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Southkings: A Ride for a Cause Written by Mdpn. Bryan L. Holzknecht Illustration by Mdpn. Vincent Jay A. Vigo


hen making an uphill climb, don’t take a backward step. So goes a Chinese proverb. The Antique Southkings Sniper Club 150i did just that. The humble beginnings of this club is worth recalling. It started from then team Antique 150i organized from the central part of the province. In the first year of existence last 2018, the group membership grew at a slower pace like a kid learning to stand and step on its own. Then with a legit member from the southern part, now the Area Officer (AO) Romeo Adrianne Paparon, it started to walk little by little until it grew into about 40 members in less than six months with new interested recruits from the southern part of the province alone. Brought by other noble objectives, team Antique was divided into two chapters for better existence, yet still valuing one province, one ideology as YSMX Club 150i. It stands on its own as a distinct team covering Laua-an to Aniniy since October 19, 2020. As of November 25, 2020, it has 20 aspirants or new recruits and 58 Official Members (OMs are the ones who passed the ride and meeting requirements).

Members of the group while taking a pose after giving Melvin, a child suffering from Lupus his favorite fried chicken. Photos courtesy to Jovenel Magno


Gas up for Charity Works Charity ride. This is one of the vroom moves being looked into by any motor rider. For the months of October to November 2020, the team has conducted four charitable works. These include giving financial and foodpacks last September 20, 2020 to James Marvin Duaman, a child suffering from lupus living with his father alone and other siblings.

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