Incredible Goa August 2022 Issue

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CONTENT incrediblegoaofficial@incredible_goa @incrediblegoaofficial incredible-goa/ / / 18 34 36 3844 /08 GOA AUGUST 2022INCREDIBLE 26 IN FOCUS 10 EDITORIAL 12 GOA BUZZ This year we are celebrating 75 years of independence which is a huge achievement because India is the only country in the world thatisgovernedbypuredemocracy Obviouslywithsome... 40 STARTUP GOA Goa is well known for its tourism and hospitality which is the major industry in the state. One of the first start-ups, Brown Tape founded byPiyushGoelandGurpreetSingh,beganitsjourneyinGoa... 42 IG FASHION MONOTACTILE, a fashion show organized by the final year students of the department of Garment Technology, Government PolytechnicPanajiwasahugesuccess. Itwashearteningtosee... 44 IG BUSINESS 47 IG FINANCE 49 YOUR DENTIST 48 FITNESS TIPS BY NORBERT 28 30 38 YOUNG GOA Simonie is a young lady who graduated from the Goa College of Arts with a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree and is currently working on clay modellingandclaypotterymaking.Shebelongstoabeautiful... 28 WOMEN EMPOWERMENT 34 TREND SETTER 30 IG FOOD Banyan Tree, a Thai speciality restaurant at Taj Holiday Village Resort & Spa is not just a restaurant, it’s a deep dive into Taj’s culinarypromiseandhospitalitystandardsthatitstandsfor 36 GOAN TALENT Every parent wants their kids to do well in school but there are few who encourage their children to take up sports as their career goal. KatyaCoelhoisonesuchexamplewhohasmadehermarkinthe... Photography is a fine art that requires a lot of dedication, hard work and an eye for detail and sometimes capturing one masterpiece takesalifetime.Today,wehavethebestmobilephonecameras... Babita comes from a very humble background, born and raised in the beautiful, calm village of Goa called Cuncolim. Unlike today's nuclearfamilygeneration,Babitalivedinajointfamilyandthat's... GOA'S PADMASHREE AWARD-WINNINGFOLKLORIST Vinayak Khedekar 32 IG HOSPITALITY Strategically located in the center of the city, The Fern Belagavi is the first 5 star hotel and a leading environmentally sensitive ecotelthatprovidesaperfectblendofluxury&environment... Starting from one outlet in Dadar, Mumbai, today Asavari runs around 15 outlets across Maharashtra and Goa Pednekar Jewellers,wasestablishedin1962byherfather-in-lawandhas... 46 IG EVENTS

rajeshghadge@rajeshghadgeofficial @rajeshghadgeofficial EDITORIAL incrediblegoaofficial@incredible_goa @incrediblegoaofficial incredible-goa/ / / RAJESH GHADGE AUGUST2022 To err is human. Although we take due care while publishing themagazinetoensureitisfreeofanymistakes,anyomissions or errors are entirely unintentional. In case you find any erroneous photographs, language, missing credits or anything else published incorrectly, please feel free to bring it to our notice We believe in publishing matters that catch our readers' attention and at the same time impart information. We hope all our readers appreciate the content and help us makethispublicationevenbetteranduseful. Editorial, Sales & Administrative Office GOAPRISM DIGITALMEDIA North Goa : Vigo Bharati, 501, Suntek Kanaka Corporate Park Patto - Panaji - Goa. 403001 South Goa : FIIRE Business Incubator, Fatorda - Goa. 403602 Call: +91 89990 85172 / 96651 83739 Email: ©AllrightsareReserved.Reprinting,publishingwholeorpartwithoutobtainingtheexpresswrittenpermissionofeditorandpublisherisstrictlyprohibited.Allthe imagesunlessotherwiseindicatedareusedforillustrationpurposeonly Incaseyoufeelthatanyimage/sorcontent/sshouldnotbethere/needsduecredits/having copyrights,youmaypleaseimmediatelyinformthesametoeditor/publisherinwrittenformat,theneedfulwillbedoneinthefollowingissue. Printed, Published & Owned by GOA PRISM DIGITAL MEDIA. Printed at Printek Printers, and Published at Alfran Plaza, M G Road, Panaji – Goa. 403001 India. Editor & Publisher: Rajesh Ghadge e Talent Unlimited! /10 GOA AUGUST 2022INCREDIBLE Editor & Publisher Rajesh Ghadge Finance &Admin Rajeshree Naik Ghadge Layouts & Design Creative Concepts Media Sales & Marketing Team Incredible Goa Contributors Norbert D’Souza CAGaurav Kenkre Dr. Schuyler Pereira Aditi Malhotra CirculationsPhotographyManager Aakash Ghadge Team Incredible Goa Copy Editor AnitaAthi

Goa is filled with a pool of talents and there is an endless list of internationally acclaimed skills that have been born in Goa. Recently we lost one of the most extraordinary talents, Lata Didi, who had roots in Goa. Incredible Goa has featured numerous stories that have not been told by other publications before. Taking the example of Goan Music Maestro Anthony Gonsalves, hailing from the beautiful village of Majorda, is one such example that was first featured on the Incredible Goa Magazine cover. Another example is Mario Miranda, a world renowned cartoonist, hailing from the beautiful village of Lotolulim. I believe in providing a platform to every talent that has contributed and helped in taking Goa's reputation internationally

The story does not end with the names of just three legends that I have mentioned above, there are numerous talents small and big who have got a place on our platform and the creation of Incredible Goa Awards was the entire purpose behind that: basically to provide a platform to all those deserving people who have contributed their bit to Goa and we call them “The Incredible Goans”. The cover story of this issue has also been inspired by this similar principle Padmashree Vinayak Khedekar is Goa's well known folklorist who had been conferred one of the topmost titles (awards) in the hands of the President of India, but how many of us know about his struggle and achievements? I decided to meet him and bring his story to you. It is a timeless journey of Vinayak Baab who, despite no formal education, achieved milestones that most highly educated people don't. It is a must-read story and I will really appreciate your honest feedback on the same. From this issue onwards, we are introducing a couple of new sections starting with a finance column contributed by Gaurav Kenkre (CA). It will help people who want to know more about GST laws and implementations besides the other critical elements of finance that will be covered in the near future. The next two sections are Food & Hospitality, and although we have a separate publication for the same, we have still incorporated into this due to constant demands from our well-wishers and clients and I am sure it is valuable to your reading habits. We have also enhanced the experience of the business section by introducing the feature to include business people instead of just business news, as before. From now on we will be featuring exclusive stories of the business people in this section. I hope you like the inspiring stories in this issue. We keep trying to improve your reading experience every time by enhancing the quality of content, design and layouts and our endeavour will continue without any halt and every time you will see new things in the magazine. I hope you enjoy the stories that I have included in this issue and that they inspire you. Till next time, happy reading…

The Godfather II is one of those rare films that is considered as good or even better than the original film by some critics and audiences.

Partly based on Mario Puzo's b o o k ( h e s e r v e d a s a screenplay co-writer), the film explores the early days of Vito Corleone (Robert De Niro replacing Brando) as a 'prequel', while it also traces M i c h a e l ' s ( A l P a c i n o ) expansion of the Corleone was nominated for 11 Oscars and won 6, including Best Picture, Best Director for Coppola, Best Supporting Actor for De Niro, and Best Adapted Screenplay for Coppola and Puzo.

Screening of The Godfather II

INCREDIBLE Holiday Inn Goa Candolim, the favourite family destination of Goa, completes one year of spreading happiness, making memories, and delivering unique experiences on 12 August 2022. To mark the anniversary and compliment the upcoming long, festive weekend, the hotel has planned a series of exciting events and offers. From lavish dinners spread to siesta Sunday Drunch, a t h r i l l i n g m o n t h a w a i t s everyone with delectable treats, live music and much Rmore.eflecting on the one year journey with the hotel, Mr. Surajit Chatterjee, General Manager said, “Last one year has been exciting, fulfilling, and massively successful for the hotel. I would like to thank everyone for giving us the opportunity to be our best and sharing immense love and support in return. To enhance the guest experience at Holiday Inn Goa Candolim, we are working on launching new facilities in the hotel, which will be announcing soon!”

GOABUZZ incrediblegoaofficial@incredible_goa @incrediblegoaofficial incredible-goa/ / / /12 GOA AUGUST 2022

Holiday Inn Goa Candolim Celebrates first Anniversary one Year of Spreading Smiles

Surajit Chatterjee, General Manager, Holiday Inn Goa Candolim Close on the heels of the highly successful screening last week, on Thursday 28th July at 6.20 pm, Sachin Chatte will host The Godfather II, the cult classic directed by Francis Ford Coppola and the first sequel ever to win an Oscar for Best Picture. Film: The Godfather II Cast: Al Pacino, Robert De Niro, Robert Duvall Directed by: Francis Ford Duration:Coppola 3 hrs 16 mins

Headquartered in London, Open Destinations has been operating from Goa since the year 2005 Goa office currently employs 500+ t e c h n o l o g y a n d t r a v e l professionals and has further expansion plans for the business. GOABUZZ O p e n D e s t i n a t i o n s h a s promoted Milind Anvekar as Senior Vice President India “AsOperations.ourtechnology business is growing again, it is vital that w e h a v e t h e r i g h t management structure to ensure we can deliver for our software customers I am delighted to announce that Open Destinations elevates Milind Anvekar as SVP India Operations Milind Anvekar w i l l b e promoted to the role of SVP I n d i a O p e r a t i o n s . With over 15 y e a r s o f experience in d i f f e r e n t fagMilindaDrolesmanagementatOpenestinations,ImconfidentwilldoareatjobWerelookingorwardan exciting new chapter for the C o m p a n y . ” , s a y s O p e n Destinations' CEO Kevin InO'Sullivan.thisrole, Milind will drive the growth of our technology business, helping to develop our local organization and corporate presence. Milind will retain responsibility for Q u a l i t y a n d C u s t o m e r Services functions and will oversee our Professional Service functions including b u s i n e s s a n a l y s i s , implementation, and project Reactingdelivery. to the appointment, Milind Anvekar expressed his excitement and said that Open Destinations believes in investing in the people and creating leaders within the organization. It's an honour and a privilege to be asked to lead such an important business team of talented and committed people. We have b e e n t h r o u g h s o m e challenging times, but we are emerging stronger. This is a great business made up of great people, with real expertise and I am confident that together we will create new success stories. Open Destinations is an established, fastest growing, and most preferred Travel Te c h n o l o g y C o m p a n y providing Travel Technology Solutions and Services to the Tour Operators globally.

Mr. Vincent Ramos, Senior Vice President - Goa unveiling the Qmin logo

An extension of the re imagined Ginger brand's lean luxe design and service philosophy of offering a vibrant, contemporary, and a s e a m l e s s h o s p i t a l i t y experience to its guests, the all new Qmin will blend the best of comfort, convenience and chill offering guests multiple dining opportunities. With its eclectic vibe and vibrant interiors, Qmin is the perfect place to hang out with friends be it for a quick bite or for an evening over beer, chips and dips. Choose from the special beer and binge baskets – a new addition on the menu or a variety of global and local favourites ranging from chilly cheese toast, spaghetti and the Goan favourite prawn balchao with poi among others. With its high energy music, quirky décor including a swing bench and outdoor patio, and a large screen to enjoy match nights with friends, Qmin makes for the perfect hangout and party Forspot.those looking for a quick grab and go meal, Qmin's new 'On the Run' counter is the ideal culinary pick me up From popular snacks such as kathi rolls and dahi bhalle, to quick meals such as pizza, chole kulchey and dum biryani, to munchies like cookies and energy bars, a range of beverages, desserts and even beer, you can just grab a wholesome meal on-the-go. Guests will also have a choice of comfort foods such as Goan fish curry with rice, Dhaba paneer and butter chicken with naan, dal tadka and more on the menu for sit down meals. Be it quality time spent with family or a business meeting, Qmin has something for everyone. With ample charging points a n d s e a m l e s s W i F i connectivity, this space can also double up as a personal w o r k s t a t i o n f o r t h e contemporary traveller. So turn up the vibe and come grab a bite of Qmin at Ginger Goa, Panaji now!

