Incredible Goa May 2023 Issue

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VOL 8 ISSUE 7, PANAJI GOA, RNI : GOAENG/2016/66434 WWW.INCREDIBLEGOA.ORG Rs 100 FEATURES INTERVIEWS STORIES EVENTS FITNESS TECH STARTUP TOURISM AWARENESS OPINION NEWS BUSINESS DON'TCHASEMONEY, INSTEADLETMONEYCHASEYOU DON'TCHASEMONEY, INSTEADLETMONEYCHASEYOU Dr Celso Fernandes embarked on a transformative path, initially as a dentist, and later ventured into creating a remarkable legacy in Goa. His unwavering determination led to the establishment of the Nave Marg Foundation, Goa's first self-funded charitable organization. The foundation's core mission is to uplift the learning environment for children by providing crucial infrastructural amenities like toilets, and playgrounds, and renovating school buildings. FESTIVAL THE VIBRANT SAO JOAO A Celebration of Goan Culture and Traditions How Criminals Use PAN Details For Credit Card Fraud USING PAN CARD FOR CYBER CRIME AWARENESS PRESERVING PARADISE The Power of Sustainable Eco Tourism in Goa TOURISM DR CELSO FERNANDES COVER STORY IN FOCUS Goa Signs MOU with Uttarakhand Strengthening Tourism Shrinivas Dempo Elected President of the GCCI
@goaprism @goaprism @goaprism @goaprismnews @incrediblegoaofficial @incrediblegoaofficial @incrediblegoa


Human Chain Formed Along Mhadei River To Celebrate #mhadeiamchimai Festival

Goa's Aaryav Da Costa Earns Opportunity To Train With Manchester United May Month Film Screening at ESG

New TRAI Rule From May to Curb Fraudulent and Harassing Phone Calls and Messages

DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION IN BUSINESS Exploring the Accelerated Adoption of Digital Payments




Rohan Khaunte Visits Niramayam and Patanjali Yogpeeth in Haridwar

Drishti Marine Launches Safety Initiatives to Ensure Beach Safety Strengthening Tourism Cooperation Goa Signs MOU with Uttarakhand

Shrinivas Dempo Elected President of the GCCI for the Term 2023-2025

Goan Showbiz Extravaganza in Qatar May Queen Ball 2023 Held Rohan Khaunte Inaugurates Direct Flights Between Goa and Uttarakhand, Boosting Tourism Goa Tourism Concludes Successful Participation in Arabian Travel Market 2023

The Regency at La-Paz Beacon Multicuisine Restaurant with Goan Touch

Vivek Pathiyan

I am a Workaholic and Not Alcoholic

When Are We Liable To Pay Gst The Finer Print

The Best Way To Strengthen The Lower Back


Dr Celso Fernandes GOA’S ONLYSOCIETYMAGAZINE MAY2023 INCREDIBLE - GOA may 2023 08 CONTENT incredible_goa incrediblegoaofficial incrediblegoaofficial incredible-goa INTERVIEW
Best Properties Available in Goa for the Best Bargains - Check out here... 18 30 32 34 40 42 44

Editor & Publisher Rajesh Ghadge

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rainy days are here again

Goa is preparing to welcome the monsoon, and tourism stakeholders in the state are gearing up by offering rainy season packages to a t t r a c t m o r e c u s t o m e r s Meanwhile, the residents are busy stocking up on essential goods for the upcoming months, as Goa typically experiences heavy rains. Who wants to venture out during the rainy season, after all?

Rainy days not only bring the inconvenience of travel and movement but also slow down business activities, providing us with s o m e t i m e t o r e j u v e n a t e . Nevertheless, Goans continue to celebrate festivals with unyielding enthusiasm, rain or shine.

On the other hand, the tourism industry has much to offer during rainy days Hinterland Tourism is flourishing in the state, with Goa Tourism making efforts to promote it Visitors can explore spice plantations, embark on adventurous river rafting trips, and visit breathtaking waterfalls In this season, we will strive to bring you more interesting content on our online platform. Keep visiting our website and social media pages for further details.

Minister is working diligently to boost this sector A recent memorandum of understanding (MOU) with Uttarakhand marks the beginning of a new chapter in tourism development in Goa. Eco-tourism is a burgeoning trend in Goa's tourism industry, and the state government is taking comprehensive measures to promote it. Various schemes have been introduced for stakeholders interested in setting up eco-resorts in the state These eco-resorts u t i l i z e r e n e w a b l e e n e r g y , contribute to water and electricity conservation, and we delve deeper into this topic in the Tourism section of this issue.

Rajesh’s long journey began with an early realization of his writing skills and nearly a superhuman power of vivid imagination; which together led to the birth of a successful media portal. His never-ending spree of learning has made him efficient in varied fields like coding, designing and also marketing. He fuels himself with continuous reading being a history fanatic and bouts of music and movies. Acting as a one-man army he prizes work over almost everything.


Aakash Ghadge Team Incredible Goa


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To err is human. Although we take due care while publishing the magazine to ensure it is free of any mistakes, any omissions or errors are entirely unintentional. In case you find any erroneous photographs, language, missing credits or anything else published incorrectly, please feel free to bring it to our notice. We believe in publishing matters that catch our readers' attention and at the same time impart information. We hope all our readers appreciate the content and help us make this publication even better and useful.

Investing is a game that can make you rich if you know how to play it. Dr Celso, a dentist turned financial advisor, learned this at an early age and amassed a significant fortune. He believes, "You should not chase after money Instead, let money chase after you." In our cover story for this issue, we feature Dr Celso Fernandes' journey and his tried and tested techniques for generating wealth. It's an article you wouldn't want to miss.

This issue also sheds light on the tourism sector, which is crucial for generating revenue and supporting numerous stakeholders. Our Tourism

Credit card fraud is an old tale, but now hackers have taken it a step further by targeting celebrities using their publicly available PAN details. Armed with these PAN card details, hackers are now obtaining bank loans, credit cards, and even mobile connections To protect yourself from this new type of fraud, it is crucial to read the article in the Aw a r e n e s s s e c t i o n o f t h i s magazine. We are continuously striving to enhance the content and make it more useful for our readers. In this pursuit, we are introducing new sections each time. Due to page limitations, we cannot provide extensive information in a single issue. However, we have a solution for this. If you wish to read more interesting stories, visit our website, which we update daily. Here, you will find informative and helpful topics. If you have any suggestions, please w r i t e t o m e a t, and I will endeavour to respond as soon as possible Until next time, happy reading!

Rajesh Ghadge





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INCREDIBLE - GOA may 2023 10 EDITORIAL incredible_goa incrediblegoaofficial incrediblegoaofficial incredible-goa
Kalyani Merawade PHOTOGRAPHY - Art of Blinks LOCATION - Lighterature Studios

Human Chain Formed Along Mhadei River To Celebrate #mhadeiamchimai Festival

who participated in the 'Mhadei Amchi Mai' festival. The festival aimed to highlight the intrinsic and critical r e l a t i o n s h i p between the river, the land and its p e o p l e Participants were e n c o u r a g e d t o wear white and b l u e a t t i r e , representing the shades of the river and carry blue or white scarves as a symbol of unity and support for the cause.

The 'Mhadei Amchi Mai' festival has brought together artists, musicians , jazz bands, brass bands , performers, dancers, theatre groups and children to share what they feel for the river and how they experience the river in the form of mandalas, sketches , paintings, poems, music, songs, i n s t a l l a t i o n s , m o v e m e n t performances, jazz music, theatre, street plays and sand paintings, that celebrate and pray for the river, during the human chain formation along the river”.

Thousands of Mhadei's 'children' formed a human chain along the banks of the river on Saturday (May 20), to raise awareness and express their solidarity in preserving the vital ecosystem of the river, which is critical to Goa's environment and the livelihood and wellbeing of its people.

The human chain was the centrepiece of the Mhadei Amchi Mai festival, a community engagement event organised by the Earthivist Collective, in association with the Goa Heritage Action Group (GHAG) and the Save Mhadei Save Goa Front in wake of the ongoing attempts to divert water from the inter-state river's basin by a neighbouring state.

The human chain comprising thousands of concerned residents of Goa, also referred to by the festival organisers as 'rakhondars' (protectors), stretched from the banks of the Mandovi river - also referred to as the Mhadei - from the Santa Monica jetty to the Miramar beach covering a distance of seven kms.

"The one -of-a-kind human chain spread over 7 kms, offered people

from all over Goa an opportunity to come together and connect with the river, its history and its soul The Earthivist Collective, GHAG and the Save Mhadei Save Goa Front thanks everyone who joined hands with this festival and showed their support for this vital ecosystem nurtured by the Mhadei river,” said Heta Pandit, historian, author, independent researcher and founding member of GHAG.

The participants included local r e s i d e n t s , a c t i v i s t s a n d representatives from various civil society organisations, who had gathered to form the human chain and symbolise their commitment to safeguarding the Mhadei river.

“It's a beautiful coming together o f p e o p l e , a r t i s t s a n d communities to say that we respect the river. This is part of India's rich tradition. It goes beyond the Mhadei festival. We have so many traditions and festivals where we worship and respect rivers, forests and other aspects of nature. It is a part and parcel of Indian philosophy,” said Richard Dias, a Panaji resident,

D i s t i n g u i s h e d p e r s o n a l i t i e s , i n c l u d i n g w e l l k n o w n m e d i c a l practitioner Dr Oscar Rebello, Fr. Bolmax Pereira, singer Hemaa Sardesai, social activist Patricia Pinto, theatre personality Dr. Isabel Santa Rita Vaz, activist Claude Alvares, advocate Norma Alvares, poet and essayist Pragya Bhagat, poet Salil Chaturvedi and teacher Pournima Kerkar, joined the movement and lent their voices to the cause during the festival on Saturday.

In addition to the human chain, the festival also featured performances by musicians, dancers, creative storytellers and artists along the riverbank. Their artistic expressions in the form of p a i n t i n g s , p o e m s , s o n g s , installations, performances and sand drawings celebrated and prayed for the river, emphasising t h e i m p o r t a n c e o f i t s preservation.

Interdisciplinary artist and festival curator Miriam Koshy, founding m e m b e r o f t h e E a r t h i v i s t Collective said “We are happy to see that thousands of people and several citizens' groups from all talukas of Goa have reconnected with the Mhadei river and spoke for it in one voice at the festival.

The Mhadei river holds immense significance for the people of Goa, nurturing their history and soul within its rippling waters. It sustains a rich biodiversity, providing essential water and n u t r i e n t s t o f l o o d p l a i n s , agricultural lands and the potable water supply. The festival aimed to raise awareness about the threats posed by attempts to divert water from the river's basin, which, combined with climate change, dams, and pollution, could lead to water scarcity, food insecurity and loss of life and livelihood.

T h e f e s t i v a l r e c e i v e d overwhelming support from various community groups, i n c l u d i n g A c t f o r G o a , UrbanSketchers Goa, Plantwalk Goa, Tree Walk Goa, Goa Bird Conservation Network, the NHOI Project/Bookworm and That Book Store Environmental architect Elsa Fernandes, who is also the president of Khazan Society of Goa, also mobilised the farming community to participate actively in the festival, emphasising the need for collective responsibility to protect the beloved Mhadei river.

The Earthivist Collective and its associate organisers believe that the festival's success and the collective efforts of Mhadei's 'children' can work to ensure that the river remains a source of life, history and soul for generations to come.

12 INCREDIBLE - GOA may 2023 GOABUZZ incredible_goa incrediblegoaofficial incrediblegoaofficial incredible-goa

Goa's Aaryav Da Costa Earns Opportunity To Train With Manchester United

later A player from FC Goa's league-winning U13 team, Aaryav emerged as one of the four winners of the 'United We Play' grassroots football competition, held by Apollo Tyres in association with the the Premier League Club

The winners were announced at a grand finale in Mumbai earlier this week, after the culmination of the third season of the initiative.

m a k i n g i t a n i n c r e d i b l e achievement for him.

“I'm thrilled and honoured to have been selected as one of the winners and excited about the opportunities ahead. This win is not just mine but belongs to my team, coaches, and family, who have been my pillars of strength,” Aaryav Da Costa said.

skills and further his career in football.

Earlier this year, the youngster was a part of the FC Goa U13 side that lifted the Goa Football Association (GFA) U13 First Division League. He was also the second-highest goal-scorer for FC Goa in the league, with 11 goals from 8 matches.

