Ina’s Gallery Hi
everyone, it’s me, Annie. I have the greatest job in the world as the absolutely, adorably cute and lovable official greeter for a small gallery called, Ina’s, it’s in Peers, AB. I’m usually the first one you see when you visit.
“Everything is hand crafted and the gallery is located in the hamlet of Peers, Alberta.” Where is Peers, you might ask, we are located halfway between Edmonton and Jasper. The hamlet boasts the amenities of a small town, a grocery store with a deli, a gas station and a diner.
“My task today is to take you on a little tour of our gallery.“ Susan believes that ever yone has a talent ; s o m e p e o p l e j u s t h av e n’ t discovered theirs yet. She also believes that art isn’t always what people have traditionally considered art. Sometimes it can be seen in a knitted sweater, a painted rock or any work where you can see the passion and care of the person that created it . St Franc is of A s sisi said “ that one who works with his hands is a labourer, one who works with his hands and his heart is a craftsman but if one works with his hands, head and heart he is an artist.” There are many artists. Ina’s Gallery opened November 2014 as a retirement job for Susan. She and my dad, Allan, renovated an older home belonging to the McGuire family. The original house was built after WWII by
“I feel I should give a special mention to Mike the Mechanic because…. wait for it …they give you dog treats!” Close by are a few small lakes and if you are willing to work, you can still find gold in the McLeod River. But I digress, back to my original mission. Photo Credit: J Shantz Photograph
I n a ’s G a l l e r y