44. DIARYOF ALSON WARD June 1845 7. In the forenoon or morning James Lewis came to our house to make morter for. pointing the wa1J in fr_ont of _the house. Toward noon I went after a Joad of .9raveJ on my '(J._ay met Miss Belden· on her way to our house ·on foot. _I_·Spen,t_.t_pe,.-~ft.ernoo_n mostJy .in ·the house~.·Just at night Itook Miss Belden horrie•··to ·r.1rs (ewises and staid· ·to·Bib1e class at Grandpas 8. Sabbath In the forenoon Father the hired girl and myself went to church Mother and Mary were invalid Mother complaining with the rhumatism and Mary with an inflamed face caused by taking cold I presume. In the afternoon Father and myself went to church Mr Howpreached a sermon happily i11ustrating and impressing on the mind the subject by way of parable or incidents in real life. He had much to say in regard to the Steamer Swa11ow. 9.In the forenoon I finished the ploughing in the buckwheat ground. Father got up quite early and went after the horses and had them partly harnessed before I got up. In,the afternoon Father and myself worked at the wa11 in front of the house chinking it for pinting It has been an unusual hot and muggyday although p1eanty of hot,air stirring it is unusua11y dry everything is parching up for the want of rain. We have been obliged to water the garden and da1ias and peach trees that we set on the side hi11 last spring to keep them from burning up. Just at night I went to the Va11ey to see John Baker and ca11ed or expected to ca11 to Ward Wes1ey1 s to get actfess maker but happened to meet one of them at Mr .Bay,.ers.Ca11ed at the Doctors and at Mrs Lewises a short time.
1O.In the forenoon Father and myself she11ed a load of corn by water and cleaned it up. Father went to Pokeepsie with it in the afternoon I spent most of . the time chinking the wa11 in front of the house 11.In the morning it rained quite a shower but did not amount to much. Father made some morter in the forenoon. I spent most of the time in the mi11. In the afternoon Mary and I went to the funeral of the child of Isria1 Velie 12.In the morning when we got up we found John Baker at the wa11 pointing away in his usual style. Tue helped us tend maison and in the afternoon Mary Miss Belden and myself went to Pokeepsie. In the evening on our return we ca11ed at Mr Gidley 13.In the morning I went to the cornfield and spent most of the.day there. At noon I fixed the harness for driving tomorrow greasing the wagon and expecting to go to HughsonVi11e Just at night I went to,the Valley at Mastains shop to set some irons to put on the wagon sides to keep the wheels from rubbing it zSaw Mr Ross and Miss Pierce at Uncle Daniels on my return found them at our house. Father planted the turned post at noon. 14.In the morning instead of getting up and fixing off to start at sunrise for Fishki11 heard it raining fast therefore laid contented on my couch until my usual time for arising. It continued showery during the forenoon but did not amount to much In the afternoon we fixed and went to Fishki11 to Doctor Hughsons Uncle Daniel Aunt Mariah Miss Pierce sister Mary and myself where the company arrived there after a pleasant ride.
15.Sabbath Spent the night at the Doctors went to church at Hughsonvi11e At four oc1ock started for home came by the way of the turnpike took Miss Pierce home before we left the Va11ey. 16.Spent the day in the cornfield ploughing out the corn , Minard Dean helped us. Father spent the day around the house and mi11.