Economia & Mercado Julho 2022

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A antiga vice-ministra da Educação para o sector Social, no período de 1997 a 2008, entende que o maior problema da Educação em Angola nem sequer é o baixo investimento, mas sim a qualidade de ensino. Também questiona a qualidade das acções e defende a criação de um “Plano Marshall” para o país. The former vice-minister of Education for the Social Sector, from 1997 to 2008, believes that the biggest problem with education in Angola is not even the low investment, but the quality of teaching. She also questions the quality of the actions and advocates the creation of a “Marshall Plan” for the country. TEXTO TEXT SEBASTIÃO VEMBA FOTOGRAFIA PHOTO CARLOS AGUIAR

que avaliação faz dos últimos cinco anos de governação em Angola, olhando para os resultados no sector social, em particular da educação? No início do mandato do actual Governo, fui das pessoas que publicamente manifestou a sua expectativa positiva, acreditando que, de facto, estávamos diante de uma época de mudança. Não digo de mudança de paradigma, porque o grupo era o mesmo, mas sim de mudança de conteúdo qualitativo da governação. Infelizmente, do meu ponto de vista, isso não aconteceu. Entretanto, seria injusto da minha parte não reconhecer que houve avanços do ponto de vista quantitativo. Se olharmos para os números que o Governo apresenta do sector Social, vemos aumento de salas de aulas e de unidades hospitalares. Mas a questão preocupante tem que ver com o facto de o aumento das infra-estruturas não ter sido acompanhado


de um aumento do capital huPDQR VHQGR TXH VHP SURΚVVLRQDLV TXDOLΚFDGRV H EHP SDJRV « impossível manter as estruturas a funcionar. Portanto, a qualidade da governação está posta em causa. Relativamente à Educação, do ponto de vista qualitativo, como avalia os resultados, FRQVLGHUDQGR RV GHVDΝRV GH desenvolvimento do país? Segundo o economista Theodore Schultz, sem um investimento na Educação e na Saúde os países não se desenvolvem. Não é só ensinar a ler e a escrever, mas é também aumentar o talento das pessoas, porque isso tem impacto nas empresas e na economia, numa perspectiva mais abrangente. Actualmen-

what is your evaluation of the last five years of governance in angola, based on the results in the social sector, and in education in particular? At the beginning of the current government’s term, I was one of the people who publicly expressed positive expectations, believing that, in fact, we were facing a time of change. I don’t mean a change of paradigm because the group was the same, but a change in the qualitative conWHQW RI JRYHUQDQFH 8QIRUWXnately, from my point of view, this did not happen. However, it would be unfair of me not to recognize that there has been progress from the quantitative point of view. If we look at

NENHUM PAÍS PODE SOBREVIVER SEM UMA ESTRUTURA DE CRECHES QUE DE FACTO FUNCIONE. No country can survive without a day care structure that actually works.

the numbers that the Government presents for the Social sector, we see an increase in classrooms and hospitals. But the worrying issue has to do with the fact that the increase in infrastructure has not been complemented with an increase in human capital, and ZLWKRXW TXDOLΚHG DQG ZHOO paid professionals it is impossible to keep the facilities operating. Therefore, the quality of governance jeopardized. Regarding Education, from a qualitative point of view, how do you evaluate the results, considering the country’s development challenges? According to economist Theodore Schultz, without investment in Education and Health, countries do not develop. It’s not just about teaching people to read and write, but also about increasing their talent, because this has an impact on companies and the economy, from a broader perspective. Nowadays, the countries that have developed the most are those that have had the greatest impact on human capital, through constant, structured investment in it. It is no longer true that countries are poor because they are located in a particular geographical region or lack natural resources. There are no poor countries, but rather poorly managed countries, as Peter Drucker puts it. The boom in our economy, prior to 2014, showed us that growth is not development. What other pillars should be built to support development? I insist on investment in huPDQ FDSLWDO ΚUVW DQG IRUHmost. However, one cannot treat the social sector as an election propaganda object. The social sector goes far beyond Education and Health. We have Social Protection. My biggest concern is not only with the budget | Julho July 2022

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