BOX BREATHING A simple breathing technique to calm the mind, body & spirit
HOW TO TAKE ACTION Action steps to take towards your goals
INSPIRING USING YOUR VOICE Inspire yourself and others through self-expression
MARCH 2022
CONTENTS 3 Editor's Note by: Aria de Lima 7 March Reading with Intuitive Goddess Priya 8 Poem by: Chelsey L. Stailing 10 Affirmations for Action 11 Ready...Set...Action! by: Andrea Sipcic 14 Amazonite a crystal to get you moving 16 Inspiring Using Your Voice by: Chris Lee 17 Box Breathing 22 How to Take Action by: Priya Ali 23 Making Your Home A Sanctuary by: Anja Lavigne 28 Best Friends Until Whenever by: Aria de Lima
EDITOR'S NOTE Dear Readers, At the end of this month we will be experiencing a season change as we say goodbye to winter and welcome spring. This poses another great opportunity to do a reset in your life; a spring cleaning for your mind, body and spirit if you will. Take this time to revisit your goals to remind yourself what you are working towards and to make changes where it feels necessary. Allow yourself the time to gradually prepare for this fresh start throughout the month by getting back into routine. Spring is a time of new beginnings, rebirth and cleansing. Evaluate what you may need in your life to help yourself improve. Maybe try a new activity or really focus on establishing one of the healthy habits that you have been considering. Let go of the things that are no longer serving you and allow yourself to make room for new growth for your mind, body and spirit. With love and light, Aria de Lima
Alternative practices and suggestions within Energi Magazine should not be used as a substitution to medical advisory. If you are struggling with physical or mental health issues, please consult a medical professional.
The distance between dreams and reality is called action
The most reliable way to predict the future is to create it
March Reading with Intuitive Goddess Priya Card: Transformation The message from the Guides this month focuses on transformation. The energies through the month of March will support transformation. They remind you that transformations can be negative or positive, so focus on engaging in your positive energies to spark positive transformation. Awareness will be what fuels this transformation. Make and take time to go through each day with the most heightened state of awareness you can access. Staying present and focusing will make accessing a heightened awareness easier. For some of you, the awareness may stem from a realization that is disappointing or discouraging. Nonetheless, you are guided to use this awareness from a place of love, and the Guides will support you in transforming this into a more positive situation. For some of you, the awareness will present itself positively. The Guides encourage you to remain grounded as you transform in order to be able to take effective action. Being grounded is necessary so that the physical actions can be taken to complete the transformation, otherwise it will remain in energetic form. In general, as world events continue to swirl rapidly, many of you will become aware that material possessions and superficial accomplishments and admiration, are unimportant to you. These transformations will be accompanied by a period of change, which can result in periods of discomfort or adjustment. Be sure to prepare for these changes as well as embrace them. Doing so will allow you to navigate through them with more ease and flow. Card Deck: The Power of Love Author: James Van Praag Images: Publisher: Hay House Inc
Human drama serves only the ego but is necessary to help expand your awareness of what is, what was and what will be. When your path is blocked by obstacles take this time to clear what isn't serving you and look past what is blocking you and move forward. Souls are not confined by time and space, only by the human ego. Your truth is what it is, what it was and what it will be. Have faith and know the winds of change are welcoming you to the fresh start you deserve. Welcome it with open arms. By Chelsea L. Stailing
Yoga Nidra Classes (Sleep Meditation) Monday evenings with Premadasa 9 pm - 10:15 pm EST online via WebEx Premadasa Gangadeen @premadasa108
Book your class today!
Affirmations Action I commit to myself by remaining committed to my goals and priorities
I move consistently each day, bringing me towards my desires
I choose to be compassionate and supportive towards myself as I navigate through change
Through quieting my mind, the next steps become clearer and Divinely guided
I take each step with joy and enthusiasm
Every action I take serves my highest good
Ready... Set...
