Everything is Energi Spring Cleaning Check List
The Energiser With House Coach Anja Lavigne
Emotional Freedom Using Tapping
The Art of Acupuncture ISSUE NO. 21
MAY 2022
contents 03. Editor's letter 06. Spring Cleaning Checklist 08. Affirmations 09. Poem by Chelsea L. Stailing 10. Rock a Bye Baby 14. Emotional Freedom Using Tapping 18. May Reading with Intuitive Goddess Priya 22. The Energiser with House Coach Anja Lavigne 26. The Art of Acupuncture 28. Supplements... For What? 30. I Changed My Mind and that Changed My Life
Dear Readers,
Editor's Letter
There is often more than one way to do something. You can use different recipes and the food will still taste good. You can take different routes and still end up at the same place. You can use different words and still share the same message. The point is, there are different ways to end up with the "right" answer and depending on what works for you, one approach may be more appealing than another. That doesn’t mean that the other options are wrong or need to be dismissed. With that being said, this month’s issue is looking at exploring the other options. I encourage you to be open to alternative versions of everything. It’s possible that the best option for you is one that you haven’t heard of yet. With love and light Aria de Lima Alternative practices and suggestions within Energi Magazine should not be used as a substitution to medical advisory. If you are struggling with physical or mental health issues, please consult a medical professional.
We're not meant to fit in. We're meant to stand out. Sarah Ban Breathnach
t s i l k c e h C g n i n a e l C Spring By: Anja Lavigne
The beginning of Spring is when you start to spend more time outside, connecting closer with the sun, the rain and the earth. It is the feeling of being uplifted and breathing in the new season’s oxygen. At this time you get to swing into clearing, cleansing and decluttering, which allows you to focus on the renewal.
1. Refresh Your Bedding Wash and air out your comforters. Over time they absorb build-up of odour and moisture. Drying them out gives them a fresh, clean feel. The sun is amazing for killing bacteria. 2. Flip Your Mattress Rotating and flipping your mattress extends the lifespan of it as well as benefiting your bank balance. When you rotate and flip your mattress, you no longer have pressure in the same places. This prompts improved sleep quality, helps those with back pain and keeps your mattress fresher for longer. 3. Under your bed This area is usually forgotten and one that accumulates the most dust. Knowing it is clean and tidy underneath your bed allows you to have a better rest. Be mindful of what you store under there because certain items can cause difficulty with sleep. You definitely want to avoid anything that is emotionally charged, such as important papers or documents. Overall, you want to have air and energy flow easily around your bedroom.
4. Decor Boost porch or balcony appeal. Spring is a wonderful time to make upgrades on your decor, such as new pillows and accessories that can make a big impact with pops of colour. For example, lay down a fresh doormat and plant a pot of flowers. 5. Prepare the Garden The end of May is planting time. Now that the frost has lifted, clean up your garden area and begin working the soil. Tilling, turning, weeding and mixing in compost gets the soil ready for flowers and veggies. You can use a soil test to see where your pH and nutrient levels are, which will tell you what type of materials you might want to add. 6. Garden Shed Bring out the garden tools and give it a good clean, and make sure they are in working condition. Take out the lawn mower and tune it up, make sure the blades are sharp and see if the spark plug needs changing.
7. Energy Cleansing Your Home A spiritual spring cleaning ritual gives your space a fresh feel of new life. Everything has energy, including our homes. Change the energy of your house by releasing old, stagnant or negative energies from the past season. Begin by cleaning and clearing your uncluttered space. You can then open your windows, light a candle, meditate and then walk through your home with a bell, tingshas, or clap your hands. This begins to move the energy out. The next step is to enhance the energy in your home. You can walk around with incense or sage, and say positive mantras such as “Happy, Healthy, Wealthy Home.” As you are enhancing your home with incense or sage, you are setting your intention. 8. New moon intention With any new moon, it is the beginning of desires and aspirations. Write your wish to the Universe. Light a candle, sit in a calm space and write down what you most desire for this new season. Once complete, take the paper and burn it safely in a fireproof bowl. When the ashes are cool, place them on the earth with the intention of grounding them in the growing garden. Make an offering to Mother Earth such as a crystal, flower or piece of fruit for hearing your prayers.