In a proud moment for Goa, Aaryav Da Costa, bagged himself a chance to train with Premier League side Manchester United

The young footballer from Margao was selected from a pool o f n e a r l y 6 , 6 0 0 b u d d i n g footballers from all over India who participated in the competition,

May Month Film Screening at ESG

to catch them on the big screen.

1. Bittu (Dir. Karishma Dube, 17 mins) - Bittu is based on a true story of two little girls (10 and 8 years old), and an accidental poisoning in school. The film made it to the Oscar shortlist.

2 7 S t a r D i n o s o r Entertainment (Dir. Vaishali Naik, 19 mins) - This is a film about two brothers Sudhir and Vinod who perform as 'dinosaurs' at weddings and parties. The film won the Best Director and Best Writing at the Critics Choice Awards.

As a winner of 'United We Play', Aaryav will travel to Manchester later this year, where he will get an opportunity to train under the coaches at Manchester United Soccer Schools. This is an exciting opportunity for Aaryav to hone his

Aaryav's latest achievement is a testimony to FC Goa's efforts in s c o u t i n g a n d p l a y e r development. The Club is proud of Aaryav's achievement and congratulates him on this welldeserved success.

New TRAI Rule From May to Curb Fraudulent and Harassing Phone Calls and Messages

Greetings from the Cinephile Film Club of the Entertainment Society of Goa.

This Thursday, 4th May at 6.30 pm, the Cinephile Film Club in association with the Film Critics Guild, will screen 5 short films from the Critics Choice Awards. Film Critics Guild member and curator of the Cinephile Film Club Sachin Chatte will introduce the films. These acclaimed films, directed by some well-known names like Devashish Makhija and Varun

Grover along with some very talented young filmmakers, have made it to several festivals around the globe and present a unique opportunity for film lovers in Goa

3 Cycle (Dir Devashish Makhija, 19 mins) - A film that has made waves at several festivals around the globe, Cycle is about a tribal woman who has been wronged.

4. Kiss (Dir. Varun Grover, 16 mins) - Scriptwriter, lyricist and standup comedian Varun Grover's film is a very sensitive take, shot in an art d e c o t h e a t r e , a b o u t o u r sensibilities and perception.

5. The Silent Echo (Dir. Suman Sen, 16 mins) - This heart-melting film is about 4 kids who live in the mountains and wish to compete in a music competition. Shot in the most picturesque surroundings, the film was the winner of Best S h o r t F i l m a n d B e s t Cinematography, at the recent Critics Choice Awards.

To prevent spam calls and associated scams, Indian telecom carriers must implement AIbacked services beginning on May 1, 2023 The Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) has made a significant step to safeguard consumers from fraud and harassment with this action. You might soon find relief if you're sick of getting unwanted c a l l s a n d m e s s a g e s f r o m obnoxious numbers. All telecom firms would be required to implement AI spam filters in their call and SMS s e r v i c e s u n d e r t h e n e w regulations These filters will recognise and stop fake and promotional calls and texts coming from different sources, which are frequently used by fraudsters to cheat people for their money. The intention is to combat the rising instances of spam and the annoyance these calls and texts cause clients.

Bharti Airtel and Reliance Jio are two of the telecom behemoths that have agreed to adopt the AI filter service in accordance with the mandate This has been officially confirmed by Airtel, and Jio is slated to begin offering the service shortly The Indian telecom sector will benefit greatly from this because it will lessen the number of invasive

calls and texts that consumers get.

TRAI met with service providers including Bharti Airtel, Jio, and Vodafone Idea (VIL) earlier in February to examine the issue w i t h t h e U C C d e t e c t i o n mechanism. “Today we have made it very clear that telcos have to come out with an integrated system of stopping fraud (calls and messages),” the TRAI stated during the meeting. Although they are working, more needs to be done.

U n s o l i c i t e d C o m m e r c i a l

C o m m u n i c a t i o n ( U C C ) i s regulated by the Telecom Commercial Communications C u s t o m e r P r e f e r e n c e Regulations, 2018 (also known as the “TCCCPR, 2018”). The laws became effective on February 28, 2019 A blockchain-based ecosystem (also known as distributed ledger technology, or DLT) has been established through its implementation in a coregulatory manner with the participation of all telecom service providers (TSPs) The action was taken to lessen the threat that UCC posed.

As a result, the TRAI has ordered telecom firms to stop making promotional calls to 10-digit mobile numbers, which are frequently exploited by spammers and scammers.

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Drishti Marine Launches Safety Initiatives to Ensure Beach Safety

campaign strives to raise awareness, share knowledge, and offer helpful tips for swimming in the ocean while encouraging people to appreciate the water in order to understand it better. The 60-minute activity includes a supervised swim lesson and aims to raise knowledge of lifeguard courtesy and water safety.

drills as part of their rigorous outdoor training, which also includes swimming pool sessions to help them become used to the water.

Drishti Marine, a lifeguard agency in the coastal state of Goa, has started a number of safety p r o g r a m m e s t a r g e t e d a t enhancing beach safety in the area. The plans include ringing off high-risk locations, installing AI systems to monitor the beaches, and raising knowledge of a p p r o p r i a t e s w i m m i n g techniques.

In response to the tragic deaths of four persons at Keri Beach in an area that has been declared a “No Selfie Zone,” the measures are being implemented in conjunction with the state administration Drishti Marine is working to improve its AI system and build a

squad of trained dogs to assist lifesavers in rescue and beach safety operations, in addition to shutting risk-prone areas and executing the “Swim With Lifesavers” project.

At a special event in April 2023, Rohan Khaunte, the tourism minister and Porvorim MLA, announced the additional safety measures at Candolim Beach. The precautions are intended to prevent further incidents and make sure that the safety measures do not interfere with the local fishing communities.

Drishti Marine introduced the “Swim With Lifesavers” campaign in Goa in March 2021. The

Drishti Marine is also wrapping up work on its two AI platforms, Triton and Aurus, which use cuttinge d g e t e c h n o l o g y t o h e l p lifeguards maintain beach safety. The AI-powered surveillance system Triton and the self-driving robot Aurus will improve lifesaving skills on Goa's beaches. To assist on-call lifesavers in responding more quickly, both technologies can monitor the environment, evaluate dangers, and transmit real-time information.

A team of lifeguard dogs is being trained by Drishti Marine in preparation for deployment on Goa's popular beaches The eleven-dog squad is being trained to recognise and save people in danger, conduct search and rescue operations in rough terrain, and find missing children. Dog trainer Arjun Shawn Moitra is responsible for the “Paw Squad.” They put the dogs through agility

According to Navin Awasthi, manager of Drishti Marine Operations, “the vast expanses of the beach can be effectively monitored by this AI-powered monitoring system while the human resources, the lifesavers, can focus more effectively on the swim zones and save people's lives.”

2008 saw the start of Drishti Marine's operations in Goa In 2007, there were 200 drowning instances, which prompted the state government to put together an effective system and take urgent action. The service has greatly enhanced the travel experience in Goa and resulted in a 99% decrease in drowningrelated deaths. Since then, more than 6,000 lives have been saved. In conclusion, Drishti Marine's actions are designed to improve beach safety in Goa and avert future mishaps. The organization intends to make sure that tourists may safely enjoy the area ' s natural beauty by restricting riskprone locations, implementing AI systems, and raising awareness about safe swimming techniques

Rohan Khaunte Visits Niramayam and Patanjali Yogpeeth in Haridwar

Printing and Stationary, Government of Goa, is currently in

Dehradun on a three-day visit for the signing of Memorandum Of Understanding (MoU) between Goa and Uttarakhand, aimed at

s t r e n g t h e n i n g t o u r i s m cooperation between the two states On 24th May, the honourable minister and his team visited Niramayam and Patanjali Yogpeeth in Haridwar to meet r e n o w n e d Yo g g u r u B a b a Ramdev, and Co-Founder of Patanjali Ayurved, Acharya Balkrishna, respectively He invited Baba Ramdev and Acharya Balkrishna to Goa and emphasized promoting tourism and spirituality, discussing extensively the integration of spirituality and Ayurveda. Later, the honourable Minister and his team visited Har Ki Pauri Ghatone of the most sacred ghats located in Haridwar, on the banks

of Ganges in Uttarakhand. In the evening, Shri Khaunte attended the Ganga Aarti in Har Ki Pauri and sought the blessings of Mother Ganga.

GOABUZZ incredible_goa incrediblegoaofficial incrediblegoaofficial incredible-goa 16 INCREDIBLE - GOA may 2023
h r
i R o h a n K h a u n t e , t h e honourable Minister for Tourism, IT, E&C,

Dr Celso Fernandes embarked on a transformative path, initially as a dentist, and later ventured into creating a remarkable legacy in Goa. His unwavering determination led to the establishment of the Nave Marg Foundation, Goa's first self-funded charitable organization. The foundation's core mission is to uplift the learning environment for children by providing crucial infrastructural amenities like toilets, and playgrounds, and renovating school buildings. Through these efforts, the foundation aims to instil dignity, and convenience, and create a level playing field for students pursuing affordable education. Dr Celso Fernandes has garnered widespread recognition in Goan society as an esteemed educationist and philanthropist, and his remarkable journey serves as an inspiration to many.


18 INCREDIBLE - GOA may 2023 COVER STORY incredible_goa incrediblegoaofficial incrediblegoaofficial incredible-goa
19 may 2023 - GOA INCREDIBLE

From a tender age, Dr Celso Fernandes harboured an ardent passion for the realm of medicine, a flame ignited by his beloved grandfather's nurturing guidance throughout his childhood. "I always aspired to bear the esteemed title of 'Dr.' before my name," h e c o n f i d e d Ye t , f a t e intervened when a shortfall of marks in his 12th standard exams impeded his path to the Goa Medical College (GMC) for MBBS Instead, destiny guided him to the Goa Dental College (GDC), a divergence c a u s e d b y a m e r e 3 % discrepancy in his marks. Reflecting on this twist of destiny, he shared, "Initially, my parents were disappointed t h a t I c o u l d n ' t s e c u r e admission to GMC. However, it soon dawned upon me that dentistry held its own allure,

offering independence and autonomy. As a dentist, you become the captain of your own ship, liberated from the d e m a n d i n g h o s p i t a l schedules and late-night calls that often accompany the field of medicine."

The incident left an indelible mark on Dr Celso Fernandes, inspiring him to articulate his profound admiration for dentistry in an article titled "Why Dentistry is the Best Profession." It was the year 1992, just after his graduation from dental college, when he felt compelled to pen this influential piece. The article swiftly gained widespread attention, spreading like wildfire throughout the nation. Driven by his aspirations to pursue further studies in the United States for his BDS (Bachelor of Dental Surgery),

fate intervened once again. A chance encounter with a dentist from Kerala, who had not only achieved his BDS but also employed 16 MDS (Master of Dental Surgery) graduates, altered Dr Celso's trajectory. The dentist imparted a valuable lesson: the key to success lies in effective management. Armed with this newfound insight, Dr Celso realized that with proper management skills, one could conquer any endeavour. The Turning Point Life often presents us with pivotal moments that have the p o w e r t o c o m p l e t e l y transform our path, and such a moment arrived in the life of Dr Celso Although he found fulfilment in his dental practice, a sense of something missing persisted within him. Deep down, he had an

u n w a v e r i n g d e s i r e t o contribute to society, to give back in a meaningful way. Fate soon presented him with the opportunity he had longed for.

"In the year 2008, as the president of the Indian Dental Association, I attended a s e m i n a r o n M o n e y Management that would alter the course of my life," Dr Celso recounted. It was during this enlightening event that he discovered the concept of Active Income and Passive I n c o m e . A c t i v e i n c o m e required active participation in work-related activities to earn money, while passive income is derived from owning income-generating assets. Dr Celso realized that despite his successful dental clinics and substantial active income, his passive income was nearly non-existent This revelation struck a chord within him, for he realized that even though he earned it abundantly, he was still akin to a daily wage worker, reliant on his daily efforts for financial stability. Motivated by this realization, Dr Celso embarked on a gradual transition from dentistry to the financial realm. He attended numerous s e m i n a r s a n d e v e n t s organized by insurance companies, initially starting as a Life Insurance Advisor, capitalizing on the booming insurance industry at the time. According to him, the allure of foreign trips and rewards associated with his five-year tenure in the life insurance field played a significant role in his decision to stay However, it was the allure of regular trailing income that drew him towards Mutual Funds, ultimately paving the way for his transition He p a s s i o n a t e l y b e g a n

COVER STORY incredible_goa incrediblegoaofficial incrediblegoaofficial incredible-goa 20 INCREDIBLE - GOA may 2023

educating people on the advantages of investing in Mutual Funds, explaining the potential they held for financial growth and stability.

