What are some of the major qualities we want to see when we look for men who are leaders in business? By Earl Shindruk
1. Character The very first thing we should seek out is good character. This consists of honesty, integrity, courage, good morals, great ethics and a solid standing in the business world. Business men who give to others and contribute to those less fortunate are ones we should attempt to meet and follow. There are times when tough financial decisions have to be made. Too often we hear about those decisions made for profit and monetary gain. Less often we hear about leaders focusing on people first and making decisions based on 27
Men in Business
benefits to the people involved rather than how much profit is made. Look for leaders who focus on people before profit. Those leaders think about the right things to do and then they do those things.
2. Compassion Compassionate people recognize the suffering and plight of others and take action to help out. They are kind, respectful and fair to others.
Those who genuinely care about others should be supported. Gone are the days when leaders can be dictators and command others to do their bidding. Have you ever worked for a mean boss? I have, when I worked in environmental waste services. The owner was very successful with his invention, but treated others like dirt. He verbally and mentally abused his employees. His harassing attitudes and behaviour caused grief to everyone who worked there. F-bombs directed at individual workers were his mode of operation. He wanted to criticize and denigrate people.