DT January Issue 2023

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JANUARY VOLUME 14 ISSUE 01 25 PAGE - 52 2023 Serving Since 2009 India’s Leading Tech Media House www.digitalterminal.in Page No. 18 Sophos Managed Detection and Response Sop Det © Copyright 2022. Sophos Ltd. All rights reserved. Registered in England and Wales No. 2096520, The Pentagon, Abingdon Science Park, Abingdon, OX14 3YP, UK. Sophos is the registered trademark of Sophos Ltd. The future of cybersecurity is cybersecurity as a service. 24/7 analyst-led threat hunting, detection and response delivered as a fully managed service for any security environment. For more information visit sophos.com/mdr or contact: salesmea@sophos.com DT Awards 2022 Concluded Successfully as Best Tech Brands Got Honored in India
JANUARY 2023 I 4 www.digitalterminal.in SSD VOL - 14, ISSUE - 01, January 2023 Sophos Announces Availability of Industry-First Managed Detection And Response (MDR) Service Upgrade Your PC with WD_BLACK SSDs to Enjoy Seamless Gaming ADATA Introduces All-New Powerful LEGEND Series SSDs for Advance Computing ViewSonic Introduces New Range of Limited-Edition Monitors in India Indian SSD Market on Rise: What to Expect Next Kaspersky Highlights 5 Simple But Effective Digital Habits To Improve Your Data Security • Rashi Peripherals Conferred with Four Prestigious Awards from HP • TechnoBind Partners with DocuSign to Offer ESignature Technology in India • Redington Foundation Helps Tribal Communities with Clean Drinking Water and Renewable Energy • Iris Waves Installed Daksh Fire Safety System at ATS Pristine and Happy Trail Projects 10 12 14 16 17 31 39 44 Market Report Cyber Security Gaming Shelf Product Focus Product Shelf Feature Story Data Security Channel Focus Content
Low Profile Graphene Aluminum Heat Spreader World’s No.1 Memory & SSD Brand BEST COMPANION FOR YOUR PC Unique White Heat Spreader with Striking RGB Lighting Level up with PCIe 4.0 NVMe


Mr. Mark Montierth

“I’m excited to have Mark take on this new role at Micron,” said Sadana. “Mark’s leadership skills, success in running innovative, high-growth businesses and expertise in highperformance memory make him wellsuited to lead Micron’s Mobile Business Unit. I am confident he will continue to build on our strong product momentum and deep customer and ecosystem partnerships to deliver solutions that enable next-generation mobile user experiences.”

Business Unit. Under his leadership, Micron launched its first highbandwidth memory product into high volume production and ramped the industry’s fastest graphics memory. Montierth joined Micron in March 2021 after serving as vice president and general manager at Marvell and NXP Semiconductor. His track record includes driving strong business results and product leadership across wireless connectivity, custom silicon, mobile application processor and mobile power management businesses.

Montierth will be responsible for leading Micron’s mobile business, including building world-class mobile

Prior to this appointment, Montierth was vice president and general manager of high-bandwidth and graphics memory product lines in Micron’s Compute and Networking

Montierth, an inventor on more than 50 U.S.-issued patents, earned a master’s degree in electrical engineering and computer architecture from Stanford University and a bachelor’s degree from Brigham Young University. Montierth succeeds Raj Talluri, whose five-year Micron tenure led to significant growth and established the company as a leader in mobile memory and storage solutions. Talluri is leaving Micron to pursue a new opportunity.


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Micron Technology, Inc. announced the appointment of Mark Montierth to the role of corporate vice president and general manager of its Mobile Business Unit.
solutions to address the growing market opportunity for memory and storage driven by the demand for data-intensive mobile experiences. Montierth will report to Sumit Sadana, Micron’s executive vice president and chief business officer.
Micron Ropes in Mark Montierth as Corporate VP and General Manager of Mobile Business Unit

Rajeev: What are the newly evolving challenges impac ng digital transforma on journey of organiza ons in India?

Ashok: Digital transforma on (DX) was a sudden need among organiza ons of all ver cals when the pandemic began back in 2020. Three years down the line, most of the ver cals have tremendously come to terms with revolu onary digital transforma on reforms that have brought the organiza ons to an op mum level. We at RAH Infotech understand that the challenges of digital transforma on have also evolved:

• Digital Transforma on Strategy: While ini ally, the DX strategy was to implement the basics and enable remote and at the next stage hybrid work model, now the strategy needs to change. Many are s ll finding it difficult to understand their next strategy when someone says digital transforma on. If the ini al implementa on has been done without much planning, then it would be a challenge to build the next steps.

• Innova on & budge ng: There is a need for organiza ons to keep innova ve steps of DX in check and implement them in the best possible way. The challenge however is keeping it updated with the latest technology and yet reining in the budget for the DX. Without the support of the right strategy, cost op miza on cannot be achieved; hence, it is a real challenge to keep innova on and budge ng in check.

• Security: The expected and an cipated challenge that DX brought in was in terms of security risks. With the DX expanding and reaching higher levels, induc ng the right security measures to combat threats thrown in by threat actors has been an impossible task. So, keeping up with the evolving security threats is a challenge that will not subside.

• Lack of the right IT team and knowledge: The biggest challenge any organiza on

“We Have Laid Down Ambitious Plans to Explore New Opportunities In A Variety of Industries”

Performance of any business depends on adop on of digital tools which help companies of any size to grow further in so compe ve world. RAH Infotech is the one such a value-added distributer company that has proven its forte in suppor ng all leading tech brands in deploying right solu ons to large customer base across India. Rajeev Ranjan, Editor, Digital Terminal had a detailed conversa on with Ashok Kumar, Managing Director, RAH Infotech on various topics including the new evolving challenges impac ng digital transforma on, how the organiza ons move ahead and many others subjects related to digital trends.

faces in terms of DX at the later stage is an incompetent IT team and staff that lack the right knowledge in guiding the C-Suite. It is not just to adopt the right DX strategy and technology but also to help stay consistent and not let organiza ons walk backwards on the progress they have made.

We believe that the right associa ons, guidance, research and planning will help everyone overcome as these challenges are universal and do not discriminate between ver cals, company size and structure.

Rajeev: As the technology landscape is transforming very sharply so how should organiza ons move ahead?

Ashok: We at RAH have helped our partners and customers reach their current posi on with our in-depth knowledge and understanding of today’s technology and tools. It should be noted by organiza ons across sectors that technology is the food and fodder not just for street vendors and individuals but for almost every known ver cal exis ng in today’s market space. India’s landscape in terms of technology adop on, innova on and expansion is seeing an extensive push. This is where organiza ons have understood that they need to move at the pace of their corresponding industries worldwide and the general public. Speed and accuracy are needed to bring themselves to the appropriate technology levels that any organiza on can afford.

Web3, AI/ML, metaverse, blockchain, IoT, 5G, VR/AR, deepfake, zero trust – these are all some of the technology tools that have emerged and made an impact overnight when compared to the slow progress

before the pandemic. These tools, while some might find them out of reach or understanding can s ll be u lized to build their organiza on via external experts. But the movement needs to be cau ous so as to not risk any of the exis ng opera ons and the upcoming business decisions. Customers are ul mately the judges of ra ng how best the organiza ons have evolved to accommodate the sharply transforming technology. The success of any organiza on currently depends on customer sa sfac on of making their life easy and technology is the key, understanding this is exactly how organiza ons can move ahead.

Rajeev: How is the overall performance of RAH Infotech currently? Please share your GTM strategy which has helped you bolster your growth.

Ashok: Last year RAH Infotech registered 55% YoY growth, we aim to keep this growth steady and our GTM strategy will help us in reaching this goal. We have consistently tapped emerging opportuni es in market ver cals such as SME, Telco and IT/ITeS and nurtured rela onships with over 500+ partners PAN India. Our alignment has always been synchronized with businesses whose emerging technologies reflect the product por olio and cybersecurity has remained our area of exper se.

Apart from this, we also focus on developing a strong channel partner ecosystem, conduc ng partner training programmes, offering promo onal schemes and providing addi onal support to help them increase their sales and business growth, which in turn help us improve our growth prospects. Over the years we have built a strong technical team with extensive experience in technology design and implementa on. This is why today we are the fastest-growing VAD.

JANUARY 2023 I 8 www.digitalterminal.in EXCLUSIVE CHAT
Last year we registered 55% YoY growth, we aim to keep this growth steady and our GTM strategy will help us in reaching this goal.
I NDIA’ S LAR G E S T TE C HN O L OG Y EXP O Co-located Expos INDIA EXPO 2 7- 29 MAR C H 2023 | P RAGATI MAIDAN, NEW DELHI, INDI A ATTENDEES 30,769 PARTICIPATING BRANDS 862 COUNTRIES 30 CONFERENCE SESSIONS 50 SPEAKERS 150 STARTUPS 100 2022 STATISTICS * Statistics for 29 th Convergence India Expo & 7th Smart Cities, held from 23-25 March 2022 at Pragati Maidan TECHNOLOGIES ON DISPLAY BROADCAST & DIGITAL MEDIA MOBILE DEVICES & ACCESSORIES IOT & CLOUD INFRASTRUCTURE EMBEDDED TECHNOLOGY FINTECH & BLOCKCHAIN SATELLITE COMMUNICATIONS TELECOM & 5G Please contact for more information: Mr. Pramit Kumar | pramitk@eigroup.in | +91 98110 78179 | +91 11 4279 5035 www.convergenceindia.org Organisers Media Partner Be a part of Convergence India 2023 expo as an Exhibitor / Sponsor / Speaker / Delegate

Imagine Marketing (BoAt) Ranks 2nd In Global Wearable Market

Imagine Marketing, the parent company of boAt, is now ranked #2 in the overall wearable market as per the leading market research and advisory firm International Data Corporation (IDC) Worldwide Quarterly Wearable Device Tracker Q3CY2022. The brand now commands 8.5% market share on a volume basis (~1% jump in market share v/s Q2CY22). Among the top 5 global wearable brands, Imagine Marketing (boAt) is one of the fastest growing companies in 3Q22 and has the highest Y-o-Y growth rate (19.5% vs. Q3 CY21). The brand has a wide portfolio of well-designed, indigenized, and distinctive lifestyleoriented products including TWS, smartwatches, headphones and more offered at attractive prices.

On the global recognition, Aman Gupta, Co-founder & CMO, boAt said, “It was Sameer & my dream to make boAt the most desirable Indian brand. It feels surreal that boAt is now second only to Apple and has surpassed Samsung, Huawei, and

Xiaomi globally in the overall wearable category. We are humbly proud & as a committed brand we will always keep the India flag flying high by offering ingenious products that are superior in quality and are boAthead centric.”

Imagine Marketing continues to retain #2 position in the earwear market with 11.2% market share by volume (up from 10.3% in Q2CY22); The company is now #2 in TWS (9.2% market share) vs. #3 in Q2CY22. The phenomenal growth is due to the reasons such as availability, affordability, better features and functionalities like ANC, innovative designs, and low-latency mode for gaming. Also, the company is now ranked #1 in neckbands for the 9th consecutive quarter (22% market share).

Watch-based wearables also tend to be the fastest-growing category for Imagine Marketing showing strong momentum. Besides affordability, features such as Bluetooth calling, bigger screen sizes, and AMOLED displays are attracting both first-time users and upgraders. The company is now ranked #6 position in the smartwatch market with 5.2% market share (up from 4.1% in Q2CY22) on the back of exponential growth (~140% growth v/s Q3CY21).

