rstream has been operating
Erstream CDN Special Features
• Multi DRM.
globally for the past 14 years as
Compared to other CDN services available
• Common Encryption.
a leading technology company
in the market, Erstream is only focused on
• Number of chunks reduction of HLS
with a strong presence in
premium video delivery. Features include
the world’s leading markets providing
the following:
top-quality products and solutions to
• Storage cost of the customer brought
content owners and broadcasters. Their products include encoding, CDN and web streaming software and services that are
down by 70-80%. • Increases performance of storage and origin dramatically.
files. • Upload, callback notification. • Multi CDN support. • Thumbnail, logo, watermark insertion, etc. • API.
researched and developed in their own
• Provides a high performance Edge
R&D labs under the expert supervision
server that does not require a specific
Storage & Origin
of uniquely gifted engineers. Erstream
HW; and a very powerful cache layer
• Based on Gluster File System.
works in collaboration with Turkey and
with enhanced features, and a cost
• Similar Topology Netflix.
the international market’s established
effective proposal.
• Built-in origin, zero network delay
content creators and broadcasters.
As many other traditional E2E CDNs,
between storage and origin. Storage
Erstream’s operational flow is as below;
and origin server are built by Erstream
Erstream focuses on end-to-end online video delivery and works continuously to
based on an open source SW.
improve cost-effective solutions to their
Ingest Work Flow (VMS)
• Encoding VOD and LIVE.
• Arc Cache file system with custom settings according to last miles