Action! By: Andrea Sipcic When it comes to action and taking action, it is most often associated with the physical. Even with action movies, it’s all about the physicality of what they’re doing and usually so much happening. While this is most often what action is referred to as, it is not solely conducive to this. When it comes to our goals and taking action towards them, while physical action is most likely required, there can be more to it than that. Sometimes we can feel resistant, hesitant or fearful to take the physical steps we know need to be taken and that we want to take. This is one of our clearest indications that mindset action is most likely required first. This essentially means changing your thoughts, beliefs and/or perspective around the situation or goal
at hand. For example: You’ve been wanting to start a course that interests you but have felt fearful and reluctant to do it, so you keep putting it off and get frustrated with yourself. You know it’s for your greater good to take the course and continue to push yourself to go ahead with it, but you don’t and are not even sure why. It turns out you have fears related to failure, linking it to a past failed attempt at a new project you took on. Here is where you would want to start with a mindset change first, choosing new thoughts, beliefs and affirmations that are uplifting and supportive to the new path you really are wanting to take. With a new, greater mindset and perspective comes a better feeling around the subject/goal. It’s from this better feeling place that next
physical steps come naturally and without force. It’s llike clearing up the fog that didn’t allow you to clearly see the road ahead. To help move you forward from there and set yourself up for success, you’d want to be implementing even a few small changes to your patterns, habits and routines that are uplifting and supportive in your forward journey. They also don’t all have to be specific to your goal/s. Some can include: Naming three things you appreciate about your life as soon as you wake up in the morning Listening to uplifting music or a meditation upon awakening and getting your day going Having a set time and place where you journal Creating a schedule for yourself that keeps you on track with what you are looking to accomplish
Crystal Infused Energi Water Bottles balances the molecular structure of your water hand etched high frequency words; sets your intention & raises the consciousness of your water each bottle and crystals are attuned with the moonlight and crystal singing bowls separate crystal chamber; cleanse or change your crystals at any time made of borosilicate glass which can be used for hot or cold beverages includes silicone sleeve, crystals and storage cylinder
Amazonite This beautiful green blue gemstone is a favourite when it comes to improving focus and concentration, working closely with our body’s nervous system. Supporting the clearing of mental and emotional stress, this crystal allows us to be calm and focused on the task at hand. This makes it an excellent crystal to have nearby when working on or starting any project, assignment, activity, studying or during meditation. When looking to take steps to move forward, Amazonite not only uses its healing energy to help us learn what is not serving us anymore and heal from old wounds, but also helps to break down situations or problems into smaller, more manageable pieces. This stone taps into both intellect and intuition, bringing more clarity and authenticity to the mind, body and spirit. This promotes connection to our true selves, allowing us to open our mind and heart to infinite possibility.
It's TIME to...
Inspiring Using Your Voice By:Chris Lee Using your voice is a form of self-expression. You could use your voice to sing a song, to express your romantic feelings for a love interest, or in the form of writing poetry. At times we must utilize our voice to set boundaries or express displeasure about something. Self-expression and communication are most closely associated with the throat chakra. Fears regarding communication can block the throat chakra and over time can manifest into physical discomfort and in some cases physical illness or disease. In my 2021 book “Addicted to Death” I speak of the consequences of not speaking up and using my voice. Our habits create our lives. As a young child, I can remember being very timid. I rarely complained or spoke up when I needed to. In my young mind, I had associated being a “good boy” with not taking up space i.e., being as quiet as possible and not causing a stir. As I moved into adulthood, I was in the habit of holding my tongue when something took place that didn’t sit right with me. The long term effects for me personally were resentment, bitterness and low self-esteem. Not using my voice resulted in a decreased sense of self-worth. As I grew older I began to realize not only the value of using my voice but the importance of self-expression in its many forms. The big “aha” moment for me was realizing that in order to find my voice, I needed to be honest with myself and live my life as my true authentic self. Finding your voice doesn’t have to be hard. It may be uncomfortable at first, as with anytime we stretch ourselves to expand our comfort zone. A safe way to explore finding your voice is through writing. Write out your feelings. Really take the time to dig into what’s going on in your head and in your heart. If you feel so inclined, write poetry or a song. Expressing your voice in this way can ease you into using your voice. Over time you will get more and more comfortable with using your voice. That inner critic inside of your head won’t have as much power as they once did. So tell your story, speak your truth! Stand up for what you believe in. You’ll inspire others to do the same.
1. Breathe out slowly, releasing all the air from your lungs 2. Inhale steadily and deepy through your nose for four slow seconds 3. Hold your breath for four seconds 4. Exhale for four seconds 5. Hold your breath again for four seconds
Before we delve into any project, activity, etc. we always want to ensure that we are relaxed, calm and focused. Even some higher intensity activities that require more physical energy and endurance require a calm and focused mind. For this reason, if we ever feel stressed out before commencing an activity (or in general), having some tools we can easily access to help us is a great idea. Box breathing is a very easy, simple, rhythmic breathing technique that is calming to the mind and body. Originating from India, rooted in ancient ayurvedic tradition, it is focused, deep breathing that helps minimize stress and can be done anywhere for as little or as long as needed. (As little as one minute or less can foster the benefits.) This technique can be repeated for three to four rounds or longer if desired. Be sure to maintain a steady, focused pace throughout each step and it often helps to close your eyes for optimal focus.