Dell Technologies Ranks No. 1 In Indian X86 Mainstream Server Market with 43.7% Revenue Share

Dell Technologies emerged as the leader in India’s x86 mainstream* server market as per IDC Worldwide Quarterly Server Tracker 2022 Q3. With businesses continuing to adopt a digital-first mindset, India has proven to be one of the key markets contributing to Dell Technologies’ growth in the server category.

“The recognition as a market leader is a testament to our unwavering

hold on the pulse of the industry. We are constantly working closely with our customers to understand their business challenges. We believe our customer first approach is one of the reasons why we are seeing a consistent growth path for our server business in India. Businesses are increasingly adopting technologies like cloud computing, virtualization, and big data to cater to their digital transformation journey. To be able to run multiple workloads from the edge to the core to the

cloud, they need to deploy advanced servers which can optimize AI/ML and IoT processes for them seamlessly. Dell Technologies’ portfolio is well positioned to cater to that need,” said Mr. Manish Gupta, Vice President and General Manager, Infrastructure Solutions Group, Dell Technologies India.

“Enterprises are increasingly showing the intent to invest towards

BRAND CONNECT JANUARY 2023 I 10 www.digitalterminal.in
Mr. Aman Gupta, Co-founder & CMO, boAt

NETGEAR Named Among India’s Top 5 Switching & WLAN Brands

experts with unmatched ease of use, reliability, and cost savings that benefit all networked AV solutions.

NETGEAR is looking at increased performance in operations due to rising demand for premium Wi-Fi mesh systems and 5G mobile hotspots in retail and service channels. Since there has been an unprecedented rise in robust networking solutions, the brand being a primary player is pushing its attention to Internet-connected lifestyle devices including laptops, smartphones, IoT devices, speakers and Television for Smart Homes.

A special report published by IDC (International Data Corporation) suggests that NETGEAR has witnessed unprecedented growth with regard to vendor revenue during the third quarter of FY22 and is now amongst the top 5 companies in India in the switching and WLAN segment by IDC and.

As the world continues to adopt

technologies such as audio, video and control over Ethernet as their delivery method of choice, NETGEAR is working to pave the way for new and improved experiences across developing industries through its products. Over the years, NETGEAR Business has led the way by successfully enabling more than 50 million businesses worldwide. These products combine years of networking from leading

Marthesh Nagendra, Country Manager - India, ME & SAARC, NETGEAR said, “We are delighted to be among India’s top 5 Switching & WLAN brands. We are grateful to our partners and customers for making it possible. Our business ofisgs are equipped with better hardware, advanced features, easy to setup, comes at a right price and longest warranty which makes us one of the best brands in the industry.”

modernizing the technology infrastructure. Dell Technologies has proven to be a trusted consultant and advisor for its customers on their digital transformation journey. This has led to the consistent growth in our industry share quarter on quarter,” Manish Gupta added.

Dell Technologies’ server portfolio provides industry-leading performance, simplified management, intelligent automation, and enhanced security designed to address the demands of the Indian businesses. Dell’s PowerEdge portfolio excels in building block rack servers and small footprint tower servers that support businesscritical and advanced workloads to help organizations innovate, adapt, and grow. With the capabilities to serve a wide range of customer requirementsfrom SMBs to large enterprises, Dell Technologies’ server portfolio account

for the varied and complex needs of the modern data center. The innovations also spread across the company’s focus on developing solutions that are sustainable.

BRAND CONNECT I 11 JANUARY 2023 www.digitalterminal.in
In line with that, Dell Technologies recently powered the first green data center in the country equipped with alternative smart cooling technology. Mr. Marthesh Nagendra, Country Manager - India, ME & SAARC, NETGEAR Mr. Manish Gupta, Vice President and General Manager, Infrastructure Solutions Group, Dell Technologies India.

Sophos Announces Availability of Industry-First Managed Detection And Response (MDR) Service

Sophos the general availability of Sophos Managed Detection and Response (MDR) with new industry-first threat detection and response capabilities. Sophos is the first endpoint security provider to integrate vendor agnostic telemetry from third-party security technologies into its MDR offering, providing unprecedented visibility and detection across diverse operating environments. Sophos also introduced the Sophos Marketplace and $1 million Sophos Breach Protection Warranty.

The need for MDR services and specialized defenders has never been greater, as shown in today’s new research, “LockBit 3.0 ‘Black’ Attacks and Leaks Reveal Wormable Capabilities and Tooling,” from Sophos X-Ops, the company’s crossdomain threat intelligence unit. The research analyzes tactics, techniques and procedures (TTPs) used by LockBit, one of today’s most prolific ransomware gangs, that are similar to BlackMatter, and explains how the latest version of the ransomware, LockBit 3.0, adds wormable capabilities and uses legitimate pentesting tools to evade detection.

In a second article, “Detection Tools and Human Analysis Lead to a Security NonEvent,” Sophos X-Ops details a recent Sophos MDR use case involving credential theft, another technique that allows adversaries to impersonate legitimate users. In this case, the Sophos MDR team combined its threat hunting intelligence

with information from the customer’s third-party security appliance to thwart an attack.

“The only way to reliably detect and neutralize determined attackers who increasingly combine the use of pentesting tools, stolen credentials and other stealthy tactics to maneuver undetected is with 24x7 eyes on glass, operating on signals from a diversity of event sources and employing actionable threat intelligence into real-time attacker behaviors,” said Joe Levy, chief technology and product officer at Sophos. “Organizations are struggling to keep pace with wellfunded adversaries who are continuously innovating and industrializing their ability to evade defensive technologies alone. Sophos MDR can discover and intercept these steps before they result in a data breach, ransomware or other type of costly compromise. Sadly, ransomware persists as one of the greatest cybercrime threats to organizations, as evidenced in the Sophos 2023 Threat Report. We’re raising the industry standard for how critical MDR services can be delivered to broaden visibility for better, faster detection and response.”

Industry-First Detection and Response and the New Sophos Marketplace

Sophos is the first leading endpoint security

provider delivering MDR across both its own product portfolio as well as end users’ existing security deployments. To support this effort, Sophos launched the Sophos Marketplace, an open ecosystem of more than 75 technology integrations, including Amazon Web Services (AWS), Check Point, CrowdStrike, Darktrace, Fortinet, Google, Microsoft, Okta, Palo Alto Networks, Rapid7, and many others. Expanded visibility across these integrations and diverse operating environments enables Sophos MDR experts to better detect and remediate attacks with speed and precision, regardless of customers’ existing security solutions.

In addition to Sophos MDR, Sophos Marketplace provides third-party integrations for Sophos’ portfolio of services, products and technologies. Telemetry is automatically consolidated, correlated and prioritized with insights from the Sophos Adaptive Cybersecurity Ecosystem and the Sophos X-Ops threat intelligence unit.

Extended Protection Warranty

Sophos stands behind its MDR customers with the new Sophos Breach Protection Warranty that covers up to $1 million in response expenses for organizations protected by Sophos MDR Complete, Sophos’ most comprehensive MDR offering. Underwritten solely by Sophos, the warranty covers endpoints – both Windows and Mac devices – and servers, and unlike competitive offerings, there are no warranty tiers or duration limitations for active customers. This Sophos Breach Protection Warranty is automatically included with all purchases and renewals of Sophos MDR Complete annual subscriptions through Sophos’ global reseller partner network.


More than 13,000 organizations already rely on Sophos’ existing MDR service for 24/7 threat hunting, detection and response by an expert team as a fully-managed service. The newest offering with third party integration capabilities is available now, and the service is customizable with different tiers and threat response options, enabling customers to choose whether to have the Sophos MDR operations team execute full-scale incident response, provide collaborative assistance for confirmed threats, or deliver detailed alert notifications for their security operations teams to manage themselves.

JANUARY 2023 I 12 www.digitalterminal.in BRAND CONNECT CYBER SECURITY

Upgrade Your PC with WD_BLACK SSDs to Enjoy Seamless Gaming

interface, the WD_BLACK SN850X NVMe SSD delivers top-tier performance to keep you playing, streaming, recording, and dominating the game.

Price (As per Amazon) – INR 13,199

WD Black SN770 NVMe SSD

This purpose-built gaming drive boasts a PCIe® Gen4 interface2 that delivers blazing speeds of up to 5,150MB/s2 (1TB and 2TB models). You can Improve in-game responsiveness and streaming with the PCIe Gen4 interface for a performance boost you can see and feel. The interface is compatible with leading CPU and motherboard platforms and backwards-compatible with PCIe Gen3. Available in capacities up to 2TB, the WD_BLACK SN770 NVMe SSD gives you tons of storage for your latest games with space left over for future updates and downloadable content.

Starting Price (As per Amazon) – INR 4,558

Every gamer knows how easily latency issues can ruin a decent play time. In gaming, quality graphics delivered at high speeds are essential, but not all memory solutions can support them equally, and subpar options result in a frustrating

gaming experience. Fortunately, there is a fix. Solid state drives, or SSDs, are the dominant form of data storage in modern technology. Therefore, it’s easy to see why solid-state drives have become the default choice for gamers - and indeed computer users in general. Keeping this is mind, it’s absolutely paramount for users to install the best-in-class SSDs into your system to get the most out of your gaming experience.

Here’s a list of the best SSDs you can get to upgrade your PC.

WD Black SN850X NVMe SSD

Loading screens, wait times and lag are a thing of the past, with this top of the line SSD. Crush load times and slash throttling, lagging, and model pop-ins for a smooth, fast experience that lets you compete at your absolute peak. This purpose-built gaming drive comes in capacities of 1TB to 4TB1, with an optional heatsink on the 1TB and 2TB drives to help sustain topend performance for more consistent gameplay. With the advanced features of Game Mode 2.0 (Windows® only) plus speeds that approach the limits of the PCIe® Gen43

WD Black P50 Game Drive NVMe SSD

The WD_BLACK™ P50 Game Drive SSD provides gamers and their PC or console with tools needed to drive the game the way they choose. With read speeds of up to 2000MB/s2 and up to 4TB of storage, gamers spend less time waiting to get back in the game and more time actually playing. Designed from the ground up with gamers in mind, the SSD is innovatively designed and future-ready with a SuperSpeed USB (20Gb/s) interface to be fully compatible with new gaming components released with the same connectivity.

Starting Price (As per Amazon) – INR 11189

WD Black P10 Game Drive

The WD_BLACK™ P10 Game Drive gives gamers and their console or PC the performance-enhancing tools they need to keep the competitive edge. Its a top-tier external HDD in capacities up to 5TB, built specifically for gamers looking to expand the potential of their console or PC by saving their game library in an on-the-go form factor. With the WD_BLACK™ P10 Game Drive, gamers can drive their game the way they choose.

Starting Price (As per Amazon) – INR 9649


With PC games continuing to become more demanding in terms of bandwidth and file sizes, SSDs are the way to go to minimize loading times and have faster boot-up speeds. You will certainly notice the difference than if you booted your games through a traditional hard drive.

JANUARY 2023 I 14 www.digitalterminal.in BRAND GAMINGCONNECT SHELF

ADATA Introduces All-New Powerful LEGEND Series SSDs for Advance Computing

supports the latest Intel and AMD platforms, desktop and notebook PCs, including Intel® Evo™ certified laptops, and is backward compatible with PCIe 3.0 for added convenience. The LEGEND 960 supports PCIe 4.0 and works with PS5 consoles as expanded storage for higher capacities (up to 4TB).


ADATA Technology announced the LEGEND 710, 850, 960 PCIe Gen4 x4 M.2 2280 SSDs. ADATA LEGEND Series 710, 850, 960 limited edition SSDs are for professionals and creators who demand high performance.

