Photo by Martha Dominguez de Gouveia on Unsplash
Let’s Address the Objections: Nothing is wrong with me. • You are totally correct! Nothing is wrong with you. As a woman, I want my partner to feel his best so he can be more present in our life together.
By Dr. Candice Staniek
I work with a number of men in my
practice and there seems to be two groups: 1) those groups of men that are proactive and 2) men that book appointments because their wife or partner wanted them to come in. In this article, I’m speaking to the men in group 2. What I’m going to bring up might sound a little uncomfortable BUT please keep reading. When your partner or spouse asks you to go to the doctor, why do you think that is? No, it’s not because they are nagging you. It’s because they: 1) don’t want to see you suffer and more importantly 2) want to have a long life with you. What comes up when you think about going to the doctor’s office? Fear of having a digital rectal exam? Dislike for changing your diet and lifestyle?
G o i n g t o t h e D o c t o r ’s O f f i c e
• If you have been taking care of yourself since your 20’s, exercising, watching your diet and remaining positive then for the most part I would agree with you. If we briefly look at a Review Systems, any of the following symptoms would suggest something is out of balance: gas, bloating, decreased urine flow, constipation, diarrhea, muscle or joint pain, disrupted sleep, insomnia, being prescribed different medications. Plus consider this, there is a lot of information in standard blood exams and for all intensive purposes have invisible symptoms.
My friends have the same symptoms: • Some common symptoms as the prostate becomes enlarged includes: • dribbling, decreased flow, difficulty fully voiding, increased urination at night (nocturia). Having these symptoms early in life is not normal, even if your friends talk about this stuff. On a positive note, you can start taking care of your prostate before there is a problem or to slow the existing problem. There are a number of herbs that support prostate health, a multivitamin if you will.