Summer 2023 CRAZE Recreation Guide - Edmonds Parks & Recreation

Page 11

Recreation Program Guide May-August 2023
Edmonds Parks, Recreation & Human Services
Frances Anderson Center
700 Main Street
Recreation Program Locations HoursofOperation FrancesAndersonCenter: Monday-Friday8:30am-8:30pm Saturday9am-2pm EdmondsWaterfrontCenter: Monday-Thursday4:00-10:00pm FacilityClosures May29-MemorialDay June19-Juneteenth July4-IndependenceDay
Edmonds, WA 98020 425-771-0230

Table of Contents Follow Us


Teach with Parks and


Edmonds Summer Day

Youth Camps &


Health & Fitness




Outdoor Movie


Adult Fitness &



Sno-King Youth

@Edmonds Rec Zone @EdmondsRecZone Visit our Website Register for Programs PAGE 3

How to Register

Create an account online at

Sign up for classes before they start to save your spot!

All NEW customers will need to create an account. Click the ‘Create an Account’ button in the corner of the web page.

For account assistance, call 425-771-0230.

Resident Rates

Edmonds residents receive a discount on programs offered.

The prices listed on each class will have a resident and non-resident rate.

Resident rate will be listed first for each class.


Full refunds will be given for classes cancelled by the Parks & Recreation Office.

Refunds must be requested at least 7 business days before the 1st scheduled meeting date.

All refunds will incur a $10 administrative fee per registration.

Check out all of the wonderful spaces available to rent for your event, party, or celebration. Picnic Shelter rentals are available from April-September. Visit: or call 425-771-0230 Want more Information? City Park Shelters Plaza Room City Park Gazebo Hickman Park Shelter PAGE 7 Rental Facilities

Edmonds Summer Day Camp

Servingyouthenteringgrades2-6,participantswillhavetheopportunitytoengagein positiveactivitiesthatpromoteself-awareness,responsibledecisionmaking,and relationshipskillsthroughart,games,environmentaleducationandfunactivities.

BasedoutoftheFrancesAndersonCenterField,thiscampwilltakeadvantageoftheclose proximitytoanumberoflocalEdmondsparks.EdmondsDiscoveryProgramsStaffwillplay aweeklyroleinprovidingenvironmentaleducationopportunitieswhilehighlightingthe beautifulnaturalsurroundingsofEdmonds.
















Pricing: CampRateperWeek: 8:30am-4:30pm $200/weekresidentrate $230/weeknon-resident BeforeandAfterCare: 7:00-8:30am& 4:30-6:00pm $50/weekresidentrate $60/weeknon-resident Now Hiring Summer Camp Counselors! Ages 16+ Click Here to Apply!

Youth Day Camps


Landscapes,animals,people-thisdrawing-basedarteducationprogramusesasimpledrawingmethod andweeklyformatwherestudentsproduceoriginalworksofartusingartistqualitymediums.Students willlearntothinkcreatively,expandtheirdrawingskills,andbecomemoreconfidentinself-expression, allwhilehavingfuninanon-competitiveenvironmentofencouragementandartisticinspiration.New drawingprojectseachsession.




11885 M 5/1-5/22 5:30-7pm $68/$78

11886 W 5/3-5/24 5:30-7pm $68/$78

Adventures in Art Camps

Halfway to Holidays Art Camp – Ages 7-11

Ho Ho Ho! Who needs snow?! If the other side of the world can celebrate the Most Wonderful Time of the Year when it’s hot and sunny, so can we! Join the holiday festivities and create your own Holiday cards and ornaments, *bake* some cookies, and maybe even find that elusive summer snow as we mark the halfway point to the Merriest season of all! Please bring a healthy snack and drink!

Instructor: Jessica Carlson from

Location: FAC 206

Supply Fee $10 due to instructor on first day of camp.

11933 M-F 7/17-7/21 10am-1pm $180/$207

Jungle Fun Art Camp – Ages 7-11

Join us as we Safari through the jungles, rainforests, and deserts of Africa, to observe the amazing creatures who call this great continent home! Drawing and craft projects will chronicle our journey

Please bring a healthy snack and drink!

Instructor: Jessica Carlson from

Location: FAC 206

Supply Fee $10 due to instructor on first day of camp

11934 M-F 8/14-8/18 10am-1pm $180/$207


Youth Day Camps

Cuties Art Camps for Kids - Ages 6-13

Learn how to make the cutest creatures! We will look at Japanese & Korean art and use this as inspiration to create sweet little sushi, darling dragons, and everything in between. This class will focus on a different kind of art project each day. We will draw, paint, collage, and craft. There will be opportunities to make art and meet new friends in a non-competitive friendly environment. No prior art experience required, just a willingness to create!

Instructor: Missy Hancock from rooteddesignspace com Location: FAC Room 123

Beach Camp at Sunset Bay: Day Camp

TheSunsetBayWharf’sone-of-a-kindwatersportsandmarinesciencesummercampisthemostfunon thewaterthissideofHawaii!Withahalf-acrewharf,milesofsandybeach,andalmosteveryimaginable watercraft,kidslearnthebasicsofpaddleboarding,sailing,canoeing,skimboarding,snorkeling,and more,allwhilelearningwhatmakesoursaltwatermarineecosystemtick.Wetsuitsandbootieskeep everyonewarminanyweather,andtheprogramistieredforalllevelsofexperienceandability.Heldat theSunsetBayWharf,14725NormaBeachRoad,Edmonds.Forthosecurrentlyingrades2-5.


11935 M-F 7/10-7/14 8:30am-12:30pm $140/$161 11936 M-F 7/17-7/21 8:30am-12:30pm $140/$161 11937 M-F 7/24-7/28 8:30am-12:30pm $140/$161
Anemone’s–4thand5thGraders 11748 M-F 7/10-7/14 9:30am-4:30pm $575 11862 M-F 7/17-7/21 9:30am-4:30pm $575 11865 M-F 7/24-7/28 9:30am-4:30pm $575 11867 M-F 7/31-8/4 9:30am-4:30pm $575 11869 M-F 8/7-8/11 9:30am-4:30pm $575 11871 M-F 8/14-8/18 9:30am-4:30pm $575 11873 M-F 8/21-8/25 9:30am-4:30pm $575 11875 M-F 8/28-9/1 9:30am-4:30pm $575 Jellies-2ndand3rdGraders 11747 M-F 7/10-7/14 9:30am-4:30pm $575 11863 M-F 7/17-7/21 9:30am-4:30pm $575 11864 M-F 7/24-7/28 9:30am-4:30pm $575 11866 M-F 7/31-8/4 9:30am-4:30pm $575 11868 M-F 8/7-8/11 9:30am-4:30pm $575 11870 M-F 8/14-8/18 9:30am-4:30pm $575 11872 M-F 8/21-8/25 9:30am-4:30pm $575 11874 M-F 8/28-9/1 9:30am-4:30pm $575

