Wireless System (1 Watt and 5 Watts)


Sony Lipstick HXR-MC1 Camera

Cameras and Special Cameras

Cartoni E-RM25

World Rugby Sevens Series AFC Champions League Dubai Canal Opening

Key Clients

Sony HDC 4300 4K Sony HDC 4800 4K

King Abdulaziz Camel Festival (KSA)

HD Lenses


Sony HDC 1700

Canon XJ95


Sony HDC 1500

Canon XJ86


Sony HDC 3300

Canon XJ72

Dubai TV

GV LDX 80 (Grass Valley)

Canon XJ60

Abu Dhabi Media

Sony PDW 700 XDCam

Canon HJ40


Sony PMW 500

Canon HJ22


Canon C300

Canon HJ14

Different Production

Canon 5D MK III

Canon HJ11



Canon HJ10

FS5 Mini Alexa


Remote Camera

Sony HDW 2000 HDCam

Mini Camera Marshall


Contact Seven Production ME FZ LLC International Media Production Zone, Building PBU # A18

AJA Ki Pro


Techno Crane

Black Magic - Hyper Docks

Furio Camera Robotic System


Pierre Tabet

Camera Mount

(only company in the region) Cable Cam Roof Rail Cam Technopoint (50m) Track Stanton Jimmy Jib – Maximum Length 16m

Ancillary Link RF Radio Cam Systems Advent SNG HD Uplinks

Tel: +971 54 4990777 (UAE) Tel: +966 55 0476777 (KSA) Tel: +961 71 182777 (Lebanon)

Social Media

HD Monitors

Commentary Units


Steady Cam Sachtler

Autocue Units


Light Dolly

FCP Edit Suites

Dutch Roll Camera Head

Radio Talkback Systems


Easy Rig

Wireless Systems

7 Production & Events



Creating innovative productions Sponix Tech Limited is a leading

the entire video production process,

experiences and technologies

content and technology provider

from developing the initial concept

in sports television history.

company with years of international

through to offering pre-production,

experience producing exciting,

filming and post-production services.

sports technology industry. Over

entertaining and dynamic video

Most of the production involves one

the years, the company has built

content for high profile clients

hundred percent in-house motion

excellent working relationships with

in business and elite sport.

graphics work, thereby adding another

its clients, and prides itself on the

dimension to the storytelling.

repeat work and recommendations

The team consists of experts in leveraging the power of video to

Sponix Tech’s unique video content

Sponix Tech defines itself in the

that it receives. A hardworking team

reach customers, increase brand

technologies such as its player’s

of engineers and employees have

visibility and create high quality,

Point of View technology (POV) and

developed innovative solutions that

shareable content, whether in a B2B

Digital Billboard Replacement (DBR)

have pioneered systems in the field of

environment or engaging directly

have been receiving attention from

production. The team is also working on

with sports fans. The company’s

all sorts of sports media outlets as

challenging new technologies intended

end-to-end creative services cover

one of the most amazing viewer

to create new services to the market.

(Left) Mohammad Ali Abbaspour, Founder and CEO, Sponixtech and Mohsen Rajabi, Business Development Director, Sponixtech.


Areas of Expertise


technology for both sports – ones

company has made forays in to

Content Provider

with a static camera like tennis and

Europe by collaborating with Benfica

Technology provider

badminton, and those with a moving

TV in Portugal. Benfica uses the PoV

camera like football and basketball.

technology during home matches of


Significant features of this high-

S.L. Benfica in Portugal Primeira Liga.

Point of View

end technology are as follows:

Currently, plans and negotiations

Developed by Sponix Tech, this

are in place to implement the

software can create the ‘point of view’

Fully software-based solution

company’s unique technologies for

angle using only the broadcast footage.

Smooth ad-positioning

one of the best European leagues.

For live events, footage is captured

Determination of the overall

at the highest quality possible and

movement of virtual ads

the software automatically processes

Optimised image colour adjustment


the frames for that key moment to

Ad appearance consistency

Sponix Tech Limited

create the viewing angle. Currently, for football matches, the processing time is between 15 to 20 minutes, and the new version is aimed at decreasing

with other parts No adaptation to cameras and perimeter boards No impact on TV production

the time to less than seven minutes.

27 Old Gloucester Street London, United Kingdom, WC1N 3AX Tel: +44 2038852925

Key Clients


Digital Billboard Replacement

Sponix Tech works with broadcasters,

Having developed a pure software

leagues and clubs. Most recently,


technology for digitally replacing

the company worked with the UAE

advertisement around the field, Sponix

Pro League Committee in two of

Tech is the first company to have the

their final matches. In addition, the

Social Media Sponixtech


Satellite ABS APT Satellite ARABSAT Es’hailSat, Qatar Satellite Company Gazprom Space Systems (GSS) Inmarsat M-Three Satcom Norsat International Inc. STN




Providing connectivity to the globe ABS operates a global fleet of six

well as the Southern and Eastern

ABS-3A @ 3°West

satellites providing comprehensive

European regions, with access to key

ABS-3A is a satellite offering connectivity

coverage to 93% of the world’s

teleports for internet trunking services.

across Europe, the MENA, the North

population across 180 countries.

The global beams provide

Atlantic region and the Americas

customers with connectivity from/

in both Ku and C-band. Its unique

satellite applications including

to the MENA region, and the African

pan-African coverage is in high

video broadcast, corporate data,

and Asian continents, with reach to

demand for corporate data networks,

backhauling services for mobile

well-established neighbourhoods of

mobile networks backhauling and

networks and government solutions.

satellite services users and operators.

video primary distribution.

ABS offers a range of tailored

The company has strategic alliances and partnerships with national and

ABS-3A, Ku MENA beam

international telecommunications companies, video platform providers and major ground segment operators to serve customers for their regional and global communications requirements. ABS has offices in the USA, the Middle East, South Africa and Asia, and is owned by the European Private Equity firm, Permira.

Dedicated to Serving the MENA ABS serves the MENA region with dedicated regional beams as well as global beams provided over three satellites of its fleet: ABS-2, ABS-2A co-located at 75°East and ABS-3A positioned at 3°West. The dedicated regional beams allow for high-power connectivity across the MENA as

ABS-3A, Ku Europe beam



ABS-2, Ku MENA beam

Eastern Europe, the Middle East and


hosts video primary distributions

notably the Gulf countries, Asia as

This is a portfolio of value-added

and point-to-point contributions for

well as eastern Africa. Coverage of a

services to serve a broad spectrum

the entire region, with high power

large portion of the Indian Ocean is

of satellite communication

coverage stretching from Morocco to

also offered for maritime services.

requirements. ABS services support

The MENA Ku-band payload

the Gulf countries. It is also suitable

The ABS-2A Russian beam carries

for national backhauling networks

more than 500 television channels

and international internet trunking.

to about one million DTH homes and

The Americas coverage serves

more than 1500 cable head-ends in

customers operating VSAT networks

the Russian and former CIS territories,

and video contribution in the region.

making 75°East a prime TV distribution

The European beam, which stretches

position for the region. All the Ku-band

over the North Atlantic region until

beams at 75°East are optimal for data

the American continent, serves

services, video contribution platforms

various applications: maritime mobile

for fixed and mobile users and

networks as well as video contributions.

aeronautical and maritime connectivity.

The latter notably in the domain of

The large Ka-band payload over

live sports: ABS-3A regularly carries

ABS-2 targets the MENA/southern

video feeds from a variety of high-

Europe region and provides cost-

profile events, sport from European

effective solutions for commercial

national and international football

and military applications.

leagues to professional golf, tennis,

a range of global, scalable network services. Services include: ABSPlus Teleport – Customising your connectivity needs ABSPlus Video – Full array of media services ABSPlus Install – Equipment and installation services ABSPlus SatOps – Satellite and TT&C operations services ABSPlus Consult – Consulting, regulatory and satellite related services ABSPlus H2H – Horizon to Horizon constellation services Customers can leverage on ABS’ expertise to accelerate their time to

cycling and more. It is a satellite beam

Ground Infrastructure

market, save on upfront operational

widely received and used by the

ABS’ teleport infrastructure features a

expenses and quickly deploy

broadcasting community in Europe.

number of ground facilities in various

reliable solutions for their users.

regions with direct access to all ABS’ satellites as well as other GEO, MEO


ABS-2 and ABS-2A @ 75°East

and LEO satellites. Customers are

75° East is a prime position for both

offered such infrastructure for their

broadcast services and corporate

ground segment requirements to

2101-2108, Al Thuraya Tower 1

data networks in the Eastern

uplink to ABS’ satellites as well as

Dubai Media City, Dubai, UAE

hemisphere. ABS-2 and ABS-2A

other operators’ capacities. Trunking

Tel: + 971 4 4542677

satellites provide beams with

services are also provided to enable

regional and continental coverage of

high bandwidth internet access and


the whole of Russia, Southern and

mobile networks backhauling.





Broad spectrum satcom platforms Founded in 1992, APT Satellite currently owns a fleet of five inorbit satellites, namely, APSTAR-6, APSTAR-7, APSTAR-9, APSTAR-6C and APSTAR 5C, forming the APSTAR fleet, covering regions in Asia, the Middle East, Oceania and most parts of Europe. This vast regional influence stretches across approximately 75% of the world’s population and provides excellent quality ‘one-stop shop’ services for satellite transponder leasing, satellite telecommunications and satellite TV broadcasting and transmission to broadcasters and telecommunications customers. To go in line with business


four Ku-band beams cover China, the

development, the company is equipped

Positioned at 76.5E, APSTAR-7 is based

Middle East, North Africa and Central

with state-of-the-art ground facilities

on the Thales Alenia’s SPACEBUS4000-C2

Asia and another steerable area that

including satcom platforms and a TV

platform which is one of the most

is complementary to the fixed beams.

broadcasting centre, pooling together

reliable satellite platforms present

versatile satellite frequency resources

in the market today. The satellite is

APSTAR-7 has the largest geographic

for the provision of TV playout and

built with 28 C-band transponders

coverage over all visible landmass

uplink, DTH, telecommunications

and 28 Ku-band transponders.

including all of the Middle East,

and IP transit services.

Satellite Fleet APSTAR-6

Owing to its prime orbital slot,

APSTAR-7 has 28 C-band and 28

Asia, Australia, most parts of

Ku-band transponders. The C-band

Africa and Europe, as well as

global beam covers four continents: Asia,

numerous islands scattered across

Europe, Africa and Australia. Through its

the Pacific and Indian Oceans.