ADATA LEGEND 850 PCIe Gen4 x4 M.2 2280

The new LEGEND 850 delivers a new level of performance for advanced design applications, such as 3D modelling and animation. The ADATA LEGEND 850 gives users a major upgrade in performance with sequential read and write speeds of 5,000/4,500MB per second. This makes it up to 3 times faster than a standard PCIe Gen3 SSD and 9 times faster than a SATA SSD. What’s more, it supports the latest Intel and AMD platforms, desktop and notebook PCs, and is backward compatible with PCIe 3.0 for added convenience.

The LEGEND 850 comes with SLC Caching and Host Memory Buffer for advantages in system loading and data caching. It features 4K random read/ write of up to 400K/550K IOPS for smoother multitasking. Plus with LDPC (Low Density Parity check Code) and AES 256-bit encryption, users can rest assured that their data stays accurate and secure. With support for PCIe 4.0,

it can be installed on PS5 consoles as expanded storage. Not only does its size conform to the slot design, but it also provides for smooth and non-lag gaming.

In conjunction with the launch of the LEGEND 850, ADATA is releasing a limited-edition variant of the SSD that features the artwork of German pattern designer, Mister Fred. Sporting a colourful design with intricate flower patterns, the one-of-a-kind module will be manufactured in a limited quantity of 520 units. LEGEND 850 SSDs use highquality chips that can withstand the test of time and space. The SSDs undergo rigorous verification and testing process to ensure reliability. Moreover, the 850 comes with 5-year warranty.

the LEGEND 960 comes with SLC Caching and DRAM Cache Buffer for advantages in system loading and data caching. It features 4K random read/ write of up to 750K/630K IOPS for smoother multitasking. Plus with LDPC (Low Density Parity check Code) and AES 256-bit encryption, users can rest assured that their data stays accurate and secure. Moreover, the 960 comes with 5-year warranty.

ADATA LEGEND 710 PCIe Gen4 x4 M.2 2280


x4 M.2 2280

With the advent of the Web 3.0 and a growing emphasis on the virtual world, the new LEGEND 960 delivers a new level of performance for advanced design applications, such as 3D animation, game design, virtual art, and beyond. The ADATA LEGEND 960 gives users a major upgrade in performance with sequential read and write speeds of 7,400/6,800MB per second, and is compliant with NVMe 1.4. This makes it up to 4 times faster than a standard PCIe Gen3 SSD. It also

Based on the PCIe 3.0 interface, the ADATA LEGEND 710 released together has a maximum read performance of 2400MB/s and a maximum write performance of 1800MB/s. It has stable performance for FHD, 4K video editing and home or office use. It is a heat sink with a blue colour hairline design with cooling performance, and is characterized by having both appearance and cooling properties. The SSD has SLC caching and HMB (Host Memory Buffer), and support AES 256 encryption to keep your data safe.

ADATA LEGEND 710 comes with a 3-year warranty, and ADATA ToolBox supports self-monitoring including temperature, drive status, latest firmware, capacity optimization, etc.

PRODUCT FOCUS JANUARY 2023 I 16 www.digitalterminal.in

ViewSonic Introduces New Range of Limited Edition Monitors in India

27”-inches. The monitors are targeted to allure users giving them the best experience of the latest features and technology. These monitors are equipped with a rac ve features like clear and stunning images, a wide range of viewing angles, setup flexibility and eye care technology to ensure that the customers get the unique combina on of tech and comfort. The monitors are designed to ensure the produc vity and efficiency of the customers increases through a set of advanced technology.

reduce the strain on eyes during the screen- me.

Commen ng on the special edi on monitor launch

Mr. Sanjoy Bha acharya, Director Sales and Marke ng

ViewSonic announced the launch of their limited edi on monitors series, VA1903H-2-IN1 (19”), VA2215-H-IN1 (22”), VA2432-MH-IN1 (24”) and VA2732-MHIN1 (27”). With India leading the digital transforma on for visual solu ons, display monitors have been one of the crucial factors in adding that extra edge to the technology sector and taking innova on a notch higher while progressing/suppor ng the country’s digital transforma on.

Celebra ng the same spirit, ViewSonic has introduced four new work and business monitors variants in full HD in 22”, 24, and

Adding to the list of benefits, the monitor range also takes care of the consumer health by providing eye-car technology to

–IT Business, ViewSonic India, said, “ViewSonic is very excited to introduce these limited edi on monitors to the Indian audience. Through this launch, we aim to contribute and transform India into a digitally empowered country and a knowledge-based economy. Each monitor in this category is embedded with the latest technology. Being the proud ci zens of this na on, we are ecsta c to serve the best to our consumers and expand our por olio dedicated to India. This launch will also help us to contribute our bit to the Indian economy and celebrate the spirit of na onalism.”

The ViewSonic special edi on monitors comes with latest tech/features in the market, cemen ng brand’s posi on as a pioneer for the new India. The launch aims to support the Indian government’s ini a ve of Azaadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav and digitally connect the target audience while enhancing produc vity.

Kaizen Leading The Way with Excellent Tech Service Support

Kaizen has proven itself as one of the leading tech support companies in India by providing best-in-class technology support to customers. Kaizen has successfully won the trust of leading tech brands which includes MSI, Crucial by Micron, Galax, ADATA, INNO3D, Nextron, Wipro, Mercury, Corsair, Cooler Master, Array Networks, Zotac, Plutus and etc. Kaizen has enabled all the brands in its por olio to leverage its exper se and create a stronger bond with the customers.

In line with making the customer support be er, Kaizen is upgrading the service offerings with addi on of WhatsApp. Also, Kaizen has built the team for its contact centers which will take the feedback from each customer on call. This ini a ve will result in delivering the service support in a be er way. Customer sa sfac on is paramount and being the market leader, Kaizen plans to take every possible step for customer delight.

Commen ng on the service upgrada on, Murali Krishnan, Director, Kaizen Infoserve said, “We at Kaizen strive to offer industry-leading tech service support

to every customer. We work with an aim to redefine the service standards and make all customers feel happy. In 2023, we have adopted a new approach to give a quick response to customers and resolve their queries as soon as possible. Our plans are very clear and we have a strong vision which will lead us to strengthen our leadership posi on in 2023.

Kaizen has been growing leaps and bounds and has garnered tremendous growth over the years. It has significantly expanded its footprints in India with an aim to reach all areas and improve the last mile connec vity. The remarkable growth achieved by Kaizen is driven from Its capabili es to offer excep onal service support experience to huge customer base across India.

“Through this launch, we aim to contribute and transform India into a digitally empowered country and a knowledgebased economy.”
PRODUCT SHELF SPOTLIGHT I 17 JANUARY 2023 www.digitalterminal.in
“We have a strong vision which will lead us to strengthen our leadership position in 2023”
Thanks Brands, Partners & Customers for Your Support !!

DT Awards 2022 Concluded Successfully as Best Tech Brands Got Honored in India

Digital Terminal, the leading tech media house has once again successfully concluded its 14th edi on of DT Awards. The event was held on 22nd December 2022 and it was live telecasted on the official YouTube channels of Digital Terminal and TechBiz TV. The virtual DT Awards show is unique and designed in a very innova ve way. Determined to concrete the associa on among brands and partners and to take the ICT market in India to another level, DT has always invested efforts in the right direc on and in the most innova ve way.

The DT Awards 2022 recorded tremendous success and garnered record-breaking viewership on YouTube. The event was brought together all leading tech brands under one roof and hosted a great show. Digital Terminal saw an irresis ble enthusiasm among IT players and the brands who were nominated for DT Award. The award ceremony was grand and gained praises from everywhere. The buzz in Indian IT market for DT Award always remains very high and this me too, the talks regarding DT Award show made it the much awaited and successful show. Ul mately, the virtual award ceremony was a BIG HIT.

Like all previous edi ons, the DT Awards 2022 also witnessed huge success. Organizing such a wonderful show is not easy and we worked really hard to keep the standards high. To maintain the credibility of DT Awards, we

have conducted market survey and partner’s feedback along with online vo ng. Along with that, market trends, market share, market growth, product quality, partner support and customers’ feedback were equally evaluated to reach to the right decision. By all means, each and every award is jus fied to the nominated category.

On the occasion, Rajeev Ranjan, Publisher and Editor, Digital Terminal said, “We are very delighted and happy to share that the 14th edi on of DT Awards has become yet another successful event. We worked really hard to make this event successful as we endeavour to contribute to boost the growth of ICT industry. The response which we have got for DT Awards 2022 is amazing. I would like to congratulate all the winners who have won and wish them more success ahead. I would also like to appreciate the never ending support from the industry and all our partners.”

While expressing the views on success of DT Awards, Jyo Janda, Execu ve Editor, Digital Terminal commented, “We are overwhelmed

with the overall response and we are very happy that we have successfully organized yet another edi on of DT Awards. I congratulate all the winners for winning DT Awards. We put huge efforts to organize such wonderful event and we feel great when we get this kind of response.”

DT Awards 2022 honored the tech brands in more than 80 categories. Dell was conferred as the winner at DT Awards 2022 and named as the Best Commercial PC Brand 2022. On the other hand, Acer was recognized as Best PC Brand in India whereas ACER PREDATOR won Best Gaming Laptop Series 2022 award. TP- was honored in two categories including Best Wireless Router Brand 2022 and Best Smart Home Camera Brand. Kaspersky was also awarded in two categories which includes Best Cybersecurity Solu on Brand 2022 and Most Trusted Cybersecurity on for Indian Customers. Crucial by Micron also won two pres gious awards, it was named as Most Popular SSD Brand in India and India’s Most ChannelFriendly Memory Brand 2022.

I JANUARY 20 2 23 2 www.digitalterminal.in BR AND COONNECT

During the speakers’ slot at DT Awards, Mr. Sanjiv Krishen, CMD, Iris Global Services said, “2022 has been a very tumultuous year for many of us there was a me when there was a shortage of equipment I.T equipment in the country people had to wait six to nine months to get laptops but 2022 has changed all that now their Surplus I.T. There are more products than demand but in reality what we are seeing is that the demand for certain products may have slowed down but overall the demand is growing very rapidly. We have found new areas where people are buying equipment people are buying Solu ons and they’re coming through a new source of channels which we are very op mis c about. I believe that 2023 will be a very good year especially because government is spending a lot of money and we should all use that opportunity to see how we can increase our business share. I would like to wish all the partners and the brand owners a very successful 2023.”

“These days it’s a very exci ng me for the Indian industry as we are seeing a lot of mileage from the Made in India op ons but that is driving a very different mind-boggling growth in the storage industry. Currently we are selling branded SSDs from HP and Acer in India and we are also involved into producing customized storage solu ons for various applica ons in the industry like automobile, medical, Electronics, and factories. My

objec ve of this talk is to make people aware that there is a big opportunity we are standing on in the next 10 to 15 years,” concluded Mr. Rajesh Khurana, Country Manager-India & SAARC, Consumer Business, BIWIN Technology.

Mr. Dinesh Kumar, Country Manager-India, GALAX commented, “I want to congratulate Digital Terminal for organizing yet another award event and bringing the brands together under one roof. This Symposium has become an opportunity for brands like us to learn and to strategize our market planning.”

Mr. Yogesh Agrawal, Director, Consistent Infosystems said, “In the storage industry, the market has moved from mechanical hard drives to flash-based storage. The major advantage of flash-based storage SSDs is that SSDs improve PC performance. Also, SSDs do not have any movable parts, so power consump on is also reduced. In addi on, SSDs reduce the boot me of the PC, which in turn saves you a lot of me.”

