Our Christian Family by Yvonne Morgan
Have you joined in the latest craze to uncover the secrets of your family history? We all wonder if someone famous shares the same DNA as ours. Does my ancestry show how I might be related to a queen or king? Could I be of the same bloodline as a literary giant from long ago? I think we all search for significance in the mundane of our daily lives by looking to our past. But I am left wondering; Where do I find my meaning? Human Family—These thoughts began again recently as I watch my parents’ generation start to depart this life. I helplessly watch as age takes a toll on their frail frames. Those once larger-than-life family members are now confined to nursing homes or hospital beds. They guided my life with their wisdom, but now the mantle is passing to my generation. Who will oversee my steps into the future? Will I impact the lives of the next generation? I grieve the loss of my ancestors. Many of those same folks shared their faith with me from early on in my life. My parents taught me to pray. They also encouraged me to attend church. While other relatives showed me the path to a life in God. Am I prepared to do the same for the younger members of my family? What steps can I take to share my faith among my family? 38 | M AG A Z I N E N A M E PAGE 37
Where do I find significance? I know the heart of my grown children; they belong to Christ. But my responsibility does not end there. So, I pray for them daily. I pray for the Lord to strengthen them and uphold them in their faith. I share Bible wisdom with them when they feel the weight of the world on their shoulders. And when things go wrong for them, we talk about God’s purposes for our lives and how to keep our eyes on Jesus. Their faith must be their own, but I can lead them as my parents did me. My grandchildren also need spiritual guidance. I ask them to say grace at mealtimes and help them when they struggle with the words. Bible stories become great bedtime stories and sharing simple bedtime prayers sets the example for them to follow. And, when the bully strikes or poor decisions happen, I can council them with Godly wisdom just like my parents did for me. “Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers.” (Galatians 6:10 NIV) Spiritual Family—But, even as the generations before me fade, I am never alone. I have my Spiritual ancestry to encourage me. I recall all the religious giants of the Bible and how they guide my life through their words recorded in Scripture. I praise God for the Bible because it provides me with everything I need to know. Through it, He will guide my steps all of my life. My heart lightens as I realize that Christ will never leave me or forsake me. He shows me how I find my significance in Him.