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HOW TO TAKE ACTION BY: PRIYA ALI Over the years I have seen two types of situations with clients in regards to action. First is the client who struggles or is even paralyzed when it comes to taking action. The second is the client who is taking all kinds of action but getting nowhere. Good news is, there is a simple process for both of these clients to follow that will lead them to successful, sustainable action. The first step is to clearly state the desired result you are looking to achieve. Let’s use a cleaning/ decluttering example, where you would like to have more ease and flow in your kitchen. Ultimately, your desire is to be able to cook with ease, feel relaxed when eating and to be able to keep the kitchen clean. The clients who struggle with action may get derailed right here because they don’t know where to start. The client who struggles by taking all kinds of action may get derailed here because they decided to dump everything out of every cupboard to start. Either way both become feeling overwhelmed. Ideally, we want to break down the room (or task/situation) down into small sections. Using our kitchen example, we could break down the kitchen into each cupboard, each section of drawers, the fridge and the counter space. Make a list of each section to be completed. From there, we can begin from two different starting points
Which cupboards can we do quickly by completing them in a short amount of time, or which cupboards will make a huge impact by being completed? If at this point there is still a feeling of overwhelm, you can then use the same questions to break the cupboard down into sections. Once we have created the plan of action, the next thing we decide is how to manage our time. The clients who struggle with action can get overwhelmed because it looks like it will take a lot of time or they don’t know how much time it will take. The clients who struggle by taking all kinds of action may not know where to spend their time. By deciding on a set amount of time to spend, we can then govern how much we can tackle at any one time. Be sure to stick to your set time. If you want to add more time on, set another time frame and repeat. Each time you complete a section or subsection, check it off of your list.h This helps you to acknowledge what you have accomplished and can assist you to feel inspired to continue. Create goals and time frames that are easily accomplished and then add more on if so desired. This helps you to stay on track and keep the momentum going. This can be used to approach any goal, such as debt reduction, starting to exercise or a project at work. The key is to break things down, simplify and take the first step to roll things into action.
Our home reflects our inner self. Living in a spiritually high vibrating home is key to having positive energy levels, higher physical frequencies and inner peace. Comfort and renewal, clear from all outside stresses and busyness are essential to that high vibration. Believing that a home is only made up of brick and mortar, walls, floors and furniture, will most certainly lower your home’s vibration as you will remain unconscious to the effects of the potential lower energies in your life overall. Our homes have a soul, a spirit just like you and it requires your attention. Revitalizing your home from time to time with energetic cleansing is a ritual that has been around for centuries throughout many cultures. Earth is not fixed and static; it is constantly in flux and moving and its energy shifts and
changes, just like yours. You experience a variety of emotions throughout the rooms within your home and when you do, these energies absorb into and then emanate from your walls and floors. Think about times when you have walked into a room and felt unwell, uneasy or uncomfortable and were ready to leave immediately. Or the opposite - you felt so at ease and welcomed into the room that you wanted to stay all day. Emotions occur all the time: sadness, fear, anger, joy, excitement and love. The components of the rooms in your home hear arguments or experience the emotions connected to your thoughts of selfsabotage, judgment, gratitude or joy. To return your home to a place of balance and harmony, here are a few suggestions that you can practice.
The Art of Cleaning Cleaning your home can be done through a very soulful experience. Start by opening up your windows, clearing out old energy and bringing in new freshness. Take a Swiffer, begin at the inside of your front entrance, walk clockwise and remove all the dust, beginning from the top and then down to the bottom. You can even chant a Mantra such as “Remove everything that does not serve this home. Remove all negative feelings and thoughts.” You can be natural and say what comes naturally to you. Also take the Swiffer and glide the corners of each room and baseboards, as negative energy can sit there. Use household cleaners that have a low VOC. Be aware of cleaning chemicals as they can contribute to the toxicity of your home. Buy products with natural ingredients whenever possible or use vinegar, baking soda, lemon and essential oils to keep your home toxin-free. When sweeping/vacuuming, be conscious and connect with the room. This brings a heightened awareness. This allows you to stay fully present when becoming one with your home. Art & Decor Objects around us affect our energy fields. Choose and keep art that inspires you. Remove anything hanging on your walls that feels uncomfortable. This will reflect on your mood and you will feel uncomfortable in your own home. Discard or fix anything that is broken. Take a closer look and see if anything in your space ‘triggers you’ in a negative way and if so, get rid of it. Avoid keeping decor that you no longer love, or you feel you ‘should’ keep for reasons such as ‘it was a gift from someone special’ or ‘I paid a lot of money for it back in the day.’ These items will bring down your energy. Selling and donating allows another person to experience joy with that item and opens space for you.