Replaced by APSTAR-6C in 2018,

advanced technology, APSTAR-7 provides

then relocated to other slot for

improved communication performance,

broadcast service providers such

A number of well-known global

limited inclined orbit services.

power and efficiency to customers. The

as Sony Pictures (AXN), HBO,



Disney, Hallmark, Globecast, BBC, and other regional broadcasters utilise APSTAR-7 for distributing their channels across the region. APSTAR-9 Launched in October 2015, APSTAR-9 satellite is a DFH-4 platform satellite manufactured by CASC (China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation). Located at 142E orbital slot, APSTAR-9 is equipped with 32 C-band and 14 Kuband transponders. C-band coverage consists of one broad beam for the Asia Pacific region (AP Beam) and one enhanced beam for South East Asia (SEA Beam), suitable for video broadcast

the DFH-4 platform with a designed life

Loral FS-1300 platform, it is equipped

and high throughput telecom and

of 15 years. It is equipped totally with 45

with C-band, Ku-band regional beams

cellular backhaul services; Ku-band

transponders in C-band, Ku-band and Ka-

and Ku-band HTS payload, providing

covers the west Pacific and east of the

band. As the most advanced satellite with

high power transponder services to

Indian Ocean region, providing DTH,

the highest capacity in the DFH-4 series

customers across the Asia-Pacific

VSAT and mobility services such as

satellites, APSTAR-6C will provide satellite

region for VSAT, video distribution, DTH,

maritime and inflight connectivity.

communication and broadcasting

maritime and broadband services.

services covering the Asia-Pacific region. APSTAR-6C APSTAR-6C satellite was launched on

APSTAR-5C’s mission slot is at 138E. By utilising a hybrid chemical-electric


propulsion system, APSTAR-5C is

May 4, 2018 by the Long March 3B

On September 10, 2018 in Cape

expected to last more than 18 years in its

launch vehicle from the Xichang Satellite

Canaveral, Florida, USA, APSTAR-5C

station-keeping orbital slot. APSTAR-5C is

Launch Center in Sichuan, China. Located

was successfully launched to space

also a host payload project between APT

at 134â °E, APSTAR-6C satellite is designed

on a Falcon 9 rocket made by Space X.

Satellite and Telesat, a Canadian satellite

and manufactured by CAST based on

APSTAR-5C is based on the Space System

company, under its name of Telstar-18V.

Contact APT Satellite PO Box 32443, Dubai, UAE Tel: +971-50-754-4317 Email: Principal Office 22 Dai Kwai Street Tai Po Industrial Estate Tai Po, New Territories, Hong Kong Tel: +852-2600-2100 Fax: +852-2666-7838 Email:



Leading the way in space telecommunications Founded in 1976 by the 21 Member-

than 80 countries across the Middle


States of the Arab League, Arabsat

East, Africa and Europe, at 26°E.

To be the regional and global leader in

has been serving the growing needs

Arabsat employs an elite workforce

the field of space telecommunications.

of the Arab world for over 40 years,

within the industry and believes in

operating from its headquarters in

human capital. Working as a team,

The Arabsat Satellite Fleet

Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and

Arabsat’s management thrives to

Arabsat owns and operates seven

two satellite control stations in Riyadh

achieve one goal -- the satisfaction

satellites at three orbital positions,

and Tunis. Today Arabsat is one of

of its valued customers under the

namely, 20°, 26°, 30.5° East: Arabsat-

the world’s top satellite operators

mission assigned by its shareholders.

5C (20°E), BADR-4, BADR-5, BADR-6 and BADR-7 (26°E), Arabsat-5A and

and by far the leading satellite services provider in the Arab world.


Arabsat-6A (30.5°E). These state-of-

It transports over 650 TV channels,

Connect Arab societies and

the-art satellites (now the youngest

200 radio stations, pay TV networks

the world by providing reliable

regional fleet over the MENA region)

and more than 210 HD channels that

telecommunications services in

make Arabsat the only satellite

reach 170 million viewers in more

harmony with Arab values and culture.

operator based in the region offering

© Arabsat


© Arabsat


© Arabsat

the full spectrum of broadcast,

integrators, and with the acquisition

many services including broadband

telecommunications and broadband

of Hellas Sat, one of the leading

for small office home office (SOHO),

services. These latest technology

telecom groups in southeastern

small and medium enterprises (SME),

birds are equipped to provide not

Europe, Arabsat continues to expand

and corporates, cellular backhauling

only the highest downlink power over

its reach. These new acquisitions and

and IP trunking for MNO and telcos,

the widest coverage area than any

partnerships permit newer orbital

private and international lines for oil

other satellite fleet, but also services

slots and frequency rights that will

and gas, governments and NGOs and

in the most recent bands including

allow customers to reach farther

other market segments in the EMEA

Ka-band for innovative interactive

than ever before, and deliver content

region. This division will leverage

services, a purely MENA beam, or

and state-of-the-art solutions to

the dedicated high throughput

highly sophisticatedly designed

end-viewer audiences or business

satellite (HTS) payload onboard

Market-Specific Spot beams (North

partners anywhere in the world.

BADR-7. Arabsat ground segment

Western Africa, West Africa, South

The new Hellas Sat, HS-4 was

Africa, East MENA and Central Asia).

launched on February 5, 2019,

consists of four (4) Gateways which are strategically located in Europe.

Arabsat offers the most secure,

HS-4/SGS-1 is operating from an

reliable and versatile fleet with ‘hot’

orbital position of 39°East, with a

in-orbit back-up and guaranteed

coverage area that includes Europe,

long-term expansion space capacity.

South Africa and the Middle East.

Acquisitions and Partnerships

Broadband and Managed Services

Diplomatic Quarter

Arabsat maintains strategic

As part of its ongoing growth strategy,

partnerships with most of the world’s

Arabsat has created a broadband and


leading satellite companies and VAS

managed services division to provide

Hellas Sat

Contact Arabsat PO Box 1038 Riyadh 11431, Saudi Arabia Website:



Optimal satellite services for the region Es’hail-2 Es’hailSat delivers additional premium satellite capacity in the MENA region with the expansion of the Es’hailSat fleet. Es’hail-2 was successfully launched on November 15, 2018 further boosting broadcast and global connectivity for Qatar and the entire MENA region. Es’hail-2 is a highpowered, advanced satellite with both Ku-band and Ka-band capabilities to provide for TV distribution, telecoms and government services.

New Teleport for MENA The new Es’hailSat Teleport is a state-

Es’hail-2 satellite.

of-the-art facility providing satellite Es’hailSat, the Qatar Satellite Company,

2013, supporting key broadcasters

Telemetry, Tracking and Commanding

is a communications satellite operator

in the region, beIN SPORTS and Al

(TT&C) facilities and capacity

headquartered in Doha, Qatar.

Jazeera Media Network. Es’hail-2,

management, together with a wide

Es’hailSat was established in 2010 to

the company’s second satellite was

range of teleport services such as uplink,

manage and develop Qatar’s presence

launched on November 15, 2018,

downlink, contribution, multiplexing,

in space. The company provides

and is co-located with Es’hail-1 at

encoding, playout and broadcasting,

independent, high-quality, advanced

the MENA broadcast hotspot of

tailored for the company’s stakeholders,

satellite services to broadcasters,

25.5° E / 26° E orbital location.

customers and business partners.

businesses and governments in

Having both Ku-band and Ka-band position enables Es’hailSat to provide

Solving Challenges of Interference for MENA Broadcasters

satellite operator and service provider,

the region with the most advanced and

As secure transmissions continue to be

Es’hailSat started operations of its

sophisticated services in broadcast,

of paramount importance in the MENA

first satellite Es’hail-1 at 25.5° E in

telecommunications and broadband.

region, Es’hailSat is working with various

the MENA region and beyond. With the goal to be a truly global

capacity at the 25.5° E and 26° E hotspot



parties to reduce and eliminate satellite

North Africa, Es’hailSat’s high-powered

interference and provide secure

satellites provide key infrastructure

transmission network for its customers.

to networks and broadcasters to

Es’hailSat satellites have been designed

distribute TV channels directly to

and built with anti-jamming capabilities

consumers via small satellite dish.

that help avoid any intentional or

Customers are able to leverage on

unintentional interference. This is

Es’hailSat’s satellites and teleport

critical for customers operating mission

infrastructures to provide services such

critical work and for broadcasters

as linear TV, video-on-demand, high-

who value uninterrupted signals.

definition TV and 4K TV among others.

In addition, geo-location system is available at the teleport to accurately

Telecommunication Services

identify origins of any interference

Es’hailSat provides a range of

and take appropriate action with

new satellite and world-class

or against the interfering party.

Ali Al Kuwari, President and CEO, Es’hailSat.

communications services for Qatar and the region that helps

Premium Content on Es’hail-1 and Es’hail-2

and SD channels via Es’hailSat satellites,

stimulate development of solutions

Es’hail-1 and Es’hail-2 demonstrate the

seeking to diversify and expand its

that support VSAT, voice, data and

value of Es’hailSat’s offering in terms of

audience with new content including

broadband business via satellite.

technical capabilities and performance,

movies, entertainment and sport. In

and also in terms of independence

addition, with beIN and Al Jazeera’s

Growing Demand for Ka-band

and security of content broadcast. In

bouquet of HD channels on Es’hail-1,

Es’hailSat’s Ka-band hub provides

addition to providing transmission

the 25.5°E / 26° E is truly a hotspot

flexibility and a range of satellite-based

for established news, sport and

for quality high-definition channels.

data communications applications,

drive home grown innovation and

entertainment channels, a growing

ensuring customers benefit from

number of new channels from around

Broadcast Services

flexible, efficient technologies

the region are choosing Es’hailSat for

Operating from the MENA orbital

that provide higher compression

broadcast in the MENA region. beIN

hotspot of 25.5° E / 26° E, covering

with lower latency and bandwidth

Sports continues to roll out new HD

key consumer markets in the GCC and

optimisation for OPEX savings.

Contact Es’hailSat, Qatar Satellite Company Property No. 414 Al Markhiya Street No. 380 Area No. 31, Umm Lakhba PO Box 10653, Doha, Qatar Tel: +974 4499 3535 Fax: +974 4499 3504 Email: (general enquiries) Email: (products & services enquiries) Es’hailSat Teleport.