DT Awards 2022 Winners

Sophos won Best MDR Cybersecurity Brand 2022 as well as India’s Most Preferred Cybersecurity Brand 2022 awards which shows their leadership in the cybersecurity segment. ASUS received Best Gaming Graphics Card Brand 2022, Best Gaming Monitor Brand 2022 and Best Mesh Router Brand awards. Whereas, ASUS ROG was named as Best Gaming Motherboard Brand 2022. ESET won Best EDR Solu on for SMB & Enterprise and Fastest Growing Cybersecurity Brand in India awards. Seagate also named winner in three categories including Best HDD Brand 2022, Best Surveillance Storage Solu on Brand 2022 and Best Customer Service Excellence Brand 2022. On the other hand, GALAX received Most Advanced Graphic Card Brand and Fastest Growing Gaming Gear Brand in India awards during the show. WD_Black honored with Best SSD Brand 2022 award whereas SanDisk won Best Flash Drive Memory Brand 2022 award.

DT Awards 2022 was supported by Dell Technologies, Acer, Iris Global Services, TP-, Kaspersky, Micron, Sophos, ASUS, ESET, GALAX, TAG, ViewSonic, Optoma, MSI, D-, ADATA, Microtek, ASRock, Digisol, Cooler Master, Portronics, Uniline, Consistent, Elista, Ant Esports, Videotex, OSCOO, Blaupunkt, Secureye and Fortune Marke ng.

This grand virtual event was executed & managed by Newsdotmedia Pvt. Ltd

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Best Laptop Brand 2022 Adi Sharma on behalf of HP with winning trophy Best Memory Module Brand 2022 Nishant Mathur, Regional Sales Manager, Kingston Technology with winning trophy
I JANUARY 2023 2 www.digitalterminal.in BR AND CONNECT
DT Awards 2022 Winners
Best ERP Brand 2022 Gyanendra Chand, Senior Manager - Zonal (India) and Interna onal Marke ng, Tally Solu ons with winning trophy Best AIO PC Brand 2022 Kabir Chaudhary on behalf of Lenovo with winning trophy Best UPS Brand 2022 Ni n Arora, Senior Branch Manager, Microtek with winning trophy Best HDD Brand 2022 Neha Sinha, Assistant Marke ng Manager, South Asia, Seagate Technology with winning trophy Best Mini PC Brand 2022 Bhupendra Kumar from ECS with winning trophy Best Gaming Laptop Series 2022 Venkat, Acer with winning trophy Best Inkjet Printer Brand 2022 Pooja Gogia, Senior Manager- Marke ng Communica ons, Canon with winning trophy Best MFP Brand 2022 Adi Sharma on behalf of HP with winning trophy
JANUARY Y 20223 I w www.digittalterminall.in n BRAND CONNECT DT Awards 2022 Winners
Best LED Monitor Brand 2022 Amit Sharma, Area Sales Manager- Delhi & NCR, IT Business, ViewSonic with winning trophy Best Gaming Graphics Card Brand 2022 Anuj Kumar Jain, Channel Manager, ASUS with winning trophy Best Gaming Cabinet Brand 2022 Jitendra Singh, Channel Manager-APAC, North India, Cooler Master with winning trophy Best Gaming Monitor Brand 2022 Anuj Kumar Jain, Channel Manager, ASUS with winning trophy Best CCTV Brand 2022 Vikas Sharma, Na onal Product Manager, Secureye and Pankaj Sharma, Head of Digital Marke ng, Secureye with winning trophy Best MDR Cybersecurity Brand 2022 Naveen Kumar, Zonal Manager, Delhi/NCR, Sophos with winning trophy Best Wireless Router Brand 2022 Rajendra Mohanty, General Manager, TP-Link India and Manjeet Sharma, RSM, TP-Link with winning trophy Best Projector Brand 2022 Jagdeep Singh, Opera ons Manager – India, Asia Pacific, Optoma with winning trophy
I 23 JANUARY 2023 2 www.digitalterminal.in BR AND CONNECT
DT Awards 2022 Winners
Best Gaming Motherboard Brand 2022 Anuj Kumar Jain, Channel Manager, ASUS with winning trophy Best Cybersecurity Solu on Brand 2022 Dipesh Kaura, General Manager, Kaspersky - South Asia with winning trophy Most Popular SSD Brand in India A que Ahmed from Micron Technology with winning trophy Best Surveillance Storage Solu on Brand 2022 Neha Sinha, Assistant Marke ng Manager, South Asia, Seagate Technology with winning trophy Best Smart Home Camera Brand Rajendra Mohanty, General Manager, TP-Link India, and Bhushan Saxena, Regional Sales Manager, SMB, TP-Link with winning trophy Best Power Solu ons Company for Enterprise & SMEs Rajesh Kumar, Na onal Manager-Sales, Industrial Accounts, Uniline and Chander Shekher Masant, Ver cal Head - OEM & System Integrator, Uniline with winning trophy Best Mesh Router Brand Anuj Kumar Jain, Channel Manager, ASUS with winning trophy Best EDR Solu on for SMB & Enterprise Ajaykumar Joshi, Country Head, India and SAARC, ESET with winning trophy
JANUARY Y 20223 I w www.digittalterminall.in n BRAND CONNECT DT Awards 2022 Winners
Most Selling Indian SSD brand Ni n Bansal, Director, Consistent Infosystems and Yogesh Agrawal, Director, Consistent Infosystems with winning trophy Most Stylish & Innova ve Gaming Keyboard Kanhaiya Singh, Zonal Manager – North, Rapoo with winning trophy India’s Most Channel-Friendly Memory Brand 2022 Sanjeeo Singh, Manager – SI/VAR Channel SAARC, Micron Technology with winning trophy Most Advanced Graphic Card Brand Dinesh Kumar, Country Manager-India, GALAX with winning trophy Best Indian Gaming Accessories Brand Farhat Mumtaz, North Sales Manager – India, TAG Gamerz with winning trophy Best Gaming Memory Brand (DRAM & SSD) Sachin Sharma, Country Manager, ADATA INDIA with winning trophy Most Reliable & Durable External Drive Brand Sachin Sharma, Country Manager, ADATA INDIA with winning trophy Most Preferred Gaming Laptop Brand Akhil Singh, Logis c Manager, MSI with winning trophy
I 25 JANUARY 2023 2 www.digitalterminal.in BR AND CONNECT DT
Awards 2022 Winners
Best TWS in Budget Segment Ridhi Bha a and Abhishek on behalf of Truke with winning trophy Best Worksta on System Integrator Abhishek Rana, Sales Manager, Ant PC with winning trophy Most Innova ve Gaming Chassis Brand Vishvesh Mishra, Marke ng Manager, Ant Esports with winning trophy Fastest Growing Memory Brand in Gaming Dinesh Singh, Sales Manager-Delhi & NCR, TeamGroup with winning trophy Most Trusted Motherboard Brand Preet Singh, Community Manager, Sales & Marcom Division, Channel Solu ons Business Unit, Gigabyte with winning trophy Most Powerful SSD Product Range Nishant Mathur, Regional Sales Manager, Kingston Technology with winning trophy Most Reliable Flash Storage Manufacturer Brand Rajesh Khurana, Country Manager-India & SAARC, Consumer Business, BIWIN Technology with winning trophy Most Advanced Dual Band Wi-Fi 6 Router for Home Danish, Marke ng Manager – India, Tenda with winning trophy
JANUARY Y 20223 I w www.digittalterminall.in n BRAND CONNECT DT Awards 2022 Winners
Most Innova ve Video Door Phone Solu on Pankaj Sharma, Head of Digital Marke ng, Secureye with winning trophy Most Innova ve Laptop Bags from Recycled Material Kundan, Founder & CEO, SKRAPP with winning trophy Most Affordable Indian PC Brand Salim Khan, Country Revenue Head, RDP with winning trophy Fastest Growing SSD Brand in India Sanjay Kumar, Sales Director (India Market), OSCOO with winning trophy Most Advanced Next-Genera on FTTH Solu ons Indian Brand Saurabh Rathour, Regional Sales Manager, DIGISOL with winning trophy Best Video & Sound Quality QLED TV Ridhima Bahal, Senior Communica ons Manager, Super Plastronics Pvt Ltd with winning trophy Most Popular Printer Brand in India Anoop Dogra, Manager-Channel Sales, BROTHER with winning trophy Most Stylish & Innova ve Indian Smartwatch Brand Nishant Goel, Co-Founder, Gizmore with winning trophy
I 27 JANUARY 2023 2 www.digitalterminal.in BR AND CONNECT
DT Awards 2022 Winners
India’s Most Preferred Cybersecurity Brand 2022 Naveen Kumar, Zonal Manager, Delhi/NCR, Sophos with winning trophy Fastest Growing LED Monitor Brand in India Suman Prasad, Director - Procurement & Admin, Elista with winning trophy Fastest Growing Cybersecurity Brand in India Ajaykumar Joshi, Country Head, India and SAARC, ESET with winning trophy Best Cloud Communica on Solu ons Sumeet Pahwa, Head, Brand Marke ng & Social Media, Tata Tele Business Services with winning trophy Most Preferred Gaming Monitor Brand Ajay Kumar, Regional Sales Manager (North India), MSI with winning trophy Best Smart TV ODM in India Arjun Bajaj, Director, Videotex with winning trophy Best Product Innova on Award Puja Sharma, DGM Sales, D-Link with winning trophy Best Customer Service Excellence Brand 2022 Neha Sinha, Assistant Marke ng Manager, South Asia, Seagate Technology with winning trophy
JANUARY Y 20223 I w www.digittalterminall.in in BRAND CONNECT DT Awards 2022 Winners
Most Promising Cloud Gaming Brand Himanshu Jain, CEO, Ant Play with winning trophy Fastest Growing Gaming Gear Brand in India Dinesh Kumar, Country Manager-India, GALAX with winning trophy Fastest Growing Indian Tech Brand Ni n Bansal, Director, Consistent Infosystems and Yogesh Agrawal, Director, Consistent Infosystems with winning trophy Emerging Tech Entrepreneur of the Year Award Arjun Bajaj, Director, Videotex with winning trophy Best Indian Brand for Structured Cabling Solu on in India Saurabh Rathour, Regional Sales Manager, DIGISOL with winning trophy Best Consumer Networking Brand Puja Sharma, DGM Sales, D-Link with winning trophy Emerging Indian Gaming Peripheral Brand Ruchi Modgil, Marke ng Head, Rx Infotech with winning trophy Best PC Brand in India Venkat, Acer with winning trophy
I JANUARY 20 2 23 2 www.digitalterminal.in BR AND CONNECT
Best Budget 5G Smartphone Winner: Infinix Best Flash Drive Memory Brand 2022 Winner: SanDisk Best Mul media Speaker Brand 2022 Winner: Zebronics Best Commercial PC Brand 2022 Winner: Dell Best Gaming Headphone Brand 2022 Winner: Hyperx Best Performing Business PC Laptop 2022 Winner: Samsung Best Gaming Keyboard & Mouse Brand 2022 Winner: Logitech Best Portable Speaker Brand 2022 Winner: Portronics
DT Awards 2022 Winners DT
Most Trusted Cybersecurity Solu on for Indian Customers Dipesh Kaura, General Manager, KasperskySouth Asia with winning trophy
JANUARY Y 20223 I 30 w www.digittalterminall.in in BRAND CONNECT asdf
Best Smart TV Brand 2022 Winner: Xiaomi Best SSD Brand 2022 Winner: WD_Black Most Innova ve & Advanced Motherboard Brand Winner: Asrock Best Smartphone Brand 2022 Winner: Samsung Best Structured Cabling Brand 2022 Winner: Polycab Most Innova ve & Advanced PoE Switch Brand Winner: Netgear Best Smartwatch Brand 2022 Winner: Noise Best TWS Earbuds Brand 2022 Winner: Boat Most Preferred Data Security for SMB Winner: PROTEGENT
DT Awards 2022 Winners

Indian SSD Market on Rise: What to Expect Next

Over the past few years, the storage market has recorded tremendous growth in India. SSD segment is a fast-growing market in India and contains enormous poten al for all leading brands in this segment as they all are be ng big on innova ons while product development. According to CMR’s India Hard Drive Market Review for Q3 CY2022, the India Consumer Internal SSD market (SATA & NVMe) market shipments increased by 45% QoQ. The overall market also registered remarkable 76% growth YoY. While as per 6Wresearch, India Solid State Drive Market Size is projected to reach nearly $156 million by 2023. Presently,

India’s data storage device market is dominated by Hard Disk Drive (HDD) segment. On the contrary, the SSD segment is a niche market in India. However, the SSD market in India is poised to grow threefold over the next six years. The rapid rise in next-genera on connected devices, growing premium & high-end PC market, need for higher performance & capacity storage devices, increasing IT spending, and a growing number of data centers would proliferate the SSD market in India. It has been seen that the rise of next-gen connected devices, growth of gaming, increasing high-performance compu ng

and growing high-end PC market has played a significant role in the rapid growth of SSD market. The ever-growing use of high performance devices has proliferated the demand for SSDs across India. However, due to high prices, consumers primarily preferring low cost SSDs with 120GB and 256GB capacity. SSDs are going to witness mainstream adop on across all sectors which will fuel the overall storage market growth in India. To understand the SSDs market growth, DT spoke to the storage market leaders. Take a look.

