Theology & Culture 1.2 (December 2020)

Page 12

1 Church and Philanthropy in the Healthcare Sector: A case study in a Greek Orthodox Diocese

Penelope A. Anastasiadou

Theologian, Lab Technical Assistant, Dr. Theology, Special Laboratory-Teaching Staff, Department of Oral Medicine –Pathology, Dental School, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki

Christos Ν. Tsironis

Dimitrios A. Αndreadis

As. Prof. Contemporary Social Theory, Sector of Ethics and Sociology Dep. of Theology, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki

As. Prof. Department of Oral Medicine-Pathology Dental School, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki




philanthropic work offered by physicians, nurses and several specialists, in assistance to patient care. Eventually, such benchmarking identified divergent issues focusing on evidence of the intertemporal shift in where and how health care is provided to patients. However, specific convergence points have also been identified, based on the unchanging Christian values, as well as on the fundamental criteria of diaconal work, setting the value of human life over and above any historical context.

Philanthropy gains a special content in the Orthodox Tradition as it is considered to be the epitome of effective concern for one’s neighbor and eventually one of the highest virtues. The historical review of the philanthropic work of the Orthodox Church in the healthcare sector, from the Early Christian period, through the Byzantine Empire and the era of Ottoman domination, to the newly established Greek state, unfolds in the present paper. At the same time, the contemporary structure and operation of the social multi-specialty clinic, established by the parish of the Holy Metropolis of Neapoli and Stavroupoli in Greece, is also presented. The above mentioned review supports the benchmarking of such social multi-specialty clinic philanthropic action and that of the historical Church Diaconia in the field of health care. First of all, it should be stressed that contemporary medical care is a state concern; however, within the current financial depression this social multi-specialty clinic provides


Orthodox Church philanthropy; Orthodox Diocese; healthcare sector; historical background.


Anastasiadou P., Tsironis Ch. & Andreadis D. Church and Philanthropy in the Healthcare Sector: A case study in a Greek Orthodox Diocese. Theology & Culture. 2020; 1(2): 11-27. Doi: 10.13140/RG.2.2.19373.92642


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