Dr Celso's journey exemplifies how a pivotal moment, coupled with unwavering determination, can lead to a p r o f o u n d s h i f t i n o n e ' s professional trajectory.

An Author

Dr Celso, a multifaceted individual, not only served as a doctor for many years but also ventured into the realm of finance. However, his thirst for knowledge and sharing experiences did not stop there He embarked on a literary journey, penning down his insights and wisdom, and ultimately authoring a total of e i g h t b o o k s o n v a r i o u s subjects.

The inception of his literary career came with his first book, titled "Who Says Money Doesn't Grow on Trees." The inspiration for this book struck him when he withdrew 60 thousand rupees from his account to purchase a laptop. Remarkably, within a mere two months, the remaining balance of his portfolio, amounting to nine lakh forty thousand rupees, grew back to ten lakhs. This occurrence reminded him of the resilient nature of a m o n e y p l a n t , w h i c h regenerates swiftly regardless o f h o w m a n y t i m e s i t s branches are pruned. It was from this experience that the idea for the book's title, "Money Grows on Trees," took root.

Dr Celso's foray into writing showcases his profound insights and the ability to draw valuable lessons from his own life experiences.

In the year 2014, a significant turning point arrived for Dr C e l s o a s h e a c h i e v e d

m i l l i o n a i r e s t a t u s T h i s remarkable accomplishment coincided with a period of market growth, which he attributes to the favorable p o l i c i e s o f t h e B J P government, led by Prime Minister Modi Ji. The doubling of his money during this time fueled his interest in further investments, prompting him to diversify his funds across various avenues.

By 2018, he had successfully surpassed the remarkable milestone of one crore rupees. The following year, in 2019, Dr Celso was invited to share his i n s i g h t s a t a s e m i n a r organized by Sharekhan Trading Company, held at one of the prestigious hotels in Goa However, he soon realized that trading was not his area of expertise, as he found that his money seemed to circulate rather than grow. It was during this period that he penned his second book, titled "Don't Chase Money, Let Money Chase You." This book

serves as a guide, imparting wisdom on transitioning from trading to becoming a prudent investor.

The Nave Marg Foundation

There exists a significant incident in Dr Celso's life that spurred him to establish the Nave Marg Foundation. From the young age of 22, he actively participated in the L i o n s C l u b , m a r k i n g a remarkable 30-year journey within the organization. In the year 2011, he aspired to contest for the esteemed position of District Governor. However, it is important to shed light on the unique composition of our district, comprising 60% Karnataka a n d 4 0 % G o a T h i s demographic distribution presented a formidable challenge for Goans aspiring to become District Governors, as the majority of votes originated from Karnataka D i s h e a r t e n e d b y t h i s realization, Dr Celso made the difficult decision to step away

from Lionism and instead channel his efforts into establishing the Nave Marg Foundation.

The core motivation behind his desire to become District Governor was to secure international grants for various activities within Goa. R e g r e t t a b l y , g i v e n t h e p r e d o m i n a n t f o c u s o n Karnataka, he saw limited prospects for achieving this g o a l D r C e l s o k e e n l y observed the absence of even a single dialysis centre in Goa, a vital healthcare service desperately needed by numerous patients. In stark contrast, he discovered that the Lions Club had already established multiple dialysis units in Karnataka.

This realization fueled his determination to make a tangible difference in Goa's community, leading him to establish the Nave Marg Foundation Through this foundation, he aspired to create a positive impact by

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addressing critical needs and uplifting the lives of those in need.

In the year 2017, Dr Celso e m b a r k e d o n t h e establishment of the Nave Marg Foundation, driven by his desire to utilize the passive income he had accumulated for a noble cause. He proudly shared that he currently generates an income of 1 lakh US dollars, equivalent to 80 lakh Indian rupees This abundance of wealth led him to ponder the best use of his financial resources. It was this contemplation that served as the catalyst for the inception of the foundation.

Remarkably, in the previous financial year alone, Dr Celso allocated over 60 lakhs of r u p e e s t o w a r d s t h e foundation's initiatives He enthusiastically shared that this year, the foundation's expenditure is poised to s u r p a s s t h e s i g n i f i c a n t milestone of one crore rupees. Today, he passionately directs his financial resources towards the foundation's endeavours and is even willing to fund 50% of the projects undertaken by the Lions Club.

D r C e l s o ' s u n w a v e r i n g commitment to making a positive social impact is evident through his substantial financial contributions The Nave Marg Foundation stands a s a t e s t a m e n t t o h i s dedication to serving the community and uplifting the lives of those in need.

Dr Celso has ingeniously harnessed his trail commission, which comprises earnings from his investments in mutual funds, policies, and other ventures, to serve the needs of the less fortunate through the Nave Marg Foundation This sustainable source of income, fueled by his ongoing financial

endeavours, allows him to perpetually contribute to his social work. Dr Celso joyfully declared, "I feel like a lifelong governor now, as this trail commission will continue to f l o w , e n s u r i n g t h e uninterrupted operation of the Nave Marg Foundation."

Impressively, Dr Celso's assets under management (AUM) have surpassed a remarkable 3 5 0 c r o r e s T h e t r a i l commission derived from this substantial sum provides ample resources for the successful operation of the foundation. He proudly shared that the foundation has already utilized these funds to construct 14 toilets in various s c h o o l s a c r o s s G o a , e x e m p l i f y i n g t h e i r commitment to addressing pressing needs within the community. Additionally, the Nave Marg Foundation has allocated funds to various other noteworthy projects, further exemplifying their dedication to making a positive impact on society.

As per Dr Celso, the Nave M a r g F o u n d a t i o n h a s allocated a budget of 1 crore this year. The foundation's focus has now expanded to include serving individuals with diabetes, boasting a current membership of nearly 900. Dr Celso firmly believes in the potential for diabetes to be reversed when effectively managed within a controlled environment comprising diet, e x e r c i s e , a n d s t r e s s management By diligently attending to these three aspects, individuals can maintain optimal control over their blood sugar levels. Inspired by this belief, the foundation has embraced the challenge of eradicating the need for insulin dependency through the implementation of

a proper diet. Dr Celso confidently stated that they aim to achieve remarkable results within a mere three months Their dedication to providing support and guiding individuals on a transformative health journey underscores the Nave Marg Foundation's commitment to making a significant impact on the lives of those affected by diabetes. At present, the Nave Marg Foundation boasts over 25 diabetes clubs, and their ambitious goal is to expand this number to 50 by the upcoming year Dr Celso proudly shared that each club receives an annual allocation of 1 lakh rupees to sustain its o p e r a t i o n s , e x c l u s i v e l y catering to the needs of diabetic individuals. It is worth highlighting that this selffunded foundation stands as a u n i q u e e n t i t y i n I n d i a , providing comprehensive care and support to a significant number of people affected by diabetes The Nave Marg Foundation's unwavering commitment to serving the d i a b e t i c c o m m u n i t y showcases its dedication to i m p r o v i n g t h e l i v e s o f individuals grappling with this health condition.

When discussing future plans, Dr Celso expressed his desire t o e x t e n d s u p p o r t t o individuals in rural areas who are unable to afford the necessary expenses for diabetes care, which often leads to kidney failure He explained, "We are currently collaborating with hospitals that treat diabetic patients reliant on insulin. Our aim is to help them regain their health and become free from insulin dependency Once this project yields success, we will compile a comprehensive study report and utilize it to

assist other patients on their journey towards insulin independence." Dr Celso passionately envisions making Goa a diabetes-free region by implementing these initiatives. R e m a r k a b l y , D r C e l s o highlighted that he receives a trail commission equivalent to t h a t o f a m e m b e r o f parliament, emphasizing that he does not need to engage in politics to serve the people of Goa He firmly believes in utilizing his trail commission entirely for the betterment of society. He stated, "When we depart from this world, it is crucial to be remembered for the positive impact we made on people's lives."

Regarding his message, Dr Celso imparted valuable financial wisdom, stating, "Instead of merely saving money, it is essential to invest wisely. Learning how to invest your money is far more beneficial than saving and engaging in trading, which can be akin to gambling. Investing is akin to entering into a committed relationship, and becoming an investor rather than a trader can pave t h e w a y f o r f i n a n c i a l prosperity." His words serve as a reminder of the importance o f m a k i n g i n f o r m e d investment choices and a d o p t i n g a l o n g - t e r m perspective.

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Strengthening Tourism Cooperation: Goa Signs MOU with Uttarakhand

Enhancing Tourism Products

Goa and Uttarakhand offer a w i d e r a n g e o f t o u r i s m products, including adventure tourism activities, ecotourism, spiritual tourism, and wellness tourism. The MoU emphasizes t h e d e v e l o p m e n t a n d promotion of these products to cater to the varied interests of tourists Both states will work together to create joint tourism packages, allowing visitors to experience the best of what Goa and Uttarakhand have to offer. By providing diverse options and seamless travel experiences, the collaboration aims to attract a larger number of domestic and international tourists.

Improved Connectivity and Infrastructure

Goa and Uttarakhand, two prominent states in India known for their natural beauty and cultural heritage, have r e c e n t l y s i g n e d a M e m o r a n d u m o f

Understanding (MoU) to enhance cooperation in the tourism sector. The signing of this MoU marks a significant milestone in promoting bilateral ties and showcasing India's rich cultural diversity to the world. The collaboration aims to boost tourism in both states and increase the number of tourists visiting Goa a n d U t t a r a k h a n d T h e partnership aligns with the 'Dekho Apna Desh' initiative, launched by Prime Minister N a r e n d r a M o d i , w h i c h encourages people to explore a n d e x p e r i e n c e I n d i a ' s heritage and vibrant culture.

Promoting Cultural Diversity and Heritage

Under the MoU, both states will focus on promoting their unique cultural identities to

attract tourists from across the globe. The collaboration will include showcasing local c u i s i n e s , f o l k a r t , a n d handicrafts through cultural e x c h a n g e p r o g r a m s , roadshows, festivals, and

events. This initiative will not only provide visitors with a glimpse into India's diverse cultural heritage but also contribute to the preservation and promotion of local traditions.

Direct flight connectivity between Uttarakhand and Goa will be established as part of the collaboration. This step will make travel more convenient and accessible for tourists, facilitating their visits to both states. Improved

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infrastructure and better connectivity will play a crucial role in boosting tourism, as visitors will have easier access to the unique attractions and natural landscapes of Goa and Uttarakhand.

H u m a n R e s o u r c e Development

T h e M o U a l s o i n c l u d e s provisions for human resource development in the tourism sector. Both states will collaborate to exchange

knowledge, expertise, and best practices in tourism. This partnership will facilitate training and capacity building for tourism professionals, ensuring a skilled workforce capable of providing quality services to tourists. By investing in human resource development, Goa and Uttarakhand are poised to offer visitors an exceptional and unforgettable tourism experience.


The signing of the MoU b e t w e e n G o a a n d Uttarakhand represents a significant step forward in s t r e n g t h e n i n g t o u r i s m cooperation between the two states. This collaboration will not only benefit the tourism sectors of both Goa and

U t t a r a k h a n d b u t a l s o contribute to India's overall tourism growth. By leveraging their unique cultural identities and diverse tourism products, the states aim to attract a larger number of tourists and provide them with enriching experiences. The MoU signifies a shared commitment to promoting India's tourism potential and showcasing the country's rich heritage to the w o r l d W i t h i m p r o v e d connectivity, joint tourism packages, and a focus on human resource development, the partnership is poised to create a positive impact on the tourism landscape of both states, ultimately benefiting t h e e c o n o m y a n d t h e communities involved.

Shrinivas Dempo Elected President of the GCCI for the Term 2023-2025

governmental organisations dedicated to various causes. He serves as a key figure in the Charles Correa Foundation and the Goa Cancer Society, where he holds the position of President. Furthermore, Mr Dempo's contributions extend to the Dempo Charities Trust a n d Va s a n t r a o D e m p o E d u c a t i o n & R e s e a r c h Foundation, supporting institutions and programs in higher education, cultural enrichment, environmental c o n s e r v a t i o n , s p o r t i n g excellence, and affirmative action.

Dempo Group Chairman to Assume Leadership Role in P r o m i n e n t B u s i n e s s Association

In an uncontested election, Mr Shrinivas Dempo, Chairman of the esteemed Dempo Group of Companies, has been elected as the President of the Goa Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) for the term 2023-2025. Mr Dempo will officially assume office on July 1, 2023, succeeding Mr Ralph de Sousa, the current President of GCCI.