I 31 JANUARY 2023 www.digitalterminal.in FEATURE STORY

Micron Has Always Prioritized The Growth Of Its Channel Partners

Micron being a leading storage brand has recorded exponen growth in Indian market. It has brought some of the best Storage solu ons that deliver an immersive user experience. Demand for its SSDs has swi

years and Micron is keeping the momentum high by producing consumer oriented SSDs. While speaking about the primary factors that play crucial role in the rising demand, Rajesh Gupta, Director, Country Manager-India Sales, Micron said, “Today, the world has the sleekest possible range of compu ng devices that come packed with processing power unheard of before. The rise in next genera on connected devices, the growing premium & high-end PC market, the need for higher performance & capacity storage devices, and the increasing IT spends have contributed massively to the SSD demand. The pursuit for be er storage solu on that has many advantages over the Hard Disk Drives would con nue to drive growth of solidstate drives as storage technology of choice across consumer and enterprise applica ons. SSDs offer many advantages such as er performance in terms of Read/Write speeds, reduced power consump on that ul mately improves ba ery life, higher reliability as there are no moving parts like motors in Hard disk drives and hence less risk when using laptops on the go and emerging new technologies like NVMe that make SSDs not even faster but extremely small in size. As prices of solid-state drives have

reduced significantly, more consumers are op ng for SSDs against the older spinning Hard Drives.”

Growth Opportuni es for Partners in 2023

Micron has a strong base of channel partners across India and such large partner network is catering to the ever evolving demand. In all regions, Micron is doing extremely well and its efficient channel partners have the poten al to turn out every opportunity. Pu ng across his views on the emerging opportuni es for partners to grow, Rajesh said, “Micron has always priori zed the growth of its channel partners and has worked on crea ng a conducive ecosystem for them. Aligning our systems to empower our Channel Partners has been a core prac ce. We offer a wide range of programs across the globe via our Business Partner Portal including access to streamlined marke ng development funds (MDF) monthly planning requests, access to sales and marke ng resources, relevant channel newsle er communica on, and provide early access to new product informa on.”

He added, “Given the manifold growth of SSD demand in the Indian Market, our collabora ve efforts with our Channel Partners also take a strong form with comarke ng opportuni es, lead genera on campaigns and sponsored events. On a technical basis we offer our partners accelerated solu ons op mized for applica ons and real-world tes ng at 14 customer labs. Marke ng enablement, on demand training, in person webinars and provision of technical exper se from an experienced sales network and Micron’s global customer labs are some of our key offerings.”

“In India we have a large base of storage solu ons based on old storage technology that is spinning hard disk drives because of perceived cost savings. In large datacenters this adds to significant increase in power

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in last few
Mr. Rajesh Gupta Director, Country Manager-India Sales, Micron

consump on and due to large size of Hard drives the requirement of real estate is higher besides addi onal cost of air

condi oning, servicing and manageability. Micron has excellent products namely Micron 5400 Series SSDs that are posi oned as Hard Disk replacement as the cost is almost same as similar capacity Hard drives. Such products provide channel SI/VARs an excellent opportunity to offer upgrades to customers that will improve the performance and at the same me savings due to be er power efficiency and reduced real estate requirements for their Datacenters,” further added by him.

Latest Trends in the SSD Market

Micron has been leading the market with its cu ng-edge memory innova ons that have enabled it to create a large consumer base in India. It brings unique and advanced SSDs for mee ng the performance needs of modern customers. Speaking on the latest trends, Rajesh stated, “On a fundamental level, the introduc on of 3D NAND technology in SSD has paved the path to offering increased

capacity and faster performance in a smaller physical space at a rela vely lower cost with lower power usage. The current gold standard, peripheral component interconnect express (PCIe) genera on, Gen 4, provides increased opportunity for bandwidth and compu ng efficiency. PCIe Gen 4 doubles down on transfer speed versus the Gen 3’s bandwidth (3.5 GB/s) with a whopping 7 GB/s transfer speed with 4 lanes. Designed from the ground up for a PCIe interconnect, Non-vola le memory express (NVMe) is a storage revela on and provides a more direct path to a server’s CPU than SAS or SATA drives owing to how it combines a streamlined command set with a flexible command queueing architecture that is

power consump on that drama cally extends compute me for ba ery-powered PCs.”

Adop on of SSDs in Gaming Sector

superior to SATA or SAS.”

Rajesh also added, “At Micron, we are proud to have introduced the World’s First Client SSD with 232-Layer NAND, the Micron 2550 NVMe™ SSD. It offers outstanding benchmark scores and PCIe Gen4 performance that surpasses the compe on. The Micron 2550 NVMe SSD has been designed to make everyday applica ons faster and more responsive, with its low



Micron is producing the innova ve SSDs that are made for gamers as well. Through its strong product line which is developed keeping gamers in mind, Micron is on the forefront. It has a strong grip on gaming segment and understands how gamers are preferably considering SSDs to boost their performance. “At Micron, we are proud to have introduced the World’s First Client SSD with 232-Layer NAND, the Micron 2550 NVMe™ SSD. It offers outstanding benchmark scores and PCIe Gen4 performance that surpasses the compe on. The Micron 2550 NVMe SSD has been designed to make everyday applica ons faster and more responsive, with its low power consump on that drama cally extends compute me for ba ery-powered PCs,” Rajesh concluded the discussion while talking about rising consump on of SSDs in gaming domain.

I 33 JANUARY 2023 www.digitalterminal.in
“At Micron, we are proud to have introduced the World’s First Client SSD with 232-Layer NAND”
p t
-Mr. Rajesh Gupta

“FireCuda 530 SSD Embraces Gamers To Game Confidently By Adding Intense Speeds”

Today, demand of SSDs is high and reason behind this is increasing usage of high-end PCs. Seagate is one of the leading brands in storage market with a broad por olio of products. Talking about the major factors that are fuelling the demand in India, Sameer Bha a, Director of Asia Pacific Consumer Business Group, and Country Manager for India & SAARC, Seagate Technology said, “As technology advances quickly, consoles and PCs have also become more powerful. They have added support for higher resolu ons and more detailed graphics. These higher-quality detail levels require higher-quality assets, which means the game installa on grows.”

Sameer further added, “This naturally raises the expecta ons of gamers when it comes to the gaming experience. Speed, reliability and energy efficiency are heavy-duty factors in the enjoyment of playing games. SSDs can help fulfil all these requirements and significantly improve the gaming experience. SSDs are known for fast boot-ups and short loading mes, allowing gamers to get right to gaming and racking achievements. On top of that, it offers diverse form factors, making it an excellent choice for PC builders, servers and system builders. This has undoubtedly created a demand pool for the SSD. The NAS market is another area that saw growth in SSD demand. In recent years, many businesses have moved hybrid working environment and many have started small businesses that rely on remote workforce. To enable mul ple users to be able to access the business data while making sure they stay secure, many of them turned to NAS systems for their remote access security features and endpoint device management. If you make use of SSDs that are purposebuilt for NAS, which means they cater to 24x7 NAS workload environments and built to endure mul -drive vibra on and heat, businesses can enjoy best-in-class performance and endurance for mul -user


Growth Opportuni es for Partners in 2023

As the market is growing and the demand for SSDs is consistently scaling up, the market players are expec ng the growth to be magnified mul fold in coming months. For channel partners, the opportuni are huge thus brands are working in collabora on with channel partners to boost the growth further. Commen ng on the growth opportuni es for partners in 2023, Sameer said, “Gaming is expected to keep growing. The global gaming industry revenues are expected to exceed $320 million by 2026. While India’s gaming market, which stood at $2.6 billion in 2022, is expected to reach $8.6 billion by 2027, according to ‘India Gaming Report FY 2022’ released by Lumikai.”

“With that, we expect SSDs to con nue gaining popularity from HDDs for PC, consumer and high-performance applica ons. The demand for SSDs will con nue to benefit from trends in work or home school and entertainment, such as live streaming and gaming, that have increased demand for storage drives. Recent predic ons by CMR also an cipate the consumer SSD market to expand by more than 60% YOY by end of 2022 due to greater SSD knowledge,” stated by Sameer.

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el s r.

Latest Trends in the SSD Market

Technology advancements are one of the key aspects that are helping SSD market to grow. With latest innova ons taking place, SSDs are becoming more advanced and helping the consumers to stay ahead of performance issues. Seagate has been producing industry-leading SSDs that are made to unlock the speed. Talking about the trends that are domina ng the SSD segment, , “NVMe technology accelerates SSD performance beyond the limits of legacy bus architectures like SATA and SAS. This protocol uses the PCIe interface and delivers op misa ons to li business-class storage performance to new heights. NVMe catalyses PCIe Gen4 power for unparalleled speed for gaming. The latest 3D TLC SSD NAND in the drive provides the most advanced speed and durability. As we are ge ng closer to PCle Gen5, we could expect to see it shake up the best SSD for gaming market.”

Adop on of SSDs in Gaming Sector

advancing rapidly and the demand for smooth gaming experience rising, SSDs will become increasingly common in gaming PCs and standard in the next genera on of gaming consoles. There are clear reasons for their widespread adop on.”

“Gaming with an SSD offers quicker load mes, longer life spans, greater endurance and the fastest transfer speeds on the market. For example, installing an NVMe drive like Seagate FireCuda 530 will have a no ceable impact on gaming performance. FireCuda 530 SSD embraces gamers to game confidently by adding intense speeds,

gamers can harness the full power of PCle Gen4 speed to dominate next-genera on games and applica ons. Plus, it is designed to perform under heavy use and is tough enough to go the distance with 0.7 Drive Writers per Day, which gamers can fill and delete 70% the drive capacity every day for five years. With faster read/write speeds, that will result in less latency and smoother gameplay for gamers,” concluded by Sameer.