9. Full Moon Cleansing This month in May is a full moon eclipse in Scorpio. This is about letting go and a good time to declutter. Clutter is different for everyone. Walkaround each room and take some time looking around. Ask yourself these types of questions: * Is there anything in here that doesn’t serve me anymore? * Is there anything that I’m not using? * Is something broken? * Can I fix it or get rid of it? 10. Screens Clean and inspect screen doors and windows. It’s a good idea to clean them once a year as they are also entry and exit points for energy in your home. Vacuum the windows, dust them and then give the windows a gentle scrub with warm water. If you find any holes, repair them with a screen patch kit (available at most hardware stores). In all, completing these rituals and tasks creates good health, a balanced life and conscious living.
affirmations Out of the Ordinary
I love myself as I am I treasure my uniqueness I am enough I love and enjoy being me
Discovering and creating myself is a joyful process I live in the freedom of my truth
Being different is...
D efying the odds I ntuitively trusting yourself F eeling comfortable in your own skin F inding ways that help express you E volving while staying true to yourself R ealizing you are special E mbracing your uniqueness N ever giving up T eaching others to do the same By: Chelsea L. Stailing
Rock a Bye Baby By: Andrea Sipcic
Are you one of those people that finds themself lying in bed staring at the ceiling for at least an hour before falling asleep? If so, here are some tips that might help you get a better night's rest.
Essential Oils
Diet and Lifestyle
There are meditations specifically to help induce sleep, and there are various different ones that can work for you, with a few shown below. Some are meant to be on throughout the entire night and some are shorter, meant to be played as you’re falling asleep.
Essential oils from specific plants carry soothing properties, having the ability to promote a sense of calmness and greater sleep. A few favourites include:
As much as we’ve heard it time and time again, our diet and lifestyle can make an impact on our quality of sleep. A few things to consider include:
432hz meditation music Subliminal affirmations Binaural beats - Theta and Delta waves Guided sleep meditations and hypnosis
Lavender Chamomile Ylang Ylang Sandalwood Clary Sage
Finish eating at least three hours before bed and try to eat a smaller amount for dinner If you like to eat later in the evening, try lighter foods like a small amount of oats or vegetables Try consuming warm, nourishing drinks like warm milk or tea Have less or minimal sugary foods later in the evening Cut back on screen time directly before bed Turn the lights down at least an hour or so before bed Avoid anything too stimulating for the mind or body right before bed
Create The Room You Love! @Anja.housecoach Learn More
With Your
House Coach
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Noah de Lima @intuitivemillennial
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EMOTIONAL FREEDOM USING TAPPING By: Chris Lee One of the most powerful and effective alternative health modalities is tapping or EFT. EFT is short for emotional freedom technique. It does exactly what the name implies: It’s a technique that provides a person with emotional freedom. “Freedom from what?” you may be asking. EFT and tapping have rescued me from crisis on countless occasions. The term “tapping” refers to literally tapping on acupressure points throughout the body. In the same way that blood flows in a certain path throughout the body, energy also flows through the body. Negative or low vibration emotions impede the free flow of energy. Using your fingertips, focused intent and an affirmation, you are able to release these negative emotions and restore the normal flow of energy throughout the body. The Set-Up Statement The basic affirmation or “set up” statement is: “Even though (insert your issue), I completely and deeply accept myself. I completely and deeply love myself.”
For example, let’s say you were wanting to address your fear of mice. You would tap on the pressure points with your fingertips and repeat the affirmation: “Even though I am deathly afraid of mice, I completely and deeply accept myself. I completely and deeply love myself.”
If you were experiencing the emotion of resentment toward your ex-partner, you’d tap on the points and say: “Even though I’m feeling resentment toward my ex and it’s preventing me from letting go, I completely and deeply accept myself. I completely and deeply love myself.” Your mind can influence matter. With tapping, your mind is moving low vibration emotions from your energy field to restore proper energy flow. Your body was wonderfully designed to heal itself and when we provide the right conditions, the body quickly brings itself into balance. The Basics Using your index and middle finger on both hands, repeat your affirmation or set-up statement while tapping gently on the tapping points in this sequence: 1. Top of head 2. Eyebrow 3. Side of eye 4. Under eye 5. Under nose 6. Under mouth 7. Collar bone 8. Under arm 9. Liver spot (Not pictured. Tap with the right hand over the liver, below right breast.) 10. Wrists together (Not pictured. Tap wrists together) You can also tap on the points on your face and on your body, reciting any affirmation that you want - affirmations about money, relationships, health, etc. It's a very effective way of ridding your body of stress and negative emotions.
