170 the present day since the Pope was to visit Britain that year. I had seen the Pope on the TV screen, when at Wembley Stadium, and the whole crowd, thousands of them, were singing praise to the Pope. They were singing, “He’s got the whole world in his hands’. And the Pope received that praise. I saw it and heard it with my own eyes and ears. This man is an Anti Christ. I felt I must speak out other wise the stones would do. I write to D.B. an Anglican Vicar Since the recent visit of the Pope to Britain, on May 28th 1982, I was compelled to examine the claims of the papacy and the Roman Catholic Church. After that time I was very much alert to the activity of the Church of Rome and the trend for the Anglican Church to move closer to Rome. About one year after this time I read an article in a magazine called “Contact”, by Rev D.B. an Anglican Vicar at Walton Street Church of England. I was move to write to him. Here is the letter: 187 Aylesbury Road Bierton Buckinghamshire Dear Mr. Brewin, 17th August 1982 Having read your article, which appeared in May’s issue of “Contact” (1982), titled Roman Catholicism, I am constrained to write to you as a preliminary step. For you express views concerning Roman Catholicism and Pope John Paul II which are not shared by many Christians. You indicate your views concerning the Pope by stating the John Paul the II are a man of deep spirituality and courage and so worthy of our respect. You say he is a Christian, and a Christian Leader, although you differ on the authority he and his church lays claim too. Never the less there are common grounds between Anglican’s and Roman Catholic as fellow Christians and belonging to a Christian Church. You list four basic areas of common ground for this recognition: A You are (Anglican and Roman Catholic) are both people of Christ. B Are both people of the bible C Have Sacraments of Baptism and Holy Communion D Are both people of the Holy Spirit. You then express the real differences, which you believe ought to be remembered. Now as a minister of the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ I write to you believing your article and beliefs do endanger the flock of Christ, over which you are and over seer and I would be failing in my responsibility should I