1968 Football Factbook

Page 51

1967 Results 1968 Schedule


Sept . 21 Hillsdale College Ashland, Ky. (Shrine Bowl)

Sept . 28

Tennessee Richmond , Ky.

O ct. 5 Austin Pea y C l arksville, Tenn.

Oct . 12

Oct. 19

Oct. 26

Nov . 2

Nov. 9

Nov . 16

Nov. 23

Tennessee Richmond , Ky . (Cheerleader Day)

of Akron Richmond, Ky. (Band Day)

Kentucky Bowling Green , Ky .

State Richmond, Ky . (Homecoming)

State Richmond, Ky . (Military Day)

Oh io Valley Conference National Collegiate Athl et ic A ssociat ion
Final Results Won 8, Lost 1, Tied 2 OVC Record : Won 5, Lost 0, Tied 2 OPPO NENT S IT E Dayton .. ............. .. ....... ......... .... ......... ...... ...... A East Tennessee ...... ..... ...... ...... .... ... ....... ....... A Austin Peay .............................. ... ......... .. .. .... H Middle Tennesse e . ............. . ........................ A Northwood ... .... ... ........ .... ..... .... ... ....... ....... .... H Western .... .. ......... .. ... ....... . ................. ... ...... .. .. H Murray .. ...... .. ... ... .. .......... .. .. ..... ...... ..... ... .. ..... A Tennessee Tech .......... ..... .... ......................... H Youngstown ...... .... ................ .. ... ............. ... ... H Morehead ... ...... ....... ...... .. ...... ... ..... ... ....... ... A '''Ball Stat e .... ...... ........ ... .. ... ....... .. ........ ..... ... . N ''' NCAA Grantland Rice Bowl E K U OPP . 0 1 6 35 7 37 0 14 7 55 0 14 14 28 7 24 0 37 12 7 7 27 13
Tech Cookeville, Tenn.
Youngstown, Oh i

Football -1968

The Plan

Hindsight is required to fu ll y understand The Plan. It was conceived four years ago when Roy Kidd took over as football coach, and reached a milestone of sorts la st season when Eastern won the OVC, the Grantland Rice Bowl and the 10-state NCAA Midea s t Region. The Plan contin u es this season. That's why the huddle was selected for our cover. It's one of the essentia l elements in Th e Plan. The new format for the brochure al s o is an outgrowth of The Plan. It's hop ed that the book, designed for attractiveness, eas y reading, and better access to facts , will provide a more complete understanding of how Th e Plan has dev eloped and what its prospects are for the future.

7 ...

Part 1 . . . The University . . .


Part 2 . . . The Coaches

Part 3 . . . The Colonels . .

Part 4 . . .

The Opponents

\I EASTERN KENTIJCK\l IJNIVER5IT\l 1 1168 FOOTBALL FACTe ooK O, ••M,.,.. S MD" "O""' <•OM """' 00 "~ {"OM -
Telephone : 622-2301
5 ... Statistically Speaking ... 3 5

In Retrospect r

A newspaper article called it the Year of the Trophy. A fitting tribute, indeed, to the most successfu l football season in Eastern hi story . It began rather inau spiciously but ended with the proclamation that Eastern was the f i nest football team in the NCAA's Mideast Region, w hich encompasses ten states and over 100 college division teams. The picture on your left shows Roy Kidd enjoyi n g the happiest moment in a very happy and successfu l football career. H e was hoi sted to the s hould ers of his players after the Colonels had defeated Ball State University, 27 - 13, in the Grantland Rice Bowl, ABC - TV's regional Game of the W eek . E astern was wearing the Oh i o Valley Conference crown at the time and boasted eleven players who enjoyed All-Conference status. One of them, Aaron Mar sh, was a 2nd team All-America se l ect ion by The Associated Press and a third-round draft c h oice of the AFL's Boston Patriots. Ji m Guice, honorable mention All-America the past two years, i s a leading cand i date for the top team this year. Guice completed a record 16 of 19 passes in the Grantland R i ce Bowl to earn the MVP title. In the final AP poll, the Colonels ranked fifth in the entire country. They called it the Year of the Trophy .

I ~l The University


Location - Richmond, Madi so n County, Kentuck y, a grow ing city of about 14,000 population and at an altitude of 937 feet. This i s a rich farming area, the count y considered the l argest beef cattle - raising co unt y east of t h e Mississippi.

Enrollm e nt - 9 , 450 .

Founded - 1906 .

Pre s id e nt - Dr . Rob er t R. Martin .

Vice President for A c ademic Affair s - Dr . Thoma s F . Stovall .

Athletic Conference - Ohio Vall ey, N .C.A.A .

G ymnasium -Alumni Coliseum (capacity 7,500) .

Stadium - Hanger Stadium ( c apacit y 8 ,500).

Nickname - Colonel s, Maroon s.

S y mbol - Colonel.

Color s - Maroon and Whit e .

Board of Regents

Ex-Officio Chairman: Wendell P . Butler, State Sup e rintend e nt of Public In struction.

Members : Earle B . Comb s , Sr ., Richmond ; Robert Begley, Richmond; Durham Ho ward, Pin ev ill e; Wilson Palm e r, C y nthiana ; Sidney W. Cla y, Louis v ille ; William Wallace, Lexington; Ralph Whalin, faculty representative; and Steve Wilborn, st ud ent representative.

Athletic Committee

Memb e rs : John Vick e r s, Chairman ; C. Ambrose; D . Barr; J. D . Coates; J. C. Powell; W. B erge; L . Co ca nough er; J. Stocker; R. Whalin; A . L. Whitt; C . Lewis ; and Glenn E. Presnell, ex-officio member.

Athletic Staff

Director of Athletic s - Glenn E. Presnell (Nebra s ka, 1927).

Head Football Coach- Roy Kidd (Eastern Kentuck y , 1954) .

Line Coach es - Bobby Harville (Eastern Kentu c k y , 1957). Bill Shannon (Ea s tern Kentuck y, 1948 ).

Backfield Coach es - Ja ck I son (Eastern Kentucky , 19 61). Fr ed Franci s (Morehead , 1962) .

Graduate A ss is tants - Bob Tarvin (Eastern Kentu c k y, 1968)

Fr ed Malin s (Ea stern Kentucky , 1966)

Dick Roddy (Wyoming, 1961)

Student A ss i s tant- Dou g Hampton (Ea ste rn Kentuck y, 1970)

Head Coaches Oth e r Sports - Bas e ball: Charl es "Turkey" Hughes; Ba s k e tball: Guy Strong; Track: Conni e Smith; Swimming: Don Comb s ; Golf: Gl e nn E . Pr es nell; Tennis: Jack Adams; Rifle : Capt. Marvin Goff.

Equipment Mana ge r - Skip Daughert y (Ea s t e rn Kentucky, 1969).



Perhaps one word best describes Eastern Kentucky University.


Over $60 million in construction, the tripling of the student body and comp l ete reorganization of the academic structure ha s taken p l ace s inc e 1960 .

That was when Dr. Robert R. Martin assumed the presidency of Ea stern, becom i ng i ts s ixth c hief executive.

With universit y status effective Jul y 1 , 19 66, Eastern was reorganized in to five colleges and a graduate sc hool. Curricula in the Colleges of Applied Arts and Technology, Arts a nd Sciences, Busi n ess and Education l ead to the Bachelor of Sc ience, Bachelor of Arts or Associate of Arts degree. Central Un i vers i ty Co ll ege offers preparatory curricu la for the first tw o years of the student's co ll ege career, pro v idin g a liberal base for a major i n one of the advanced colleges. Th e master's degree i s offered i n education, Eng li sh, hi sto ry, guidance and co un se lin g for n o n- school personnel, business administration, music education and biolo gy . A J oint Doctoral Program in Edu ca tion, sponsored in cooperation with the University of K en tu cky, permits students to cont inu e in re s id ence at Eastern for one academic year beyond the master's degree.

Found ed as Eastern Kentucky State Normal School in 1906 by act of th e State L eg i slature, Eastern was created to educa te teachers for the sc hool s of the Commonwealth. The in stit ution annually produces more teachers than any other K e ntuck y college or univer sity.

The physical plant has und ergo ne buildin g and renovation programs totaling over $60 million s i nce 1960 . During this period every exist i ng major campus facility ha s been remode l ed or complete l y recons truct ed.

But per h aps th e most st rikin g growth ha s been in the st udent bod y. Ea ste rn' s enrollment- expec t ed to exceed 9,000 this fa ll - ha s more than tripled in the la s t eig ht years.

A well - rounded sports program, both in te r co ll eg i ate and intramural, i s sponsored and encouraged by the University. Eastern i s represented in int erco ll eg iat e competition in baseba ll , basketball, cross -countr y, footba ll , golf, rifle, sw imming, tenn i s and track.

The univ ers it y i s administered by a Board of Regents, of which W endell P. Butler, State Superint e ndent of Public Inst ruction, is ex - off i cio chairman.


In 1941, foresighted men had v1s1ons of an Ohio Valle y Conference. Sport s writers speculated about the impending division of the Kentucky Intercollegiate Athletic Conference. Virtually all agreed it was just a matter of tim e until the division took place and a new athletic conference was formed.

Then the Japan ese bombed Pearl Harbor and America was plunged into World War II.

Seven ye ars lat e r, after the hostiliti es had ceased, a prewar dream becam e a po st -war realit y . The " Big Five " of the K. I. A. C. withdrew to form the Ohio Valley Conference.

Making the move were West er n Kentucky State College, Eastern K e ntuck y State College , Murra y State College, Morehead State College and the Univ ersity of Louis v ille. They were joined by Evansville Coll ege and, shortly thereafter, by Tennes see Tech and Mar s hall College.

Purpo se of the 0. V. C. , as set forth in its constitution, i s

The Ohio Valley Conference

"to regulate , control, and promote all the recognized branch es of intercoll eg iate athletics in in sti tution s represented. "

Through a gradual process, the Ohio Valley Conference was to become a l eag u e of Kentuck y and Tenne ssee sta te coll eges. Middle T e nne ssee State College joined the rolls in 1952, Ea st Tenn esse e State Universit y in 1957 and Austin P eay State College in the spring of 1962. They replaced Louisville, which became an ind e p ende nt in 1949, and Mar s hall and Evan sv ille , which departed in 1952 .

In 1963, the l eag ue took another step forward b y appointing Arthur L. Guepe, former football coac h and athletic dire cto r at Virginia and Vanderbilt Uni vers itie s, as the OVC ' s fir st full-time commissioner.

Annuall y , the OVC present s an All -Sp orts Trophy for over - all exce llen ce in the entire athletic program . The pa s t three years, Ea s t er n ha s won the trophy o n ce and finished second t wice.

,,_, MURRAY STAT~ UNIVERSITY~ Murray, Ken;~e~y MOREHEAD STATE UHIVERSITY""" Moreh e ad, K ent uc k)·
• ·- ~ • *
*', EAST
J o hn~o n Ci ty , 1'enne1uue ITY
Ut-OYERSITY soe. "nn~e see
EASTERN , KENTUCKY UNIVERSITY ,¥. R i ch mond, Ke11t.ucky WESTERN KENTUCKY UNIVERSITY Bowling Creen, Keritucky AUSTIN PEAY STA.TE COLLEGE O'1Ll'k$vill e, Tenri'l :S.!l~e

The Coaches

" It should be a most interesting season . The road will definitely be tougher, but we ' re capable of going all the way . As far as the conference is concerned , it should be a four-team race ."


Roy Kidd

Roy Kidd's back in the groove .

The championship groove, that is. One that started during his high sc hool days at Corbin in the lat e 1940' s, found expression during his playing days at Eastern, and really flexed its muscles during s ix seasons as coach at Madi son High School. It was th e n that Kidd mad e his presence known as a molder of football talent. Madison, one of Kentucky's smallest schools (337 enrollment), took on all come r s during a stretch from 1956-61. The result was a 54-10-1 record, a 27-game winnin g streak and 14 consecutive un scored -up on games. Sandwiched between were t hr ee conference crowns , two playoff titles and appearances in f i ve high schoo l bowl games. It also h e lp ed Kidd earn Coach of the Y ear honors in Kentu cky in 1961 when the Purples were ranked No. 1 in th e sta te all season.

The follow ing year, Kidd accepted an assistant coac hing position at Morehead and helped guide the Ea g l es to a fourway tie for the OVC title .

Kidd ret urned to Eastern as offensive backfield coach in 1963 and was named head football coach in 1964, fulfilling a lif e's goal.

That was when Kidd experienced the bitter taste of a losing season for the first time.

H e knew it would take time to build a winner. Inh e riting

The Man With The Plan

a team that was 2-8, Kidd guided it through steady improvement the n ext two years with 3-5 - 1 and 4 - 4 - 1 record s.

Those were the l ean ye ar s - the ones he likes to forget. In the process of trying to build a winner, Kidd found ten non- sc holar ship players and made them starters, a move that was to pay off.

His 1966 team established a 7 - 3 - 0 record and tied for third in the OVC. Although it was hi s first winn i ng season at Eastern, it was probably the most disappointing ye ar Kidd had ever e ndured. The three OVC lo sses were decided by a total of eight points, and all on a play lat e in the game.

Then, in 1967, he took all the marbles, so to speak . Shaking off an opening loss to university division power Dayton, the Colonels finished the regular season 7-1-2 and won th e OVC. Then it was on to th e Grantland Rice Bowl and a 27-13 win over Ball State which earned the Mid - East Region title for t h e Colonels.

Eastern was ranked as high as third in Associated Pr ess poll and fini shed the season fifth.

A strong fundamentalist, Kidd-coach ed teams run a wideopen, pro-set offense and a rugged, stingy defense.

Kidd is married to th e former Susan Purc e ll of Richmond . They have three children, Mar c (10), Kath y (7), and Keith ( 5) .


Bob Harville

Offensive Line Coach

Bill Shannon

Defensive Line Coach

Personable Bobby Harville enters his fourth year on the Eastern staff, and his second year in charge of the offense.

He has always been one of the versatile members of the staff. Harville's first year was spent with the offensive backfield and the following season he coached the defensive secondary. That year the defense set a conference record with 20 interceptions.

And those are the reasons Kidd persuaded Harville to join his staff in 1965 - he knew from experience the Harlan native was a dedicated worker with a keen knowledge of all aspects of the game .

Harville and Kidd's professional association began in 1957 at Richmond Madison.

The next five years Harville spent as an assistant at Elizabethtown (Ky.) and Lancaster (Ohio) where the teams with which he was associated compiled a 41-9 record.

Then in 1965, Harville returned to Madison High School as its head football coach. He was inheriting a team that was 4-6 and had graduated 13 seniors, three of whom were to play college football.

But Harville brought the Royal Purples' winning football tradition back to life. Instilling basic fundamentals and a strong desire to win, he built a winner. That year Madison had a 10-4 record, won the Central Kentucky Conference and lost to Ft. Thomas Highlands for the state Class AA championship.

Harville is married to the former Sandra Sharp of South Fort Mitchell. They have three children, Robert Michael ( 9), Virginia Louise (7) and Leigh Ann (2).

This will be Bill Shannon's fourth year as head defensive coach, and if his unit continues to improve as it has under his tutelage, opponents may never see the Eastern goal line.

Shannon has built a stingy unit around strong quick line- ' men, sturdy pass defenders and hard-hitting lineback e rs.

Last year in regular season play, the Eastern "Headhunters" (the name Shannon tagged the defense) allowed only 70 points in ten games, second best among all college football teams in the country.

And this year's manpower could be better. Starters return at ten positions, and depth is abundant.

But that's the kind of coaching success he's used to.

In five seasons at Dixie Heights High School in South Fort Mitchell (1955-58, 63), he developed his teams into the football power of Northern Kentucky with a 47-5-2 record.

Under Shannon's leadership , Dixie Heights won three Northern Kentucky Conference championships and the Recreation Bowl, and was tied in its only Burley Bowl appearance.

The distinguished war veteran was Kentucky's "Coach of the Year" in 1955 and made three Kentucky East-West AllStar coaching appearances.

The one-time Danville High School star is married to the former Mary Peters, a fellow Danvillian. She serves as a registered nurse in the Universit y infirmar y .


Fred Francis

Offensive Backfield Coach

Jack Ison

Defensive Backfield Coach

Fred Francis i s s tartin g his sec ond ye ar as coach of the Colonel offen s ive backfield. The only non-Eastern graduate on the s taff, Francis proved valuab l e last year when he developed an ad e quate run nJ n g attack from what man y cons id e r e d a weak corps of pro s p ec ts .

Now Francis is faced with another rebuilding task. The team 's t w o top tailback s from the ' 67 se a s on are not back. Sprin g pra c tice produced two s tudent s who p e rform e d admirabl y con s idering their l ack of experience and more running backs will join the squad thi s fall a s fres hm en. It w ill be up to Franci s to find and estab li s h another so lid gro und game.

Hi s r e putation on the high sc hool coach in g l eve l i s we ll established throughout K e ntucky. With Francis at the helm, St. J ose ph Prep in Bard s town was reco g nized a s one of th e state's per e nnial Cla ss A power s w ith a thr ee - ye ar 20 - 6-4 record. ·

Franci s' 1966 team wa s rank e d ninth in th e s tat e, went throu g h the sc hool ' s fir s t undefeat e d se ason with an 8 - 0 - 3 record and defeat e d Cla ss AA runner -up Lexin g ton H enry Clay in the R ec reation Bowl.

He produced se v er al all - s tat e athletes and ha s pupil s playing for K e ntu c k y , Ohio Stat e, Ohio Uni vers it y and Yal e.

Franci s was a foo tball and ba s ketball s tar at B yesv ill e, Ohio , High School and earned All - Southea s t e rn Ohio honors a s a fullback.

He married Fr e da Catron of L e xington. They ha ve two so n s , Anthon y (3), and Ti mothy (1).

Once a g ain, J ack ! son's coaching job is l oaded with respons ibility .