Satellite connectivity for the globe Founded in 1992, Gazprom Space

hemisphere and reaching the western

Ka-band covers the most populated

Systems (GSS) is one of the two Russian

part of the North American continent.

part of the territory of Russia

satellite operators. GSS operates the Yamal Satellite Communications System based on which it provides high-

(European part of Russia, including

Yamal-601 Orbital slot: 49°E

the Kaliningrad region, the Urals, Western Siberia). The Ka-band system

Yamal-601 was designed to replace

provides cost-effective high-speed

The space infrastructure consists

Yamal-202 in 49°E position and to take

broadband services to the corporate

of five satellites, namely Yamal-601,

up the existing customer base in C-band.

sector, administrative authorities,

Yamal-402, Yamal-401, Yamal-202,

The С-band payload of Yamal-601

small businesses and individuals.

Yamal-300K, operating at a significant

(49°E) has a wide coverage over the

geostationary orbit arc segment (from

Eurasian continent, and in particular

49°E to 183°E), with the service zone

over the Middle East and North Africa.

quality satellite capacity and services.

covering most part of the eastern

The multi-beam service area in

Yamal-402 Orbital slot: 55°E Yamal-402 provides Ku-band coverage



over Russia, the CIS countries, Europe,

satellite is optimal for point-to-point

Ground Infrastructure

parts of the Middle East and sub-

connections and maritime solutions.

The ground infrastructure

Saharan Africa. Customers can operate both within the African footprint (the Southern beam) and use the inter-beam

of GSS is represented by the

Yamal-300K Orbital slot: 183°E

Telecommunication Centre in Shchelkovo (Moscow region) and more

connectivity between Europe and Africa.

Yamal-300K brought GSS into the

than 4000 satellite communications

Yamal-402 capacity is utilised more

markets of the western hemisphere.

ground stations in Russia. Although

actively for occasional use, in particular

The satellite’s wide contour fixed

on the international market GSS

for purposes of video transmission of

beams cover the eastern territory of

provides pure capacity, the company

political and sport events. Furthermore,

Russia, the western parts of North

has a number of partner teleports

there are many other services provided

America and north of the Pacific

in Europe, the Middle East, Far

within this beam for the interests

Ocean where air and maritime traffic

East, Asia, Africa and America.

of global oil and gas companies

is exceedingly busy. The coverage

operating in the African region.

zone makes the beam perfect for aeronautic and maritime connectivity.

Yamal-401 Orbital slot: 90°E

The wide coverage areas of Yamal satellites enable communication

Contact JCS Gazprom Space Systems (GSS) 77B Moscow Street

Yamal-401 is located in one of the most

services delivery to different parts of

Shchelkovo, Moscow Region

popular positions for Russia - 90°E,

the world for the purposes of oil and

Russia, 141112

and is dedicated mainly for the Russian

gas, government, aviation, maritime,

Tel: +7 (495) 504-29-06

market. The satellite is equipped

education and emergency sectors.

with C- and Ku-band payloads.

Yamal-202 Orbital slot: 163.5°E

GSS leases capacity to more than

Igor Kot

250 companies rendering services to

Deputy Director General

end users in more than 100 countries

Business Development

worldwide. The capacity is successfully

Email: kot@gazprom-

The С-band payload of Yamal-202

used for communication links and

(163.5°E) has a wide coverage over the

data transmission, TV distribution,

Far East, the North Pacific Ocean and

occasional use, trunking, backhaul,

Website: www.gazprom-

West coast of Northern America. The

inflight and maritime connectivity.



Connecting people to a better future, anywhere, anytime The world is entering an era defined

global mobility. This includes dedicated

digital and personalised services that

by the connectivity of society, and

capacity for the Middle East.

transform passenger experiences

the fulfilment of human potential

This unparalleled experience and

whenever, wherever, people fly.

will be empowered by highly reliable

expertise across Inmarsat’s business

and secure communications. As the

stretches from providing bespoke

way to addressing the future of

connected world transitions into

solutions to prevent and predict natural

aircraft safety. The next-generation

5G and beyond, the ubiquity and

disasters, to helping planes and ships

SwiftBroadband-Safety (SB-S) ensures

reliability of satellite communications

travel safely while saving fuel costs and

that safety-critical information is

will be essential in extending its

reducing their environmental impact.

delivered on-demand for the pilot,

uses into the seas, skies and the most remote parts of the planet. As the backbone of the world’s

With more than 25 years’ experience in aviation connectivity, Inmarsat

The company is also leading the

the airline and air traffic controllers. Meanwhile, every day, mariners

keeps people in touch at 35,000

around the world put their trust

communications infrastructure,

feet, providing the ultimate inflight

in Inmarsat, as they have done for

satellite services will play a key role in

connectivity experience for the entire

more than 40 years, for operational

enabling, extending and supplementing

aircraft. Inmarsat enables streamed

communications and safety services.

terrestrial 5G networks, helping to

entertainment and advanced in-

Seafarers are kept safe at sea

deliver this technological revolution.

flight shopping, combined with

24/7/365 by Inmarsat via the Global

The Covid-19 pandemic has accelerated this transformation. The world will need to be even more productive, safer and greener in order to drive necessary solutions and meet the challenges ahead.

Bespoke Solutions Inmarsat’s people have spent over 40 years consistently creating connections around the globe through safe, reliable and secure networks. The company’s fleet of 13 satellites in geostationary orbit represents the world’s best and broadest such portfolio, designed specifically for


Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS), which uses satellite and

offshore support vessels. On land, game-changing connectivity


satellites will be launched over the next four years, including two

terrestrial technology and ship-

helps organisations operate more

board radio systems to prevent

efficiently, safely and sustainably, as

This disruptive new model, delivering

accidents and to automatically

well as underpinning mission-critical

to meet customer demand with velocity

alert rescue authorities and nearby

communications. In an era where the

and agility, will ensure that customers

vessels quickly in an emergency.

Internet of Things (IoT) is being adopted

and partners continue to benefit from

to help transform business outcomes

Inmarsat’s ground-breaking technology

Global Xpress Network

across sectors including agriculture,

and capabilities for many years to come.

As a major driving force behind

energy, mining and transport, satellite

technology and innovation, Inmarsat

communications is increasingly

at Inmarsat is progressing at an

has also developed and deployed the

essential in ensuring connectivity to

unprecedented rate and it is set to

world’s first and only globally available,

users, machines and devices in corners

deliver vast societal, safety and security

mobile, high-speed broadband

of the globe previously out of reach.

benefits that satellite technology can

service through the Global Xpress

dedicated to the Arctic region.

Technological development

bring. Inmarsat looks forward to taking

(GX) network. The recently launched

Technology Roadmap

this exciting journey into the future

GX5 satellite will enter commercial

Today, Inmarsat is investing more in

with its customers and partners.

service as Inmarsat’s 14th satellite later

space and ground infrastructure than

this year, to meet growing demand

at any time in the company’s history,

across Europe and the Middle East,

while working on innovations to


in particular for aviation wi-fi and

deliver for customers’ future needs.


commercial maritime services as well

The trillion-dollar merchant maritime

as for governments in the region. This

industry is being revolutionised by the

ensures the gold-standard for reliable

advent of ‘smart shipping’, connected

communications is provided to even

aircraft are becoming the norm,

more customers, wherever they are.

governments are putting global, agile

99 City Road London, England EC1Y 1AX, United Kingdom

mobile communications at the heart

Tel: +44(0)2077281000

up new levels of connectivity and

of their core capabilities, and a range

Email: GlobalCustomerSupport@

guaranteed performance across

of land-based industrial sectors are

the world’s oceans. Inmarsat has

being reinvented by the power of IoT.

also developed tailored, flexible

As part of Inmarsat’s technology

At sea, Fleet Xpress via GX opens

solutions for superyachts and

roadmap, another seven Website:



Your partner in worldwide media distribution M-Three Satcom is a media services

fleet of OB facilities for sport, news and

and joining forces to provide cost-

provider and satellite teleport operator,

show production and transmission and

effective, reliable solutions. Clients benefit

committed to providing top-level,

a systems integration unit completes

from the M-Three commitment for an

reliable, complete and cost-effective

the 360° range of available services. The

interruption-free service -- earth station

solutions to international television and

M-Three experience pans news coverage,

redundancy, power and fibre diversity,

radio networks and content owners.

sports broadcasting, content delivery and

24/7 support, plus a full site backup and

Established in 2004, M-Three Satcom

exchange, entertainment broadcasting,

recovery system managed between

recently joined Spanish advertising

live corporate and business events, HD

Milan, Rome and partner platforms.

and audio-visual Group Vertice 360,

and 3D production and distribution.

thereby increasing its international presence with a new Madrid base

TV and Radio Broadcast

branch, M-Three Satcom Spain&Latam.

Through owned facilities and long-term

M-Three Satcom owns a fibre and

agreements with teleport and satellite

satellite network infrastructure based

operators worldwide, M-Three offers a

on two teleports in Milan and Rome,

wide choice of digital platforms for fibre-

and a number of partner POPs and

optics, satellite, OTT contribution and

operators worldwide allowing a full range

distribution. Key players in the European

of services in terms of geographical

and EMEA region cooperate with M-Three

coverage and solutions portfolio. A

in delivering DTH bouquets in the areas,

Available Teleport Facilities in Rome and Milan Playout centre, fully managed or with remote client access More than 20 earth stations, rx/tx up to 6 mt, Ku, DBS and C band Fibre capacity for leased line or IP backbone Steerable antennae for occasional use and backup


Playout Services and Teleport Facilities

low latency, top quality and simplicity in workflow and management.


CBR and burst capacity Network management and global NOC OU satellite capacity with booking

M-Three manages client content from files storage and quality control, graphic

Outside Broadcast

and live feed insertion and playlist on

Through a fleet of OB vans and SNGs,

air transmission. Clients can delegate to

M-Three Satcom provides live coverage

M-Three the full management of content

for sport, entertainment, news and

and playlist, or choose to operate and

corporate events. Broadcasters, news

monitor owned or leased equipment

agencies, sporting associations and

through Ip-dedicated access while on-site

rights holders can count on M-Three

personnel provide ingestion, files quality,

Satcom’s affordable structure including

Secure Production and Distribution Services

controls and provide single contact

a 24/7 booking centre, HD mobile

M-Three Satcom management and a

point to coordinate operations between

facilities, fibre and satellite capacity

professional team with over 20 years

broadcaster and distribution platforms.

for occasional use in every bandwidth

of experience in the market grant

and protocol configuration.

all the quality and growth potential

Teleport facilities include a number of earth stations to provide uplink and downlink services to client-owned satellite capacity, in permanent or occasional use.

on pay per minute basis Middle and long-term booking for special events 24/7 booking centre and MCR for support and troubleshooting

you need. A 360° range of solutions

Available OB Facilities

covering all aspects of the production

HD/SD DSNG Trucks in Rome,

and distribution chain -- you create,

Teleport services include turnaround

Milan, Madrid and worldwide

M-Three broadcasts and connects!

capability from / to Ku and C band

through certified partners

satellites in every orbital position (70East to 50West from owned teleports and full orbital arch through partner operators).