Mr Shrinivas V Dempo is widely r e c o g n i z e d f o r h i s contributions to various industries, including calcined petroleum coke, shipbuilding, food processing, real estate, and newspaper publishing With an illustrious career and a strong leadership background, he has garnered respect as the Chairman of the western region of the Confederation of Indian Industry, the largest industry lobby in India. Demonstrating his versatility

a n d c o m m i t m e n t t o excellence, Mr Dempo also serves as the honorary vice consul of Italy in Goa, India. Additionally, he holds vital positions as the Chairman (Independent Director) of the Automobile Corporation of Goa Ltd, a Tata Group C o m p a n y , a n d a s a n Additional Director of Kirloskar Brothers Limited. Furthermore, Mr Dempo currently holds the e s t e e m e d p o s i t i o n o f President at the All India Management Association (AIMA).

Beyond his impressive business achievements, Mr Dempo has left an indelible mark on Indian sports. As the President and Chairman of Dempo Sports Club, he was named among the 50 most influential people in Indian sports by the 2010 Sports Illustrated Power list. Furthermore, he played a vital role as the 'Goa venue director' for the 'local organizing committee' (LOC) of the FIFA U-17 World Cup

India 2017 Mr Dempo's passion for football extends to his tenure as the President of the Goa Football Association (GFA) from 2010 to 2014 and AIFF Vice President from 2012 to 2016.

Educationally, Mr Dempo holds a Master of Science d e g r e e i n I n d u s t r i a l Administration & Finance from Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA, which he earned in 1995. His remarkable achievements have led to his election as a member of the Board of Trustees of the same institution in 2019. In 2020, he was honoured with the prestigious Tepper Achievement Award, recognizing his influential roles as Chairman and Managing Director of the Dempo Group, as well as his contributions to professional a s s o c i a t i o n s a n d c i v i c organizations in India. Mr Dempo's commitment to society is evident through his involvement with several non-

Remarkably, Mr Shrinivas Dempo continues a legacy within the Dempo family, b e c o m i n g t h e t h i r dgeneration representative to be elected as the President of GCCI His grandfather, Mr Vassantrao S Dempo, held the position from January 1973 to December 1976, while his father, Mr Vasudeva V Dempo, served from January 1981 to December 1984.

The election of Mr Shrinivas Dempo as the President of the Goa Chamber of Commerce and Industry ushers in a new e r a o f l e a d e r s h i p a n d innovation. His wealth of experience and distinguished accomplishments across industries will undoubtedly d r i v e t h e g r o w t h a n d prosperity of Goa's business community.

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Leena Kamat Prabhu's Trailblazing Journey

Leena's roots trace back to a family deeply ingrained in India's history. Descended from freedom fighters and journalists, engineers and entrepreneurs, she inherited a legacy of strength and determination. Her upbringing i n t h e l a p o f n a t u r e , surrounded by the jungles of h e r g e o l o g i s t f a t h e r ' s expeditions, instilled in her the spirit of exploration and resilience.

Her mother, a creative force, introduced Leena to art, l i t e r a t u r e , a n d s o c i a l r e s p o n s i b i l i t y H e r grandmother, lovingly called Mai, taught her the importance of compassion and hospitality, creating a home where anyone c o u l d f i n d s o l a c e a n d nourishment. These values became the foundation of Leena's character, shaping her into the empathetic and dynamic leader she is today. Leena's father, a meticulous a n d s u p p o r t i v e f i g u r e , e n c o u r a g e d h e r independence from a young age. He instilled in her a sense

of responsibility and taught her practical skills, such as changing fuses and operating banking procedures. With his unwavering support, Leena developed a belief in her abilities and a thirst for continuous learning.

Life's ever-changing nature, d u e t o h e r f a t h e r ' s transferable job, exposed Leena to different cultures and taught her the value of embracing change She developed a keen eye for interior design, honed during her mother's creative pursuits, w h i c h w o u l d p r o v e instrumental in her future endeavours.

Married to her childhood friend and welcomed into a joint family, Leena embraced the challenges of adjusting to a new dynamic. Her supportive husband encouraged her to pursue higher education in business management and master the art of driving, igniting a fire within her to achieve greater heights.

Prior experiences in marketing genetics and managing

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Leena Kamat Prabu, the visionary owner of Angriya Cruise and Pier, a multi-cuisine restaurant in Goa, has embarked on such a remarkable journey. Her story is one of passion, perseverance, and breaking barriers in the maritime industry.

resorts in Goa fortified Leena's confidence to take on the ambitious project of Angriya Cruise. With only her brother's captivating tales of the sea as her guide, she delved into the maritime industry, immersing herself in its complexities and nuances.

I n D e c e m b e r 2 0 1 6 , a serendipitous encounter led Leena to acquire a cruise ship that perfectly aligned with her vision. The vessel, originally from Japan, underwent a transformative redesign to reflect the spirit of India's west coast, paying homage to the legendary Sarkhel Kanhoji Angre, the Maratha Empire's first admiral.

L e e n a f a c e d u n i q u e challenges in a traditionally

male-dominated industry as the project progressed. Her determination made her the first woman to stay on board the ship during the interior decoration and hospitality team setup. Overcoming gender stereotypes, she earned the respect of her male counterparts, even sharing the camaraderie of sailor jokes.

Leena's journey had its challenges. She strived to ensure that the ship's safety measures accommodated women in sarees, symbolizing the need for inclusivity and practicality Through her experiences, she gained a deep appreciation for the intricacies of shipbuilding and the importance of precision in

both the engine and deck departments.

Angriya Cruise, launched in October 2018, became India's f i r s t p r i v a t e l y - o w n e d domestic cruise ship of its size. Leena's meticulous attention to detail and passion for creating a vessel showcasing the region's history, culture, and marine biodiversity came to fruition. The ship became a floating testament to her dedication and the collective efforts of her team.

Leena's commitment to empowering women in the maritime industry shines through her initiatives.

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The Extraordinary Journey of Gautami Ganpat Khandeparkar

From an early age, Gautami displayed a natural inclination towards the art of dance. Her graceful movements and expressive eyes mesmerized audiences, earning her recognition in numerous All Goa-level competitions Recognising her immense potential, Gautami's parents enrolled her in Bharatanatyam classes at Kala Academy, under the guidance of Guru Dr Kshitija Barve. Little did they know that this step would open doors to a lifetime of passion and dedication. Under the tutelage of Guru Mandira Joshi Tirodkar, G a u t a m i f l o u r i s h e d , completing her diploma course in Bharatanatyam. But her hunger for knowledge and artistic growth was insatiable. Driven by her Guru's teachings and her own ambition, she p u r s u e d a B a c h e l o r o f Performing Arts (BPA) and Master of Performing Arts (MPA) in Bharatanatyam from Bharata College of Fine Arts and Culture, Mumbai This marked a turning point in Gautami's life as dance became an intrinsic part of her identity.

Bharatanatyam became more than just a dance form for G a u t a m i I t b e c a m e a p r o f o u n d m e a n s o f expression, allowing her to convey emotions and stories without uttering a word. As she delved deeper into this captivating art, Gautami d i s c o v e r e d t h a t Bharatanatyam offered much more than mere physical

movements It taught her discipline, patience, and the significance of cultural heritage. Each step she took, and each gesture she made, was a testament to the beauty a n d p o w e r o f I n d i a n traditions.

However, Gautami's journey w a s n o t w i t h o u t i t s challenges Balancing her s t u d i e s a n d d a n c e c o m m i t m e n t s w a s a demanding task. During crucial exam periods, she faced the arduous choice between attending dance e x a m s o r p u r s u i n g h e r a c a d e m i c d r e a m s . U n d e t e r r e d b y t h e s e obstacles, Gautami displayed unwavering determination She would rush from Mumbai, having completed her dance exams, to appear for her B.Sc. graduation finals the very next day. Her perseverance paid o f f , a n d s h e a c h i e v e d distinction in her studies, proving that dedication and hard work can overcome any obstacle.

Throughout her artistic career, Gautami had the opportunity to showcase her talent on esteemed platforms She graced the stages of the 20th "Indian Classical Dance Festival" at the West Zone Cultural Center in Udaipur, the Mardol Dance Festival, the Surashree Kesarbai Kerkar Sangeet Samaroh, and the Akhil Bharatiya Shastriya Nrutya Sammelan, among m a n y o t h e r s H e r performances left audiences spellbound, enraptured by her

YOUNG GOA incredible_goa incrediblegoaofficial incrediblegoaofficial incredible-goa 32 INCREDIBLE - GOA may 2023
In the small coastal town of Goa, where the waves whisper tales of ancient traditions, a young girl named Gautami Ganpat Khandeparkar embarked on a remarkable journey that would shape her life in unexpected ways. Gautami, a bright and talented individual, found solace and inspiration in the enchanting world of Bharatanatyam, a classical Indian dance form.

skill and devotion.

B u t G a u t a m i ' s accomplishments extended beyond the realm of dance. She explored her passion for theatre, participating in productions such as "Swapna Vasavadatta" for the 11th National Vasant Natyotsav in Mumbai. Her multidimensional talent garnered recognition, and she received several awards in the State Youth Festival organized by the Directorate of Sports and Youth Affairs. In 2022, she secured 3rd place at the 19th State Youth Festival, further solidifying her reputation as a remarkable performer. Gautami's dedication and talent did not go unnoticed. O n t h e o c c a s i o n o f

International Women's Day, she was honoured with the "Swayampurna Sanman" by the Directorate of Planning, Statistics & Evaluation, presented by the Honourable Chief Minister, Dr Pramod S a w a n t . T h i s a c c o l a d e celebrated her achievements and recognized her as a role model for aspiring artists. Beyond the stage, Gautami's thirst for knowledge led her on an extraordinary journey to Japan. While pursuing a Bachelor of Science degree, she seized the opportunity to participate in the Japan Asia Youth Exchange Program in S c i e n c e T h i s u n i q u e experience broadened her horizons and provided her with a g l o b a l p e r s p e c t i v e ,

enriching both her scientific and artistic pursuits. Following the completion of her Master of Science degree in Analytical Chemistry, Gautami found herself at a crossroads. She had been working as an officer at Quality Control, Unichem Laboratories, but her heart y e a r n e d f o r d a n c e Determined to follow her true passion, she made the bold decision to pursue dance as a career. Gautami aspired to introduce Bharatanatyam to the younger generation, sharing her knowledge and love for this art form through teaching, workshops, and events.

G a u t a m i G a n p a t Khandeparkar's journey is a

testament to the power of d e t e r m i n a t i o n a n d t h e harmonious integration of s c i e n c e a n d a r t H e r unwavering dedication, remarkable talent, and c e a s e l e s s p u r s u i t o f excellence make her an inspiration to aspiring artists and intellectuals alike

T h r o u g h h e r g r a c e f u l movements and captivating performances, Gautami continues to illuminate the world with the profound beauty of Bharatanatyam, ensuring that the rich cultural heritage of India thrives for generations to come.

NURTURING THE SOUL OF MUSIC IN GOA Journey of Pravin Gaonkar in The Pursuit of Musical Excellence

In the vibrant state of Goa, where the sound of the crashing waves resonates with an inherent musicality, a humble man named Pravin Gaonkar has dedicated his life to preserving and promoting the essence of classical music. With a deeprooted passion for the art form, Gaonkar has not only embarked on his own melodic journey but has also established the renowned Sanjeevan Music Academy, where he cultivates the talents of aspiring musicians. Through his unwavering dedication, he has created a platform that nurtures the soul of music in Goa, inspiring both young and old to embrace the harmonious world of melodies.

Padmabhushan Pandit Ajoy Chakrabarty at the Samrat Sangeet Sammelan in Ponda that ignited the flames of G a o n k a r ' s p a s s i o n f o r classical music. The maestro's enchanting performance left an everlasting impression on

backing, and a conducive musical environment. Despite t h e c h a l l e n g e s , h e p e r s e v e r e d , t r a v e l i n g extensively to learn from accomplished musicians and expanding his horizons His r e l e n t l e s s p u r s u i t o f

A Musical Heritage:

Born in the enchanting town of Canacona, Pravin Gaonkar was fortunate to be raised in a musically inclined family. His father, the late Shri Pandurang Naik Gaonkar, was a revered Bhajan singer who instilled a love for music within his young son From an early age, Gaonkar was immersed in the mesmerising world of Bhajans

and temple melodies The Marathi Sangeet Dramas held in Canacona also left an indelible mark on his musical journey. Despite the absence of formal training facilities in his hometown, Gaonkar's raw talent and ardent dedication propelled him forward. The Spark of Inspiration: I t w a s a s e r e n d i p i t o u s encounter with the legendary

the young musician, becoming a turning point in his life. While his father had previously encouraged him to pursue music, it was this concert that kindled a deep desire within Gaonkar to embark on a formal journey of learning and mastering the intricate nuances of classical melodies.

