Blue and Gold 2008

Page 9

Tiverton 2008 It is incredible to think that as people read this article, I will have already completed one year as the Head of Tiverton Campus. In that time there was so much that I needed to learn — names of staff and students, room numbers, what the many information nights entailed, what was Mathletics, how do I use the photocopier — the list could go on. But through all this there has been many a friendly voice that helped in my learning and understanding of why De La Salle College is a special place. De La Salle is all about involvement, enthusiasm and participation. As you read through this issue of ‘Blue and Gold’, you quickly understand that so much happens in a year. Then again, this is what you come to expect from a Lasallian school. Having spent nearly all my school life, as a student and teacher, in schools run by the De La Salle Brothers, I know these expectations are the norm. This year we concentrated on the word ‘respect’ on the Tiverton campus. ‘Respect’ related to three areas — respect of self and of one’s peers, respect of staff, and respect for the College and the Brothers. The students have worked very hard to understand the importance of respect, because it is paramount in their measure as an individual. How each individual boy characterises himself is reflected in the respect paid to him by staff and peers alike. There is a particular prayer we have concentrated on this year to illustrate this concept. ‘Each one of us has been specially created. You

have made us all different, special and unique. No one is exactly like me. As we grow up, help us become aware of how true this is. Help me to like myself for the person I am and know that I’m OK. May I remember that there is no point in comparing myself with others and wanting to be superior to them, for each of us is good, yet different, and created in your likeness.’ It is also in the same context that we have concentrated on the respect of the Brothers, but more so with the focus of thanking them for what they have given us at De La Salle. Without the Brothers, De La Salle College would not exist. The Tiverton students have shown their respect for the Brothers this year by raising $40000 for Mission Action Day, which is an incredible sum from 665 students. The students, with the aid of their parents and families, are to be congratulated on this superb effort. There is a visible sense of community amongst the staff, the students and the parents, exhibited tangibly across the Tiverton population. From the work and effort that the Year 9s have put into raising money for the Homeless World Cup and their time spent completing their Lasallian Service commitment, to the Year 8s’ commitment to raising awareness of and giving assistance to the Sacred Heart Mission. The Year 7s and their parents committed the time to attend the Homeroom BBQ at Jan Juc at the conclusion of their camp, and the Primary students who present each day with abundant enthusiasm and exuberance. This is just a snapshot of the many things that happen at De La, but if it weren’t for the committed staff, students and parents, these things would simply not happen.


There are many people whom I would like to thank, especially Br Bill for the opportunity to lead the Tiverton Campus; Mr Peter Riordan, whose leadership and experience has been invaluable over the year; and Mr Stephen Young for his cooperation and assistance in coordinating a two-campus school. These three gentlemen have been great mentors, and provided me with continued wisdom to do this job. I sincerely thank all the Year Level Coordinators, Mr Rob Bonnici, Mr Shane Mackintosh, Mr Shaun Buckley and Mr Ray Leetham, for the dedication and time they have given their students. It would also be remiss of me not to mention Ms Adrienne Moran, who left during the year to become the Deputy Principal of Our Lady of Lourdes Primary School. Adrienne’s commitment to Primary education is well known. I also thank Ms Sandra Troise who, as VELS Coordinator, continues to raise the standards of learning at De La Salle, and MMEC Coordinator Ms Kathie Holmes and MMEC staff in their role of furthering the learning of students. I also extend thanks to our Assistant Head of Campus, Mr Brian Long, whose organization enables the Tiverton Campus to run so smoothly. Finally, I must thank the Tiverton Staff who, as Homeroom teachers and subject teachers, continue to be generous with their time and unswerving in their commitment to the young people they teach. Mr John McAlroy Head of Tiverton Campus

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Blue and Gold 2008 by De La Salle College - Issuu