Youth Day Camps

GreenStage Camps - Professional Shakespeare in the Park Company

Improv through Shakespeare – Ages 11-17

We’ll tell Shakespeare's stories and see what campers can come up with as their own version of one of his plays-- a kind of “Fakespeare”! All week we will concentrate on storytelling and improv games. A performance of camper’s creation outdoors on Friday. Location: FAC Amphitheater

11946 M-F 7/10-7/14 12:30pm-4:30pm


Pee Wee Shakespeareans – Ages 5-8

GreenStage, a professional Shakespeare-in-the-park company, teaches students to know more about Shakespeare using creative dramatics, storytelling, and art. Students create their own 10-minute version of one of Shakespeare’s stories to be performed on outdoors on Friday. Location: FAC Amphitheater

11947 M-F 7/10-7/14 9am–12pm

Comedy of Errors – Ages 9-17


Comedy of Errors is an adventure with a shipwreck, mistaken identity with near misses, a whacky professor, and love-at-first sight, a cutting of this will be rehearsed and performed outdoors on Friday.

Location: FAC Amphitheater

11948 M-F 7/17-7/21 9am–2pm


Mad Science of Sno-King

Underground Explorers – Ages 8-12

We’ll unearth the past in this archeology and paleontology camp. Discover and practice the techniques scientists use to excavate long lost cities and dinosaur bones. We’ll study bone fragments, pottery shards, amber deposits and fossils to understand what they can tell us about history! Each class includes a make and take-home project, like a fossil reproduction, an amber time capsule, and coins from around the world. Location: FAC Room 208

11955 M-F 7/17-7/21 9am-12pm $364/$418

Creative Contraptions – Ages 6-12

Join us on a journey of discovery. Each day campers are given fun challenges which they overcome using basic materials, simple machines, tips from famous inventors and most important of all… Their mind! Follow in the footsteps of da Vinci, Edison and the Wright Bros. Construct catapults & forts, fabricate innovative flying machines, and design your own gizmo prototypes. Location: FAC Room 208

11956 M-F 8/7-8/11 9am-12pm $364/$418


Youth Day Camps

Incrediflix Summer Camps - Ages 7-13

Flix will be emailed within a month after camp ends. Location: FAC Room 206 & Banquet

Live Action Flix

Discover your filmmaking talents! You don’t have to be an actor to take part, as we'll guide you through the Hollywood process to create, direct, film, act, and more. You won't just make an incredible movie; you'll have the skills to make your own movies with friends

11949 M-F 7/17-7/21 9am-12pm $335/$380

Claymation Flix

Love The Nightmare Before Christmas, Wallace and Gromit, or Boxtrolls? Then join us to create your own claymation movie! You’ll even get to create your own clay character to star in a movie you'll Film, direct, and voice-over in small groups

11950 M-F 7/17-7/21 1-4pm $335/$380

Live Action Flix & Claymation Flix

Join us for the full day combo for a discount plus free lunch supervision! Please see both half day descriptions. Bring snack, lunch and drink.

11951 M-F 7/17-7/21 9am-4pm $637/792

Lego Flix

Bring Lego worlds to life! We provide Legos You provide your imagination. Work in groups to create a Lego set with Lego characters for a stop-motion movie you'll storyboard, shoot, and add voice-overs too

11952 M-F 8/7-8/11 9am-12pm $335/$380

Animation Flix

In this fast paced class, you’ll create up to five new stop motion movies! Animate cars, use pixelation, and more as you get to learn a new style each day with all new stop motions for 2023.

11953 M-F 8/7-8/11 1-4pm $335/$380

Lego Flix & Animation Flix

Join us for the full day combo for a discount plus free lunch supervision! Please see both half day descriptions. Bring snack, lunch and drink.

11954 M-F 8/7-8/11 9am-4pm $637/792


Youth Day Camps

Play-Well TEKnologies


LetyourimaginationrunwildwithtensofthousandsofLEGO® parts!Buildengineer-designedprojectsandusespecialpieces tocreateyourownuniquedesigns!Projectsarerotated seasonallytoensurethatbothnewandreturningstudentscan exploretheendlesscreativepossibilitiesoftheLEGO®building system.Location:FAC206

11938 M-F 7/10-7/14 9am-12pm $245/$282


MasteryourengineeringskillswithPlay-WellTEKnologiesand tensofthousandsofLEGO®parts!Applyreal-worldconceptsin physics,engineering,andarchitecturethroughengineerdesignedprojects.Projectsarerotatedseasonallytoensure thatevenreturningstudentsgetanewexperience,sojoinus todesignandbuildasneverbeforeandexploreyourcraziest ideas.Location:FAC206

11939 M-F 7/10-7/14 1pm-4pm $245/$282


BringMinecrafttolifeusingLEGO®bricks!Resourcefulness,creativity,andcooperationcometogetherin thisuniquebuildingadventuregame;rollthedicetomineforresources,andusetheseresourcestobuild specialitemstohelpinouradventures!BuildaZoo,createaMedievalCastle,anddesignaTreeHouse Village!ThisexperienceisanoriginalgamedesignedbyPlay-Wellinstructorsinspiredbythepopular game,Minecraft.Studentswillhaveablast,evenwithoutanypriorexperiencewithMinecraftorthe LEGO®buildingsystem.Location:FAC206

11940 M-F 7/24-7/28 9am-12pm $245/$282


BringMinecrafttolifeusingLEGO®bricks!Resourcefulness,creativity,andcooperationcometogetherin thisuniquebuildingadventuregame;rollthedicetomineforresources,crafttools,andwatchoutfor Creepers!ThisultimateLEGOMinecraftexperienceisanoriginalgamedesignedbyPlay-Wellinstructors, usinggameplayelementsandcharactersinspiredbythepopularMinecraftvideogame.Studentswillhavea blast,evenwithoutanypriorexperiencewithMinecraftorLEGO®materials.Location:FAC206

11441 M-F 7/24-7/28 1pm-4pm $245/$282


Youth Day Camps

Play-Well TEKnologies


BuildandprogramrobotsinthisintroductoryRoboticsclassusingtheLEGO®SpikePrime®system.Learn basicprogrammingskillsusingasimpleandvisualblockcodingsystemthatwillallowkidstograspnew anddiversecodingchallenges.Joinusaswebuildavarietyofdifferentrobotsusingmotors,sensorsand lightsthatwillmakeforafunexperiencethatincorporatesbothbuildingwithLEGO®andcoding.Thisisa greatwaytoprepareyoungRoboticsenthusiastsforourmoreadvancedRoboticsprograms.