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May Reading with Intuitive Goddess Priya Card: Believe in Magic The month ahead brings forth the energy of magic. As trees begin to blossom, flowers begin to bloom, the grass comes to life and a new cycle of nature appears, allow yourself to see the magic of life. The Guides invite you to take time and ponder the many magical things in life. Things that are invisible in their gestational state. Pay attention to the magic that continuously unfolds before our very eyes, yet often remains overlooked by us. For some of you, the message is to stop what you’re doing from time to time throughout the month of May and take notice of the magic that surrounds you and is around you. Note the magic of how your body functions for you each day or how the sun rises and sets in beauty. By appreciating magic, you will see more of it. For some of you, the message is to strengthen your faith and belief in that which you cannot see. If you do not believe in something, if you cannot envision something, how will you recognize it when it comes before you? The Guides encourage you to use your imagination. Many of you left your imagination back in your childhood. It’s time to bring it back to life. The Guides lovingly encourage you to lead yourself out of your reality. While this will not change your present moment situation, imagining a more favourable one can certainly lead to that becoming your new reality, while staying true to your current reality will make it your truth. In love and appreciation, Intuitive Goddess Priya Card Deck: Oracle of Fairies Author: Karen Kay Illustrations: Ginger Kelly Publisher: Hay House
P ro duc h e lp t s t o ra is e the next gen e ra t io n g lo b of al c it iz ens
It's TIME to...
The Energiser with The House Coach By: Aria de Lima “It’s your birthright to be surrounded by beauty. It’s your birthright to be confident and happy and healthy and wealthy. Our homes are a reflection of where we’re at. Our spaces can foster us or hinder us but when we’re aware we can start making changes. Growing up, I had to live in a home that was disorganized and dysfunctional. I had to have the parents that I have because, let’s just pretend Martha Stewart was my mom. It wouldn’t be the same. This would not be my thing because at three or four years old I loved my grandmother's design in Germany. I loved how her desk was positioned in a command position. I didn’t even know what the hell that was at that time! I would watch movies and look at the decor and would forget the storyline because I was focusing on the beautiful kitchen in the scene. I really connect with the furniture pieces and how things need to be placed and how the whole room kind of sings.
I didn’t know it then but it was like instead of being angry about why I had these parents, I needed to say thank you because I needed those parents. I needed a mother who was depressed, who didn’t clean the house, who couldn’t organize. I needed to be living in a space where I couldn’t have any friends over because I was so embarrassed. I needed a space where I would almost be in tears to say how bad I felt, where I had to explain that this is not who I am and that my parents' house was not a representation of me. Before I became The House Coach, I had a business called Show and Sell. Show and Sell was a staging and design business I started in 2004. It kind of started when one day I went into somebody’s home and they were
having an agent open house and I said, “Oh my God, and your place looks like this?” In 20 minutes I moved things around and he said, “Oh my God it looks so much better.” He then told me that there was a service out there and that’s when I learned about staging. It just came to me so organically. I kind of just go and do what I love doing and I have been lucky to be able to do what makes me happy. However, I also had to take a leap of faith. I left my previous job and I went with my gut. I can honestly say that I don’t think I would be a happy soul if I wasn’t doing what I was doing. I was in the staging business for 14 years. In that time I began to really see and understand the energy aspect and how important it was. This is also when I began to realize that there was a reason for the way my journey played out. I kept having these “Aha!” moments that explained how my journey had led me to where I was. Eventually I got to a point where I knew I wasn’t loving staging anymore but I knew there was a part of it that I still loved. What I did enjoy was seeing the transformation of not only the space but also the transformation of the people. There were three things that everyone had in common. It didn’t matter if they were 65 and downsizing or about to have their second baby and bursting at the seams. The three areas that they had in common were, “I can’t believe how much stuff I have.” The second was, “I love this place, why didn’t I do this before? I don’t want to leave anymore.” Then the third was that their energy changed. Their skin even looked better! I realized, this is what I want to be doing for people that are living in their home, not just for when they are selling. One weekend I was thinking that I needed to do something different. I wanted to be more in the energy part of it. It was around this time that a couple things happened to me. I was brought up in a very catholic home but my father was Indian and he was very spiritual. After he passed away, I somehow connected with him. He was a real entrepreneur and he came through and he said, “I will work with you in your business.” He is working with me now even though he’s not here. I’m getting goosebumps now just thinking about it. The other thing I realized was that I did this in another lifetime. I knew this was what I was supposed to be doing. As the House Coach, I’m coaching but I’m also listening and guiding, implementing and providing different ideas. When it comes to design I’m listening to what is that you want and when you don’t know what you want, I get to pull things out and find out what you do want. I’m looking to find out, how productive are you in that space? For example, let’s just say we are talking about a bedroom. We would talk about sleep or access to clothes or things like that.That’s the functionality part that comes into play. Then we look at finding where you are stuck. You might think, “Oh my God, it takes me 20 minutes in the morning to get ready