Production facilities from light stand up to HD multicamera van Special units with aircraft, helicopter and special MW links

OTT, IPTV, Content Delivery Networks M-Three teleports, directly collocated on main nodes of Internet Backbone and with a wide and capillary network,

in cooperation with international partners for sport activities Playout, uplink and fibre injection centre in Milan and Rome Editing and post-production

provides a full range of services for real-time streaming, file distribution, live and VoD delivery. In partnership with

Occasional Use Capacity on Fibre and Satellite Networks

the world’s largest operators, M-Three

Leased lines from E1 to GbE

ensures your content high availability,

IP Backbone access with

Contact M-Three Satcom Milan Via Brianza 15 S.G. Milanese 20098 Tel: +39 02 98284013 Rome Via Cornelia 498 00166 Madrid Calle Agastia, 80 28043 Email: Website:



Tailored solutions for tough environments Norsat International Inc. is a satellite communications company based in British Columbia, Canada. The company, founded in 1977, develops and produces communications solutions for transmission and reception of data, audio and video in challenging applications and environments. Norsat’s unique platform technology allows for quick customisation, tailored to meet the needs of customers. The company’s products and services are used extensively by telecommunications services providers, emergency services and homeland security agencies,

in the world. Norsat’s terminals provide

for C-band operators that require

the military, health care providers,

broadband connectivity via satellite in

5G interference mitigation. With

news organisations and Fortune

areas where traditional communications

the onset of 5G, there is a need for

1000 companies worldwide. Norsat’s

infrastructure is insufficient, damaged,

specialised products to block or

customers include the NATO, the United

or non-existent. Setting the industry

prevent interference from 5G base

States Department of Defence, Marine

standard for quality, Norsat’s satellite

stations in proximity of C-band ground

Corps, Army, Navy and Air Force; FOX

component products are used by the

terminals. The solution comprises

News, CBS News, Boeing, Reuters,

world’s largest satellite integrators to

interference suppression C-Band

TESSCO, General Dynamics and others.

enable the transmission and reception

LNBs and specialised bandpass filters

of signals. Norsat provides the same

for effective satellite communication.

Customisable Satellite Terminals and Components

level of broadband connectivity in

Traditionally, C-band is used for satellite

the middle of the ocean as it does on

services, radar and microwave links;

Norsat leverages its expertise in

land, meeting maritime fleet needs

however, with the terrestrial wireless

design and manufacturing through

to be in constant communication

industry’s planned introduction of

its comprehensive portfolio of high-

with various stakeholders.

new mobile phone networks such as

performance customisable fly-away,

LTE, Wi-Max, and 5G, these C-band

maritime, fixed and drive-away satellite

Leader in 5G Interference Solution

frequencies will now be shared

terminals and accessories to meet the

The C-band 5G Interference Solution

amongst a wider range of services.

varying needs of customers anywhere

is Norsat’s latest product offering

The interference signals are powerful



enough to saturate the sensitive C-band satellite receiving systems, causing a potential for a total loss of service.

Defence Applications Defence organisations are faced with increasing demands to provide realtime data to and from the battlefield. MILSATCOM provides clarity in live theatre which provides clarity to critical decision-makers. To meet this demand, Norsat’s sophisticated communication tools allow for rapid deployment into the harshest of environments sometimes with special customisable size, weight, power or feature requirements to meet the

including satellite terminals, airtime,

CBS use Norsat’s customisable portable

needs of a specific application.

installation services and more.

satellite systems to give them that edge.

Maritime Applications



Norsat is a leading provider of innovative

Portable satellite systems such as the

Norsat’s portable satellite systems

satellite communication solutions for the

Norsat NewsLink can be transported

provide an ideal technology for

maritime market, and provides solutions

by commercial airlines (hence the

an organisation to re-establish

that include multiple bandwidth options,

nickname “flyaways”) when a news story

communications links and continue

high availability and short lead times, and

of global interest emerges such as the

operations in a safe, cost-effective

are built to military standards (WGS-

Asian tsunami, the war in Iraq or the

mobile office following an unexpected

Certified, MIL-STD-461F, MIL-S-901D, MIL-

terrorist incidents in Madrid and London.

business disruption (eg. due to a

STD-167/1A). The COM series is a high-

These instant ‘global news hotspots’

hurricane, terrorist attack, fire).

performance VSAT solution, designed for

represent competitive environments

Customisable to specific application

militaries, fisheries, oil and gas and other

for broadcasters, making reliable and

requirements, Norsat’s portable

commercial applications. Its Global-VSAT

rapidly deployable technology critical

satellite systems are light-weight, can

solution includes everything needed

to being the first-to-air with a breaking

be deployed quickly and can even be

for reliable maritime communications

story. Customers such as BSkyB, ITN and

operated by non-technical personnel.

Contact Norsat International Inc. Corporate Headquarters 110-4020 Viking Way Richmond, BC, V6V 2L4 Tel: +1 (604) 821 2800

Social Media Norsat NorsatInc Norsat-International



End-to-end connectivity across the globe STN is a leading innovative, forward-

solutions, data, channel distribution,

increasing demands and turnaround

thinking global teleport facility with

playout, OTT and ad-insertion. With

for time-dependent projects.

satellite, fibre and IP connections

access to all commercial satellites,

offering clients end-to-end, managed

STN allows clients to grow in

network ensures clients of complete

service communications solutions

whichever direction they request.

security and continuity.

worldwide. The company delivers

An extensive and highly protected

Whether the need is to go global

content to end users across many

or reach individual regions of


different viewing devices ranging from

Europe, the Middle East, Asia, Africa

STN was built on a flexible and open

TV screens, laptops and mobile phones.

and the Americas, STN provides

technical infrastructure that allows the

services fine-tuned to your specific

company to encompass an entire range

Customised Solutions

requirements in the quickest time

and centralise client requirements with

A vast array of service solutions are

possible. The company offers

immediacy. At the same time, it leaves

made available to an international

spare capacity on a rolling basis in

room to evolve further as industry

list of customers which include media

order to seamlessly accommodate

trends and technology dictate, firmly


placing the company at the cutting-edge of broadcast and connectivity services. A strategic business approach and technical future proofing has accelerated the company’s evolution and established STN at the forefront of integration, design and operation of complex communications solutions to the connected world. Comprehensive satellite and wireless capabilities and a bespoke approach to every client are what makes STN stand apart.

Expertise STN’s diverse expertise enables the company to facilitate single channel start-ups as well as transmit multiple top-tier communication platforms while serving everything in between.

importance and everything begins

Through professionalism and vast

and ends with the client. Through


industry knowledge, STN has earned

ongoing professional and educational


a reputation that is punctuated

development, each member of the

by security, reliability, high quality

STN team is given the opportunity to

Kidriceva 22a

and unrivalled turnaround time.

expand their knowledge and skills in

Dob, 1233 Slovenia

both technical and customer service

Tel: +386 1 527 2440


aspects of the business, enabling


Building long-term relationships is

the company to provide the highest


the core foundation of the company.

level of service and support to every

At STN, the client is of principal

customer, every hour of the day.




Service Providers ABS Network Eurovision Services Middle East ITWORKSME SAWA Rights Management




Leading broadcaster to the world’s top channels ABS Network is one of the largest

Company History

during this time and the first to gain

broadcast services companies in

ABS Network was founded in 1993 by

permission to set an uplink in Jordan.

the Middle East and North Africa,

Mohammed El Ajlouni, a Jordanian-

working closely with small, medium

American media entrepreneur with over

Vast Network

and large broadcasters in delivering

two decades of experience in broadcast

With the potential of creating news

the most comprehensive set of news

production and services across the

gathering avenues from a global

content production and delivery

Arab world. Having successfully built

standpoint, ABS operate three main

services. Backed by years of regional

media businesses and hosted channels

hubs in addition to over a dozen offices

expertise and sound investment

such as Al Hurra, Al Arabia, RT, BBC,

scattered in the MENA region. These

in the latest technologies, ABS has

Fox News, ABC News, CNN, KSA TV,

key centres of operation are based in

the unparalleled edge in presenting

Sky News Arabia and others in his

Dubai, UAE, Washington DC, USA at the

news of the region to the world,

Amman-based production house, he

National Press Building and in Amman,

while expertly managing end-to-end

capitalised on the urgent demand for

Jordan. Representative offices are in

production processes. These cover

a news gathering service to deliver

Baghdad, Beirut, Istanbul, Syria, Gaza,

filming in full-HD to post-production,

coverage of the Gulf War. Consequently,

Cairo, Ramallah, Tunis, Kuwait, Aden and

editing and distribution via satellite,

ABS was one of the few production

Manama. The network has 17 offices in

fibre and online streaming.

companies to have access to Iraq

all, 12 of which are wholly owned by ABS



in major regional hot-spots including

broadcast equipment (uplinks, portable

Erbil, the Green Zone, Qamishli and

OB, cameras, editing) that can travel all

Tunisia elections

Gaza. 2020 sees ABS’ area of influence

over the world, high level technical staff

AFC -– Asian Football Cup

reaching the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

outsourcing (to include cameramen,

World Economic Forums

editors, engineers, sound technicians,

Arab League Summit, Tunisia

Network of Services

directors, producers and more).

Tent Pegging World Champions Event

ABS Network has tailored its portfolio of

Logistical support is also provided by the

QTV Sports Archery World Cup Turkey

services to meet the needs of regional

company that covers permissions, visas,

Coverage of Iraqi Olympic

and international broadcasters. These

transportation and communication.

cover live studios and production,

Afghanistan, Iraq, Lebanon, Syria, etc.

Football Camp Equestrian performances (Dubai

event coverage, transmission, news


room, news packages and archiving.