In hi s first yea r l a s t se ason, I s on wa s forced to find replacements for graduated all - OVC performers Mik e Smith and Bu ddy Pfaadt i n a defen s ive backfie l d t ·1at was first in the conference the year before.

H e did that well. Th e Colonels ' pa s.; def e n se wa s again second to none in '67, allowing only 93.5 yards per game.

This ye ar i s much th e same. All - conference Harr y L e nz, the team 's l eader, gr aduat ed and mu s t b e repla ce d. I son has four lettermen and three s ophomores from which to find another cohesive unit.

Kid d is well aware of the 1961 Ea ster n graduate's c oachin g ab iliti es - he gave I so n hi s fir s t job at Richmond 's Madison High S c hool.

After ass isting Kidd to a 1 3 -1 record and a Class AA runn er -up trophy in 1961, I so n wa s named head coach in 196 2 when Kidd enter e d th e co ll ege coaching field . The Roya l Purple s were 6 -2- 2 und er his guidance.

H e r eceived the M .A. degree from Ea stern in 196 3 and entered the Uni vers it y of Indiana graduate sc hool that fall, earning 32 hour s t owa rd a doctorate.

The Ru sse ll native i s married to the former Pat ricia Lykins, whom h e m et as a classmate at Ea ste rn . They have two daughters , Elizabeth (6) and M eli nda (2).


FRED MALINS, Graduate Assistant

Fred Malin s l e ft Eastern tw o y e ars ag o w ith a host of re co rds as he went in pur s uit of a prof ess ional f oo tba ll c a r ee r.

He return s this fall as a gra du a te a ss ist a nt w ith th e r es p o nsibilit y o f coac hin g th e r ece i vers, but w ith o nl y o n e o f hi s r e c o rd s st ill on th e b o ok s.

Mali ns wo n a ll- c onf e r e n ce reco gnit i on i n th e 6 6 se a son w h e n h e ca ught 3 7 p asse s fo r 4 8 0 ya rds , both o f w hi c h we r e r ec ord s But th ey h a v e s in ce b ee n ec lip se d b y g r a du a t e d All-Am e ri ca n A a ron Mars h Ho we v e r , Ma li ns' m a rks a r e impr ess i ve w h e n i t's co n s id e r e d th e Colo n e l s w e r e a runnin g t ea m th en

Malins was a l so a m o n g th e l ea din g punt e r s in the countr y his se nior f a ll. He ki c k e d 48 t im es for a 4 2.2 avera ge. Th e m a rk for th e a v e r a g e s till st.a nd s . Th e year following hi s g r a du a tion M a lin s s p e nt with th e Mi a mi Do l phi ns o r th e Amer ca n F oo tb a ll L ea gue a nd th e Wh ee lmg Ironm e n o f the Contin e nt a l Footb a ll L ea gu e L a st ye a r h e se rved as a n as sist a nt coa ch at Wi n t e r s ville Hi g h S c h oo l in Winter s vill e, Ohio.

No w h e r e turn s to wo rk as a g raduate ass i sta nt t eac hin g w h at he k nows b es t - the a rt o f p a s s r ece iving.

DICK RODDY, Graduate Assistant

Dick Rodd y join s th e E as t e rn c o a ching s t a ff thi s fall as a g r a duate assi s t ant a ft e r a s u ccess ful y e ar in the hi g h sc h oo l ranks.

A n,a tiv e o f William so n , W est V irginia , R o dd y w a s the Mid- S t a t e Conf e r e n ce "Coac h o f th e Y ea r " in 196 7 a ft e r le adn g Fr a nklin C o un ty to it s most s u cc es s ful season o n the g r idir on in hi s t o r y .

Prior t o a fiv e - yea r s tint a t Fr a nklin C o un ty, R odd y h a d se rv e d ,as a b ac k fe ld coac h at B e lf ry Hi g h Sc h oo l for f o u r years

Roddy i s a g r a duat e of Id a h o St a te Univ e r s it y w h e re he l e t te r e d o n th e f oo tb a ll t e am as a n o ff e nsiv e h a lfb ac k a nd a lso pl a yed in th e defensiv e sec ond a r y

A Kor e an W a r v e t e ran, h e se rved in th e U. S Submarin e S e rvi c e during th a t Asian confli c t.

He i s m a rri e d t o the fo rm e r J oyc e Lusk , a l s o o f Willi a m so n. Th ey h a v e t wo c hildr e n , Kim (3), a nd K a th y ( 2 ) .

BOB TARVIN, Graduate Assistant

Bob Tarvin, th e Colon e ls' g r a du a te assi s t a nt who w ork s with th e offensiv e lin e, ha s wo n mor e awa rd s th e last four yea r s than som e of the se r esist a nt wa t c hes.

T a rvin c a m e to E a stern w i t h o ut a schol ars hip , but qui c kl y w on a startin g b e r t h a t off e n s iv e t ac kl e H e had t h e b es t blo c kin g p e r ce n ta g e among lin e m e n hi s fr es hm an a nd so ph o m o r e ye ar s, an d was a n a llOV C c hoi ce in '6 6.

Then a b loo d di se ase f o r ce d T a r v i n to the s id e lin es So h e ass i s t e d Kid d l as t year w hil e a n undergra du a t e a nd i s con tinuin g to d o so thi s f a ll e v e n th o ugh h e wi l l b e t eac hin g fr es hm a n cou rses i n t h e histo r y d e p a rtm e n t.

T a r v in was E as t e rn 's r e pr ese nt a tiv e in th e E xperim e nt in I n t e rn a tion a l Li v in g program th e s ummer o r 67 when h e s p e nt t w o m o nth s living a nd w orking in U ru g u ay

H e was e l ec t e d " Mr. Popul a ri ty " in a ca mpu s - w id e s e l ec ti on l as t fall. Th e n h e ca pped hi s u n d e rgr a du a t e yea r s by w inning a pl ace in Eas t e rn 's H a ll o f F a me , th e hi g h es t ho nor a grad u a ting sen i or can rece iv e. His p o int s t a ndin g f o r fo u r y ea r s wo rk was 3 8 5 (4 .0 0 sys t e m )

T a r v in pl ans t o co nti n u e gra du ate wo rk , s p ec i al i z i ng in L a ti n Ameri ca n h story.


Glenn E. Presnell Director

of Athletics

Glenn Presnell, former Nebraska All-America halfback and lon gtime Ea stern football coach, became Eastern's first full-time athletic director in November, 19 63, when he resigned his grid coaching position to accept hi s new assignment.

In ten years at the Maroon helm, he guided hi s teams to 42 wins, 49 losse s, and three ties, winning one OVC title outright, and ga inin g a four-way share of the crown in 1962, the only Kentucky coach ever to claim more than one OVC halo.

His first year as head coach, 1954 , was hi s best. His Maroons went undefeated in seaso n play and lo st to Omaha University 7-6 in what is still regarded by many as the greatest Tangerine Bowl games ever played in Orlando, Florida .

Born at Gilead, Nebraska, presnell was an All-America halfback at Nebraska, and p layed in the Ea st -West All-Star Game in San Franci sco at the e nd of his college career in 1927.

Later, with the Portsmouth Spartans and the Detroit Lions in the National League, he was an all-league p erfo rmer .

Against Green Bay in 1934, the popular Presnell kicked a 54-yard field goal, which stood as the N.F.L. record for 19 ye ar s, and is st ill the second lon gest in the League's hi story. The NFL's 1964 yearbook cited Presnell as one of the key men in Detroit's 1935 championship.

Presnell began hi s colle g iate coaching career in 1937 as backfield coach at the Univer s ity of Kansas. In 1938 he returned to Nebraska a s backfield coach, and in 1942 he was named head coach there. Nebraska played Stanford in the Ro se Bowl in 1941, while he was backfi e ld coach of the Cornhuskers.

In 1943 and '44, Presnell coached the backfield at North Carolina Pr e -Flight, while serving as a naval officer. He returned to Nebraska in 1946, before coming to Eastern in the fall of 1947. He was named h ead coach in 1954.

He married the former Lizbeth G ehrl ing of Ironton , Ohio, in 1929, and found in her his most faithful fan and supporter. They have one son, Danny, w ho teaches at Madison Central High School in Richmond. Hi s chief hobb y i s go lf, and he coaches the Eastern golfers, but he takes an inter es t in all sports.


Skip Daugherty Equipment Manager

Hayward 'Skip' Daugherty is rapidl y becoming a legend of sort s wit h Eastern football enthusiasts. Daugherty came to Eastern in the fall of 1964 after a fine high school career as a tailback at North Hardin High School.

A knee injury his sophomore year forced Daugh erty from com. petition. That was w h en he became equ1pmE:nt manag er. H e tried to come back in the spring of '67 but remJured the knee . .

"~kip is dedicated to the game of football," Coach Roy Kidd said. The manag er plays an important role in any athl etic program, and I'll ass u re yo u Skip i s one of the very best."

David Vance Sports Information Director

David Vance is a third-generation journalist who l eft the Fourth Estate in 1966 to become Dir ector of News in Ea ster n 's Office of Public Affairs. Since then his duties have includ ed n ews, sports and publications work while serving as acting dir ec tor of the divis ion of publicity and publications. This year Vance, who also is managing editor of the Ea ster n Alumnus magazine, i s turning hi s attention sole l y to the sports scene. He ha s worked for The Lexington H era l d sports department and The Associated Pr ess. Vanc e holds professional memb ership in the Am e rican Coll ege Public Re lati ons Association, Congress of Sports Information Dir ectors and th e United States Basketball Writers Association . He is marri ed to the former Sharon Chri sman . They hav e two sons (both potential All-Am e ricans , according to Vance) Matt , 17 months, and Troy, three months.


Thi s is hardly the kind of lineup one might find in a football brochure . The team members (some obese, some on the thin side) reserve their talents for two-hand touch contes t s on Sunday aft ernoo n . They also pool their knowledge of football for mas s kibitzing in front of a television . Nonetheless, they are avid sports buffs. Because of this, they compr i se the Eastern Stati stics team. And when it comes to facts and figures, they fancy themselves a s the fastest and most accurate in the country. Starting for ~his motley crew i s Allen Trimble at opponent's chart, Karl "Willie" Park at Ea stern chart, Roy Watso n at pla y - by-play and Craig Ammerman, utilit y man and jack-of-all-positions. Ammerman also handles spontaneous tab::lation ("without th e benefit of a slide - rule") and Watson, because of hi s exceptional speed and versatility, doubles at the ditto machine.


The Colonels


This is the spot reserved for the football soothsayer; the guy who has the intestinal fortitude to predict the future in a sport that's as predictable as the bounce of that oval skin-of-apig it was named after. And that statement holds doubly true for Eastern. On paper, it looks pretty simple. But between the lines, there are several question marks. Three of them go something like this:

- How do you replace Aaron Marsh, an All-American and third round draft choice of the Boston Patriots?

- Where do you find a defensive end to match the exploits of Chuck Seimon, who signed with the San Francisco 49ers?

- Where do you look for a leader like Harry Lenz, allconference safety, tri-captain, and the closest thing to a coachon-the-field Roy Kidd has eve r seen?

These are three of the most obvious question marks . But there are others. In fact, six other prominent players won't be back. They include tailbacks Jack McCoy and Ted Holcomb and punting specialist Bob Plotts.

The optimism leaks out in the form of 33 returning lettermen from a team that finished 8-1-2, won the Ohio Valley Conference, the Grantland Rice Bowl (27-13 over Ball State) and the 10-state NCAA Mideast Region, finishing fifth in the final Associated Press College division poll. Included in this group are such names as Jim Guice, Fr ed Troike , Ron Reed, Bill Brewer, Teddy Ta y lor, John Tazel, Mill er Arritt and Bob Beck.

All told, there is a collective return on the d efe nsive line, save Seimon, which allowed only 70 points in ten regular season games . That was bested by only one team in the country. Lenz is the lone absentee in the def e nsiv e backfield.

Offensively, Marsh represents the only void on the starting line, but that's a very large void. The backfield ha s Guice and Tim Speaks at quarterback, Beck at fullback and Tazel at wingback . The other position is wide open.

But let's take a closer look. Let's ask Roy Kidd:

Q: What appears to be the biggest probl em for Ecistern this year?

Kidd: "Well, frankly, it looks like our opponents will be our toughest hurdle . The conference is extremely well-balanced. I've always felt it was the strongest college division league in the country and this year is no exception. There are at least four teams capable of winning it . The balance is all at the top. And our non-conference schedule is one of the strongest w e've ever had."

Q: What about a br eak -down on the team? Taking the offense first, what can we expect?

Kidd: "We have Guice back, and that means a lot. But the important thing is that we have a lot of experienced personnel up front. The same men who protected him so well la s t year. And, of course, we have Tim Sp eaks. I've always sa id Tim could start for most college teams. He's very reliable. Tazel will


probably take over for Marsh as the prime pass target. He's got good hands and good moves. A lot will depend on him this season. Dick Dunkle and Don Minor are back to a fight for that center spot . Troike is easily one of the finest blockers in Ea stern history and Don Wig g inton is returning at the other g uard . Bill Brewer , Don Evan s and Ron House give us experience and depth at tackle. Don Buehler and Duk e Baker will be pushing for Marsh 's spot . Beck gave us a tremendous spr ing at fullback. H e's a fine blocker. Our tailback wi ll probabl y come from either William Wright or J ack Armstrong, two non- sc h olars hip fre shme n, or we could find some h e lp from our in-coming freshmen."

Q: What about defense?

Kidd : "Ro.n Reed and J immy Mob erl y will be starting as a line-backing team for the third st raight year. Paul Ha mpton al so will see plenty (O f action. Tackle s Miller Arritt and Ji m Demler are being pushed by Phil Knauer. All three are excell e nt football p l ayers. Tom Sh e tler shou ld have one side of the defensive lin e . W e've converted Sidney Yeldell from nose guard to fill the h ole l eft by Seimon ' s absence and he had a great spring. Of course, Teddy Tay l or is hard to beat at nose guard. The defensiv e backfie l d has three returning, but all po s ition s are up for grabs. Don Moore, Bob Webb, Ted Green and Pet e Compassi have plenty of experience back there but Clint Arnold and Ra y Gardner showed us a l ot in the s pring."

Q : I n the final analysi s , what can be expected?

Kidd: T h at's a loaded question . And it 's almost impo ss ible to answer. It should be a mo s t in terest in g season. The road will be tougher, there's no question about that. But we're capable of going all t h e way. This i s football and there are a l ot of "ifs. " W e've got a great deal of confidence in our personnel , but we've also got a great deal of respect for o ur opponents . It's definitely going to be in teresting."

Nuff s ed .

Offense - Pr o -s et Defense - 5-4

Strength - Depth in offensive and defensive lines and qu a rterback.

Weaknesses - No experience at tailback, and la ck of a l eader in the seco ndar y.

Lettermen Lost

E nds - Chuck Siemon, Aaron Marsh, Charle s M etzger

Ta ilba cks - Ja ck McCoy , Ted Holc omb

Safeties - H arry L enz, Lynn Ray

Kicking Sp ecia li st - B ob Plotts

Lettermen Returning OFFENSE-18

Ends - Don Buehler, Duke B aker, J o hn Tazel

Tackles - Bill Br ewer, R on H o u se , Tom Swartz, D on Evans

Guards - Fred Troike, Don Wi ggi nt on Centers - Dick Dunkle, Don Minor

Flan kers - Bob Luman, Jam es Kell y

Quarterbacks - Jim Guic e, Tim Sp eaks

Kicking Specialist- Walt Murphy

Fullba cks - Bob B eck, Butch Evan s DEFENSE-15

End s -Tom Shetler, Sidn ey Yeldell

Tackles - Ed Kuehne, Phil Knauer, Jim Demler , Miller Arritt

Li neba ckers - Pa u l Ham pton, Ron Reed, Jim Mob er l y, Rick Dryden

Middle Guard - Teddy Taylor

Cornerbacks - Ted Gr een, Don Mo ore

Safeties - Bob W ebb , Pete Compassi


Profile of an All-American

It's not too often that a player receives a full page in a football brochure . Especially after he h a s already graduated . But Aaron Marsh deserves special recognition. It was his deft hands, deceptive speed and maneuvers and meandering on the field that helped vault Eastern into national prominence . After the sixth game last season , every pass he caught and every yard he covered with the football became new records . He was a 2nd team All-America choice by The Associated Press, a third round draft choice of the AFL's Boston Patriots, and a starter in the Coaches' All-America game in Atlanta, Ga . Only two other college division players earned that last honor. The excitement which Marsh provided during four years at Eastern will be an obvious void this year. But his contribution to the football program will carry on indefinitely.

r 18


6-1, 195

Three Letters

Miami, Florida

Jim Guice's initiation i!l(O': college football was auspicious to say the least. He entered ·· astern - Austin Peay game in the fourth quarter with the el down 21-7. He proceeded to fire three touchdown pa ~$€ . . route to a 35-30 Eastern victory. What Guice has d gp ci' s i nce the l'l. would provide a brochure in itself to explain. Am ci12g f\ ther tl1ings, he hold s every school passing record but one, was 1th e Mo.st Valuable Player in the NCAA's Grantland Rice BowlJ: and . h~s been honorable mention All - Am e rica t w o s traight ye ars . B,ut .:Guice' s value as a quarterback cannot be mea s ured in . stati stics alone . His abilit y to analyze opposing defenses and c'ow~e ?11p with the perfect counterattack ha s b e en th e driving fo i:ce;•behind the Colonels' vault into nation9.l prominence . Kidd c alls him "without doubt, th e finest college divi s ion qua ~te f b~,c k in the nation. " Here ' s a clo s er look: ' ...,:,


Offensive Guard 6-1, 215

Two Letters

Miami, Florida

Eastern's offensive team is"'kµown as the Ren e gades. The defense is called the Head Hun,,t!;f~ - Fred Troike might best be described as a head-hunting ff ertegade. A vicious blocker, he's at his best. when carr ~ in•g o ut .a. p; -: offehsive assignment on the line and then pulling i to .search 'for adother victim. He's the fastest lineman on Ui¢~ t fam and utili ~es his speed to great advantage when l eaditt g i th fde pla'ys . Troike played high school ball with Guic ' at' i, Fla., Southwest. Strong and agile, he has been a ~firsh.tea JTI :Al1LOhio Valle y Conference choice for two straiglfj; sea~orts. leadership ability is evidenced by his selectid'n t as ; co-'Cii _ of the 1968 Colonels by his teammat e s . Troike is: tqnsie e ne of the best offensive linem e n in Eastern hisfc:>ry ~ Hil,e . €f e, he's an exce ll ent pro prospect. Aside from opening .ga p jng holes in the opposing defensiv e line, Troike /is equaUy e f fective at providing Guice with sufficient time to ;teleasti: his a ~ rials. He's at his best when Eastern is threatening ,. · ·• 1~n o ' ponent's territory .