11942 M-F 7/31-8/4 9am-12pm $280/$322


RisetothechallengetobuildandprogramrobotsusingtheLEGO®SpikePrimesystem!Learnabout mechanicalandsoftwaredesign,loops,conditionalstatements,problemsolving,andteamworkskills Designandconstructyourrobottoavoidobstacles,pickupandcarryobjects,andplaysounds.Projects arestructuredsothatstudentsworkinanopen-ended,investigativeenvironmentwhilehavingfun.


11443 M-F 7/31-8/4 1pm-4pm $280/$322


Here’sourchancetojoinourfriendsandlearnwhatittakesto becomeatrueMandalorian.UsingLEGO, anexperiencedinstructorwillguideusthroughtheskillsand equipmentneededtoearnthetitle.Wewill buildourgauntletfightershiptoweavethroughthegalaxy,our Z-6jetpackstomaneuverthroughtheair, andofcourse,defendourselveswithourMandalorianarmor. Comingtoagalaxynearyou!Location:FAC208

11944 M-F 8/14-8/18 9am-12pm $245/$282


DesignyourcustomLEGO®bottotakeonanychallenge.Mix andmatchchassisdesignsusingwheels,treads,orwalkinglegs Combinethesewithtoolslikedrills,hammers,andbattering ramsasyourefineyourmasterpiecebysparringwithfriends andovercomingobstacles.Applyreal-worldengineeringand physicsconceptstohelpyoubashandcrashyourwaytovictory.


11445 M-F 8/14-8/18 1pm-4pm $245/$282


Youth Day Camps

Steel Magic Northwest: Youth Steel Band Intensive Ages 10-18

Join internationally known steel pan artist and local teacher, Gary Gibson, to learn music fundamentals (rhythm, melody, harmony) and proper steel pan techniques. Learning music on the steel pan has a gentler initial learning curve than other traditional instruments, so groups can sound great relatively quickly. No prior musical experience necessary. All instruments and materials provided. A mini performance will be held on the last day of camp. Held at Steel Magic Northwest's space at Edmonds Adventist Church 8625 - 196th St SW Edmonds.

11957 M-F 7/17-7/21 1:30-4pm

11958 M-F 8/7-8/11 1:30-4pm


Subconscious-Therapeutic WatercolorforTeens Ages12-17

Howgoodwoulditfeeltogiveyourselfpermissionto focusononething-yourself!?Thinkofthisclasslikea yogaclass,insteadofusingbodymovementandbreath, wewillusepaintingwithwatercolorandbreath.Each classwillhaveadifferenttopicandwewillusebreathing, andvisualizationtechniquestopaintfromour subconsciousmind.Youshouldexpecttoleaveeachclass feelingcentered,grounded,andfilledwithpeace.Youwill alsolearnwatercolorpaintingtechniques!

Allsupplieswillbeprovided.Noartexperiencenecessary. Youjustneedtoshowupwithanopenheartandopen mind.

Location:EWCRoom3 11896

Th 6/8-6/29 6-7:30pm $140/$161
Th 7/6-7/27 6-7:30pm $140/$161

Gymnastics Camps


Thiscampwillcombinestunting/partner&groupbalances,exposuretobasicjugglingandcircusskills (including:rollingglobe,rola-bola,stilts,lowtightwireandstaticaerialsequipment:trapeze,rope,fabric &lyra/hoop).Beginner-intermediatelevelgymnasticsonapparatussuchas,beam,bars,andvaultwill beusedaswellastumbling/acrobaticsonfloorexerciseandtumbletrak.Groupswillbesplitbyageand skilllevel.Allrecreationallevelsofexperiencearewelcome.

Campparticipantswillalsoenjoyapartialdayswim,beachwalk,morningcrafts,andmovementgames integratedthroughoutthecamp


CircusArts&Artistic GymnasticsCamp-Ages5-9

Thiscampwillcombinestunting/partner&groupbalances, exposuretobasicjugglingandcircusskills(including:rolling globe,rola-bola,stilts,lowtightwireandstaticaerials equipment:trapeze,rope,fabric&lyra/hoop).Beginnerintermediatelevelgymnasticsonapparatussuchas,beam, bars,andvaultwillbeusedaswellastumbling/acrobaticson floorexerciseandtumbletrak Groupswillbesplitbyageand skilllevel.Camperswillenjoyacraft,outdooractivities,and movementgamesintegratedthroughoutthecamp.



11960 T-F 6/27-6/30 10am-3pm 11961 M-Th 7/10-7/13 10am-3pm 11962 M-Th 7/24-7/27 10am-3pm 11963 M-Th 7/31-8/3 10am-3pm 11964 M-Th 8/21-8/24 10am-3pm 11965 M-Th 8/28-8/31 10am-3pm
11966 M-Th 7/17-7/20 1pm-4pm $132/$152 11967 M-Th 8/7-8/10 1pm-4pm $132/$52 Now Hiring Gymnastics Coaches! Ages 16+ Click Here to Apply!


OurjobatMeadowdalePre-Kistohelpchildrengrow.Throughopenplay andstructuredgrouptimeyourchildwillexploreart,music,earlyliteracy, science,mathandtheoutdoors.Wefocusondevelopmentallyappropriate activitiestoenhancesocial,emotional,cognitiveandphysicalskills;skills thatyourchildwillneedtobeginKindergarten.Ourgoalistocreateafun, caring,secureandpositivelearningenvironmentforyourchild.

Spotreservationdepositsforthe2023-24schoolyearwillopenMonday, April3,2023,at9:00am.Spotdepositsare$50andarenon-refundable.











PAGE 17 Meadowdale Pre-K Program

Youth Athletics

This instructional soccer experience includes age appropriate activities: skill demonstrations, fun games, and instructional scrimmages conducted in a non-competitive, recreational format.

Shin guards are required for all classes except Mommy/Daddy & Me

KLS hotline 1.888.372.5803

To receive cancellation notifications on your smartphone, download the free Kidz Love Soccer app.

