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Self Love and A Give-a-Way Ah February,
the month of love and my birthday! In honor of both, I'm holding a "Self-Love" Give-a-Way!
I Love, LOVE. Did you know that love actually starts within yourself ? It 's not just exclusively for couples. It can be a fantastic time to express all kinds of love. Besides couples love, there is; parents love for their children, the love a pet gives you and you give back , best friend love and self love, just to name a few. I don't believe in limitations, so why just stop at Couples love? It isn't the only kind of love to be celebrated. If you're single, you can still celebrate!
S e l f- L o v e a n d a G i v e - a - Wa y
There's no reason to feel left out. And since I'm a cheerleader for self-love, keep reading for some serious self-love tips!
Welcome to the LOVE Yourself Month! The first thing to do, is take a look and see where you've been neglecting yourself. Where you seem to be out of balance. Spending more time working than taking care of yourself ? Putting others needs and wants before your own? Don't remember the last time you just relaxed and read a good book or enjoyed your favorite music? Once you are aware of where you've been lacking, then we move into the second step: Making time for yourself to recharge. To appreciate all of your efforts and hard work. To celebrate your wins and prioritize your goals into the must complete and the things that can wait.