Are You Burned Out?
Do you even know?…
Do you feel miserable, tired,
resentful, and pissed off without understanding why? Or maybe you have health problems that seem to have come out of nowhere... All of this happens because we tend to neglect ourselves, usually without ever realizing it. With the pressures of a job, a spouse, and maybe a couple of kids, personal maintenance gets pushed to the back burner. We don’t intentionally neglect ourselves...
It just happens! “Most people spend their whole lives climbing the ladder of success only to realize, when they get to the top, the ladder has been leaning against the wrong wall” ~ Stephen Covey I’ve met so many overworked men who simply don’t know they are depleting themselves. The 71
A r e Yo u B u r n e d O u t ?
worst part is, many of them have never stopped to ask why.
“Why am I doing this? What is the point of it all?” As men, we are susceptible to doing things simply because we think it’s what we’re supposed to be doing. Many men have operated this way for decades. Then they turn forty or fifty, or they have a health crisis, or they get divorced, or the kids leave home, or something drastic happens, and they have to take stock of their lives. This is when they are forced to reevaluate and suddenly realize that they’ve climbed the ladder of success, and it’s been leaning against the wrong wall the whole time. Over time we pay the price and personal maintenance, by default, gets pushed low on our list of priorities. Many times in my life I’ve been swept along by the current, neglecting my own personal