Did you know that By Christina Giese
the top 3 health concerns for men are cardiovascular disease, obesity and depression?
All three of these things have something in common in helping reduce their risks.
Physical Activity. I began my own fitness journey over three years ago. Although I am not a male, I can relate to the overweight and mental health aspect. After I had my third child, my confidence dropped to below zero. My energy and mood were non-existent. I made a choice to change me for me, to prove to my children that taking care of your body also involved taking care of your mind. In the end, it helped me take care of my family. Recently, I decided I wanted to share this passion, in hopes that I too can inspire someone. I decided to become a trainer.
M E N ’ S To p 3 H E A L T H C o n c e r n s
Photo by Alexander Sinn on Unsplash
Since Covid-19 began one year ago, it has become clear that physical activity is highly sought after since most gyms are under lockdown or under very high restrictions. In Alberta, it is currently limited to 1 on 1 training. Physical fitness reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease by increasing cardiac muscle strength. This means that as the heart grows stronger, hopefully along with other parts of your body, it becomes more efficient. It pumps more blood in one single beat and, therefore, requires less work. How can you tell? As your fitness regime becomes more consistent, you will notice a lower resting heart rate. A lower resting heart rate and stronger heart muscles reduces cardiovascular disease. In addition to cardiovascular health, obesity has increased since many are restricted to less outings. Pair that with cold weather and you have a significant increase in obesity or overweight people.