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Southkings: A Ride for a Cause


Written by Mdpn. Bryan L. Holzknecht Illustration by Mdpn. Vincent Jay A. Vigo

Members of the group while taking a pose after giving Melvin, a child suffering from Lupus his favorite fried chicken. Photos courtesy to Jovenel Magno When making an uphill climb, don’t take a backward step. So goes a Chinese proverb. The Antique Southkings Sniper Club 150i did just that. The humble beginnings of this club is worth recalling. It started from then team Antique 150i organized from the central part of the province. In the first year of existence last 2018, the group membership grew at a slower pace like a kid learning to stand and step on its own. Then with a legit member from the southern part, now the Area Officer (AO) Romeo Adrianne Paparon, it started to walk little by little until it grew into about 40 members in less than six months with new interested recruits from the southern part of the province alone. Brought by other noble objectives, team Antique was divided into two chapters for better existence, yet still valuing one province, one ideology as YSMX Club 150i. It stands on its own as a distinct team covering Laua-an to Aniniy since October 19, 2020. As of November 25, 2020, it has 20 aspirants or new recruits and 58 Official Members (OMs are the ones who passed the ride and meeting requirements).

Gas up for Charity Works

Charity ride. This is one of the vroom moves being looked into by any motor rider. For the months of October to November 2020, the team has conducted four charitable works. These include giving financial and foodpacks last September 20, 2020 to James Marvin Duaman, a child suffering from lupus living with his father alone and other siblings.

“I am thankful to your team because you have responded the soonest time since we have posted online about the condition of the Marvin,” said Hon. Betty Pillado, Punong Barangay, Mojon, Sibalom, Antique. The team after two weeks went back to the kid’s father to hand over another financial aid for the medication and other medical needs of the kid. Another charity ride was handling over financial assistance last October 29th this year to the mother of baby Matthew Isaiah Prado, a month old baby who was suffering from Necrotizing Fasciitis, a flesh eating disease. The mother in teary-eye thank the team through Sir Tommy Lapor, the AAO of the team. The team once conducted its regular meeting in the southernmost part of the province (Aniniy) and on its way back home, it passed through one of the legit members, Jebred Laxinto who was suffering from an illness affecting his back and leg parts. The team chipped in for the medicine of Laxinto and give extra money for him to see the doctor for medical check-up on the following days.

Beep beep for Education

Long before the Southkings regrouped out from mother Team Antique, many of its members have involved in the so-called “adapt-a-child” program of Col. Ruperto Abellon National School in Guisijan, Lauaan, Antique under the brigada eskwela innovation of the school. In adapt-a-child program, a legit club 150i member chooses a poor but deserving student and shoulders his or her miscellaneous fees and some even paid the lodging and uniforms of the student-beneficiary.

“Seldom could you see a certain group of motorcycle riders whose passion to help is superb. Perhaps because they understand the value of education that is why Club 150i is very genuine in its objective which is aside from a responsible riding team on the road, they extend quality effort for the welfare of the community. Thanks to Sir Jovenel Magno and Felix Noble, our teachers from this school and members of the 150i for facilitating this noble partnership. I laud this group so much,” said Marlene Cortejo, Principal II of CRANS


YAMAHA SNIPER MX Club 150i is a non-stock, non-profit corporation exclusively composed of a group of motorcycle enthusiasts throughout the Philippines who owns such motorcycle brand. For Antique Southkings, you need to comply a number of rides and meetings to become a legit member or OM. A certificate and ceremonial turning over of the vest highlight the legitimacy of the rider to the club. Having not complied yet, one has to be considered an aspirant only.

You may visit also their facebook page Solid South Kings, or you may like the Yamaha Sniper MX Club 150i – Panay Kings Group and CLUB 150i: PHOTO PAGE to see how the club prospers and becomes instrument in making a better humanity.

Antique Southkings Club 150i is just a chapter of the gigantic YSMX Club 150i which is registered in the Securities and Exchange Commission, number CN201609458 with the following statements:


To be one of the riding groups in the Philippines that has quality members where: a. Respect in the public highways among riders is a great value; b. Support to the different local and national programs of the government in relation to the riding community will be given importance c. Traffic rules are followed and understood for the safety of every rider, and d. Aside from rides and eyeballs, different charity works will be done for the needy, for the environment and for the riding community


To unify and promote the brotherhood from the different island in the Philippines through Yamaha Sniper MX 150i motorcycle brand with quality, responsible and respectful members from all walks of life.

Some of the donations and benefactors of the group, Baby Matthew after he survived his operation (left side) and Marvin suffering from Lupus (right side).

In this time of pandemic, the team has various innovations on how to extend evident services that will effectively help bridge the gap between face-to-face and modular/online teaching. Having the club members who are teachers, the team hopes to lessen the burdens of the kids in the new set up of learning.