June-July sessions held at City Park

July-August sessions held at Civic Park

Mommy/DaddyandMeSoccer–Ages2-3.5W/Adult 11851 S 6/10-7/8 9-9:30am $103/$118 11857 S 7/29-8/19 9-9:30am $82/$94 Tot-Soccer –Ages3.5–4.0 11853 S 6/10-7/8 9:35-10:05am $103/$118 11858 S 7/29-8/19 9:35-10:05am $82/$94 Pre-Soccer–Ages4–5 11854 S 6/10-7/8 10:10-10:45am $103/$118 11859 S 7/29-8/19 10:10-10:45am $82/$94 Soccer1:TechniquesandTeamwork–Ages5–6 11855 S 6/10-7/8 10:50-11:35am $103/$118 11860 S 7/29-8/19 10:50-11:35am $82/$94 Soccer2:Skillz&Scrimmages–Ag 11856 S 6/10-7/8 11:40-12:25pm $103/$118 11861 S 7/29-8/19 11:40-12:25pm $82/$94 PAGE 19

Youth Athletics


JoinCoachSalfromEmeraldCityFloorballashe introducesthismodernversionoffloorhockeyto kidsages6-12!Noexperienceorgearneeded.Shin guardsrecommended.Comecheckoutthisfastgrowingsportthat'sfun,safeandinclusivetoall!

Hustle Basketball Summer Camp - Ages 7-12

Join our 3 day Basketball Skills Camp for boys and girls. Each day will include a ball handling session and campers will be able to compete in games to win prizes

Camp includes – T-shirt and training offers Location:

information located on page 41

Ages6-9 11842 F 5/26-6/30 6:30-7:45pm $60/$68 Ages10-12 11843 W 5/24-6/28 6-7:15pm $60/$68
youth sports opportunities? Check out the Sno-King Youth Club
Looking for more
FAC Gym 11974 W-F 7/5-7/7 9-11am $150 11975 T-Th 7/25-7/27 9-11am $150 11976 T-Th 8/8-8/10 9-11am $150

Youth Athletics


Skyhawksprovidesawidevarietyoffun,safeandpositiveprogramsthatemphasizecritical lessonsinsportsandlife,suchasteamwork,respectandsportsmanship.Ourprogramsare designedtogivechildrenages2upto14apositiveintroductionornextstepintosports whilefosteringalifelongloveforanactive,healthylifestyle.Ourpatientand knowledgeablestaffuseavarietyofskill-buildinggamesandactivitiestogiveeachathlete acompleteunderstandingandoverviewofthesport.



CVP-CivicPark,FAC-FrancesAndersonCenter,HIC-HickmanPark,FWWHS-FormerWoodwayHS, S-SierraPark

Discovery Programs

Get Involved with Discovery Programs


Workside-by-sidewithRangerNaturaliststoeducatethepublicabouttheEdmondsMarineSanctuary duringthesummeroutreachseason.TrainingstartsTuesday,June20.Call425-771-0227tolearnmore.


VolunteerforoneofEdmondsmostexcitingfallevents!TheBirdFestPlanningCommitteeislookingfor helpduringthefestivalonSaturday,September9,2023 Call425-771-0227tolearnmore


CelebrateEarthDaybyexploringthefascinatingplantsandanimalsthatliveintheEdmondsMarine SanctuarywithaRanger-Naturalist.

11744 S 4/22 12:30-1:30pm $7/$8

Free Public Programs

Earth Day Work Parties

Join us for a day of service in parks throughout Edmonds. Opportunities for all ages. Learn more and register on the Sound Salmon Solutions Events Page. Locations on website.

S 4/22 10am-12pm FREE

Watershed Fun Fair

A fun family event chock full of exhibits, games, crafts, and activities especially for kids. The first 30 families will receive a free native plant to take home. At the Willow Creek Salmon and Watershed Education Center, 95 Pine Street.

S 5/13 11am-3pm FREE

Mermaid Storytime with Mermaid Madrigal

Join us for a special story time at Marina Beach with Mermaid Madrigal to learn about merfolk and ocean conservation! There will be a meet and greet with photo ops to follow. Dressing up as merfolk, a pirate, or your favorite sea creature is highly encouraged!

S 8/5 10-11am FREE


Discovery Programs

Free Public Programs, cont.

Low Tide Public Beach Walks

Learn about the plants and animals that live in the Edmonds Marine Sanctuary, and how you can safely interact with them while protecting their habitat during a low tide interpretive walk with a RangerNaturalist. Location: Olympic Beach Visitor Station

S 6/3 10:30-11:30am FREE

S 7/15 10:30-11:30am FREE

Su 8/13 9:30-10:30am FREE

Owls of Edmonds Interpretive Program at Mathay Ballinger Park

Drop by our pop-up interpretive table to learn about the owls of Edmonds with a Ranger-Naturalist. Learn about the seven species of owls that call Edmonds home, and examine an owl pellet to discover what this predator has been eating.

Th 8/10 12-3pm FREE

Tots Outside - Ages 3-4

Join our Ranger-Naturalists for hands-on exploration with your toddler. Kids must be accompanied by a parent or guardian, and registration is required.

Tidepool Exploration at Olympic Beach

Explore the tidepools at the base of the Edmonds Fishing Pier, then head into the Ranger Station to meet the animals living in our touch tank.

11741 T 7/18 10-11am $13/$15

Forest Crafts at City Park

Join a Ranger-Naturalist for nature crafting at City Park. We'll take a short walk through the forest to collect fallen treasures, then head back to the Gazebo to make a craft to take home.

11742 T 7/25 10-11am $13/$15

Pollinator Party at Civic Park

Explore the pollinator garden at Edmonds’ newest park! We’ll buzz like bees, fly like butterflies, and sing like birds as we explore the fascinating role that pollinators play in our world.

11743 T 8/8 10-11am $13/$15


Discovery Program Camps

Discovery Day Camps

Junior Beach Rangers I - Ages 7-8

Discover Edmonds’ Marine Sanctuary with a Beach Ranger to learn about the plants and animals that live there and how to protect their habitat. Get a Beach Ranger badge at the end of the week. No Class on July 4.

11736 M-F 7/3-7/7 10am-3pm $166/191

11737 M-F 7/31-8/4 10am-3pm $207/238

Junior Beach Rangers II - Ages 9-12

Discover Edmonds’ Marine Sanctuary with a Beach Ranger to learn about the plants and animals that live there and how to protect their habitat. Get a Beach Ranger badge at the end of the week.

11738 M-F 7/17-7/21 10am-3pm $207/238

Nature Explorers I - Ages 7-8

Explore plants and wildlife in Edmonds forests and beaches from our home base at City Park. Games and crafts add extra fun to this camp with a new nature theme each day.

11739 M-F 8/14-8/18 10am-3pm $207/238

Nature Explorers II - Ages 9-12

Explore plants and wildlife in Edmonds forests and beaches from our home base at City Park. Games and crafts add extra fun to this camp with a new nature theme each day.

11740 M-F 8/28-9/1 10am-3pm $207/238


Adult Athletics

Open Gym Drop In - FAC

Participants must register prior to participating.