Overcoming Challenges:

Like any pursuit of passion, Gaonkar encountered his fair share of hurdles along the way With music being a continuous learning process, he emphasises the importance of sacrifice, dedication, and hard work. Gaonkar was blessed to find a supportive guru, his family's unwavering

excellence continues to this day, as he remains committed to his own musical growth.

The Birth of Sanjeevan Music Academy:

After serving as a professor of Commerce for 26 years, G a o n k a r m a d e t h e courageous decision to retire early and devote his life entirely to music. Driven by a desire to create a space that w o u l d e n a b l e a s p i r i n g musicians to fully immerse themselves in their craft, he founded the Sanjeevan Music Academy. Located in Panaji, the academy offers a wide range of courses, including vocal, tabla, harmonium, sarangi, sitar, violin, and flute.

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With no age restrictions, Gaonkar welcomes anyone with a passion for music, fostering a diverse community of learners.

The Path Forward: While establishing the music academy came with its own set of challenges, such as finding suitable premises and assembling a competent f a c u l t y , G a o n k a r ' s indomitable spirit propelled him forward. The academy's reputation has grown steadily, and it currently boasts 125 students, all of whom are guided towards becoming p e r f o r m a n c e - o r i e n t e d musicians Notably, the academy has taken on the ambitious project of reviving the Sarangi in Goa, with the

a i m o f p r o d u c i n g t w o professional Sarangi players within the next five years.

Swaramangesh: Celebrating Musical Legacies:

A d d i n g t o h i s l i s t o f accomplishments, Gaonkar initiated Swaramangesh, an annual classical music and dance festival held in honour of the great Goan musician a n d t h e s p i a n , M a s t e r Dinanath Mangeshkar This t h r e e - d a y f e s t i v a l , inaugurated by the illustrious B h a r a t R a t n a L a t a Mangeshkar herself, has become a highly anticipated event in the cultural calendar of Goa Swaramangesh showcases renowned and budding artists, bringing together classical music and

dance enthusiasts from all walks of life.

A Harmonious Future:

L o o k i n g a h e a d , P r a v i n Gaonkar envisions a future where he continues to refine his own artistry and guide his disciples towards achieving international acclaim. With plans to establish a state-ofthe-art music studio and further expand the Sanjeevan Music Academy, Gaonkar seeks to create a haven for m u s i c i a n s t h a t f o s t e r s creativity, exploration, and musical excellence. His invitation to the readers of Incredible Goa is an earnest plea to embrace the divinity of music, to join the ranks of those who find solace and inspiration in its timeless


Pravin Gaonkar's journey exemplifies the transformative power of music and the unwavering spirit of a true artist From his humble beginnings in Canacona to the establishment of the esteemed Sanjeevan Music

A c a d e m y a n d t h e Swaramangesh festival, Gaonkar has left an indelible mark on the cultural landscape o f G o a T h r o u g h h i s dedication, passion, and perseverance, he continues to inspire and shape the next generation of musicians, ensuring that the soul-stirring melodies of classical music will endure for generations to come.

The Regency at La-Paz Beacon - A Multicuisine Restaurant with Goan Touch

petted with m a s h e d potato before being tossed in b a r b e q u e sauce.

C o t t a g e

Cheese Wrap


The following s t a r t e r w e were served w a s t h e

C o t t a g e

Cheese Wrap

removed from its shell, and mixing it with a creamy blend of cooked mushrooms, shallots, and the Thermidor sauce. The preparation begins with heating olive oil in a pan with garlic, onion, and the lobster meat removed from its shell. It is then stuffed back into the lobster shell and baked in the oven with a cheese topping before being served hot. The dish is accompanied by boiled v e g e t a b l e s a n d m a s h e d potatoes.

Vegetable Lasagna

The Regency, located at La-Paz Gardens Beacon in Goa, is a multi-cuisine restaurant that offers intercontinental dishes that are exceptional. The skilled chefs of the Regency are ready to prepare dishes customized to your preferences and you can also rely on them to recommend the day’s special. Regardless of what you choose, you will leave with a feeling of satisfaction and contentment. The restaurant also provides a variety of alcoholic beverages to help you unwind and enjoy your vacation. Additionally, The Regency also offers a buffet option, if you would like to sample all of their delectable dishes!

When we arrived at the property, Mr Romel greeted us as the GM, Mr Rajesh Kumar ji, was not available on the property. Mr Romel showed us around the property before leading us to The Regency, a fine dining restaurant at La-Paz Gardens Beacon. He mentioned that The Regency is a multicuisine restaurant and that they also serve a special Fish Thali with Kingfish fry, which is in high demand. We observed that many people were indulging in the Fish Thali and s o m e w e r e a l s o o r d e r i n g Continental and other cuisines Overall, the atmosphere made us eager to satisfy our appetites.

B e f o r e l e a v i n g M r R o m e l introduced me to Chef Anthony from Goa Velha who is the Executive Sous Chef at La-Paz Gardens Beacon has over 18 years of experience in the hospitality industry and has been working at La-Paz Gardens Beacon for the past 9 months. Chef Anthony is s p e c i a l i s e d i n G o a n a n d

Continental and he prepared some delectable dishes for our team during our visit to the restaurant for a review. During our conversation, Chef Anthony shared some insight about the outlet and its specialities. Here are some excerpts from our chat.

Roasted Pumpkin Soup

As we sat down, we were served with Roasted Pumpkin Soup, which was something new for us. Chef Anthony shared with us that the soup was made by roasting pumpkin with aromatic garlic, ginger, and onions for almost 35 minutes. Later, it was transformed into a puree to make a thick yellow soup.

Barbeque Prawns

As we were enjoying the soup, the first starter, Barbeque Prawns, was served on our table. Chef Anthony explained that the preparation of the dish was quite simple - the prawns were marinated with salt, pepper, herbs, and parsley, and then

Zucchini This dish was made by thinly slicing zucchini and wrapping it a r o u n d c o t t a g e cheese, which was seasoned with chopped bell peppers and parsley

The roll was then grilled and garnished before being served. Due to its juiciness, there is no need to serve it with any sauce said Chef Anthony.

Stuffed Chicken Breast

After we finished the starters, the main course arrived, and the first dish served was Stuffed Chicken Breast. The chicken breast was sliced in the middle and stuffed with boiled spinach, cheese, salt, and black pepper After the marination, it was grilled and served with lavash bread, giving it a beautiful presentation. The dish was accompanied by boiled vegetables and mashed potatoes on the side.

Lobster Thermidor

Following the Stuffed Chicken Breast, which was already quite heavy, the next dish to arrive at our table was the Lobster Thermidor, a stuffed lobster that our team members enjoyed thoroughly According to Executive Sous Chef Anthony, the recipe for Lobster Thermidor is quite simple This classic French dish involves cooking the lobster meat,

The next dish that came to our table was Veg Lasagna and it was p r e p a r e d i n m u l t i l a y e r s

Vegetable lasagna is an Italian dish that is typically made with l a s a g n a n o o d l e s , v a r i o u s vegetables such as zucchini, eggplant, bell peppers, onions, and spinach, and a combination of tomato sauce and cheese. The vegetables are sautéed or roasted before being layered with the lasagna noodles and sauce, and the dish is typically baked in the oven until the cheese is melted and bubbly. It is a popular v e g e t a r i a n a l t e r n a t i v e t o traditional meat lasagna.

The Goan Fish Thali

We also had the pleasure of trying out The Regency's speciality, the Goan Fish Thali, which came with rice, curry, fried kingfish, kismoor, and sol kadi This thali is a complete meal in itself and is loved by both locals and tourists. The portion of the fried kingfish was generous and satisfying Chef Anthony mentioned that the Goan Fish Thali is one of their bestsellers, with more than 50 thalis sold daily. For those who prefer vegetarian options, there is also a Veg Thali available.

Chocolate Blueberry Mousse

As we have done with the main course we were served with the desserts, the Chocolate Blueberry Mousse this time Chocolate Blueberry Mousse was a delicious dessert made with a combination of chocolate and blueberries. The dessert typically had a layered composition with a chocolate base layer followed by a layer of blueberry mousse and then another layer of chocolate mousse on top.

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Text - Rajesh Ghadge Images -Tanmayee Masurkar

Vivek Pathiyan - I am a Workaholic and Not Alcoholic

arise every day Balancing the needs of guests and team members is a demanding task that requires sharpness and quick thinking. Ultimately winning both the situation and the person in today's volatile market is a significant challenge.”

Vivek Pathiyan, a veteran in the hospitality industry, began his journey in 1975 as a bellboy at the Oberoi Hotels in Mumbai. It was Mr Homi Wadia, one of the stalwarts of the hospitality industry, who recognized his potential and encouraged him to enter the industry. Once the GM of Hotel Oberoi also shared that he had started his career as a bellboy and had risen to become the General Manager of the hotel, which ignited a fire in Pathiyan. The rest, as they say, is history.

Mr Pathiyan stated that it was Mr Homi Wadia who encouraged him to pursue a career in the hospitality industry. “If it weren't for Mr Wadia's guidance, I would have still been working in sales for a consumer company.” When Mr Pathiyan joined the Oberois, Mr Wadia had already left the country to join a hotel in Cairo. “After that, I completed his management training at the Marriott, where I d e v e l o p e d h i g h - l e v e l management skills that I am proud of These skills enabled me to successfully turn around many properties across India during my tenure I believe that the hospitality industry is a peopleoriented business, and he strongly

believes in the principle of taking care of the internal customer, which will ultimately lead to the satisfaction of the external customer,” he added. Speaking about the challenges he faced, Mr Pathiyan mentioned t h a t h e h a d t o o v e r c o m e numerous obstacles to reach higher positions. “People do not easily allow others to rise and I had to work hard to achieve success. However, I believes that facing challenges and persevering through difficult situations is the only way to succeed. Through my experiences, I have become capable of handling any situation.

The hospitality industry is very challenging as new obstacles

When asked about his greatest strength and biggest weaknesses, Mr Pathiyan replied that his greatest strength is being a workaholic and not an alcoholic. “As a hotelier, I do not smoke or drink, which keeps me more active even at the age of 68, allowing me t o w o r k l i k e a y o u n g s t e r Throughout my career, I have delivered results in challenging roles at prestigious establishments such as Leela Palace in Mumbai, Orchid Hotels, where I started from grassroots, and Fern Hotels and Resorts, where I held the position of Vice President of the group,” he said. Managing people is one of the biggest challenges in the hospitality industry, and Mr Pathiyan believes that if one is skilled in this area, the sky is the limit. “At the International Centre, where I am currently working, guest satisfaction is a top priority, and I ensure that I create an experience for guests that keeps them coming back,” he added. When asked how he copes with bad business days and keeps his team motivated, Mr Pathiyan gave a r e c e n t e x a m p l e o f t h e challenges faced during the COVID-19 pandemic. “While many hotels were forced to close and lay off staff, the International Centre where I work remained open. I took all the measures to motivate my team during this difficult period, including ensuring they received their salaries so they could continue to provide for their families. The hotel was converted into a quarantine centre to keep revenue flowing, and doctors were housed there,” he said. To support his team, Mr Pathiyan personally took a pay cut of 40% so that he could continue to pay his employees These efforts helped to sustain the business for almost two years, and when the business returned, the team was

still motivated and ready to face new challenges They were confident that the International Centre was the best place for them to continue to earn a livelihood during difficult times. According to Mr Pathiyan, upon joining the International Centre G o a , h e i d e n t i f i e d t h e tremendous potential to elevate this property into a prominent one, which had not been previously addressed "Upon joining, I i m p l e m e n t e d n u m e r o u s alterations and renovations to the property, and today, I am proud to say that the International Centre is on par with any four-star property in Goa. We offer spacious, selfcontained rooms with balconies, surrounded by lush greenery, which is the cherry on top. Our facility also boasts a fully-fledged library, recreation center, and swimming pool, and all of these amenities are offered at very reasonable rates. Once a guest visits this place, they keep coming back. It has also become a hub for businesses, as guests can easily move around in any direction in Goa due to the improving infrastructure. We also offer the unique facility of karaoke in our restaurants, allowing guests to sing along while dining."

