with Victor Chesky
Origen by Engraw The importance is in the origin
Federico Raquet (left) and Frank Raquet
ngraw SA manufactures its wooltop at its mill 100k from Montevideo Uruguay. It is surrounded by 100 hectares of pristine pasture and woodland. It produces approximately 4,500 tonnes of tops per year. It was one of a small number of topmakers in South America to embrace environmentally friendly practices into all aspects of its production. I asked Federico Raquet, company
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director at Engraw SA how the company continues to developits environmental accreditation and compliance and all about its new product: Origen by Engraw.
A. We are deeply committed to wool as a renewable fibre. We use renewable energy and greater efficiencies, and we are proud to be carbon neutral.Our two Vestas 1.8 MW wind turbines generate the electricity needed