GOABUZZ incrediblegoaofficial@incredible_goa @incrediblegoaofficial incredible-goa/ / /

There is a new address at Ginger Goa, Panaji for all those looking to connect with friends, family and even office colleagues over a meal of delectable delights. Qmin –IHCL's culinary platform – is now at Ginger Panaji, opening up a world of glocal flavours for all. Qmin is Now at Ginger Goa, Panaji

Don Bosco College of Engineering Mechanical Engineers (Girls) Career Path

The first girls' batch of mechanical engineers of DBCE have carved a niche for themselves in their career. The sheer dedication and passion to do something different in their careers initiated way back in 2017. The fiery decision t o c h o o s e m e c h a n i c a l e n g i n e e r i n g d e s p i t e opportunities in field of Computers and IT allied reaped benefits for them. The f o u r y e a r s j o u r n e y i n Engineering was challenging for them yet they completed it with excellent academic p e r f o r m a n c e a n d c o curricular activities too. Benecia Colaco, Student Placement Coordinator (Mechanical) bagged two job offers from Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) and CEAT Tyres through campus placements. Her passion for mechanical drove her to select core job instead of the booming IT field. She joined CEAT Tyres as GET in supply chain function in Mumbai. She was felicitated by the Hon. CM of Goa - Dr. Pramod Sawant at the World Youth Skills Day held at DTE Goa in 2021. Priya Ghogale s e c u r e d j o b i n R & D department of Cabe Springs & Fasteners, Verna. Presently she is updating her skillsets in newer technologies such as Data Science She is into content writing and pursues her hobby in the free time. Prithvi Amonkar efficiently upgraded her skillsets and r e c e n t l y j o i n e d a s a n 'Associate Software Engineer' at Dassault Systemes in Pune. Dassault Systèmes is a French software corporation which develops software for 3D product design, simulation, manufacturing, and other 3D related products Malaika K o r g a o n k a r s h o w e d inclination in higher studies in MS and will join in the Autumn Dsemester.epartment of Mechanical Engineering along with Training & Placement Office is in constant efforts to make students industry ready with changing job profiles for Mechanical Engineering. Batch 2021 got offers from around 30 companies with a total of 26 core job offers. Twelve students went for further studies in various national and international institutes of repute. The management, teaching and support staff of Don Bosco College of Engineering take pride in wishing a successful career for all the students from Batch 2021.

Throwback to the letter written by Sudha Murthy to JRD Tata for securing equal o p p o r t u n i t i e s f o r l a d y engineers, from thereupon the society and the industry has moved a long way. She was the first Woman Engineer to work in TELCO. In reply to her postcard, the visionary JRD Tata not only changed only “male employees” policy but also ordered to conduct i n t e r v i e w s f o r f e m a l e applicants. With the current i n d u s t r y s c e n a r i o a n d technological shift towards Industry 4 0, Mechanical Engineering has opened enormous doors for women to pursue their career. A right combination of Mechanical fundamentals and IT skillset is the prerequisite by the Dindustry.onBo s c o C o l l e g e o f Engineering, Fatorda, Goa (DBCE) has created its own space to nurture the dreams of such aspirants. Completing its 10 years, DBCE is proud to share the success stories of t h e i r f i r s t m e c h a n i c a l engineers (girls) graduated in 2021.

GOABUZZ incrediblegoaofficial@incredible_goa @incrediblegoaofficial incredible-goa/ / / /16 GOA AUGUST 2022INCREDIBLE

The Women's Wing of Goa Chamber of Commerce and Industry felicitated Ms Jyoti Sardesai – Director, FDA Goa and Ms Pamela Mascarenhas Former Deputy Director, Dept of Tourism at the hands of President Ralph de Sousa and Vice President – Pratima Dhond respectively. Ms Jyoti Sardesai – Director, Food & Drugs Administration continues to outshine in her career and has played an important role as the Director – FDA and brought forward major reforms in the Health and Food Safety sector. Ms Pamela Mascarenhas –who retired as the Deputy Director of the Tourism D e p a r t m e n t , w a s a n important figure in promoting Goa in the Domestic and International markets. This program was followed by an informative session by Dr. Emanuel Gracias, joint MD of Gracias Hospital Margao to educate women on the topic polycystic ovary syndrome, M e n o p a u s e a n d o t h e r ailments and Ms Hameeda Merchant Nutritionist who s p o k e o n h e a l t h y a n d wholesome nutrition for Gwomen.CCIWomen's Wing was partnered by Rotary Clubs of Margao Sunrise, Panaji Riviera and Miramar for this event and was attended by Dr Sneha Bhagwat, Priti Sheth & Sonia Shirsat- the office bearers of the respective clubs . G C C I W o m e n ' s W i n g C h a i r p e r s o n P a l l a v i Salgaocar welcomed the gathering and the program was compered by Poonam Ajgoankar, Member, WW and P o o n a m S h i r s a t , C o Chairperson, GCCI proposed a vote of thanks The Women's Wing of GCCI Felicitated

(From Lto R): Ms. Benecia Colaco, Ms. Priya Ghogale, Dr. Neena Panandikar, Principal DBCE, Ms. PrithviAmonkar and Ms. Malaika Korgaonkar

I have written many inspiring stories in my very short journalistic career and have many more to look forward to in future. For me, this is a learning curve where I learn about new people and their stories and can experience things not many others can. Each and every article and story is unique and if you asked me to rank them, I'd be hard-pressed to. Here is a story of Goa's renowned folklorist and Padmashree Awardee, Shri Vinayak Baab Khedekar. His is a truly inspiring story of struggle and it is a tale of persistence and dedication and of self-belief that elevated him to the position he is in today. It is a sheer example of the saying that 'nothing in life comes easy'. So, fasten your seatbelts and let me take you on another roller coaster ride … AWARD-WINNING FOLKLORIST GOA'S


COVER STORY incrediblegoaofficial@incredible_goa @incrediblegoaofficial incredible-goa/ / / INCREDIBLE /18 GOA AUGUST 2022

Padmashree Vinayak Khedekar ji with his


was on my way back to Goa from Karnataka after finishing a wedding when I found out that the entry gates closed at 6.30 pm I reached the Goa border by 7 pm. I was left with no option but to spend the night on the border. Someone gave me shelter in their verandah for the night and while lying down on the ground, I heard the sound of G h u m a t ( G h u m a t i s a percussion instrument of an earthen vessel having both sides open; on the bigger opening a leather monitor lizard is mounted) and out of curiosity, I went towards it to see what is going on only to find out that it was a Dahavtari folk dance performed by a tribe of that area and from h e r e t h e j o u r n e y o f documenting of all these traditional activities had Whereverstarted.”

COVER STORY incrediblegoaofficial@incredible_goa @incrediblegoaofficial incredible-goa/ / / www.incrediblegoa.org20 / GOA/AUGUST 2022INCREDIBLE Shri Vinayak Khedekar (whom I will address as Vinayak Baab throughout the story) comes from a small village called Savoi Verem situated in the Ponda Taluka. He does not hold any institutional degree o r h i g h e r e d u c a t i o n certificate but what he achieved in his lifetime is something that very few people reach. He is the author of 18 books: 14 in Marathi and 4 in English and those books are now a source of heritage of Goa for researchers and students of literature and AccordingEnglish. to Vinayak Baab, his journey started as a priest at the tender age of 12. “Actually, I am a priest by profession,” he said adding that he learnt Sanskrit at the age of 9 when his thread ceremony was initiated. “At the age of 12, my father asked me to carry out a wedding ritual This was a great challenge as although I was very well versed with the mantras, I had not learned the sequences - what comes first and what it should end with. In our Indian tradition and culture, a marriage ceremony is considered to be the most sacred and the process and practices change with each c a s t e a n d creed I


I had written articles on various subjects and genres and from that my career in art & culture started taking s h a p e a n d t h a t became the stepping s t o n e f o r m y n e x t j o u r n e y a t K a l a Academy as Secretary

I t w a s a l i f e c h a n g i n g experience for Vinayak Baab and it changed his entire p e r s p e c t i v e o n I n d i a n tradition, culture, customs and rituals. “I realised that this is something that I always wanted to do. I am not talking a b o u t

Vinayak Baab went, he started recording every experience he came across. “I had travelled across the country as a journalist,” said Vinayak Baab adding that he used to travel to Daman Diu which was part of Goa then. “I a l s o u s e d t o t r a v e l t o neighbouring states like Karnataka & Maharashtra during my stint as a journalist.

andtiladywillthatmehsolutionagsdfatherdconfessetomymyifficultieandheavemesimple-etoldnottoworry,therebeawhosgoingosingyoujust need to follow her. First I did not understand but when I went to carry out the rituals, I realised that the lady was indeed reciting every process written in the book.”

Every place I went, I would only search for stories related to customs, culture, community and beliefs. Before joining the Kala Academy as a secretary in 1973, the only passion I had was to document each and everything that I came across in my Vinayakjourney.”Baab has spent most of his time writing. “I used to write for newspapers and radio and I was also working as a resident reporter for the Kesari newspaper,” said Vinayak Baab telling me that initially, he used to get Rs 15 as a retainer before becoming a permanent employee of the newspaper later on. “I had written articles on various subjects and genres and from that my career in art & culture started taking shape and that became the stepping stone for my next journey at Kala Academy as Secretary.” “There is a very interesting story about my induction at Kala Academy as secretary. I didn't want to apply for this role but the secretary of the Chief Minister of Goa, Bhausaheb Bandodkar, had coerced me into applying for the post. The interesting part here was the position that I was about to apply for had been graced by Shri Gopalrao Mayekar who left to join politics and later on went to become the cabinet minister. The second person, Shri Gangadhar Mahambre who was called to Goa from Pune to take up this position, had left since he did not find any potential in the position. It was the third time the post was a d v e r t i s e d a n d I h a d submitted my application.” COVER STORY AUGUST 2022 GOA 21/ INCREDIBLE /

“ I h a d s u b m i t t e d t h e application but I was aware that I do not have any formal education,” said Vinayak Baab He was however c o n f i d e n t a b o u t h i s knowledge in art & culture which he acquired from various sources during his journey as a journalist and folklorist “I had a vast knowledge in music, art, drama, culture & creative writing, and that helped me answer all the questions correctly and surprisingly I was the only one who answered all their questions to their satisfaction. Someone was a post-grad and the other had a PhD in Art & Literature but none of them was qualified in the field of knowledge and i n f o r m a t i o n t h a t I h a d mastered. So, while sending the file to Chief Minister, they wrote a note on it saying 'This candidate has all the required knowledge and capabilities to hold this position but he has no formal education.' Another thing I was falling short of was my age: I was 34 then.” “I took over the reins of Kala Academy and started work in full swing,” said Vinayak Baab. He was given one year to prove himself or leave the position and he had accepted that challenge willingly. “I joined Kala Academy in the month of December and by June, I established Goa's first college of music (Goa College of Music) along with Pandit R a t n a k a r R a m n a t h k a r , Yashwant Kerkar and Shripad Nevrekar During that time, Goa College of Arts was affiliated with Mumbai University. The third plan I had been to establish the School of Western Music in Goa but that unfortunately did not Vmaterialise.”inayakBaab relays that during his first year tenure as a Secretary of Kala Academy he had prepared the plans for a new Kala Academy complex which is currently situated at Campal, Goa “The Kala A c a d e m y c o m p l e x w a s supposed to have been built where the old Mandovi Bridge is situated currently and half of the complex was supposed to be constructed inside the water but the location had changed to Campal during the process of approval from Delhi. The foundation was laid down by Shri Yashwantrao Chowhan, who was the defence minister of India during the Nehru regime. While this work was progressing, I

Today, whatever schemes and p r o g r a m m e s t h a t K a l a Academy run had been started by Vinayak Khedekar ji. “ Tw o t h i n g s t h a t w e r e introduced at Kala Academy after I retired: the Nakshatra Mohotsav & Nupur Mohotsav and the other was the numbering of the events, i.e. '13th Kala Festival' or '15th Cultural Festival' etc. Leaving aside these introductions, Kala A c a d e m y h a d n o t i m p l e m e n t e d a n y n e w schemes till date.”

The activities initiated by Vinayak Baab had created awareness amongst the people of Goa about art, culture, tradition, & folk music. “Let me give you a small example of how unaware the people of Goa were during that time about their own t r a d i t i o n , c u l t u r e a n d customs,” said Vinayak Baab. He had organised a traditional 'Talgadi' from Canacona, specially performed by people from Canacona and the event was attended by Dr Gaonkar. , “He asked me with shock and surprise 'Is it from Canacona?' (He' Kankonche?). I've never seen this before!” said Vinayak Baab. He tells me of an incident when Indian Prime Minister, Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru came down to Goa in and he attended the event performances comprising of Corridinho (Portuguese dance form), Fado (Portuguese Music), Mando, Dhulpad, & Dekhani (dance forms of Goa) and Fugadi. After watching all these performances, Nehru ji said, 'Goa ki sanskriti aalag hai' (Goa's culture is different) since it has major western influences After observing that, I realised that there is a need of bringing art and culture of Goa into the “Imainstream.”rememberwhen the Indian Prime Minister Smt Indira Gandhi ji had visited Goa and we were planning a cultural programme. I still recall the then Chief Secretary of Goa, Mr Srivastava, who had demanded to present a folk art performance called 'Katti Fugadi' during the event, to which I had disagreed saying it is not a part of our tradition & culture However, the Chief S e c r e t a r y r e f u t e d m y statement and asked to keep the performance to which I s a i d t h a t w h e n t h e performance will start, I will need permission to leave the a u d i t o r i u m T h e C S demanded an explanation from me and I replied saying that 'Prime Minister has full knowledge of Indian tradition and if she ask me which programme this is,, I won't be able to reply to her. Finally, the CS left saying does whatever you want.”

