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This month we showcase innovations in the field that are being featured in papers presented at the 2023 EAGE Near Surface Conference and Exhibition in Edinburgh, UK on September 3-7.
E. Babcock et al discuss the implementation of SPAC at different field sites in Alaska: a canyon, a hill, and a riverbed.
Tim Archer summarises work released by the Near-Surface Geophysics Inter-Society Committee on UAV Geophysics Guidelines.
Jaana Gustafsson et al discuss the benefits of optimised production planning when installing new, and/or maintaining existing, buried infrastructure.
Hector R. Hinojosa et al present case studies illustrating how indoor 2D and 3D GPR surveys create digital information for BIM databases.
Michal Malinowski et al demonstrate that seismic data can be considered a great asset in 3D modelling of the buried valleys’ aquifer system, reducing uncertainties introduced by conceptual models based on borehole data.
Tatiana Pertuz et al present a 2D seismic profile to demonstrate the high conductivity of near-surface materials and that seismic methods have greater potential than other geophysical methods.
Daniel Czerwonka-Schröder et al present the integration of a LiDAR project into a web-based platform using an example from Austria.
Sugawara J discusses the advantages of using a geophysical survey in geotechnical practice and key points that require attention.
Koya Suto proposes an omnidirectional, variable offshore offset array with a spiral pattern that aims to eliminate biases.
Gordon Stove presents the results of surveys in the north of the UK for geothermal and lithium brine exploration using a novel electromagnetic technologies.
Submit an article
First Break Special Topics are covered by a mix of original articles dealing with case studies and the latest technology. Contributions to a Special Topic in First Break can be sent directly to the editorial office (firstbreak@eage.org). Submissions will be considered for publication by the editor.
It is also possible to submit a Technical Article to First Break. Technical Articles are subject to a peer review process and should be submitted via EAGE’s ScholarOne website: http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/fb
You can find the First Break author guidelines online at www.firstbreak.org/guidelines.
Special Topic overview
January Land Seismic
February Digitalization / Machine Learning
March Reservoir Monitoring
April Unconventionals and Passive Seismic
May Global Exploration Hotspots
June Securing a Sustainable Future Together
July Modelling / Interpretation
August Near Surface Geo & Mining
September Reservoir Engineering & Geoscience
October Energy Transition
November Marine Acquisition
December Data Management and Processing
More Special Topics may be added during the course of the year.