When asked about the differences between Goa's tourism business and other parts of the country, Mr Pathiyan mentioned that Goa's tourism industry depends on the experiences created for the visitors, but there is still a need for government support to improve certain facilities, such as taxi services. “Compared to other states, private taxi services in Goa charge exorbitant rates, which discourage guests from visiting. Sometimes the amount spent on taxi fares is more than the cost of hotel rooms. Another issue is the lack of proper beach facilities such as toilets, beach beds, and shower services, despite Goa b e i n g k n o w n a s a b e a c h destination. If these facilities are improved, more tourists will visit Goa and boost business,” he said.

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Text - Rajesh Ghadge


The Power of Sustainable Eco-Tourism in Goa

Nestled along the stunning coastline of India, Goa is renowned for its sun-kissed beaches and vibrant culture. However, beyond the surface lies a hidden gem - a thriving hub for sustainable eco-tourism. In this article, we will embark on a journey to explore the wonders of Goa's eco-tourism offerings and discover how they contribute to the preservation of this coastal

Embracing Nature's Bounty

Goa presents a myriad of ecotourism activities that allow travellers to immerse themselves in the region's breathtaking natural landscapes Let's delve into some of the destinations that embody sustainability:

Bondla Wildlife Sanctuary: Step into a world of wonder as you venture into the heart of Bondla Wildlife Sanctuary. With its diverse wildlife, including deer, monkeys, and birds, this sanctuary offers guided tours, nature walks, and an opportunity to visit the crocodile b r e e d i n g c e n t e r . E v e r y experience is carefully designed to promote sustainable practices and foster a deep appreciation for the delicate balance of nature.

Dr. Salim Ali Bird Sanctuary

A haven for avian enthusiasts, the Dr. Salim Ali Bird Sanctuary is home to over 200 species of birds, including flamingos, pelicans, and kingfishers. Here, visitors can embark on serene boat rides across the shimmering lake, join birdwatching tours led by

knowledgeable guides, and explore the visitor center to learn about conservation efforts. The sanctuary's commitment to sustainable practices ensures the preservation of this vibrant avian paradise.

Cotigao Wildlife Sanctuary

Hidden within verdant forests, Cotigao Wildlife Sanctuary offers a sanctuary for both wildlife and visitors alike. Guided tours and nature walks provide glimpses of the sanctuary's rich biodiversity, which includes majestic tigers, leopards, and elephants. Engage with the local tribal village, immersing yourself in their traditions and way of life. The sanctuary's sustainable initiatives aim to protect and conserve this fragile ecosystem, fostering a harmonious coexistence between humans and wildlife.

Mollem National Park

Embark on an unforgettable journey through the untamed wilderness of Mollem National Park. With its tigers, leopards, and elephants, this park beckons adventurers to partake in guided

t o u r s , n a t u r e w a l k s a n d encounters with the vibrant tribal culture. By promoting responsible behaviour and educating visitors

a b o u t t h e i m p o r t a n c e o f conservation, Mollem National Park serves as a shining example o f s u s t a i n a b l e t o u r i s m ' s transformative power.

Netravali Wildlife Sanctuary

In the lap of nature lies Netravali Wildlife Sanctuary, home to a captivating array of wildlife, including tigers, leopards, and e l e p h a n t s Tr a v e r s e t h e sanctuary's trails on guided tours, immerse yourself in nature walks, and embrace the enriching experience of visiting the tribal village. Netravali's sustainable practices safeguard the delicate balance of this biodiversity hotspot, ensuring its preservation for generations to come.

Empowering Communities, Protecting Environments

The essence of sustainable ecotourism lies in its ability to benefit local communities and safeguard the environment. Let's e x p l o r e t h e m u l t i f a c e t e d

advantages it brings:

Economic Prosperity

Eco-tourism in Goa serves as an economic catalyst, generating revenue that directly supports local communities. The influx of tourists creates job opportunities, stimulates entrepreneurship, and fosters economic growth, thereby uplifting the lives of residents.

Conservation and Restoration

By actively participating in conservation initiatives, ecotourism destinations in Goa play a pivotal role in protecting fragile ecosystems These initiatives include research, habitat r e s t o r a t i o n , a n d r a i s i n g awareness among visitors about the importance of preserving natural wonders Through sustainable practices, ecotourism promotes environmental stewardship and ensures the longevity of Goa's ecological heritage.

Cultural Preservation

Sustainable tourism in Goa places great emphasis on preserving the rich cultural h e r i t a g e o f i n d i g e n o u s communities Visitors have the privilege of engaging with locals, learning about their traditions, a n d c o n t r i b u t i n g t o t h e

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Text - Kalyani Merwade - Stock Images

sustainable development of these communities. This intercultural exchange fosters a deep appreciation for diversity and promotes the preservation of cultural identity.


A s w e r e f l e c t u p o n t h e enchanting world of sustainable eco-tourism in Goa, one truth becomes evident: preserving paradise requires collective action. By embracing ecofriendly travel practices and supporting destinations that prioritise sustainability, we can ensure the longevity of Goa's natural wonders and empower local communities. When planning your next trip to Goa, let your footsteps tread lightly, guided by the principles of ecotourism. Explore the diverse offerings of wildlife sanctuaries, national parks, and eco-friendly resorts that embody sustainable

practices Remember, each decision we make as travellers can make a significant impact on the world around us. Together, let us embark on a journey that harmonises our wanderlust with environmental responsibility, celebrating the splendour of Goa's natural beauty while preserving it for generations to come.

THE VIBRANT SAO JOAO FESTIVAL A Celebration of Goan Culture and Traditions

c l i m a x o f t h e S a o J o a o Festival—the jumping into wells. Young men eagerly dive into wells, accompanied by cheers and applause from onlookers This age-old tradition dates back centuries and holds deep symbolism. It is believed that the act of jumping into the well purifies and renews the spirit, ushering in a prosperous and fruitful year ahead.

While the Sao Joao Festival is a celebration of St. John's birthday, it is also a time for Goans to cherish their cultural identity and come together as a community. The festival provides a platform f o r f a m i l y a n d f r i e n d s t o reconnect, forging bonds that last a lifetime. Amidst the revelry, the aroma of Goan delicacies fills the air spicy vindaloo, crispy prawn cutlets, and refreshing feni, a local spirit derived from cashew apples.

Text - Kalyani Merwade - Stock Images

As the summer solstice approaches, the vibrant state of Goa in India comes alive with the joyous festivities of the Sao Joao Festival. This annual celebration, held on June 24th, marks the birthday of Saint John the Baptist, the patron saint of Goa. From the rich history of its origins to the living traditions that have endured through the centuries, the Sao Joao Festival offers a unique and immersive experience of Goan culture.

The roots of the Sao Joao Festival can be traced back to the 16th century when Portuguese settlers arrived in Goa, bringing with them their deep Catholic faith. Seeking t o c r e a t e a m e a n i n g f u l celebration for the local Goan community, they chose to honor St. John's birthday, a significant event in the Catholic calendar. Over the years, the festival has e v o l v e d i n t o a v i b r a n t amalgamation of Portuguese and Goan traditions.

Step into the streets of Goa during the Sao Joao Festival, and you'll find yourself immersed in a

tapestry of sights, sounds, and flavours. The festivities kick off with parades and processions, where locals proudly showcase their cultural heritage Floats a d o r n e d w i t h c o l o r f u l decorations glide through the s t r e e t s , a c c o m p a n i e d b y e n t h u s i a s t i c d a n c e r s a n d musicians, filling the air with infectious energy.

O n e c a n n o t h e l p b u t b e captivated by the sight of people dressed in traditional Goan attire.

Men don crisp white shirts and pants while adorning their heads with crowns made of leaves and

fruits. Women grace the occasion in vibrant sarees, reflecting the vivid spirit of Goa These traditional outfits add to the kaleidoscope of colours that define the Sao Joao Festival.

The heartbeat of the celebration lies in the joyful music and dance that permeate the air. Traditional Goan tunes, infused with a lively rhythm, entice both locals and tourists to join the merriment. With infectious enthusiasm, people sway and twirl to the melodic beats, their smiles radiant with the sheer joy of the moment. And then comes the exhilarating

Wrapping up Sao Joao Festival is an exquisite tapestry of traditions, colours, and joyful expressions of Goan culture. It serves as a testament to the resilience and spirit of the Goan people, keeping their heritage alive through the ages. Whether you find yourself dancing to the rhythm of the music or immersing in the cultural extravaganza, the Sao Joao F e s t i v a l p r o m i s e s a n unforgettable experience one that will leave you with cherished m e m o r i e s a n d a d e e p e r appreciation for the vibrant spirit of Goa.

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How Criminals Use PAN Details For Credit Card Fraud USING PAN CARD FOR CYBER CRIME

security patches.


Given the increased vulnerability of celebrities to such incidents, additional precautions are necessary:

1 . S e l e c t i v e I n f o r m a t i o n Sharing

Be extremely cautious when disclosing personal information and only provide it to trusted individuals or organisations Verify the legitimacy of requests before sharing sensitive details such as PAN numbers.

2. Secure Online Presence

Implement robust security measures on your website, including SSL encryption and a comprehensive privacy policy Regularly monitor and update your website's security to prevent unauthorised access.

In the digital age, where personal information is often stored and shared online, cybercriminals have found new ways to exploit unsuspecting individuals. A recent case involving Bollywood actors and cricketers has shed light on the severity of credit card fraud. Cybercriminals managed to acquire the PAN details of these celebrities, enabling them to carry out fraudulent activities. This article aims to raise awareness about this alarming trend and provide crucial insights on how to safeguard personal information.

The Unfortunate Incident

In a targeted attack, a group of fraudsters accessed the PAN details of prominent Bollywood actors and cricketers The criminals utilised the celebrities' GST Identification Numbers, which are publicly available online, to gather the necessary information. Armed with this data, they proceeded to apply for credit cards from a fintech startup named OneCard.

To the surprise of many, the fraudsters successfully navigated the video verification process, answering questions related to financial history and personal information. It later came to light that they had obtained this sensitive data from the credit r e p o r t s o f t h e t a r g e t e d celebrities.

The perpetrators wasted no time, utilising the fraudulently obtained credit cards to make purchases

amounting to a staggering INR 21.32 lakh. Fortunately, OneCard promptly alerted the Delhi Police, who initiated an investigation leading to the arrest of the culprits.

P r o t e c t i n g P e r s o n a l Information

The incident serves as a poignant reminder of the importance of s a f e g u a r d i n g p e r s o n a l information, including PAN details. To minimise the risk of falling victim to cyber fraud, it is crucial to adopt the following precautions:

1. Trustworthy Sharing

Never disclose your PAN details to individuals or entities you do not trust implicitly. Exercise caution w h i l e s h a r i n g s e n s i t i v e information, both offline and online.

2. Mindful Online Presence

Be vigilant about the information you share on the internet,

particularly on social media platforms. Cybercriminals often exploit publicly available data for their nefarious purposes.

3. Robust Password Practices

Employ strong, unique passwords for your online accounts and change them regularly This practice significantly reduces the likelihood of unauthorised access.

4 Phishing Awareness: Stay informed about phishing scams and exercise caution when interacting with suspicious emails, messages, or links. Verify the legitimacy of any requests for personal information before complying.

3. Social Media Caution

Exercise discretion when sharing personal information on social media platforms. Cybercriminals often gather data from publicly accessible posts to exploit victims.

4. Swift Reporting: If you suspect your personal information has been compromised, report the i n c i d e n t t o t h e r e l e v a n t authorities without delay. Prompt action increases the chances of apprehending the criminals and minimising potential damage.


The exploitation of PAN details belonging to celebrities for credit card fraud underscores the need for increased awareness and vigilance regarding personal information protection. By adhering to the aforementioned guidelines, individuals can fortify their defences against cyber fraud. This incident serves as a stark reminder to exercise caution, implement strong security measures, and promptly report any suspicious activities to protect ourselves and others from falling victim to such crimes.

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Text - Kalyani Merwade - Stock Images
5 Comprehensive Security Measures: Install reputable security software on your devices and keep it updated. Regularly scan for malware and ensure your o p e r a t i n g s y s t e m a n d applications have the latest x t r a P r e c a u t i o n s f o r

DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION IN BUSINESS Exploring the Accelerated Adoption of Digital Payments

The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) recently made the decision to withdraw the largest currency note, the Rs 2,000 banknote, from circulation. While still considered legal tender, citizens are encouraged to deposit or e x c h a n g e t h e s e n o t e s b y September 30, 2023. This move has significantly accelerated the adoption of digital payments in India, prompting a transformative shift in the way businesses operate and interact with customers. In this article, we will explore the implications of this withdrawal and its impact on the d i g i t a l t r a n s f o r m a t i o n o f businesses.