Gaming has as one of the biggest sectors in India and are gaming as machines which are used by the hardware and for have the capability to boost the gameplay and o experience. ng on the on of SSDs in gaming sector, “With

Gaming has emerged as one of the biggest sectors in India and gamers are considering gaming as a serious profession. The gaming machines which are being used by the gamers require strong hardware and storage for flawless performance. SSDs have the capability to boost the gameplay performance and offer an unmatched gaming experience. Commen ng on the adop on of SSDs in gaming sector, Sameer said, “With technology

las ng and improve storage

las ng endurance, and large capacity to improve storage performance. With a transfer speed of up to 7,300MB/s,

I 35 JANUARY 2023 www.digitalterminal.in
“As we are getting closer to PCle Gen5, we could expect to see it shake up the best SSD for gaming market”
-Mr. Sameer Bhatia

WD Has Been A Pioneer In Integrating NVMe Technology In Both Internal & Portable SSD Portfolio

The Indian SSD market is growing exponen ally and there are mul ple factors that have fuelled the growth of this market. Demand for quality based SSDs has significantly grown in last couple of years across segments such as gaming, educa on, enterprise, entertainment and etc. It shows how this market is progressing further. Talking about the key factors that are playing pivotal role in the SSD market growth, Khalid Wani, Senior DirectorSales, India, Western Digital said, “Gaming is one important factor, which has grown the internal SSD margins, the other being PC upgrades. The demand for high performing PC is increasing and consumers are ready to shed extra on important components like SSD. There are many other factors like growing internet penetra on, increasing awareness among consumers about supreme features of SSDs which are primary reasons for this growth.”

Growth Opportuni es for Channel Partners

With the ever-increasing demand for SSDs across India, the channel partners see great opportuni es to grow. Even though the compe on is huge but the partners of WD are selling cu ng-edge SSDs that are in big demand. WD has been focusing on helping its partners in scaling up their performance and in 2023, the brand con nues to extend its support for them by bringing best-inclass products. In line with this, Khalid Wani, stated, “At Western Digital, we have an integrated channel marke ng strategy designed basis three pillars: Educa on, Reward, and Engagement. To educate our channel partners, we run consistent and robust partner programs to armor them for the changing consumer needs, market dynamics, and educa ng them on Western Digital products and solu ons. We value what the channel partners bring to our organisa on and run significant

channel reward ini a ves to reward their performance. SanDisk League of Heroes and myWD™ Partner Program are some

of our reward programs. We run different programs like TechTalk- an app-based training module for channel partners, and

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Mr. Khalid Wani, Senior Director - Sales, India, Western Digital

WhatsApp business platform to engage with channel partners to address newer opportunities emerging in the current environment. Thereby able to create demand for partners to revive and grow their business quickly. We are committed to introducing more such reward programs and initiatives in the future to empower our channel partners.”

Latest Trends in SSD Market

Western Digital continues to innovate and introduce products and solutions to make consumers’ lives convenient. They closely monitor market trends and the needs of consumers to create innovative solutions that empower them to share their world. He continued, “NVMe technology helps boost the read and write speeds of our storage devices, allowing us to do more at faster speeds and at an improved efficiency. Until recently, SSDs were based on SATA technology for data transfer which was primarily designed for HDDs. However, NVMe technology leverages the PCIe interface and delivers a significant performance boost to SSDs which in turn allows users to experience proliferated performance on their PCs. The transition from SATA to NVMe has been growing rapidly and you would see that more and more PCs are now coming with NVMe slots.”

“Western Digital has been a pioneer in integrating NVMe technology in both

internal and portable SSD portfolio. The consumer experience and evolving demands have been well catered to with NVMe based solutions and we see this only growing from here on,” added by him.

Rising Adoption of SSDs in Gaming Sector

For the past few years India’s gaming industry has grown massively and is set to reach a US$5 billion market by 2025 and along with this the PC hardware market is also witnessing growth. “Several gamers have now started using PCs for gaming instead of their mobile phones. Further, PC gamers can also choose

an enhanced version of data storage and transfer considering more graphic games are popular which require more storage for better gaming experience. Hence, SSDs have become a need for gamers to ensure a lag free loading,” Khalid said.

“Our WD_BLACK extended portfolio brings a premium experience to PC gamers. We recently introduced the WD_BLACK SN850X NVMe SSD which can provide gamers with a smooth, consistent gameplay experience and more “tuning” features via the included Game Mode 2.0 software. This powerful internal PCIe Gen4 SSD delivers breakneck read speeds of up to 7,300 MB/s. With extremely low latency and predictive loading, gamers can expect an incredible gaming experience with faster load times and richer visual experiences. Available in capacities ranging from 1TB to 4TB, the new PCIe Gen4 M.2 drive features an optional model with RGB lighting and a heatsink to help sustain peak performance when playing resource-intensive games,” concluded by him.

I 37 JANUARY 2023 www.digitalterminal.in FEATURE STORY
“Our WD_BLACK extended portfolio brings a premium experience to PC gamers”
-Mr. Khalid Wani

“We Are Increasing Our Bench Strength And Growing In Regions Across India”

The Indian IT distribution market is growing well and the distribution houses have put huge efforts in developing the market further for their brands who are on board. The never-ending efforts by distribution houses make this market more opportunistic for them and help them to take leading position. BD Software is one of the fastest growing distributors and has partnered with many leading brands in recent times to distribute their robust security solutions.

Zakir Hussain Rangwala, CEO, BD Software Distribution Pvt. Ltd. recently interacted with Rajeev Ranjan, Editor, Digital Terminal to share details about their performance, challenges, growth, future plans and more.

Rajeev: What is your plan to strengthen your distribution business across all Indian market?

Rajeev: Please share Overall Performance in Year 2022.

Zakir: Overall Performance of BD Software has been very good. We have been growing more than 40% and we hope to increase this in this quarter. Along with growth we have also increased our staff strength and partner network on existing and new regions.

Rajeev: Please share target revenue or growth percentage to achieve by end of 2022-23.

Zakir: Currently, we are seeing good market condition and the demand for all our product is quite high. With rise in digital transformation journey among Indian companies, we see huge demand in different verticals. Our offerings are best available currently in India market. We would be happy and confident to grow at 50%. This would be a realistic percentage of growth to achieve.

Zakir: We are increasing our bench strength and growing in regions across India. We are adding quality partners and we are focused on increasing partners in new territories where we do not have a presence now.

Rajeev: What all support do you expect from the brands for greater profitability & overall company growth?

Zakir: We expect our vendors to understand the $ turbulence and the impact is having on the distributors. We would prefer our vendors fixing price in India rupees, so that we are able to operate in a better way and our quotations can stay valid for a longer time.

Rajeev: What as per you is two biggest challenge for distribution business in India?

Zakir: There are multiple challenges in the distribution business that we face very often. As the market has become so competitive, sustaining in such a crowded market is very challenging. However, we are trying to overcome the challenges in short time to put all our focus on creating new growth opportunities. Among all the challenges in IT distribution segment, Quality of manpower, Partner engagement and partner education on promoting our product lines are the challenges we face currently.

JANUARY 2023 I 38 www.digitalterminal.in EXCLUSIVE INTERACTION
Mr. Zakir Hussain Rangwala, CEO, BD Software Distribution Pvt. Ltd.

Kaspersky Highlights 5 Simple But Effective Digital Habits To Improve Your Data Security

documents are now used as often as their paper originals. This raises a reasonable question - how to store electronic versions so they remain safe and do not fall into unwanted hands? You can create a folder on your computer or upload them to a password-protected cloud - but both of these options are potentially insecure and can lead to the loss of personal data.

A secure alternative would be to store documents in a password manager app. Modern password manager are capable of storing more than just passwords or banking data. Now these are full-fledged encrypted electronic storages where you can upload scans, PDFs and other important documents that you want to protect. This can also include medical records and telephone addresses, as well as any documentation or files related to work and business.

At the same time, such storage services are many times safer compared to more traditional storage locations, because they are specially encrypted, and can be decrypted only with the help of one master password, which should only be in the user’s head.

5. Learn more about child’s hobbies on the Internet with kids

January is a great time to start using healthy digital habits and you still have time to make a promise to yourself and try to follow them during the next year.

Kaspersky experts have prepared a list of simple healthy digital habits that can strengthen the safety of your personal data and even make life easier in the coming year.

1. New Year, new passwords!

Start the New Year with a real password revision. Now is the time to check and change passwords on all accounts. And remember the main rule – don’t use the same password for multiple accounts!

If you are like many people and have several online accounts, then a reliable password manager is a good help. Modern password managers have features that greatly simplify life with passwords. For example, you can use auto-fill features for different browsers and platforms. Another handy option is the automatic password generator. As a result, a password manager will help you generate unique and complex passwords for each account - and you only need to remember one master password.

2. Subscribe to notifications about account data leaks

Besides weak passwords data leaks are another threat to your personal and corporate accounts. Unfortunately, data breaches happen quite often, and it’s hard to keep track of all of them. If your account

details leak, fraudsters can use them to take over your accounts. However, you can get ahead of scammers in 2023 if you use services that scan the latest leaks and look whether they contain your data. Advanced password managers include this feature as well and quickly notify users if any of the saved logins or passwords are found in the recent data leaks.

3. Need more privacy, get a VPN!

Once a niche product for geeky users and businesses, VPNs are now a must-have for anyone who wants to stay safe and private online. Modern VPN solutions meet all user needs, for example, they are easy to use, provide high traffic speeds and keep personal data private.

Now the range of possible scenarios for using a VPN has expanded significantly. It allows to securely shop online, watch streaming services from anywhere in the world, or access local content. Modern VPN services also provide high traffic speeds and let users to watch content even in 4K without quality loss or delays.

Moreover, it hides your IP address from websites and advertisers, granting better privacy. Web-tracking can lead to unexpected consequences, for example, targeted ads can reveal the presents you bought to your family. Don’t let advertisers spoil your next celebration!

4. Transfer documents to a safe place

With the development of digital services, scans and electronic versions of

Today, children have digital devices in their hands from an early age - about five-years-old. For a child’s path to the digital world to be safe and interesting, it is important to teach and share with them the rules of online safety from childhood. To make such talks more enjoyable and interesting, parents can use games and other entertaining formats.

Another tip for the New Year is to dive deep into your kids’ online interests. For instance, parents can ask about a favorite series, or listen to music tracks together so you can both together learn some secure practices to stay safe online. There are also a range of child safety software that can help parents learn more about kids’ hobbies and help kids develop healthy digital habits from an early age.

“Privacy and security are not a result, but a process. Just like you cannot get fit or become a healthy-eating person overnight, securing your account and digital footprint also requires some dedication. However, small steps such as creating unique passwords for different accounts and using advanced tools like password managers can greatly boost your privacy while making this task much simpler. And there’s no better time to start a new, more secure digital life than in the New Year,” commented Vladislav Tushkanov, Lead Data Scientist at Kaspersky.

I 39 JANUARY 2023 www.digitalterminal.in DATA SECURITY

“Excellence Quality & Reliability Is The Brand Mantra For Zebronics From The Beginning”

The Indian IT Peripherals market is very crowded as there any many brands who are bringing wide range of products for customers. India being one of the largest markets globally, there are enormous opportuni es for the brands and their channel partners. The product demand is consistently growing in er-I, II and III ci es. Zebronics is one of the leading Indian brands and since last 25 years, the company has been serving the market with affordable and high-quality product range in all segment. Zebronics has successfully completed 25 years and in these years, the brand has been carrying the trust of customers that it has built over the years. In this line, Rajeev Ranjan, Editor, Digital Terminal exclusively interacted with Mr. Rajesh Doshi, Director & Co-Founder, Zebronics. Mr. Doshi talked about their long journey, achievements, future growth roadmap and much more. Take a look:

Rajeev: What does the 25-year anniversary mean to you?

Rajesh: We are definitely elated and thrilled as we enter our 25th Year since the incep on in 1997 and since then it has been a phenomenal roller coaster ride filled with ups & downs. The brand Zebronics, since the onset, had been orchestrated to bring products that are considered ‘Value for Money’ for which we have transcended over the years as now we bring ‘Premium for Masses’. With every challenge we have faced head-on, we have come out stronger and prospered to be “Always Ahead”. This anniversary means a lot as for the past 25 years, our brand has stood the test of me, consistently delivering high-quality products and excep onal customer service. We are proud to have earned the trust and loyalty of our customers, and we look forward to con nuing to serve them for many years to come.

