April 1846 12.Sabbath. Father~Mother and Sarah went to church although it rained moderately and continued throughout the day. 13.In the morning early Calvin went after Miss Wesley the dress maker.Father,Mother and Sarah went to Pokeepsie. !spent part of my time in the mill and after Calvin finished ploughing I sowed the small patch by the spring and Calvin harrowed it. The day very squally, snowed some and very windy. 14.I spent the forenoon sowing oats on the patches in the meadow. In the afternoon spent my time in the mill. 15.In the morning prepared for sowing oats in the west lot joining Gideon W.Downing but the wind blew a perfect gale during the whole day and instead of sowing oats we ploughed the garden staked and ridered the stone fence north of the barn along the east side of the road. In the evening all but Mother,Calvin andmyself went to temperance convention at the church 16.Spent the day sowing the west lot. Calvert and Francis took dinner at our house and spent part of the afternoon. Calvin harrowed and Father spent his time in the mill, grafting apple trees&. In the evening Father went to the Valley to carry some grists. 17.In the morning finished sowing,Calvin harrowed Spent part of the rest of the day in the mill the remainder in the gardGt• Father and Mother went to the funeral of Mrs Jonathan Lockwoodat LaGrange at one oclock. 18.I spent most of the day in the mill.Father the oats ground.
grafted some. Calvin finished harrowing
19.. Sabbath a very fine day and a great many at church.The funeral of Mrs Degroff increased the,gathering. 2O.In the morning went to Enoch Flaglers to borrow his shelvings for drawing hay to Pokeepsie. In the afternoon after repairfog them we put a load on the wagon for an early start in the morning. 21.In the morning Father went with the hay and I spent most of my time in the mill. Calvin worked in the barn shifting rye straw from the hay mow. 22.Father went to Pokeepsie with a load of hay I spent most of my time in the mill helped Calvin shift some straw in the barn in the afternoon. 23.Father went with a load of hay to Pokeepsie Carpenter Angell returned from Mr Platts with him he having arrived there the night before from New·Haven, 24.In the morning Calvin and myself drew manure up to the garden from the barnyard and from the bason back of the shed for the melons after which we drew some rails for making fence round the peach nursery in the northwest corner of the lot west of the house and some on the west line fence between us and Gideon Downing. Father and Mother-went to Fishkill. 25.In the morning built the fence around the peach nursery. In the afternoon I spent my time in the mill. Calvin dug holes for the watermelons in the garden. Father and Mother returned home in the evening. <
26.Sabbath. Went to church in the morning. Father staid downat Grandpas until afternoon meeting 27. In theme~oon fixed our melon hills and planted the seed making a small hot bed of each hill in the following manner :dig holes two feet in diameter