C O N F I D ’ experts E A N C E S
ntiquorum regroupe plus de 23 spécialistes horlogers à travers le monde : Genève, Paris, Hong-Kong, Monaco, Milan, Munich, New York, Singapour, Tokyo, Bangkok… Épris de beaux objets et dotés d’une curiosité toute naturelle, ils forment une équipe qui met son savoir au service de la recherche de pièces d’exception. Une entreprise qui quoi qu’internationale a su allier son expertise exigeante à l’esprit familial de ses débuts. On vous livre leurs confidences.
Antiquorum has a team of 23-plus horology experts based in locations all over the world including Geneva, Paris, Hong Kong, Monaco, Milan, Munich, New York, Singapore, Tokyo and Bangkok. Each of them brings specialist knowledge, a love of of fine objects and natural curiosity to the task of finding exceptional pieces. And although Antiquorum is now a major international firm that sets itself extremely high standards in terms of expertise, it still has the same family atmosphere as when it was first founded. Three of Antiquorum’s top experts talked to us about what makes them tick.
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