Our home reflects our inner self. Living in a spiritually high vibrating home is key to having positive energy levels, higher physical frequencies and inner peace. Comfort and renewal, clear from all outside stresses and busyness are essential to that high vibration. Believing that a home is only made up of brick and mortar, walls, floors and furniture, will most certainly lower your home’s vibration as you will remain unconscious to the effects of the potential lower energies in your life overall. Our homes have a soul, a spirit just like you and it requires your attention. Revitalizing your home from time to time with energetic cleansing is a ritual that has been around for centuries throughout many cultures. Earth is not fixed and static; it is constantly in flux and moving and its energy shifts and
changes, just like yours. You experience a variety of emotions throughout the rooms within your home and when you do, these energies absorb into and then emanate from your walls and floors. Think about times when you have walked into a room and felt unwell, uneasy or uncomfortable and were ready to leave immediately. Or the opposite - you felt so at ease and welcomed into the room that you wanted to stay all day. Emotions occur all the time: sadness, fear, anger, joy, excitement and love. The components of the rooms in your home hear arguments or experience the emotions connected to your thoughts of selfsabotage, judgment, gratitude or joy. To return your home to a place of balance and harmony, here are a few suggestions that you can practice.