Self Love, What Does It Mean To You?
The sacred feminine within all of us is passionate, compassionate, connected to her inner goddess and shakti energy.
media and our world has dictated t o u s w h o we should be as wo m e n . . . h ow t o d re s s , a c t , By Delain Witzaney be and do! If we don't fit into either the good girl or bad girl archetypes we are doing something wrong and we need to f ix it. Slowly this old way is crumbling away, no longer are we a cce p t i n g a n d t a k i n g o n t h e i d e a l s o f o t h e r s .We k n o w t h e auth or ity o n o ur life is w it hin u s , defined by each of us, and we are so much more than two linear archetypes that don't come close to the feminine experience. 55
S e l f L o v e W h a t D o e s i t M e a n t o Yo u ?
She is mother/maiden/crone, she is cyclical and carries within her life force energy, creative and divine. We carry within us Mother Earth and connect to her and her cycles, we just have to go within and re-ignite it. Self Love is a part of that cyclical nature, we are never one expression all the time, we are forever changing and evolving. Self Love isn't a destination or simply a salt bath, it is an expression from knowing intuitively what you need. Listen to your soul, your inner goddess, what is she craving from you right now, tune in and listen. It may be that you need to be alone, or with your circle of women, or it could be calling for sex. These needs change during our moon cycle and with the changing of the seasons. It is time to reconnect with ourselves and our own needs.