$3/adult; $2/youth/senior (60+). 10.5% sales tax included in fee

No open gym May 29, June 8-20 & July 4

Hours subject to change.

Basketball - Maximum 15 - Call for schedule

Pickleball - Maximum 20 - M-F - 9:00am-1pm

Volleyball - Maximum 18 - M - 6:30-8:30pm

Outdoor Grass Volleyball League

Matches consist of six games, two hours in length. Limited to 16 teams. Fee includes a 7-week round robin with a season ending playoff for all teams. Matches will be at Hickman Park June 13 and 20 All other matches will be held at Frances Anderson Center Field Space is limited. Call 425.771.0230

11735 M 6/12-8/14 6:30-8:30pm $140/t

Pickleball Leagues - FAC

Matches start at 6:15pm on Tuesday evenings. 6 matches with a single elimination tournament for the top four teams.

No matches on June 13 and July 4.

Doubles - Tuesdays


Adult Athletics


SUMMERSOFTBALLLEAGUESRegisterforAdultMen’s,Women’sandCoedLeagues.Wewillhave somemodifiedrulestocomplywithsocialdistancing.Multipledivisionswillbeavailableforeach league.Signupforthenightofweekyouwanttoplay(pendingavailability)Tuesday-Friday.The $715leaguefeeincludes10games(5doubleheaders)withthetop4teamsineachdivision qualifyingforasingleeliminationplayoff.USSSAteamaffiliationfeeincluded.Gamesofficiatedby USSSAandplayedatMeadowdalePlayfieldsweekdaysstartingat6:10pm.NoGamesonJuly4.

Registrationbeginsforreturningteamsfromlastsummer5/29/23andnewteamregistration starts6/5/ 425-771-0230



Adult Fitness & Wellness



Whatisityou'vebeenlookingforbuthaveneverbeenabletofind?There'sapeaceandrelaxation possibleforeveryoneintheworld,andinreceivingasimpleprocessforbodies,calledAccessBars;itcan occurwithtotalease.TheBarsare32uniquepointsontheheadthatcorrelatetodifferentaspectsoflife. Duringasessionapractitionergentlytouchesthesepointstoreleasetheelectromagneticchargeofall thoughts,feelings,ideas,attitudes,decisions,andbeliefsthatmaybelimitingyouinthatarea.By learning&receivingtheAccessBars®,youcangiveyourself,yourclients,friends,family,andco-workers thecare,kindness,andnurturingrequiredwithtotalease.Thisisan8-hourclassbrokenupinto2days whereyouwillgiveandreceivethebarsatleastonceeachday.Manualandcertificateincluded.Mustbe abletoattendbothdays.DidyouknowKids15&undercanlearntheBarsforfreeandarequitefastat it?Onceyouenroll,youwillbesentanemailtoalsoregisterforthisclassontheAccessConsciousness websitewhereyouwillbeabletoaddyourdependent(s)there,ifany.

*Repeatclassesaresamedatesandtimes MusthavetakenapriorAccessBarsCertificationClass



All-Levels Barre

All-Levels Barre combines ballet, pilates, yoga, and barre techniques to provide a multifaceted, full body workout. This class focuses on strengthening and lengthening muscles as well as balance and coordination through low-impact high energy movements while moving to upbeat music. The exercises are performed both on the mat and at the barre and some small props may be used. No prior experience is required as modifications as well as progressions are provided throughout the class.

Optional: Bring a set of 2lb weights, loop band and mat.

Instructor: Kylee Kitchens, a former soloist ballet dancer with the Pacific Northwest Ballet

EWC Room 1-2

11759 F&S 5/26-5/27 Fri4-8pm/Sat10am-2pm $350/$402 *RepeatClass:$175/$200 11760 F&S 6/23-6/24 Fri4-8pm/Sat10am-2pm $350/$402 *RepeatClass:$175/$200 11761 F&S 7/28-7/29 Fri4-8pm/Sat10am-2pm $350/$402 *RepeatClass:$175/$200 11762 F&S 8/25-8/26 Fri4-8pm/Sat10am-2pm $350/$402 *RepeatClass:$175/$200
11779 W 5/3-5/31 5:30-6:30pm $65/$75 11780 W 6/7-6/28 5:30-6:30pm $52/$60 11781 W 7/5-7/26 5:30-6:30pm $52/$60 11782 W 8/2-8/30 5:30-6:30pm $65/$75 PAGE 28

Adult Fitness & Wellness

Mama Barre

Bring your baby or little one with you and enjoy this modified barre/mat class! Moms of all fitness levels are welcome as the focus is to move through the exercises with a strong emphasis on form and alignment The class will include basic barre exercises and pre/postnatal safe core strengthening, all while your little one is right there with you. This class was created with the intention to help build a community for mamas to come together, move their bodies, and make new friendships! Please bring a yoga mat and a set of light weights 1-3 lbs.

Instructor: Kylee Kitchens, a former soloist ballet dancer with the Pacific Northwest Ballet Location: FAC Room 114

Circuit Training

Join us for a full body workout targeting aerobic fitness, balance and muscular endurance. Participants work through 10-14 exercise stations for a set time, with little rest between exercises. The workout can be modified for your personal needs. With machines.

Instructor: Rick Buyce

Location: FAC Fitness Room

11818 W 5/3-5/31 9-10am $50/$60

11819 W 6/7-6/21 9-10am $20/$24

11820 W 7/12-7/26 9-10am $30/$36

11821 W 8/2-8/30 9-10am $50/$60

PAGE 29 11771 W 5/3-5/31 10:30-11:15am $65/$75 11772 W 6/7-6/28 10:30-11:15am $39/$45 11773 W 7/5-7/26 10:30-11:15am $52/$60 11774 W 8/2-8/30 10:30-11:15am $65/$75 11778 F 5/5-5/26 9:30-10:15am $52/$60 11775 F 6/2-6/30 9:30-10:15am $39/$45 11776 F 7/7-7/28 9:30-10:15am $52/$60 11777 F 8/4-8/25 9:30-10:15am $52/$60

Adult Fitness & Wellness

FeldenkraisMethod®-Awarenessthrough Movement®

TheFeldenkraisMethod®providesanexperientialfoundationfordiscoveringthatmovementdoneinan enjoyableeasywayisinfactwhatweneedtolearn,change,andexpandourabilitiesmosteffectively. Classesarenoncompetitiveandnon-judgmental.Allages,levelsofexperienceandabilitiesarewelcome. Attendingsingleclassesispossiblebypriorarrangementwiththeinstructor.