“Kala Academy gave real purpose and I could do so many things to provide a platform to Goa's tradition and culture,” said Vinayak Baab. He had really struggled to get funds for the Kala Academy. “We were the last i n s t i t u t i o n t h a t w a s considered for the funds in any budget, and hence the only option was to get funds from the leftovers of all the departments at the end of the financial year. On the 30th of March I used to receive a proposal of funds from various departments and my job was to take signatures of all the ministers, including the Governor of Goa, and then submit that in time to make sure that we get the money on the 31st March. This formula helped Kala Academy to remain afloat but we never became self-reliant.”

“I want to tell you one more experience of mine while I was on a cultural trip to Rajasthan. We experienced a lot of new cultural activities that took place in that region. Here I learned that Adivasis (tribals) possess an instrument that they use to send a message from one point to another. I thought that if these tribal p e o p l e h a v e s u c h a n instrument, then Goan tribals should also possess the same. From here my search for that instrument began. But I had faced communication hurdles: let me tell you that 18 years have passed while searching for that tribal instrument and I thought I had simply failed to find it! But one day, while I was communicating with the people of Malakarnem village about the instrument that sends these messages, one of them said that he has it and it's c a l l e d “ K a i r i ” a f o l k instrument, fashioned out from the horn of the bison (Gaur) and it had to be taken out from the bison carcass within three days of its death. He showed me the instrument, but did not know how to use it and when I asked him, he said there is only one person that knows to use it. I immediately made arrangements to bring that person who showed me how it is used and I had recorded everything documentation “Thesepurposes.”kinds of discoveries are very important for the purpose o f i n f o r m a t i o n a n d documentation of our culture

INCREDIBLE s t a r t e d t h e ' L o k K a l a Mohotsav' (Cultural Festival) across the state of Goa. Let me tell you that till that time, people of Goa were unaware of the term 'Lok Kala' and I was the first one to introduce that word in Goa.”

COVER STORY incrediblegoaofficial@incredible_goa @incrediblegoaofficial incredible-goa/ / / /22 GOA AUGUST 2022

As things started settling down at Kala Academy, Vinayak Baab started participating in national and international conferences. “Later on, I was appointed at ICCR (the Indian Council for Cultural Relations) and here I got an opportunity to take the Indian floats to the international platforms, and it was the first time that Goan Cultural Floats had left Goa for International display.

there. I have done a lot of work on this but it is still incomplete since I am yet to bridge the b r o k e n l i n k s t h a t h a v e vanished behind the curtain of Vtime.”inayak Baab tells me that there were no machines during the olden days but they were still making use of science & technology to get the work done. “For example, the people of Goa were making use of 'Laat' (which is a traditional system devised to lift water out of a well or pond for the purpose of harvesting). It was not a machine but it was a pure use of technology a n d s c i e n c e . I h a v e documented many such things in that book,” he said “Another book, 'Eco-Culture' is about how our tradition and culture are connected with a g r i c u l t u r e a n d t h e environment. “I want to explain this in the following examples: first is dealing with the tradition called 'Kaul Prasad' which we take from the priest of a temple to start any good work. This just happened to me while I was in Canacona one day. I saw a person approaching the priest for “Kaul Prasad' I was watching everything and I heard the priest telling him, 'God is really angry with you because you had cut down trees so now if you want to take the Kaul then please go and plant at least 5 trees, look after them and then come back. He did what the priest asked him and I am a witness to it. For me, this was a live example of how our tradition and culture teach us to save the environment.” Vinayak Baab believes that when lifestyles change it always affects culture and tradition and also our dietary habits. “The best way to keep our culture and tradition from cultural pollution is by ensuring we keep our traditional values alive. Let me explain this with an example. There are certain rituals carried out by certain communities alone but if that is made common for all people i t w i l l b e c o m e m o r e accessible to everyone. I have made it my mission to preserve culture and tradition till my last breath,” he said. “According to me the new generation is really lucky to have become a part of the technological revolution but at the same time that should not take them away from their cultural and traditional values,” said Vinayak Baab Today's generation needs to understand the meaning of cultural pollution and keep themselves away from it “Today we see that our own c u l t u r a l a c t i v i t i e s a r e disappearing and we are following the path of other cultures without knowing the importance of them. I am very p o s i t i v e t h a t t h e n e w generation will come back to its roots: it might take little longer but things will fall into place one day. The reason behind this is that we are moving away from our own culture and tradition because of a lack of knowledge amongst the systems. Society exists due to its culture and tradition and if we lose that, there won't be a society. Before I end my conversation let me tell you that if the man left his culture and tradition then what remains will be a machine alone with no feelings and values.”

Vinayak Baab had dedicated his entire life towards the preservation of culture and tradition of Goa and even at 80 years old, he works day and night to complete tasks that are left undone He is very p o s i t i v e t h a t t h e n e w generation will take this mashal (torch) ahead.

COVER STORY incrediblegoaofficial@incredible_goa @incrediblegoaofficial incredible-goa/ / / /24 GOA AUGUST 2022INCREDIBLE and its powerful tools. That i n s t r u m e n t w a s a v e r y powerful tool but that skill was dying and only one person was aware of it and if it was not for me, these things would disappear with time. . That man showed me how to use the instrument and according to him, there were four types of information that could be p a s s e d t h r o u g h t h a t instrument: the first was the announcing of a festival, second was about organising meetings, the third for hunting and fourth was about causal t r a i l s a n d a l l o f t h e s e messages had different tunes and sounds emanating from t h a t i n s t r u m e n t . ” T h a t instrument had the capacity to broadcast messages across a 50KM area in just 5 minutes! “It was broadcast from one person to another and so on but the only thing that he refused to play was the emergency message, saying that if played, it would be a bad omen. I even offered to record the same in a closed studio but he refused to do so and one good thing happened was that we have raised awareness of this thing.”.” V i n a y a k B a a b h a d documented many such things that had almost vanished with time “I have written many books on these things. In my Lok Sarita book I documented Gomant Lok Kala, which is a study of the lifestyle of Gomantakiya (Goan) people. My next book was based on the 'Kunbi' (tribal) community of Goa. Another book is based on the story of a village called 'Shiroda' and currently I am writing on Indian marriages, culture and customs. ” There a r e s o m a n y b o o k s o n scientific researches and technology but there is a distinct dearth of information on cultural technology. Until now, no one has done any work on this across the country and that made me want to write on the subject of 'Traditional Knowledge & wbmfcreationwere(chewpwihwwaterfuphdmib'TechnologyandthisookncludesinuteetailonoweoplesedtoetchfromellsforarvestingnGoahenumpserenonxistent,owtheanoeboats)built,eventheofirewhenatchoxeserenot

Let us liberate the children from poverty. Make sure children receive an education and a meal. ONTHISINDEPENDENCEDAY El Shaddai Charitable Trust, Socol Vaddo, Assagao Goa - 403507 Ph: +91 7796082607 Scan and Pay using any UPIApp /26 GOA AUGUST 2022INCREDIBLE

The 'Azadi ka Amrut Mahotsav' campaign initiated by the Modi Government is creating a buzz across the country and similar to how we came together in support of medical staff during Covid by clapping and beating utensils, 'Har Ghar Tiranga' is another slogan that is making waves to encourage our patriotism. No one has managed to bring the people together like like the Modi Government is doing Ytoday.oumight ask - what is this Azadi Ka Amrut Mahotsav all about and why are people h o i s t i n g f l a g s a t t h e i r residences? Let us take a Thelook…Azadi Ka Amrut Mahotsav t o m a r k 7 5 y e a r s o f Independence is an initiative set up by the Modi government to create awareness and importance of Independence Day and also to show strong unity amongst the people of India. 'Har Ghar Tiranga' is a part of this campaign for us all to come together in said unity. According to the website created by the Government of I n d i a , ' A z a d i K a A m r i t Mahotsav is an initiative of the Government of India to celebrate and commemorate 75 years of independence and the glorious history of its p e o p l e , c u l t u r e a n d achievements ' “Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav means elixir of energy of independence; elixir of inspirations of the warriors of the freedom struggle; elixir of new ideas and pledges; a n d t h e e l i x i r o f Aatmanirbhara Therefore, this Mahotsav is a festival of an awakening of the nation; the festival of fulfilling the dream of good governance; and the festival of global peace and development,” says Prime minister Narendra Modi Ji. The following pillars have been the basis of this concept: Freedom Struggle The struggle for freedom was fought by many whose names we know well and even those w h o s e n a m e s a r e n o t documented in our history Ideasbooks.- Celebrating the ideas and ideals that have shaped our freedom. Resolve Reinforcing the commitments to specific goals and targets. Actions Highlighting steps being taken to implement p o l i c i e s a n d a c t u a l i s e Achievementscommitments. - Showcasing evolution and progress across different sectors. The 'Har Ghar Tiranga' 'CampaignHarGhar Tiranga' is a campaign under the aegis of Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav to encourage people to bring the Tricolour home and to hoist it to mark the 75th year of India's independence. At the time of writing this article, 38,791,298 flags were pinned on digital platforms and 1 6 , 9 9 1 , 8 1 9 p h o t o s w e r e uploaded which shows how much enthusiasm there is amongst the people of India. It does not end there: the initiative is such that anyone who participates by pinning the flag under this campaign, can register the same on the w e b s i t e a n d t h e y c a n download a certificate upon completion of the process. Our relationship with the flag has always been more formal a n d i n s t i t u t i o n a l t h a n personal. Bringing the flag home collectively as a nation i n t h e 7 5 t h y e a r o f independence thus becomes symbolic of not only an act of personal connection to the T i r a n g a b u t a l s o a n e m b o d i m e n t o f o u r commitment to nation building. The idea behind the initiative is to invoke a feeling of patriotism in the hearts of the people and to promote awareness about the Indian National Flag. Goa's GoansParticipationhaveparticipated in t h i s c a m p a i g n w i t h commendable enthusiasm and dedication MLAs, M i n i s t e r s a n d t h e i r representatives have been THE PARTICIPATION OF GOA IN AZADI KA AMRIT MAHOTSAV

IN FOCUS incrediblegoaofficial@incredible_goa @incrediblegoaofficial incredible-goa/ / /

This year we are celebrating 75 years of independence which is a huge achievement because India is the only country in the world that is governed by pure democracy. Obviously with some exceptions. Although the British instilled our constitutional rights, we have come on leaps and bounds to improve and revolutionise and we are now one of the frontrunners in the economic world. It's an ongoing process but one we should be proud of. “ ”


To Get Featured or Contribute mail us at seen undergoing door to door distribution of the Tiranga (Indian Flag) to the people of Goa The chief minister of Goa, Dr Pramod Sawant, had urged the people of Goa to hoist the national flag at their houses between August 13th and 16th, and use it as their display picture on social media from August 2nd. While addressing the media, he said, "I urge Goans to keep the national flag as their display picture on social media from 2nd August onwards." He further said that Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav will be celebrated with much rigour in Goa. The PM will chair a meeting at the Rashtrapati Bhavan to decide on various programs for Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav," he said. The Union Minister, Shri Shripad Naik, had been given the responsibility to lead the Har Ghar Tiranga campaign in Goa, starting from 11th August 2022, by paying tribute to martyrs at Lohiya Maidan, Madgaon. Luckily, Goa is one of the places featured i n t h e A n t h e m created for the Har G h a r T i r a n g a c a m p a i g n A c c o r d i n g t o a Gomantak Times report, the anthem showcases the quaint red and white houses in the Latin Quarter of Panjim, Fontainhas. There is an iconic red and white cottage in the area which has also appeared in many films. In the anthem, people are seen standing on the balcony as flags flutter in the background. In the 4.58minute video, this scene appears in the 2.11th minute.


“I don't want to say much about the outside world but in Goa we are very much grounded and have not yet b e e n c o n s u m e d b y consumerism,” said Babita giving an example of her colleague who never charges her or her family every time she goes for a check up “The same principal I follow when I see a patient who is not able to afford the fees. I never charge them. According to me whatever the society has given us, we need to give back at some point or the other.”