§~;i;~~e NO~~rT. '\ it1( Juni o r 202 \ 12'}, · Grantl a nd Ri c e Bo w l Tot a l s 19 5 3 8,·•·Ele c t e d Mo s t V a lu a bl e Pl aye r PCT. 538 .520 .555 YARDS 634 1, 468 1,38 0 136 3 ,618 TDS 6 14 11 2'"' 33 19
'./'<• '



Dick Dunkle ... Senior ... 21 ... 6-0 ... 205 ... Three Letters ... Lancaster , Ohio ... Dunkle has started since his freshman year . . . has a strong desire to win . . . improved techniques in spring practice . . . should be one of the leagu e's best ... he stepped into a starting ro le when fellow center Don Minor broke hi s arm three years ago ... he's an advanced Army ROTC cadet . . . majoring in physical ed ucation .

Walt Murphy ... Guard ... Senior . .. 5-9 .. .

185 ... Three Letters ... Covington .. . Murphy holds virtually every placekicking record in Eastern annals . . . he establis h ed new standards in '65 with 34 points by kick ... missed most of '66 season with a leg injury .. . last year he broke his own records with 39 points o n f i eld goa l s and extra points . . . s hould become first kicker in Eastern history to score more than 100 points ... majors in business.

Don Minor ... Senior 22 ... 5-10 .. . 195 .. .

Two Letters ... Campbellsville, Kentucky .. . missed '65 and '66 seaso n s with broken arm that shou ld have stopped his athletic career ... made st rong comeback in '67 . .. started four games, pla yed a l ot in others . . . was starter in '64 until broken arm sidel in ed him . . . quickness is his biggest asset ... a hard worker ... indu strial arts major.


Don Wigginton ... Junior ... 21 ... 5-9 ... 200 ... Two Lett~rs ... Louisville, Kentucky ... came to schoo l without a scho lar ship . . . adept at protecting passer ... determination and hustle are his biggest assets ... experie nc e should make Wiggint on one of l eague's top offensive linemen .. . has great desire to win . . . twice has led the team in blocking percentage ... majors in physical education.


Bill Brewer ... Senior . .. 21 . .. 6-1 ... 220 ... Three Letters ... Xenia, Ohio ... a threeyear starter ... Brewer was a first-team allOVC selectio n in '67 . .. strongest assets are s tr ength and quickness . . . has tremendous body extension in blocking techniques . . . should be a standout this season .. . he has been looked at extensive l y by pro scouts ... majoring in industrial arts.

Ron House ... Senior ... 22 ... 6-0 ... 217 . ..

Two Letters ... Dayton, Ohio . . . overcame severe automobile accident in s ummer of '65 to become s tarter in '67 .. . has experience, size and strength ... good leader ... has served as vice-president of Student Council . . . can play either guard or tackle . .. worked hard in off-season to g e t ready for senior y ear . . . psychology and recreat i on major.


Don Evans ... Junior ... 20 ... 6-2 ... 220 . , . One Letter . . . Evarts, Kentucky . . . earned starting position in '67, but missed la st seven games with injury ... strong and has good quicknes s ... all-state selection in high sc hool ... brother of former all-OVC tackl e Roy Evans ... unlimited potential ... could b e a ll- conference candidate hims e lf ... s hould start if h e can overcome injur y jinx ... physical educat ion majo r .

J ames Kelly ... Sophomore ... 20 ... 5 -10 . .. 175 . .. Huntsville , Alabama ... K e lly missed most of th e s prin g drill s with a broken leg . . . saw some action last year at both r unnin g back and flank erb a ck . . . a good return man .. . ha s ex cell e n t hand s . .. good speed ... h e has unlim i ted pot e ntial, but ne eds game exper i e nce . . . a ph ys ical educat i o n major.

Tom Swartz ... Junior ... 21 ... 6-1 ... 201 . . . Two Letters . .. Winchester , Kentucky . .. Swartz was i mportant in reserve role in '6 7 . . r. ca n pla y either stro ng or qui ck tackle ... a hard wo rk er . .. exp l os i ve hitt e r .. . hi s game exper i ence will prove invaluabl e when h e's ca ll ed on in a reserve roll ... he was a sta nd out at Win c h ester's George Rogers Clark Hi g h S c h oo l . .. majors in physical education .

Don Buehler . .. Sophomore ... 20 ... 6-0 . .. 196 ... One Letter . . . Cincinnati, Ohio .. . played s plit end and tight end i n '6 7 .. . was moved to ti g ht e nd in the spr in g . . . h as great quickn ess and above-average spee d . . . catc h es th e ball we ll ... h onor student .. . a l s o pl ays baseball . .. s hould be one o f confe r e n ce's top pass receivers ... can play e i ther of three positions ... hi story major.


Duke Baker .. . Sophomore . .. 21 ... 6-3 .. . 225 . . . One Letter ... Hamilton , Ohio .. . came on stro n g in '67 ... caught se veral k ey pa sses la st year . . . good size and !:a nd s . . . could start . .. h e needs to i mprove hi s blockin g technique s . . . wit h ex peri en ce, Baker could dev elop into a top-flig ht performer physical education major.

John Tazel ... Senior ... 22 ... 5-1 ... 165

Two l..etters ... Aliquippa, Pennsylvania . . . be s t short receiver in the OVC la st ye ar . .. caught 49 pa sses for 469 ya rd s and three touchdowns ... fini s hed among top five OVC rece iv ers in '66 an d '6 7 . . . teamed with Aaron Marsh to form top recei v ing team in confere nc e hi s tory . .. goi n g to be an officer in the U . S. Army . . . good blocker from outside pos ition .. . goo d spee d .. . goo d b et for allconference ... math major.




Bob Luman ... Senior ... 22 ... 5-10 ... 180 ... One Letter ... Brooksville, Ohio ... transfer from Ohio State . .. lettered last year as a flanker and as a defensive halfback ... held Murray ' s ·Harvey Tanr'.er to fewer receptions and yards than any other back could do all year ... hard worker ... should be a starter . .. strengthened himself during winter with weights .. . majoring in business.


Tim Speaks ... Junior ... 21 ... 5-9 ... 175 ... Two Letters ... Lancaster, Ohio ... good enough to start for most teams , according to Kidd ... played almost half of the '67 season . . . completed 42 passes in 77 attempts for 574 yards and five touchdowns last year . .. makes the most of his ability .. . biggest threat when rolling out on the option ... coaches not afraid to call on Speaks in any situation . .. along with Guice will give the Colonials the strongest quarterback combination in the conference . . . majoring in business.


Butch Evans . . . Sophomore . .. 18 . .. 6-1 ... 200 ... One Lette'r ... Lebanon, Kentucky came to school without a scholarship . . . p~;ved dependable back-up man last year '.'t the ripe age of 17 ... gained over 90 yards m sterling performance against Youngstown . . . gained 159 yards in 31 carries last year . . . possesses all the qualities of top-flight athlet e ... strongest when running with the ball ... vicious hitter ... needs to improv e blocking technique ... with experience could push Beck ... industrial arts major.

Bob Beck ... Senior . .. 21 ... 5-8 ... 185 . . . Three Letters . . . Cincinnati, Ohio . . .. Beck was the Colonel's second leading rusher in '67 with 243 yards in 69 carries ... ca lled "best blocking back in the OVC" by Kidd ... very tough on short yardage situations . .. set Eastern record with 68 points in '66 season . . . has gained 665 yar ds in three years . . . very dependable ... came to Eastern without scholarship, but earned one quickly ... majors in history .


William Wright ... Freshman ... 19 ... 5-10 ... 170 ... No Letters ... White ~burg, Kentucky .. . Wright is an athletic rarity ... h e came out of the student body in the spring and four weeks later was a s tarter . . . has talent of running to daylight .. . possesses good quickness ... with experience will develop into a top running back . .. phy s ical education major.

Mike Armstrong . . . Sophomore . . . 20 . . . 5-11 .. . 190 ... No Letters . .. Springfield, Ohio . .. he was converted from tailback to quarterback .. . threat to pass or run at any time . . . very quick to hit th e line .. . tran sfer from Ohio State . . . need s experience . . . strong on outside pla ys .. . best at rolling to the l eft, because he throws left-handed . . a business major.




Tom Shetler .. . Senior ... 22 . .. 6-2 ... 215 ... Three Letters ... Park Hills, Kentucky .. . called 'Mr. Dependable' by coaching s taff .. . ' 68 w ill be his third year as a sta rter . . . hard worker ... goo d s tudent . . . good s ize and speed ... adept at rushing passer ... does exce ll e nt job of turning wide pla ys inside .. . father, moth er and brother are Ea s tern graduat es ... Ea stern ha s lo st only one game that Sh e tl er started ... majoring in h ea lth.

Jim De m ler . .. Se n ior . . . 21 .. . 6 - 2 ... 2 1 2

Si d ney Ye ld e ll . . . Jun io r . . . 2 0 . . . 6 -0 . ..

212 . .. Two Letters . . . G l ass b o ro , New J ersey .r.. moved to defensive end from midd l e guard in the spring ... was outsta n d i ng all spring ... d e fin i te all-conference candidate ... ver y s trong and aggressive ... un l imited potential .. . hit s with authority ... dedicated to winning ... very popular with teammates ... majoring in law enforcement.


M ill e r A rr itt .. . Se ni or ... 23 ... 6- 2 .. .

215 ... Three Let t ers . . . P a rtl ow, V irg ini a . 2nd team all-conference choice in '66 and ' 67 ... will be a starter for the 4th year ... improved strength i n winter weight lifting . . . s hou l d have great year ... was second in number of tack l es and assists i n '66 and '67 .. . came to school as a linebacker ... serv i ce veteran . . . a physical education and history major .

... Three Letters ... B ellevue, Ke n tucky . . . a two-year starter ... showed good improvement in spr ing ... help s make defensive tackle a strong position ... has good quickness ... does a good job of ru s hing the passer .. . had an excellent game in the Grantland Rice Bowl . . . he p l ayed u nder defensive coach Bill Shannon in h igh sc hoo l ... majoring in indu s trial techno l ogy. Phil

. .. Thr ee L e tt e r s . .. S tr a wn , Illinoi s ... o n e of the strongest on the team . . . very to u g h on plays straig h t ahead . . . had a good spring . .. showing great improvement on l atera l movement ... will be hard to keep him o u t of lineup ... Knauer cou l d be one of the few pro prospects around who mig h t n ot start a bus i nes s major.


T e dd y T ay lor .. . Junior . . . 22 . .. 5 -11 .

1 9 0 ... Two L et t e r s ... Cynthi a n a, K e ntu c ky ... a n A ll- America cand i date ... all- OVC i n '67 ... has great quickness a nd ag ili ty .. . adept at catchi n g q u arterbacks be h ind line .. . sto l e a handoff in Grantla n d Rice Bow l a n d ran 39 yards for a touc h down .. . good kickoff man ... has good l ateral movement ... very popular among teammates .. . was a preseason all - confe r ence pick by a po ll of coac h es . .. p h ysica l ed u cation major.

2 1
6 -4 ... 2 4 5
Kn a u e r .. .
nior . ..
. ..

Harry Gibbs ... Junior ... 20 .. . 5-11 .. . 190 ... No Letters ... Chamblee, Georgia .. . Gibbs was switched from offensive guard and center to middle guard in the spring ... he has shown steady improvement ... very coachable . .. should provide help for Taylor ... strong and quick . .. only needs experience in his new position ... proved valuable last year when both offensive centers were injured ... a business major.


Ron Reed ... Senior ... 22 ... 6-0 ... 195 . . .

Two Letters ... Flemington, New Jersey . . . co-captain . . . a real leader . . . vicious hitter .. . all-conference in '67 ... came to school without a scholarship ... works hard in every practice . . . led team in tackles and assists the last two years ... plays par golf ... plans an Army career ... retreats well on pass plays ... a definite All-America prospect a physical education major.

Paul Hampton .. . Sophomore .. . 21 ... 6-2 . .. 195 ... One Letter . .. Belfry, Kentucky . .. had outstanding spring ... was instrumental in his team's win in the spring game ... will be hard to keep him out of lineup ... sense of humor makes him a favorite amon g teammates .. . good leader ... can also play offensive center has good knowledge of gam e . . . Hampton sings 'Cabin on the Hill ' in dressing room following all Colonel victori e s . . . majoring in physical education .

Jim Moberly ... Senior ... 20 ... 5-10 ...

180 ... Th'ree Letters ... Richmond, Kentucky ...

three-year starter ... blessed with football 'know-how' .. . calls defensive signals ... coaches say "pound for pound Moberly's as tough as anyone in the OVC" ... hits with vicious force . . . played under three Colonel coaches (Kidd, Harville, Ison) at Richmond Madison . . . tackles with perfect form . . well-liked by teammates ... pre-law major.

Rich Dryden ... Senior ... 21 ... 6-0 .. .

210 ... Three Letters . .. Cincinnati, Ohio .. . dependable linebacker ... hits with authority ... provides depth to one of the team's strongest positions . . . good size and speed .. (_ would sta r '. for most OVC teams .. . a hard worker ... can also play off e nsive guard . . . played fullback and defensiv e tackle for state Class AA champs Ft. Thomas Highlands in high school ... majoring in recreation.


Ted Green . .. Sophomore ... 20 ... 5-10 . 170 .. . One Letter . .. Atlanta, Georgia . . . the Louisville Couri e r-Journal picked Green on its all-conferenc e unit in his first varsity season . . . natural speed and ability . . . very quick ... good student . . . hard worker and dedicated ... should be one of the top pass defenders in the conferenc e . . . good kick return man; returned one for a touchdown against Middle Tennessee in '67 ... majors in psychology.


Don Moore ... Senior . . . 22 ... 5-10 ... 180 ... Two Letters ... Vine Grove, Kentucky .. . a two-year starter . . .a very hard hitter .. . Moor e ha s tremendous hustle and det erm ination . . . s trong desire to w in . . . the only senior in the secondary ... being counted on for l eadersh ip ... reacts we ll to pa ss or run .. . pla yed high sc hool ball with equipment manager Skip Daugh erty ... majoring in business.

Bill Gardner ... Freshman ... 20 ... 6-1 ... 180 ... No Letters ... Louisville, Kentucky

... Gardner possesses good speed and ability . .. with experience he could be a great one . .. he has trem e ndous desire ... coaches say h e could very easi l y su rpri se one of the lettermen and win a s tarting position . .. he came a l o n g way in spring drills ... majorirtg in math . Gardner ma y miss this season with an injured hand .


Bob Webb . . . Junior ... 20 ... 6-0 ... 190 . . . Two Letters . .. Miami, Florida . . . selec ted by coaching staff to repla ce graduated Harr y Lenz at the rover position ... very aggressive ... terrific competitor .. . good st udent ... deceptive speed ... int ercepted five passes la st year, top s on the squad . .. good tackler ... he's being counted on for leadership in the secondary . .. a business major.

Pete Compassi ... Junior ... 20 ... 5-11 ... 170 ... One Letter ... Frankfort, Kentucky . . . Compassi has unlimited potential .. . he missed the first half of the '67 season with injuri es ... pla ys the ball well . . . dedication and aggressiveness are his strong points ... good speed . .. came into his own during last few conference games and the bowl game last year .. . was a standout running back at Franklin County Hi gh School ... majoring in recreation.

Brian Siemon . . . Freshman . . . 19 ... 6-1 . . .

190 ... No Letters ... Springfield, Ohio . . . showed great promise in spr ing drills .. . . the yoa n ger brother of graduated all-OVC end Chuck Siemon ... coachable ... ha s big de s ire to pla y . . . s hould see a lot of a ct ion . . . the third member of hi s fami l y to play footba ll at Ea ste rn ... future all -c onference cand idat e . . . business management major . Bill March .. . Junior ... 22 ... 5-10 .. . No Letters ... Miami, Florida ... March comes from the same high school as Gui ce, Webb , Troike and freshman Mike Nicholson . . . broke many of Guice's records in high schoo l . . . he transferred last year from Parsons College ... only needs exper ienc e to become top-flight quarterback . .. s hould add important strength to quarterback corps ... business major.

Ron McCloud ... Sophomore ... 20 ... 5-11 ...

175 ... No Letters ... Raceland, Kentucky .. . earned a scho larship with fine showing in the spring . . . he ha s good hand s and good speed ... w ill see plenty of action this ye ar ... only needs experience to be a fine receiver . . . Tiade some exce ll ent plays in the spri n g game ... moves well w ith the ball after catching it ... majorin g in business .

Ed Kuehne ... Junior ... 21 ... 6-3 ... 205 ... One Letter ... Cincinnati, Ohio ... Kuehne was switched from defensive end to tackle in the spring ... showed good improv ement .. . has good quicknes s .. . a real hard hitter . . . needs experience ... has all the physical assets needed .. . will be counted on for reserve strength in the defensive lin e ... la w enforcement major.

Doug Johnston ... Sophomore ... 20 ... 5-11 ... 180 ... No Letters ... Portsmouth, Virginia ... Johnston possesses good size and speed ... unlimited potent ia l ... has desire to be a good football player. .. good quickness ... very popular among teammates . . . could develop into a topflight defender with a little game experience ... majoring in physical education.