Rajeev: What have been the highlights for you?

Rajesh: Zebronics was started with a vision of providing a good alterna ve to MNC

brands in the IT peripheral product segment. Now Zebronics is one of the leading brands in the IT peripherals. We launched speakers in the late 2010s, and now Zebronics is one of the biggest brands in India when it comes to speakers. We are the first Indian brand to launch Dolby Atmos soundbar and tower speaker with Dolby Audio. We started out as a brand which was known and available in the south India and now the brand is available in every nook and corner of the country along with all the leading e-comm portals. We onboarded Superstars Hrithik Roshan and Jahnvi Kapoor, whose personali es resonate quite beau fully with our brand.

Rajeev: What has driven Zebronics success?

Rajesh: Excellence Quality and Reliability (EQR) is the brand mantra for Zebronics from the beginning. We ensure that customers get products which have gone through strict quality measures and procedures that help in bringing out an efficient product that is good on build, design and func onality. Products which are backed by warranty with 128+ service centers across the na on. Visibility and availability all over the India with 50000+

direct and indirect partners. Zebronics also excels when it comes to frequently upda ng products, bringing the latest and greatest tech for the consumer, premium for the masses.

Rajeev: What do you think the next decade will bring for Zebronics?

Rajesh: In the last few years, we have had our share of challenges in terms of the pandemic, geo-poli cal tensions etc., This has paved the way for brands and OEMs alike & has made manufacturing in India, all the more impera ve. But we have also had our success stories with our range of Soundbars, Projectors, Personal Audio etc., where in we have transcended from a brand being “Value for Money” to the one that delivers “Premium for Masses”.

With the ini a on of the ‘Make in India’ and ‘AatmaNirbhar Bharat’ campaigns in the country, Zebronics has already begun its focus and has quan fied, about 80%-90% towards local manufacturing within two years, in the categories of mobile accessories, home audio, life style accessories and more, making Zebronics stay ‘Always Ahead’

JANUARY 2023 I 40 www.digitalterminal.in FACE 2 FACE
“With every challenge we have faced head-on, we have come out stronger and prospered to be “Always Ahead””
Mr. Rajesh Doshi, Director & Co-Founder, Zebronics.

Four Ways Technology Will Drive Innovation In 2023

At the turn of the decade, we witnessed a digital transformation like no other. Owing to various circumstances, the landscape transformed the way we do business, and was a turning point for accelerated adoption of technology to meet evolving customer demands. As we look towards the future, technology will continue to play a pivotal role in giving enterprises a competitive edge. Here is what will define the Indian technology landscape in 2023 and beyond.

The Indian technology sector will invent and innovate for the world

In the face of global crises, India has cemented its position as a harbinger of resilience. Digital Identity, digital applications, digitally delivered entertainment, digital payment systems, technology enabled supply chains, robust last mile network connectivity – mobile and fibre, enabled this resilience. This has cemented India’s tech prowess, as every citizen has experienced the benefits at times of extreme stress. Services were not just delivered and segmented at scale by government and non-governmental agencies, digital infrastructure enabled social innovation at a grassroots level.

This ability to leverage data to drive change, the rapid adoption of cloud has impacted almost every sector and has opened new avenues to build innovative products and services. At its core, data is enabling this change, and will see Indian tech experts apply exceptionally powerful algorithms on massive cloud infrastructure to create solutions of value.

Supported by favourable policies such as the Digital India movement, India has risen to the forefront of promoting the growth of technology, and in tandem with the government, will continue to invent and innovate in the years to come.

Data services will be key to problemsolving

We are at a historical moment in the evolution of technology. The massive availability of data, not just transactional

records, but patterns on behaviour, interaction, communication, location, consumption carry insight that can generate efficiencies, target therapeutics and social programs alike, reach the massive scale required for social engagement in a country as populous as India. The confluence of data, massive scale IT infrastructure provided by the cloud, algorthims that can act at that scale, using emerging tech such as Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning will dramatically lower the cost to make societal impact.

Technology has evolved, where the expertise required to apply and adopt technology is shrinking. Examples are emerging – open source technologies like Copilot are just the start. Experts across fields can leverage technology, be data-driven, without having to be experts in managing data themselves. Data, and the insights that it provides can be a powerful tool to identify, assess, and solve business challenges in real-time. As we move forward, we will see an increased dependency on data as a problem solver and means to reduce inefficiencies and redundancies to improve user/ customer experience.

Hyper-personalised customer experience will be a game changer

What we have seen so far, is the massive reach, and scale that technology enables so efficiently. Domain experts in fields such as health, sociology, economics, politics, business, finance, education, will be able to correlate machine curated data to deliver hyper-personalised experiences. Deliver services, customer satisfaction, at the district, community and individual level. Witness the number of platforms developing AI based tutoring.

Sustainability will drive cloud adoption

Over the years, companies have acknowledged that environmental, social, and governance (ESG) management has a defining role in its operations. At a time when the world is going through a climate crisis, the challenges we face require

everyone to be a part of the solution. ESG is moving beyond the press release and the headline, firms are embracing sustainability goals, sustainability is part of the technology roadmap, and increasingly the product feature set. Carbon footprint is being put on equal footing with price, performance, and user experience.

Unified control planes that provide observability, and deliver a simple experience across hybrid multiclouds, are just one example of technology that can drive sustainability. These provide consumption dashboards that allow businesses to make intelligent decisions on operating the platforms that drive innovation.

The future will be defined by our approach towards the use of data and technology. How we create opportunities, solve challenges, and work towards building future-proof business models will be seen in our ability to innovate with data. We have already proven our mettle and have earned our place on the global technology map. Over the next few years - as more industries and services become techenabled, we will continue to be driven by a sense of purpose and work towards building a digitally driven world.

I 41 JANUARY 2023 www.digitalterminal.in OPINION
Authored by Ravi Chhabria, Managing Director, NetApp India

Elista Announced Its Foray Into UAE Market

Elista announced expanding its opera ons outside India. Aligned with its vision to ‘Make in India’ for the world, Elista has kickstarted its opera ons in UAE and is mulling an entry into other key markets in the CIS and MENA region by next year. For this ambi ous expansion plan, Elista will be inves ng Rs 350 crore in a phased manner ll 2025. The company expects to clock revenue of Rs 1,500 crore by 2025 from both Indian and Interna onal opera ons. In line with its global expansion plans, the company is also hoping to clock addi onal Rs 500 crore in revenue from Interna onal markets, including UAE, CIS and MENA regions, by 2025.

FUJIFILM India Presents Its Advanced Products at Consumer Electronic Imaging Fair 2023

FUJIFILM India exhibits its technologically advanced products at the Consumer Electronic Imaging Fair (CEIF) 2023. CEIF is one of the largest Imaging exhibi ons across the World which is witnessing par cipa on and representa on from top global brands in the field of imaging and photography.

FUJIFILM India has a wide range of Imaging solu ons, and it has posi oned itself as one of the few manufacturers in the world which has created total solu ons that can support professionals and businesses with end-to-end solu ons.

Vertiv Appoints Giordano Albertazzi As New Company CEO

BPE Successfully Installed Its UPS At MOPA Airport In Goa

BPE (Best Power Equipments) announced the uninterrupted power supply at MOPA Airport, Goa. The total mul ple UPS capacity supplied is upto 500kVA. Most of the UPS are working in parallel redundancy which includes a centralized monitoring system. BPE has been considered for this project a er various technical evalua ons and documenta on, BPE provides cri cal power products to various Indian and interna onal airports like Singapore.

Futopia Announced Partnership with BLS International

Futopia Global Pvt. Ltd. is pleased to join hands with BLS Interna onal, an Indian homegrown company. The signed agreement between the two ensures the distribu on of advanced and world-class IT & IoT products over the length and breadth of India. Futopia Global manufactures laptops, smart wearables, tablets, accessories, smart bulbs, and emergency bulbs for sale in India and export to other parts of the world. The significant channel base and territorial reach of BLS will assist Futopia to pave its way in the rural part of India. The brand plans to grow exponen ally amongst the locals in associa on with BLS.

Ver v announces Giordano Albertazzi as new appointed company CEO and the Board of Directors. As CEO, Albertazzi will aim to increase Ver v’s relentless customer focus as it addresses the infrastructure and business needs of the data centre, communica on networks and industrial applica ons. Ver v announced its CEO succession plan in October 2022 and since then Albertazzi assumed the role of Chief Opera ng Officer, working closely with former CEO Rob Johnson, ensuring a seamless transi on.

JANUARY 2023 I 42 www.digitalterminal.in NEWS BYTE

Tribhuwan Joshi Joins ASUS India as Corporate Communications, PR & CSR, Consumer & ROG PC Business Head

ASUS announced the appointment of Tribhuwan

Joshi as Lead – Corporate Communica ons, PR and CSR, Consumer and ROG PC Business, ASUS India. He will oversee communica ons and brand reputa on prac ce for ASUS’ consumer, lifestyle, and gaming device segments in the Indian market. Tribhuwan will be driving Integrated Communica ons Strategy, Reputa on Management, Brand Communica ons CSR Ini a ves, Influencer & KOL Management for corporate & consumer campaigns, and drive market-specific campaigns for ASUS India. He has over 15 years of cross-func onal experience across corporate and agencies. He has looked a er communica ons strategy for some renowned organiza ons including Fujifilm India, HTC India, Panasonic India, Anchor by Panasonic, MSL Group India, and Team Orange PR.


Launches Psychometric Test to Find Visionary Thinkers

ESET announces the launch of the Progress Personas psychometric test, developed in partnership with The Myers-Briggs Company, a pioneer in personality and professional development assessments. The test is designed for the curious and inquisi ve, with the ques onnaire allowing individuals to iden fy where they fit on the scale of visionary thinkers. The Progress Personas test is designed to understand what makes people ck, innovate, and push society forward. A er responding to a series of short ques ons, individuals will be provided with a bespoke report outlining the likely strengths and weaknesses of their forward-thinking personali es. The reports detail the specific innova ve persona type they fall into, including The Changemaker, Flex Fury, Authen c Dynamo, Power Pro, Firestarter, Captain Conven onal, Doctor Constant, The Chameleon, or The Inventor.

Canon Showcases Its Industry Leading Innovations At

‘Consumer Electronic Imaging Fair’ 2023

Canon India Pvt. Ltd showcased its robust range of products across segments at the World’s largest, ‘Consumer Electronic and Imaging Fair’. Organized by ‘All India Photography Trade and Industry Associa on’, the interac ve pla orm is taking place in the form of a mega threeday event at the Jio World Conven on Centre from the 5th-7th of January 2023. Targeted at professionals, enthusiasts, filmmakers, students, and educators in the field of photography and videography, the exhibi on provides Canon with an ideal pla orm to display its technological supremacy.

Gigabyte Rolls Out PerfDrive Technology On Intel Platform

GIGABYTE TECHNOLOGY Co. Ltd revealed the new PerfDrive technology on the Intel® 700 series pla orm, which Integrates mul ple GIGABYTE exclusive BIOS se ngs to allow users easily balance between different levels of performance, power consump on, and temperature according to their needs when using 13th gen Intel® Core™ processors including i9-13900K CPU. In addi on to the former released Instant 6GHz, GIGABYTE PerfDrive technology also integrates newly developed BIOS se ngs of Op miza on and Spec Enhance. Collabora ng with the exis ng GCC (GIGABYTE Control Center) so ware pla orm and GIGABYTE Ultra Durable design, GIGABYTE brings the most powerful 700 series pla orm with perfectly tuned motherboards in hardware, so ware, and firmware.

