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Searcher completes 3D survey offshore Namibia
boundaries of block PEL 85 – a substantial area within the Orange Basin’s most prospective acreage and ‘perhaps today’s most exciting exploration arena on Earth’, said Searcher. Fast-track data has already yielded invaluable insights into geological features and hydrocarbon prospectivity, significantly reducing risk and uncertainty, the company added.
to image and delineate the reservoir geology of the Kudu gas field, along with other potential plays within the survey area.
The offshore region of Namibia has garnered significant attention due to recent deepwater discoveries, thick sedimentary sequences, favourable structural elements and the presence of prolific source rocks of the Orange Basin.
Searcher, Shearwater and NAMCOR have completed a multi-phase, multi-client 3D seismic acquisition campaign in the Namibian Orange Basin.
In Phase 1, Searcher acquired 1700 km2 of 3D seismic data within the
‘We have been astonished by the quality of the Phase 1 imaging even on the early data volumes, allowing us to derisk reservoir, source and multiple traps already,’ said Neil Hodgson vice-president of geoscience.
Phase 2 required Searcher to mobilise the vessel Shearwater Empress over block PEL 3 to acquire 5000 km2 of 3D seismic data. Phase 2 was designed and executed data is available with final products to be completed by Q4 2023.
Searcher has acquired more than 6700 km2 of 3D seismic data in Namibia during the 2022-2023 season, representing the largest multi-client 3D offering in the Orange Basin. Insights from the datasets range from regional-scale understanding, prospect derisking and field development imaging.