Gentle Yoga

Don't confuse "gentle" with "slow!" This class is alignment based with regular work on poses that promote and increase balance, strength, flexibility, and mindfulness Students are able to use props as needed to work at their own comfort level while still challenging themselves in a variety of poses, from standing to seated to supine. Appropriate for students with limitations but no serious injuries please. Supplies are provided but feel free to bring a mat, 2 blankets, 1-2 blocks and yoga belt.

Instructor: Angela Dawn

Location: FAC Room 301 11930

Hatha Yoga

Relaxing music, gentle flowing movements, and the encourageme go at your own pace make Kerry's classes not only great for buildin strength and flexibility but excellent for quieting and calming the m

No class 6/27 or 7/4

Instructor: Kerry Brockmann

Location: EWC Room 1&2

5/2-6/6 12:30-1:30pm $90/$104 11931
12:30-1:30pm $90/$104
T 7/11-8/15
11763 T 5/2-5/30 7-8pm $97/$111 11765 T 6/6-6/27 7-8pm $59/$69 11766 T 7/11-7/25 7-8pm $59/$69 11764 T 8/1-8/29 7-8pm $97/$111 11767 W 5/3-5/31 11am-12pm $97/$111 11768 W 6/7-6/28 11am-12pm $59/$69 11769 W 7/5-7/26 11am-12pm $74/$86 11770 W 8/2-8/30 11am-12pm $97/$111
11751 T 5/2-5/30 6:30-7:45pm $70/$80 11752 T 6/6-7/11 6:30-7:45pm $56/$64 11753 T 8/1-8/29 6:30-7:45pm $70/$80

Adult Fitness & Wellness

Intro to the Fitness Room

Learn the basics of fitness room use, including machines, free-weights, and body weight exercises. Participants will gain ability to design their own exercise program tailored to individual fitness needs and goals. Instruction provided by an ACE certified personal trainer.

Instructor: Rick Buyce

Location: FAC Fitness Room

11835 W 5/3 7:05-8pm $5 11836 W 6/7 7:05-8pm $5 11837 W 7/12 7:05-8pm $5 11838 W 8/2 7:05-8pm $5

Iyengar Yoga - Beginning & Continuing Students

A class for beginning and intermediate students of Iyengar yoga. Iyengar yoga uses precise alignment, attention to detail and breath awareness while making yoga postures accessible for everyone through the usage of props (blocks, straps, blankets.) We will build a strong foundation in the basics of each pose so we can progress with stability to more complex poses. The founder BKS Iyengar called yoga "Meditation in Action" - a way to harmonize the body and mind To join this class, it is helpful to have some prior yoga experience. Contact instructor if you have questions regarding suitability. Bring your own yoga mat and 2-3 yoga blankets/beach towels.

No Class 6/9, 6/16, 8/4

Location: FAC Room 301

Instructor: Kristina Bavik, CIYT

Iyengar Yoga - Continuing Students

A class for continuing students of Iyengar yoga. Iyengar yoga uses precise alignment, attention to detail and breath awareness while making yoga postures accessible for everyone through the usage of props (blocks, straps, blankets.) We will build a strong foundation in the basics of each pose so we can progress with stability to more complex poses. The founder BKS Iyengar called yoga "Meditation in Action" - a way to harmonize the body and mind. To join this class, please have some prior Inyengar yoga experience. Contact instructor if you have questions regarding suitability. Bring your own yoga mat and 2-3 yoga blankets/beach towels

No Class 6/14

Location: FAC Room 301

Instructor: Kristina Bavik, CIYT

11814 W 5/10-6/28 6:00-7:30pm $105/$117

11815 W 7/12-8/23

6:00-7:30pm $105/$117
5/5-6/30 9:30am-11am $105/$117 11817 F 7/14-8/25 9:30am-11am $90/$98

Adult Fitness & Wellness


Jazzerciseistheoriginaldancepartyworkout!Each55-minutesweatsessionblendsdancecardioand strengthtrainingtosculptandtoneyourmusclesanddeliveranundeniablemoodboostviaourfull-body workouts.Whetheryou’relookingforphysicalresultsorawaytorelievestressandfeelyourbest,our instructorswillguideyoueverystepoftheway!Suitableforallagesandallfitnesslevels.We demonstratebothhigh-andlow-impactoptions,anddanceexperienceisnotrequired.Pleasebringyour ownmatandoptionalhand-heldweights(3-8pounds).You'llleaveclassenergizedandwithan undeniablemoodboost!

Instructor:AmyWilliams-Derry,CertifiedJazzerciseInstructor&OwnerofSeattleJazzercise Location:WFCRoom1&2

Ongoingschedule,checklinkfordates. NoClasson5/29or6/19

Monday 6-7pm Wednesday 4:15-5:15pm Thursday 6:15-7:15pm






Meditation for Beginners – The Antidote to Stress

Ready to start a daily meditation practice that becomes as automatic as brushing your teeth? I will guide you step by step through my Intention Setting AM and Shavasana Body Scan PM practice so you can get all your questions answered and feel comfortable sitting in the silence. You'll learn how to create a lasting daily practice you'll look forward to each day to reduce stress, have more peace, and awareness in your life! Bring a yoga mat, pillow/cushion.

Location: FAC Room 208

Instructor: Holly Ruiz

11756 S 5/6-5/20 10-11am $105/$116

11757 S 7/1-7/15 10-11am $105/$116

11758 S 8/5-8/19 10-11am $105/$116


Adult Fitness & Wellness

One-on-One Personal Training

Need help meeting your fitness goals? Rick Buyce is an ACE certified personal trainer with over 20 years’ experience and specialized training in senior fitness Strength training, weight loss, post rehab and injury prevention, athletic performance and nutritional advice. Price is per one hour session. Two or more sessions pre-paid package cost *$45/55 per hour session.

Instructor: Rick Buyce

Location: FAC Fitness Room

11840 M-S Appointment only $50/60

The Path of Yoga with Nina Pileggi

What makes a yoga practice different from a stretching class? How does the physical practice of yoga poses, or asanas, help us to connect with ourselves and support self-evolution? Join Nina to explore these ideas and take a journey on the path of yoga Please have 6 months of Iyengar Yoga experience

Instructor: Nina Pileggi

Location: FAC Room 114

11718 F 6/2 6-8pm $40

11719 S 6/3 9:30-11:30am $40

11720 S 6/3 12-2pm $40

11721 F&S 6/2-6/3 All Three Classes $100

Pickleball Fitness

Increase performance or obtain fitness goals to start playing pickleball. Participants will work through exercise stations, focused on increasing agility, power, balance, cardiovascular and muscular endurance, and injury prevention. This is not pickleball instruction, but there are opportunities for some play.