Every time I try to bring inspiring stories of enterprising and self-reliant women for you and every time, I receive appreciation for the same. I like doing this because it gives me a sense of satisfaction. This time, I bring you the story of a vibrant, enterprising and selfmade personality, who is a doctor by profession, an artist by heart and social worker by soul. This is the story of Babita Angle, who went on to become the Chairperson of Margao Municipality in her first election campaign. By Rajesh Ghadge /28 GOA AUGUST 2022INCREDIBLE

According to Babita, there is no shortcut to success. “One has to follow their dream and one has to have conviction in what you are doing. There is one more thing that I want to mention here which is a need of ethics that one needs to practice in day-to-day life in whatever you are doing I practice what I preach, and I have always done my practice ethically and for me that matters a lot. Helping others comes to you automatically when you are doing your job in the boundaries of ethics. In the medical field that I am in, t h e r e a r e h u n d r e d s o f opportunities to be helpful to others, and I always go out of my way to help others. I am not saying I am the only one who does, and there are many doctors who do it silently without making a publicity of the same.”

Babita comes from a very humble background, born and raised in the beautiful, calm v i l l a g e o f G o a c a l l e d Cuncolim Unlike today's nuclear family generation, Babita lived in a joint family and that's also helped her learn values that one normally might not get otherwise Babita is a well-known name today in both society and politics but her beginnings were very humble and she started right from scratch. “I have done my preliminary education in Marathi Medium and that is why I can speak very good Marathi”, said Babita By the time she reached 8th grade, her family moved to the southern capital of Goa, Margao. “I believe that I am very fortunate that I was brought up in a joint family environment which new generation children lack According to me, I attribute my entire personality to the joint family concept in which I was “Traised.”odaywhen I look around, I feel that there is a strong need for a joint family setup in society. It provides a lot of psychological and moral security in anything and everything we do. At least I believe in that very strongly. Today we talk so much about mental health problems and solitude and when you are in a joint family, you can always support each other in the good and bad times. I am not suggesting that there are no issues in joint families, but nothing is perfect and there are always two sides to a coin. There are more advantages than the disadvantages when you live in the joint family.” Babita had always been good at studies. “I was a state ranker in my school and higher secondary and then I went to join the GMC (Goa Medical College) where I did my MD in the Pathology,” she said “Initially I worked for a private lab for some time and later on I decided to start my own practice in year 2003,” she Babitaadded.has come a long way to b e c o m e a s u c c e s s f u l professional, an avid social worker and a dedicated politician for a short time. “Life has certainly not been a bed of roses and I also had to face lot of struggles in my life to achieve my dreams. What I mean to say here is people only look at successes one has attained but they forget to see the amount of struggle behind it. Hard work and dedication towards your dreams will always result in success.”

When I asked Babita about her experience within a male dominated world where women face the numerous challenges, she said her bringing up was such that she never came across a situation w h e r e s h e w o u l d f e e l

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THE WOMEN EMPOWERMENT AUGUST 2022 GOA 29/ INCREDIBLE / uncomfortable or dominated by her male counterpart. “My parents never groomed me in a typical girl child format There were no gender biased scenarios in my family and that is the reason when I was growing up there was never an awkward situation with male members of my family or my school or wherever I went because I grew up with men around me. My uncle would even take me with him when he went to play football. There were times when other girls wouldn't feel comfortable in my company as they felt that this was not the kind of behaviour that one expects from a girl. For me it was the kind of atmosphere I was brought up and groomed in, hence I never felt out of the system at any time.” Babita also has a passion for t h e t h e a t r e a n d t h i s developed more after her migration to Margao from her s m a l l t o w n . “ I t o o k membership of Gomant Vidya Niketan when my family was shifted to Margao and I used to take part in each and every competition that Gomant Vidya Niketan staged for the Kala Academy. I have always excelled in it besides winning the best prizes I love the theatre and if hadn't become a doctor, I would have taken up Babitaacting.”got married into a very progressive family based in Margao. “I married Dilip Prabhudesai and we have one son. My father-in-law was an ex wing commander of the Indian Air Force and he took premature retirement and when I came into their family it never felt that I have come into a different domain. Besides being very liberal it is also an extremely intelligent family. I really want to rate them as geniuses and being a part of t h i s f a m i l y b r i n g l o t s k n o w l e d g e , h e a l t h y

discussions, lots of reading and it helped me a lot to build my own personality. In fact, I completed my MD after getting married and I had always got a lot of support from the family.” Her entry into politics was the new thing for Babita since none of her maternal family was into politics. “In fact, my h u s b a n d w a s v e r y w e l l connected with the politics and political parties in Goa. He has been politically wellconnected with the Congress party. Politics is his passion and he had been deeply involved in strategy building of t h e D i g a m b e r K a m a t government and later on he became instrumental in forming of the Goa Forward Party and joined as vice president. Politics was a kind of a unexpected gift for me and it just happened. It was one informal meeting where we were sitting and discussing the upcoming municipal election and the ward which I represented, Amrut Nagar near Chowgule college, which h a s a m i x o f a f f l u e n t p o p u l a t i o n a n d S C S T categories of lower social economical population, and it had been a bastion of BJP and they wanted someone who could portray the educated face for this ward and who could approach the educated and affluent section and then my name came up. I was not expecting this since I had no political aspirations, I was content with my profession and good life,” she said. Politics was never on Babita's bucket list and secondly, she was not aware what the Municipality was supposed to do. “The only interaction I had with the Municipality was applying for my trade license and this was something completely new to me, but they persuaded me and my husband said there is nothing wrong in giving a try,” she said, a d d i n g t h a t a f t e r t h e discussion she went on holiday and on the last day of nomination she received a call to fly back to Goa. “Over the next 20 days, I completely got involved in door to door campaigning and it was a completely new experience. Finally I won the election and the rest is history.” Whichever road Babita had taken in her journey, she loved her profession above all. “I will not do anything at the cost of my profession. I am also a part of the Goa Forward Party and if I am required to play a better role, I am certainly open to the idea. In our society if you want to address a social cause then in our democracy, politics it the only answer. According to me if you do not have a political background or support then you cannot bring that change in the society and that is where the politics plays a very important role.” “Before I finish, I want to share a few words of wisdom with the people of Goa. First being to entrepreneurs- I want to say that there are absolutely no shortcuts to hard work and success. Second thing is we need to change with time: we need to learn to adapt to new systems and ideas and we have to keep changing our strategies and thought process. But before I end this conversation one thing I would like to tell women is let's not get into this pseudo feminism and modernity: this is just your state of mind and it has nothing to do with what you wear and how you speak. For example speaking in English does not make you modern. What makes you modern is your thought process It is about accepting change, it is about being non-judgemental about other women and it is about being fearless and passionate about what you do and that is my perception of modernity and as far as politics is concerned, I think there is a need of more women entering into the political arena and when you enter this arena, make sure that you have an agenda for society and not a personal agenda.” LATEST ISSUE IS OUT!! TO READ FREE THE QR

Banyan Tree, a Thai speciality restaurant at Taj Holiday Village Resort & Spa is not just a restaurant, it’s a deep dive into Taj’s culinary promise and hospitality standards that it stands for. The restaurant is nestled around a 300-year-old Banyan Tree and no point for guessing that it derives its name from the same. As you climb the wooden stairs, you witness a small stream of water flowing across a small bridge and lets you enjoy the serene, green beauty of Taj Holiday Village on the whole There is ample outdoor seating where you can dine amidst nature or choose the classier indoor Tseating.oensure the authenticity of flavours and to serve you nothing but the most traditional Thai food, Taj recently hired the services of Chef Thomthong Sungkaha who hails from Nonthaburi province in Thailand. Chef Thomthong brings with her extensive experience and in-depth knowledge of the cuisine while making dishes that suit the Indian palate perfectly. Chef Lily as she is fondly called, had a passion for food and curiosity about ingredients since the nascent age of 10 years when she helped her family run vegetable and noodle stalls at the local market before going to school every morning. Following her passion, she trained at the Hotel and Tourism Training Institute, Tourism Authority of Thailand and began her career at the celebrated Celadon Thai restaurant in Sukhothai Hotel Bangkok. Following her roles at key hotels in Bangkok, including The Peninsula Hotel and The Dome, she migrated to India in 2010 with the aim to innovate, standardize and popularize Thai Cuisine while achieving a perfect balance between international tastes and authenticity. Having been the MasterChef at the Leela hotels in Chennai and Bangalore, and running her own restaurant and food delivery venture, Chef Lily is now spearheading the culinary team at Banyan Tree, at Taj Holiday Village Resort & Spa, Goa. While Thai food is her forte, Chef Lily’s 27 years of rich experience have honed her into a skilled PanAsian Chef with a focus on Indonesian, Burmese, Malaysian and Vietnamese cuisines. She is a strong supporter of the ‘Garden to Plate’ concept and believes that food tastes the best, with the freshest of ingredients plucked from homegrown gardens. Her passion and her attributes are all evident in her cooking and you will get to experience it while dining at the Banyan Tree. We started our culinary journey at the Banyan Tree with Pumpkin Crackers that were made for the Amuse Bouche. It was followed by Satay Kai, a traditional dish of grilled chicken skewers served with peanut sauce & tangy cucumber salad. The chicken was succulent, tender and almost melted in the mouth. The peanut sauce and tangy cucumber salad definitely elevated the taste. Som Tam, the raw papaya salad is indeed one of my most favourite Thai dishes. The crunchiness of papaya and its tanginess balanced well with a dressing that includes honey, Som Tam makes for a refreshing salad Chef Lily had my heart with this beautiful preparation of hers. Next, we tried the Pad Woon Sen, a Thai glass noodle salad topped with prawns. I have to admit that it was one of the best dishes I had that day. It was like a burst of flavours in your mouth and this is definitely something I would go back Scallopsfor.were the next thing that I made an entry on our table, It was my first time at trying Scallops and must say that I really liked them. The subtle flavours left a great aftertaste on the tongue. Phor Pla Je, Thai crispy veg spring rolls with sweet chilli sauce is what we tried next. Loved the outer crispy covering with juicy veggies on the inside. To m Yu m S o u p , a s p i c y preparation that was full of lemongrass flavours along with bird's eye chilli, is something that you surely must have. At most places the flavours of lemongrass are overpowering, but at Banyan Tree, it was perfectly balanced a n d m a d e f o r a g r e a t accompaniment to the starters. For the mains, we tried Chicken Thai Green Curry, Chicken Thai Red Curry, Jasmine Rice, Phad Thai Noodles and Pla Rad Prik. Both the red and green gravies were delicious to the core and teamed with sticky jasmine rice, they made for a perfect combo. Phad Thai Noodles, these stir fried flat noodles ooze out flavours and transport you straight to the streets of Bangkok. Pla Rad Prik was a delectable dish of crispy fried fish in tamarind

By :Aditi Malhotra | Images by:Armaan Malhotra,Taj Holiday Village Resort & Spa (Chef Lily)


IG FOOD incrediblegoaofficial@incredible_goa @incrediblegoaofficial incredible-goa/ / / /30 GOA AUGUST 2022INCREDIBLE EXPERIENCE AUTHENTIC THAI CUISINE RIGHT HERE IN GOA!

Thesauce.authenticity of flavours, the freshness of ingredients and Chef Lily’s expertise came across in every single dish and one cannot ask for a better Thai food experience than this. To complete the meal, we had the Tub Tim Grob, a refreshing dessert made of water chestnuts soaked in rose syrup served in sweetened cold coconut milk. You have to try this to believe how good it is. I mean you can just keep on sipping the coconut milk and the sweet bites of rose flavoured water chestnuts are almost irresistible. Overall, Banyan Tree is a true Thai food dining experience that offers you the best of street food, as well as fine dishes from mainland Thailand and Chef Lily surely, has elevated the whole culinary scene with her years of work experience and her native knowledge of the cuisine. This place should definitely be on your list and I am sure you would enjoy it as much as I did.