ABS Network’s exceptionally crafted

Arab Foreign Ministers Meeting

Equipment supply covers newsrooms,

documentaries reflect the soul and

Papal visit to the MENA region

OB vans, SNG trucks and flyaway

culture of the Arab world, cleverly

Golf championships in the UAE,

systems, ENG kits, and more.

touching the heart of its people,

Bahrain and Oman (DP World Tour

landscape and mood. Filmed throughout

Championship, Dubai and Omega

all elements of location filming

the vast Arab regions, these biopics

Dubai Desert Classic, Abu Dhabi

including pre-production assistance,

are created by a pioneering team of

HSBC Golf Championship, Oman

production budgeting and scheduling,

well-trained professionals using highly

Masters at Al Mouj GC, Muscat, Abu

crew, transportation and catering.

defined technologies to bring a new

ABS Network services also cover

era of documentary production that

World Cup and Horse Flat Race Studio)

Dhabi HSBC Golf Championship) Jiu jitsu World Championships

Sport Coverage

matches the exacting international

ABS provide high-end services for

standards of art and innovation.


including organisational support. These

2019 Significant Events

ABS Network

cover implementation assistance such as

Some of the major political and

provision of fully redundant international

sporting events covered in the

Building No. 3

broadcaster standard uplink stations

last year span the following:

Floor 4. Office: 403

international and local sports events

(HD/SD), HD/SD OB vans up to 18

Car Racing events such as the

cameras, satellite space segments,

WEC 8 Hours of Bahrain

fully equipped team with portable

Covering the civil unrest in

Dubai Studio City

Dubai, UAE Email:




Capturing the bigger picture In addition to the company headquarters in Geneva and the Eurovision Technology hub in Madrid, Eurovision has bureaus in Dubai, Singapore, Beijing and Washington DC. The Eurovision Global Network is one of the biggest of its kind, and offers dedicated global satellite and fibre connectivity. It integrates seamlessly with the public internet enabling the company to deliver any live event in any format, anywhere in the world. Located at the crossroads between the East and the West, and at a diverse region where ancient traditions meet modern societies, Eurovision’s Dubai office manages the business in the Middle East, Africa and South Asia. Eurovision recently coordinated the live Great events don’t happen by

platform and any audience. But

broadcast of the UAE’s first astronaut

accident. Event organisers, media

what really sets the company apart

missions, the distribution of the 2020

organisations and sport federations

is that it sees the bigger picture.

Supercopa de España tournament,

need flexible, end-to-end solutions

As a European Broadcasting Union

held in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, across

for the production, distribution and

(EBU) company backed by 70 years of

Asia and the Americas, and the

personalisation of their live content

broadcast experience, Eurovision is in

worldwide distribution of the live

and, increasingly, for their online

a unique position to understand the

coverage and highlights of the 2020

reach to the right audiences, at the

needs and challenges that its clients

ICC Under 19 Cricket World Cup from

right time and in the right format.

face. And as a result, the company

South Africa on behalf of STAR India.

Eurovision’s full-service portfolio is

guarantees to maximise its content

designed around these four pillars

value while leaving customers free to

Recent Events

to offer the ability to adapt content

focus on every other aspect of running

Eurovision’s recent experiences include

production and delivery to any

the most successful event possible.

host broadcasting and distribution for



the inaugural edition of the multi-

principal global distribution of the

is undertaken, and leaving customers

sport European Championships in

English Premier League worldwide

free to focus on what really matters –

2018, host broadcasting and signal

in HD and UHD until 2022.

creating truly amazing experiences!

distribution for the IBU biathlon world championships in 2020 and

At Eurovision, the emphasis is on delivering excellence in everything that

Discover more about Eurovision Services at

Contact Eurovision Services Middle East Dubai Media City Building 2, Office 21 PO Box 500717 Dubai, UAE Tel: +971 52 737 6615 E-mail: Website: Jorge Simao Managing Director

Social Media Anas Athamneh, Regional Sales Manager, Eurovision Services Middle East.

Jorge Simao, Managing Director, Eurovision Services Middle East.

@EurovisionMedia @EurovisionMedia eurovision-services



Creating bespoke VOD content

ITWorksMe is a leading IT services

work. With a strong local and regional

things the right way. Going beyond

company that specialises in delivering

presence, ITWorksMe is seen as a

traditional IT services, it provides

outstanding solutions to a range

leading and reliable IT and hosted

deeper support based on long-term

of companies across the region.

services company that works on the

partnerships that exceed average

Not adhering to the ‘one size fits all’

motto that there is only one way to

consultation models to help clients solve

approach, the company in its place

get things done: the right way!

their IT challenges effectively. Ten years

realises that each client is different and

Established in 2009, ITWorksMe

on and with a track record of successful

hence creates tailormade solutions

comprises a diverse and experienced

operational and strategic management

to suit different specifications that

team of individuals who choose to do

experience at many levels, the



Key Clients


company’s strength remains its people.

Geo-blocking: Block entire

Consultancy is not a service ITWorksMe

VOD Library, specific content or

Visualise critical metrics in an easy-

provides, it is the guiding principle

live stream or enable them at

to-read dashboard to learn how your

behind the success of its work and a

will following business needs

audience is engaging with your video.

proven methodology for assessing and delivering efficient solutions to clients.

Areas of Expertise

Playlist: Generate manual and smart

Act on deeper insights with robust

playlist allowing the assets library

content performance, real-time and

content to stream in the sequence

historical viewer engagement data:

that is most logical. Audiences will see

Managed IT Services and Consultancy

videos in the order that you decide as

Managed Cloud and Online Services

if a live broadcast were taking place

Which content is driving the most engagement Which devices and players

Live Streaming and VOD

Syndication: Distributing video

your customers are using

Bespoke Web and Mobile

and live stream to prominent social

Which countries that your


networks and video hosting sites (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram,

Key Products Kwikmotion

audience is coming from, and User profiling for SVOD users

YouTube and many others) Media Grabber, Access


Kwikmotion is a comprehensive VMS

control, Syndication, watermark

Delight audiences with the latest

to manage multi-screen content

profiles and more

technology in video players. Supports

library, curate, monetise and serve

latest technologies including HLS,

video metadata without the need for


Dash, HDS, smooth streaming

third party providers. Kwikmotion

LIVE is a powerful streaming gear that

and progressive download.

offers broadcast, OTT and pay TV

makes viewers come back ad infinitum. KWIKeditor

video providers increased workflow

Clipping: Allows you to instantly

efficiencies to deliver their content

clip, edit and publish in a few clicks.

Quickly and reliably prepares your

across any platform easily, while

Generates high-value video-on-

video for any device or platform. Allows

using advanced publishing solutions

demand clips during live stream

safe roll out changes to your videos,

with the DVR ingest engine

as well as trim, crop, join, share and

Assets: Organise your media library in a simple appealing interface with advanced metadata handling Advertising: Drive revenue and

EPG recording: Schedule daily or in bulk recordings without any hassle. After the recording is done, the video

by running direct sales campaigns

is yours to manage and share Restream: Publishing live stream with

and programmatic networks. Have

a single click on all social platforms,

full control over placement (pre-roll,

Facebook, Twitter and YouTube

midroll, overlay and post-roll) Upload: Simple and fast solution

unique to your brand experience.

The process is as simple as 1,2,3.

monetise high-quality video library or connecting to major ad servers

easily watermark to create content


Contact ITWorksMe 8th floor, Mirna Chalouhi Center Sin el Fil Highway, Lebanon Email:

for uploading and tagging videos

This one pushes presence on the


regardless of file type and size (MP4,

media scene far beyond your


MOV, MKV, MPEG, 3GP, AVI and more)

competitors and ensures your

with an appealing friendly interface

stories reach your audiences first.





The dynamic group making waves in the media industry UAE-based, SAWA group of companies consists of three entities each focused on providing TV content related products and services to various sectors of the industry. SAWA Rights Management: SRM is headed by Ali Ajouz who is SRM and SAWA Group CEO. SRM offers bespoke content packaging, a combination of TV channels and VOD content to pay TV platforms (cable, satellite, IPTV/ OTT networks, telecom operators and ISPs) and commercial customers (hotels, hospitals, restaurants, cafés and public areas) across the MENA, Africa, Asia, Europe and North America. SAWA Technologies: Headed by Managing Director and partner,

the licensing rights of over 250 local

rights that SRM represents for both

Suheil Zurub, SAWA Technologies

and international TV channels to all

residential and the commercial

offers a wide range of technology

categories, pay TV platforms including

industry are exclusively offered by

solutions and services, and direct

IPTV, OTT, DTH, cable, mobile and more

SRM, including TV channels from FOX

sub-licensing of TV channels and VOD

across the MENA, Europe and Asia.

Network Group, MBC, Rotana and

content to the hospitality business.

SRM licenses content to the hospitality

Channel One Russia, to name just a few.

SAWA Media: The SAWA Group’s

industry through its sister company

The Gulf region’s diverse ethnic

production company, it is headed by

SAWA Technologies. SRM’s key focus is

background and its growing tourist

partner and Managing Director Wael

to provide bespoke set of TV channels

population has driven SRM to

Shentenawy. It offers a wide range

relevant to a clients’ target audience.

become a leader in the provision

of production and post-production

The company has amassed an extensive

and redistribution of relevant

services including the award-winning

portfolio of TV channels including a wide

content services to commercial

service of digital product placement

range of Arabic and English language TV

and other consumers through pay

and digital brand embedding.

channels, as well as a line-up of premium

TV platforms across the MENA.

channels from Germany, France, China,

TV Channel and Content Licensing

India, Pakistan, the Philippines, Japan

Technology Services

SAWA Rights Management manages

and Russia. Many of the TV channel

Complimenting the services offered



by SAWA Media and SRM is SAWA Technologies’ wide range of IPTV/OTT end-to-end solutions catered to telecom operators and ISPs as well as hospitality clients planning to update and/or optimise the full extent of channel offering. The competitive edge of SAWA Tech comes from its position as a onestop-shop offering bundles combining content and technology to include: Advanced encoders with multiple input and output options including DVB-S/S2, DVB-C, DVB-T High-density transcoders offering multi profiles in H264 and H.265/HEVC

With a wide spectrum of genres

content assets seamlessly, regardless

CRM and billing solutions for pay TV

delivered, ranging from corporate

of distribution medium. As for other

platforms (satellite, OTT, IPTV) fully

films to branding to multi-camera

production services, the company relies

integrated with payment gateways

production formats, SAWA Media has

on a highly skilled in-house team, as

and third-party call centre systems

garnered multiple award nominations

well as a vetted out-of-house network of

at leading Dubai broadcast and

professionals enabling it to expand its

(analogue, DVB-based and IPTV)

production industry events year

reach across the MENA while delivering

Complete suite of hospitality IPTV

on year. These cover production

high quality results at competitive rates.

