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Emo Risaliti
He lives and works in Tuscany. Graduated at Istituto Statale d'Arte and Accademia di Belle Arti of Florence. He works on posters and other instruments of comunication and advertising for cultural and social initiatives, corporate Identity, wine labels, packaging, fonts, logos and brand design. From 1996 to 2009 was Art Director for the institutional image of City of Fiesole. Some of his posters have been published on "Novum", "European Design Annual" and "Graphis Poster Annual". Other representative works are the posters for "Opera Festival", the Florentine review of Opera Lirica.He has designed wine labels and packaging since 1997. Fine examples of these works can to be found in the labels of Cantine Leonardo da Vinci and Cantine Spinelli-Terra d'Aligi. He has designed some fonts, including font "Kniff", for digital characters foundry Font Boreau (Boston). He has partecipated in many exhibition on posters design and his works are present in several publications and catalogs.