1 J

Tim Speaks

Jim Guic e

Don Moore .... .

Bill Gardner .. .

Bill March .. . .... .

Pete Campassi

James K e lly

Ted Green .. ..... .

Allen Baker . .

Bob W e bb

Mike Armstrong

William Wright

Jerry Pullins .

Butch Eva ns . ..... .

Don Jones .. . ... . .

Doug Johnston

John T a zel

Bob Luman

Haro l d Joyce

Charles Walton

Paul Hampton

Billy Bishop ...

Ken Richardson

Dick Dunkle

Don Minor

Ron Reed

Walt Murphy

Ted Taylor . .. ... .

Fred Troike


Jim Moberly



Don Wi g gington

Pat Sheridan

Jim Demler

Don Eva ns

Ed Kuehn e

Ron House ... .

Miller Arritt . . .

Bill Bre w er ... .

Tom Sw a rtz . ... . .

Philip Knauer

Brian Siemon

Ron MCC ioud

Sidney Y e ldell

John Ankney . .. .

D ew ey B a ker ... .

Tom Sh e tler

David M a upin

Don Buehler

M a rk Shireman

James Wilson

L a ncaster, Ohio

Miami, F lorida

Vine Grove, Ky.

Louisville, Ky.

Miami, Florida

Frankfort, Ky.

Huntsv il le, Ala.

At l anta, Ga.

Crab Orchard, Ky

Miami, Florida

Spr i ngfield, Ohio

Wh i tesb u rg, Ky.

Cincinnati, Ohio

Mineral City, O h io

Lebanon, Ky.

London, Ky

Portsmo u th, Va

Aliquippa, Pa.

Brooksville, Ohio

Louisville, Ky.

Dayton, Ky.

Belfrey, Ky.

Park City, Ky

Dayton , Ky.

Lancaster, Ohio

Ca m pbe ll sville, Ky .

Flemington, N. J.

Covington , Ky .

Cynthiana, Ky .

Miami, Florida

Cincinnati, Ohio

Chamb l ee, Ga

Richmond, Ky.

Cincinnati, Ohio

Louisville, Ky .

Newport, Ky.

B e llevue, Ky.

Ev a rts , Ky.

Cincinnati, Oh i o

Dayton, Ohio

Partlow, Va .

Xenia , Ohio

Winchester, Ky .

Strawn, Il l.

Springfie l d, Ohio

Race l a nd, Ky.

Glassboro, N. J.

Dayton, Ohio

Hamilton, Ohio

Park Hills, Ky

Louisv i lle, Ky.

Cincinnat i , Ohio

Brandenburg , Ky.

Huntsville, Ala.

No. 11 12 14 16 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 30 31 32 33 40 41 42 44 44 50 51 52 52 54 55 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 70 71 72 73 74 75 77 78 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 1968 Eastern
Pos . ·················•··•·········QB ·······QB DS DS QB ......... DS .. .... .FHB ...... DS DS ...... DS . ...... .. . .... .. ... .. .... TB Bob Beck . .... ..... ...... ..... ... ... .. . .. . .. .. . .. . . .. . . .. .TB FB
.. FB FB ... ...... DS . . .. . ... DS ...... .FHB FHB FHB DS ... . .. . . ... LB ... . LB ··················•···········c C ... ....... .c LB .... K . ..... ...... ...... ... . . ...... .MG ··········G Mike
....... .. ....... .. .. . .... . G MG
.. .
. ..... .
Harry Gibbs
c k
...... . . .. . ...... . .. .... .
. .. .
.. .
. . . ..... .LB G ........ G G ·T T .T .T ... T T ··T T E .. .. . ........ ... .... .. E .E . .. E E E E . . .. .. ...... . .E .. ....... E ········E C l ass Jr Sr. Sr. Fr. Jr. Jr. Soph. Soph. Soph. Jr. Soph. Fr. Sr. Jr. Soph. Fr. Soph. Sr . Sr. Jr. Jr. Soph Fr . Fr. Sr . Sr. Sr. Sr. Jr . Sr. Soph . Jr. Sr. Sr. Jr. Fr. Sr. Jr. Jr. Sr. Sr. Sr. Jr. Sr. Fr Soph. Jr. Fr. Soph. Sr. F r. Soph. Fr. Fr. 26 Football Ht. 5 -9 6-0 5 - 11 6-0 5 - 11 5-11 5 - 9 5 - 10 5-11 6-0 6·0 5-9 5 - 7 5-10 6 - 0 5-10 5 -10 5-11 5 - 10 5 - 9 5-11 6 - 2 6 - 0 5-11 6-0 5 - 10 6 - 0 5-9 5-11 6 - 0 6-2 5 - 11 5 -10 6 - 0 5-8 6 - 0 6 - 1 6 - 2 6-3 6 - 0 6-2 6 -1 6·1 6-4 6-1 5·11 6 - 0 6-2 6-3 6-2 6-4 6-0 6-0 6 - 3
Wt. 170 185 180 180 170 170 170 165 190 195 187 165 185 220 195 162 180 165 180 170 160 195 185 195 205 195 190 190 190 190 210 185 180 215 195 185 210 205 205 210 210 215 195 245 185 160 210 190 225 210 205 195 18 0 185



Don Buehler Bill Brewer Don Wiggin g ton Dick Dunkle Fred Troike Don Evan s Duke Baker

Harold Jo yce Tom Sw artz Pat Sheridan Don Minor Rich Dr yde n Ron House John Ankney

Ron McCloud Ken Richardson James Wilson

Mark Shireman


William Wri g ht

Mike Armstrong


l<~HB KS

Jim Guice John Tazel W a lt Murphy

Tim Speaks Bob Luman

Bill March James Kell y

Steve Goodroe


Bob Beck

Butch Evans

Jerry Pullins


Tom Shetler Jim Demler Ted Taylor Miller Arritt Sidney Yeldell

D avid Maupin Phil Knauer Harry Gibbs Ed Kuehne Brian Siemon



Jimmy Moberly

Billy Bishop


Ron Reed

Paul Hampton


Ted Green Bob Webb Pete Campassi Don Moore

Doug Johnston Charles Walton Don Jones Bill Gardner

Allen Baker Wiseman





No. Name Pos.No. Name Pos. 83 John Ankney .. ........ .. .... E 72 Ed Kuehne .... ... . .. ...... .... T 25 Mike Armstrong .... ... .TB 42 Bob Luman .... .. ....... .FHB 74 Miller Arritt .. .. .. .. ...... .. .. T 19 Bill March . ... ... .... ....... QB 63 Mike A y ers ....... ... .... ..... . G 86 David Maupin . ... .. .... .. .. E 23 Allen Baker ... .... ..... . ... DS 81 Ron McCloud ... ... .... ...... E 84 Dewey Baker ... ............. E 54 Don Minor ..... ... ........ .... C 30 Bob Beck .......... ... ..... ..FB 65 Jim Moberly ...... ... ..... LB 51 Bill y Bishop .......... .. . ... LB 14 Don Moore .................. DS 75 Bill Brewer .. .. ........... .... .T 60 Walt Murphy ..... ... .. ... ... K 87 Don Buehler ........ .. ....... .E 31 Jerry Pullins . ..... . ... .... FB 20 Pete Campassi ... ... ...... DS 55 Ron Reed ... ........... . ..... LB 70 Jim Demler ..... ... .. .... ..... . T 52 Ken Richardson ... ..... .... C 66 Rick Dryden ... .. .. ... . .. ... .. G 68 Pat Sheridan .... .... .... ... .G 52 Dick Dunkle . ... ...... . ...... .C 85 Tom Shetler ............ ... ... E 32 Butch Evans ........ .. .. .... FB 88 Mark Shireman .... . ..... ..E 71 Don Evans .. . .... .... .... ... .. .. T 80 Brian Siemon .... .. .. . .. ..... E 16 Bill Gardner. ....... .. .... . .DS 11 Tim Speaks .. ......... ..... QB 64 Harry Gibbs .. ...... ..... .MG 77 Tom Swartz ... ... ... .. ....... T 22 Ted Green .... .... .. ... ... . .DS 61 Ted Taylor . .... .... ....... MG 12 Jim Guice ........ .. .. .. .. .. QB 41 J ohn Tazel . ...... ....... FHB 50 Paul Hampton .. .... ..... .LB 62 Fr ed Troike .. ...... .. ... ..... G 73 Ron House ...... .. .... .... . ... T 44 Charles Walton .......... DS 40 Doug John ston .. ........ DS 24 Bob Webb .... ... ... ..... .... .DS 33 Don J ones ..... ........ .... ... DS 67 Don Wiggington .... ...... G 44 Harold Joyce ... ... .. ..FHB 89 Jam es Wil son .. .... ...... .... E 21 James Kelly ........ .... FHB 26 William Wri ght .... ... ...TB 78 Philip Knauer . .. ... .. .. ....T 82 Sidney Yeldell ..... ..... .... E
Miller Arritt ... ....... .. .. .. .... ... .. ... . ........ .. ... ............. ........ . .. .. AIR-itt Don Buehler .... .... .... ...... ..... ... .......... ... ... .. .... ........ .. .. ......... ...... BUE-ler Pete Campassi ....... .... .... .... ... ..... .. .......... ..... .. ... ... ... . ... . .. . come -PASSi Jim D emler .... . ..... .... . ... .. .. .. .. ..... ..... ...... .. . .. ....... .. .. ... ...... .......... DIM-ler Jim Guice .............. ........ .... .. .... .. .... .... ...... ..... ... ........ .. ............ . ... GUYce Philip Knauer ........ ... ........ ... .... ........ . ... ... . .. ......... .. .. ......... ........ NOW-er Ed Kuehne ............ .. .. ...... .. .. .. .. ......... ... .............. ... .. .... .. .. ....... KEEN-ee Tom Shetler .. .... ...... ... ........ ... ......... ..... ............ .. .... .. ............. .SHET-ler Brian Siemon .......... . ... .. ....... ...... ......... .. . .......... .. . ..... . ..... ..... .SEA-mun John Tazel ......... .... ............. .... ..... ..... ... .. . .. . .... ....... .... .. ......... TAZ-el Fred Troike ... .......... .... ... ... .. ... .. ....... . ..... ..... .... ....... ....... TROY -ke Sidney Yeldell ..... .... ......... ... ...... .... .. . ... ... ... ... ... .... . ..... .... .. .YELL-dell 28
Name Pos. Keith Jam es ...... ..... .. ..... ... .T Glen Gre en . ........ .. ..... .... QB Richard Cook . ... .... . .. ..... .. LB Ha rry Ir win .. ...... ... ..... ..... .T Paul McKee ......... .. ... .... .. HB Steve Finan . ........ ... ... .. .. .FB Henry Cooper ............ ..... .. . T Charles Walroth, Jr ..... ..HB Thomas Lyons . .. ... .. . ... ..... . G Larry Ka e lin .... ...... .. .... ... .. .C Jimmi e Brooks .. ....... .... . HB Thomas Gaebler ... ... . ...... ... E Godfrey Kelly . ...... ... ... . .... .. G Rick Reynolds ............ .. .... .. C Joe Woosley ..... ..... .. . ........ ... T Mac Boroner .... .. .... ... ... .... .. T Eddie Price ..... ... .. ...... . .. ...LB Tom Bohannon . ........ ... ... .LB Steve Van Bogart .... .. ..... . ..T Kenny Woods ...... .... FB Bob Fricker .................. .. . .QB
Lyons Ht. 6-2 5-10 5-10 6-3 6-0 6-1 6-3 6-0 6-1 6-1 5-11 6-1 5-11 6-3 6-2 6-3 5-10 5-11 6-0 5-11 6-0 Wt. 195 180 180 210 190 206 220 170 210 210 185 195 185 210 215 240 200 195 210 195 170
Hometown Lawrenceburg, Ky. Berea, Ky. Lexington, Ky . Elizabethtown, Ky . Covin g ton , Ky . Cincinnati, Ohio Louisville, K y. Cincinnati, Ohio Ashland, Ky. Cincinnati, Ohio Valley Station, Ky. Paris, Kentucky Owensboro, Ky. Loui s ville, K y . Louisville, Ky . Louisville, Ky. Louisville, Ky. Loui s ville, Ky. Louisville, Ky. Paris, Ky . Cincinnati, Ohio
Jimmy Brooks Steve Finan Larry Kaelin Chuck Walroth

The Opponents

Frank Waters

First Game


Sept. 21 -at Ashland-8 p . m.

Location - Hil lsda l e, Mic hi ga n

Enrollment- 1,050

President- Dr J. Don.a id Phillips

Nickname- Charg e rs

Colors - Royal Blue and White

Stadium - Recreation Fie l d (4,000)

Conference- None Office Phone- 517-437-7364

Publicist- T om Trumbl e Athletic Director - Fr an k D. "Muddy " Waters (Michigan State, '50)

H ead Coach- Frank D. "Mud d y" W a ters

Assistant Coaches - Dan Goldsmith (M i c hi gan State, ' 48); Dave Trippl ett (Hillsda l e , '58);

W a r ren Spragg (Hillsdale, ' 59); Bob H odges, (East Carolina Coll e ge) Chuck H

1968 Schedule 1967 Results


Second Game


Sept. 28 - Hanger Stadium - 8 p.m.

Loc a tion - John City , Tennessee

Enrollment- 10 ,000

President- Dr. Burgin E . Dossett

Ni c kn a m e - Buccaneers, Bucs

Colors - B lu e a nd Gold

Stadium - University Field

Conference - Ohio Valley

Offense- Slot-I

Publicist - Bill Captain

Office Phon e-926-1113, ext. 391

Athletic Dire c tor- John Robert Bel l (Georg ia Tech, ' 48)

H ead Coac h - John R. B e ll

Assistant Coaches - Richar d Bennett (So uth Carolina, '59) ; Roy Fra z ier ( E as t Tenn essee, ' 65); Calvin Fr ey (Alabama, ' 29); Em ory H a l e (East T en n essee, '62; L T. Helton ( T ennessee , '6 2 ); Tom Pugh (Carson - Newman, 54); C. M. Boggs (East Tennesse e, ' 67); J erry Robertson (East John Robert Bell T e nn essee, '64) Ron Overbay

1968 Schedule 1967 Results


Rebuilding is the word Hill s dale College is using to describe it s football program. But head coach and athletic director Frank "Muddy" Wat ers has compiled a 94-31 - 5 record in his 13 years at the Michigan schoo l and this yea r 's team should reflect the previous ones. Halfback Fr ed Wicht, d e fensive ends Rick Sands and Duane P e lz and lineback er Chuck Haviland are the be s t among the return ing lettermen. Also, Hillsdale has signed it s be s t-ever group of incoming freshm e n. Ea stern leads the series 1-0.

With 28 of 39 l ettermen returning, Ea st T e nne ssee is looking to improve on its fourth-plac e conference finish in '67. Last ye ar the offense was the Buccane ers' biggest problem. But that seems to be solved. Veteran quarterback Larry Graham and tajJbacks Jerry Daugtr y and Rusty Miller shou ld provide the offensive punch that had been lacking. OVC "Defensive Pla yer of th e Year" Ron Overbay returns to provide l eadership to an alread y stingy unit. Eastern lead s the series 11 - 4 - 2.

av il a
Sept. 21 Eastern Kentucky 3 Findl ay .. .. .... ...13 Sept. 2 8 OLIVET COLLEGE Oct. 5 U. of Missouri 8 Northern Michig a n ........ ..35 CENTRAL Oct. 12 MICHIGAN U. 6 Central Michigan ············30 Fairmont State Oct. 19 College 27 Northwood Institut e ... .. 13 NORTHERN 14 Northern Illinois .............. 24 Oct. 26 MICHIGAN U. Win o n a State 19 Bradley 0 Nov. 9 College Nov. 2 Nort h w ood In s titute 7 St. Norbert ... ..... ... .. ... . ..... . ...13 ST . NORBERT 14 S. W . Missouri .. ............ 6 Nov. 16 COLLEGE
e games in oa p s) Won 3, Lost 5
28 Eastern Kentucky O Parsons ......... .. . . 0 Oct. 5 WESTERN KY. 7 Eastern Kentucky ... .35 Oct. 12 TENNESSEE TECH 3 Western Kentu c ky . .. ... ... ... . 6 Oct. 19 Chattanooga 22 Tennes see T ec h .43 Oct. 26 Murray 14 Chattanooga 15 Nov. 2 Qu a ntico Marines 8 Murray _. 7 Nov. 9 MOREHEAD O Quantico Marines ........ .. 3 Nov. 16 Middle T e nn essee 16 Moreh e a d ........ . .... .. 0 Nov. 23 AUSTIN PEAY 26 Middle T e nn essee .. 36 Nov
37 Austin Peay ........... 0 (
Won 3, L
. 30
Hom e
in ca p s)
os t 6, Tied 1



Oct. 5-at Clarksville, Tennessee-8 p.m.

Location - Clarksville, Tennessee

Enrollment-3 , 200

President- Dr. Joe Morgan

Nickna me - Governors

Colors - Scarlet and White

Stadium-Municipal Conference - Ohio Valley

Offense-" T"

Publicist-John R. Martin, Jr. Office Phone- 647-3122, ext. 615

Athletic Director- Dave Aaron (Cumberland U niversity, '35)

H e ad Coach - Bill Dups (Tennessee Tech, '52)


Fourth Game


Oct. 12 - Hanger Stadium - 2 p.m.