IG HOSPITALITY incrediblegoaofficial@incredible_goa @incrediblegoaofficial incredible-goa/ / / /32 GOA AUGUST 2022INCREDIBLE


Strategically located in the center of the city, The Fern Belagavi is the first 5-star- hotel and a leading environmentallysensitive ecotel that provides a perfect blend of luxury & environment friendliness. This hotel chain has won 200 awards across many spectrums in ‘outstanding management and environmental practices’ making this property the only ecotel hotel in Belagavi city. Belagavi is a most sought-after area for Goans and The Fern Belagavi provides unmatched customer service along with topclass luxury for their guests. The cherry on top is their eco-friendly a p p r o a c h t o t h e e n t i r e experience and you’ll feel right at home during your stay. The property comprises 90 wellequipped rooms which are again subcategorised into aesthetically built 33 Wintergreen rooms, 33 Wintergreen Premier Rooms, 6 studio rooms, 6 Premium studios and 12 suites. The Fern Club Suite and the Hazel Suite are the most spacious and luxurious and each s u i t e c a r r i e s a s t a m p o f excellence. Earlier Belagavi did not have many options for travellers in the segment of budget hotels c l u b b e d w i t h w o r l d c l a s s facilities. There were options of either very expensive rooms or low-budget hotels that do not provide any facilities, but now the Fern Belagavi provides top-notch luxury and world-class facilities at the most affordable rates. Why spend more when you get both at one price? The Fern Belagavi also provides the facilities such as a well d e s i g n e d w o r l d c u i s i n e r e s t a u r a n t , c o f f e e s h o p , multicuisine and a Pan Asian restaurant, lobby lounge deli shop, a rooftop retro bar and swimming pool, a state-of-theart banquet hall, a meeting room and the board room beside a large lawn to cater for social and corporate events. The Fern Belagavi believes in the principle of hospitality with responsibility and sustainable tourism, and it offers the perfect blend of luxury and coexistence with nature. The Ecotel The term Ecotel derives from ecofriendly and hotel. The hotel is equipped with a premium standard of amenities and services with a true passion for the environment. Normally, luxury and eco-friendliness do not go hand in hand but this is not the case with the Fern Belagavi According to them, the fern is a perennial plant, retaining a rare consistency and many of its best characteristics over millions of years. It is an epitome of pedigree flora and it aptly represents them. In an era where guests require proactive, individualized service, The Fern delivers much more luxury with elegance and personalized service and all the contemporary facilities come together with minimal impact on the environment. The Rooms As mentioned above the hotel has 91 well-equipped rooms with topclass amenities and the rooms are divided into multiple types which include, 1 Winter Green room spread across 354 sqft area, 33 King Bed Rooms, 33 Fern Club Premium Studio 430 sq ft, 06 Studio Rooms (with Twin Beds and Showers), 4 Fern Club Premium Studio 588 sq ft, 06 Studio Rooms 03 Studio Rooms (with King Beds, Bathtub and Kitchen) 03 Studio Rooms (with King Beds, Showers and Kitchen), 5 Hazel Suite 896 sq ft, 06 Suites (with a dining area), 6 Fern Club Suite 924 sq ft, 06 Suites 03 Suites (with a Dining area) 03 Suites (with a Dining area and Jacuzzi). The Amenities The Fern Belagavi provided the world-class amenities at the most affordable cost, some of which include express check in and check-out, complimentary buffet breakfast, high speed internet connectivity, complimentary bottled drinking water, in-room tea & coffee facility, LED TV, inroom dining, banquet and meeting rooms, health club, swimming pool, travel desk, doctor on call, car parking, airport a n d l o c a l t r a n s f e r s ( o n chargeable basis) Melange Melange is a world cuisine restaurant which takes you on a rollercoaster ride of tastes from across the world There’s a s p e c t a c u l a r f i n e d i n i n g experience on offer featuring their a la carte menu The restaurant offers a culinary trail spanning the length of Indian, Chinese, Mediterranean & Also,Continental.whenyou are here do not forget to try the confectionery items from the bakery. The custom décor and the personalized services make ‘Mélange’ the ideal location to pamper oneself. Yaki Yaki is a Pan Asian restaurant situated in the Fern Belagavi and if you are wondering what it means, then you’ve come to the r i g h t p l a c e P a n A s i a n encompasses special dishes from different nations and cultures throughout the entire continent of Asia. On a Pan-Asian menu, you are likely to find a spicy curry dish from rural Southern India, pork, rice, and vegetable dishes from Vietnam, and a traditional Chinese rice and shrimp dish, all offered on the same menu. UK Lounge Rooftop Restro The Lounge is a chic haven based in the heart of Belagavi, where you can eat, drink & savour the breathtaking views. At UK 27 Lounge, they make every possible attempt to provide guests with a distinct experience on every visit, boasting a wide range of entertainment. Curve The GYM The layout is designed for quick a n d e f f e c t i v e e x e r c i s e Equipment options include elliptical machines, free weights treadmills and include personal trainers. Rooftop Pool The property also has a rooftop pool with an amazing 180° City view. Sunbeds are arranged for relaxing. The Lawn Only when we connect to nature, and engage with nature, we are truly alive and vigorous. To really be alive, one must be under the sun, the moon, and the shining stars and surrounded by beautiful greenery The Lawn, with an extraordinary gazebo, creates wonders itself. BELAGAVI

While attending school at Ardee, Katya continued her sports activities. “I used to go to the gym in the morning then go to school, finish by 2 pm eat in the car and then go for training and that was my schedule before the Asian games in 2018. As an athlete you have to be ready for all kind of challenges. I used to go to Dona Paula to do my training in windsurfing since the seas in Baga are very rough and this place in Goa is

“The Youth Olympics comes once in four years and that step to take me out of school was a necessary one to take as I would have missed that opportunity and regretted it forever. It was a big decision for my parents to remove their child from school but I completed my studies from the Cambridge board (The European School of Goa) which was home-schooling and nowadays, many students are opting for it. After completing my SSC I did my HSSE from Ardee School situated in Sangolda.”

Katya has been competing for more than a decade and she has achieved great milestones in that time. When I asked her about how her studies were affected by sports, she said that she is very lucky that her parents gave her this career opportunity. “If you look at kids nowadays, they are under so much pressure to study. I had done my studies at Sharda Mandir and there was a lot of pressure on me but finally I had to take a break from my studies since I was selected by the Youth Olympics.” “Actually, I had applied for leave to appear for the Youth Olympics and at that time our final exams were going on. The school denied my leave for a one-month period as it was not possible and my parents had to take the hard decision to remove me from school because the opportunity in front of me was a once in a lifetime one and I feel proud to say that I am the only Goan a n d I n d i a n w h o h a d participated in the Youth Olympics.”

TREND SETTERS incrediblegoaofficial@incredible_goa @incrediblegoaofficial incredible-goa/ / /

By Rajesh Ghadge

Every parent wants their kids to do well in school but there are few who encourage their children to take up sports as their career goal. Katya Coelho is one such example who has made her mark in the sports arena by reaching the Asian Games and Olympics and that has become possible due to the sheer support of her parents, especially her father Mr Donald Coleho who trained Katya from the age of 11 and made her India's top most windsurfer.


According to Katya, after a short training stint in sailing and windsurfing, she was r e a d y f o r s t a t e l e v e l competitions. “In Goa, there are not many others in this arena to compete with and in the women's category there are none,” she said. Her goal was to reach the state level. “For the nationals, I had tough competition with participants from Chennai, Maharashtra, and Orissa and to tell you the truth, my initial years were not that great.”

“My father used to organise summer camps for kids under the banner of Goa Beach Sports Academy. He loved sports so much and he wanted to give back and get more people involved So, in the initial stages, my direct competitors were the students of my Katyafather.”tellsus that she faced minor issues initially while training in the water but she came over them since her goal was bigger “I used to get sunburn and rashes on the skin due to excessive heat and it was often painful but the bigger problem that I had faced in this sport was the a b s e n c e o f f e m a l e competitors which compelled me to take part in the men's category,” she said adding that as it is an adventure s p o r t s , l o t s o f f e m a l e candidates would take a back seat “But the times are changing slowly and many female contenders are coming into this sports arena. I want to give the example of the Commonwealth Games where women had made their mark by winning major medals.”

“My father is a national windsurfer himself and he trained me from the age of 11,” said Katya. She tells us that this sport is not as popular as other sports. “I used to go and watch my father surfing and competing and I slowly started developing an interest in it. I love the ocean and at a very young age, 2, I learned how to swim. One day I decided to try windsurfing and I told my father about the same.” /34 GOA AUGUST 2022INCREDIBLE

Katya now waiting for her prize money to come so that she can plan her next move. “I have submitted all the bills and once I get my remaining money and the prize money it will help me to work towards the Asian Games. Our training cannot stop because once you take a break you have to start from scratch again,” said “IKatya.really feel that more females should enter sports like this because it gives you a sense of freedom. Here in our tiny state, girls have not been given an opportunity to get into sports and I want to change that. I want to give the message to the youth that you need to be more focused on your life and if you seriously want to set goals, then you need to get away from all types of distractions.” AUGUST 2022 GOA 35/ INCREDIBLE / THE LATEST ISSUE IS OUT!! TO READ FREE PLEASE SCAN THE QR CODE ON MAGAZINE OR VISIT To Get Featured or Contribute mail us at TREND SETTERS the best place to learn and practice as it's very calm Another reason I cannot do it at Calangute is that buying equipment was very expensive and many times I had to remain dependent on secondhand Anotherequipment.”majorchallenge that Katya faced was the lack of support from the Government and the authorities and she had to struggle to get funds from the sports department. “I have not yet received any sponsorship for the equipment I use but hopefully I'll get it in a couple of months. To date, all the equipment that I have was bought from the prize money that I had received and I had to spend almost all the money and I am still paying the instalments for the loans that I had to take to get the Kequipment.”atyaalso supports her passion for sports by spending the money made from small businesses that she had engaged in. “I started my own start up called The Boho Store, here I use recycled fabrics from my mom's store and make different things from them. I also design the shoes and whatever money I get from that I spend on myself and my equipment,” she said. In our country, sports is not a l w a y s c o n s i d e r e d a profession, but a recreational activity, which is a sad part of our society when they ask a sportsperson what he or she is doing Katya was also not spared from this social stigma. She joined a fashion designing course just for the sake of a certificate and to show society that she is doing something “I have done a one year course from JD Institute Panaji. In fact, I had no need to go to Fashion School to learn because my mother is a fashion designer herself and I had learned a lot of things from her. The reason I had done the course is due to t h e s o c i a l p r e s s u r e a s everyone keeps asking me what am I doing.” “Besides sports, I am also into painting. I paint and sell my work online,” she said adding that art is something she had learned on her own “After sailing when I used to come home, I would sit with my paintings and today it has become a source of income for me and I am happy that I am able to fund my passion through this.”

Katya recently won India's first medal in the IQ Foil Category m e d a l a t a n A s i a n championship in Thailand. “No Indian has ever won this medal in the IQ Foil Category and we have very few contenders sailing in this category in our country,” she said. She is now preparing for the Asian Games “I have already topped the qualifying rounds in India but since the Asian games have been postponed, they will be again doing fresh qualifying rounds. There will be one round in Goa, two in Mumbai and maybe one in KatyaChennai.”has also been selected to train by the world sailing organisation “India is a developing country and they wanted to give an opportunity to the contenders but I cannot go there due to my Visa being very expensive. I cannot pay from my pocket and there is no government support The sports minister, Govind Gawade, had helped me a lot with my sponsorship for the Asian Games. Within 15 days of my application, he released the Katyagrants.”believes that the reason she received the grant this time was because she has been vocal about her plight in the media. “I have been giving interviews on various channels and I feel that they have seen the interview and realised that she is really worth sponsoring. There are other sports getting funded regularly but since my sport is rare, it's not my fault. For India, I have won 15 gold medals and for Goa, I have won two bronze medals and one silver medal. Katya tells us that to succeed at the Asian Games will depend on her training and for that she had to move out of Goa. “I have already put in the proposal that I want to get trained in the Asian countries so that I can properly know my direct competitors. The level at which the other Asian countries are getting training is very high. Thailand spends lots of money on training. My kind of sports is not a team effort. We are competing as singles and we need the best equipment. For example, if I have an old boat, it won't move as fast as brand new boats. I have had to use old equipment which brings my morale down.”

GOAN TALENT incrediblegoaofficial@incredible_goa @incrediblegoaofficial incredible-goa/ / / /36 GOA AUGUST 2022INCREDIBLE By Rajesh Ghadge “

“He called me after two days since during those days the n e g a t i v e s h a d t o b e developed which took some time. I saw him holding the negatives in front of the light and he looked at me saying ' Yo u a r e v e r y g o o d a t photography. Take up this field and you will do good' so at aged 8, I did just that.” “After that day I was sure of my goal and knew how to achieve it." After finishing his 12th, he went to Pune to start his new professional journey in photography “I joined the Fergusson College in Pune and since it was an evening class, I could work during the day time. Here I met my guru a n d m e n t o r S h r i Chandrashekhar Bapat who happened to come as one of the guest lecturers. When he began to showcase his work, I was completely stunned and decided that if I have to learn photography, I have to learn from him and no one else.”