Headlights for Brighter Road

Antique Southkings 150i had taken steps on how to strengthen its own existence. “We cannot give what we don’t have and what we have that we are proud of is our health,” simply said Paparon. This implies that the team has to safeguard its growth, its resources and its members. Having members from the medical profession, Paparon assures that each member is taken cared of as to their health, that one is gently reminded, monitored and checked regularly especially in this trying times of pandemic. “My role being in the medical field is to be available all the time in case any member will need medical help once confined in the hospital. I also have to remind them to prioritize their health above all else. I am a lady rider and I know I have my role also to be a motherly, sisterly, frenny ally to all of my teammates,” said Heaven Gutierrez. Presently, the team came up with a plan and agreed by them to open a savings account out from their agreed monthly savings contribution of P100.00. Only the AO and Treasurer of the club can withdraw the money to be used for emergency cases only, to be used during official ride should needed, or for expenses during special gatherings like Christmas Party or Anniversary.

“Honestly, the initial plan for our contribution is to buy first aid kit that we will be bringing every time we have official ride. Aside from the first aid kit and center box to be a container for important stuff during the rides, we will be purchasing additional communication 2-way radio to be used during the rides. But the members are so generous. Sir Reggie Nacepo donated an amount to buy communication radio augmented by Mr. Magno. For our monthly contribution, no one is allowed to borrow the money for personal use,” said Lapor.

Gear Up For Safety

During the rides, the administrator takes the role of reminding each rider to gear up and observe no gear no ride policy. Aside from the gears, wearing of helmet, shoes, official shirt and club vest are expected to ornament a rider before pressing the starter button of his snipeyking. Regular reminder as to hand signals, light signs and other safety precautions while on the road is an integral part of education in the club. Fingers crossed. Eyes closed and a moment of silence for a prayer starts up and ends up the rides and official meetings.

”Prank and Scam versus Sana all”

Funny. It has always been considered a “scam or prank” or termed as “inside job” if one would say, let us meet for bonding and have some food but no hard drinks. Customary perhaps that bonding is not complete without sharing stories, loud laughter, epic fails from one another over bottles of beer and shot glass.

“Sometimes we dont have anything to offer, but when we gather all spared cash from our pockets the tables can be flooded with foods and drinks. It’s a legit scam tha we cannot put something on the table but it’s a whole another story when it comes to drinks. Everybody is ready to offer all out for alcohol and midnight blues,” mentioned OM Giddy Gatila. Yet, it is overwhelming and heart touching to note that with members from almost every town from the central part of Antique going southern, a member fears non once get engine trouble or alike since a friend, a brother/sister is just call away for the rescue, not to mention, you will be accommodated as a new member of the family, indeed, sana all.

“Before i sleep and after i wake up, it’s already a part of my routine to check for updates about our group. I consider them family. I was inspired as i realize how we can get along even if we grew up from different places and styles. There are no problems left unsolved if we are together. Sometimes with too much happiness we cry, i felt that. I found a group of individuals where i belong and be myself,” revealed OM John Balena.

“Full of laughter, joy and fun, aside from the bounty of food, you can hear a lot of insights, from education to women, to life, even spareparts of motorbike and tiktok fun but what matters the most is the love radiating among the members,” added OM Wilan Arevalo.

“As a member if you don’t have any contribution, just speak up because there are those who voluntarily help. Even if someone has no fuel, it is automatic that other members will extend help straight off from their pockets with no hesitations. No faking, no backstabbing, everything is on point and transparent, no secret group chats for personal intentions, and I must admit, I’m really amazed by this group,” said OM Thea Panaguiton. Meanwhile, Antique public leaders also showed their support and confidence to the programs and services of the club and even gained the respect of public figures from the Vice Governor, Board Members and Mayors by sending their messages, tarpaulins and alike during anniversaries and other activities.

Quality not Quantity

The club has a motto “Quality not Quantity” as it upholds having responsible, cooperative and self-reliant members. There is an initiation process that one has to undergo and just simply to enter into the club without complying the requirements. It doesn’t intend to recruit more just to compete with other riding teams in number, but it remains steadfast in embracing beauty in diversity among those interested but possess characters of leadership, diplomacy, discipline and integrity. Antique Southkings Club 150i continues to bloom, improve its organizational set-up and provides self-sustaining mechanisms and platforms to become effective extension arm of Panay Kings Club 150i and of the national center. All that remains now is for each and every member of the cub to stay genuine and support one another to guard against any effort to undermine or negate the reasons why Antique Southkings was established. For once, it has dreamt to grow in its humble way, and made its dream come true. Now, it is ready to aspire bigger dreams. With the support of higher officials taking care the club, and with the strong bond among the club members, Antique Southkings 150i will surely make those dreams come into reality. Soar high, Club 150i.

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