Location - Murfreesboro, T ennessee

Enrollment- 6,750

President- Dr. Quill E. Cope

Nickname - Blue Raiders

Colors - Blu e and White

Stadium - Horace Jones Field

Conference - Ohio Valley

Offense- Split T, Slot T, I Formation

Publicist- Bob Brooks

Office Phone- 896-0680, ext. 373 (Middle Tennessee, '38)

Head Coach-Charles M. Murphy

Bill Dupes

Assistant Coaches - Jerry Flatt <Tennessee Tech, '61); Jim Lane (Middle Tenne ssee '58); Ray Thomas (Tennessee Tech, '61) Doug Pittenger MG

1968 Schedule

1967 Results

Assistant Coaches - Joe Black Hayes ( Tennessee, '39); Don Lear (North Carolna , '57); Charles Butler (M iddle Tenn essee, Charles "Bubber" ' 61); Gary Whaley (Middle Murphy Tennessee, '64) Gary Draper LB

1968 Schedule



Oct. 5 C hatt anooga

Oct. 12 Eastern Kentucky

Oct. 19 Murray State



Nov. 9 Western Kentucky


1967 Results


Improvement is in line for Austin Peay's gridiron fortunes after last year's disappointing 2-8 season. With returnees like All-OVC end Harold Roberts, it seems imminent. Roberts broke four school receiving marks in his freshman season. He will be aided by quarterback Dennis Dyer, strong-running fullback Ronnie Hackney and lineback Doug Pittenger . Depth is the biggest problem for the Governors, but that could be solved by incoming freshmen. Eastern leads the series 6-3.

Nov. 28 Tennessee Tech (Home games in caps)

As far as the fans at Middle Tennessee were concerned, the third-place conference finish the Blue Raiders earned in '67 was a disaster. It was the lowest the team had finished since 1954 under coach Charles "Bubber" Murphy . But the Blue Raiders are expected to be stronger this fall. The return of tailbacks Taylor Edwards and Gene Carney and the blossoming of hometown product Dickie Thomas at quarterback make Murphy 's charges look ready for a title run. Middle Tennessee leads the series 11-4 .

Sept. Sept. Oct. Oct. Oct. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov.
games in caps)
8 Chattanooga ...... .... . 6 Western Kentucky . O Eastern Kentucky 10 Morehead State .... ........ 23 ..... . ...... 31 ....... .. ... 37 ... ........ 8 .. ......... 34 20 Middle Tennessee 0 Findlay ... .. . 14 37 Murray State 13 Tennessee Tech 0 East Tennessee 6 UT Martin ... Won 2 , Lost 8, Tied O .... .. 20 ........ 38 ........ 37 47
28 Pensacola Navy . 7 19 Morehead State . .. ...... 21 13 Chattanooga ....... ........... ....... 30 7 Eastern Kentucky 14 14 Murray State .35 34 Austin Peay 20 36 UT Martin ...... ..... ... .. .. .44 16 Western Kentucky ..... .14 36 East Tennessee .. .. ... ............ .26 33 Tennessee Tech .. .. .20 Won 5, Lo s t 5, Tied O

Fifth Game

(Cheerleader Day)


Oct. 19 - Hanger Stadium - 2 p.m. (Band Day)

Location - Akron, Ohio

Enrollm e nt - 10,000

President- Dr . Norm a n P. Auburn

Nicknam e- Zips

Colors - Blue a nd Go ld

Stadium - Rubber Bowl (35 ,482)

Offense- Slot I

Publi c ist- K en M ac Don a ld Office Phone- 762-2441, ext. 422

Athletic Dire c tor- Kenneth "Red" Co c hran e

H ead Co ac h - Gordon Lar so n

Assistant Coaches - Jim

Dennison ; Jim Herb s tr e it ;

John Laho s ki ; Ray D or r ;

1968 Schedule

1967 Results


Sixth Game


Oct. 26 - at Bowling Green - 2 p.m.

Location - Bo w ling Gre e n, Kentucky

Enrollment- 11 ,000

President-Dr . Kelly Thompson

Nickn a m e - Hi ll toppers

Co lors - R e d and White

Stadium - L. T. Smith Stadium

Conf e r e nc e - Ohio Vall ey

Offense - Pro-Set

Publicist - Ed Given

Office Ph o n e-745-4295

Athletic Director- Ted Horn b ack ( Western K e ntu c k y , ' 29)

H ea d Coach - Jimm y Feix ( W es t e rn, '53)

Assistant Coaches - Jo e Bugel ( W es t e rn, '64; J erry Glanvill e ( W es t e rn Mich., '63); Robbi e F ra nklin ( T e nnessee, '67);

( Wittenb e

'64) Dicki e Moore

1968 Schedule 1967 Results

The return of 27 lett erme n, including the entire offensive backfield, makes Akron look st rong for the '68 season. Quarterback Don Z wisler, fullback Tony Moro and halfbacks Ron Lemon and J ack Beidleman will operate from the Slot I to take full advantage of their experienc e. If r e placements can be found for two graduated ends, the Zip s defense should be much improved . Tony Palli ja will be counted on to stre n gt hen a once weak pass defense. This is the fir s t meetin g of the two schools.

If new head coach Jimm y F e ix can find rep lac ements for the holes left b y graduation in the offensive lin e, We s tern co uld be one of the top college divis ion teams in the cou ntr y. H eaded by All -A merican fullback Dicki e Moore, 29 lettermen return, with depth abundant everywhere save the offensive front wall. Veteran performers J ohnn y Vance, Jim Voorhees and freshman signee Ike Brown will form a formidable ba ckfie ld. Th e Oct. 26 contest is already being bill ed as the "game of the ye ar" , somewhat remini scent of last year's 14-14 deadlock. W es tern lead s the series 25-14-1.

A"~ N
.n._ "Q n
Gordon Larsen Sid Laria John Vargo Hll
Sept 14 Butler 17 Northern Michigan ............ 34 Sept. 21 INDIANA STATE 6 Tampa ... 0 Sept. 28 Tampa 20 Quantico Marines ················ 0 Oct. 5 EASTERN MICHIGAN Oct. 12 Bradley 19 Youngstow n ·12 Oct. 1 9 Eastern Kentu cky 23 B a ld w in-Wallace .... . .. . .. .. 23 O c t. 2 6 Open 42 Br a dle y 12 Nov. 2 ILLINOIS ST A TE 1 4 VMI. 38 - -- --····-··········· Nov. 9 BALDWIN -WALLA CE 0 Wittenberg ······1 4 Nov. 16 Western K ent u cky 21 T e mple .. ... 22 Nov. 22 Youngsto w n St a t e ( Home ga m es in ca p s) Won 4 , Lo s t 4, Tied 1
32 Sept. Sept . Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov .
:Feix Art
Z e lez
21 BUTLER 47 St. Joseph's 7 28 A USTIN PEAY 31 Austin Peay 6 5 East Tenn essee 6 East T ennessee 3 12 W es tern Illin o i s 56 Tenn essee Te c h 0 19 Tenne ssee T ec h 14 Ea s t e rn K e ntu c k y . :: 14 26 EASTER N KENT UC KY 30 Morehead ······19 2 Mor e he a d 14 Middl e T e nne ssee ..... 16 9 MIDDLE TE NNESS EE 36 Butler .............................. ........ 14 16 AKRO N 42. M urr ay ................... .... 19 23 Murra y ( H ome ga m es in ca p s) W on 7, Lost 1, Ti e d 1

Larry Tillm a n ge


Nov . 2 - Hanger Stadium - 2 p.m.


Location - M urr ay, K e ntu c ky

Enrollment- 8,0 00

President- Dr. Harry Sparks

Nickn ame - R ace rs / Th oro u g hbr e ds

Color s - Bl u e a nd Gold

Stadium - Ca rli sle Cutchin ( 7 ,000)

Conferenc e- Ohio V alley

Offense- Pro-T

Publicist- Jo e T o m Erwin

Office Phone- 7 62 - 42 70

Athletic Dire ctor- Cal Luther

Head Coach -B ill Fur gerso n (Murray, '5C)

Assist ant Coaches - Bill Hina (Murray, '58); Bill Holt

( Western , '57); Carl Oakley ( E astern, '55); Jere Str ipli ng (M urr ay, '58)

1968 Schedule

1967 Results


Nov .



Tenn .-2 p .m. (EST)

Location - Cookevil l e , Tenn essee

Enro llm en t - 6,000

President- Dr. Everett Derryberry

Colors - P urpl e an d Gold

Nic kn a m e-Go ld e n Eagles

Stadium - Overall Field (12,000)

Conference- O hio Vall ey

Offense- "!"

Pub li c i st- C h ar les Looper

Off i ce Phone- 5 26-9521

Athle ti c Director-Hooper

Eb len (U. o f T e nn essee, '36)

Head Coach - D o n Wade (C l e m son, '52)

Assistant Coac h es-Bill y S~igler (New b erry College); Chuck Newman (Va nderbilt , '54);

T ony Sto n e ( T e nn essee Tech, '60); Tom Weathers U. of Chattanooga, ' 62) Larry Sc

1968 Schedule 1967 Results

Sept. 21 Northwestern St,ate


Oct. 5 Ark ansas State

Oct. 12 East T ennessee


Oct . 26 Morehead State No v. 2 U. OF CHATTANOOGA


Nov . 16 Austin Peay

Nov 28 MIDDLE T ENNESSEE ( Hom e games in ca p s)

Coach Bill Furgerson is certain that the 1968 Racer s will b e tougher than last year's team which won 4 games and l ost fiv e but he is also certain that th e Ohio Va ll ey Conferenr,e will b ~ tougher throughout and that Mu rr a y's chances for a better record may b e slim. Murray will ha ve 22 lettermen back from last year's team, among whom will be quarterback Larry Tillman, who se t new school and conference records for about all pa ss ing catego r ie s.

Tennessee Tech 's top returnee is Larry Schreiber, and that is enough to put fear in th e opponents' hearts . Schr e iber rushed for 1,069 yards last season in 183 carries, a 5.8 average per carry. David F air is set at quarterback; the offens i ve line is the question mark. T ech's defense is considered strong with lettermen returning at all positions. The biggest prob l em for the Go l den Eagles cou l d be lack of depth . The series is tied 12 - 12.

7 Sev e nt h Gam e
Sept. 21 Sept. 28 Oct. 5 Oct . 12 Oct. 19 Oct. 26 Nov. 2 Nov. 9 Nov. 1 6 Nov. 23 U. T. MARTIN T en n essee Tech Morehead S . E. Missouri MIDDLE TE NNESSEE EAST TEN NESSEE Eastern Kentuck y Austin Peay U. of EVANSVILLE WESTERN KENT UCKY
(Ho m e games in caps)
Murray Opp . 9- Tenn. at Martin ............... .. 16 '' 21 - Tenn ess ee Tech. .. .. .22 '' 21 - Morehead .............. .............. 15 ,, 1 L~~~ lewi~~J;s~ee ··::::::::::::J~ " 7-East Tennesse e .................. 8 *7 - E as tern Kentu c k y 2 8 *20-Austin P eay .......... .. .......... .. 37 20-Evansville ........................... .14 '' 19- W es tern Kentuck y ..... ...... .42 '' Conference Game
Do n , vade E ig ht h Gam e
ib e
hr e
28 Youngsto wn ........ .. .. .......... ... 31 22 Murr ay State ...... ........ ......... 21 7 Ark ansas State ..... .............. 15 4 3 Ea st Tennessee 22 0 Western Kentu ck y 56 16 Morehead ............. ............ ...... 21 1 3 U. of Chattanooga ................ 28 0 E as tern Kentucky ............... 24 38 Austin Peay .... ................ .. ... 13 20 Middle T ennessee 33 W o n 3 , Lost 7 OVC: W on 3, Lost 4

Ninth Game


Nov. 15-ot Youngstown Ohio8 p.m. (EST!

Lo ca tion - Youngstown, Ohio

Enrollment- 13,228

Pre s id ent- Dr . Albert L. Pugsley

Nickname - Penguins

Colors - Red and White

St a dium - Rayen Stadium

Con rerence - Independen t,

orrense - "Wing T "

Publicist - Pau l J. Gregory

Office Phon e-744-84 5 1, ext. 2161 .· ·•.·

Athl e tic Director - Willard . W e bster i


Nov. 23-Hanger Stadium-2 p.m. (EST)

(Military Day)

Location - Mor e h ea d, K en tucky

Enrollm e nt - 6,200

Presid e nt. - Dr. Adron Doran

Nicknam e - E ag l es

Colors - Blue a nd Go ld

Stad ium - J ayne Stadium, Breathitt Sports Cent er (10,000)

Confer e n ce-Ohio Vall ey

Offense - Sp lit-T

Publici s t - M. C. Garrott

Ath l etic Director- Rob er t Lau g hlin (Morehead, '3 7)

Dwii:-ht B ede

He ad Coach - Dwight "Dike" Bede (Carneg i e T ec h. '26)

1968 Schedule 1967 Results

Head Coa ch- John J. (J a ke) Hallum (Newberry College, i,. '60) If

Assistant Coa c h e s - Mike Brown · (Mor e head, ' 6 3 ); W ayne Chapman (More head, '60);

Larry Marmi e (Eastern, '65);

John Behling ( Otterb e in Col k 6 e, ' 60)

1968 Schedule 1967 Results


O c t. 12 Austin P ea y 8 Aus tin Pe a y .. ...... . ..... ... .. .... ..10

Oct. 19 YOUNGSTOWN 20 K e ntucky Sta t e ....... .. .... ..... .16

O c t. 26 TE NNESSEE T ECH 21 Tenness ee T ech .. . ..... . .... 16

Nov. 2 WESTERN KENT UCKY 19 W es tern Kentu c ky ............. 30

Nov . 9 East T ennessee O Eas t Te n n essee .......... ... ..... .16

Nov. 16 KENTUCKY STATE 7 Centra l M i c hig an . 9

Depth is the biggest probl em for Youngstown University and coach Dwight Bede is pinning his hopes on an outstanding crop of incoming freshmen to solve tho se worries. Els ew her e, sophomore flash Calvin Mason, junior split-end Dave DelSignore and linebacker Chuck J oseph will be counted on for leader sh ip that will be nece ssary if the Pen g uin s are to bounce back from the school's first lo s ing seaso n in 10 y e ars . Youngstown will operate from the side-saddle in an effort to ga in the most from a talented group of running ba cks . Ea ster n l eads the ser ie s 4-3.

Nov. 23 E as tern K e ntucky 7 Eastern Kentu c ky ... 7 (Hom e games in caps) Won 4, Lost 5, Ti e d 1

With a new head coach, J ake Hallum, and three assistants making their debut in th e collegiate ranks, Morehead' s football team could take on a n ew look . But with 21 lettermen returning, their job could be made much easier. Defensive tackles Dave Haverdi c k and Ji m Fi sher, running backs Lewis Rogan and Leon W es ley and quarterback Bill Marston will be counted on to l ead the Eagle s back from la st year 's fifth place conference fin i s h. Ea ste rn lead s the series 24-11-4 .

n ga HB
14 Gust a vus Adolphus Sept. 21 Central Michi ga n Oct . 5 Baldwin-Wallace Oct. 12 Pensa co la Nav y Oct. 19 Moreh ea d Univers it y Oct. 26 SOUTH DAKOTA STATE Nov. 2 Southern Illin ois Nov. 15 EASTERN KENTUCKY Nov. 22 AKRON UNIVERSITY (Home games in caps) 31 T ennessee T ec h ... .. ....... .... ... 28 2 Centr a l Michigan .... ... ..... ... 16 33 Bald w in-W allace .... . .. .... .... 36 12 Akron U niversity 19 35 Southern Co nnecti c ut 0 14 Pensa c o l a Navy 17 29 Southern Illin ois ...... ........ .... 3 12 East e rn Kentu c k y . ...... ... ... .. .37 21 Gustavus Adolphus . ..... 10 Won 4, L ost 5, Tied O
Jake Hallum
L ew i s Rogan
S e pt. 24 Marsha ll 30 Mars h a ll 6 S e pt. 28 Midd l e T e nne ssee 21 Middle Tennes see 19 Oct. 5 MURRAY STA TE 15 Murray State ..... ..... ....