Datta made his decision and told some of his closest friends who were completely behind him to enable his mission to be accomplished. “We pursued Babat sir to request that he teach us photography but he kept saying that he'd meet me tomorrow I didn't give up though and one day he gave us an assignment. But the assignments were weird as he would ask us to click photos of some buildings, street lights, sun and moon and slowly, students started dropping out from the group thinking there is no future, but I remained firm on my decision and kept going. At the end of the month only 3 people were left in the group of 15 plus aspirants, and to our surprise he invited us for tea. We went to a hotel just opposite the Fergusson College and there he told us that he was checking who is serious about photography and who isn't. Every day after finishing the lectures, my friends and I would go and meet Bapat sir and learn from him and from there my new journey started.” According to Datta after completing his studies he decided to come back to Goa to serve his Tmotherland.henextthing Datta came across was colour printing. “I had already learned manual printing but now I wanted to learn about the batch printing process that takes place on the machines. It was fast, accurate and could process hundreds of photos in one hour. I decided to visit each lab in Pune but everyone said Photography is a fine art that requires a lot of dedication, hard work and an eye for detail and sometimes capturing one masterpiece takes a lifetime. Today, we have the best mobile phone cameras with capabilities to click the very best photographs.

Using our phones to take photos does not require formal training but cannot be replaced by the amount of effort one professional photographer puts into capturing those precious moments.

IS KEY TO SUCCESS ” Here I am going to tell you the story of Dattaram Gawade who struggled on his way to achieving his dreams and has now become one of the finest f a s h i o n a n d p r o d u c t photographers around. Datta Gawade is a well known name in the fashion and product photography world in Goa. He started his journey into photography when there were no DSLR cameras and photographs were developed from film rolls. Working his way through years of struggle, Datta has established his name in the Goan market “I very much belong to Goa. I was born in Goa but most of my studies I completed in Maharashtra: the Fergusson College in Pune to J J School of Arts in Mumbai,” he said. “My passion for photography began r at the age of eight when I met one of the faculty members from J J School of Arts, Mr Nabre. He was in the process of establishing a Fine Arts College in Sawantwadi and it just happened that my father took me to him and told him about my interest in photography. He immediately handed me a camera and told me to go and shoot and whatever I find on the way. During those days it was a black and white camera with cut roles inside and colour photography was not yet in vogue and very expensive too. He showed me how to handle the camera and asked me to click only 15 shots since the cut role had only that much capacity. So, I went around and clicked whatever I saw that was worthy of a photo and handed over the camera back to him.”


“During that time, a well known photographer, Sameer Parekh, who came from the USA was setting up his studio in Mumbai and was looking for an assistant. “I immediately went to Mr Parekh's office and left my portfolio in his office.

Sameer has bought a house in Goa and we meet whenever he comes down.”

One day Datta received an offer from Mumbai to work w i t h a w e l l k n o w n photographer in Mumbai, Mr Chetan Bhende, “I did not think twice and picked up my bags and left for Mumbai. I had no place to stay in Mumbai but finally one of my friends who was in Mumbai offered me to stay with him. I met Chetan sir and started assisting him, Chetan is a very well known name in the industry and with him I had the opportunity to work with a digital camera for the first time. It was while working with Chetan I was admitted into the J J School of Photography, where I learned a lot of things while sitting in the canteen before lectures. Many big time photographers from the film industry used to visit the institute for assistance on their assignments and I grabbed every opportunity that came my way.”

Sam (Sameer) wanted to meet me. Sam interviewed me and called me for the shoot The next morning at 5am, I was called to the shoot and I reached at 4.45am. I did all the odd jobs like holding lights, carrying stuff around etc and finally I received the green light from Sameer to continue working with him and today we are good friends. GOAN TALENT that I will have to work for couple of years before learning the process. That it was not possible for me since I had limited time and a lot to learn. One gentleman working for a lab in Pune suggested that I go to Goa and he guided me to a place called Photophone situated in Karasswada where they do machine printing on Konica machines. The next day, I left for Goa and went to meet Mr Rajan Salgaokar who was handling the Konica lab there, He told me the batches are full and I would have to wait for the next batch in 6 months time. I did not give up and kept pursuing him till the time he said to come and join.”

Dattaram learned the full process within 6 months “I learned printing on the machine and the next step was working at a colour lab, so I started searching for options. Finally, I got a job at Kudal at Ashirwad Colour Lab. They were buying a new machine and asked me if I can handle it so I told them I have the experience on Konika machines but I am good at printing, I worked there for 6 months and then I got an offer from Sawantwadi, where they utilised a Konika machine and w h i c h u s e d t o p r i n t a whopping 600 prints per hour!”

Again, the same thing I started where every day I would go and sit there to find out when I can join and one day, I finally got a call from his office that

After training under Sameer Parekh for almost a year, Datta came down to Goa since Sameer left for the US and his dad was also not doing well in Goa. “I decided to stay here and started taking whatever assignments came my way and one day I met Eknath Pai, a photographer and artist by profession who was also a distributor for Kodak. He gave me an offer of a shoot of a resort,” said Datta, adding that he had never done a shoot of hotels and its interiors, “But I decide to take up the challenge. Next day we arrived at the location and I did the shoot. It was my first shoot of interiors because till now I was more engaged in nature shoots, landscape and fashion photography. At the end when results are good, all is well. From there my journey s t a r t e d i n t o i n t e r i o r

“According to me, staying and working in Goa is a great experience and I would never want to leave Goa but I am looking to expand out of the state. I will very much stay in Goa since I've already invested in a property here. My family is here and I like the people of Goa, they are very sweet and my roots are here so why would I leave? I want to go out of state only for work. I am getting inquiries from other states like Karnataka, Maharashtra, Rajasthan, Himachal and Punjab.” Datta is now planning to get more into interior and hotel shoots rather than sticking to t h e i m a g e o f f a s h i o n photographer. “Fashion does not have such a large scope in Goa and I feel that to grow and expand, I need to concentrate on hotels and interior shoots. I have done many shoots in this domain and I feel that I can give them more for less money and far superior quality. Getting a photographer from Mumbai and Pune is always going to be more expensive and being a Goan, I can give them similar quality right here in Goa itself.”

Nphotography.”owDattahas a plan of expansion outside Goa AUGUST 2022 GOA 37/ INCREDIBLE / THE LATEST ISSUE IS OUT!! TO READ FREE PLEASE SCAN THE QR CODE ON MAGAZINE OR VISIT To Get Featured or Contribute mail us at

Please tell us about your b a c k g r o u n d a n d y o u r education. I grew up in a lovely village called Arossim with my parents and my 4 siblings. I did my schooling in Saint Thomas High School, Cansaulim and later my higher secondary at Carmel College for Women in Nuvem. In 2019, I graduated from Goa College of Art with a BFA degree in painting (specialised in murals) In 2020, I completed my diploma in interior designing at JD I n s t i t u t e o f F a s h i o n Technology, Panjm. Tell us about your entry into pottery and clay modelling, and also how you set up your own studio. I was interested in learning pottery since my college days. I used to visit Bicholim Industrial Estate to watch the p o t t e r s a t w o r k A f t e r completing college, I got into mural painting and canvas painting. I also took art classes at home. All this came to a halt due to covid. After the lockdown was lifted, I joined this one-month pottery course which turned into a 6-month course because I liked it so much. Initially, my timings were 9 am to 1 pm but I insisted on staying till 6 pm After my mentor's death, I took charge of the studio and I'm working from here to date. My own studio is getting ready at home so after the work on that is complete, I'll start working from home. How did you pick this up and how was the process of learning and understanding for you, WRT the art and the studio? I joined classes in the month of July last year. My learning was from scratch The very first thing I learned about was the type of clay which is sourced locally and clay that is imported. As I went on making mud, cleaning it and then working with it I realised it's not as easy as it looks. It was exhausting and satisfying at the same time. As time passed by, I learned how to work with different types of clay on the wheel. A f t e r g a i n i n g e n o u g h knowledge about the wheel I purchased my own and set it up in the studio itself. I went on to study how a kiln is built. This was a totally new subject to Afterme. watching a lot of videos and taking sir's help I went on to build my 1st electric kiln which was a success. When we test-fired one batch of mugs and it worked, I couldn't believe that I made something like this! Any challenges that you faced along the way? My entire course was a challenge in itself due to various reasons The first challenge was the weather. When my classes began it was raining cats and dogs and with so much moisture in the air and the studio being so open, it was almost impossible to work. Everything I made was wilting in the humidity and the mud was getting soft but that did not stop me. On the days that I couldn't work with the wheel, I used to build things by hand, work on the detailing, and read or watch pottery-related videos. Also, while constructing the electric kiln, sir was sick so couldn't sit with me all the time but he instructed me from his bed and I had a hard time following the instructions because I had no idea what a porcelain conductor was, Or what a kantal wire was! I was working with things that I had never seen in my life. Using different kinds of tools and cutting those wires was Mostexhausting.ofmylearning was done this way whereby sir gave me instructions and I would try to follow them.. It was tough and exhausting but it was all worth it. All these challenges that I faced only made me stronger and more confident. What were some of the key e v e n t s , p r o g r a m s o r workshops that you might have been a part of? How would you highlight your

YOUNG GOA incrediblegoaofficial@incredible_goa @incrediblegoaofficial incredible-goa/ / / /38 GOA AUGUST 2022INCREDIBLE

Simonie is a young lady who graduated from the Goa College of Arts with a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree and is currently working on clay modelling and clay pottery making. She belongs to a beautiful village called Arrosim in South Goa and did her preliminary education at St Thomas School, Cansaulim. Team Incredible Goa connected with her to find out more about her passion and work. “

” By IGTeam IN PURSUIT OF HER CLAY MODELLING AND POTTERY MAKING PASSION YOUNG GOA AUGUST 2022 GOA 39/ INCREDIBLE / journey into this side of clay modelling, artistry, and pottery at a young age and what was the main goal for you? I took many short workshops like metal enamelling, tie and dye and many more, but pottery was something that I wanted to learn properly and Subscribe for the Print Magazine and Get the Digital Copy FREE and Read anywhere at your convenience on your Phone,Tablet or PC Please Fill inYour Personal Details Your DesignationOrganisationNameAddress Email State Pin Code Phone SUBSCRIBENOWTOGETDIGITALVERSIONFREE* SubscriptionDuration Issues CoverPrice Discount 1Year 1Year 1Year 122436 120024003600 30%20%40% 25201680PriceOffer960 1080DigitalIssue600960 Print & IssuesDigital120024003600 Please Fill in the Form,Tick your selection,Take a Photo and WhatsApp it to 966 518 3739 - Email: * onlyperiodlimitedforvalidOffer from scratch. My main goal was to learn something new and work with it. I attended many workshops but this pottery workshop was like my calling. I worked very hard to learn this art. What are your future plans? Right now, I'm concentrating on the work at hand and also working on new i d e a s a n d designs. I'm also w o r k i n g towards my new studio. A n y t i p s o r messages for t h e p e o p l e w h o a r e a s p i r i n g t o e n t e r t h i s c a r e e r f i e l d that you have taken up? It's a beautiful j o b t o d o : e x h a u s t i n g , e x c i t i n g , c h a l l e n g i n g and satisfying all in one. There will be days where you just won't get it right, but relax. With a calm mind start again the next day but don't give up. When you create new things with your mind and your hands, it's a different type of beautiful feeling. THE LATEST ISSUE OF FOOD & MAGAZINEHOSPITALITYISOUT!!TOREADFREEPLEASESCANTHEQRCODEORVISIT To Get Featured or Contribute mail us info@foodandhospitalityat.org

STARTUPGOA incrediblegoaofficial@incredible_goa @incrediblegoaofficial incredible-goa/ / / /40 GOA AUGUST 2022INCREDIBLE Goa is well known for its tourism and hospitality which is the major industry in the state. One of the first startups, Brown Tape founded by Piyush Goel and Gurpreet Singh, began its journey in Goa in 2012. The company came into the news as this ' s t a r t u p ' c o n c e p t w a s completely new for Goa and p e o p l e w o n d e r e d w h y someone would start a tech company in Goa. But the popularity of Brown Tape encouraged many small and big start ups from Mumbai and Bangalore to move their base to Goa Why did this transformation take place and is Goa really an ideal place for Bstart-ups?rownTape started its operations in Goa when there w a s a h u g e l a c k o f infrastructure such as power supply and internet With constant fluctuations in electricity supplies, UPS inverters and generators had a booking market and internet providers were next to nonexistent Mobiles had 2G network which was expensive IS GOA AN IDEAL LOCATION FOR EMERGING START-UPS? and broadband was a distant dream Working under such conditions, especially for a tech company, was very difficult but still, they decided to operate from Goa and the major reason behind this was the working environment and availability of manpower at v e r y r e a s o n a b l e c o s t s compared to the metros such as Mumbai and Bangalore. S l o w l y , G o a s t a r t e d transforming into a start-up hub with many following the footsteps of Brown Tape, but the real revolution started during the pandemic. The virus left the entire country under lockdown, but Goa continued to attract many start-ups and c o m p a n i e s s e n t t h e i r employees to work from home in Goa The concept was business with pleasure. The IG team spoke to a couple of well known personalities connected with the start-up ecosystem in Goa and here is what they have to say about Goa as the ideal place for emerging start-ups.

