DIAR~OF ALSON WARD Copy.of -~orrespondence with WmD Harris of ~hic~go
Pokeepsie January 18,1861 Mr W.D.Harris Esq Dear Sir I arrived tn NewYork City early Wednesdaymorning and had the good I fortune to find Mr Miller at his office. Wetalked over matters generally and particularly he offered t~ pay me tlXt~~ndred dollars in hand, but I told him that I did not knowt~at I should before first of next month. He will pay that amount any time I want it and I will arrange it at this end ' of the line. In regard to the excess in inventory he says he had written to you to give me note for same. I did not say anything to him about the rate of interest it should draw for I did not think of it at the time, but I presume seven percent would be perfectly satisfactory. In regard to cash leht, he thinks as you have nothing to pay for nearly six months you can refuhd it after a time and save interest. In making the note you had better make i;t just the amount surplus due, in inventory. The eight thousand dollars pair here by Mr Miller I agreed to allow one and one half per cent for exchang1. I told him we woul~ arrange on settlement you may charge the amount to me. I have not had time to sign up amts &and as you have the documents theJe you can do it and any thing I may not understand I will ask as perhaps I may be some like Mr Miller in that respect trust you will honor us in our inquistiveness I
Yo4rs truly Al$on Ward