Digital Transformation and its Benefits

Digital transformation involves leveraging digital technologies to revolutionise various aspects of an organisation's operations, including product delivery, customer interactions, and operational management This process can yield both positive and negative outcomes. On the p o s i t i v e s i d e , d i g i t a l t r a n s f o r m a t i o n e n h a n c e s efficiency, productivity, and customer service, while also

facilitating business expansion into new markets. However, it can also be expensive and disruptive, l e a d i n g t o j o b l o s s e s a s automation replaces human tasks.

A c c e l e r a t e d A d o p t i o n o f

Digital Payments

The withdrawal of the 2000 rupees currency note in India in 2016 created a cash shortage, c o m p e l l i n g individuals to seek alternative m e t h o d s o f

p a y m e n t

Consequently, the adoption of digital payment solutions, such as mobile wallets

a n d o n l i n e

t r a n s a c t i o n s , skyrocketed. This

a c c e l e r a t e d

a d o p t i o n o f digital payments has had several b e n e f i t s f o r

b u s i n e s s e s i n India.

1 . C o s t

Reduction: By transitioning

to digital payments, businesses

c a n m i n i m i s e e x p e n s e s associated with cash handling, such as ATM fees, bank charges, a n d s e c u r i t y c o s t s T h e

elimination of cash transactions reduces reliance on physical infrastructure and allows for more streamlined financial operations.

2. Enhanced Customer Service: Offering digital payment options

allows businesses to provide

c u s t o m e r s w i t h g r e a t e r convenience and flexibility Customers can pay for goods and services online or through mobile wallets, improving the overall purchasing experience. This improved convenience leads to increased customer satisfaction and loyalty.

3. Access to New Markets:

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D i g i t a l p a y m e n t s e n a b l e businesses to reach customers who do not have access to traditional banking services. By offering alternative payment methods, businesses can tap into previously underserved markets, expanding their customer base

and driving growth.

Future Implications

The accelerated adoption of digital payments in India marks a

is expected to grow both in India and around the world.

Here are some key benefits that digital transformation brings to businesses:

1. Increased Efficiency: Digital technologies automate tasks, improve communication, and streamline processes, resulting in enhanced efficiency and productivity. By leveraging automation and digital tools, b u s i n e s s e s c a n a c h i e v e significant operational gains.

2. Improved Customer Service: Digital technologies enable personalised and convenient customer experiences. Businesses can tailor their offerings and services to meet individual needs, thereby increasing customer satisfaction and fostering longterm loyalty.

4. Reduced Costs:

Digital technologies reduce costs through task automation, reduced paper usage, and increased operational efficiency By embracing digital payments, businesses can optimise financial processes, leading to cost savings and improved profitability. Conclusion

significant positive development for businesses. As digital technologies continue to evolve, the adoption of digital payments

3. New Market Opportunities: Digital transformation opens doors to new markets and c u s t o m e r s e g m e n t s . B y embracing digital payments, businesses can expand their reach and capitalise on untapped market potential, driving growth and competitiveness.

The withdrawal of the 2000 rupees currency note in India has served as a catalyst for the accelerated adoption of digital p a y m e n t s B u s i n e s s e s a r e l e v e r a g i n g t h i s d i g i t a l transformation to reduce costs, enhance customer service, and explore new market opportunities. As digital technologies continue to evolve, the adoption of digital payments is expected to grow, revolutionising the way businesses operate in India and globally. Embracing digital transformation is crucial for businesses to remain competitive and thrive in the r a p i d l y e v o l v i n g d i g i t a l landscape.

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Goan Showbiz Extravaganza in Qatar – May Queen Ball 2023 Held

actress Smita Bansal, Aldona MLA Adv. Carlos Alvares Ferreira, and Supt. of Customs Robert Cabral, added to the grandeur of the occasion.

Launch of the Global Goan Association

The 23rd May Queen Ball, held at the prestigious Radisson Blu ballroom in Doha, Qatar, on 11th May '23, was a dazzling display of showbiz and entertainment.

Organised by the Goan Welfare Association (GWA) under the visionary leadership of President Simon D'Silva, this glamorous event attracted Bollywood celebrities and distinguished individuals from the global Goan community. With its perfect ambience, fabulous decor by Orbit Events & Marketing, and captivating lighting, the May Queen Ball truly lived up to its reputation as a signature event cherished by Goans worldwide.

A Night of Fun and Delight

The evening pulsated with joy as attendees revelled in dancing, relishing the warmth of old and new friendships, and being delighted at every turn The luxurious surroundings and lavish a m e n i t i e s a d d e d t o t h e enchanting atmosphere, as the ballroom came alive with a m e s m e r i s i n g i n t e r p l a y o f streaming illumination and dazzling lights of various hues, casting an enchanting spell upon every nook and corner. The event was replete with unforgettable performances that captivated the audience's hearts and left them wanting more. The p o p u l a r G o a n b a n d , ' T h e Forefront,' specially brought in for the occasion, serenaded the night with their soulful music, infusing the atmosphere with spontaneous energy. Global sensation Sanio

Fernandes mesmerised everyone with his grand style, enthralling the audience with nostalgic Goan melodies. DJ Sanaa's scintillating sound waves catered to the new genre, keeping the crowd e n e r g i s e d a n d e n g a g e d throughout the night.

Captivating Comperes

The veteran host from Goa, Updesh Swar, and the flamboyant Anunsya D'Cunha, based in the USA, took centre stage as the comperes for the evening

Introduced to the audience by Kuwait-based guest Gasper Crasto, they brought their flowing charm and electrifying energy to the forefront, effortlessly captivating the crowd with their banter and stage presence.

Crowning of the May Ball Queen

The pinnacle of the evening was the highly anticipated May Ball Queen contest A bevvy of beauties from India, Canada, the P h i l i p p i n e s , a n d K e n y a participated in this prestigious competition. After a series of catwalks and tough-notch questions, Krystle Fernandes from Qatar emerged victorious as the esteemed May Ball Queen. The crown was graciously placed u p o n h e r h e a d b y t h e distinguished Bollywood star, Arjun Bijlani, who graced the event as one of the chief guests.

Janet Muli from Kenya secured the first runner-up position, while Hazel Faith Catulong from the Philippines was declared the second runner-up. The presence of esteemed guests, including

The May Queen Ball also witnessed the launch of the Global Goan Association, an initiative demanding dual citizenship for Goans. Adv. Carlos F e r r e i r a , e x p r e s s i n g h i s a d m i r a t i o n f o r t h i s groundbreaking endeavour, envisioned its potential to inspire other Indian states to follow suit and ultimately benefit from this cause GWA President Simon

D ' S i l v a h i g h l i g h t e d t h e association's key objectives, emphasising its role as a platform for fostering interaction between the Goan community in Goa and t h o s e r e s i d i n g a b r o a d . Additionally, it aims to promote cultural, artistic, economic, and academic activities across the global Goan diaspora The Portuguese Ambassador to Qatar, H.E Paulo Neves Pocinho, graced the event as the chief guest and shared his thoughts on the occasion.

Felicitations and Honours

In their annual felicitation ceremony, GWA bestowed special artefact mementoes upon individuals who have made exceptional contributions and achieved remarkable success in their respective fields The honorees included Dr Mohan Thomas, an outstanding Indian businessman and philanthropist in Qatar; Supt Robert Cabral, recognized for his promotion of Konkani music, art, and culture; M i s s C h l o e B u w a r d , a n exceptional young Goan singer; Ms Ashney X. Rebello, lauded for promoting Goan art and culture internationally, and Miss Olesya Dias, the Indian National Champion off-road motorbike rider from Curtorim, Goa.

Distinguished Guests and Delegates

The event welcomed esteemed invitees and delegates from far

and wide, including Brunette Pereira from Scotland, Anunsya D'Cunha from the USA, Ashney Rebello from Canada, Robert Cabral from Goa, Gasper Crasto, Norman Noronha, Salvador Dias, and Ramdas Revadkar from K u w a i t , a s w e l l a s E d s o n Fernandes and Ryan Gomes from Saudi Arabia GWA spared no effort in ensuring their guests' utmost enjoyment, offering a deluxe sumptuous buffet that energised the audience, who danced with renewed vigour until the wee hours.


The successful execution of this extravagant showbiz event was made possible by the dedicated members of the Goan Welfare Association The core team, consisting of President Simon D'Silva, Vice President Paul F e r n a n d e s , D i r e c t o r Administration Hazel Rodrigues, Director Finance Pradeep Kotkar, D i r e c t o r E v e n t s C a j e t a n Rodrigues, Director Cultural Effey N o r o n h a , D i r e c t o r P u b l i c Relations Deepshika Barretto, Director Sports Avon Paulo Colaco, Director Media & Social Welfare Mohamed Malik Panali, Director Planning & Coordination Allan De Souza, and Resident Director Tanya Rodrigues, worked tirelessly to ensure a memorable experience for all attendees.


The Qatar May Queen Ball, with its mesmerising blend of glamour, entertainment, and cultural pride, c a p t i v a t e d t h e h e a r t s o f Bollywood celebrities and distinguished Goans from around the world. The event's remarkable performances, the crowning of the May Ball Queen, the launch of the Global Goan Association, and the felicitation of outstanding individuals added to the evening's allure The Goan Welfare Association's dedication and the support of the event's sponsors were instrumental in making this showbiz extravaganza an overwhelming success. The May Queen Ball continues to be a beacon of pride for Goans worldwide, fostering unity and celebration of their rich cultural

EVENTS & HAPPENING incredible_goa incrediblegoaofficial incrediblegoaofficial incredible-goa 48 INCREDIBLE - GOA may 2023

Rohan Khaunte Inaugurates Direct Flights Between Goa and Uttarakhand, Boosting Tourism

e x p e r i e n c e U t t a r a k h a n d ' s breathtaking natural beauty. The launch of this new flight route will enhance connectivity, allowing travellers to delve into the diverse cultural heritage, natural splendour, a n d a d v e n t u r e t o u r i s m opportunities that both Goa and Uttarakhand have to offer.”

between Manohar International Airport (Mopa) in Goa and Jolly Grant Airport (Dehradun) in U t t a r a k h a n d , e n s u r i n g a comfortable and hassle-free travel experience for passengers The flight schedule, starting from May 23, 2023, is as follows:

Flight Schedule: Flight No.: 6E 6198 –

The Minister of Tourism, Goa, Shri Rohan Khaunte, will embark on a momentous journey on May 23, 2023, as he becomes the first passenger to board the inaugural direct flight between Goa and Uttarakhand. This remarkable event m a r k s t h e b e g i n n i n g o f a collaborative effort between the two states, aimed at enhancing their respective tourism industries The newly established flight route is set to provide an effortless and convenient means for travellers to explore the cultural and natural

w o n d e r s o f b o t h G o a a n d Uttarakhand.

Expressing his excitement, Shri Rohan Khaunte stated, “The commencement of direct flights between Goa and Uttarakhand fills me with immense joy, as it will contribute to the promotion of spiritual tourism in Goa, following the vision of Dakshin Kashi. With these direct flights, tourists will now have easy access to Goa's historically significant temples Similarly, this collaboration will also benefit Goan tourists seeking to

This remarkable collaboration aligns with the 'Dekho Apna Desh' i n i t i a t i v e , l a u n c h e d b y t h e h o n o u r a b l e P r i m e M i n i s t e r Narendra Modi, which encourages citizens to prioritise domestic tourism over international travel The initiative seeks to promote the exploration and appreciation of India's rich heritage and vibrant culture.

According to the India Tourism Statistics 2022, Goa welcomed a staggering 33 lakhs domestic visitors, while Uttarakhand witnessed a remarkable influx of 1.9 crore domestic tourists in 2021. With the introduction of direct flights between the two states, these numbers are expected to soar significantly.