THEJUS JOSEPH COO at F o r u m f o r I n n o v a t i o n Incubation Research and Entrepreneur The backbone of any start-up ecosystem is talent. Attracting talents to work in a particular geographical location is a challenge as well as an opportunity for Goa. One classic example is a small country called Burmuda. $28 Mn USD is the revenue that got injected into the Burmuda economy through 'Work from Burmuda' (WFB) over the last two this globally boost the initiatives for Goa to attract digital nomads, remote working talents etc which is important if we want to build an inclusive ecosystem for emerging start-ups. Goa's start-up ecosystem is ideal to build products from zero to one. One day one you are building a product for the Indian/Global market and Goa is a small market to tap into unless you are focusing on Tourism Tech innovations. Tourism Tech is relevant in Goa because of the proximity to t r a v e l , h o s p i t a l i t y a n d s u p p o r t i v e G o v t D e p a r t m e n t ' s d e c i s i o n makers. And we are seeing a lot of inbound requests at FiiRE when it comes to Tourism Tech start-ups. Currently, we are interacting with 30+ startu p s i n T o u r i s m T e c h innovations. M I L I N D A N V E K A RP r e s i d e n t o f G o a Technology Association Location advantages a startup would consider are trade access, market proximity, business communities, talent sources and lower costs. While Goa offers excellent options to optimize the work life balance, a lot of work needs to b e d o n e o n t h e o t h e r parameters to be the most preferred destination for start-ups. Today, Gujarat is on top of the list of states in startup ranking while Meghalaya is best among smaller states. “Work from Goa” will help attract people to move to Goa for the short term or even the long term. However, for startups to consider Goa as the most preferred destination, there is clearly a lot of work to accomplish with regards to STARTUPGOA AUGUST 2022 GOA 41/ INCREDIBLE /

GAURAV KENKRE - Chairman Goa Branch of WIRC of ICAI Goa has many things going for i t F i r s t l y , m o s t o f t h e population is very comfortable with English. Secondly, Goans by default prefer white-collar desk jobs rather than menial jobs Goa also offers a cosmopolitan culture without having the obvious negatives of a metropolitan, i.e. there is no traffic congestion, the air is very clean and pollution is nearly non-existent, there is no abject poverty and the culture of Goa is welcoming and receptive to people. Goa can also boast of being a safe place to live with a low crime rate S t a r t u p s h a v e a h i g h percentage of employees who are young. Start-ups typically need a place to sit, and a strong and reliable internet connection to go about their work. If Goa can provide these two things, either through private enterprise or through Government intervention, then I don't see why start-ups would not migrate to Goa. With the upcoming Mopa airport, Goa's connectivity with other places will also improve. So, the odd physical meeting of start-ups can also be done Thesmoothly.pandemic has advanced all of us at least 10 years into communication technology. Virtual meetings which would not have been seen as the norm, say 5 years ago, are now the obvious choice. In such a world, it no longer matters where the work is being done, and Goa can capitalise on this. If we observe, we can see that many national start-ups have already partly or wholly shifted operations to Goa. It is up to us to get the rest of them


Government policy support should be consistent and timely to be able to attract start-ups to Goa. While it is important to attract start-ups to Goa, it is equally important to support local start-ups to excel and scale their business. If the state can strategically focus on promoting and attracting start ups in a specific business domain like entertainment, events, and travel we will increase the chances of Goa being the preferred destination over the next five years.

the office space or coworking space availability, consistent internet connectivity, better local transport options, and s k i l l e d m a n p o w e r . T h e

Bleached, Dyed, Printed & Yarn dyed fabrics that set the mood to work. The models looked serious & professional. For the Finale round, bright coloured fabrics were used to design in some amazing Occassional wear that were embellished with Embroideries, Appliques, Patchwork, Beads, Sequins & got everyone in a festive mood!! 17 professional models walked the ramp & set the stage on fire with their moves. Professional sound, light & ramp was set up by ASSIS, w h o h a s b e e n d o i n g t h e production for this department since 2 decades & has done the best of shows in Goa. The choreography was by Goa's ace fashion designer MONTY SALLY, a fashion designer who has always been most creative with every collection. The photography & videography was by SANJAY DAFRE STUDIO, who started small b u t h a s t o d a y r e a c h e d International heights. The models l o o k e d t h e i r b e s t w i t h professional make-up & hair by BLOSSOM PINTO of TENDER LOCKS International celebrity MC DESMOND OLIVEIRA brought t h e s h o w t o l i f e w i t h h i s compering The clothing & accessories were designed, constructed & embellished by the students with the help of the staff JANE FERNANDES & CHARULATA ANANT. The Incharge Principal of the Government Polytechnic Panaji Mr J M R NORONHA alongwith the Director of Technical Education Dr VIVEK B. KAMAT were present for the show along with the faculty of the department to boost their morale. Mrs AMITA SALATRY, a very popular TV artist, a Show host & actress was the guest of Honour & as usual brought sweetness to the show with her words of motivation to the staff & students. Mrs VINI KENI, founder of Saree Speaks was the second guest of Honour. The biggest assest to the show was the Chief guest who was none other than a Goan singer who has gained International fame, our very own HEMAA SARDESSAI, who enthralled the audience with her melodious v o i c e T h e s h o w w a s c o ordinated by the department faculty Mrs RAHILA KHAN who is known for organizing the best shows in Goa including The International Fashion Week.

IG FASHION incrediblegoaofficial@incredible_goa @incrediblegoaofficial incredible-goa/ / / /42 GOA AUGUST 2022INCREDIBLE

MONOTACTILE, a fashion show organized by the final year students of the department of G a r m e n t T e c h n o l o g y , Government Polytechnic Panaji was a huge success It was heartening to see such budding talents in the fashion industry of Goa. The professionalism shown could match International standards The hard work & efforts of the students was o b v i o u s i n t h e g a r m e n t s p r o j e c t e d t h a t w e r e conceptualized, cut, stitched & embellished by the students themselves. The department has

MONOTACTILE Fashion show Organised by Final Year Students of Garment Technology Government Polytechnic, Panaji been holding such fashion shows since 2001 in large public venues with professionals who are the best available in the Goan industry. The show is part of the curriculum & has been designed in a way to encourage students to r a i s e f u n d s , o r g a n i z e a professional event, learn to stick to a given budget & also aim to get some profit which they take back with them. This not only gives students an opportunity to plan & organize a huge event & work with professionals but also gives publicity to the Department & the Institute. This year the show was held on 26th June at Taleigao Community Hall with 17 passing out students MONOTACTILE meant wearing clothing & accessories of a single colour. The s h o w h a d 3 r o u n d s T h e introductory round had some soothing Loungewear/ Resort wear & Casual Clothing in Gray, unprocessed fabrics. The clothes looked beautiful & the models appeared to be enjoying a holiday mood. For Round 2, the students designed Smart Casuals & F o r m a l O f f i c e w e a r i n


Asavari made efforts to first understand the business. “I started going to the shop to learn everything there is to know about gold, silver and diamonds. I took a different course to understand the jewellery business,” she said. Asavari says that it is her fatherin-law who was her main support system in this. “He taught me everything right from scratch. Things were not difficult to understand since I am a creative person, an artist and a designer by profession and I like creativity.

When I entered into this business, I realised that people will come only when we provide them with something different from what they can get elsewhere. My idea was to create a niche in the market wherein the customer would believe that they have to go to Pendekar Jewellers if they want something Mdifferent.”yfather in law gave me a

presenceinmorelocationsandpeopledon't h a v e t o travel to M u m b a i to come t o

onlyarewtednsyHemantrasaid'Ifoudoomethigiffernthanhatothersdoing,thenwill you stand out in the market and you need to take that extra effort.' It was the most i m p o r t a n t business lesson I have learned and then there was no looking back,” said Asavari. “My two s o n s a n d daughters in law help me in this business. Our entire family is devoted to it Every morning we come to the shop and discuss the plan of action for the whole day. My husband is the backbone of this business and he looks after the overall working of the shops and how to expand while I am more into the creative side and I look a f t e r t h e c o s t u m e r s a n d marketing and I guess I'm the face of the“Whenbusiness.”theplans for expansion came to the table I was not in favour of it and I told my husband that instead of expanding, we should rather concentrate on the existing shop and make it better. He told me that only when we expand, w e w i l l h a v e

Asavari has been attending exhibitions for a decade now but she had to face many difficulties along the way. “I had faced many difficulties such as arranging the location, to getting things fixed but whatever the situation was, I never turned my back to it. I went head on and made sure that the exhibitions were a complete success ” she said Asavari proudly tells me that they have presence across Maharstra and Goa. “In Dadar we have three shops, Vashi, Dombivali, Panvel, Virar, Mulund and Goregaon 1 each, then we have in Ratnagiri, Chiplun and now in two in Goa. “My husband is actually from Pernem and I am from Konkan Vengurla. We love Konkan and I love Goa. Currently we have our house in Aldona and when we come to Goa we visit that place,” she said adding that she has big plans in Goa. “I want to expand this business in Goa We are looking for a bigger premises in Panaji to begin with to cater to the creativity that Panaji lacks at the moment and from the small place we have, we are unable to cater to that segment at the “Evenmoment.”ifwe have many shops in Goa, I will still continue with the exhibitions,” said Asavari. She has also lanched a new saree brand c a l l e d J a y a s h r e e . “ W e manufacture our own sarees and w e h a v e t i e d u p w i t h handlooms,” she said.


StartingfromoneoutletinDadar,Mumbai,todayAsavarirunsaround15outletsacrossMaharashtraandGoa.PednekarJewellers, was established in 1962 by her father-in-law and has now become one of the biggest brands in the jewellery segment. A vast amount of effort and hard work has gone into making this brand what it is today and in this episode of IG Business, we are going to takealookatPednekarJewellers'journeyfromasingleshopinMumbaito15outletsacrossMaharashtraandGoa. BYRAJESH GHADGE

“My father in law started this business around 60 years back in Dadar, Mumbai just near the station in a small shop,” said Asavari adding that he was initially doing only jobs for the other established jewellers in Mumbai “He used to provide gold ornaments created by him with unique designs, to many established brands such as Waman Hari Pethe, but soon he realised that if he wants to grow then he needs to create his own brand. He was a visionary, and he made true his dream of his own shop where he could display all his unique designs and the first shop in Dadar came into “Soonexistence.”theshop at Dadar had a lot of custom and it was transformed into a bigger place resulting in one of the most popular stores today it is our flagship shop thus generating maximum business,” she said with a proud smile. When I asked Asavari how she entered this business, she told me that she is an architect by profession and was married into the Pednekar family at a very young age. “I was just 19 when I got married. In fact, I was supposed to go to the US to do my Masters but after getting married everything changed I thought of staying in India and helping my husband in this business since there was a need for expansion and branding to make this greater.” /44 GOA AUGUST 2022INCREDIBLE IG BUSINESS incrediblegoaofficial@incredible_goa @incrediblegoaofficial incredible-goa/ / /


thenemuedmtaftersblifestylecWJPednekarewellersithahangeinandusychedules,peopledon'twanttotravelanditwasonlyaddingwotothreeoreshopsidIrealisedthatwhatmyhusbandsaidwasright.”Exhibitionswerethenextpartofthexpansion“Isedtovisitanyxhibitionsanditstruckme that if I myself exhibit the Pednekar brand, it will create more demand and increase sales,” she said. I must say that Goa helped me to grow and establish the presence of the Pednekar brand in the state When I started doing exhibitions I kept two things in mind: first, the product has to be pocket-friendly and second the design needs to create a major impact. Hence, I started creating the designs having understood the lifestyle of the people.”

IG EVENTS incrediblegoaofficial@incredible_goa @incrediblegoaofficial incredible-goa/ / / /46 GOA AUGUST 2022INCREDIBLE

Hilton Goa Resort Celebrates The Poder Chronicles

Hilton Goa Resort in Candolim hosts the third year of 'The Poder Chronicles' at the hotel, in collaboration with food writer and culinary enthusiast, Nolan M a s c a r e n h a s . T h e P o d e r C h r o n i c l e s i s a l l a b o u t celebrating the essence of Goan breads which are freshly baked country bread sourced and produced locally in Goa. Hilton Goa Resort invites its guests to celebrate and revive this humble, authentic yet diverse Goan breads, from 5th to 7th of August, and experience i t s f l a v o r s w i t h d e l i c i o u s contemporary cuisine curated by expert chefs at the resort. The team at Hilton Goa Resort has curated an exceptional menu with delicious regional cuisine that beautifully features the soulful Goan bread. Some of the delectable signature dishes in the menu include The Maka Kullyo Zai, The Maas-ka-Pao or The Buff Tart, and Pork-a-que and more to be served with traditional Goan poie bread and its delicious variants known as Pao, Kankon, Katre Pao, Undo, Mangalore Bun, and others These soft, airy breads are a perfect accompaniment for almost every Goan delicacy f r o m c u r r i e s , o m e l e t s t o sausages or chorizo On this occasion, General Manager, Amandeep Singh Grover said “We are delighted to host another year of The Poder Chronicles with Nolan, and believe that this project will achieve great success in the c o m i n g y e a r s , w h i l e accomplishing its vision of supporting the Poders and offering a boost to the ancient bread making business in Goa.”