Statistically Speaking

1967 Final Eastern Football Statistics


FIR S T DOWNS TEAM STATISTICS EASTERN By Ru s hing .. ..... ......... .... ... ... .. ..... ... ...... 92 By Passing ......... . ..... .. ... .. .. .. ... ... ... .. ... .. .. 93 By Penalt y .. .. .... .. ..... ....... ... .... ....... ........ 17 Total . ......... .. .. . .. ...... ..... ...... . ... ... .. .... .. ..... 202 RUSHING-TIMES CARRIED ... ...... . 458 Yards G ained .. ..... .. ......... ...... ...... .. ...... 1,810 Yards Lost . ... .......... .. ..... .. ...... ... .. .. ..... .. . 291 Net Yards Gained . ........ .. .... .... ...... ... .. 1,519 Averag e Per Carry . ...... ... .. .. ... ... .. ..... . 3.3 Average Per Game .. .. ............ ........ .. .... 138.1 PA SSES-ATTEMPTED ... ... ... .. .... . 300 Compl e ted ..... ... ..... ..... .. .... ..... ......... 170 Ha d Intercepted . .. ....... .. ... .. .. .. ..... 13 Completion Percentage .... ... ..... .... .567 Net Yards ......... ... .. .. .......... .. .... .... .. .. .. . ... 2 , 133 Average Per Game ...... ..... ... .. .. . ..... .... 193 .9 Scoring Passes .... ..... .... ...... ... .... .... .. ...... 19 TOTAL OFFENSE-TOTAL PLAYS .. 75 8 Net Yards . ...... ... ... .. ... ....... .... ............ .... . 3 ,652 Average Per Game ....... ... ..... ... .. ... .. .... . 332.9 PUNTS-NUMBER .............. ........ .. ........ 63 Yard s Punted ...... ............. .... ..... .. .... .... 2,431 Avera g e Per Pun t ...... .. ... ..... .. ... ... .. .. .. 38.5 FUM BLES-LOST .... ........ ... ... .. ... .. .. ....... 15 PEN ALTIES-YARDS LOST.. .... ... .... . 403 (Won 8, Lost 1, Tied 21 OPP. 77 45 9 1 31 517 1,926 446 1 ,480 2 .8 134 .5 202 77 12 .378 1, 029 93 .5 3 719 2,509 228.1 92 3,153 34 .2 10 564 :rn INDIVIDUAL RUSHING Tim es Gain Loss Net Ja ck McCoy , TB .. ... ......... 120 592 31 561 Bob Beck, FB ·················· 69 243 1 242 Ted Holcomb, TB .... ... .. ... 69 226 13 213 Tim Speaks, QB ·············· 45 189 50 139 Foster Ha rris, FB ... ... .. .... 33 89 3 86 Butch Evans, FB .. .... ... ... .. 31 159 8 151 Aaron Marsh, SE . ... .. .. ..... . 10 72 9 63 Ja mes K elley, WB ·--------- 8 27 3 24 Bob Luman, WB .. .. . ... ...... 4 7 3 4 John Tazel, WB . .. .... . .... .. .. 5 32 0 32 Ji m Guice, QB ················ 54 167 170 -3 TOTALS ······.458 1810 291 1519 FORWARD PASSING No.Att. Comp. Pct. Yards Ji m Guice ··············221 127 .575 1,516 Tim Speaks .... .... .. . . 77 42 .545 574 Jack McCoy .. .......... 2 1 .500 43 TOTALS .. ........ 300 177 .567 2,133
Number Caught Aaron Marsh, SE .. .. ... ........... 73 J ohn Tazel, WB . .... .. ... .. .......... 49 Don Buehler , TE . .... .. ..... ........ 19 Duke Bak er, TE ..... ... ............. .12 Bob Luman, WB .... . .. ... .... ...... 8 J ack McCoy, TB .. ........... ... 3 James K elley, WB .. .. .. ... ... .. .. .. 1 Butch E vans, FB .... ......... .. .. ... 1 Ted H olcomb, TB . .. ... .. ...... ... . 3 Bob Beck, FB ... . .. ... ... .. .. .. ........ 1 Yards 1,095 596 180 95 68 70 9 0 22 -2 Per Att. 4.7 3.5 3 . 1 3 . 1 2 .6 4.9 6.3 3 .0 1.0 6.5 -0.4 138 . 1 Td s. 13 5 1 19 Td s. 9 3 3 2 0 1 0 0 1 0



Bob Webb ........... ... ..... ....... . Number 5 Harry Lenz . ... .. ...... .... .. .. .... . 3 Doug Johnston . Don Moore .... . .. Ron Reed .. ... ..... Pet e Compas s i TOTALS . Bob Plotts Aaron Marsh , SE . ... .. Ted Green, DHB .... . James Kelley, WB . Harry Lenz, S . ·······•· ······ 1 ·······12 PUNTING Number ·······63 PUNT RETURNS Number ·········27 ·• ················ 7 ·····•··•······ 5 3 TOTALS . ....... ...... ... ... ... ........ ...... 42 Yards 40 0 12 2 1 0 55 Yards 2,431 Yards 456 114 59 34 633 Avg. 8.0 0.0 12 .0 2.0 1.0 0 .0 4.6 Avg. 38.5 Avg. 16.9 16.3 11.8 11.3 15.6 37
Number Marsh, SE .. .. ... 10 McCo y , TB ......... .... .. . . 4 Kelle y, WB. 2 Baker, TE . 1 TOTALS ..... 17 Aaron Marsh, SE . .. .. . Jack McCo y , TB .. ..... . SCORING Td s . ······12 6 Walt Murphy, KS .. .. .. ... .. ..... ... . 0 Ted Holcomb, TD .... ... .. .. .. .... . 4 John Tazel, WB ...... . ..... .. . ... .... 3 Tim Speaks, QB .. .. .. .. ... ... . ... .... 2 Jim Guice , QB .... ...... .. .. .......... 2 Bob Beck , FB . ... ... ..... ... ..... .. .... 2 Duke Baker, TE ... ... ..... .. . .. .... .. 2 Don Buehler, TE ..... .... ....... ... . 3 Butch Ev ans, FB .... ....... ......... 1 Ted Green, DHB ..... ....... .. .... .. 1 Ted Taylor, MG .. .. ... .. ... ... .. . ... 1 TOTALS ... ... ... ..... ..... ... ..... .39 Eps. 0-0 0-1 27-30 0-0 0-0 1-1 1-2 0-1 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-1 29-34 Yards 277 49 24 1 351 Fgs. 0-0 0-0 4-6 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0 0 -0 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0 4-6 Avg. 27.7 12.5 12 .0 1.0 26.5 Points 72 36 39 24 18 14 14 12 12 18 6 6 7 278
ovc ALL - TIME STANDINGS RUSH ING (Contd.> w L T Pct. Years R Y d s . Ave . M idd l e Te nn ess e e ·········•················72 20 2 .783 1 95 2- 6 7 7 . La rry Math ews, MT ..... ............. .. .. ... 1 38 442 2 .9 T e nn essee T e ch ······························62 46 3 .57 4 19 49 - 6 7 8 . Rus s Hak e, MU . .......... ... .. .. .. .... .. ........ . 11 3 3 62 3 .2 East e rn Ken tu cky --······----···· ·········61 51 7 . 545 1948-67 9 . Otto G se ll, MO .. .. . ...... ....... .. .. .. .. ... . 6 5 3 14 4 .7 Au s tin Pea y ·······················•·········· ·· l 7 17 1 .500 19 63 - 6 7 10. Leon W es l ey, MO .. .. ... .... .... ....... . 86 297 3 .4 W es t e rn K e ntuck y ·······•················54 56 7 .491 194 8 - 6 7 Mur r a y Stat e ·····················•············46 67 5 .407 194 8 - 67 PASS RECEIV ING M ore h e ad Stat e ·········•····················30 86 2 .259 194 8 -67 No . Y d s . T D Ave. '-; L o ui sv ill e -- - -------· ······-······•··· ··· 4 1 0 .800 1948-4 9 1. Har vey Tann e r , MU .... .. .. .... . 88''; 101 9 3 10 .8 *Mar sh all - --···- ·· .... ................. 10 6 0 .62 5 1949 - 51 2. Aar o n Mar s h , EK -- · 73 1 095 9 15 . 2 ,:, E v an svi ll e . ... . .. ... ... ... . ·l0 9 2 .526 1948 - 5 1 3. Harold Ro b er t s, AP • -· -·· 5 6 66 9 11 11.9 *N o l o n ger in OVC 4 . J o hn T aze l , E K ············•··········•· ·•··· ----· 49 596 2 1 2.2 TEAM OFFENSE 5 . Da v id H ud so n , TT .......... ..... .... . ..... .. ... 42 49 2 1 11.7 6 . G era l d Youn g, MU ············-· 37 5 0 1 1 1 13 .5 R u s hin g P ass in g Tota l Offe n se 7. H e r b e rt O we n sby, M T ·--- 3 2 404 6 12.6 Y d s . Avg . Y d s . Avg . Y d s. Avg . 8. Jami e J a mi s on , MT ···-······ 32 38 2 3 11 .9 W es t e rn Kentuck y .. .. .. 2 3 60 2 6 2 .2 815 90.6 3 17 5 35 2.8 9 . Ke n Capl e n o r, MT ----···-- · -- -- 27 3 2 3 1 11.9 Murr a y State . ... ....... ..... 946 94 .6 2433 243 .3 3378 337. 9 10. Joe Cox , MO ···-· ···-··· - ---22 33 6 2 15 . 2 Eastern Ke ntu c k y ... ..... 15 1 9 1 38 .1 2 1 33 193 . 9 3652 332 . 9 11. D o n Bu e hl e r , EK ········---------· -- 19 180 3 9 .5 Mid d l e Tenn e s see .... .... 108 6 10 8 .6 1982 1 98.2 3 068 3 0 6.8 T e nn ess e e T ec h ............ 1723 17 2.3 129 3 129 .3 3016 3 01. 6 SCORING M o r e h e a d S t ate .. . .. .. ... .. 1 6 42 1 64 .2 830 83 .0 2472 247.2 T D EP FG T P Au s tin P e a y .. . ...... ..... .. .. 14 5 1 145 . 1 9 7 0 97 .0 2421 242 .1 1. Dicki e M oo r e, WK .. ··········-•·········-• ·-·· ....... 19 0 0 11 4 Ea st T e nn ess ee . ············1003 100 .3 1177 11 7.7 2122 212 .2 2. Aa ro n Ma rs h , EK .... ····--···· ··•·0.••· ... 12 0 0 72 RUSHING 3. Harold R o b er t s, AP ············-······ · . .. ... .. 11 0 0 66 4 . Tommi e Gra y, MO ··················· · 9 2 0 5 6 R Y d s. Ave . 5. Larr y M a th ews , MT ·········· 9 0 0 54 1. Di c kie Moore , WK .... .... .. .. .. ... .. ... ... .. .208 1444 6 .9 5 . Larry S c hreib e r , TT ··········•········· 9 0 0 5 4 2. Larr y Schreib e r , TT ...... .. ............ .... .... ...... .. . 183 1069 5.4 7. Torn Atw oo d , WK · ··················· .... 0 3 4 4 46 3. R o nni e Hackney , AP . .... ........... .... ... ....... . ...... . 198 758 3 .8 8 . J im Vorh e e s, WK 7 2 0 44 4. Tommie Gray , MO ...... . .. ....... .. ........ ....... .. ..... 110 617 5 .6 9 . Gerald Y o un g , MU • ···-- • ··· 7 0 0 42 5 . J ack McC o y, E K ....... ...... ............... . ..... . .... ... .. 1 2 0 56 1 4. 7 9. Ru s s Hak e , MU •························ 7 0 0 42 6. J im Vorh e e s, EK ... ....... ... ... . ..... .. . ... ......... .... ... 11 2 498 4 .4 11. Wa lt Mur ph y , EK ·•· • 0 27 4 39 3 8
1967 OVC Team Statistics





1967 OVC Team Statistics
P l ays R u s h Pass 1. Larry Tillman , MU _ 454 ,:, 35 2291* 2. Billy Walker, MT __ 389 104 1856 3. J im Gu ice, EK __ 280 -3 1 516 4. Dickie Moore, WK _ 209 1444 5. Larr y Graham, ET ·-··--····252 24 1034 6. Larr y Schreiber, TT ····--· -· ---·-·-··----··183 1069 7. Dale Swain, TT ·········--··---··-------·- · ---- 195 102 867 8. Bill Marston, MO ···-···· ··----······ ·-··136 1 25 635 9. Ronni e Hackney, AP ·····---·---·-·---· ···198 758 10. Mike Egan, WK - ·- · ____ ... 189 85 696 11. T im S p eaks, E K -······ --- -··--·-···-··---··-1 22 139 574 PUNTING No. 1. Billy Walker, MT ·-·-··----··-----·--- ····-·······- --· 33 2. B o b P l o t ts, E K ··-··-····-··------- ---···---- ·-···-·-····------ · ----- 63 3 . Johnny Russaw, ET ·- -· ····--··-·--···---·········---·-----·--· 79 4 . David Fair, TT -·····-·- ··· -··---- ···-··············-··--· 58 5. J erry Humble, WK ······ --··- ··----·--····-··--·----------· 33 6 . Rodney Collins, AP ··---·------··-··· ·······-·--·-·-·----- 35 7. David Rando l ph, MU ··- ---··- ··-·-········-··--···---···· 46 8. Larry Mathews, MT ······--·-· ·-·· ···---·····-·-··· -·-·· 27 9. Bill Marston, MO ········-····---··--·············-······---·--- 65
Y d s. 2326 '' 1960 1 5 1 3 1444 1058 1069 969 760 758 78 1 71 3 Ave. 40.1 38.5 38.5 37.4 37.2 36 .6 35 .7 35 .6 34.8 Fg. E pm. Att . TP 1. Tom Atwood, WK ·-········-------·-···--·······-·--· 4 34 37 46 2. Wa lt er M urph y, EK ····--··--· ----------- ··-··-·-···· 4 27 30 3 9 3 Pat Hau se r, ET ········-·-·············---···········-·--·· 4 13 1 3 25 39
Fg . Epm . Att . TP 4 . Bill Humphreys, MU -- -- ---- -----· -- --- ---------- ---- 1 18 19 21 5. Paul Barn e tt, MT - ·----- - 0 20 23 20 6. John Clark, MO ___ -- ---- --·- ---- -- -- 1 15 19 18 7 . Joey Butchee, TT - - - - 0 16 27 16 TEAM DEFENSE R u sh i ng Y d s. Avg. W estern Kentucky ·-_ 712 79.1 Eastern K ent u c k y ··---. 1480 134 .5 E a s t Tenne ssee ·--·-·-··-·--·1244 124.4 Middle Tennes see ·---- ···1226 122.6 Morehead State -··-··-- ··1 747 174 .7 Murray State ··--··-- ··- ---2088 208.8 Austin Peay ········--·-----· ·1868 186.8 Tennessee Tech · --··---· --- 1642 164.2 Passing Tota l D efe n se Y d s . Avg. Y d s. Avg. 1 084 120.4 1 796 199.5 1029 93.5 2509 228 . 1 1294 129.4 2538 253.8 1680 168.0 2906 290 .6 11 63 116 .3 2910 291.0 1121 112.1 3209 320 .9 1 529 152.9 3397 339.7 1 817 181.7 3459 345.9
F ir s t Do w n s O wn -Opp. Austin Peay ·····-··········- - --·····133 135 Ea s t Tenn ----·- -···--·-·---·-- ---··ll3 145 E aste rn -- ··-······-·-········-·-- ···-·-·-202 11 7 Midd l e Tenn. ··············-······-··168 1 62 Morehead ··-······-··-·······-·····----127 171 Murray ··········--·············-·----···198 172 Tenn. Tech ··········-·-···-·--······162 1 86 Western - ·--·---- --··---- 162 125 P asses F u m bl es Int. by Los t O wn - O pp. O wn - Op p. 4 10 14 13 22 12 12 1 9 12 1 3 15 10 12 15 1 5 15 15 10 11 11 12 17 14 15 1 0 14 15 1 0 8 6 9 23 *

Modern Eastern Footbal I Records


Most points scored-72 (Aaron Marsh, 1967)

Most touchdowns scored-12 (Aaron Marsh, 1967)

Most extra points (kick)-27 (Walt Murphy, 1967)

Most points scored by kick-39 (Walt Murphy, 1967)

Most run s from scrimmage-134 (Herman Carter, 1966

Most yards rushing-699 (Don Daly , 1954)

Most passes attempted-226 (Jim Guice, 1966)

Most pa s ses completed-127 (Jim Guice, 1967)

Best passing percentage-62.1 (Larry Marmie, 1965)

Most yards passing-1,516 ( J im Guice, 1967)

Most yards total offense-1,513 (Jim Guice, 1967)

Most touchdown passes thrown--14 (Jim Guice, 1966)

Most touchdown passes received-11 (Aaron Marsh, 1966)

Best rushing average (min. 50 times)-6.7 yards (Chuck Bell, 1953)

Most yardage on pass receiving-1,095 (Aaron Marsh, 1967)

Most passes received-73 (Aaron Marsh, 1967)

Be s t punting average-42.2 (Fred Malins, 1965)

Most pas s es intercepted-9 (Buddy Pfaadt, 1966)


Undefeated seasons-1 940 (8 - 0 - 0) ; 1954 (8-0-1)'''

Most wins - 8 in five different seasons, 1940 (8-0 - 0); 1948 (8-3-0); 1953 (8 - 2-0); 1954 (8-0-1); 1967 (8-1 - 2)

Most defeats-8 in 1929 ( 1-8-0)

Most ties-3 in 1933 (1-2-3)

Most points scored - 278 (1967)

Most points by opposition-264 (1930)

Least points scored - 15 (1930)

Most consecutive games without a loss-15 (1953-54-55), 2 ties

Most consecutive games won-13 ( 1939-40-41)

Most touchdowns scored-41 ( 1940)

Most extra points made-30 (1967)

*Tangerine Bowl Game not included (Re m ain d er inc lud es 1952 thro u gh 1 967, inc lu sive)

Most passes completed-170 (1967)

Most passes attempted-300 (1967)

Best passing percentag e -58.2 (1965)

Least yards rushing by opponents-951 (1953)

Least yards passing by opponents-487 (1957)

Best punting average- 42.2 (1965)

Most yards penalized-580 (1954)

Most yards rushing- 2,224 (1954)

Most yards passing--2,133 (1967)

Best total offense- 3,652 (1967)

Most passes intercepted by- 20 (1966)

Most points scored - 67 vs . Morehead in 1925

Most points scored b y opponent-99 vs. Wittenberg in 1931

Largest victory margin-67-0 v s . Morehead in 1925

Largest defeat margin-99-0 v s . Wittenberg in 1931

Most net yards ru s hing-479 vs. Evansville in 1953

Most pass attempt s-47 vs. Northwood in 1967

Most pass completion s - 28 vs. Northwood in 1967

Most pass i ng yardage- 425 vs. Northwood in 1967

Most total offense - 629 vs. Northwood in 1967

Most first downs-32 vs. Northwood in 1967


Modern Eastern Football Records

Eastern ovc Football Records

Most touchdowns scored-9 vs. Evansville in 1953 (1948-1966, Inclusive)

Most extra points-8 vs. Erskine in 1951




(Jim Guice vs.

received-19 (Aaron Marsh vs. Northwood, 1967)

Most receiving yardage--316 (Aaron Marsh vs. Northwood, 1967)

Most passes intercepted-4 (Buddy Pfaadt vs. Austin Peay,


Most times punted-10 (Bob Plotts vs. Dayton, 1967)

Most yards punted-422 (Bob Plotts vs . Dayton, 1967)

*OVC Champions

Longest field goal-43 yards (Joe Graybeal vs. Tennessee Tech, **OVC Co-Champions 1959)

Longest punt return-86 yards (Jimmy Chittum vs. Murray, 1961)

OVC TOTALS-Won 61, Lost 51, Tied 7

Lost 82, Tied 9

Most yards penalized-121
ovc Games All Games Least net yards rushing by opponent-21 vs. Louisville in 1954 Years w L T Pts. Opp. w L T Pts. Opp. Most touchdown passes-6 vs . Northwood in 1967 1948 3 2 0 46 21 8 3 0 184 99 Fewest first downs given up-4 vs. Western in 1953 and 1954, Tampa in 1962 and East Tennessee in 1966 1949 2 2 1 80 85 4 4 1 148 130 1950 4 2 0 134 67 6 4 0 243 103 1951 4 2 0 71 43 7 3 0 201 94
vs. John Carroll in 1954
1952 2 3 1 101 125 3 4 1 128 165 Most extra points-8 ("Moon" Mullins, 1951) 1953 4 1 0 72 41 8 2 0 221 128 Longest run from scrimmage-97 yards (Don Daly vs. More- '''1954 5 0 0 98 21 8 1 1 181 54 head, 1951) Most runs from scrimmage-23 (Gilly Layman vs. Wester , 1955 3 2 0 84 53 5 4 1 139 130 1960); Herman Carter vs. Tennessee Tech, 1965) 1956 2 3 0 76 67 4 5 0 119 107 Most yards rushing-172 (Bill Bradford vs. Evansville, 1952-) 1957 3 3 0 122 91 4 5 0 162 165 Most passes atterripted-45
Middle Tennessee, 1958 3 3 0 84 73 3 6 0 102 126 1966) Most passes completed-24
Middle Tennessee, 1959 2 4 0 49 62 3 6 0 79 103 1966) 1960 1 4 1 57 83 3 6 1 98 143 Most
1961 3 3 0 87 78 4 5 0 114 138
Most touchdown passes thrown-4
Northwood, **1962 4 2 0 99 64 6 3 0 149 106
1963 1 6 0 79 144 2 8 0 123 193
yards passing-288 (Jim Guice vs. Middle Tennessee,
1964 2 4 1 71 123 3 5 1 94 158
1965 4 2 1 179 105 4 4 1 194 167
1966 4 3 0 147 90 7 3 0 222 108
*1967 5 0 2 159 47 8 1 2 278 83


Ohio Valley Conference Team Football Records


Most PAT kick e d - 34 - Western Kentu c ky ..