Instructor: Rick Buyce

Location: FAC Gymnasium

11831 F 5/5-5/26 2-3pm $40/$48

11832 F 6/2-6/23 2-3pm $20/$24

11833 F 7/14-7/28 2-3pm $30/$36

11834 F 8/4-8/25 2-3pm $40/$48

Small Group Personal Training

Work out with your family or friends! Need help meeting your fitness goals? Rick Buyce is an ACE certified personal trainer with over 20 years’ experience and specialized training in senior fitness. Strength training, weight loss, post rehab and injury prevention, athletic performance and nutritional advice. Price is per person, per 1 hour session. Find a time that works for you!

For 2-4 people

Location: FAC Fitness Room

11841 M-S Appointment only $30/$36


Adult Fitness & Wellness

Strength and Endurance Interval Training

Strength & Endurance Interval Training is a full body workout targeting aerobic fitness, balance and muscular endurance. Participants work through 10-14 exercises for a set time, with little rest between exercises. The workout can be modified for your personal needs. No machines.

Instructor: Rick Buyce

Location: M @ EWC Room 3, Th @ FAC Room 301


The gentle, rhythmic movement of qigong reduces stress, builds stamina, increases vitality and enhances the immune system. This ancient Chinese health care system integrates physical postures, breathing techniques and focused intention. Location: FAC Rm. 114

Instructor: Barbara Gleisner

11879 W 6/7-8/23 10:30am-12pm $115/$133

T'ai Chi - Taijiquan

An ancient Chinese exercise, T’ai Chi helps build strength, flexibility, and balance in mind as well as body. Consistent practice can help reduce tension and increase physical, spiritual, and mental well-being.

No class 6/8 and 7/4

Location: FAC Room 114

Instructor: Barbara Gleisner

Beginning (Summer Special)

11876 Th 6/22-8/24 7-8:30pm $99/$109

Level 2

11877 T 6/6-8/22 7-8:30pm $105/$116

Level 3

11878 Th 6/22-8/24 5:30-7pm $105/$116

5/1-5/22 6pm-7pm $40/$48 11824 M 6/5-6/12 6pm-7pm $20/$24 11825 M 7/10-7/31 6pm-7pm $40/$48 11826 M 8/7-8/28 6pm-7pm $40/$48 11827 Th 5/4-5/25 1-2pm $40/$48 11828 Th 6/1-6/22 1-2pm $20/$24 11829 Th 7/13-7/27 1-2pm $30/$36
8/3-8/31 1-2pm $50/$60
11823 M
11830 Th

Adult Fitness & Wellness

Restorative Sound Bath

Delight in the sounds of crystal quartz singing bowls, chimes, and gongs. This sound bath will focus on relaxation and restoration to guide you into a deeply restful state Come disconnect, breathe, and reconnect. We hope you leave this sound experience with a renewed sense of self, feeling refreshed, & restored to take on your week. Please bring: Blanket, yoga mat (or extra blanket), pillow (Extra pillow or bolster for under knees can support your lower back), water, openness to the experience, eye mask (optional). Doors close and class starts promptly at 6:30. Please arrive early. No late arrival.

Instructor: Savannah Powers

Read more about sound healing & Savannah's bio at

Location: EWC Room 1-2

11844 W 5/10 6:30-7:30pm $35/$40

11845 W 6/7 6:30-7:30pm $35/$40

11846 W 7/12 6:30-7:30pm $35/$40

Sustainable Weight Loss Seminar – “The Hunger Games”

Let a former Professor of Nutrition show you how intermittent fasting and science-based food choices can be used to achieve sustainable, life-altering weight loss and why it works. We will also discuss how stress, exercise and sleep influences body weight.

Location: FAC Room 208

Instructor: Claes Bavik PhD.

11880 M 5/1 6-7pm $5

11881 M 7/10 6-7pm $5

Sustainable Fitness and Wellness – Beginners

This holistic course begins with the Sustainable Weight Loss seminar on 5/1 or 7/10. We then we put theory into practice. Each meeting begins with a Q&A session about individual intermittent fasting goals and progress. We will use the rest of class to build strength, flexibility, balance and coordination. We start with calisthenics and stretching warm-up, followed by learning basic non-contact karate movements and fundamental yoga poses. We then learn to how to use the dynamic movements of karate to move into yoga poses in a crossover sequence. Please ask your physician if fasting and exercise is safe for you.

$25 supply fee due to instructor at first class.

Location: FAC Room 208

Instructor: Claes Bavik PhD.

11882 M&W 5/1-6/28

6-7pm $150/$173
6-7pm $150/$173

Adult Fitness & Wellness

Sustainable Fitness and Wellness – Continuation

This course requires prior completion of the Sustainable Weight Loss and Wellness Beginner course. We learn to become independently healthy by establishing simple routines for weight management and good baseline strength, flexibility, balance, coordination and mindfulness. As before, each class begins with an intermittent fasting coaching session, calisthenic and stretching. We will then continue learning karate and yoga to build and Ashtanga-like karate/yoga crossover power flow.

Location: FAC Room 208

Instructor: Claes Bavik PhD.

11884 M&W 7/10-8/30 7:15-8:15pm $160/$185

Relationship Red (and Green!) Flags

Have you ever thought about what makes a relationship healthy, unhealthy, or even abusive? Join Prevention Coordinator Olivia Liu from Domestic Violence Services of Snohomish County for an engaging workshop where you’ll learn to differentiate between relationship behaviors You’ll walk away knowing the signs of healthy, toxic, and abusive relationships, and how you can best support those you care about.

Instructor: Olivia Liu

Location: FAC Room 114

11754 M 6/5 6:30-7:30pm FREE

Talking to Kids & Teens About Healthy Relationships

TDV is a serious issue that often goes unaddressed, as more than half of people who have been abused or stalked first experienced the abuse between the ages of 11-24 Join Prevention Coordinator Olivia Liu from Domestic Violence Services of Snohomish County for a conversation on creating safe dialogues about healthy relationships and dating violence with the teen or kid in your life.

Instructor: Olivia Liu

Location: FAC Room 114

11755 M 7/10 6:30-7:30pm FREE

The Science of Happiness

What is happiness and how can I improve it? This class will show you what makes us happy and teach you some strategies to increase your overall enjoyment of life. These physical, emotional and mental practices have been shown through research to improve your level of happiness.

Instructor: Mary Davis

Location: EWC Room 1-2

11932 M 5/8 7:30-8:30pm $5


Martial Arts


All classes are for ages 8 and up. Youth/adult classes combined.

Build physical and mental strength learning Japanese samurai sword handling. Beginners need to purchase a Bamboo sword at the first class ($40). Continuing level includes wearing full contact armor. Edmonds kendo class is a member of the Pacific Northwest Kendo Federation/All United States Kendo Federation.