EPG solutions for all hotel systems

systems including TV services, guest

development execution from script

services, VOD, room service, etc

to screen, post-production, digital

Partnering with Brands

Housekeeping management solutions

in-video branding, bespoke audio-

SAWA is proudly associated with

Hospitality mobile TV apps that

visual design and animation.

telecom operators such as Etisalat,

allow access to all hotel services

SAWA Media’s digital brand integration

DU, Ooredoo, Saudi Telecom and

proprietary technology enables

Oman Telecom supplying them with

Production Services

broadcasters, producers, content

TV channels and/or VOD content.

Since 2012, SAWA Media has customised

owners and brands to monetise the

a broad range of content and production

most valuable space in advertising, with

to more than 500 hotels in the MENA,

services for pan-Arab networks, regional

branded entertainment. Done digitally

offering a wide choice of premium

and multinational corporate clients.

in-house, brands are embedded into

TV channels and VOD services.

Currently, SAWA provides services

Hospitality clients include international groups such as the Four Seasons, IHG, Hilton, Mövenpick, Jumeirah Group, Marriot, Ritz, to name a few.

Contact SAWA Rights Management 112/113 Bldg. 4, Dubai Media City PO Box 643911, Dubai, UAE Tel: +971 4 513 6866 Email: Website:


Systems Integrators Broadcast Solutions Solusys




Integration excellence for production facilities Founded in Germany and long-

manufacturer-independent systems

established as one of the country’s

integrator, the company draws on

leading systems integrators, Broadcast

the latest and best-in-breed solutions

OB van family has taken the company

Solutions has been increasingly active

to meet customer demands and to

vision for OB to a new level. With

across the Middle East and North

streamline workflows and operations,

capacity from four to 26 cameras,

Africa for more than 15 years. Having

giving them future-proof tools to

Streamline OBs are able to cover

operated an office in the heart of the

operate with ease of mind. With over

all common production scenarios.

UAE for several years, the company

350 vehicles built to date, the company

Representing a more standardised,

recently took the next step by acquiring

excels in the integration of innovative

product-oriented approach to OB

the team and assets of Videlio Middle

solutions in any mobile solution you can

design, these vehicles feature similar

East. With this merger the company

think of. Possessing specialist know-how

technical specifications, space and

has expanded its activities in the

in air-conditioning and coach-building,

workflow concepts and are cost-effective

Middle East and Africa by dramatically

Broadcast Solutions delivers mobile

and quick to deliver. Vehicles and trailers

increasing the ability to service regional

production facilities that are able to

are always in stock and ‘ready to roll’.

work under the harshest conditions. The development of the Streamline

broadcasters and propose fixed installations and facilities, in addition to providing OB vans and mobile platforms on-site with dedicated teams. With a team of a dozen professionals based out of Dubai Media City, Broadcast Solutions Middle-East services broadcasters and provides Command and Control (C2) systems to corporate and enterprise clients.

Mobile Future-proof Production Tools The construction of OB vans, SNGs, mobile galleries and ENGs has constituted the company’s core business for many years. As a hardware

Broadcast Solutions delivers a variety of OB vehicles, from large to small live production vans to pre-configured Streamline OB vans.



communication tools, broadcastclass video caption, transmission and storage in mobile command and control centres, naval and airborne use cases, or general fixed installation applications. Solutions are enhanced with ruggedised tactical kits that can be deployed rapidly and which enable additional power and connectivity.

The Sharjah Grand Mosque Project Opened in May 2019, the Sharjah Grand Mosque occupies an impressive 185,806m2 and is capable of accommodating more than 25,000

Sharjah Grand Mosque.

worshippers, making it the second houses that optimally implement the

biggest mosque in the country after

in terms of daily live operations. Its

use of human and technical resources.

Abu Dhabi’s Sheikh Zayed Mosque. A

incomparable design and equipment

Besides the technical challenges

recent technical upgrade saw Broadcast

mean that set-up times and training

associated with the paradigm shift to IP-

Solutions implement a broadcast

required is considerably lower than

based production, workflow adaptations

centre with PTZ cameras allocated in

encountered elsewhere in the OB

and remote productions play a decisive

the prayer hall capable of broadcasting

market. Moreover, all Broadcast

role in maintaining a competitive edge.

these prayers and events to the masses

These OB vehicles offer many benefits

Solutions OB vans, whether

Broadcast Solutions supports the

with minimal human resources. The

equipped with bespoke designs

full range of these new production

broadcast infrastructure relies primarily

or from the Streamline series,

environments. Projects range from small

on equipment from Ross Video.

include the latest technology and

centralised studios to remote production

Installations included a grid of 12 white

scalable solutions (HD, UHD, HDR, IP

hubs where several productions can be

Panasonic PTZ cameras throughout

connectivity, full IP) to ensure they

handled simultaneously. Using IP-based

the mosque interior, six of which are

are prepared for future technical and

workflows and fibre lines, it connects

located in the main prayer hall and can

production-related innovations.

local production units on-site to studios

be controlled centrally over Nevion

and control rooms, playout centres and

fibre channel links from the spacious

MCRs located more than 200km away.

first-floor broadcast control room.

Remote Production and IP-based Production Environments


centres, MCRs, post-production

Broadcast and Wireless Technology for Security and Police

and archiving facilities, including

From tactical deployments for security

Middle East FZ LLC

all relevant contract work - from

organisations to emergency systems for

Building 4, Office G14

furniture to IP-network technology.

government services and maintenance

PO Box 502645

This makes the company a veritable

procedures for industrial facilities,

Dubai Media City, UAE

‘one stop shop’ for design and delivery

the requirements for situational

of modern production facilities.

awareness in the field are diverse

E-mail: info@broadcast-

Broadcast Solutions designs and builds TV studios, radio studios, playout

The constantly evolving broadcast

and complex. Broadcast Solutions

industry requires flexible infrastructures

offers implementations leveraging

from broadcasters and production

the latest MIMO IP-Mesh wireless

Broadcast Solutions Website:



Creating valuable systems Established in 2013 as a broadcast

installation, commissioning and

and telecommunications services

maintenance to rigging services for

provider, Solusys has secured a

terrestrial and satellite broadcast RF

unique space in the industry in the

platforms. The company provides

Middle East as a leading professional

complete solutions for DVB-T2,

services provider. A privately-owned

DAB, FM medium wave and DTH to

enterprise, Solusys is headquartered

futuristic IPTV/OTT solutions. These

in Colombo, Sri Lanka, and works

include systems consultation, design

with globally-renowned companies

integration, on-site installation and

with a focus on providing a range

commissioning. Additional services

of professional services involved in

cover infrastructure for towers and

the execution and completion of

guyed masts (from construction of

broadcast and media-related works.

foundation for towers/masts and

The company also runs an entity in

refurbishment inspection and quality

the Sultanate of Oman which oversees

audits), project coordination and

works in the region and the Gulf.

management, on-site system level

By delivering the very latest in

trainings, operations and maintenance

communications technology, Solusys

manpower and resources to undertake

has earned a reputation as a reliable

any challenging project, Solusys

partner in the implementation of

has in just over six years delivered

specialisation in building tall towers

broadcast-related jobs. End-to-

professional services for complex,

and masts and has worked with world-

end solutions include consultation,

turnkey projects across the Middle

renowned tower manufacturers.

design, integration, implementation

East and southeast Asia. The company

Terrestrial Broadcast: Supply,

and project management of

has a dynamic young team headed

systems integration, installation

radio and television systems,

by senior management who together

and commissioning of digital TV,

encompassing civil infrastructure

share decades of industry experience.

digital radio, FM and medium

development, equipment

of broadcasting networks. The company has proven its

wave broadcast transmitter and

installation and commissioning for

Broadcast and Media Services

antennae systems and various

the telecommunications industry

Providing professional turnkey

point-to-point and multipoint links.

and specialised rigging services

solutions, the Solusys expertise

Satellite Broadcast: Supply,

for the wireless industry.

range from consultation, planning,

systems integration, installation and

systems integration, implementation,

commissioning of C and Ku-band uplink

Equipped with the technology,



Successfully Completed Projects

facilities, encoding and multiplexing solutions and TVRO systems.

A 100KW, 262m medium wave

Media: Supply, systems integration,

antennae systems integration

installation and commissioning of

and onsite installation in Oman

post-production and studio facilities,

A 340m guyed mast construction,

master control rooms and workflow

antennae and transmitter (DVB T2,

management, DSNG, outside

DAB & FM) installation in Qatar

broadcasting and flyaway kits.

A DVB-T2 network installation comprising seven sites

Quality Management

in Sharjah UAE

An ISO-certified company, Solusys

FM transmitter system installation

follows prerequisites for total quality

in the Emirates Tower, DWTC tower

management, implementing quality

and Al Mas Tower in Dubai, UAE

assurance standards in each project it

Construction of a 150m tower,

undertakes. The company ensures it

installation of UHF and FM antennae

has the organisational ability to provide

and dismantling of 230m guyed

products and services that meet

masts and installation of DVB-T2

customer and applicable statutory and

of this project for the Public Authority

regulatory requirements. It maintains

for Radio and TV. Work involves

a dedicated team of experienced

installation of transmitters, antennae

Fed Medium Wave guyed

professionals and skilled workers and

and associated equipment in 69 sites,

mast in Al Arish, Qatar

integrates evolving technologies to

electrical installation works at 43

attain unparalleled levels of service.

sites, construction of foundations and towers at 13 sites and maintenance

Major Projects

of existing towers at 33 sites.

network at seven sites in Jordan Maintenance of 220m Skirt

Maintenance of more than 100 telecommunications towers in Sri Lanka Several telecommunications tower

On-going professional services

Company has signed up with

construction and inspections,

for nationwide DVB-T2 network

AlanDick UK to build a 300m self-

microwave antennae and BTS

comprising 71 sites in the Sultanate

supporting tower in Indonesia. The

installations in Myanmar

Oman with Rohde & Schwarz Middle

team has recently mobilised to

East and Africa as prime contractor

Indonesia to commence installations.