Most pts. scored ki c king--46-( 4FGs, 34 EPs) \ve·;jern ..K,iiii"ucky...


Most yds. gained - 2,291 - Murray Stat e

Most passes att. - 380- Murray State

Most passes comp. - 190--Murray State . ....... ......... .

Most passes had interc. - 2 5--Western Kentucky

Most opp. passes interc. - 22-East Tennessee ..... .


Most first downs-198-Murray State

Most fumbles rec -24-Western Kentucky

Most yds. punt returns-633-Eastern Kentucky

Most yds. kick-off returns - 801- Austin Peay



Highest score- 71- Murray vs. Iowa W e sleyan (12)

Most TDs scored-10--Murray vs. Iowa Wesley.a n

Most PAT kicked-8-Eastern vs. Erskine .. . - Murray vs. Iowa Wesleyan ... .. ...........

Most field goals - 3- East Tenn. vs . Morehead ..... ... .. . .

Most TDs scored passing-6-Eastern vs. Northwood

Most 2 pt conversions -3-- Middle Tenn. vs. UT Martin

Most pts. by passing- 36- Middle Tenn. vs. UT Martin TOTAL

Mot total yds. gained - 639- Murray vs. Iowa Wesleyan .....


Most yds . passing-451-Eastern Ky. vs. Northwood .. ..

Most passes att. - 51 - Murray vs. Middle Tenn.

Most passes comp. - 29- Middle Tenn. vs. UT Martin ......... ... ....

Most 2 pt. conv. passing - 3- Middle Tenn. vs. UT Martin


Most punts - 12- East Tenn. vs. Parsons

Most Y.ards-422-Eastern Ky. vs. Dayton .......... . ...

Most first downs - 32 - Murray vs. Iowa Wesleyan

1967 AII-OVC Team


2nd Team Defense

... .1967 1967 1967 1964 .... ....... 1967
..... . .1967
.... 1967
. ..... . .. 1967
. ......... ... ... .... 1967
Most punts - 79- East Tennessee ........
............ ....... ... . ....... ... ..1967 ............. ..1967 ....... 1951 ....... 1967
...... 1967 .. . . . ... .. 1967 ... ... . .1967 .. 1967
... .1967
.. 1967
. ..... .. . ... ........ ..... ..1967 -
..... .1967 -Eastern
............ . .. . .19(;7
.......... ...... .. 1967 Most first downs passing - 19-Murray vs. row.a Wesleyan, Eastern vs. Northwood ...... ..... ....... . ...... ... .. ..... ... 19H7 Most fumbles lost - 8- Tenn. Tech. vs. Western ........... ...... .1967 Most opp. fumbles rec. - 8-West e rn vs. Tenn. Tech. . .1967 Most kickoffs-11 - Murray vs. Iowa Wesleyan 1967
Murray vs. Middle Tenn.
Ky. vs. Northwood
Most first downs rushing- 22- Western vs. Murray .... ....
PLAYER Aaron Marsh H a rold Roberts Bill Brewer Larry Watkins Roy Bondurant Fred Troike COLLEGE ....... Eastern Ky . .... .. Austin Peay .......................... Eastern Ky. . ..................... ..... ... ... ...... ......... Western Ky. ........ Western Ky. Allen Hogan ... . ............................. . ..... ..... . .... Eastern Ky. ..... ... .... .,Western Ky. . ..... Middle Tenn. .. Western Ky. ................ Tenn . Tech ....... Murray Billy Walker Dickie Moore .. ... ..... ... ... ... .. .. .. . Larry Schreiber Harvey Tanner PLAYER 2nd
Gerald Young .. ... .. .. . ... . ............................. .. .. .... David Hudson Bob Dominick Paul Connor Steve Dillard ri:dp~~k~~r.·.·..·.·.·.... ... ......................... ··•••········· COLLEGE ... ... Murray ..... .Tenn. Tech ........... Tenn. Tech Morehead Tenn Tech Western .... Middle Tenn . Jim Guice . .... Tommie Gray . . ... .. . ... . .. ... ..... .. .. . .. . . . ...... . . .. .... Eastern John Tazel Larry Mathews .. .. ... ... ... .. ..... ....... ... .. ... ... ........ ................ Morehead Eastern Middle Tenn. 42 POS E E T T MG LB LB B B B B POS E E T T MG LB LB B B B PLAYER Charles Siemon George Claxton Walter Heath Dave Ha verdick Ted Taylor Ron Reed Doug Linebarger Harry Lenz Ron Overbay .... Mike Matheny Jim G a rrett COLLEGE .. .. . .. .... .. . ... ........... .Eastern Ky. ...... Middle Tenn. .... .. ... .. .... .. .......... ..... ....... Western K y . ............ ..... .... Morehead ..... Eastern Ky. .... . .. Eastern Ky . ........ .. ...... .. . .... ................. East Tenn . . ... . ....................... Eastern Ky . ................ ... ... .. ....... ... .. . ... ....... East Tenn. Middle Tenn. Western Ky.
Team Offense
PLAYER Lawr e nce Brame Bill Baldridge Bobby Langford Miller Arri ·tt Phil Farin e lla Bill Hape Carl Chipman Al Guy .. ....... . John Jaggers Howell Flatt 8.G a ry Draper COLLEGE ...... ... .... ... .. . .Western .. .... Morehead Middle Tenn. ........ . .. . ..... Eastern ..... Austin Peay .... Western .. ... ..................... Murray ..... . . East Tenn. Western Austin Peay ......... .Middle Tenn.


OVC Individual Football Records


Most pt s.-114-Di c kie Moore, W es tern

Most TDs - 19- Dickie Mo ore, Western ...

Most pt s. b y ki c king- 46- T o m Atwood, W es t ern


Most ex tra pts. kicked - 34 - Tom Atwood, Western

Most pun ts - 79 - Johnn y Russaw, East T enn

Most yds. punt returns-45(i-Aaron Marsh , Eastern

Most yds kickoff returns - 546- Larry Schreiber, Tenn.

Best average-42.2-F red Malins . Eastern



Most yds. - 3, 21 8---Dickie Moore, Western ..... .. ..... ..


Most pass es caught-147 -Aaro n Marsh, Eastern ... . .....

Most yds. on passes caught-2,220 -A aron Marsh, Eas-tern . .

·Most TD pa sses caught-24 -Aaron Marsh , Eastern .......

Most passing attempts - 519--Jim Guice, Eastern .. ..

l\Iost comp l e tions-278--Jim Guice, Eastern ....... ...

Most yards-3,482--Jim Guice, Easter n .... ...... ........


Most pts .-194 - Di c kie Moore, W es tern

Most TD s - 32 - Dickie Moore, Western .


Most punts - 14 6-Jo hnn y Russaw, East T e nn.



Mos t yds. tot a l offense - 425- Larry Tillman, M U v s . M T .......... ..

Most plays t o t a l offense-54-C h ar li e Fo r rest, MU vs MT

Larry Tillm an, MU vs. AP ......... . .................. .1967


Most att.-39 - Lewis Rogan-MO vs . EK ...

Most yds.-223--Dic ki e Moore, WK vs . MU . .... .... ... ..........



Most at t. - 380- Larr y Tillm a n , Murray ..... .....

Most co mp . - 190- Larry Tillm an , Murra y


.. ..1967

Most a tt.-54 - L arry Tillman, MU v s. AP 1967

Most comp.-29- Bi ll y W a lker , MT vs. U T M a rtin ...........................

Most co nsecutiv e co mp .-11- Billy W a lker , MT vs . UT Martin .. .1967

Most y d s.-425-Lar r y. Tillm a n - MU vs . MT ...... ... .... _. ............ .. .........

Most TD pass es - 5-B ill y Walker- MT vs. UT Ma rtin .. .. ............... 1967

Most passes caught-19 -Aaron Marsh, EK vs. Northwood

1967 ..... ........ 1967 1967
..... .. . .. .... .. ........ .1967
..... ...... 1967 ······191l7 T ec h 1967 .... 1966 ....... 1965 -1967
..... ··············1965-1967 .. .1965 -1 967 .. ················1964 -1967
.... 1967
.... ................. 1967
...... ..... .. .... . ........ 1967
stern ......... .. ......... ... 1952 T eddy Morris, Middle T enn. . . ............................ ......... .. ......... 1963
......... ........ ... ..... .. .. .. ..... ... .. ....... 1967
Most y d s.-2,291 - Larry Tillm an, Murray
mp . pct. -6 3.0-Jimmie Feix , We
Most TD s-1 8---L a rry Tillm a n, Murray
.. .... ......... .... ......... 1967
TD pass es
Marsh, Eastern .. . ......... . .. ..... .... 1966 H a r old Roberts, Austin Peay ............ ....... .... .. ... .... ......... ... .......... .. . ... 1967
yds. on pa sses caught-1,095-Aaron :Ma r sh, Eastern ... .... ..... 1967
opp. p asses interc.
E ast Tenn ........... ..... ... 1967 9 - Buddy P faadt ,
1966 43
Most pa
caught-88-Harvey Tanner, Murray
-9-Ron Ov erbay,
1967 Harold
Roberts, AP vs. MU
........ . ...... .... . .. ......... .. .... . .. 1967
Most yds. on pass es caught-316-Aaron Marsh, EK vs. Northwood ........
A. S .. .................. .... .
U T Martin . ........ 1966 ·········1967 ..... ... 1967 SCORING
pts.-24-Aaron Marsh, EK
Northwood Di c kie Moore, WK v s . TT . H a rold Rob er t s, AP vs. MU ...... .... ..... .. .. ... .................. .... ..... . Most TDs-4-Aaron Marsh, Dickie Moore, Harold Roberts KICKING ... 1967 ...... ..... 1967 ···········1967 ... 1967 Most extra pts. kicked-8-Moon Mullins, EK vs. Erskine ... 1951 Tom Atwood, WK vs. TT .. ..... ........ ................ ........ .................. .. . .196 7 Most field goals -3-- P a t Haus e r, ET vs . MO .............................. ... .196 7 Most punts - 12- Johnny Russ aw, ET vs. Parson s .............. ......... 1967 Best punt a v e.-5 2. 5-B ill y Walke r, MT vs ET 1967 Most ya rds puntin g-422-Bob Plotts, EK vs. Dayton ..... 1967 TOTAL OFFENSE Most yds .-2,326-Larry Tillm an, M urray ................ . ........... 1967 Mo s t pla y s - 464 - Larry Tillma n , Murray ............ . ..... . ... ... ...... .1967 RUSHING Most yds.-1,444-Dickle Moore , W es tern PASSING .... .1967 Most a tt.-380-L ar ry Tillman , Murray ..... .. 1967 Most com.-190--Larry Tillman , Murray ............. ................... .. ..........1967 Most yds.-2,291-Larry Tillm an, Murray ...... ... .. ................... ..............1967 Best co mp. pct .--63 .0--Jimmy Felx, Western ........ ................. .............1952 Teddy Morris, Middle Tenn ...... ........... .................... ..... ...................... 1963 Most TDs - 18---Larry Tillman, Mur ra y 1967 Most passes caught-88-Harvey T a nner, Murray 1967 Most TD pass es caught-11-Aaron Marsh, Eas·tem ..... .. ... ..... . .. ..... . 1966 Harold .Roberts, Austin Peay ............. ....... . ........ .... ..... ....... ....... ........ 1967 Most yds. on passe s caught-1,095-Aaron Marsh , Eastern .... .... .... 1967 Mosil~~~YP#:!~t~n~e,;~~..;;.:i:i~~.. .. ~~ . ~ . ~.?.~.~~ :..::::::::: :: ::::::::Jiii
Most interceptions-4-Buddy Pfaadt, EK vs. AP
M a th eny, MT vs. P e ns aco la N.
W a lker, MT vs.
, , s.