“When made authentically, Goan bread is second to none in its taste, flavor, tradition and cooking techniques. Our chefs a r e p r o u d t o h a v e t h e opportunity to showcase this flavorful bread made with a distinct local touch, to create delicious culinary creations w h i l e b r i n g i n g b a c k t h e traditional art of Goan bread making.” Mr. Grover added. “It is an honor to showcase the quintessential bread of Goa with a local twist while pairing it with infused Goan cocktails. The vision of this project is to bring back the authenticity of Goan cuisine at Hilton Goa Resort and we believe this will become the tradition in the coming years” Nolan added. The Poder Chronicles is an ode to the Goan Poder and the t r a d i t i o n a l b r e a d m a k i n g techniques of Goa. The Poder, who carries freshly baked bread on his cycle every morning is synonymous to the start of a new day in Goa, as every morning the locals wake up to the distinctive sound of his cycle horn The aroma of soft, freshly baked poie bread in the air, brought to their doorstep by the Poder evokes fond memories for every Goan. While overlooking the breathtaking landscape views of Saipem Hills, guests can savor t h e c u l t u r e o f G o a w i t h delicacies served with delicious Goan bread and paired with fine cocktails at the Hilton Goa Resort This is a beautiful opportunity to celebrate the treasured Goan bread made with expert hands, its rich history and exquisite flavors.


By Gaurav Kenkre

SIMPLIFYING TAX CREDITS G S T l a w h a s r e c e n t l y completed 5 years in India, but some of the startups and new entrepreneurs still have some misconceptions about GST This column will attempt to simplify some of the common issues around GST. We start with the concept of Input tax Credit. Question: What is Input Tax Credit? Answer: The meaning lies in the phrase itself. The first word “input” in simple language refers to any goods or services purchased, in the course or furtherance of business Therefore, raw materials, traded goods, stationery, rental expenses, transport charges are all inputs. The next stage is to now understand what “input tax” is: This is basically tax, which you pay on the inputs as above. When we procure any of the above goods or services, if the supplier is registered under GST, he will charge us the GST (i.e. tax). Thus, Input tax is the tax we pay to our supplier, w h e n w e p u r c h a s e goods/services for business Finally, we expand to the full phrase “Input Tax Credit” – The Government allows us (the purchasers) to take “credit” of the “input tax” we pay to our suppliers In other words, whatever GST we pay to our suppliers, is allowed to be REDUCED from our own GST liability (when we collect GST from our customers). This is so because, our supplier has already collected GST and paid this to the Government. So, the Government is willing to give us (the purchasers), credit of this GST (which we paid to our supplier), which was paid to it by our suppliers.

To summarise again: Input Tax Credit is GST on purchases, which we have paid to our supplier, which we are allowed to reduce from GST we will collect from our customers. Question: Who can claim Input Tax Credit? Answer: Any business which is registered under GST can claim Input Tax Credit. The key point to remember here is that only businesses get to claim I n p u t Ta x C r e d i t s E n d consumers cannot claim this credit. Further, it is important to note that one has to be registered under GST, to claim Input Tax Credit. There are a few specific situations where limited input tax credit can be claimed even for periods prior to GST registration, but they a r e e x c e p t i o n a l circumstances prescribed in law. For an average business, getting registered under GST is a must to claim Input Tax Credits. Question: Are there any conditions for claiming Input Tax Credits? Answer: Claiming of Input Tax Credits comes with substantial number of terms and conditions Few of these, we h a v e a l r e a d y v i s i t e d i . e . AUGUST 2022 GOA 47/ INCREDIBLE / IG FINANCE incrediblegoaofficial@incredible_goa @incrediblegoaofficial incredible-goa/ / / CA Gaurav Kenkre is a CA in practice for the last 11 years. He is a regular speaker at various professional organizations, trade bodies, MNCs and Government bodies. He also writes regularly in local as well as national publications. Besides this he holds various positions in bodies such as ICAI, GCCI, College bodies, Rotary etc.


Tax Credit. In most cases this document will be the “Tax Invoice” issued by the supplier. The supplier must issue a Tax Invoice which contains all the clauses as per GST Act and most importantly discloses GST separately. In case of Imports, a Bill of Entry is Nneeded.ext,we revisit one of the earlier points: i e we as purchaser are getting credit of Input Tax, only because our supplier has paid it to the Government. To ensure this, there are two conditions: a.The supplier must upload this invoice in his GST returns, with our GST number. By doing so, the invoice will appear in our GST portal. Only if the invoice appears in our portal, we can claim the credit. In the past this condition was slightly relaxed but now it is a very important condition. b.The supplier must also pay to the Government, the GST he has collected from us i.e. the GST which we want to claim Input Tax Credit. He can either pay wholly by cash/bank method or use his own Input Tax Credits to pay it. While this condition may seem logical (i.e. why will the Government give me credit if my supplier has not paid GST), it is very hard to check compliance of, since the supplier may or may not pay GST on time, or correctly Hence it is very i m p o r t a n t t o c h o o s e compliant suppliers. Suppliers who are not timely and accurate in their compliance will directly affect our Input tax credit and our cashflows! Next, if we want to claim Input Tax Credit, we must ensure that we pay our suppliers within 180 days from date of invoice. This condition is more intended to protect MSME suppliers, however there are some challenges. In some transactions, credit period may itself be more than 180 days. In such cases payment before 180 days may not be made due to contractual reasons. Such situations are currently being litigated. The major conditions relating to Input Tax Credit are covered above, in the next edition, we shall see some more conditions/restrictions.



By Norbert D’Souza Most machines you find at the gym are engineered to train specific muscles usually a primary muscle and one or more secondary muscles. The chest press machine works your pectorals and shoulders, while the leg curl machine hits y o u r q u a d r i c e p s a n d hamstrings. So depending on the muscles you want to train, every machine is effective in its own way. But let's say you only have 20 or 30 minutes at the gym, and you're looking for machines that offer the most total-body training benefits. If you're pressed for time, there are some machines that train your m u s c u l a r f i t n e s s a n d cardiovascular fitness at the same time ROWING MACHINE Like running or swimming, MOST EFFECTIVE MACHINE TO USE AT THE GYM rowing is a good aerobic workout that fires up your heart and lungs, but rowing also trains a diverse set of muscles You drive through your hips and legs to start the rowing movement, you have to activate your core to maintain posture, and then you have arm, shoulder and back involvement. It's really a great workout. AIR BIKE This is the stationary bike that has upright, movable handles like an elliptical machine, as well as a big air-generating fan wheel up front. It's another great option for a total-body workout. Again, you're getting t h e c a r d i o v a s c u l a r component, but you're also improving muscle fitness, Any and all types of cycling will train your lower body. And if you can find an air bike machine that has foot straps, which many do, you'll get more involvement from your knee and hip muscles, thanks to the pulling-up motion involved in t h i s k i n d o f p e d a l i n g , . Meanwhile, the push pull action of the upright handles works most of the major muscles of your upper body. When you're pushing, you're using a lot of muscles on the front of your body—your chest a n d a n t e r i o r s h o u l d e r muscles And w h i l e y o u ' r e pulling, you're using your back and posterior s h o u l d e r muscles. You're a l s o w o r k i n g your arms, and you'll need to keep your core e n g a g e d f o r stability, S T A I RC L I M B I N G MACHINE The stair climber also provides an e x c e l l e n t combination of a e r o b i c a n d l o w e r b o d y training You'll train your hip flexors and extensors, your knee flexors and extensors, your glutes and your hamstrings, a great thing about the stair climbing machine, is that it builds functional strength—meaning muscles or moves you use frequently in everyday life Especially as you age and poor balance or stability becomes concerns, functional exercises are a great way to m a i n t a i n y o u r p h y s i c a l capabilities. CIRCUIT TRAINING Rather than spend all your time on one of these three machines, squeezing in all three is a good idea, Even if you can only devote five minutes to each machine, that's enough to get a serious t o t a l b o d y b u r n g o i n g o n p r o v i d e d y o u p u s h yourself.If you're looking for even more variety, circuit training is a great option. Circuit training is any workout that involves repeating a string or sequence of different exercises or in this case, exercises machines. So rather than stay put on one machine until you're finished with it, you'll move from one to the next and then start over again, The trick with circuit training is to make sure consecutive machines don't engage the exact same muscles, which can wear you out quickly. It helps to alternate upper body and lower body machines, To Get Featured or Contribute mail us at

FITNESS TIPS incrediblegoaofficial@incredible_goa @incrediblegoaofficial incredible-goa/ / / Regular exercise strengthens your heart and lungs and it can strengthen bones, slowing down the process of osteoporosis. It can help you move easily by keeping your joints, tendons and ligaments more flexible. Can help you lose weight when combined with good eating habits or maintain ideal weight by burning excess calories and promote sense of well being.

YOUR DENTIST incrediblegoaofficial@incredible_goa @incrediblegoaofficial incredible-goa/ / / Smilecraft is one of the top rated dental clinic’s in Goa. Dr Schuyler Pereira completed his dental studies from the renowned New York University in USA. He maintains state of the art dental practices at Goa and Bangalore. At Smilecraft a holistic treatment approach is taken when it comes to dental health. We offer a wide range of dental services ranging from teeth cleaning to cosmetic dentistry and implant. We indeed craft smiles that will last you miles!

By Dr. Schuyler Pereira Have you ever felt that milk teeth do not need treatment c o n s i d e r i n g t h e y a r e eventually going to fall off?Think Again! Here are a few reasons why it is important to take your child to a kids dentist routinely. Milk teeth are important for nutrition and overall health. Baby teeth play a vital role in enabling your child to chew food efficiently and break it d o w n f o r t h e b o d y t o m e t a b o l i s e i t , t h e r e b y supplying your child with the nutrition required for growth and development. Issues with your child's milk teeth can affect chewing ability thereby c a u s i n g n u t r i t i o n a l , developmental issues and indigestion.It's important you WHY YOUR KID'S DENTAL CARE IS IMPORTANT take your child to a kids dentist routinely to detect potential dental issues early. They maintain space for permanent teeth. Teeth have a tendency to move towards a missing space, if your child looses a tooth early, the teeth behind it start moving. This leads to the permanent teeth getting 'locked in” and not coming into i t ' s p r o p e r p o s i t i o n A paediatric dentist can check for this and take appropriate preventive measures. Infection in milk teeth can a f f e c t u n d e r l y i n g permanent teeth. Yes, infected milk teeth if not treated can result in the infection spreading to the developing permanent teeth that are present under them. This can affect them and cause them to become structurally weak. Your child dentist is trained to perform a p u l p e c t o m y w h i c h i s a procedure used to treat the infection and ensure your child's teeth remain healthy! Speech and confidence Your Childs front teeth also aid in speech and preventing lisping. Loss of front teeth can hamper speech and can also negatively affect the Childs self esteem and confidence. How do I prepare my child for his/ her first dental visit? Start early: It's always advisable to schedule your Childs first dental visit by the age of 1. Early exposure to the dentist and clinic goes a long way in making the child comfortable Read, Talk and Role-Play –The best way to prepare your toddler is to talk to them about the importance of oral hygiene and explain what to expect in the dental care visit. Negative stimuli: Do not say something like ' if you don't behave the dentist will give you an injection' , negative stimuli create a up.whendatwlcanChildsbpsychologicalarrierinamindandhavealongastingeffecthichcauseshemtobefraidoftheentisteventheygrow R e a s s u r e : Keep reassuring and instilling to your child that the dentist is a f r i e n d w h o helps your child m a i n t a i n h e a l t h y o r a l health. W h y c h o o s e Smile Craft as y o u r c h i l d ' s d e n t a l c a r e partners. O u r c h i l d friendly dentists and friendly atmosphere is what constantly makes us one of the best dentists for kids in M a r g a o G o a W e a r e constantly rated as one of the best paediatric dentists in Goa and have advanced facilities to cater to special needs dentistry and sedation based dentistry.

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