Key Customers Rohde & Schwarz AlanDick/Jampro Public Authority for Radio & TV Qatar Media Corporation Arabian Radio Network

Contact Solusys Flat 32, Building 514, Way No.5507 Bosher, Muscat, Oman Tel: +968 91756751 Email: Website:


2019 ASBU BroadcastPro Awards Space Initiative of the Year Woman of the Year in Broadcast Outstanding Live Events Production MENA Tech Innovation of the Year Outstanding OTT Production of the Year Best Streaming Service of the Year Space Initiative of the Year Innovation Project of the Year Production House of the Year Outstanding OTT Production of the Year Broadcast Services Provider of the Year Best Video Initiative on a Social Media Platform Digital Strategy of the Year Outstanding Initiatives from a Distributor Radio Initiative of the Year Outstanding Creativity in Video Production Factual Entertainment of the Year Sports Initiative of the Year Animated Work of the Year 139





2019 ASBU BROADCAST PRO AWARDS SPACE INITIATIVE OF THE YEAR SHARJAH MEDIA CITY (SHAMS) AND ART FORMAT LAB The Shams and Art Format Lab teams won the MENA Trendsetter of the Year Award for having launched the region’s first-ever user generated movie initiative. It created a talent incubation programme with a total of eight workshops given throughout the year. Launched in March of 2019, the initiative gathered 2500 users and 32 film production teams on the digital platform.





Sharjah Media City (Shams) was launched in January 2017 to act as a catalyst for creative and media businesses to grow and thrive. Aiming to be a world-class media hub for innovative facilities and services, Shams covers a wide range of business activities available for those wishing to embark on their entrepreneurial journey in the UAE. Art Format Lab specialises in content development, and is committed to delivering premium and socially relevant Arabic content, with the focus on bringing international formats to be adapted and produced in Arabic for the region. The company also develops and produces original local TV entertainment formats, series formats and remake adaptions of international movies.

Contact Art Format Lab Level 29, Marina Plaza, Office 2 Dubai Marina, PO BOX 112222 Dubai, UAE Tel: +971 45124053 Tel: +971 558470282 Website: Email:





2019 ASBU BROADCAST PRO AWARDS WOMAN OF THE YEAR IN BROADCAST ZAHRA ZAYAT With a strong profile in launching new businesses and working in challenging markets, and with extensive experience in regional pay TV and OTT, and most recently leading the strategy on the digital and streaming business at OSN – Zahra Zayat has played a pivotal role in some of the region’s largest media organisations.





Zayat won for successfully launching

2020, Zayat has spearheaded the

YuppTV in the MENA region and

growth of the network’s OTT platform,


positioning it as the leading OTT

the OSN streaming app. She was at


platform and one-stop shop for all

the forefront of major launches which

south Asian content. As Vice-President

includes the introduction of Disney+

Dubai Media City

and head of MENA of YuppTV, Zayat

Originals content into the MENA

was responsible for the subsequent

region and the new OSN streaming

traction that the company enjoyed since

app. Zayat has been instrumental in

quietly stepping into a highly creative,

growing OSN’s streaming service by

congested and influential market.

forging key strategic partnerships

Zayat’s responsibilities at the channel

with regional telcos and expanding

included launching the business,

the reach of the OSN streaming app

content acquisition and production,

into different industries and sectors.

rolling out the product across retail,

Zayat is an active member in the

telcos and dealers, and securing

Lebanese Business Council in Dubai

funding. She brokered partnerships

and continues to be a strong advocate

and was instrumental in making

for diversity in the workplace and

YuppTV part of several platforms.

is a vocal contributor to regional

Having joined OSN at the start of

and international forums.

PO Box 502211 Dubai, UAE Tel: 04 3677777 Website: Streaming Website:

Social Media





2019 ASBU BROADCAST PRO AWARDS OUTSTANDING LIVE EVENTS PRODUCTION SEVEN PRODUCTION For the very first time in the Arab world, Seven Production, a homegrown production house, brought coverage of the FIA Formula One World Championship to millions of fans around the globe, and won the Outstanding Live Events Production Award.



7 Production Partner Rola Tabet accepts the award.



Contracted to undertake all

produce races, broadcasters also

additional coverage broadcast on

carry out independent coverage).


MBC Action alongside race footage,

Seven supplied this footage for

Seven exhibited competence,

MBC giving viewers a glimpse of

Seven Production ME FZ LLC

infrastructural expertise and quality

the Championship in a novel new

inventory to cover the renowned

manner. Eurovision provided the

spectacle, placing it on par with

satellite link to send the feed.

international broadcasters, and

Seven had 20 technical staff at each

beyond regional markets. Effectively,

location, comprising EVS operators

also putting the region on the map!

for the EVS XT3 and camera crew

An expert crew handled all filming

covering all the action around the

International Media Production Zone, Building PBU # A18 Website:

Social Media 7_production

which was then provided to MBC

pit lane, paddock and starting grid.


for broadcasting to the Middle

It also meant having the presence


East (although all exclusive rights

of mind to come up with split-

are retained by Formula One to

second solutions at each spot.

7 Production & Events





2019 ASBU BROADCAST PRO AWARDS MENA TECH INNOVATION OF THE YEAR SPONIX TECH Providing a unique range of solutions valuable to sports audiences and broadcasters, Sponix Tech is at the forefront of technology providers to the sport industry. Their sport software is so distinctive that it won the company the MENA Tech Innovation of the Year at the November awards.



Feel the Match and Digital Billboard Replacement created by Sponix Tech have added value to sporting events. Feel the Match creates immersive replays from sport events. It was applied in two UAE Pro League Cup finals held in March 2019 and January 2020, and Benfica TV uses it in its home games to create value for its fans. Sponix Tech also produced the first immersive replay of the UEFA Champions League history, during PSG vs Dortmund match on March 11, 2020. Digital Billboard Replacement adds virtual advertisement in real time at sports venues. By this technology, right holders of sports competitions can regionalise their sponsor partners and sell each billboard many times for different regions. Sponix Tech has been chosen from 1,400 companies worldwide to be part of the Qatar Sports Tech Programme, which works with beIN Sports and the World Cup Committee 2022 to introduce and implement new sports technologies. With 17 technical experts in various fields including computer vision, artificial intelligence, machine learning, and image processing, Sponix Tech’s software-based solutions impact the world’s biggest sporting events.

Contact Sponix Tech Limited 27 Old Gloucester Street London, United Kingdom WC1N 3AX Tel: +44 2038852925 Email: Website:

Social Media Sponixtech


Sponix Tech CEO Mohammad Ali Abbaspour (left) and Business Development Manager Mohsen Rajabiat accept their award.






2019 ASBU BROADCAST PRO AWARDS OUTSTANDING OTT PRODUCTION OF THE YEAR ZODIAC – VIU Viu, a leading entertainment streaming service in the MENA region, received the Outstanding OTT Production of the Year award at the ASBU BroadcastPro Awards for the second year running, for its Viu Original ‘Zodiac’.



Released during Ramadan, Zodiac was produced in line with Viu’s vision to empower local talent and break the mould of conventional narratives that have been long adopted in the region. The award-winning series is an adaptation of late renowned Egyptian author, Ahmed Khalid Tawfiq’s widely read novella, Hazak El Youm. The supernatural thriller follows the predicament of a group of university students as they find themselves the victims of an ancient Egyptian curse that takes their lives one-by-one in a manner determined by the victim’s zodiac sign. During Ramadan, Zodiac managed to garner the lion’s share of 1.8 million votes cast during the month-long voting process. Viu continues to focus on enhancing its core value proposition by providing a wide scope of relevant and original productions to its 36 million monthly Viu’ers worldwide!

Contact Viu Boutique Offices, Villa 19 Dubai Media City PO Box 500844, Dubai, UAE Website: Website:

Social Media ViuME, ViuDesi, ViuMePinoy ViuMENA, ViuDesi, ViuMePinoy ViuMENA, ViuDesi, ViuMePinoy ViuMENA, ViuDesi, ViuMePinoy company/vuclip







2019 ASBU BROADCAST PRO AWARDS BEST STREAMING SERVICE OF THE YEAR YUPPTV YuppTV’s accurate analytics system available for video streaming comes with extraordinary features. Viewer diagnostics, trending videos, content overview and quality of service metrics among others are its distinctive features. It is this that won the Best Streaming Service award for the company.





YuppTV gives traditional television providers tough competition. YuppFlix, a movie-on-demand streaming service offers over 3,000 movies across different genres in 14 Indian languages, including Tamil, Hindi, Telugu, Malayalam, Bengali, Punjabi and Kannada. For better customer support, YuppFlix has a dedicated 24/7 toll-free number. Mini Theatre premieres movies on the internet. Mini Theatre makes new movies available on the first day or the first weekend of release, even in geographies excluded from the theatrical release. YuppTV provides live television channels, including news, entertainment, kids, devotional, unlimited Indian movies and seven days of catchup so viewers need not have to worry about missing their favourite shows, they can watch it at their own convenience within seven days!

Contact YuppTV (Dubai office) Office 601 Discovery Tower, Dubai, UAE Samir Awada Tel: +971504568486 Suneel Kishore Tel: 9398000456 Website: YuppTV (Hyderabad office) 8-2-293/82/A/773 Road Number 44 CBI Colony, Jubilee Hills Hyderabad Telangana 500033 Tel: 040 6459 6458

Social Media yupptv yupptv





2019 ASBU BROADCAST PRO AWARDS SPACE INITIATIVE OF THE YEAR ORBITAL SPACE Back in the 1960s, only one country in the GCC was eyeing space opportunities - that country was Kuwait. But these achievements were short-lived, with the ground station being destroyed in the Iraqi invasion in 1990. Yet now, thanks to the singular efforts of Orbital Space in Kuwait, led by the remarkable Kuwaiti engineer Bassam Alfeeli, the dream is alive again.