Eastern Football Since 1922

EKU 1922 OPP O Wesley a n 7 0 Transy Frosh 0 0 Transy Frosh 15 6 Cumb e rland O 6 Western .. .. ....... .. .... .... ....... .47 0 Georgetown Frosh 0 40 Union 7 Record: ····:;i:3:·:i·· EKt: 1923 OPP O Stat e Frosh .............. . 7 0 Georgetown Frosh . . ........ 2 6 Cumberland ...... ..... ... ..... . . .. 26 0 Kentucky Wesleyan 9 6 Union College .. .. ... 6 1 Transy Reserve 0 12 Centre Frosh 21 19 U nion College ... . .. . 0 Record: 3-5-1 EKU 1924 OPP 0 Wesleyan 27 19 Cumberland 6 13 Georgetown Frosh O 49 St. Mary's O 7 L.M.U .......... .......... .............. 13 0 Transy ...... 56 14 Morehead O 33 Union . O Record: ····i;:3:"ii. EKU 1925 OPP 0 U K Frosh .. .14 7 Georgetown . . .. 13 0 L M.U. 0 13 St. Mary's 7 6 Transy 7 67 Morehead .... . 0 49 i{~~~~d: :f3:i O EKU 1926 OPP 0 Marshall College ....... ..... .. .14 13 L.M.U. 0 0 Georgetown 27 0 Transy 15 48 Union .... .............. ........ .. . ...... 6 7 Indiana Teachers College . 10 41 E. P e nn. Normal School 6 19 St. Mary's College 0 0 Morris Harvey College . 3 Record: 4-5-0 EKU 1927 0 Centre 39 Union 6 Wesleyan 31 E. T. Teachers 13 Tusculum 12 Morehead OPP 7 0 8 0 0 6
13 U. of L . ...... .......................... 21 32 St. Mary's 6 0 Western 12 Record: 5-4-0 El{t: 1928 OPP 18 Campbellsville 0 12 Irvine 7 0 Transy .42 0 U. of L. 52 18 Sue B e nnett 0 Record: 3-2-0 EKl" 1929 OPP . ...... 19 2 Union . . .... .. . 14 Sue Bennett 0 Murray 6 Moreh2ad. 0 Transy 0 Georgetown 6 u. of L. 0 Wesleyan. 0 Western ···················· ······ 8 .46 ··· ······················13 36 38 . ..... .19 . .. . .. ......... .. .. 26 35 Record: 1-8-0 EKl" 1930 OPP 0 Sue Bennett . . . ... ... ... . 6 0 Murray . . ....... 52 0 U . of L . ..... .... .. .. .... . ... ............ 52 0 Wesleyan 33 13 Morehead .............. .. ...... ...... . . O 2 Transy .. .......... 26 0 Union .... . .. ................... .... . .45 0 Western .. . ..... ...................... .50 Record: 1-7-0 EKl! 1931 OPP 31 Sue Bennett 0 0 Ohio Northern 16 O Wittenburg ... 99 12 U. of L . .... ............. .. ........... ... 19 0 G e orgetown ...... .. . . .. ............ 25 8 L M. U 13 7 Western .41 Record: 1-6-1 ERU 1932 6 Georg e town . 38 U. of L 0 Union ... . 0 Transy .... . 19 Morehead Record: 2-1-2 EKU 1933 6 Union .... ... ..... . O Geor!'etown 0 East Tenn. 0 Tr a nsy ...... 6 Morehead. 7 Louisville Record: 1-2-3 OPP 7 0 0 0 0 OPP 6 0 0 6 0 13 44 ERl" 1934 OPP O Miami (Ohio) .. ...... . .. 19 0 Transy .. .. ....... 18 7 Union ......... . . . ...... .... .14 9 Georgeto w n . . .......... .18 7 Moreh ea d . 0 9 Western ... . .... . ... . . .47 6 Louisville 13 Record: 1-6-0 ERl" 1935 7 Miami (Ohio) 66 Alfred Holbrook 52 Hiwass ee .. .... . 6 Georgetown . OPP .. 33 6 0 8 9 U. of L. ..... .. ... ........ .. . .. .. 0 0 Centre .... . 53 Morehead 6 Transy 7 Union 6 Transy . 6 Western Record: ··,;i:i3:i ·· 19 0 7 7 ... ... .. . ... 12 44 ERU 193(; OPP 39 Marshall 0 7 Franklin (Ind.) O 34 Alfred Holbrook 0 7 Morehead ............. ........ . ....... 19 6 Georgetown 2 9 U . of L. ..... .... .. ... .. ..... G 13 Transy 6 0 Western 7 12 U nion ... 6 Record: 7-2-0 EKU 1937 7 Tenn. Tech . ..... . ...... . 28 Franklin College . 12 Transy .... . .......... . 14 Central Normal 0 Moreh ea d 0 West e rn 14 Union . 6 U . of L . Record: 5-2-1 OPP 0 6 6 .... ..... 7 ......... ?6 ..... .. ... 23 0 6 ERL 1938 OPP 19 Georgetown 0 7 Transy 0 19 Ea s t Tenn. Teachers 0 47 Central Normal 0 O Morehead 0 7 Western ... ....... .... ...... . ........... 32 36 Indiana State Teachers 7 l8 i;:1:0 O ERl" 1U9 OPP 21 Carson Newman 7 39 Transy 7 20 14 21 6 32 0 28 Cumberland Central Michigan Georgetown . Morehead . U nion Western . .. . ...... ..... . Indiana Teachers Record: 6-3-0 EKl. 1940 20 Illinois Normal 35 Northern II I. 27 Mor2head 0 18 0 7 7 .. . .. ...... .... 26 7 OPP 0 0 39 Arkansas A&M . .......... . . .. 13 0 0 0 48 Bowling Green (Ohio) 25 Central Michigan 48 Cumberland ... 31 King College . ERU 1941 18 N. W. Missouri 14 Car s on Newman 6 Murray 21 King College 20 Western 41 Georgetown 54 Ill. Normal 7 7 OPP 7 0 0 .... 0 .... 27 0 0 32 Morehead : 13 Record: 7-1-0 ERl. 1942 13 Tenn. Tech . ....... . .... . 7 W. Missouri State 0 Morris Harvey 6 U of Akron 18 Western OPI' 0 7 7 0 0 20 West Liberty 0 Morehead ·• 6 .. ... . .. . .. . .. .. ....... 20 6 Murray . 6 Record: 4-2-2 1943-44 no sports due to war ERl" 1945 OPP 19 Indianapolis State . . ..... . .. 12 14 T e nn. T ec h . .......................... 12 7 C e ntral Mich .. .. .. .. ............ 14 7 Murray 7 6 Valparaiso 7 0 Catawba ... . . .. ..... . ... . ... .. 13 32 Tenn. Te c h. . . ........... . .. 0 54 Kirksville !Missouri) 0 ERl" 194!i OPP 13 T en ness ee Tech. 0 7 Cata w b a .. .. . .. ..... ............ ... . 9 7 Central Michigan . . ... ... ...... 20 26 Murray ... .. ... ..... .13 7 Tenne ssee Te c h 20 12 Valparaiso 7 6 MorehMd U 28 U niversity of Louisville . 7
6 Western Record: 5-4-0 EKU 1947 0 OPP 14 Eastern Illinois 13 6 Marshall 13 Murray 34 Emary and Henry 18 Valparaiso .. .. 34 Morehead ..... .. ..... ... .. ..... . 13 University of Louisville 7 ...21 0 0 7 27 Western .. .. 14 ... 7 .. 30 6 Southeastern Louisiana Record: 5-4-0 EKU 1948 OPP 0 Xavier University ... 31 25 Eastern Illinois ................. .14 20 Marshall 7 6 Murray................. .. 0 35 Emary and Henry 6 20 Michigan Normal 0 7 Morehead 0 0 Evansville . 7 13 Western .......... ...... ....... 14 32 Northern Illinois . .............. 7 26 Southeastern Louisiana 7 Record: 8-3-0 EKU 1949 1 ·· ·····"< 20 Murray 20 Wofford 20 Michigan Normal 26 Morehead 7 Evansville OPP ............... 19 ..... 24 .. ... 0 27 6 . ..27 7 20 Western .......... . 21 Bowling Green Record: 4-4-1 ioii.i"cii··::::::11 EKU 1950 OPP 6 Heidelberg .15 34 Marshall ........ ..... .... ...... 0 0 Murray .............. .......... .. . .. .. . 19 47 Tennessee Tech . .... .... .. ...... .. 7 56 Erskine ........... 0 14 Morehead 7 26 Evansville .. ........... 20 13 Western .. .... .......................... 14 ri t°o'rJ;~~ ~·r·e·~·n··(~~io·)··::::::1i Record: 6-4-0 EKU 1951 OPP 31 Hillsdale ... ... .................. .. ....12 13 Marshall ......... .. .. 6 0 Murray .. 9 15 Tennessee Tech 14 58 Erskine 0 6 Morehead ............. ......... . ... 0 6 Evansville .... 7 31 Western ... 7 27 Ohio University .......... 13 14 Stetson University .. ........ 26 Record: 7-3-0 EKU 1U2 OPP 7 Toledo 6 26 Marshall 19 0 Murray. ......... ... 20 14 Tennessee Tech. ........ 28 35 Evansville . .................. .... 0 20 Morehead .. .. 20 6 Western ................ .. .. .......... .48 20 University of Louisville .... 34 Record: 3-4-1 EKU 1953 OPP 20 John Carroll . . .. 19 15 Middle Tennessee 6 19 Murray 14 o Tennessee Tech 7 19 Youngstown ............... 20 25 Morehead ... 7 59 Evansville ... 9 13 Western .. ..... .. ... ... .... ....... .. .. 7 20 University of Louisville 13 30 Stetson University 26 Record: 8-2-0 ERU 1954 OPP 19 John Carroll ......... . 0 26 Middle Tennessee 0 25 Murray 6 14 Tennessee Tech. 7 25 Youngstown .. 7 12 Morehead . ... . .. 8 13 Toledo ...... ..13 21 Western 0 20 University of Louisville. 6 Record: 8-0-1 6 Omaha (Tangerine Bowl) 7 EKl! 1955 OPP 6 Toledo ... .. ... 6 14 Middle Tennessee 21 21 Murray . ... ........... 6 7 Tennessee Tech. .. 6 13 Omaha............ .. . ... ..20 35 Morehead ........... 13 35 Morehead ......................... ... 13 20 Morris Harvey 6 7 Western .. ...................... ........ 0 13 University of Louisville ... .45 3 Wofford ...... ... . 0 Record: 5-4-1 EKU 1956 OPP 12 Toledo 6 7 Murray 14 19 Middle Tennessee 26 12 East Tennessee .................. 13 6 Western .............. .... . .. 14 13 Morris Harvey .................. 7 25 Tennessee Tech ................. 13 19 Morehead 0 45 6 University of Louisville 14 Record: 4-5-0 EKl! 1957 OPP O Toledo ............................. 7 14 University of Louisville .40 26 Murray 19 14 Middle Tennessee 35 13 East Tennessee ........... ..... 27 13 Youngstown ........................ 0 28 Western .. ............................. 0 14 Tennessee Tech 34 rn Morehead 3 Record: 4-5-0 EKU 1958 OPP 2 Toledo ..... ....... ..................... 19 7 University of Louisville .... 20 14 Murray. 6 0 Middle Tennessee ............ .14 13 East Tennessee 6 9 Youngstown .... . O 14 Western .......... ......... ........ .... .21 19 Tennessee Tech. . ...... 20 24 Morehead ....... 6 Record: 3-6-0 ERU 1959 OPP 2 Toledo .. ..... 20 7 University of Louisville .... 14 7 Murray.... C 6 Middle Tennessee 14 7 East Tennessee ...... 13 21 Austin Peay . .. 7 7 Western ........... 14 10 Tennessee Tech. 14 12 Morehead ....... 7 Record: 3-6-0 EKU 1960 OPP 7 Ft. Campbell ....... ........... 6 7 University of Louisville .... 28 19 Murray 21 12 Middle Tennessee 14 0 East Tennessee .................. 0 27 Austin Peay ......... ...... 13 17 Western ................................ 7 0 Tennessee Tech ....... .......... 20 0 Morehead 21 O Marshall 13 Record: 3-6-1 EKU 1961 OPP 6 University of Louisville .... 33 14 Murray 13 15 Middle Tennessee 22 22 East Tennessee 13 21 Austin Peay .... .. ... .... ........... 7 15 Western ................................ 16 8 Tennessee Tech ....... .......... 14 13 Morehead 0 0 Marshall .......... ........ 20 Record: 4-5-0 ERU 1962 OPP 22 Tampa University ........ .. .... 6 14 Murray 17 28 Middle Tennessee 8 20 East Tennessee ................. .14 14 Austin Peay ... .... .... ......... 7 6 Western ..... ... . ... ... .... 5 21 Tennessee Tech 0 12 Morehead 20 12 East Carolina ..... ................ 2,1 Record: 6-3-0 EKU 1963 OPP 14 Austin Peay ....... 0 7 Findlay .... ....... 28 0 Murray.... ........ 20 28 Middle Tennessee ... .... .... 33 12 East Tennessee 35 3 Tampa University 7 6 Western .... ... ... .... 29 19 Tennessee Tech. . ......... .21 0 Morehead .... .... .. .... 6 34 Youngstown .... .... 14 Record: 2-8-0 EKU 1964 0 Austin Peay 7 Youngstown ... ... .. . 6 Murray ..... ... ......... . 13 Middle Tennessee 35 East Tennessee 17 Findlay ... ....... ... . O Western 7 Tennessee Tech. 10 Morehead Record: 3-5-1 OPP 26 ······21 6 ... 20 .....13 ....... 14 ... 24 ·········27 ... 7 EKU 1965 OPP ''3 5 Austin Peay ....... ...... 30 12 Marshall ....... .. ... .. .. .28 17 Murray ................................. 17 10 Middle Tennessee . ............ 14 23 East Tennessee ................. 0 3 Findlay 34 28 Western ..... ... .. ...... . .. 12 28 Tennessee Tech . ....... 14 38 Morehead .. . .. ... .20 Record: 4-4-1 ''Forfeited EKU 1966 OPP 35 Austin Peay ...... .......... 35 26 Marshall ..... ... ........ ..... ....... 6 27 Murray 6 20 Middle Tennessee 22 21 East Tennessee 7 35 Findlay ........... ....... ........ . ... 6 24 Western ................................ 12 3 Tennessee Tech. ....... 7 19 Morehead 21 14 Tampa University 6 Record: 7-3-0

The Colonel

Howdy. Allow me to introduce myself . I, suh, am the Eastern Kentucky University Colonel. I hail from a state bordering the Mason-Dixon line. Surrounding this vast institution which I represent, you'll find (in m y opinion) the most beautiful country in the world . . . Rich in tradition and steeped in the history that founded this great land. I've been around for quite some time. You know, the Kentucky Colonel? I haven't been with Eastern's athletic program too long, but you'll be seeing more and more of me. Actually, our athletic teams are both Colonels and Maroons. It's something new, but new seems to be the theme at Eastern. It's growing and now I'm part of that growth. Well, suh , sorry if I got carried away with that introduction ... . hope you 'll stop by for a visit sometime.


(Mileage between eight member schools)

AUSTIN PEAY "' ,...Ii::: :0 d r.r.ii;:: "Cl C >, ... ":;;: .c: u "' '" Clarksville, Tenn. 243 340 78 315 68 128 63 EASTERN Richmond, Ky. ... 243 228 257 72 300 170 1 8 0 EAST TENN. Johnson City, Tenn . .... 340 228 271 300 408 212 331 MIDDLE TENN . Murfreesboro, Tenn . .... 78 257 271 329 152 87 9 4 MOREHEAD Morehead , K y 315 72 300 329 379 242 259 MURRAY Murra y , Ky. 6 8 300 408 152 379 200 120 TENN. TECH Cookeville , Tenn. 128 170 212 87 242 200 119 WESTERN Bo w ling Green, Ky 63 180 331 94 259 120 119 TOTALS ... 1,235 1,450 2,090 1,268 1,896 1,627 1,158 1,166 46 For The Weekly "Coach Roy Kidd Show," Or Other Free Taped Interviews With The Colonel Coaching Staff Write: Office of Public Affairs Eastern Kentucky University Richmond, Kentucky 40475 Or Call: 622-2301

The End of an Era

More than 30 years ago, Eastern's alumni got together with citizens of Richmond in a drive to help build a new football stadium for the school. Donations were made to purchase cement and by 1937 the Maroons opened their football season in a "modern" plant designed to seat an almost - unheard-of 5,000 fans for one game. Later, the seating expanded to 8,500 for Eastern ' s home games . This was Hanger Stadium. It was to be the site of many innovations in football. Within its confines Ohio Valley Conference football grew to a position of respect among college division leagues in the nation. And as football grew, more attention was focused on Eastern.

By 1967, as many as 15,000 people had taxed the stadium for one football game . Not big by major college standards, but too much for a tiny stadium designed to accommodate a small teachers' college.

This fact - coupled with more exposure on the national level- prompted the announcement of a new physical education complex which will seat more than 18 ,000 for home football games.

But this new complex is an entirely new concept. Aside from its capacity for football, the new multi-purpose plant will serve nearly 2,000 studenb simultaneously in classes. It also will house offices for the departments of physical education, military science and law enforcement .

Dr. Robert R. Martin explained plans for the nine-story structure this way: "In light of the fact that a football stadium is used only five or six times a year, we feel that the right approach is to construct an academic building which will serve a dual purpose."


To The News Media

The 1968 football handbook has been prepared especially for the members of the press, radio and television who cover the Colonels. We sincerely hope that it will provide many of the answers concerning the Colonels and Eastern Kentucky University. If you desire additional information, special features, pictures, etc., or have questions not answered in this brochure, feel free to contact the Office of Public Affairs, with offices located in the Coates Administration Building (Telephone 622-2301 and 622-2302).

Information for Visiting Newsmen

WORKING PRESS TICKETS - All requests for press tickets by working newspaper, radio or television personnel should be made as far in advance• as possible. Press tickets cannot be mailed less than one week in advance of the game. Should your request be on the last-minute basis, however, tickets may be picked up at the main entrance on Park Drive.

RADIO - All correspondence concerning Radio Broadcasting Rights should be addressed to the Office of Public Affairs, Eastern Kentucky University. Requests should be made as early as possible. Lines are to be ordered by the requesting station direct from the Southern Bell Telephone Company with instruc-

tions to contact this office prior to installing lines. Spotters can be made available if requested in advance.

TELEVISION - Live television coverage is prohibited unless permission is granted well in advance.

SEATING- In requesting working press tickets, please advise as to how many will be in your party. It is desired that newspaper requests be limited to no more than two persons, racjio requests, three persons. SORRY, NO WOMEN OR CHILDREN


PHOTOGRAPHERS- Photographers may take pictures from the sidelines during the game if they keep away from the immediate sidelines. Motion picture crews may use the facilities provided in the press box, upper deck. Requests should be made in advance.

ACCOMMODATIONS AT EASTERN - The working newspaper and radio men, as well as scouts and other officials, will be furnished a copy of the play-by-play report and complete team and individual statistics at half-time and approximately five minutes after the game. Western Union arrangements are to be made by those who desire that service. Phones are available in the press area and refreshments are served at halftime.


Covering The Colonels


Richmond Daily Regist er (daily, p.m.) ......... .. ..... ... . Tommy Carter

Madison County Post (weekly) .. .. ... .. ... .... ... ........ ....... Randall Fields

The Ea s tern Progress (weekly) ... ..... .. ..... .... ................... Karl S . Park

C y nthiana Democrat (weekly) .... ................. .... ..... .. . .. .... . Bob Watson

E s till Herald (weekly) ........ .. ....... .. .. .. ........ .. ..... .. ..... .. ... Bob H ove rmale

Lexington Herald (daily, a .m.) . ......... .... .. David Reed, John McGill

Lexington Leader (daily, p.m.) .............. Bill Sackett, Joe Caldwell

Courier-Journal (daily, a.m.) ..... ... Jim Bolus, Earl Cox , Ea r l Ruby

Louisville Times (daily, p .m.) .... ... ... .. Dean Eagle, Johnny Carrico


Radio WEKY (Richmond) ... .. .......... ....... .... . .. ... ... .......... ..... Ron Boone

Radio WVLK (Lexington) ....... ... ........ .............. ............ . . Bill Stakelin

Radio WLAP (Lexington) .... . ........... ............. ... ...... .... .. ... . Gene Arkle

Radio WBLG (Lexington) .... ................ ... ..... ... .................. . Bill Sorrell

WLEX-TV (Lexington) ..... ....... ......... ............. ... ... ...... . .... ... Cy Follmer

WKYT-TV (Lexington) ... ..... ... ................ .. ..... ... ........ .. .... ... Bill Sorrell

WBLG-TV (Lexington) .... ... .. ..................................... Sports Director

Radio WHAS & TV (Louisville) ............................ Cawood Ledford

Radio WAVE & TV (Louisville) ... ... .... .. .... .... .... .. ... .... .... ... Ed Kallay

Radio WINN (Louisville) ........... .. ....................... . ..... Sports Director

Radio WKLO (Louisville) .... .. ... .. ............ .. .. ............. Sports Director

Radio WAKY (Louisville) .... .... .... .... ..... ....... .... ....... ... Sports Director

Radio WLOU (Louisville) ....... . ...... .. .... .. ..... .... ....... .... Sports Director


Associated Press, Herald-Leader Building, Lexington, Kentucky.

United Pre ss International, 635 S. 5th , Louisville, Kentuck y 40202 .


The Maroon & White Network

Eastern Kentucky University and WEKY Radio take great pleasure in announcing the formation of the Maroon & White Nc : work. Eleven Kentucky cities have joined the network and Y1ill carry all Eastern football games live. Ron Boone and Ralph Gabbard will host the weekly show. In addition to game coverage, the stations also will provide entertaining halftime shows as well as interviews with Coach Roy Kidd throughout the season. Covering the Colonels on the Maroon & White Network will be:

WEKY, Richmond, the originating station

WINN . . . Louisville

WDOC . .. Prestonsburg

WKIC . ... Hazard

WCTT . Corbin

WTLO . . Somerset

WFTG . . London

WANO . . Pinevill e

WIXI . . . . Lancaster

WWXL ... Manchester

WLJC .... Beattyville


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