when it should only take me 10 because I don’t know what to wear.” Ultimately, it’s coaching to be more functional, more productive and to find out what’s not working. We are looking at products and ways to organize the space. I want to make sure that when you open the closet, you’re inspired. I want you to love and enjoy all of those clothing pieces. A lot of times, people don’t even really realize that there are triggers. With triggers, someone might see a top that they never wear and then realize it’s a trigger because it’s the top they were wearing when they had a big fight with their boyfriend. They like the top but they just don’t wear it. This is when they have to either clear it or get rid of it. Clearing your space is so important. If you clear your space, it’s clean. It’s similar to how you feel after you have taken a shower. You feel lighter. How does a room feel when it’s clean? Think about a closet or a cupboard and you’ve gone in there and you’ve organized everything. How does it feel? The process of what I do is all very feeling based. You have to love everything you have. I know that can sound nauseating but why not? It’s not about needing to buy new things all the time. I’m definitely not about spending a lot of money. Most clients always say they were worried they were going to have to spend so much more money working with me, but it’s not about needing to go out and get everything. When it comes to the energy aspect it often comes in even when you don’t really expect it. How much it comes in just really depends on the individual and where they’re at. If they are open to it, I can really tap in and speak the language of that client. It’s kind of like going deep, deep down and bringing everything up. Even though the House Coach is all about organizing and design, if the person is open to it, we go into releasing work and all of that kind of stuff too.
When I made that switch from Show and Sell to House Coach, I knew I had to go back to school so I took a whole year of intuitive classes and an elemental clearing course to help build my intuitive skills, which I use all of the time now. For example, one client has a jewelry business and she needed help organizing her jewelry and beads and everything. She had a two hour session and we went in there and I whipped it all into action within an hour and 15 minutes. So I said, “Ok let’s go into your bedroom,” because our bedrooms are so key. I saw a mirror and I asked her why it was on the floor, thinking that it should be put up. When we moved it, behind the mirror on her husband's side
was a photograph of him and his ex wife. She’s like, “Oh my God, I can’t believe that’s there.” They had been having a lot of marital issues and had been going to counseling and this ex wife was always in the way. I told her she needed to get rid of it; it couldn’t even stay on her property. I actually took it because it didn’t affect me, and I dumped it somewhere. I called her back and I said, “Please don’t be mad at your husband. I think he just didn’t know where to put it.” When I spoke to her two months later she said that they had chipped off about two years of counseling after that picture was removed. I also taught a course, ‘Goddess in Office’ and there was a client who was an actress and a film coach. She was telling me that she usually only gets three scripts at a time to read but after she took the course, she got 16. Overall, I think that’s the best part. I get to see people excel to the next level of them, whether it be through courses or through consultations. Like Rachel who got 16 screenplays to read or Mary Sue whose goal with her little jewelry business was to move it into a studio and because I came and helped her with her organization, she became more efficient. This meant she was making more income so then she could move to a larger space and now her jewelry is in a lot of places in Toronto.
The three areas that are impacted when you work on your space are three really important areas. We are better in our relationships, we’re better in our finances and we are better in our health and mindset. It really brings us to the next level. I always talk about how transforming your space is transforming your life and that is what I as the House Coach am there to help with.”
the art of Borcelle By: Andrea Sipcic
For some, the thought of acupuncture can seem intimidating and possibly a little scary. While it has been known to relieve pain and assist in healing other ailments, the idea of being poked with a bunch of little needles might be a little daunting. However, there is really nothing to be scared of at all. Acupuncture is usually a gentle treatment and has provided many people with positive results in many ways.
Acupuncture actually originated in China a few thousand years ago and the very thin needles that are penetrated very shallowly into the skin are done on very specific acupoints or pressure points. Traditional Chinese medicine views the entire body as qi (pronounced chee), one’s energy and vital life force. When qi is flowing properly throughout the body, we have good health. If this flow of energy is blocked however (such as from trauma), acupuncture helps in releasing this and works towards restoring balance and flow. Qi flows through channels (or meridians) near the surface of the body. There are twelve of them, all linking to specific organs like the liver or heart. Acupoints are located on these meridians, so when penetrated, the “gate” is opened and qi can flow through. Qi can also be considered in terms of blood circulating continuously throughout the body to sustain life. If blood flow is blocked, the affected part may “starve” and the body will respond by sending a warning signal in the form of symptoms, such as pain or muscle spasms.