I was very excited to receive the award for Space Initiative of the Year. Launching a new business is risky, and a challenging endeavour. Launching a space technology company in an environment not supportive of space activities doubles, if not triples that risk and difficulty but I was up for the challenge. I was inspired by the space activities in the UAE and

anticipated success if I followed in their footsteps. However, it was not as simple as it sounded. The Satellite Pro Award came in rather timely as I was facing major challenges. The award boosted my morale and gave me a great push to continue. The recognition from Satellite Pro opened doors, within my home country, that I wasn’t even aware of and helped me overcome some of the challenges I was facing. The award also opened up a fertile ground for Orbital Space regionally and internationally, and has boosted the visibility of our inclusive community programmes and outreach activities. This has been impactful in creating opportunities for us to connect with space ecosystems in the region and elsewhere.� Bassam Alfeeli, Founder and GM of Orbital Space



2019 ASBU BROADCAST PRO AWARDS INNOVATION PROJECT OF THE YEAR TOYOTA SAUDI SELECT MOBILE APP – BLINK An amazing ‘holoportation’ technology from Blink Studios helped create the app. A Saudi consumer who wants to buy a car but does not want to go to the showroom can now see a threedimensional view of the vehicle from the comfort of their home.

Blink Studios is proud to celebrate the highly esteemed Broadcast Pro Award which confirms the studios’ unwavering ambition to deliver state-of-the-art animated storytelling experiences that mirror the advancement of technology. The accolade of the Toyota Saudi

Select App is not only a display of innovation on our part, but also the ability to engage women in the automotive retail experience at the historical brink of societal emancipation in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Blink Studios’ 15 years of creative, innovational and genuine approach to storytelling has placed it at the forefront of the region’s animation industry with the ability to connect bridges from the east to west riding out an inspirational vision from the UAE to the USA.” Nathalie Habib, Partner/ Producer, Blink Studios



Lea Badro Hamadeh, Partner/Producer, Blink Studios accepts the award.




Nomad’s diverse and powerful portfolio is distinguished by striking creativity and a commitment to distinctive, personal portrayals. Whether the rigours of executive boxing in Fighting Fit, the Emirati lifestyle portrayals of Energy for Life, or the startling images of Dubai as the ultimate business hub in Beyond What’s Possible, this is exceptional, provocative viewing.




Viu’s Zodiac is an award-winning crime thriller series with a spectacular journey through emotive settings, often glitteringly referencing Ancient Egypt and Medieval Arabia. Extremely fast-paced, it was a worthy winner - ironically pipping Viu’s other entry, Ana Sherry Dot Com, which tells the story of a young ambitious Egyptian woman, striving for independence.





2019 ASBU BROADCAST PRO AWARDS BROADCAST SERVICES PROVIDER OF THE YEAR TWOFOUR54 Whether it be a TV commercial or music video, or the latest Hollywood blockbuster, Twofour54’s ability to handle a project of any scale comfortably is remarkable. Its complete range of both production and broadcast services including pre-production support to award-winning studios, production support and teleport uplink makes it an award-winning service provider.

twofour54 continues to push the limits in production and broadcast services, cementing its position as leader in the region. Being recognised for this by BroadcastPro ME is testament

to all the hard work and passion of our dedicated team, as well as the incredible talent within the industry in Abu Dhabi, who work alongside some of the biggest producers from Hollywood, Bollywood and the Arab world. Winning Broadcast Services Provider of the Year is an endorsement of the production services ecosystem at twofour54, and has helped raise awareness of the film-friendly environment and unrivalled government support Abu Dhabi has to offer, attracting even more business and productions.� Nabil Abou Samra, Head of Business Development, twofour54



2019 ASBU BROADCAST PRO AWARDS BEST VIDEO INITIATIVE ON A SOCIAL MEDIA PLATFORM AWAAN – DUBAI MEDIA INC. For Anta Online from Awaan, the figures speak for themselves: with a reach of 12m, 10m minutes viewed, and 3.6m one-minute video views. There are also no fewer than 81.7m three-second views - and perhaps the most striking figure of all relates to mid-summer returners: more than 1.9m across three weeks of August alone.

It is always a pleasure for DMI Digital Media Department to be recognised by BroadcastPro for our work in digital creativity, and we appreciate being honoured for what we’ve achieved.” said Heba AlSamt, Director of Digital Media Dept. at DMI Radio and TV Sector.

This award is a testament to the hard work our team has put into creating the Best Video Initiative on a social media platform, which proves that we are really competing against ourselves, with momentous strides made in the social media space, DMI continues to deliver innovative ideas.” Winning the award; indeed boosts our organization’s reputation, and helps to cement our credibility, and proves we are still dynamic and innovative. Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence wins championships.” Heba AlSamt, Director of Digital Media Department at DMI Radio and TV Sector






Pioneering a highly innovative partnership, Arabsat proved a worthy winner - moving out of its traditional space and launching a new generation IPTV service, available on all major platforms including iPhones, Android phones, Apple TV, and Android TV. The package allows users to share their experience via a ‘rating and commenting’ service. Company reinvention at its finest.




Advanced Media has continuously innovated by bringing new brands to the market and also educating professionals through training programmes and workshops. More recently, the company launched two new showrooms, one in Dubai and another in Saudi Arabia. Special mention is due to their technologies and training, consistently raising production standards.






Broadcasting with a cause… Imagine a radio station that’s driving debates on gender and social issues across Palestine. That’s the brainchild of Maysoun Odeh Gangat - and her station, Nisaa Broadcasting Radio Company. The station uses the power of radio to create social change. It’s also the first radio station run by and for women in Palestine and the Middle East.

For me personally this award has meant a lot as it is the first of its kind on a regional level. Nisaa FM previously was recognised nationally and

internationally but with the Pro Broadcast Award this gave us a recognition in the Arab World. The award has given recognition to the first woman radio initiative in Occupied Palestine, and a pioneering effort even in the greater Arab World. This exposure provided us with a marketing tool with local advertisers and international donors, yielding a positive impact on our business, and we continue to prominently feature this prestigious award in all our business outreach programmes and donor-funded proposals.” Maysoun Odeh Gangat, Founder of Radio Nisaa



2019 ASBU BROADCAST PRO AWARDS OUTSTANDING CREATIVITY IN VIDEO PRODUCTION DUBAI FITNESS CHALLENGE – SOCIAL EYEZ What better way to promote the Dubai Fitness Challenge than with a Parkour athlete able to leap any obstacle at any time in a video that features every single mode of RTA transport? No surprise that it received coverage across the UAE’s national press. No surprises,

It’s most certainly exciting to see your work being recognised especially for creativity. Because creativity is limitless, and as a young department, we are always looking to challenge our creative outlook with new approaches. And RTA’s Dubai Fitness Challenge video was one of these moments.”

too, that the winner here for exceptional creativity in video

Rawad El Hachem, Video

production is SOCIALEYEZ.







The judges were enraptured as they watched Reach for the Stars - a documentary from Nat Geo Abu Dhabi/ Fox Networks Group. It shows in extraordinary detail the journey and dedication of the UAE’s first astronaut - from vision and ambition to the rigours of enduring a rocket propelled by seven million pounds of thrust.




The Special Olympics World Games Abu Dhabi 2019 was the largest sports and humanitarian event in the world, welcoming 7,000 athletes from 170 nations to participate in 24 Olympic-style sports. Abu Dhabi Media’s broadcast coverage was remarkable - pulling no punches, its striking close-ups and competitive imagery were truly worthy of athletes of Determination.





2019 ASBU BROADCAST PRO AWARDS ANIMATED WORK OF THE YEAR BRQ & BANA – ZEEZ ANIMATION ZEEZ’ animated teenage detective series, Brq & Bana, stole hearts and minds alike. In a series of gripping adventures, the two protagonists venture into spooky houses, take on bicycle gangs and make crimebusting V-logs. The Saudi series is a rare example of regional animation and sets new standards of sophisticated product placement in a series!

Winning the “Animated Work of The Year” at Broadcast Pro Summit & Awards 2019 is definitely a milestone

that all of us at ZEEZ Animation is proud of achieving. It signifies the huge amount of work we put into creating animated series and movies from the region. We are glad to be one of the main drivers of change in this niche industry in the region, and such appreciation drives us forward and encourages us to continue our journey in creating great content for the kids of the region, and export that to the world.” Abdulaziz Othman, Managing & Creative Director of Zeez Animation

Index ABS Network


Broadcast Solutions



Cineom Broadcast DMCC

28 48




Advanced Media


Es’hailSat, Qatar Satellite Company


Eurovision Services Middle East



Gazprom Space Systems (GSS)



Guntermann & Drunck GmbH


APT Satellite A24 ARABSAT




Argosy Middle East




Art Format Lab




Assendive Communications LLC





M-Three Satcom



Master Media




Merging Technologies


52 116







Sponix Tech


NMK Electronics Ent.













TSL Products


Riedel Communications








Ross Video







Norsat International Inc.

SAWA Rights Management Sennheiser Middle East




Seven Production ME FZ LLC







Managing Director Raz Islam Editorial Director Vijaya Cherian Project Editor Kalyani Gopinath Group Sales Director Sandip Virk +971 50 929 1845 +44 773 444 2526 Creative Director Simon Cobon Production Manager Vipin V. Vijay +971 4 375 5713 Distribution Manager Phinson Mathew George +971 (0)4 375 5476 Digital Services Mohammad Awais Sadiq Siddiqui Founder Dominic De Sousa (1959-2015) Printed by Printwell Printing Press LLC Published by

Licensed by TECOM to registered company, CPI Trade Publishing FZ LLC whose registered office is 207 – 209, Building 3, Dubai Studio City, Dubai, UAE. A supplement of BroadcastPro ME. Š Copyright 2020 CPI. All rights reserved. While the publishers have made every effort to ensure the accuracy of all information in this magazine, they will not be held responsible for any errors therein.


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Articles inside

Space Initiative of the Year

pages 165-166

Broadcast Services Provider of the Year

pages 171-172

Best Streaming Service of the Year

pages 161-164

Radio Initiative of the Year

pages 177-178

Outstanding OTT Production of the Year

pages 157-160

MENA Tech Innovation of the Year

pages 153-156

Outstanding Live Events Production

pages 149-152

Woman of the Year in Broadcast

pages 145-148


pages 129-130

Space Initiative of the Year

pages 141-144

Broadcast Solutions

pages 135-136

Eurovision Services Middle East

pages 127-128

ABS Network

pages 125-126

Norsat International Inc

pages 119-120

Gazprom Space Systems (GSS

pages 113-114

M-Three Satcom

pages 117-118

APT Satellite

pages 107-108


pages 109-110

Es’hailSat, Qatar Satellite Company

pages 111-112


pages 105-106

Seven Production ME FZ LLC

pages 99-100

Art Format Lab

pages 97-98
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