Indigo Airlines has been chosen to operate the new direct flight

Origin: GOX (Goa) – Destination: DED (Dehradun) – Frequency: Tue, Thurs, Sat – Effective: May 23, 2023

Departure: 15:10 – Arrival: 17:55

Return Flight Schedule: Flight No.: 6E 6118 – Origin: DED (Dehradun) –

D e s t i n a t i o n : G OX ( G o a ) –

Frequency: Tue, Thurs, Sat –

E f f e c t i v e : M a y 2 3 , 2 0 2 3 –

Departure: 18:30 – Arrival: 21:15

The launch of this direct flight route between Goa and Uttarakhand marks a significant milestone in the development of tourism in both states. Travellers can now embark on a seamless journey, discovering the beauty and allure of these magnificent destinations With a shared vision to promote domestic tourism, this collaboration promises to strengthen cultural bonds and forge lasting memories for tourists e x p l o r i n g t h e e n c h a n t i n g l a n d s c a p e s o f G o a a n d Uttarakhand.

Goa Tourism Concludes Successful Participation in Arabian Travel Market 2023

The Goa Tourism delegation's participation in the 2023 Arabian Travel Market (ATM) in Dubai was successful Shri Shawn Mendes, OSD to Hon'ble Minister of Tourism, Goa; Shri Suneel Anchipaka, Director of Tourism, Goa; and Shri Pradeep Binnar, Asst. Director, Department of Tourism, Goa formed the delegation that was headed by Shri Rohan Khaunte, Hon'ble Minister of Tourism, IT & EC, and Printing & Stationery, Goa.

The delegation met with the CEOs of well-known airlines, tourism organisations, hospitality chains, and destination management firms in a number of high-level sessions. Exploring financial prospects for Goa's infrastructure development and boosting visitor numbers by partnering with different airlines was the main goal of these sessions. The Honourable Minister also talked about ways to advertise Goa using their fly + hotel packages.

The CEO of Dubai's Department of Tourism and Commerce Marketing (DTCM), H.E. Issam Kazim, attended the meeting with Goa Tourism as w e l l . T h e y d i s c u s s e d t h e interchange of events and festivals, best practices, and investment potential at the meeting. The Red Sea and Amaala, two of Saudi Arabia's most popular tourist attractions, were among the knowledge-sharing sessions in which the delegation took part. They also talked about the design of the projected smart city in Saudi Arabia's Tabuk Province. Additionally, Goa Tourism met with Emirates Airlines, which is situated in Dubai. They talked about the potential for starting direct flights between Goa and Dubai. Goa is already scheduled for the summer on the airline's 'flydubai' subsidiary's four weekly flights between Dubai and Goa.

The delegation also met with Etihad Airways, which is based in Abu Dhabi, to discuss working together

to promote Goa as a tourist destination. To increase the number of tourists visiting the state, they talked about the potential for opening a new route linking Goa and Abu Dhabi.

Qatar Airways and Goa Tourism also had a meeting The team talked about the potential for working together with the airline to promote tourism in the state as the airline plans to expand its frequency to Goa.

The delegation also had a meeting with Saudia, the biggest airline in Saudi Arabia. They talked about the potential for starting direct flights between Saudi Arabia and Goa and fostering travel between the two places.

A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was signed between Goa Tourism and Jeddah-based Al Tayyar Travel Group at ATM 2023. The MoU intends to develop tourism to the state of Goa and promote it as a destination in the Saudi Arabian market.

EVENTS & HAPPENING incredible_goa incrediblegoaofficial incrediblegoaofficial incredible-goa 50 INCREDIBLE - GOA may 2023


E v e r y t a x p a y e r b y n o w understands that he or she is liable to pay GST whenever there is either of sale of goods or a provision of service. Some others may be under the presumption that every income or receipt is liable to GST. In this edition we will try to analyse the ingredients which make a transaction liable to GST.

As has been mentioned in previous editions, the edifice of GST is built on the concept of “Supply” Supply is explained or defined in Section 7 of the GST act , where the “scope of supply” is set out. Only if a transaction meets all the ingredients set out in Section 7, will that transaction be liable to GST.

Firstly, for there to be supply, there must be Goods or Services or Both. Goods have been defined to be as every kind of movable property. Thus, any thing which can be owned and which can move, is covered under the ambit of the word “goods”. Services has been defined to mean anything other than goods. When read together, one sees that the lawmakers have tried to cover virtually everything under the sun either as goods or services.

After casting the net this wide, the law then prunes the list of what can be considered to be either goods or services. The following are some of the major items deemed to be neither goods not services:

a. Money – It was essential to keep money out of the ambit of goods, since if this was not done, then there would be GST impact on both sides of the transaction. For egs: when you sell say a mobile phone, you levy GST on the sale price of the mobile phone. But if even money were “goods” then the person buying the mobile phone i.e. the person “supplying” money, would also have to charge GST on this money. Further, other

purely financial transactions like loans etc would also be liable to GST.

b. Securities - this covers all forms of shares, scrips, mutual funds, debentures etc.

c. Services by employee to an employer, under a contract of employment – The definition of services is so wide that it even

c o v e r s t h e w o r k d o n e b y employees in their employment, for their employers. This would result in each employee earning salary above the threshold, to register under GST and pay GST. Hence, it was very necessary to remove this from the definition of services

d. Services by any court or Tribunal established under any law for the time being in force

e. Functions performed by the Members of Parliament, Members of State Legislature, Members of

P a n c h a y a t s , M e m b e r s o f Municipalities and Members of other local authorities;

f. Duties performed by any person who holds any post in pursuance of the provisions of the Constitution in that capacity; or

g. Duties performed by any person as a Chairperson or a Member or a Director in a body established by the Central G o v e r n m e n t o r a S t a t e Government or local authority and who is not deemed as an e m p l o y e e b e f o r e t h e commencement of this clause.

h. Services of funeral, burial, crematorium or mortuary including transportation of the deceased.

i. Sale of land – If we look closely, the definition of goods covers all movable properties, and the definition of services says anything other than goods. Thus,

services covers all that is NOT movable property, i e services definition covers IMMOVABLE property also i.e. land and building The lawmakers never intended for GST to be levied on sale of land, hence to remove this anomaly, sale of land has been deemed to be out of being goods or services. It may be noted, that the law only covers “sale of land” and anything short of “sale” by conveyance, may be liable to GST (egs renting, rights to explore minerals etc)

j. Sale of building after receiving completion certificate –For much the same reason as above, this item is considered to be neither supply of goods nor services However, there is a catch: Here, only sale of those buildings are covered which are sold after receiving completion certificate i.e. if even one rupee of advance is received prior to the unit receiving completion certificate, then the entire sale price of the unit would be liable to GST.

k. Supply of goods from a place in the non-taxable territory to another place in the nontaxable territory without such goods entering into India – This is commonly known as out-and-out sale or drop-shipment. For egs: Goods of China directly shipped and sold to a buyer in USA< without the goods ever entering India.

l. Alcoholic liquor for human consumption

So, for a transaction to be liable for GST, we must first check if there are any goods or services involved, and they must fit in the above definition In the next edition, we will see further conditions needed to satisfy the definition of “ supply” and therefore making a transaction liable to GST

IG FINANCE incredible_goa incrediblegoaofficial incrediblegoaofficial incredible-goa 52 INCREDIBLE - GOA may 2023
CA Gaurav Kenkre is a CA in practice for the last 11 years. He is a regular speaker at various professional organizations, trade bodies, MNCs and Government bodies. He also writes regularly in local as well as national publications. Besides this he holds various positions in bodies such as ICAI, GCCI, College bodies, Rotary etc. Gaurav Kenkre


Regular exercise strengthens your heart and lungs and it can strengthen bones, slowing down the process of osteoporosis. It can help you move easily by keeping your joints, tendons and ligaments more flexible. Can help you lose weight when combined with good eating habits or maintain ideal weight by burning excess calories and promote sense of well being.

hips and knees while keeping your back straight, and lift the weight by extending your hips and straightening your knees

Remember to use proper form and start with lighter weights before progressing to heavier loads.

PLANK VARIATIONS: Planks engage your core, including your lower back muscles. Start in a push-up position, resting on your forearms instead of your hands. Keep your body in a straight line from your head to your feet, engage your core, and hold the position for as long as you can. You can also try side planks, where you rest on one forearm and the side of your foot while keeping your body straight.


Strengthening your lower back is important for maintaining good posture, preventing injuries, and supporting your spine. Here are some effective ways to strengthen your lower back:

BACK EXTENSIONS: Lie face down on an exercise mat or the floor. Place your hands behind your head or cross them over your chest. Lift your upper body off the ground, keeping your lower body grounded. Hold for a few seconds and then lower back down Repeat for several repetitions.

BIRD DOG EXERCISE: Start on your hands and knees, with your hands directly under your

shoulders and your knees under your hips. Extend your right arm forward while simultaneously extending your left leg backward. Keep your core engaged and hold for a few seconds. Return to the starting position and repeat with the opposite arm and leg. Alternate sides for several repetitions.

SUPERMAN EXERCISE: Lie face down on the floor with your arms extended overhead and your legs straight. Simultaneously lift your arms, chest, and legs off the ground while squeezing your lower back muscles. Hold for a few seconds and then lower back

down Repeat for several repetitions.

BRIDGE EXERCISE: Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Place your arms by your sides. Lift your hips off the ground until your body forms a straight line from your shoulders to your knees. Hold for a few seconds and then lower back down. Repeat for several repetitions.

D E A D L I F T S : D e a d l i f t s a r e compound exercises that target multiple muscle groups, including the lower back. Start with a barbell or dumbbells on the ground in front of you. Bend at the

Practices such as yoga and Pilates often include exercises that target the lower back and promote core strength and flexibility. Poses like Cobra, CatCow, and the Pilates swimming exercise can help strengthen your lower back.

Remember to start with exercises that match your fitness level and gradually increase intensity or resistance over time. It's essential t o m a i n t a i n p r o p e r f o r m throughout each exercise and listen to your body to avoid overexertion or injury. If you have any pre-existing conditions or concerns, it's best to consult with a doctor or a qualified fitness trainer before starting a new exercise routine."

IG FITNESS incredible_goa incrediblegoaofficial incrediblegoaofficial incredible-goa
Norbert D’Souza
@foodandhospitalitymagazine @foodandhospitalitymagazine
IG PROPERTIES incredible_goa incrediblegoaofficial incrediblegoaofficial incredible-goa 56 INCREDIBLE - GOA may 2023 Farm Land Available Farm Land in Valpoi With lots of plantation, mainly Supari, Mango, Jackfruit, Natural spring flowing all around the plots Area 1,50,000 Sq mtrs - Rate 700/- sqmtr - Status- Freehold clear title - OwnerSingle Ownership Beautifully Constructed Row Villa available in Village Bastora in lush green Surrounding of Gated Complex. Swimming pool Gym, Security Villa Area 150 Sqmtrs-Price:8cr -Status:FreeHold/UnusedTitle:SingleOwner 3 BhK Row House in Assgao In Gated Complex with all amenities Area 150 sq mtrs - Price 3Cr - Status: Free Hold - Title Single Owner Old Portuguese Type house buit More than 100 years ago available just 1 Km away from Capital Town Panaji - Land Area 2000 Sq mtrs - Villa Area 4000 Sq mtrs - Price : 8cr - Status: Free Hold - Title : Single Owner Agriculture land in VALPOI With ample water, arecanut, jackfruit, coconut and other trees, ideal for farm house and small cottage industry. Rate 500/- Sq mtr INCREDIBLE FOR MORE DETAILS CONTACTUS ON Email: +91 966 518 3739 PROPERTIES *All properties are subjected to title clearance from the client's lawyers and valuer 2 x 2BHK row villas at Gera River of Joy, Kadamba Plateau, available for sale @ 1.25Cr each. Villas are 103sqm each, superbuiltup. GF-hall, bathroom and kitchen, 1st floor- two bedrooms with attached toilets. Covered parking and private garden area. Child centric homes, wide concrete roads, pool, playhouse, basketball court, other sports facilities, Gera School, all amenities, 10mins from Panjim. Hotel for Sale, Land area 6000 Sq mtrs with 40 rooms ,Swimming pool, garden Parking Old Portuguese Villa for SALE near Panaji, plot size 1900 Sq mtrs built-up 400 Sqtrd Rate 9cr Industrol Land 1700 Sq mtrs Corner plot with two side roads in Kundai industrial area Rate 10000/- Sq mtr Spice farm for sale in Ponda, area 14000 Sq mtrs with water fall and trees of different verities. More details contact. VILLA FOR SALE 3 bhk ,3 toilets, Kitchen ,2 balconies, Terrace,Parking, office with attached toilet , compounded,Clear Title located in Gogol Margao for sale. 1.15 cr @foodandhospitalitymagazine @foodandhospitalitymagazine

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