Do You Show Your Shoebox Love? Image by Mabuya from Pixabay
as humans, show love. We give someone that extra hug or make their favourite dinner or send them a text when we are thinking of them.
“ We are great at bestowing love on others but a great many of us aren’t that good at showing ourselves the same amount of love.” By Tiffany Keeping
I find
how you do one part of your life is how you do all parts of your life so I implore you to think deeply on this. Do you do one thing a day to show yourself love? If you can’t show yourself love once a day then how will you show your finances and business love.
A s I s a t d o w n t o w r i t e t h i s m o n t h’s article (a little late if I’m really honest), I contemplated on love and the many ways that we experience or show love t o o ur s e l ve s an d oth e r s eve r y single day. There are so many little ways we,
D o Yo u r S h o w Yo u r S h o e b o x L o v e
Self-love can take many forms from choosing to eat healthy food, to exercising daily, to filing our taxes every year on time, to organizing our receipts and knowing the numbers in our business (I spoke of this in my previous article.)
I contemplated self-love this month because I found I was not showing it to myself often. I was overworking and not taking time to do the things that bring me joy with the people who love me and whom I love. When we choose to not show ourselves love we suffer and those around us suffer because we are not our full bright selves. Loving yourself