Nafs November 2020

Page 50


Peter Kim Korea Global Service is dedicated to the shipownwer It has been recently informed among some Greek ship managers that there is a ship maintenance service company in Korea who is capable of handling various jobs and can rectify very complicated troubles through competent engineers. The performances of this Korean service company become to be known to many Greek ship owners and managers. The company is Korea Global Service (KGS), which is located in Ulsan Korea where are two big shipyards, Hyundai Heavy Industries (HHI) and Hyundai Mipo Drydocks (HMD). Due to COVID-19 Pandemic, this interview with CEO of KGS was conducted by email but it was a good opportunity to introduce a qualified Korean ship’s maintenance service company to Greek ship owners and managers. KGS has been working with PSB & Co. SA (PSB) from early 2020 to develop Greek market, and there are increase of inquiries & orders from Greek ship managers for various maintenance services as both KGS and PSB are effectively doing co-marketing in Greece up to now. The CEO of PSB, Mr. Gregory Papadakis, has confidence that ship managers will quite satisfy with ‘One Stop Total Service’ whichever they are being serviced by KGS maintenance system.

50 NAFS | November 2020

NAFS: Would you introduce KGS company? P.K.: KGS was inaugurated to aim for supporting ship managers by providing well qualified and fully diversified maintenance. Utilizing shipbuilding infrastructure in Korea, KGS could furnish the better quality service of ME type engine, MC type engine, 4 stroke engine, 6600V high voltage switchboard, engine control system and many Korean equipment. Management of KGS have work experience of warranty service more than 20 years and can deal with any kind of troubles in prompt and suitable manner. KGS presently works with 5 local partners in Greece, Germany, Singapore, UAE and India, and expects steady growths of local business through collaboration of each local partner.

NAFS: What is the reason for establishing KGS? P.K.: When Mr. Peter Kim, who is CEO of KGS now, was working in HHI warranty service, there had been lots of demands for one official channel which controls all kinds of ship’s warranty service while a ship is in guarantee period. Upon leaving HHI in 2016, Mr. Peter Kim called some of ex-Hyundai members who have ample knowledge and experience of warranty, engine, design & electric commissioning. Based on KGS database of 40,000 ships world-wide, service proposals for supporting ship managers in preparing regular dry-docking maintenance are submitted to the relevant ship managers at least 6 months earlier. KGS drydock service proposal contains many kinds of services, but KGS continuously develops newly required services to build ‘ONE STOP TOTAL SERVICE’ for KGS customers.

NAFS: Which advantage can be expected from KGS service? P.K.: Most of KGS engineers have work experience in the original makers more than 15 years, and all works are to be done as per KGS quality standard. Whenever KGS service team put into work, safety comes first and then quality follows all the time. All inquiries of service are managed by

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