Crystals Placing crystals throughout your home provides natural healing powers and attracts positive energy into the home. Amethyst and Quartz crystals are great for balancing and energizing any space in your home. These crystals make you feel relaxed and are ideal to place in communal rooms such as your living room. Rose quartz radiates and attracts love. It’s a great idea to keep it closest to your bed. Moonstone highlights a “Happy Home” making the entryway a good place to keep it. Write out a Letter of Intention A journaling practice specifically for your home can fast track your manifesting results. It’s simple to do and can be a life changing practice. When you hold a pen, the connection from brain to hand onto the paper energetically begins a shifting of pathways. Your statements are creating action with goals and desires. Start by asking yourself, “What do I desire for myself and my home?” (An example could be, “I love how my family and I sit around the kitchen table at meal time. We really enjoy each other’s company. There is laughter and we all give space for each of us to speak with no interruptions.) Schedule a time, find a quiet place, meditate first, light a candle, have your crystals around and begin writing. When writing, have clear intentions, using descriptive action verbs and descriptive adjectives. Write in the present tense like it already exists. You are aligning yourself to your goals and the Universe is listening. Now fold the paper and place it somewhere in that room, like under the carpet or in a drawer and watch the Universe do its magic. Connecting with the spirit of your home allows a strong connection to your environment. Just like having healthy relationships with people based on respect and mutual love, your home requires the same. The benefits will shine in your day-today life in remarkable ways and you will have fun as you get connected to your home and your own intuition.
Are you interested in ways to decrease the impact of stress on your body and life? As a parent, are you looking for resources to support your child's development? Contact Tanya today for your free 15 minute consultation to learn more about strategies to enhance physical vitality, improve neuroconnections, and optimize being present. @thesportoflife 416-708-8714
P ro duc h e lp t s t o ra is e the next gen e ra t io n g lo b of al c it iz ens
When I look at the people that I interact with on a regular basis, I’ve noticed that some of the faces have changed. There are some new faces and faces that I thought would be there forever that are no longer there at all. In some cases, we just drifted apart. In other cases there was a reason that brought us to go our separate ways. I will admit that this is something that I struggle with to this day. I find myself feeling very uncomfortable with the idea of a person not being in my life anymore. I’ve often searched for ways to try and stop them from leaving and blamed myself when they did. I wasn’t good enough, I didn’t give them enough attention, I wasn’t fun enough. How can I fix this? What am I going to do without them? All of these thoughts used to consume me. However, I’ve slowly come to realize that there may be another way to look at it. As each of us grow physically, mentally and spiritually, the types of relationships that we require and are drawn to can change. This means that if the people around you are growing at a different rate or in a different direction than you are, there may be a shift in the dynamic of your relationship or sometimes an end to the relationship altogether. Now to be clear, I’m not saying to go and start cutting everyone off. I am saying, look at the people you surround yourself with. Pay attention to the way you impact each other and consider that an adjustment might be needed when it comes to how much time you spend with them and how you interact with them. However, do this from a place of appreciation and love. While the end of a relationship may bring feelings of sadness, anger or resentment, there is always room for gratitude for the growth and joy you were able to achieve and experience because of it. With every single relationship we have with someone, there is an exchange. There is a lesson learned, an experience had, something to take away. I have begun to understand that sometimes people come into your life at certain times, for specific reasons. Some people come into your life because they need you and others because you need them or you actually need each other. I’ve even had people who I thought were gone come back at another time. With all of these people there is a lesson learned, an experience had, something to take away. Choosing to go your separate ways, regardless of the reason can be hard but it doesn’t have to be all bad. It might not seem like it at first but it will be ok and the next person you meet might be your next best friend until whenever.
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