208 subscription to the Teachers Benevolent Fund, instead of joining. My reply to the Secretary of NATFHE I felt it right to reply to Roy and give further answers to his questions, as clearly he was not saved and had by his own admission turned away from God. I felt it an Ideal opportunity to speak of God’s sovereignty and love in Jesus Christ. Here is my reply: Dear Roy Re: Our correspondence in respect of NATFHE Thank you for your letter of the 5th February. I am most intrigued by your response and am pleased you have given the consideration you have to my views, even though I think you may think me a little naive. Without wishing to be too personal or cause offence directly may I take the liberty to answer some of your points? It may possibly be the means of enlightenment, to you in respect of divine predestination and mans responsibility. Yes, I do believe, absolutely, in divine predestination as you put it; if by that you mean the end of all things is determined, therefore the means to that end are also determined. I would confess to believing the scripture, which states that God has determined all things, and all things come to pass according to His predetermined purpose. That our being made, or created, is for God’s own glory and pleasure. Acts 2. Verse 23. And Rev. 4 verse 11. That God has chosen some of the human race to obtain salvation by faith in Jesus Christ and left others to answer divine justice for their sins. Eph. 1 verse 4-5 and Jude 1 verse 4 and Rom. 9 verse 14-20. In all this the glory of God is great, for we have a display of the everlasting love of God the Father, Son and Holy Ghost. A love, which is unchangeable and sovereign in its bestowment, God loving some and not all (contrary to popular belief) Rom. 9 verse 13-16. The reason for this love has nothing to do with what is found in the sinner, for this choice is without respect to actions done or capable of being done. In fact the choice was before the foundation of the world. Peter 1 verse 2 and Eph. 1 verse 4. If it were based upon merit none could be saved, therefore it is a choice through grace alone not based upon works. Thus salvation is received by faith and not through or deeds of merit. Rom. 4 verse 16. With respect to the chosen all things work together for their good. That industrial strife, famine, unemployment, sickness, death, in fact all evil work together for their eternal good. That these things are sent of God to us that we will learn not to rest in our selves but rather cause us to seek our all in him and depend entirely upon that which he has promised us in his own