I 43 JANUARY 2023 www.digitalterminal.in NEWS BYTE

Rashi Peripherals Conferred with Four Prestigious Awards from HP

Rashi Peripherals Limited won four prestigious awards from HP. The Company was conferred awards for its outstanding performance in the growth of HP’s consumer and commercial PC business in FY 2022.

Commenting on the recognition, Mr. Rajesh Goenka, CEO of Rashi Peripherals said, “We are honored received four major accolades for our contribution to HP’s astonishing success in India. This recognition is the reflection of our constant endeavor to tap new growth and expansion opportunities for the consumer and commercial PC business in the country. We have the most comprehensive and

robust distribution network. We intend to leverage our market presence, reach and domain expertise to offer valueadded support to HP to increase PC penetration in India.”

Hybrid work culture, and virtual learning, clubbed with an increase in the entertainment and gaming market, is expected to drive the demand for PCs and computer hardware/accessories in 2023. Rashi Peripherals intends to capitalize on these market opportunities and tap unexplored areas of business through its innovative marketing campaigns and channel engagement programs.

TechnoBind Partners with DocuSign to Offer ESignature Technology in India

TechnoBind announced their partnership with DocuSign, a leader and pioneer of e-signature technology, with a mission to accelerate business and simplify life for companies and people around the world.

TechnoBind has always focused on understanding the technology gap in the ecosystem to identify the market opportunity. With the Digital India initiative of the government, now solidly in place, we are seeing significant adoption of technology in multiple areas. Digital documentation is one such area where we are seeing a lot of interest from customers and for this eSignature is a critical cog and that is where we see the market opportunity

for our partners. While there have been early adopters, the opportunity ahead is enormous. Cost, perception of security, and ease of utilizing the technology are just a few reasons for hesitation in adopting eSignature technology.

“We are excited about our partnership with DocuSign - the leader in this space. Our collaboration with DocuSign will help partners leverage the market opportunity available in plenty in India’s journey of Digitisation. DocuSign’s expert offerings that made Gartner name them Leader for Contract Lifecycle Management makes us confident that we will be in a good position to add value to our partners,” said Prashanth GJ, CEO at TechnoBind Solutions.

CHANNEL FOCUS JANUARY 2023 I 44 www.digitalterminal.in

Foundation Helps Tribal Communities with Clean Water and Renewable

Redington Foundation Helps Tribal Communities with Clean Drinking Water and Renewable Energy

As a part of its CSR initiative, Redington Foundation, has designed and implemented CSR Projects through DHAN Foundation, to renovate and restore the water bodies, mitigate the risk of climate change through helping rural communities replace fossil fuel with biofuel and sensitize the rural populace on rainwater harvesting.

In Kalvarayan Hills, around 60 percent of families had access to safe drinking water while about 25 -30 percent did not have access to a safe water supply. Under the initiative to restore water bodies, Redington has renovated and restored six village ponds, 28 community wells and constructed six Rainwater Harvesting

structures at six schools, benefitting 40 villages across Kalvarayan and Jawadhu Hills in Tamil Nadu.

In both Kalvarayan and Jawadhu Hills, though more than 80% of Villages are electrified only 75% of households have electricity connection. As part of its initiative to provide renewable energy solutions, Redington has provided solar kits to 600 tribal families

of Kalvarayan hills and Jawadhu Hills, to address the issue of acute power shortage faced by the residents of the area.

Iris Waves Installed Daksh Fire Safety System at ATS Pristine and Happy Trail Projects

Iris Waves has recently delivered ATS Pristine and Happy Trail Projects at Greater Noida installing Fire Safety Systems. Delivering at the ATS Pristine project, Iris Waves installed Daksh Fire Safety systems worth 85 Lacs. While at the ATS HappyTrail projects that spans from a Ground + 26 floors x 4 towers infrastructure, Iris Waves installed Daksh Fire Safety system worth Rs 2.43 Crores comprising Fire Panels, Smoke, Heat Detectors along with complete Public Address PA Modules.

In another bid - Iris Waves has also delivered CNHI (a part of the automotive body of New Holland Tractor) installing

HikVision Video Surveillance Solution, spanning 260 Nos x 2 MP cameras, Motorized cameras and NVRs that allows 24/7 backup over the cloud. The installation is being run and maintained by Iris Waves. Iris is adding new products from time to time to a tune. An amount of Rs 25 Lac has already being invested on new add ones.

“Iris Waves believes in helping eradicate business pain by using cutting edge technologies and crafting an end to end solution” said Mr Himanshu Chawla, CEO and Technology Evangelist at Iris Waves.

CHANNEL FOCUS I 45 JANUARY 2023 www.digitalterminal.in


Pixel BT Speaker

Portronics launches new Pixel – 8W Portable BT Speaker to offer hasslefree music experience. Portronics Pixel will make your every occasion memorable. Complete with 32 LED Pixel Light Animations, this portable speaker can spice up any dance floor with its powerful 8-Watt performance. Pair it wirelessly with your phone or tablet over Bluetooth or simply plug in a USB pen drive or a micro SD card loaded with music playlists and Pixel is instantly ready for any action. Moreover, thanks to the 2400mAh Lithium Battery that offers upto 6-hour battery life your entertainment is ensured right from start of the evening to chatting session after dinner.

OnePlus TV 55 Y1S Pro

OnePlus announced the launch of the latest OnePlus TV 55 Y1S Pro. The all-new OnePlus TV 55 Y1S Pro is the latest addition to the brand’s line-up under the Y Series TVs segment. Equipped with an attractive, bigger 138 cm 4K display, the OnePlus TV 55 Y1S Pro is packed with a host of smart features, while

offering an attractive design. The new smart TV variant will be available at an attractive price point of INR 39,999 on OnePlus.in, Amazon.in, Flipkart as well as OnePlus Experience Stores and all major offline partner stores. Powered by Android TV 10.0, the OnePlus TV 55 Y1S Pro is packed with incredible features which include a 4K UHD Display with 1 billion Colors offering an excellent visual experience while sporting OnePlus’s signature bezel-less design. Equipped with full-range speakers of up to 24W output, the OnePlus TV 55 Y1S Pro ensures a well-balanced sound profile for a complete cinematic audio experience.

Canon Cable ID Printers

Canon India announced the launch of the MK5000 and MK3000, two Cable ID printers designed to create durable cable labels suitable for IT data centres and the renovation industry. In line with the increasing demand for mobility during on-site printing, the printers can now be powered by commercially available nickel-cadmium hydride (Ni-MH) type of batteries. Canon’s MK5000 and MK3000 can produce up

U&I ‘My Bolt’ Smartwatch

U&i introduces the latest wearable in the smartwatch segment in three strap variants–Black, Brown and Dark Brown. The My Bolt Series features rich health and fitness characteristics and is built around a waterproof premium alloy casing. The U&i My Bolt Series Smartwatch is an astounding fitness wearable. It’s crafted with outstanding aesthetics and embedded with smart features for everyone. Designed with a gorgeous round dial, made using premium alloy, and complemented by skinfriendly leather straps, the My Bolt is developed for the generation Z who deals with an active lifestyle throughout the day. The all new U&i My Bolt Series Smartwatches are available in the market at an MRP of INR 4,999 backed with a 6 months warranty.


FUTOPIA launched brand-new ULTIMUS, a Make-in-India consumer laptop series that starts at an affordable price of 17,990 only. The all-new ULTIMUS laptops are equipped with impressive features that redefine the ethos of voguish laptops. Offering an impressive range of laptops in 14.1 and 15.6 sizes with FHD display, ULTIMUS offers a wide array of features like all-day battery life, Windows 11 OS, seamless connectivity including an RJ45 port for Data security, FHD display, dual-band wi- support, captivating stereo speakers, dedicated numeric keypad, built-in 2.0 Mega Pixel webcam with dual-mic, 1-year onsite warranty, and lightning-fast SSD storage along with a thin & light form factor.

to 55 and 35 sleeves per minute with fine line support up to 300 dpi resolution. The MK5000 and MK3000 printers offer convenience with a quality finish, and support automatic cutting of print media with adjustable depths and cutting speed.

JANUARY 2023 I 46 www.digitalterminal.in
n w w a

Elista LED Monitor

Elista announced the launch of a new LED monitor series in India. The ELS V22HD, ELS V21HD and ELS V1900HD are thoughtfully designed for modern-day users who are looking for functionality and convenience at the same time. The new range is available in 21.5 Inch, 20 Inch and 18.5 Inch screen sizes to cater to the different requirements of the consumers, and the price starts from Rs 7,999. Elista’s new range of monitors features an incredible, high-resolution and high-dynamic contrast ratio of 500000:1 with premium build and is thus an ideal choice for power users. Like the earlier monitors from Elista, this range also has an attractive appearance and strong construction.


Series Graphics Cards

GIGABYTE TECHNOLOGY Co. Ltd announced the new AMD Radeon™ RX 7900 Series graphics cards powered by the high-performance, energy-efficient AMD RDNA™ 3 architecture – the AORUS Radeon RX 7900 XTX ELITE 24G, Radeon RX 7900 XTX GAMING OC 24G, Radeon RX 7900 XTX 24G, Radeon RX 7900 XT GAMING OC 20G and Radeon RX 7900 XT 20G graphics cards. The new graphics cards are the world’s first gaming graphics cards to feature an advanced AMD chiplet design, delivering exceptional performance and superb energy efficiency to power highframerate 4K and higher resolution gaming in the most demanding titles.

Gizmore GizFit PLASMA Smartwatch

Gizmore launched a power-packed smartwatch, GizFit PLASMA. It is the first smartwatch in the category to feature a big 1.9-inch super bright mega screen display, built-in GPS Trajectory on application, multifunctional crown, and quick wireless charging. The price of GizFit Plasma is Rs 1,999/-. GizFit PLASMA allows users to get healthier and improve their fitness without compromising on the style quotient. The smartwatch has a 1.9-inch Ultra-Sharp 2.5D display that delivers crystal-clear images. It offers excellent sunlight legibility with 240x280 pixel resolution and 550 NITS brightness. To suit the needs of all users, the GizFit PLASMA provides an option to choose from multiple watchfaces.

Zebronics Zed Iconic Lite Smartwatch

Zebronics has introduced a new gadget in the fleet of Smartwatches – Zeb Iconic Lite. The Zeb-Iconic Lite sports a vibrant 1.78” AMOLED display that sits nicely on a metal body, has a 2.5D curved screen for a great viewing experience under almost any condition. It supports the always-on display feature and the interactive interface with dual menu UI is fluid to operate with 11 watch faces that are customizable and 100+ on the app. With an IP67 waterproofing rating, the Zeb-Iconic Lite is a perfect gadget towards any fitness activities – indoor or outdoor that would be amongst the 100+ sports modes in-built.

Truke BTG X1 Gaming Earbuds

Truke launched its state-of-the-art Wireless BTG X1. The BTG (Born To Game) earbuds will be available at a regular price of INR 1499 on several marketplaces like Amazon and Flipkart, Croma etc. BTG X1 delivers the ultimate gaming experience through its True Gaming Mode which offers the Best-In-Class Ultra Low Latency of up to 40ms. To tune into those long gaming and music-listening sessions, BTG X1 offers an unparalleled total playtime of up to 48 hours including 10 hours of playtime on a single charge. The True Wireless Half-in-Ear earbuds are embedded with a Quad-Mic ENC and comes with a 20RGB Gaming Characterized Case Design.

I 47 JANUARY 2023 www.digitalterminal.in NEW ARRIVALS
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