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TGS, PGS and SLB expand 3D coverage offshore Malaysia
TGS, PGS and SLB have signed a multi-client reprocessing agreement to expand multi-client 3D coverage in the prospective Sarawak province offshore Malaysia. This will be achieved by reprocessing legacy datasets with Petronas Malaysia Petroleum Management’s (MPM) approval to complement and merge with newly acquired phases.
The reprocessing addendum enhances a multi-year contract awarded initially by Petronas in August 2020 to acquire and process up to 105,000 km2 of multi-client 3D data over a five-year period in the basin. The second phase of the Sarawak acquisition program is underway in blocks ND-3 and SK-3B and will be merged with approx. 6700 km2 of reprocessed data.
Will Ashby, EVP of Eastern Hemisphere at TGS, said: ‘This multi-client reprocessing agreement in Sarawak will further strengthen our data footprint across Malaysia.’