125 I was shocked and on every occasion I could I sought to reason with him, from scripture, that what I spoke about was true. I argued that as in Adam all Die so in Christ should all be made alive. So the imputation of sin (in Adam) also pointed to the imputation of righteousness (in Christ). That as the sin and guilt of Adam (note: not the sin of Eve) brought about the imputation of sin to the whole of humanity so the righteousness of Jesus - his life and death brought about a righteousness that was imputed to all that believe. I stated that on this account only do we have right standing with God. One Sunday morning he turned on me in anger and said all I did was talk about doctrine and never about the Lord. I felt so wounded I just did not know what to do; I had always looked to this man for support and help. I groaned in spirit feeling so alone in this situation. I wondered how should I handle this. These were the reasons for me leaving the Pentecostal Holiness Church at Bierton. I Am Made Redundant In 1973 during the economic crisis and the Governments imposition of a three-day week C. J Ward and Son fell upon hard times. And I received a letter dated 8th of Feb. 1974 informing me of my redundancy. This date became significant to me. I was at home at the time of receiving this letter and when I realized I was unemployed I looked at the date of the letter. From this date I took courage, which helped me fight the haunting fears of not being able to get a job due to my past criminal record. The Judge Col. Tetley at the Aylesbury Magistrates Court had given me a conditional discharge from punishment from the crimes I had committed that lasted for three years. This was on 9th February 1971. In other words my three years (to the day) was up. I could now seek work knowing I was free from condemnation under the law and had no need to inform a future employer of my past criminal record (Unless they asked). It was as though my God and Father were saying to me don’t worry I will take care of you. I could now look for work knowing and feeling I was free with a clean sheet to start from. Letter informing me of my redundancy From: C.J. Ward & Son 8th February 1974 To: Mr. D Clarke 37 Finmere Crescents Aylesbury. Dear David, It is with deep distress the due to the present day economic position I