The Soulful Essence of Art and Artists
Art has been around for more than we can ever imagine the first painting made is 40,000 years old according to historians. Art is the reason our world is the way it is. Can you imagine a world with colours? We would literally be living a black and white life. Art has always been to interpretation, but today art has opened its arms to the different creative fields present. Art includes any that is artistic and not aesthetic. It’s quite difficult to differentiate between the two as they look very familiar but art is anything that is creative yet holds a deeper meaning or symbolizes something. An idea out of the book is called creative and when creativity is put into action we call it art. But art isn’t just thinking and digging deeper meaning. Art is quite personal for a certain artist as they try to depict their own feelings and emotions through it, hence art is more than just a piece for pleasure. This doesn’t mean art isn’t made just for fun or for its beauty. Art is known for great therapy for people dealing with anxiety, mood swings, stress and depression. Art is also known to develop and enhance skills like problem-solving and making us more observant than absent-minded. It is also an amazing stress burster great for people working a rigid schedule to unlock themselves. Art helps oneself to feel more confident and accomplished and also build good self-esteem. Children and adults both should take time to enjoy art as they like. Art plays an integral part in our well being and society, it is important that we include it in any form that we prefer and enjoy. It’s time to encourage and embrace art and creativity as much as applaud desk jobs, neither is better or worse, both are equally important for a society to run. It is time to accept art and artists as equal professionals in their respective fields. We have found some hidden gems of Hyderabad: - By Umera Riyaz
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