Instructor: Naoaki Tanimura

Location: FAC Gymnasium


Taekwon-Do - Ages 10+

Self-defense and physical fitness for the whole family. Open to continuing students. Family discount rates available. Uniform details at class.

Instructor: Kevin Lemm

Location: EWC Banquet Room

6-7:30pm 11848 M&W 6/5-6/28 6-7:30pm 11849 M&W 7/3-7/31 6-7:30pm 11850 M&W 8/2-8/30 6-7:30pm
11847 M&W 5/1-5/31
Beginner 11795 S 5/6-8/19 12-1:30pm $100/$115 11784 Th 5/11-8/31 5-6pm $112/$129 Intermediate 11788 Th 5/11-8/31 6-7p $112/$129 Advanced 11792 Th 5/11-8/31 7-8pm $112/$129 Continuing 11800 S 5/6-8/19 1:30-3:30pm $100/$115

Adult Enrichment

Dancing at the Waterfront

Instructor: Charles England, Golden State Dance Teachers Association & World Swing Dance Council Certified. Partners not required.

Location: Edmonds Waterfront Center


Hot!Hot!Hot!SolidBasicsteps,turnsandstylingin Salsa.PlussomeMerenguejustforfun.Danceall nightlong!

11723 W 4/26-5/24 7-8pm $68/$78

11891 W 8/2-8/30 7-8pm $68/$78


TheAll-Americanswingdance!DancetoBigBand Swing,Rock'nRollandmore.Bothsingleandtriple rhythmstylewillbetaughtinthisfunandeasyclass.

11723 W 4/26-5/24 8-9pm $68/$78 11892 W 8/2-8/30 8-9pm $68/$78

Jamtown®HandDrum WarmUp&Accelerate Sessions


It'stimetolearntodance!EasybasicsinFoxTrot, WaltzandSwing,withemphasisonlead/followskills. Everythingyouneedforanightoutdancing.


Stillthecoolest,smoothest,andmostplayfulformof swingontheplanet.WestCoastSwingcanbedanced toalltypesofmusicfrombigbandswingandblues, rhythm&blues,Top40andpopofalleras.

Multi-partensembleplaywithauthenticdrumsand percussion(supplied).WarmUpSessioncovershand techniqueandrhythmsofthenightatabeginner pace.AccelerateSessioncoversthesamerhythmsat anintermediatepace-withaplaceforbeginnerstoo. AttendbothSessionsforthesameprice!Audiotracks andeasynotesforeachpartencouragespractice betweensessions.





NoClass7/5 11889 W 6/21-7/26 7-8pm $68/$78
NoClass7/5 11889 W 6/21-7/26 7-8pm $68/$78
11893 T 5/2-5/23 6:00-8:15pm $60/$69 11894 T 6/6-6/27 6:00-8:15pm $60/$69

PaintingFromtheSubconscious-Therapeutic WatercolorforAdults–Ages18+

Howgoodwoulditfeeltogiveyourselfpermissiontofocusononething-yourself!?Thinkofthis classlikeayogaclass,insteadofusingbodymovementandbreath,wewillusepaintingwith watercolorandbreath.Eachclasswillhaveadifferenttopicandwewillusebreathing,and visualizationtechniquestopaintfromoursubconsciousmind.Youshouldexpecttoleaveeach classfeelingcentered,grounded,andfilledwithpeace.Youwillalsolearnwatercolorpainting techniques!


11898 W 6/7-6/28 6-7:30pm $140/$161

11899 W 7/5-7/26 6-7:30pm $140/$161

Steel Magic - Adult Steel Drum Band Intensive

Join internationally known steel pan artist and local teacher, Gary Gibson, to learn music fundamentals (rhythm, melody, harmony) and proper steel pan techniques. Learning music on the steel pan has a gentler initial learning curve than other traditional instruments, so groups can sound great relatively quickly. No prior musical experience necessary. All instruments and materials provided A mini performance will be held on the last day. Held at Steel Magic Northwest's space at Edmonds Adventist Church 8625 - 196th St SW Edmonds.

11959 M-F 8/7-8/11 6-8pm $150/$172

Ukulele Open Jam

Join STRUM a month at a time for relaxed nights playing songs with aloha spirit. Enjoy some beautiful music and community bonding. Music will be provided. Location: EWC Room 1&2

Some Ukulele’s will be available to use.

**Per Day Drop In Available for $5/$6 per session. Due at day of attendance.

11977 W 5/3-5/31 6-8pm $25/$30

PAGE 39 Adult

Online Programming Adult Enrichment


Magazineeditorsandbookpublishersagree:thehottesttrendthesedaysisthetellingofpersonal experiences.Learnhowtoaccessandformatyourmemoriesandexperiencesforthepurposeofcreating articles,books,andsouvenirmemoirsforcash,friends,and/orfamily.Instructorhashelpedhundredsof studentsandclientscompletelifestoriesofallkinds


11887 ScheduleDateswithInstructor $100/$115


Whetherit’salovedone,apet,yourstockportfolio,orawholewayoflife,losscanbedepressingand painful.Worstofall,weoftenfeelaloneduringrecovery.Inthisuniqueworkshop(oronlineclass),you gettobringyourlosswithyou:revelinpreviousgoodthings,regretthechange,feelaccompaniedinthis journey,bythosewhounderstand otherswhohaveexperiencedloss.(PSThat’severybody!)Thisonline classalsoincludesstoriesoflossfromothers


11888 ScheduleDateswithInstructor $30/$35


Writingfromtheheartrequiresbeingintouchwithadeeperplaceinthewriterandthereader Writing fromtheheadisfine,butaddingtheheartincreasesintuition,showinginsteadoftelling,engagingallthe sensesandfindingthemagictochangebehaviorsthroughfeelings. Classesaretensessionsonanat-your-own-paceschedule.


11997 ScheduleDat


Everyone Gets to Play

Everychildshouldhaveanopportunitytolearnthebasicfundamentalsandskillsofa sport,theunderstandingofteamwork,communicationandgoodsportsmanship.


Yourchild'ssafety,healthandwellness,social,physicalandmotorskilldevelopment, theabilitytolearnandunderstandrulesandstrategyofthegame,feelgoodabout themselvesandtheiraccomplishmentsandespeciallytohavefuniswhatSno-King YouthClubrepresents.Allofthesethingsmusthappeninasafe,nurturingenvironment wherecoachesarescreenedtomakesuretheyaresafetoworkwithkidsandare trainedtoinstructandmentorascoaches.Sno-KingYouthClub,anorganizationwhere:


For more information about our upcoming programming options, please visit SKYC.NET

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