5 ways to get motivated

5 ways to get motivated
Let’s hope that extra dose of vitamin D is kicking in and giving you that extra boost of energy. However, if you need a little extra assistance, this issue of Energi Magazine is here to help. This month we are focusing on motivation. Sometimes getting motivated can be the hardest part of completing a task or goal. From words of encouragement to some tools to help you get yourself moving, this month is looking to motivate and inspire!!
With love and light, Aria
Alternative practices and suggestions within Energi Magazine should not be used as a substitution to medical advisory. If you are struggling with physical or mental health issues, please consult a medical professional.
I encourage myself with love and care throughout every step of my journey
2. I take steps to stay on the path I know speaks to my heart
3. I remain in alignment with my goals and desires through mind, body and spirit
4. I trust there is a purpose for every turn and experience I engage in
5. I turn inwards for guidance and inspiration
Just by completing the simplest of tasks and getting yourself moving can make it easier to continue. This could be something as small as changing your clothes or brushing your teeth.
Making a plan can help take away the feeling of overwhelm because you have established what it is that has to come next.
While we encourage you to try and keep yourself motivated, sometimes you need a little push. Telling someone or including someone else in your goal can help you stay on track. For example, if you are trying to find motivation to tidy the kitchen, invite your friend over for tea in an hour. Trust me, you will be motivated to get that place tidy as quickly as you can.
This might seem counter intuitive, but sometimes constantly thinking about the task at hand can make it seem or feel worse than it is. Try doing something completely different to take your mind off it. Then after giving yourself a little break, try again.
Not everything is always going to go exactly how you want it to. Learn to be ok with the fact that it might not always go as planned. This will help prevent that feeling of completely giving up. It’s not failure; it's just a learning opportunity and you get to try again whenever you are ready.
Lou HoltzThe following is an interview that I was lucky enough to snag with Motivation. I know what you’re thinking; “How on earth did you interview Motivation? It’s a concept, not an actual being.” In this interview I discovered that Motivation is indeed ‘alive’! Motivation shared some great gems to help us understand it better.
Energi Magazine: Thanks for accepting our request for an interview. So that we’re on the same page for this interview, what do you identify as? Are you an emotion? Are you a thought?
Motivation: That’s actually a significantly important question. My root word in the English language is motive. Motives, or reasons, are what drives human behaviour. I am tasked with getting humans to do things; that is my purpose. But to answer your question, I identify as a vibrational entity.
EM: A high vibrational entity or a low-vibrational entity?
Motivation: While most people associate me with higher vibrations, I can easily use lowvibrations to motivate people as well. For instance, if I take on the essence of fear, I can influence a great number of people in tune with that vibration to take fear-based action.
EM: Which is your preference?
Motivation: I actually don’t have a preference. I just want people to take action. I don’t judge what motivates people.
EM: For those of us that want to tap in with your more positive vibration, what would you recommend to get started?
Motivation: I could talk for an hour about this! The first thing you’d need to do is get as much clarity as you can about what you want or want to accomplish. It’s like, I can motivate you but we need a definite goal to get started. The next thing might sound crazy, but the next most important thing, I’d say, is imagination.
EM: Why imagination?
Motivation: Imagination is a very powerful part of me! You see, your imagination allows you to see things that your logical mind can’t. If you think about the logical steps to becoming rich or healthy or whatever you humans like to strive for, your logical or analytical mind needs to figure out “how” and also requires evidence that it can be done. Your imagination is untethered; it can go anywhere. Human imagination can conjure up visions of success, accomplishment and happiness without the crutch of “reality”, which is a farce anyway.
EM: Why do you say that reality is a farce?
Motivation: Each human is immersed in a subjective reality. Your everyday experiences are filtered through your own reality based on what you believe to be true about the world around you. You humans are literally operating in multiple subjective realities. Whatever you believe to be true, is true. Your beliefs, limiting beliefs, are the tether that binds you to less than desired outcomes.
EM: That’s amazingly insightful! So far we have desire and imagination. What are the other ingredients for tapping into the highest vibration of motivation?
Motivation: Self-belief. Humans equipped with self-belief have experienced remarkable accomplishments. With belief, nothing seems impossible. The world becomes your sandbox to play in and build and grow. I love to see humans that are equipped with courage. They fearlessly chase their dreams, knowing…no, noASSUMING that they have the courage to see their dreams through to physical manifestation.
EM: There are those that say Motivation is great but it doesn’t last. How would you respond to that statement?
Motivation: It’s true. I don’t deny that my effects can wear off over time. It’s up to the individual to stay tapped into my frequency. Goal-setting is a good way to stay connected, as well as positive reinforcement. Celebrate the incremental wins and reward yourself for your progress. Rewards are a way of reminding yourself that the efforts are worthwhile.
EM: Thank you for taking the time to share your wisdom and guidance. Is there any parting advice or words you’d like to say?
Motivation: You’re welcome. I love connecting with humans to help you all develop into motivated and successful people. I would like to give a shoutout to my partner, inspiration! We have been companions for many millennia. Inspiration is the beloved muse that sings the sweet melodies of innovations, creativity and me - motivation!
Filling out a quick little worksheet can be a great tool to help you to get going and have some clarity on what you ’ re wanting to accomplish, why and some steps to take to guide yourself along This can be helpful because you ’ re outlining some guidelines for yourself that you can follow and stick to that can help keep you motivated as you refer back to it. So if you find you ’ re straying away from the path and goals you set out, the worksheet is great to refer back to. Below are some questions and ideas that may work for you.
What do I want to accomplish/do?
Why is this important to me? Why do I want to do it and what do I believe will be the benefits of it?
Do I require any help with this? If yes, who can help?
By when would I like to have this done? What times and days can I allocate to this activity/goal? (Creating a schedule can be helpful)
Is there a specific place or area that is most ideal for me to accomplish this?
What are the actual steps I need to take to complete or accomplish this? (Perhaps make a step by step list you can follow.)
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This month the Guides are encouraging us to recognize despair as an opportunity. Rather than feeling that things in life are happening to us, open up to accepting that things in life are happening for us. You have come into this physical existence to experience the physical world and create opportunities for soul growth and expansion.
For some of you, the Guides see you going through challenges in a relationship whether you are still with the person or broken up. They sense you are stuck on blaming the other person for this situation. Instead they ask you to consider asking yourself, what can you learn about yourself from this situation? Why have you attracted a relationship like this? What needs to be healed within you or awakened within you?
For some of you, the Guides see you going through financial struggles or career struggles. They sense that this is due to your negative relationship with money, or your perception of money. You believe money is in control of your life. They are encouraging you to realign with the knowledge that everything is energy and that money is simply energy. Your struggles are an opportunity for you to access your abilities to create abundance through joy and passion, rather than out of fear and from a survival mindset.
For some of you, the Guides see you experiencing personal challenges, feeling stuck in overcoming something within yourself. Again, because you are addressing this from an attitude of something happening to you rather than happening for you, you are missing the viewpoint of the opportunities available for you to grow. The soul growth that you can access from your current situation is far more beneficial than the manifestation of the physical outcome.
The Guides invite you all to allow yourselves to experience the truths that are being shown to you. As Neptune recently went into retrograde and will remain there until December, you will be forced to face truths during the last half of the year. Ignoring them or turning away from them will only delay the inevitable and keep you away from aligning with your desires and manifestations.
With my pure love and appreciation, Energi
Empress PriyaCard Deck: Soul Helper Oracle
Author: Christine Arana Fader
Illustrator: Elena Dudina
Publisher: Earthdancer