Once the needles are inserted, they are then gently activated through specific movements of the practitioner’s hands or through electrical stimulation. The needles can feel uncomfortable when they are first inserted, and at most, mildly painful. Of course, not only is it different for everyone and their pain tolerance, but it often depends on how blocked the area is. Areas where there are heavier blockages may result in more discomfort.
Acupuncture can assist in many different disharmonies in the body. The following are just a few:
Headaches and migraines Neck pain Back pain Menstrual cramps Respiratory disorders Dental pain Osteoarthritis Asthma Addiction Fibromyalgia Carpal tunnel syndrome
Supplements... for what? By: Andrea Sipcic The idea of supplementation has come a long way. It was more commonly known as a treatment remedy; something you take when you need to treat some type of disharmony in your body. Over the years it has become more common to take supplements as a preventative treatment and more people are getting on board with some of their benefits. The variety of supplements has also expanded immensely, to a point where it can seem overwhelming to know which ones you “need” and don’t. If we read every article and info piece out there on all the different supplements, one could easily conclude that they need all of them for one reason or another. This is why it’s so important to know yourself, your body and what you need. While there will be times we only take some supplements as treatment or for a short time, there is value in supplementation as a preventative measure and to help maintain our well being. It also goes farther than benefits for just the body. Many supplements have some level of positive impact on our mind and spirit as well. While noticeable changes don’t usually happen overnight, regular use of supplements can make a big difference on your well being. Although conventional drugs may offer fast relief, the use of supplements is usually the more natural route. With that being said, the use of supplements are not always interchangeable with prescription medication. Supplements should not be used as a substitution for prescribed medication unless you have consulted with your doctor beforehand. It is also recommended that you speak with a naturopath when considering supplements for medical purposes. Taking into consideration your own lifestyle, stress levels, eating and sleep habits are important when it comes to which supplements you may need or that can be beneficial to you. The following herbs and supplements are some suggestions of which can be helpful and just a few of their benefits.
Ashwagandha Ideal aid in relieving stress, anxiety and calming the mind and body Promotes a restful sleep Reduces inflammation Fights infections and boosts immunity
Probiotics Provide “good” bacteria that help keep your intestinal bacteria balanced Promotes a healthy gut microbiome, playing a key role in our overall health Can help reduce the severity of IBS symptoms Boosts the immune system and helps the body to recover from illness Helps with some mental health conditions, stress, mood and brain function
Electrolytes Provide the charge the body requires for many automatic processes to function Balance the amount of water in the body Balance the body’s pH level Regulate nerves, muscles, heart and brain functionality Move nutrients into your cells and waste out of them
t n a w o d I
I Can
I Changed My Mind and That Changed My Life By: Priya Ali When I first began to understand the power of my thoughts, it led me to realize that my word choice was also important. Important because my word choice creates my thoughts, which then leads my focus and then creates my vibration, which creates my results and experiences.
I started this change by eliminating the words “don’t,” “not” and “no” from my vocabulary. By doing this I could see that I was lessening how often I would see and process the world from a negative mindset. My mind was now set towards experiencing life from a “do want” and “yes” vocabulary. While some may want to minimize this down to suggesting that all you have to do is monitor your words, it’s so much bigger than that. When you choose to live in the world from an affirmative mindset, the world begins to change. When you begin to live through a mindset focused on what you do want and on the things you would say yes to in life, you live with a high level of clarity, self-awareness and inner knowing. You also begin to start experiencing more of what you do want and more of the things you would love to say yes to. This is why I say creating this type of change is so much more than just monitoring or trying to hand pick your words. It’s about deciding what type of life you wish to experience. It’s about committing to and staying dedicated to remaining affirmative and positive amongst all the negativity that flashes before us day after day. To bring this type of change to fruition, you would have to believe in a world where there isn’t anything that you can’t be, do or have. You will have to believe, even when reality is staring you in the face, showing you otherwise. In fact this is when you will have to believe the hardest. Once I converted into affirmative living, to the “do want” and “yes” world I created, my life changed. Even when some “don’t want” and “no” experiences came through, I still continued to say yes, because they were giving me the opportunity to discover what I wanted instead. It was always a win-win situation. Some people call it living and seeing the world through rose coloured glasses, and maybe that’s true. While living in this mindset doesn’t eliminate the negativity that exists, like rose coloured glasses, it may take away the glare or tone down the discomfort of what you are seeing, allowing you to keep looking on with joy.
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